HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-05-22; City Council; 10642; HOUSING FOR HOMELESSI AB# ’!/ 16 42- DEPT. I TITLE MTG. 5k2\90 CITY A DEPT.A CITY M RECOMMENDED ACTION: HOUSING FOR HOMELESS Discuss the housing for the homeless proposal presented b Mayor Lewis and take appropriate action. I ITEM EXPLANATION: Mayor Lewis has placed this item on the City Council agend to discuss with the Council whether or not the City shoul provide General Fund monies for the purpose of developin housing for the homeless in Carlsbad. Mayor Lewis would also like to discuss a policy issue with th Council, about whether public property should be provided t develop such facilities and if Macario Canyon should 3c utilized for temporary or emergency housing for the homeles in Carlsbad. If Council would like to place an advisory measure on tt November ballot pertaining to this issue the deadline t submit documentation is August 10, 1990. I FISCAL IMPACT: A preliminary estimate of the cost to place an item on tk November ballot is approximately $2,200. In the event thz a special election is called, the cost is approximately $2.( per resident or $124,060. I EXHIBITS: 5 Y None. F 0 2 z 0 .. 5 e a z => 0 0 J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 /I e 0 :/ ! i; '-* NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETINC OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Gout will be held on Thursday, April 26, 1990, at 6:OO P.M., in the City Council Chamber, i200 Carlsbad Village Drive (Elm Ave.), Carlsbad, for the purpose of considering, discussing and possibly taking action on information from the Caring Residents of Carlsbad regarding federal and state homeless grants. DATED: April 25, 1990 1) ,/ LE& RAUTENKRANZ, L7- City Clerk CoUNCIL 4/26/90 Council indicated their support for a Carlsbad I ACTION : Housing Project and grant applications as definc the letter dated April 25, 1990 from Kathleen DL Wellman; and authorized staff to proceed as reqt 0 * Sa 1" J--" FOR THE INFORMATiQN THE CITY Coc~Nci~ KATHLEEN DUNN WELLMAN ATORNEY AT LAW I**- U,-y Cl ,2 POST OFFICE BOX 1670 CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 -""---" CITY MAN, (61 9) 729-9289 April 25, 1990 Ray Patchett Carlsbad City Manager Carlsbad, California 92008 City Hall Re: Carlsbad Homeless (Migrant) Housing Project and Approval of State and Federal Emergency Shelter Grant Applications Dear Mr. Patchett: As you have requested, so that the council members may b properly informed as to the nature of the emergency homeles, shelter envisioned for Carlsbad, please be advised of th following: 1. This letter shall confirm that Catholic Charities of San Diego has agreed to serve as the non-profit organization to apply for the federal and state emergency homeless shelter monies which are available and to operate the homeless project here in Carlsbad. With the grant applications an approval of the Board of Directors of Catholic Charities will be submitted. Catholic Charities of San Diego is a charitable non- profit organization of the Diocese of San Diego, of which the Bishop of San Diego is the head. 2. As you are aware detailed budget summaries and actual cost receipts must be included with the grant applications. The grant applications are still being filled out and upon their completion (I anticipate Thursday at 3:OO p.m.) you will be provided with copies of same. 3. Specifically, the project will provide sleeping and eating accommodations for fifty homeless men for a period of up to sixty days at a time. As you are aware the great majority of our homeless here in Carlsbad are migrant workers and we anticipate that practically all the homeless sheltered in the project will be migrant workers. 4. The goals of the project include assisting the residents of the shelter in obtaining permanent jobs, a 0 +* Letter to Ray Patchett Dated April 25, 1990 Page Two if necessary, and aiding them in acquiring adequate permanent housing and furthering their integration into anticipate three full time positions including intake worker, cook, maintenance and resident manager), will be bilingual and will be assisted by volunteers from the local Carlsbad community including members from various local churches within Carlsbad. 5. Further, the residents of the project will be expected to maintain the site in a respectable condition under the direction of the project's resident manager. 6. We anticipate that the residents of the shelter may be able to participate in off-site programs including alcohol or drug abuse programs, literacy programs, English classes, job training courses etc. 7. Some preliminary health care will be provided in public health nurse; and, additionally, an emergency room physician and emergency room nurse who live in Carlsbad, and who work at Tri-City Hospital are willing to volunteer their services to the residents of the shelter. 8. Operation costs are anticipated to include security and insurance for the operation. 