HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-04-24; City Council; 10601; Cannon Rd. mitigation planP ul 8 1 .. 0 2 F Y $ z 3 0 0 U1-P GAHLSLIAU - AGENDRILL I ' I t! AB# /< &#/ TITLE: MTG. 4-74-90 CANNON ROAD MITIGATION PLAN DEPT.EN6. DEPT. CITY I CITY I I I I 1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Cannon Road Mitigation Concept Plan Alternative No. 3 and instn budget funds in the 1990-91 Fiscal Year Capital Improvements Prc Environmental studies of the Macario Park Concept Plan. I ITEM ExPLANATIoN: The Cannon Road Reach 1 project is required to bridge wetland and rip where it crosses Macario Canyon. The approved project contains a 450 foot : bridge estimated to cost $3.5 million. This bridge does not span the enti area. Construction of bridge abutments will involve filling over 0.8 acres scrub and 0.1 acre of marsh directly beneath the bridge. The California Coastal Commission has required a 3:l replacement miti wetland fill impacts and a 2:l replacement mitigation for the impacts shading created by the bridge. The mitigation plan requires that 4.8 acres of wetlands area be restored c Plans are currently being developed to landscape 0.9 acres under the bridge mitigation for the shading impacts and mitigation of 3.9 acres would be CI along Macario Creek. The original mitigation proposal included in the E.1.R and permit applicatior a centralized mitigation area within previously farmed areas west of Macari shown in Alternative 1 attached. In reviewing this alternative the I Recreation staff has expressed concern that this plan will compromise development of Macario Park. In an attempt to alleviate these concerns, staff has worked with Envi Consultants in an attempt to develop an adequate mitigation proposal wh least impact the currently approved park concept plan. Five alternative mitigation proposals were developed and reviewed by the Recreation Commission and staff. The Commission recommended that the Ci with Alternative 3. The five alternatives are identified and discussed below. Alternatives one three are shown on the attached exhibits. Mitigation areas are shown in 1 1 e e PAGE TWO OF AB# /< Ld/ Alternatives Analysis + Alternative 1 - Approval of the existing mitigation plan. 4 Alternative 2 - Revegetation in Macario Canyon while minimizing cod the preliminary park plan; however, it would result in the displacemc existing pistol range. + Alternative 3 - Revegetation in Macario Canyon without displacing t range. + Alternative 4 - Construction of a longer bridge. + Alternative 5 - Off-site mitigation. the current park concept plan. This plan has been generally accepted by thl Alternative 1 - This plan utilizes area which is indicated for channel relocatit Commission and was recommended as a part of the Cannon Road envirc process and is preferred by our Environmental Consultant. Alternative 2 - Breaks mitigation into two areas at either end of the park. ' minimizes impact on the park plan but requires relocation of the Police pist Under this plan one soccer field would require relocation. Alternative 3 - Is similar to Alternative 2 but avoids removing the pistol ran; option requires relocation of an additional soccer field and further revisic concept plan. Alternative 4 - would lengthen the Cannon Road bridge to eliminate fill imp2 would reduce acreage requirements from 3.9 acres to 1.2 acres. This accomplished in close proximity to the bridge. This option would mink impacts at a cost of $1.5 to $2.0 million. This option was rejected under environmental review as too costly. These 1 committed would be better spent acquiring additional land better suited to SI development. Alternative 5 - would acquire additional mitigation lands outside of Mac: This approach was rejected as unacceptable to resource agencies. , e 0 PAGE THREE OF AB# /O, 651 MAW0 PARK MASTER PLAN In reviewing the issues involved with mitigation within Macario Park, it has increasingly apparent that the current concept plan will likely involve su relocation of sensitive riparian habitat, which could involve up to 24 mitigation. Mitigation levels of this magnitude could not be developed w park. It may be extremely difficult to obtain permits from resource agencies to ac, development of the canyon floor into active recreational facilities. These di will likely increase with time as urbanization of the upstream water shed : irrigation flows which will nourish additional riparian and wetland habitat. In order to further assess viability of the proposed park concept plan and maximum flexibility, it would be advisable to further pursue environmental of the current concept plan at an early date. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Council approve the Alternative 3 mitigation presentation to the permit agencies and budget appropriate funds for envirc studies of the Macario Park concept Plan. FISCAL IMPACT: Initial park planning and supplemental environmental studies will be buc $200,000 from the Public Facilities Fee (PFF) Fund. EXHIBITS: 1. Parks Concept Plan. 2. Alternative Plan 1. 3. Alternative Plan 2. 4. Alternative Plan 3. L z J I- .W 0 2 0 0 a n n 2 ." v w !' : m\\ 3 'L I