HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-05-22; City Council; 10612; Personnel Dept to Human Resources Dept reorg. h rl rl I CA z a $4 0 a 8 c) 3 a 0 bl U G -4 a G (d h N rl I 0 m 0 z m 8 a Q) U a 0 a td rl -4 2 V 0 m 1 N N \ ul 8 P t $ .. z 0 5 a =! 0 z 3 0 0 hB#/oC I TITLE: REORGANIZATION OF THE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT TO THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT I ATG. 5-22-90 IEPT. HR CIT"* OF CARLSBAD - AGEND'".BILL DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY I RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt Resolution No. ym adopting the reorganization of the Personnel Department to the Human Resources Department; amending the cl assi f i cati on of Personnel Director to Human Resources Director; and adopting the classifications of Employment Services Manager, Compensation and Benefits Manager, Human Resources Analyst, and Human Resources Assistant; and amending the local conflict of interest code to include the above noted classifications. Introduce Ordinance No. Ns-//7 amending Municipal Code Section 2.48.030 to delete the title of Personnel Director and include the title of Human Resources Director. ITEM EXPLANATION: Consistent with the City Council's philosophy of 1) providing excellent service to the Carlsbad community and 2) recognizing that employees are among this organization's greatest resources, it is proposed that the Personnel Department be reorganized and establ i shed as the Human Resources Department (HRD). The City of Carlsbad is shifting the overall mission of this department from the provision of the basic personnel functions to that of providing the full gamut of programs and services under a human resources approach. With a conscious emphasis on the provision of greater and more responsive service, the merits of this transition are best described as a movement from a "traditional reactive approach" to the "pro-active and the strategic provision of human resource services to the organization and to the communi ty . I' The Human Resources Department will function, and be utilized, as a resource to employees, supervi sors/managers, departments throughout the organization, and throughout the Carlsbad community. Staff will assist n "early intervention" in issues involving employee and organizational development/training; facilitate employment opportunity counseling; and provide new services and programs in the areas of employment, compensation and benefits. The Human Resources Department will be a catalyst for developing and proposing creative solutions and innovative approaches to human resource management in the City of Carlsbad. A "customer service" approach is integral to all interactions and communication is a priority, regardless of whether the "customer" is an employee, a supervisor or manager, a user department, the public, or other agencies. Communication.with the "customer" will be a dynamic process and address a wide range of issues on both a formal and an informal basis. HRD will have the responsibility of being innovative and progressive in identifying and designing new approaches to the challenges presented by the changing demographics of the workforce in the 1990's. These approaches include, but are not limited to, issues such as 1) women in non-traditional jobs, 2) valuing diversity in the workplace, 3) job enrichment , 4) management/supervi sory and employee development , 5) cross- training programs, 6) mentoring programs, 7) conflict intervention, and 8) team- bu i 1 d i ng . Consequently, it becomes imperative that the Human Resources Department is strategically staffed at the appropriate levels in order to meet the challenges of managing the changing needs of a growing organization. REORGANIZATION AND STAFFING: In an effort to address the need for professional staff to manage new programs, projects, and responsibilities it is proposed that: The job description of Personnel Director be changed to reflect the responsibilities of a Human Resources Director (Exhibit A). That three specific functional areas of responsibility be established providing service in Employment Services, Compensation and Benefits, and Empl oyment Devel opment/Trai ni ng . The two existing generalist positions of Senior Management Analyst be converted to the specific positions of Employment Services Manager and Compensation and Benefits Manager thereby providing for the management of specific programs and functions (Exhibits B and C). Note: Request for staffing the function of Employee Development and Training will be addressed through the budget process. The new classification of Human Resources Analyst be adopted and that the department receive approval to staff one allocated position with this classification (Exhibit D). The new classification of Human Resources Assistant be adopted and that the department receive approval to staff one allocated position with this classification (Exhibit E). The Management Salary Schedule be amended to include the classifications of Empl oyment Services Manager, Compensation and Benef i ts Manager, Human Resources Analyst, and Human