HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-04-10; City Council; 10549; SUPPLEMENT TO CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR THE LEO CARRILLO RANCH STABILIZATION PROJECTClWF CARLSBAD - AGEND-ILL L .r AB# fll 5q?' TITLE: i DEPT. I STJPPI;EMENT TO CONSULTANT AGREENF,NT FO ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR THE LEO CITY A DEPT. RED CARRILL0 RANCH STABILIZATION PROJECT CITY M MTG..&&Q I I I ~~- 5 d i! I '3 s x+ n g $ Q: $ 2 II 6 < J 5 z 3 0 0 RECOMMENDED ACTION: If City Council concurs your action is to adopt Resolution No. 7(7-7@ authorizing a supplemental agreement with the firm of Mllford Wayne Donaldson, for the preparation of architectural analysis, plans and specifications for the stabilization of Leo Carrillo Ranch, ITEM EXPLANATION; On October 25, 1988, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 88-369 awarding the architectural services contract for the stabilization of Leo Carrillo Ranch to the firm of Milford Wayne Donaldson in the amount of $63,700. Work included preparation of plans, reports and studies as required by the State under the $90,000 historic preservation grant. On July 1, 1989, the City received an additional State grant of $400,000 to augment the 1987 grant to include funding for the actual stabilization of Carrillo Ranch. The supplemental agreement with the architectural firm will expand the consultant scope of work to include services that will fulfill the requirements of the additional grant. Additional costs are $74,020 for a total cost in architectural services of $137,220. This will leave $352,280 for construction costs, and City staff time . The firm of Milford Wayne Donaldson was considered the best source consultant for architectural services on the continuation of the Carrillo Ranch Stabilization because he is currently working on the first phase of the project under the $90,000 grant. No other consultant proposals were solicited. On March 9, 1990, the consultant met with, and received concurrence from, the stabilization committee on a preliminary priority list. The consultant and Committee will meet again after engineering studies have been completed to finalize this list. The final stabilization priority list will be presented to Council for approval. FISCAL IMPACT: The City has received grants totaling $490,000 from the State Office of Historic Preservation for the Carrillo Ranch Stabilization Project. 9 0 PAGE 2 OF AB # /oj <qT EXHIBITS : 1. Resolution NO. qO-7b approving a supplemental consultant agreement for architectural analysis, plans and specifications for the stabilization of Leo Carrillo Ranch. 2. Supplemental Agreement. 3. Project Agreement from Skate Office of Historic Preservation. 11 @ 0 a 1 2 3 4 5 RESOUPTION NO. 90-76 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARISBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A SUPPLEMENTAL CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR THE LEO CARRILIX RANCH STABILIZATION PROJECT. WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 6 // California, has considered a supplemental agreement with 7 // Milford Wayne Donaldson, AIA, for architectural services f 811 the Leo Carrillo Ranch Stabilization Project: 9 10 11 12 13 14 WHEREAS, the City wishes to adopt a supplemental consultant agreement to include $74,020 in architectural services to include the $400,000 State grant; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That a supplemental agreement between the City of I.5 I/ Carlsbad and the firm of Milford Wayne Donaldson for l6 11 architectural services, a copy of which is attached as "jj EXHIBIT **A** and incorporated herein by reference is hereby I* I/ approved. I.9 1 3. The Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authoriz 2o 1 to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of 21 // Carlsbad. 22 /// 23 /// 2411 /// 2511 /// 9611 /// 2711 /// 2a /// /// I/ . 1 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of 2 3 the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California held on the 10th day of April , 1990, by the following vote 411 to wit: 5 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Lars NOES: None 6 7 8 9 ABSENT : None lo ATTEST: 11 l2 me &kk%iki*alerk l3 (SEAL) 14 15 16 17 18 19 I1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 a SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR LEO CARRILUI RANCH This supplement to the agreement with MILFORD WAYNE DONALDSON, CONSULTANT'S OBLIGATIONS, to read as follows: ARCHITECT, dated October 28, 1988, adds to Section I, To prepare architectural analysis plans and specifications f