HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-06-05; City Council; 10650; ACCEPTANCE OF PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE NEEDS ASESSMENT GRANT* 0 5 9 a .. z 0 F 0 4 5 z 3 0 0 ClVOF CARLSBAD - AGENqDBILL y- < AB# ’*, d5d TITLE: ACCEPTANCE OF PARTNERSHIPS FOR DEPT. k CITY A7 1 CITY Mc MTG. DEPT. LIB RECOM MEN DED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. ?fl-/59 approving a needs assessment grant f the California State Library in the amount of $3,520.00. CHANGE NEEDS ASSESSMENT GRANT 6/5/90 ITEM EXPLANATION: The Carlsbad City Library was selected in January 1990 as one of eight libraries in California to participate in the second cycle the Partnerships for Change program. Partnerships for Change is designed to assist the library in reaching out to its changing c underserved community populations, to understand them and their information needs better, and to restructure library services tc responsive to the needs of these populations. The assessment phase is a preliminary step t:hat each library mu! complete to determine the needs of underserved populations. In Carlsbad this population has been designated by the library to 1 the Hispanic community. The needs assessment includes intervie1 with key members of this community; a series of focus groups: ai detailed survey. SANDAG has agreed to handle the coding, analyi and final report writing for the survey results. The completed needs assessment will provide data on Carlsbad’s Hispanic commui not available elsewhere and should give the library direction i. writing a full grant proposal for a new program of service to t population. FISCAL IMPACT: Grant funds will support all costs for the needs assessment. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. %-/T? accepting California State Library gre 2. Needs assessment budget. 3. Background and Program Philosophy. 4. Letter dated January 12, 1990 from California State Library. l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 90-159 - RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A $3,520 GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY TO CONDUCT A NEEDS ASSESSMENT OF CARLSBAD'S HISPANIC COMMUNITY WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Library serves the entire community in order to provide information and opportunities for educational and cultural enrichment; and WHEREAS, Carlsbad's Hispanics form a significant minorif population within the community; and WHEREAS, Hispanics in Carlsbad generally have not taken advantage of library services; and WHEREAS, the California State Library has awarded a nee assessment grant to the Carlsbad City Library to learn more about the Hispanic community and to develop a more effective plan of library service to this community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of t City of Carlsbad, California, as follows:: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the California State Library grant of $3,520 hereby accepted. 3. That the grant amount is hereby appropriated for t uses described herein. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED AT A regular meeting of tl City Council of the City of Carlsbad held on the day of June , 1989, by the following vote tc wit: 5th b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I e m AYES: Council Members Lewis, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT : Council Members Kulchin ATTEST : n 4P d Rad&- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cldrk m 4 CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY TELEPHONE (916) 445 47 ONTYME CSLLDS LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1001 SIXTH STREET SUITE 300 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE Community Library Service Grants Program DUE MAY 15, 1990 To Your State Library Consultant at the letterhead addxrs REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO CONDUCT A COMMUNITY-BASED NEEDS ASSESSMENT The CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY of CLSG participant library Ltbrary jurisdiction the SERRA COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM requests financial assistance in the amount of $ 3,520 Budget detail: (Specify what and how the money will be used) Operating Expenses: - SEE ATTACHED BUDGET DETAIL (SEE ACCOMPANYING MEMORANDUM WITH INSTRUCTIONS/CONDITIONS FOR CLAIMING NEEDS ASSESSMENT FUNDING) Please issue check to: C- CITY T,IBRARY and Mail it to: Name: Carlsbad City Library 1250 Elm Avenue ATTN: Geoff Armour Address: Carlsbad, CA 92008 Signed: //o /,9G Approved: Date: California State Library Consullant . 0 qD t CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Partnerships for Change Needs Assessment Budget -Survey Analysis and Report Contract negotiated with SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments) research team for data entry, analysis, and fina: report based on an anticipated return of 500-700 completed surveys. $2,500 -Translation Services and any other documents as needed. Estimate 20 hours of work at $20 per hour. Professional translation of survey instrument, final report, $ 400 -Fee to Lola's Market for the survey. Fee covers use of facility and payment to Lola's staff to assist with survey distribution. Lola's Market will be the central community distribution poi] $ 200 -Additional Survey Distribution To get more complete coverage of community needs, surveys wi also be distributed at Holiday Park, St. Patrick's Church, tht Apostolic Church, and local ESL classes. :Bilingual survey distributors will be paid $6 per hour for a total of 20 hours over a two-week period. $ 120 -Printing of Surveys and Reports $ 50 -Supplies (paper, envelopes, postage) $ 50 -Miscellaneous Contingency for Unanticipated Costs $ 200 TOTAL : $3,520 . ! ( \ e IC California State Library Partnerships for Change / Background and Program Philosophy Background and Program Philosophy programs to adapt to the ethnic and cultural diversity of their W Ethnic Resource Centers, to Partnerships for Change Background communities. California's population is becoming provide support to local libraries and improve (access for American Indian, Asian/Pacific, Black and Hispanic populations. The Centers will make available a variety of information services that are better supported regionally than locally. 