Resources Assistant (Exhi bit F) . FISCAL IMPACT: During Fiscal Year 1989-90, two employees will be added to the City's staff. Analyst. the biweekly salary range of $1,059 - $1,352 and the salary range for the Human Resources Analyst will be set at a biweekly salary range of $1,174 - $1,498 as shown on the Management Salary Schedule. addition of both positions total $16,781 for the remainder of the 1989-90 fiscal year to be supported by a transfer from the General Fund Contingency Account. The balance in the General Fund Contingency Account will be $200,700 following this transfer. The costs for Fiscal Year 1990-91 for both positions is approximately 83,000 for salary and related benefits. The positions are Human Resources Assistant and Human Resources The salary range for the Human Resources Assistant will be set at The costs of the _- PAGE 3 OF AB# /D til2 J EXH I BITS : 1. Resolution No. yO-/J? . 2. Ordinance No. Ns-//7 amending Municipal Code Section 2.48.03. . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 le 19 2c 21 22 22 24 25 26 27 28 that it as RESOLUTION NO. 90-127 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE REORGANIZATION OF THE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT TO THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT; AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONNEL DIRECTOR TO HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR; AND ADOPTING THE CLASSIFICATIONS OF EMPLOYEE SERVICES MANAGER, COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS MANAGER, HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST, AND HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT. WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends, and the City Council concurs, t is appropriate to reorganize the Personnel Department and establish the Human Resources Department; and WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends the adoption of new classifications of Employment Services Manager, Compensation and Benefits Manager, Human Resources Analyst, and Human Resources Assistant, and recommends that the classification of Personnel Director be amended to Human Resources Director. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager amend the classification of Personnel Director to Human Resources Director, and add the classifications of Employment Services Manager, Compensation and Benefits Manager, Human Resources Analyst, and Human Resources Assistant as described in Exhibits A,B,C,D, and E. 3. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to amend the classification of Personnel Director to Human Resources Director on the Management Salary Schedule; and add the classifications of Employment Services Manager and Compensation and Benefits Manager at $1,502 - $1,917 biweekly, Human Resources Analyst at $1,174 - $1,498 biweekly, and Human , ._, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resources Assistant at $1,059 - $1,352 biweekly to the Management Salary Schedule as described in Exhibit F, attached hereto and made a part thereof. 4. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to amend the FY 1989-90 budget and convert the two positions of Senior Management Analyst in the Personnel Department to Employment Services Manager and Compensat i on and Benef i ts Manager in Human Resources. 5. That the amount of $16,781 be transferred from the General Fund Contingency Account to support the addition of one Human Resources Analyst and one Human Resources Assistant position in FY 1989-90. 6. That the City of Carlsbad Local Conflict of Interest Code be amended to delete the classification of Personnel Director and include the classification of Human Resources Director, Compensation and Benefits Manager, Employment Services Manager, Human Resources Analyst, and Human Resources Assistant. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 22nd day of May , 1990, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant-City Clerk (SEAL) EXHIBIT A CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOR TITLE; Human Resources Director DEPARTMENT: Human Resources BASIC FUNCTION: Under general direction from the City Manager, administers and manages the City's personnel and human resource programs, functions, and activities. Develops, recommends, and implements human resource management policies, procedures and programs, including: position classification, salary administration, recruitment, employment, employee relations, training, employee development, organizational development, and Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), and related areas. Performs related responsibilities as required. Y RFSPQNSIBUTIFS; Assists the City Manager in decision making and policy advice relative to Human Resource Management throughout the City by providing a professional foundation of information regarding significant human resource issues, problems, and/or events. Maintains positive bilateral relationships with various employee organizations by acting as a liaison between City Management and employee associations. Manages the planning, development, implementation, and administration