Leo Carrillo Ranch according to the following scope of work and City of Carlsbad applicable policies. Scope of Services The expanded scope of services for the stabilization and restoration of the Leo Carrillo Ranch, to be completed under th 1989 History and Archaeology Grant Program, will include the following items: 1. Historic Structures Report 2. Priority Stabilization and Restoration 3. Stabilization Construction Drawings and Specifications 4. Potential Use Analysis 5. Maintenance Manual Each of these five items is further outlined herein. The actual stabilization and restoration work as outlined in this scope of services, to be completed in two phases. The fir would be the stabilization of those items designated as requiri immediate attention. The combined 1987 and 1989 State grant funds are to be used by July 1, 1992, for these prioritized items. The second phase listed as recommendations in the Historic Structures Report could be phased and planned when future additional funds are available. The responsibilities for each of the items in this Scope of Services are further detailed in the Consultant Scope of Work, and included herein as Exhibit A. All reports and plans are tc be signed and sealed by the Architect or Engineer of Work. Historic Structures Report A Historic Structures Report (HSR) will be compiled as required by the 1987 and 1989 State grants. The recommendation of the HSR will include both the items targeted for immediate stabilization and for future improvements. The HSR will be use as a master restoration plan, for future site and structure improvements, when State funds become available.' The HSR will include the following: 9 e a. Chronological history of the site and its occupants (completed). b. Chronological construction history of the structures on the site (completed). c. Analysis of existing conditions of each structure, the landscape, the site drainage and each archaeological site. d. Recommendations for immediate and future stabilization and restoration work to be completed on each structure, the landscape and each archaeological site, e. Schedule of stabilization and restoration priorities fo both immediate and future phasing and planning; probable future cost estimates to be included. Prioritv Stabilization and Restoration Three major priority items have been targeted by committee, for immediate stabilization and repair: a. Seismic stabilization and strengthening of priority structures to reduce hazards caused by earthquake activity. Th design will be in accordance with Division 88 of the City of Lo Angeles, as in the City of Carlsbad is currently in the process of developing an ordinance to comply with SB 547. To date, no seismic retrofit ordinance has been developed by the City of Carlsbad. b. Define the proposed loading of the existing Entrance Bridge and provide alternative design recommendations. c. Remediation of the water intrusion in the cellars of th Main House. Priority order of the remaining items to be completed will b reassessed and redefined, upon completion of the above listed items. An itemized list of the stabilization and restoration work to be completed on the remaining items is included in the Construction Scope of Work contained in the November 27, 1989 Proposal for Architectural Services. Stabilization Construction Drawinas and SDecifications Construction drawings and specifications for stabilization a restoration will be based on the Measured Drawings previously construction drawings will be included in both the Priority Stabilization phase and the Historic Structures Report. These drawings will be prepared for competitive bidding under the Cit completed under the original (October 28, 1988) contract. The a a of Carlsbad's guidelines. The format of the architectural and specification drawings will be suitable for submittal for appropriate permits to the City of Carlsbad Building Inspection Department. The Consultant will be responsible for processing plans for City building permit approvals. City plan check fees will be paid by the City, Potential Use Analvsis A Potential Use Analysis will be prepared to determine the range of acceptable potential uses for the Ranch as a public site. The list of potential uses is to be supplied to the Offi of Historic Preservation for approval as a requirement of the 1989 History and Archaeology Grant Program. Maintenance Manual As another requirement of the 1989 State grant, a Maintenanc Manual will be developed for use in coordination with the Recommendations of the Historic Structures Report for future maintenance and improvements to the site and structures. The