9. Since this is an emergency shelter project the residents will be housed in modular dormitory style units with a central cooking and meeting unit. There will also be a separate shower and toilet unit. We anticipate that there will be approximately eight units on the site. We also anticipate that a local architect will lend his services for the proper design and placement of the modular units upon the property. 10. The term of the proposed emergency shelter project will be for a period of two years. There may be additional months in the start up of the project (ie. in getting approval from the proper government agencies to allow the establishment of the project.) 11. It is our understanding with the attorney for the principals who control the situs of the property, that the use of the land for this project is for a temporary basis and it is understood by Catholic Charities and the Caring Residents of Carlsbad that said principals our community. The staff of the shelter, (we that members of Caring Residents of Carlsbad include a 0 0 7, Letter to Ray Patchett Dated: April 25, 1990 Page Three are providing the use of their land for a temporary basis and in SO doing are in no way obligating themselves to the use of the land for a permanent project. 12. The attorney for the principals has requested that for the present the disclosure of the names of the principals and situs not be made. It is my understanding that a representative of the principals will be present at the council hearing Thursday evening. Should you or the council members desire further informatiol or more details or should you have further suggestions an1 comments please contact me. Your continuing cooperation in this regard is greatl: appreciated. Sincerely yours, /’ r: BATHLEEN DUNN WELLMAN ./&$,,::.;( ,, z d.;, , , ,* . ,,, ,, /’ ’ ., ,, ,/ <. ~ ,i Lz L : / ‘r. -. ” , , - KDW: sh 0 0 POTENTIAL MIGRANT HOUSING SITE Property Owner: Paul Ecke, Sr. Trust Assessor Parcel Number: 21 2-041 -05 Acreage: 22.62 General Plan Designation: PI (Planned Industrial) Zoning: PM (Planned Industrial) Coastal: Mello II Local Coastal Program. Use requires tt- approval of a Conditional Use Permit and Coast Permit. Number of units shall not exceed two pt gross acre of land area and cannot be located closc than 50 feet from any lot line. Williamson Act Property (Agricultural Preserve Expiration I 993). .t .. .. . .. .1 " F a L 2. _4 .- * 0 e APRIL 26, 1990 TO: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM: Management Analyst, Planning Department STATE AND FEDERAL EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAMS Attached are summaries of the State and Federal emergency grant programs. Key points are follows: STATE - Deadline = April 27,1990 I The City is not eligible to apply. A non-profit currently providing a shelter can apply with a letter from the City indicatir I Grant funds cannot be used for administration costs > 2% of the grant, and certain clie support for the concept only. services. A complete analysis of fiscal impact to the City cannot be performed without a project. FEDERAL - Deadline = 4ril30,1990 The City or a non-profit is eligible to apply. I A letter of support for the concept of migrant housing is not enough to constitute a application by the City. I A non-profit must have a letter from the City certifying approval of the project for whic I The City is not prepared to apply by the deadline because 50% of the application is projec the non-profit is applying. specific and must include the following: (1) Signature that applicant understands all the policies associated with using th grant funds; (2) Cost estimates for all aspects of shelter operations, staffing, etc.; (3) Support services - this requires third party verification, ie., letter from sock service agencies; (4) Site Control - requires evidence, such as a lease agreement; (5) Local Land use approvals; and (6) Letter from agency that will operate shelter. Finally, the City is not prepared to apply for grant funds or certify approval of a project @ a non-profit because requirements of using grant funds, and the application process has no been evaluated, and a fiscal impact analysis to determine what responsibility the City wil have has not been performed. Finally, the City is not prepared to apply for a grant becausc first, and most importantly, a project has not been submitted or evaluated. .. . e c c STATE PROGRAM STATE EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAM The Emergency Shelter Program (ESP) has been established pursuant to Health and Safety COC Section 50800, et seq. to provide grant money for emerEencv shelter providen to assist hornelf persons. Grant Amount: Maximum grants are $500,000. The total allocated to San Diego Cour for grants is $928,000. EliE.iiiliq: Applicants nust be either a local government agency or nonpro: corporation that is a current and continuous provider of shelter to homele persons, or a current and continuous contractor with recognized