4 A Public Relations Program, to assist libraries in learning to market their information services and programs to ethnic communities. m Libraries Tomorrow - Fonuns for Change, to encourage and support research and discussion of long- range issues iinvolved in providing library and information services in California's state of continuing change and cultural diversity. increasingly diverse ethnically and racially. This poses a challenge to all public service organizations, and certainly to libraries - public, school, special, and academic. In 1987 the California State Library funded a committee to plan a statewide conference, State of Change: California's Ethnic Future and Libraries, and a series of follow-up Awareness Forums to examine the need for new policies and programs to respond to the state8s growing diversity. The conference was held in May 1988 and the forums were hdd during the months June - August 1988. The State Library has used the information, thinking, and energy generated by the conference and forums to spearhead a Partnerships for Change program to assist public libraries with their efforts to improve seMces to specific ethnic and racial constituents. Community ILibrary Setvice Grants Program Partnerships for Change Components Summary Partnerships for Change is a call for creative and long-term commitments to serve the information needs of California's ethnic and raaal populations. It is a multi-year program consisting of the following four components: The California State Library will allocate up to $3 miillion in 1989-90 Library services and Construction Ad (LxA) funds to assist community library service staff serving American Indian, Asian/ Pacific, Black, and Z-Iispanic populations to understand the specific information needs of these population;, and to shape their community library :service programs to improve service to these populations. The State Library will provide up to $1 million in LSCA funds for new applicants for the 4 Community Library Service Gmh Program, directed to public lii&es servingcommunitiesexperiencing changes in ethnic and raaal makeup. Libraries will actively work with community partners to analyze and restructure their service WO-91 fiscal years. I The goal of this program is to assist California libraries in analyzing and restructuring their service programs and policies to respond to the ethnic and cultural diversity of their communities. It is a call for local action and a mechanism for the State Library to assist local public libraries with technical and financial assistance in focusing their resource on these goals. Program Philosophy and Description This program, one component of Partnerships for Change, is designed to assist community library service staff in reaching out to their changing community populations, to understand them and their information needs better, and then to refine the community library service plans of service to best serve these changing populations. With the rapid changes affecting all Californians, we cannot depend on traditional service patterns to be the most responsive in any given, individual community. New populations may have information needs that are different from many of those traditionally supported by the library and may view libraries in different ways. If libraries are to be relevant information and recreation resources, new programs need to be designed. This does not mean that the "traditional" library smiceshave no role; they may be quite effective in some mas. But they may not be effective in all areas, emlarly W~R the service populations are quite different from the model of the "traditional" library user. ( The Partnerships for Change philosophy is based on the following needs of the library staff: 1. To learn about the people we are trying to serve: their traditions, history, and cultures. theirvalues. their information/recreation needs. = their preferred means of obtaining their time avaiilability; etc. 2. To learn about community structures by spending time in the community and interacting with its members. 3. To develop ongoing links to maintain knowledge of the community. 4. To build coalihons with a variety of organizations, agencies, groups, and businesses which ako serve the community. 5. To continue the process of change through training, coinmunity-based needs assessment, and dmisions on the restructuring and analysis of current plans of service. The State Library will provide a training program, support services, a public relations program, and LSCA funds to help libraries through the pmess of service pw revision. The Public Library will provide the impetus, encouragement, and staff to participate in the training. They will also implement the project; revise their basic plan of service to make it responsive to community needs; and fully incorporate the revised plan into the library's baseline budget. information and recreation. B Program Assumptions (Based on Rand Report, input from State-of-Change Confmnce and Forums, and observations of the California State Library, Library Development Services Bureau staff) 1. Members of specified California ethnic and racial communities are not receiving information services from public libraries that are as responsive to their needs as are members of the libraries’ traditional clientele. 