HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-05-01; City Council; 10610; EARTHQUAKE EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS71 i .rl u L) (d s % 0 u a G (d E 5 *rl u (d u m a, k PI a, 5 a LI (d a, s rl .rl 2 g u 0 m 1 4 \ m .. z 0 6 4 A z 3 0 0 5 Ci"1 ClTWF CARLSBAD - AGENUWILL n q DEPT. HD, CITY Ad CITY MGFk AB# ''!' ' * TITLE: EARTHQUAKE EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS MTG. 5101190 DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: For information only, ITEM EXPLANATION: Battalion Chief Jim West will give a 15 minute presentation on the City of Carlsbad Emergency r and how it would relate to the events which took place during and after the Loma Prieta earthqu of October 17, 1989. The presentation will be in two parts. First, three to four minutes of excerpts taken from a vi entitled "Quake 89 - Interdependency", followed by a ten minute slide presentation on Carlsb; emergency planning efforts relating to the subjects presented in the video. FISCAL IMPACT: None. EXH I BITS : 1. Statistical fact sheet on the Loma Prieta earthquake. -E- FIR .. W 0 -- , t LOMA PRIETA STATISTICAL FACTSHEET Rlchter Scale Magnitude: 7.1 Clothing distributed to those resident: 12.5 tons Time: 5:04 PST Epicenter: 37degrees, 2 miles North: 121 degrees, 53 minutes Twelve ounce cans of drinking water canned for victi West; 8 miles northeast of Santa Cruz in the Nisene Marks Budwiser: 1.2 million State Park; 11.6 miles underground. Coffeedonated by Costa Rica for quakevictims. 2,600 F People registered for disaster relief using lederal d Speed of resulting shock waves: 10,000 MPH hotline in first week: 10,114 Energy Generated: More than 100 20-kiloton bombs Disaster Application Centers open the first week: 12 Distance land moved along the San Andreas Fault: 20 Inches north/south: 20 inches up/down Phone calls made on AT&T worldwide network in fir Number of flssures in the S C Mountains: 14,000 hours after the earthquake: 23 million Biggest aftershock in magnitude: 5.2 Phone calls over AT&T worldwide network from 9 FM Ti to 9 PM Wednesday: 44.5 million Seconds It took the fault to slip: 10 Phone calls attempted via AT&T into the 408 and 41 Seconds people felt shaking: 15 to 40 codes Wednesday: 27.8 million (3.5 million is average] Total tlme shaking, as measured by seismometers: 6 minutes Attempted calls that got through: 9.5 million Estimated sway at the peak of the 853 foot Trans American Local phone calls placed in nine-county Bay Area on Wc Building: 2-3 feet in either direction day: 80 million Aftershocks as of October 20: 4,500 PG&E electric customers who lost power: 1 million Perceptibleaftershocks, 3.0 or strongerwithina week after the PG&E gas customers who lost service: 150,000 earthquake: 77 Miles of gas lines to be replaced in San Francisco’s I Probability of a 6.0 aftershock in the next two months: 10 district: 10 percent Probability of a 5.0 or greater aftershock in the next two State agency workers mobilized during the first week months: 45 percent Cahans workers assigned to earthquake detail: i ,500 Rough estimate of overtime logged by Caltrans workers Confirmed Deaths: 73 post-quake week: 24,000 hours Total Injuries; 3,266 Estimated miles of highway shut down: 14.3 miles SurviVors: 5.8 rnllllon people Stretch of Northern California coastline said to have People forced from homes: 13,892 turned into a danger zone by the quake: 100 miles Homes Damaged: 109,910 Number of Bay Area bridges with minor damage: 152 Apartment Buildings Damaged: 320 Businesses Damaged: 1,345 Size of Bay Bridge section that collapsed: 50 feet long, wide: 250 tons Estimated Damages: $5.6 Billion to $7.1 Billion US Dollars Estimated trips diverted around the Bay Bridge: 240.0( Estimated decline in tourist-related business one week after Estimated distance quake pushed eastern most mile ( quake: 50-80 percent Bridge toward Oakland: 7 inches Estimated percentage of California homeowners with earth- quake insurance: 20 percent Weight of a single slab of fallen roadbed on the C! Estimated Damage In 1906 Quake In current dollars: $5.8 Structure: 600 tons 164,000 Uninterrupted cornmercial-free hours of quake newson 84 hours Reporters mobilized for initial quake coverage: San Frai Chronicle. 40-50; San Jose Mercury News 64. Time of first AP Bulletin: 510 PM - New York Time of first UP1 Bulletin: 5:15 PM - Washington Billion Estimated daily trips diverted from Cypress Street Vi People sheltered by the American Red Cross in the first week: 15,884 Emergency field kitchens established in the first week: Salva- tion Army, 13 canteens and 2 stationary sites; Red Cross, 25 mass care and feeding units Meals served by the Salvation Army in 7 days following the quake: 15.1 17 Meals delivered in that same time: 22.740 Nonperishable food dlstributed to 53,000 bay area residents: 1,123.5 tons 58 JANFEB/’MAR, 7990 -