HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-06-05; City Council; 10659; 1990-91 Operating & Buildout CIP Budgets--b U +I a a, $4 a, 5 a -rl $ a, L) a, Ll rl d V g 0 1 CPI \ m a h 0 -4 L) 2 0 E a g z 3 0 0 DEF CIT CIT' AG tN WILL WF GAHLSBAU - AB# /4 L 59 TITLE MTG. 6-5-?@ 1990-91 OPERATING AND 1990-91 BUILDOUT FIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff report, no action required. ITEM EXPLANATION: The total budget proposed for 1990-91 is $118.4 million. Included for first time in the City's budget is the Water District. Of this total, $( million is the Operating Budget and $50.0 million is the Capital Bud! The Operating Budget is 11.4% greater than the budget adopted for 1989 Operating revenue from all funds is $64.6 million, up $5.6 million or ! over 1989-90 projected revenues. The proposed Capital Budget for 199r is 20.5% lower than the budget approved for 1989-90. Capital revenues . all funds total $41.9 million for 1990-91 which is 88.7% greater than l! 90 estimated revenues. The recommended Operating Budget contains twenty-nine (29) new positic Four positions are needed to begin collection development activities the new Library. Nine positions are included in the Police Departmc Four Police Officers will be utilized to complete the south Carlsbad I started during 1989-90. Four additional Officers are also included, tw which will be used to staff each beat with six Officers. Of the remaii two, one occurs in Investigations and one for augmenting the DARE prog Last in the Police Department is a Management Analyst who will be usec compile the vast amounts of data now available. There are nine new maintenance positions included in the budget. Maintenance Workers wi 11 be a1 1 ocated to the Street Pavement Marl program. Another two Maintenance Workers are in the Parks department are needed to maintain increased park acreage. Two Tree Trimmers included and will be used to embark on a preventive maintenance prog One Maintenance Worker will be maintaining the medians and rights-of-wa. the Redevelopment area. The two last maintenance positions include Custodian I1 needed in a leadworker/supervisory role among the Custodi and one Custodian for the Water District offices. There are two clerical positions included in the budget, one Clerk Tyl in the City Manager's Office and one Permit Clerk in Building Inspect Both are needed to maintain existing service and are replacing the us( part time temporary staffing. Municipal Projects will be receiving Principal Civil Engineer needed to provide technical professi supervision in the design and construction of capital projects. One Business License Representative is included and will enhance revenues w enforcing the Business License Ordinance. The Water District includes four new positions. Two positions will allocated to reinstitute a valve exercising program. One Office Assis will provide clerical help in the Operations division, where there currently none. The last position is an Engineering Technician needel keep pace with the plan checking and inspection workloads. e a b Page Two of Agenda Bill No. /? b5? * The recommended budget contains a $1.7 mill ion contingency account wt will give the Council flexibility in meeting demands for resources wt may arise during the coming year. In May, 1989, the City Council reviewed City fees. It was requested 1 in subsequent years, fees be reviewed as part of the budget procc Counci 1 expressed a parti cul ar interest i n reviewing devel opment re1 i fees. This year a fee study was completed in conjunction with compilation of the budget. A Table outlining the existing and proposed 1 may be found beginning on page XLII of the Exhibits attached. Staff recommending minor increases in development related fees to bring the ( closer to cost recovery. Other increases were not recommended as Cour was not interested in 1989 in altering them. Most Capital fees ren unchanged. Few changes are recommended in the area of general City f( No changes are recommended in recreation, aquatic or library fees. Sha Council wish to increase the fees recommended, an additional revenue $100,000 to $150,000 can be anticipated. Council will have the opportunity to review this budget at the first k session on June 5, 1990. Selected City staff will be making presentati while all others will be available for questions. A public hearing scheduled for the meeting of June 27, 1990 when the Council will rece input from interested citizens and groups wishing to comment on the propc budget. EXHIBITS 1. 