Manual will include recommendations for ongoing, cyclic and lor term maintenance items, and an estimated future cost schedule. stabilization and restoration work, as required by the 1989 History and Archaeology Grant Program. The Maintenance Manual will be prepared upon completion of all Additional Services or Conditions Any services requested by the City that are not listed herei are to be considered additional services. Additional services will be billed on a time and materials basis in accordance with the Schedule of Fees included herein a Exhibit B, and a not-to-exceed amount will be presented to the City and approved prior to the start of that work. During the bidding phase of the work by the Contractor, the City may request value engineering services to be performed by the Consultant in order to evaluate adjustments in constructior work. Value engineering services are additional and shall be paid as stipulated above. Services regarding Tax Certification of Historic Buildings c Landmarks are not included in this Scope of Work. Excludes Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Consultant worl Excludes job site construction activities other than the periodic job site meetings described in Consultant Scope of Work, Exhibit A, and construction administration services (I) Excludes Title 24 Energy Analysis Calculations. Excludes services regarding the removal of asbestos or asbestos abatement. Any work regarding compliance with Title 23 of the State Administrative Code and Proposition 65 for Scope of Work. removal or abatement of toxic waste is not included in this This supplemental to the above referenced agreement also amends Section 2. CITY OBLIGATIONS, to read as follows: The City shall provide the Consultant with assistance, guidance and access to City material, plus any information as available and necessary. a. The City will provide 24 x 36 inch City of Carlsbad myl, sheets for design drawings required for building permits as needed by Consultant. b. The City shall be responsible for advertising, acceptin1 and awarding bids. City of Carlsbad boilerplate information an1 format shall be used for the Construction Specifications. The City shall receive one set of original specification and mylar drawings from Consultant and shall be responsible for reproduction of the bid package. c. Services regarding the removal of asbestos or asbestos abatement will be the responsibility of the City, if the need arises. Any work regarding compliance with Title 23 of the Sta Administrative Code and Proposition 65 for removal or abatement of toxic waste is also the responsibility of the City. d. The City shall be responsible for the provision of any soils engineering and reports as required for grading plans and grading contractor. This supplement to the above referenced agreement also amends Section 4. FEES TO BE PAID TO CONSULTANT, to read as follows: The base fee compensation payable according to Paragraph 5, "Payment of Fees," shall be $137,720 (see Exhibit B). Reimbursable costs are in addition to the base fee compensation and are as follows: a. Reproduction and blueprint costs as ordered by the owne b. Telephone costs c. Travel @ $0.25 per mile d. Postage/photographic processing e. Historical photograph reproduction f. Miscellaneous architectural supplies 0 0 g. Conetruction Record drawings, which would follow Chs completion of the Construction work. NO other cornpanration for eervicee will ke allowed excegt those items covered by suggl~mrntal agreemer-ts per ?!tragraF?- 6, Chnngm in Work. This supplemental to tho above referenced ac_rcmrnt also amdrxlia Section 11. RESPONSIBILSTY OF THE CONSULTANT, to reus a8 follow The Consultant is hirrd to render prafas&icnal services for the completion of &chlteoturaL u, P1g~:s and Gutipns zsr-o c-1~ Ranch and pcymmnt5 .made to Consultant are compensation solely for such osrvicee. All ~a~k must be dona according to the City _0_r8in-:~, The gicrmta.r$_9f Interiorla Stanwde far Praservution PrQlccts and the *Sc Qrical 13-a coda, and the proviaion of tha Skate, -2 Aareroment tor the 1987 Historic Preservat,ior.-_Grant Procrru %id the p89 - and Ar-w Grant FroGmb DOC1anenta to be furnished to Contractor. IN wI!Wl!!SEl WETSFUSOF, we have hereunto set out' hands and eeala erp - T&\b+ I Title APPROvED AS TO FORM: b.@ k;' Assistant City Attorney A'ITESTP'D: &.!&" y c:. 