communi organizations that provide shelter to homeless persons. SAN DIEGO COUNTY LOCAL BOARD PROGRAM REOUIREMENTS: k Existing Programs/Cment Shelter Providers: 1. A staffing structure in place 2. A ratio of one bed per client 3. On-site shower and rest room facilities 4. A minimum of two meals (depending on the hours of operation) provided or site or off-site by formal agreement. B. New ApplicantdExpansion to a new site: (In addition to items A1 through A.4) 1. Letters of support from local governments* 2. Site identification 3. A connection with other service providers in the area 4. A history of providing social services 5. Description of how the shelter program will be integrated with current services. * According to Mr. Larry Johnson of the San Diego County Local Board, a letter of support coulc simply state the folowing: The City of Carlsbad recognizes a need for a shelter, is aware that a proposal for a sheltei is being made by (applicant), and while the City has not reviewed and evaluated the proposal, and will not grant unqualifed support for any submittal, it wuld appear to have merit in concept. Therefore, if funds were awarded to Japplicant), the City would work with (applicant) in a spirit of cooperation to attempt to implement the proposal, 0 c Fiscal huact to City 1. Grant funds cannot be used for administrative costs > 2% of the grant amount and certai direct and indirect client services. 2. State Priorities The Local Board d give preference to applicants who demonstrate that matching fund! will be made available. Preference will be given to applications that provide evidence 0: a cash or equivalent match. In order to be prioritized for ESP funding an applicant mus' meet at least one of the following criteria: A. Match: Provide an in-kind match or contribution of no less than 25%. Example ESP $ Match = .25 x Grant Request. General Dronam overhead or other activic and program expenses may not be used as match. All match amounts must have a documented dollar value. B. Participation and Assistance: Commit to: 1) use adult shelter residents to operate and maintain the shelter, and b) assist those residents in obtaining permanent income and shelter. Opportunities: Commit to: providing opportunities to adult residents who have mechanical or construction skills to assist in maintenance or rehabilitation of the shelter. Contact Person Herman Shaeffer State Department of Housing and Community Development (916)327-3755 Larry Johnson Local Board, United Way (619)492-2000 EL:kd FedEmer * 0 F FEDERAL PROGRAM RATE ADMINISTERED FEDERAL EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAM $2,l29,OOO is available for shelter projects in cities and counties not receiving direct, formu grants from HUD. Funds may be used for the renovation, rehabilitation, or conversion expenses, for essential social service expenses in connection with emergency shelters for t homeless, and for homeless prevention efforts. Grant funds cannot be used for acquisition a new CO~SITUC~~OIL Grant Amounk Maximum grants are $20,000 - $200,000 per application.* Elisddi~: County, City or non-profit. Emergency Shelter Grant funds can be distributed direct to private non-profit organizations if the relevant unit of general local government certifies th it approves the proposed project. ** Fiscal Impact to City - Only 20% of grant funds can be used for "essential services" such as case managemen counseling, etc., and limited administrative costs are covered by grant funds. buildings for use = emergency shelm for the homeless, for the payment of certain operati A one-to-one match with grant funds is required. This means that if a grant for $200,000 awarded, someone else will have to put up $200,000. In lieu of .a match of funds, howeve volunteer time, valued at $15/hr. can be substituted. * Joe Silva of Catholic Chanties states that the application from Catholic Chanties current1 requests a grant totaling $170,000 for two other agencies. That means that the maximu Catholic Charities can request for Carkbad is $30,000. ** According to Tom Bettencourt, Program Manager, a letter from Carlsbad certifying loc: approval (see attached) is a commitment from Carlsbad to let the non-profit use our potentia allocation of money. Unlike the State program, a letter indicating support of a concept is no enough. This letter must state approval for a project and should not be signed without evaluatio~ of a specific project. Contact Person Tom Bettencourt, Program Manager Federal Emergency Shelter Grant Program Joe Silva Catholic Chanties EL: kd ShelGran * * 2 A'ACHMENT D SAMPLE CERTIF'ICATION OF LOCAL APPROVAL t FOR NONPROFIT ORGAMZATIONS AND CERTAIN LOCAL GOVERNMENT Aff I, , (name and title) duly authorized to act 01 behalf of the (name of jurisdiction) hereby approve the following project(s) proposed by (name nonprofit organization or local government) which is(are) to be located in (name of jurisdiction): ~~ I ~~ BY: (Name and Title) (Signature) (Date) 1 aid