1990-91 Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets. 2. Fee Schedule - Development Related Fees and General City Fees Charges. e 0 9 I May 25, 1990 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager 1990-91 OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS Staff is pleased to recommend the City of Carlsbad’s budget for 1990-91. budget reflects a balanced, sound spending plan for both City operations and Capital Improvement Program. Sufficient resources are available to provide the maintenance of present service levels in all programs, as well as imprc services in selected programs. The 1990-91 budget is based upon goals identified by the City Council February, 1990. As the Council reviews the budget, efforts to meet these g( and continue to provide quality service to Carlsbad citizens will be affirr Also shaping the budget were the results of the Strategic Values Survey compl( in 1988. The most important value, identified by the City Council and ( management respondents, for the future success of Carl sbad was financ stability. A balanced budget for 1990-91 is a major step in insuring financ stability now and into the future. Another factor molding the budget is City’s continued commitment to manage growth and accommodate the absorptioi new capital facilities. Over the past five years the City has experienced a tremendous growth in amount of public facilities. The budgets within this time frame repre: efforts to meet Council goals and have developed their own unique charactei funds were allocated to operate the new facilities. In 1986-87, allocations \ made to absorb the staffing and operation of the Public Safety Center, I Station #4 and Stagecoach Park. These efforts were continued into 1987-81 these facilities were entering their first full year of operation. Additiona‘ the opening of Calavera Park late in 1987-88 required an allocation of resourc It was also in this year that a new Paramedic Unit was established in Soutl Carl sbad. In 1988-89, funds were allocated to staffing and operating Fire Stations #5 #6, and continued operation of the expanding Calavera Park. New programs in ated in 1988-89 included a Police Vice/Narcotic Unit, the first bond payment Hosp Grove and establishing funding for fire vehicle replacement. Charac izing the 1989-90 budget was the cost absorption of full year staffing I 0 e “t operation of Fire Stations #5 and #6 and Calavera Park Phase 11. The Sen Center was funded for ten months of operation. Also added were three positi needed to maintain the facilities added in previous years. The Library be to receive funds for assembling the collection for the new Library. The 19 90 budget contained funds to begin a program of major building maintena projects and funding for full fleet replacement. During 1989-90, twe additional positions were added to the Engineering and Planning Departmen The City Attorney‘s office received two positions during the year as did Human Resources Department. The characteristic of the 1990-91 budget is the City‘s continued commitment excellent service levels. In many programs, the City has adequate revenue maintain current service levels. Sufficient resources are available to a1 for expansion in other programs. Program expansion is predicated upon the n to respond to expected service levels as well as to continue to absorb the gro in public facilities. Responding to these factors, the budget includes n new maintenance employees and eight new Police Officers. Resources are a targeted to the development of the collection for the new Library for which f new positions are included. These additions still permit the City to fully f the Liability and Worker’s Compensation Self-Insurance funds, the increased co of salaries and benefits, and embark on the second year of the major build maintenance and full fleet replacement programs. Two significant changes are contained in this budget. First, the Water Distr operations and Capital Improvement Programs have been included in the budg This has occurred as the Special District is now a subsidiary of the Ci Second, the program budget pages themselves now contain either Performa Objectives or Workload Measure statements. This addition will clarify the out anticipated and provide a mechanism for measuring performance. The recommended, balanced General Fund budget is presented with ongoing expen being identified separately from those which can be considered one time expens Personnel and Maintenance and Operation expenses are those considered perpetu For example, the purchase of capital outlay items can be considered one t expenses. The budget constructed in this manner appears as in the summary bel Personnel/Maintenance and Operation Expenses $42.4 Resources Avai 1 ab1 e 42.5 Difference 4- .1 There are several one time expenses which are recommended for inclusion in budget. These would be funded through the use of the General Fund unappropria balance. One time expense items are identified below: GIs Layering $ 90,000 Major Building Maintenance 366,200 Worker’s Compensation Reserve Funding 180,000 Capital Out1 ay 610,000 $1,246,200 GIs Layering entails integrating data into the Geographic Data Base. Once t information is added to the data base, these layers can be considered compl with no recurring costs. The Major Building