0 0 EXHIBIT A, SHEET 1 CONSULTANT SCOPE OF WORK The following is a list of the consultants to be involved in the stabilization and restoration of the Leo Carrillo Ranch: Architect Architect Milford Wayne Donaldson, Inc Structural Engineer Melvyn Green and Associates Civil Engineer F. C. Springer and Associates Hydrologists American Geotechnical Landscape Architects Garbini and Garbini, ASLA Land Surveyor Edward Bohrer, Inc. Archaeologist Susan Carrico The following is a detailed list of the scope of work to be completed by Architect Milford Wayne Donaldson and each of the consultants. The total scope of services will comprise the Priority Stabilization and Restoration, the Historic Structures Report, the Stabilization Construction Drawings and Specifications, the Priority Use Analysis and the Maintenance Manual phases previously listed. Architectural Services - $92,700 Architect Milford Wayne Donaldson, Inc. will provide architectural services as the Prime Consultant Architect. MWD will be responsible for the production, management and coordination of all work involving the architectural stabilization and restoration design for the buildings and site Coordination to be made with any pertinent requirements of the Environmental Impact Report, as applied for by the City, will bl an additional cost. Construction phase responsibilities will involve bi-weekly jl site meetings to review job progress, to supervise quality control and to insure protection of adjacent historic fabric. Project scheduling and construction cost estimates, as prepared by the Contractor, will be reviewed and monitored. Job supervision during the construction administration phase will n be included and will be considered as an additional cost to be determined upon award of the general contractor's construction contract. Coordination of Consultant work will involve the design and construction of the Priority Stabilization and Restoration item and compilation of the Historic Structures Report. Stabilizati Construction Drawings and Specifications will be prepared by th firm for use in the immediate stabilization. The drawings will be submitted in a standard format for submittal to the City of Carlsbad Building Inspection Department for appropriate permits 0 a EXHIBIT A, SHEET 2 CONSULTANT SCOPE OF WORK Base drawings will also be provided for the Historic Structures Report. In fulfillment of the requirements of the 1987 and 1989 History and Archaeology Grant Program, an analysis of potential uses for the site will be developed for approval by the State Office of Historic Presenration. Development of a Maintenance Manual will also be included, upon completion of the stabilization and restoration work. Architect Milford Wayne Donaldson, Inc., will also be responsible for all submittals ar coordination with the State Office of Historic Preservation for pro j ect approvals. Work tasks for construction drawings and specifications shal include the following: - Prepare typed list of contract items to be included in - Prepare structural calculations as required by the City of contract documents. Carlsbad, and a Statement of Probable Costs for construction. - Provide an estimate for construction completion date. - Provide an estimate for liquidated damages daily rate. - Provide technical advice to City in regard to questions regarding plans and specifications during bidding and construction. - Prepare addendum and plan revisions to clarify plans and - Securement of all permits required for the project. - Attendance at a pre-bid walk through with bidders and City specifications as directed by the City. staff . Structural Enqineerina Services - $17,550 Melvyn Green and Associates will provide structural engineering services for the Priority Stabilization and Restoration items designated to be immediately stabilized with 1987 and 1989 State grant funds. Recommendations will also be provided for future structural improvements, to be included in the Historic Structures Report. 0 0 EXHIBIT A, SHEET 3 CONSULTANT SCOPE OF WORK The structural engineering services will include a thorough structural analysis of the existing conditions of all the structures on the Ranch, excluding the Entrance Bridge. Recommendations for seismic retrofit and structural repair will also be made for each structure. Structural calculations, detailed sketches and cost estimates outlining the recommendations will be provided for the designated priority items only, for immediate stabilization. Seismic stabilization and strengthening of the structures will be the priority task, outlined in Item #1, Priority Stabilization and Restoration. General structural repair calculations and sketches for items other than seismic retrofit will be prepared upon completion of the seismic work. A prioritized list of structures requiring structural repair and strengthening will be provided by Melvyn Green