of programs for recruitment, selection, and placement; Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action; job evaluation; salary administration; employee relations; training & employee development; organizational development; performance management and appraisal; employee records; Human Resource Information Systems; organizational development. Plans and administers a program of effective human resource practices and procedures, advising management and employees in their interpretation. Assists in representing the City in the conduct of contract negotiations with representative employee groups; administers and coordinates the provisions of these agreements. Implements the City's program for Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action . Reviews the City's practices and procedures for compliance with Federal and State laws and regulations. Develop training programs to meet the needs of the City and of the employees. Design, implement and administer programs which promote employee development at all levels of the organization consistent with the Strategic and Tactical Values of the City of Carlsbad. Facilitates organizational development through the implementation and administration programs and processes which are consistent with the visions, goals, and objectives of the City Council and City Management. Performs related duties as required. TIONSHIPS; This position reports to the City Manager and supervises the department's support staff. e of: 0 0 0 0 Principles and practices of municipal government ad m i n is t rat i o n . Federal, state, and governmental agency legal requirements affecting mu n ic i pal pe rso n ne I ad m in is t ra t i o n . LaborManagement negotiating techniques and applicable State and Federal laws. Principles and practices of Human Resource Administration and Management, including Training, Employee Development and Organ izat io nal Development Strategies. Strategic management techniques and methodology. 0 0 0 Principles and techniques in facilitating change within organizations. Mainframe and micro-computer usage and application to Human Resource information Systems. bi I i tv to : 0 0 Exercise independent judgement in the solution of sensitive and complex employee relations and human resource problems. Elicit support for new human resource programs from other members of the management team and to direct their effective implementation. 0 Prepare and effectively present comprehensive reports and recommendations orally and in writing. 0 Develop and maintain effective working relationships with other employees, City officials, and other governmental jurisdictions, and the general public. SkiLiL 0 Long and short-range planning. 0 Public presentations. Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge, skill, and ability is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge, skill, and abilities would be: 0 0 Five years of increasingly responsible experience in the areas of human resources management or related experience. Graduation from an accredited college or university 'with a degree in Public Administration, Business Administration, or a related field. CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION -. EXHIBIT B JOB TITLE: Employment Services Manager DEPARTMENT: Human Resources BASIC FU NCTION: Under general direction, administers and coordinates programs, activities, and functions relating to human resource management exercising initiative in carrying out a variety of administrative assignments. Performs related responsibilities as required. DlSTlNGU ISHING C HARACTER ISTICS: This is an advanced journey level human resource classification. This position administers a variety of programs, and/or functions in the area of recruitment and employment and is responsible for all aspects of program management and the supervision of employees providing technical support to these areas. This is an unclassified position that provides administrative assistance to the Human Resources Director. KEY RESPO NSIBILITIES: Acts in a staff capacity to implement the authority of the City Manager, City Council, and Department Head. Researches, analyzes, develops recommendations, and writes reports under the direction of the Human Resources Director. Administers the following human resource programs: Employee Recruitment & Selection, New Employee Orientation, Employment, Classification, Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action, and Performance Appraisal. Responsibilities include the allocation of resources, personnel, budget preparation, procedural development, and policy interpretation to assure the optimal functioning of the Human Resources Department. Supervises the day to day operations of the "personnel functions" within the Human Resources Department and supervises the technical staff supporting the areas of recruitment/employment. Responsible for the development, implementation, and maintenance of the Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) and evaluation of its effectiveness. Reviews, analyzes, and develops recommendations regarding the impact of state and federal legislation upon the area of recruitment, selection, employment, and human resource information systems management. Drafts and recommends administrative policies and procedures pertaining to human resource administration. Responsible for the development of programs, materials and presentations aimed at communicating and marketing the employment opportunity with the City of Carlsbad. Administers various contracts and agreements to ensure compliance and implementation of terms. Provide professional staff support as required or necessary in non-routine situations. Perform related duties as required. This position reports to the Human Resources Director and supervises assigned personnel. WlW of: 0 0 0 Budget preparation and analysis. 