Maintenance Program is entering second year in 1990-91. The most costly project included in the program th TT 0 0 r, year is the remodel of Fire Station #1, at $175,000. This, as well as otl - projects, are not considered an ongoing cost as projects are individua' selected annually. Funding the Worker's Compensation Reserve will result ii balance considered necessary in light of the new laws governing benefit paymen. Again, this is a single action item. Last, addition of the capital outlay it! identified in the General Fund will result in enhancements to the over efficiency and effectiveness of services rendered. An effort is being made provide technology in the form of computers and related equipment. several pieces of equipment within the maintenance fields which will imprl efficiency. All of these items, once purchased, create no future financ. obligation on behalf of the City. Atwrowiations/ExDenditures The combined 1990-91 budget totals $118.4 million, and may be broken down demonstrated in the Table below: There BUDGET SUMMARY OPERATING AND CAPITAL INCREASE O?O (DECREASE) CHANGE $5.1 73.2% 1.3 40.6Oh WATER DISTRICT 0.5 6.8% ENTERPRISE 0.1 1 .9% INTERNAL SERVICE -0.2 -3.7% REDEVELOPM 0.2 I I .a% TOTAL OPER 7 1 1.4% -__- -12.9 -20.5% GRAND TOTAL ($5.9) -4.7% As indicated, the total budget is down 4.7% from 1989-90. This decrease primarily due to decrease in Capital Improvement Program expenditures. I operating funds contain an increase of $7 million or 11.4%. The General Fund shows an increase of $5.1 million or 13.2% over 1989-90. - major factors contributing to the increase are: 1) staffing of 22 new positioi 2) full year funding for 16 positions added during 1989-90, and 3) the inclus of the scheduled salary increases for Carlsbad City Employees Association i management employees. The largest single operating increase occurs within the Special Funds, up $1 million, or 40.6% over 1989-90. The majority of the increase can be attribul to the implementation of three new Maintenance Assessment Districts. The thl Districts for Tree, Median and Buena Vista Creek Maintenance were all establist in accounting documents during 1989-90. Both Tree and Median Maintenance cont: among them three new employees. The Maintenance Assessment Districts accoi for a $925,000 increase in the Special Funds. The HUD Section 8 Housing Progr accounts for the remainder of the increase, up $392,000 over 1989-90. TTT 0 0 9. Internal Service Funds are down due to the settlement of several major liabi issues which faced the City in 1989-90. Most Internal Service Fund accounts experiencing increases ranging from a 12.5% increase in Fleet Operations 73.4% increase in Worker's Compensation. The Redevelopment Operating fun1 experiencing an 11.8% increase which is due to the larger debt payment sched for 1990-91. During 1989-90, the klater District became a subsidiary district of the C This occurred via a joint resolution on behalf of the Board of Director: Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the City Council. The Water Disti budget is now included in the City's budget document. The operations por' of the Water District budget is relatively stable. Part of the $500,000 incrc can be attributed to the addition of four new positions. The 1990-91 budget i reflects and includes the Capital Improvement Program projects on behalf of Water District. Although the Water District is now included within the Capital Improver Program, this element of the budget shows a decrease of $12.9 million or 21 from 1989-90. Project quantity or size can cause these dramatic fluctuat from year to year within a capital budget. Revenue The Table below indicates that total estimated revenues for 1990-91 are $1( million, up 31.2% from those projected for 1989-90. General Fund rever contain an estimated $4.4 million, or 11.8% increase for 1990-91. General f revenue sources include Sales Tax, Property Tax and fees for services. significant increase in 1990-91 Special Fund revenues, up $500,000 or l! occurs as the new Maintenance Assessment Districts are now functional. $500,000 increase in estimated revenue for Internal Service Funds is as a re! of higher assessments being made to support the Health Insurance, Data Procesi and Worker's Compensation funds. A1 1 other operating revenues contain rev1 estimates in which past trends are continuing. Capital revenues show estimated increase of $19.7 million, or 88.7%. The increase can be attribi to a one time influx of funds for special projects. REVENUE SUMMARY BY FUNCTION DIFFERENCE AS 'Vo OF PROJECTED Of ERA PING GENERAL SPECIAL FUNDS ENTERPRISE WATER DISTRICT INTERNAL SERVICE TI, m 0 0 - The following Table breaks down the Capital Funds by Developer Fees and Ut' Development related fees contain a $1.3 million or 16% increase over 198 estimates. 