and Associates, according to degree of need. Work completed for the Historic Structures Report will inclu the structural analysis of existing conditions and recommendations for stabilization and repair. The recommendations not completed as part of the priority list will be listed in order of future priority, with potential phasing a cost estimates. Work completed under the 1988 contract includes the site inspection and compilation of the structural analysis. Civil Ensineerins Services - $5,000 F. C. Springer and Associates will provide civil engineering services for the preparation of a report outlining alternative design recommendations for the Entrance Bridge, Item #2 designated for Priority Stabilization and Restoration. The ability of the channel beneath the bridge to adequately handle 100-year storm event without inundation will also be calculated and included with appropriate recommendations in the report. Services are to also include the determination of the proposed loading of the bridge, from both vehicular traffic and 100-year storm water events. Evaluation of the hydrology in the immediate area and loadin calculations will be included. Probable construction cost estimates and a potential implementation schedule will also be provided . Hvdrolosv Services - $2,400 Hydrology services will be provided by American Geotechnical e m EXHIBIT A, SHEET 4 CONSULTANT SCOPE OF WORK Services will include the development of solutions for the remediation of the water intrusion problem in the cellars of thc Main House, Priority Item #3. Recommendations will also be madt for future site drainage improvements, as a part of the Historic Structures Report, Investigations will be made concerning the direction and amount of surface and subsurface drainage flows towards the Mail House, through use of piezometers on the site. Data collected will be used to determine possible drainage solutions. If required, any necessary soils engineering and reports will be tl responsibility of the City of Carlsbad. Recommendations for future site drainage improvements and maintenance will be provided, to be included in the Historic Structures Report and the Maintenance Manual. Issues will include the study of the site's ability to withstand a 100-year storm event and of. any potential downstream structures that may create a backwater inundation as required by the City. Recommendations be provided for the mitigation of any areas determined inadequate for such events. A phased program for thc erosion problems, overall site drainage and problems linked to expansive soil areas will also be developed. Probable cost estimates and a priority list are also to be included. LandscaPe Architecture Services - $5,070 Garbini and Garbini, ASLS, will provide landscape architectu: services for the plant inventory, analysis and recommendations concerning the existing landscaping of the Ranch site. This wo: will be included in the Historic Structures Report, listing bot1 immediate and future landscape improvements, The plant invento: analysis will outline the historic plant material palette and i significance to the site, as well as an inventory of all the current plants and their conditions. Recommendations for improvements will involve the locations and condition of the significant plant materials and their continual maintenance. A prioritized list of the landscaped items will be provided. General recommendations will also be prepared for pruning, thinning and removal of those plants that are not historically significant and are threatening to the structural integrity of the buildings. Due to the nature of the existing vegetation, these recommendations will also be included in the Maintenance Manual, for a phased maintenance plan. Supervision services during the removal and relocation procedures will be included i the scope of responsibilities. m 1 EXHIBIT A, SHEET 5 CONSULTANT SCOPE OF WORK Land Survevina Services - $10,000 Land surveying services are required for the provision of topographic information to the civil engineering consultant, thr hydrology consultant and the landscape architecture consultant. This information is to be supplied by Edward Bohrer, Inc. A topographic map will be aerially flown and compiled. Specific information concerning the drainage around the cellars of the Main House and the Entrance Bridge will be included in the surveying services. Work previously completed by Edward Bohrer, Inc., includes tl preparation of a structure location map. Archaeoloqy Services - $5,000 Archaeology services and historic research has been completec by Susan Carrico, under the 1988 contract. All