0 State and federal legislation affecting human resource administration and management. 0 Principles of supervision, performance appraisal and program Principles and practices of organization and public ad m i n i st ratio n . Knowledge of recruitment, selection, employment, and information management systems policies, and practices. management. WLiL 0 Report presentation and preparation. 0 Research and statistical methods. 0 Short and long-range organizational planning. .. IlltV to: 0 Develop and maintain effective working relationships. 0 Manage multi-faceted programs, activities, and/or functions. 0 Properly interpret and make recommendations and decisions in accordance with laws, regulations, and policies impacting human resource administration. Conduct organizational and procedural studies and prepare comprehensive reports. Direct, evaluate, and supervise the work assigned staff. Communicate effectively in written and oral form. 0 0 0 0 Utilize micro-computer and software packages. PERIENCE AND EDUCATION: Any combination of equivalent experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge, skill, and ability is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge, skill, and ability would be: 0 3 years of administrative experience in municipal government and/or human resource management. 0 Equivalent to a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major work in public and/or business administration, human resource and/or personnel management, or a closely related field. CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION - EXHIBIT C JOB TITLL Compensation & Benefits Manager DEPARTMENT; Human Resources BASIC FUNCTION: Under general direction, administers and coordinates programs, activities, and functions relating to human resource management exercising initiative in carrying out a variety of administrative assignments. Performs related responsibilities as required. PISTIN G u SH ING C"ucI-ERlSTlCS : This is an advanced journey level human resource classification. This position administers a variety of programs, and/or functions in the area of employee compensation & benefits and is responsible for all aspects of program management and the supewision of employees providing technical support to these areas. This is an unclassified position that provides administrative assistance to the Human Resources Director. ILITIES: Acts in a staff capacity to implement the authority of the City Manager, City Council, and Department Head. Researches, analyzes, develops recommendations, and writes reports under the direction of the Human Resources Director. Administers the employee benefits program, including the allocation of resources, personnel, budget preparation, procedural development, and policy interpretation to assure the optimal functioning of the Human Resources Department. Assits in the administration of the Citys policies relative to employee compensation and supervices the day to day operational processing of employee actions pertaining to compensation and/or benefits. Reviews, analyzes, and develops recommendations regarding the impact of state and federal legislation upon the area of employee compensation and benefits. Drafts and recommends administrative policies and procedures pertaining to employee compensation and benefits. Responsible for the development of programs, materials and presentations aimed at communicating and marketing the employee benefits program. Administers various contracts and agreements to ensure compliance and implementation of terms. Provide professional staff support as required or necessary in non-routine situations. Perform related duties as required. This position reports to the Human Resources Director and supervises assigned personnel. PESlR ABLE QU ALI FIC ATlONS : wledae of: 0 0 0 Budget preparation and analysis. 0 State and federal legislation affecting human resource administration and management. 0 Principles of supervision, performance appraisal and program management. Principles and practices of organization and public ad m i n i st rat io n . Knowledge of employee compensation, classification, benefits plans, management systems, policies, and practices. shluL 0 Report presentation and preparation. 0 Research and statistical methods. 0 Short and long-range organizational planning. . to: 0 Develop and maintain effective working relationships. 