2. State and local library efforts undertaken so far have generally not not resulted in lasting improvements to information seMces for these groups, and/or have not provided services that are sufficiently responsive to their diverse information needs. 3. A comprehensive multi-year, state initiated program is needed to assist public libraries in improving and/or developing their services to California’s four major ethnic and racial minority groups (American Indian, Asian/Pacifk, Black, and Hispanic). 4. Such a program should provide public libraries with targeted grants of limited-term (i.e.# LSCA funds) to assess, evaluate and realign current seMces, and to implement new and innovative services where necessary &e., in communities where ethnic and raaal populations are currently, or are projected to be, underserved). reached enough of the target groups, have ( i Program Design Principles Any program which will result in responsive and lasting changes must: have its primary focus at the community library service program level. help the community library service program staff interact with their ethnic and racial communities. ensure that service program design is based on this interaction with the community to determine the specific informacion needs of the particular community being served (i.e.,the program must be client needs based). allow for a multitude of possible changes (be flexible in the range of different possible changes applicable for different libraries). program staff understand and accept that many traditional library approaches may be less relevant and less appropriate to serving the needs of the four designated ethnic and racial populations. help community library service program staff recognize that, while changes in attitudes, skills, and traditional services and delivery mechanisms are expected, this program will not change basic library service values and goals ke., providing information and recreation to the population the library serves). help community library service I n recognize that new library service delivery mechanisms may need to extend beyond (or even replace or supercede) existing physical facilities and approaches. recognize that different libraries and staff will enter the program at many different places on a range of attitude, skills, experience, and past focus on this issue. . recognize that not all libraries and staff will be accurate in their assessment of their actual place in the range. include an element which will foster the creation of attitudes and program design skills among staff that reflect a higher level of awareness and appreciation for our multicultural society. . recognize that for ""Y library sbff the SCoDe Of the *anges Tired is similar to that caused by large automation efforts in libraries and it will take no less an effort to retool in this area as well. understand and take into account that any change is hard on people and that the magnitude of change required in some places will be substantial. In addition, we believe the program's financial and technical assistance must continue over several years if the changes in attitudes, skills, and service pmgrams are to be really long lasting. But, we also believe that the outside financial and technical assistance provided by the program must have a clear end point. Thus, it is essential to solicit a commitment from participating libraries to an ongoing reexamination of local operating budgets to support the seMce changes implemented. Incorporation Community Library Service Grants I As described above, the purpose of the Partnerships for Change program is to provide training and seed money to assist local libraries in changing their services to be more =Presentative of and responsive to the needs of their specific ethnic populations. This program has a strong emphasis on incorporating services developed &OUsh grant funds into the ongoing library budget, because, too often in the past, services developed for ethnic populations have disappeared when grant funding is over, and we do not want that to happen to the services under this program. Depending on local circurnstnaces and the changes being made, the service changes and their incorporation could take one, two or more years. It is important to begm preliminary incorporation planning very early, even though changes will certainly have to be made to any initial plans. The following questions provide a guide to the kind of incorporation iSsues that must be addressed if your program revision through this program is truly succe5sful. ' ( r 0 CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY LIBRARY-COURTS BUILDING P 0 BOX 942837 SACRAMENTO, CA 94237-0001 TELEPHONE (916) 445 January 12, 1990 Clifford Lange, Director Carlsbad City Library 1250 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008-1991 Dear Mr. Lange, Thank you for submitting a proposal for the Partnerships for Change Community Library Se Grants Program. Twenty-three proposals were received. In light of resource and sta considerations for the State Library, I have decided to accept eight proposals. As you know, your proposal was one of the eight selected. We are planning on your 1 attending the training on January 26, 27, and 28, 1990 in Manhattan Beach. I am enclosi training brochure for your information. Additional brochures have been sent separately to Partnership Team for their convenience in registering for the training. Their meals and loc will be paid for and their travel costs will be reimbursed. The consultant assigned to your team is Roberto Trujillo, (916) 322-0376. Please do not hes to call if you have any questions. I am pleased that we will be working together to address the library and information needs of targeted group. Sincerely, b%@- Gary E. Strong California State Librarian Enclosure cc: Geoff Armour <Lpda Jones Connie Trejo Collin Clark Roberto Trujillo Bessie Egan G I’I-cY?\I