of the prepared information and recommendations will be compiled into the Historic Structures Report, to be coordinated with the analyses and recommendations of the other consultants by Architect Milfol Wayne Donaldson. Historic research has included reports of the history and prehistory of the Leo Carrillo Ranch site and its occupants, and the history of the structures on the site, including evidence of existing, original structures. A topographic field analysis has been prepared of the existing archaeological conditions, with supporting recommendations for future archaeological investigations, resource protection, phasing, potential site interpretations and estimated future costs. Services for archaeological supervision during any construction ground disturbance will be provided at a rate of $ per hour as needed, but not to exceed $1,500. e m 1 EXHIBIT B, SHEET 1 SCHEDULE OF FEES PROFESSIONAL FEES The Schedule of Fees; as assigned in the scope of services ii the 1988 contract for fulfillment of the 1987 Historic Preservation Grant Award: Architectural Structural Engineering Archaeology Land Surveying $ 56,805 2,550 3,500 845 Total $ 63,700 The Schedule of Fees; as assigned to the revised scope of services for fulfillment of the 1989 History and Archaeology Grant Award: Architectural Structural Engineering Archaeology Land Surveying Civil Engineering Hydrology Landscaping Subtotal 1988 Schedule of Fees $ 35,895 15,000 1,500 9,155 5,000 2,400 5,070 $ 74,020 63,700 Total $137,720 HOURLY RATES BASIC COSTS Corporate Architect $92.OO/Hour Project Architect $84.OO/Hour Construction Administrator $72.OO/Hour Job Captain $72.OO/Hour Specification Writer $65.OO/Hour Senior Designer $65.OO/Hour Senior Draftsperson $65.00/Hour Assistant Designer $58.00/Hour a 0 I EXHIBIT B, SHEET 2 SCHEDULE OF FEES HOURLY RATES Intermediate Draftsperson Beginning Draftsperson Clerical Architectural Trainee Expert Witness BASIC COSTS $58.OO/Hour $49.OO/Hour $42.OO/Hour $30.OO/Hour $180.OO/Hour MISCELLANEOUS In this category are materials, services, are not covered in the hourly rate schedule. include: Computer usage Automobile mileage, per mile (over 30 mile radius from office) Travel and subsistence, per day Printing and photographic work Long Distance telephone and telegrams Equipment Rental Aircraft Rental and equipment whic Miscellaneous ite $60.OO/Hour $ 0.25 At cost + 15% At cost + 15% At cost + 15% At cost + 15% At cost + 15% %ARMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION p to of California - The Reaourcer Agency PROJECT AGREEMENT CALIFORNIA WILDLIFE, COASTAL, AND PARK LAND CONSERVATION ACT HISTORY AND ARCHEOLOGY GRANTS PROGRAM RECIPIENT: City of Carlsbad PROJECTTITLE: Leo Carrill0 Ranch PROJECT NUMBER; 619 ,O-HP-88-37-' PROJECT PERFORMANCE PERIOD: July 1,1989 to June 30,1992 Under the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Recipient agrees to complete the- project as specifically desc architectural plans and specifications (labeled and submitted according to the 1989 Procedural GuideCalifornia Wildlife, ( ParkLand Conservation Act). The State Historic Preservation Officer reserves the absolute right to approve or disappro and specificationsforthe project. The State of California, acting through its Director of Parks and Recreation pursuant to tt Wildlife, Coastal, and Park Land Consemation Act of 1988, agrees fo fund !he project up IO the total State grant amoun PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The preservation of the above project includes the stabilization, restoration, rehabilitation, andlor acquisition of signifi resources according to the approved plans and specifications. Total State Grant not to exceed $ The General and Special Provisions attached are made a part of and are incorporated into the Agreement. 400,000 RECIPIENT ' STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION c 1 BY v BY l / / rI Signature of Authorized Representative d Title HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR __ Title State Historic Preservation Officer Dais August 30, 1939 Date 4/7/87 CERTIFICATION OF FUNDING ~ END California Wildlife, C CONTRACT NUMBER BB-i9 + a34 oastal, and Park La1 Conservation Fund of 1988 PROJECT NO. IAMOl.INT OF THIS ESTIMATE 1 APPROPRIATION $ 400,000 UNENCUMBERED BALANCE ITEM I CHAPTER I STATUTES I I 3790-101-786(1) 93 t 989 ADJ. INCREASING ENCUMBRANCE FUNCTION .$ ADJ. DECREASING ENCUMBRANCE LINE ITEM ALLOTMENT 3 I hereby certify upon my own personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available T.B.A. No. for this encumbrance. I 88-90 T0082-860 I DATE SEP 15 I! v L DPR 828 (7189)