0 Manag e mu I ti-faceted prog rams, activities, and/or f u nctions. 0 Properly interpret and make recommendations and decisions in accordance with laws, regulations, and policies impacting human resource administration. Conduct organizational and procedural studies and prepare comprehensive reports. Direct, evaluate, and supervise the work assigned staff. Communicate effectively in written and oral form. 0 0 0 0 Utilize micro-computer and software packages. PERIENCE AND FDUCATION: Any combination of equivalent experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge, skill, and ability is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge, skill, and ability would be: 0 3 years of administrative experience in municipal government, private sector compensation and benefits administration, or human resource management. 0 Equivalent to a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major work in public and/or business administration, human resource and/or personnel management, or a closely related field. CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB bESCRIPTlON - EXHIBIT D JOB TITLE: Human Resources Analyst DEPARTMENT: Human Resources BASIC FUNCTION; Under direction, independently performs a variety of professional, administrative, technical and analytical duties in the administration of departmental functions, programs, or projects. Performs related responsibilities as required. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTER ISTICS: This position is expected to perform the full range of Human Resource Analyst responsibilities, with only occasional instruction or supervision. Duties of this position include providing analytical and project administration support in all of the Department's functional areas of responsibilities. This is an unclassified position that provides administrative assistance to the Human Resources Department. KEY RFSPONS IBILITIES: Develops, maintains and analyzes project and program statudtracking systems to monitor progress, efficiency, and cost effectiveness. Conducts surveys and performs research, statistical analysis and impact studies on administrative, fiscal and operational issues. Provides staff support to Department Head and Managers. Assists in budget preparation, analysis, and administration. Operates various computer applications to compile and analyze information. Initiates studies and/or recommendations to improve and facilitate departmental programs and procedures. Compiles materials and prepares reports, manuals, publications, and brochures for communication with employees, department, the public. Designs and implements systems and forms for use in operational situations. Assists in the automation of human resource functions and procedures. Develops systems for Personnel Record Retention and assists in the development and review of the Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS). REPORTING RELATIO NSHIPS; This position reports to the Department Head and/or division manager. 0 €SIR AB LE QUALIFICATIONS; Knowledae of: 0 Principles and practices of organization, administration, budget, and human resource administration. 0 Applicable Federal, State, and local laws, rules, and regulations impacting human resources in the public sector. 0 Methods and techniques of research, statistical analysis and report presentation. SkuflL 0 0 Short-range organizational planning. 0 Research, planning, and statistical methods. Preparation of organizational and procedural studies and preparation of comprehensive reports. to: 0 0 0 Develop and maintain effective working relationships with Communicate effectively in written and oral form. Properly interpret and make recommendations in accordance with laws, regulations, and policies. City employees, members of other agencies, and the general public. Supervise, train and evaluate assigned staff. Utilize microcomputer and software packages. 0 0 .- FXPFRIFNCE AND EDUCATION: Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge, skill and ability is qualifying. A typical way to obtain knowledge, skill and ability would be: 0 Two years of previous responsible local government ad m i n is t rative ex per ience. 0 Equivalent to a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major work in public or business administration or a closely related field. - EXHIBIT E CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE; Human Resources Assistant DEPARTMENT : Human Resources Department BASIC FUNC TION: Under general supervision performs a variety of complex and responsible technical, analytical, and administrative duties. Performs related responsibilities as required. D lSTl N G U ISHING CH ARACTERISTICS: This classification performs administrative and analytical duties across the human resource functions of recruitment,selection, compensation and benefits with only occasional instruction or assistance. Additionally, this position may be assigned various departmental projects and may conduct various studies. This is an unclassified position that provides administrative assistance to the Human Resources Department. KEY RESPONSM LIT1 ES: Assists in the interpretation and application of personnel rules and policies covering the areas of: health insurance reporting and record-keeping ; employee processing and compensation; maintenance of the classification plan; benefit entitlement; maintenance of official salary and insurance data; and establishment and maintenance of eligibility I ists. Assists in providing employees, other agencies, and the public with explanations of health, life, and retirement benefits and other routine administrative matters, and resolves complaints where possible. . Acts as a liaison between employees and the insurance carriers verifying insurance enrollments with carriers, interpreting insurance coverage to employees and claims administrators, and checking for proper cost distribution. Assists in the development of various information tracking systems, and maintains and updates these systems. Assists in the development and implementation of systems and procedures pertaining to personnel actions and interface with payroll. Operates computer utilizing both mainframe and microcomputer software programs to produce reports, letters, and documents. Independently responds to letters and general correspondence of a routine nature and composes letters, bulletins and announcements. Recommends organizational or procedural changes affecting administrative activities. Conducts surveys and perform research and statistical analysis and understands the impact of administrative, fiscal, operational, and legal decisions upon specific areas of responsibility. Confers with department heads, managers, and supervisors regarding recruitment needs and plans for the recruitment process. Prepares and implements recruitment, testing, and selection materials and procedures. Composes and places advertisements for recruitment of City employees. Contacts other public and private agencies to arrange for oral board participation. Arranges for the selection and purchase of appropriate examination materials and maintains examination schedules. Reviews and evaluates job applications. Proctors examinations, computes examinations scores, and prepares certification lists. Conducts wage, salary, and benefit studies and surveys for the purpose of compensation administration. Conducts research, analyzes data, and prepares recommendations on various personnel administration issues and problems. May proctor recruitment examinations and perform other recruitment duties as assigned. Performs related duties as required. REPORT ING RELATIO NSHIPS: This position is directly supervised by a Human Resource Manager, and may work in conjunction with the Compensation Technician. Knowledae of: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Human Resource administration, principles, practices, methods and standards. Payroll and insurance procedures; Data Processing operations related to the maintenance of person nel/payroll/ and/or recruitment records; Principles of a merit system of compensation; Specific principles and practices in recruitment and selection. Applicable Federal, State and local laws, rules, and regulations regarding specific areas of human resource administration. Modern office methods including keyboard skills, computer usage and app I icatio n s. Principles of administration, organization, and systems. o Interpret and apply administrative and departmental policies, laws, and rules. o Work independently in the absence of supervision with both speed and accuracy. o Develop and maintain effective working relationships with other City employees, members of other agencies, and the general public. o Perform complex technical and administrative human resource responsibilities. o Exercise independent judgement and decision-making. o o o Utilize and manage mainframe and micro- computer data base. Apply and learn computer applications particularly as they pertain to information management and reporting. Organize work and meet deadlines. Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge, skill, and ability is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge, skill, and ability would be: o Four years of increasingly responsible administrative experience involving technical personnel/h u man resource functions or responsible administrative experience; College-level course work in the areas of Public Adminstration, Business Administration, or Personnel/ Human Resource Management. o c 1. CITY OF CARLSBAD MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE BIWEEKLY SCHEDULE MAY 22,1990 ATTACHMENT F POSITION TITLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 ADMIN ASST - CONTRACTS 1502 1577 1656 1739 1826 1917 AQUATIC SUPERVISOR 1483 1557 1635 1717 1803 1893 ARTS MANAGER 1678 1762 1850 1943 2040 2142 ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 2607 2737 2874 3018 3169 3327 ASSISTANT CITY CLERK 1502 1577 1656 1739 1826 1917 ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER 2082 2186 2295 2410 2530 2657 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER 2607 2737 2874 3018 3169 3327 ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR 1796 1886 1980 2079 2183 2292 ASSISTANT LIBRARY D I RECTOR 1685 1769 1857 1950 2048 2150 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR 2065 2169 2277 2391 2510 2636 ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER 2086 2190 2300 2415 2535 2662 ASSISTANT UTILITIES/MAINT. DIR. 2029 2130 2236 2348 2466 2589 BU I LDl NG DIRECTOR 2265 2378 2497 2622 2753 2891 BUILDING MAINT SUPERINT. 1659 1742 1829 1920 2016 2117 BUILDING MAINT SUPERVISOR 1483 1557 1635 1717 1803 1893 CITY ATTORNEY 2863 3006 3156 3314 3480 3654 CITY ENGINEER 2265 2378 2497 2622 2753 2891 CITY MANAGER 3013 3164 3322 3488 3663 3846 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIR. 2607 2737 2874 3018 3169 3327 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT DIR 2188 2297 2412 2532 2659 2792 COMMUNITY ARTS COORDINATOR 1304 1369 1437 1509 1585 1664 COMPENSATION & BENEFITS MANG 1502 1577 1656 1739 1826 1917 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR 1454 1527 1603 1683 1768 1856 DATA PROCESSING MANAGER 1607 1687 1772 1860 1953 2051 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY 1800 1890 1985 2084 2188 2297 DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING MGR. 1576 1655 1738 1825 1916 2012 ELECTRICAL OPTNS SUPERVISOR 1483 1557 1635 171 7 1803 1893 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES MANAGEF 1502 1577 1656 1739 1826 191 7 EQUIPMENT MAINT. SUPERINT. 1659 1742 1829 1920 2016 2117 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC SUPERV. 1483 1557 1635 1717 1803 1893 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT 1502 1577 1656 1739 1826 1917 FlNANC E DIRECTOR 2303 2418 2539 2666 2799 2939 FIRE BATTALION CHIEF 2058 2161 2269 2383 2502 2627 FIRE CHIEF 2607 2737 2874 3018 3169 3327 HOUSING PROGRAM ADM. 1508 1584 1663 1746 1833 1925 CITY OF CARLSBAD MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE BIWEEKLY SCHEDULE MAY 22,1990 ATTACHMENT F POSITION TITLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 2102 2207 2318 2434 2555 2683 HUMAN RESOURCE ANALYST 1174 1232 1294 1359 1427 1498 HUMAN RESOURCE ASSISTANT 1059 1112 1168 1226 1287 1352 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIR. 2303 2418 2539 2666 2799 2939 LIBRARY DIRECTOR 2160 2268 2382 2501 2626 2757 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1301 1367 1435 1507 1582 1661 MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT 1174 1232 1294 1359 1427 1498 MANAGER OF RESEARCH 2061 2165 2273 2386 2506 2631 MEDIA SERVICES MANAGER 1304 1369 1437 1509 1585 1664 METER SHOP SUPERVISOR 1483 1557 1635 1717 1803 1893 MUNICIPAL PROJECTS MANAGER 2082 21 86 2295 2410 2530 2657 PARK SUPERVISOR 1483 1557 1635 1717 1803 1893 PARKS SUPERINTENDENT 1659 1742 1829 1920 2016 2117 PARKS & RECREATION DIR. 2159 2267 2380 2499 2624 2755 PLANNING DIRECTOR 2303 2418 2539 2666 2799 2939 POLICE CAPTAIN 2202 2313 2428 2550 2677 2811 POLICE CHIEF 2607 2737 2874 3018 3169 3327 POLICE LIEUTENANT 1910 2006 2106 2211 2322 2438 PRINCIPAL BLDG. INSP. 1884 1978 2077 2180 2290 2404 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER 1908 2003 2103 2209 2319 2435 PRINCIPAL CONST. INSPECTOR 1730 1817 1907 2003 2103 2208 PRINCIPAL LIBRARIAN 1450 1523 1599 1679 1762 1851 PRINCIPAL PLANNER 1743 1830 1921 2017 2118 2224 PRIN. RECREATION SUPERV. 1596 1676 1760 1848 1940 2037 PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER 1502 1577 1656 1739 1826 1917 PURCHASING DIRECTOR 1796 1886 1980 2079 2183 2292 RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT 1659 1742 1829 1920 201 6 21 17 RISK MANAGER 2188 2297 2412 2532 2659 2792 SENIOR CITIZENS COORD. 1596 1676 1760 1848 1940 2037 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1502 1577 1656 1739 1826 191 7 SEWER MAINTENANCE SUPERVlSOl 1483 1557 1635 171 7 1803 1893 STREET MAlNT SUPERINTENDENT 1659 1742 1829 1920 201 6 21 17 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERVISO 1483 1557 1635 171 7 1803 1893 TRAFFIC ENGINEER 1998 2098 2203 2313 2429 2550 UTILITIES MAINT DIRECTOR 2159 2267 2380 2499 2624 2755 UTILITIES MAlNT SUPERINTENDENT 1659 1742 1829 1920 201 6 21 17 WATER MAlNT SUPERVISOR 1483 1557 1635 1717 1803 1893 nm RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Human Resources Analyst Human Resources 1 Direc tor Benefitr and Compensation Menage r Clerk Typist If m Services I mMg8r ------ oyment I I Proposed I Technician I I Training I I Services I I Position I ------ .. I 4 \ 4 C . t r I t E 1( 11 12 12 14 15 1E 17 1E 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. NS-117 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 2, CHAPTER 2.48 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 2.48.030 TO DELETE THE TITLE OF PERSONNEL DIRECTOR AND INCLUDE THE TITLE OF HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as fol 1 ows : SECTION I: That Title 2, Chapter 2.48.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by deleting the title of Personnel Director and including the title of Human Resources Director. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 22nd day of May , 1990, and thereafter PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 5th day of June , 1990, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Kulchin and 4TTEST: (SEAL)