7he increase in these fees can be attributed to a slight incr in projected growth rates. Other capital revenues have increased by million, or 131%. This is the result of two major bond issues which scheduled for 1990-91 and include the Golf Course at $7.0 million and the Lib at $10.5 million. Also included in this category is an influx of developer f totalling $2.85 million. These funds will be used toward one specific proj the widening of Palomar Airport Road, east of El Camino Real to Business 1 Road. GENERAL AND CAPITAL FUND SUMMARY DIFFERENCE AS O/o OF PROJECTED PROPERW TAX $1.3 11.7% SALES TAX 1.5 15.8% TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX 0.4 1 2.10/0 OTHER GENE 1 7.5% 6.4% OTHER OPER 1.4 5.6 9.S0/o - GROWTH GENERATED FEES 1.3 1 6.0°/0 18.4 130.5% 19.7 88.7% TOTAL ALL REVENUE $25.3 3 1 .2% The above Table also breaks down other operating funds and the General Fund major categories. The City took a conservative position in projecting Genc Fund revenue for 1990-91. The City continues to experience a slow pace of grc as a result of the implementation of the Growth Management Plan in 1987-88. 1 lackluster activity supports the relatively flat revenue estimates fore( within development re1 ated revenues. These revenues however could experi F an increase should the master plans such as Aviara, Arroyo La Costa or 01 developments proceed following resolution of the Growth Management Financ i ssue. Property tax, is the largest single revenue source for the City. It is estim; that it will increase by 11.7%, or $1.3 million during 1990-91. Normal turn( rates in property are expected, with no ownership changes in large part anticipated. Sales Tax revenues for 1990-91 have increased by $1.5 million, 15.8% over the 1989-90 projected estimate. It is anticipated that two to th new car dealerships will be completed and begin operating during the year. Ba upon past history, indications are that Sales Tax revenues will follow rec trends identified. It is estimated that the Transient Occupancy Tax \h experience a 12.1%, or $400,000 increase over 1989-90 estimated revenues. increase is due primarily to 1990-91 being the first full year of the 10% rate being applied. V 0 0 -?- . Service Level Issues A dependable revenue stream coupled with the Council’s commitment to provi excellent services in Carlsbad have allowed the City to maintain present servi levels. The 1990-91 budget also contains services which are enhanced and othc that are new. Service levels are best represented by addressing the 29 r positions presented in this budget. New Proqrams Library - The City will be providing full service at the new Library 1993. In order to best prepare for the Libraries‘ operation, staffi began in 1989-90. Included in the 1990-91 budget are four addition positions which will accommodate collection development activities f the new Library. Business License Enforcement - One position is included in order implement proactive enforcement ofthe City’s Business License Ordinanc This position will improve the City’s revenue while equitably enforci the Business License Ordinance among all businesses in Carlsbad. Valve Exercisinq - The Water District has included two employees need to implement a Valve Exercising Program. A formally recognize preventative maintenance program will increase safety and alleviate wat flow interrupt ions. Improved Proqrams Public Safety - The Police Department contains six positions whi address improved safety programs. During 1990-91 the City will comple the second and final phase of implementing the new beat in Sou Carlsbad. Four Officers are allocated to this effort which will ke emergency response times within the goal of six minutes or less. 0 Officer is included to expand the DARE program into the high schoo The need to interpret and analyze the vast amounts of data now availab through technological advances has compelled the inclusion of Management Analyst in the Police Department. Maintenance - The addition of two Street Maintenance Workers will all1 for bi-annual refreshment of all pavement markings. This progr improvement will now meet the street striping goals established Council. Two Tree Trimmers will improve tree maintenance efforts. T formal establishment of preventive maintenance will result in a sev year trimming and assessment cycle for each tree. Maintenance of Existinq Service Levels Maintenance - Two Park Maintenance Workers will allow for service lev( standards to be met at several new park areas requiring maintenancc These positions will also allow for some improved service at hi! visibility landscaped areas. Custodial services will retain their sat quality with the addition of two employees. One position will provic lead supervision of Custodial staff while the other will provide servic to the Water District offices. Median maintenance within the Redevelol VI 1 e 0 ment Area will be retained through the addition of one new Maintena Worker. Police - The addition of one Police Officer within the Investigati Program will keep up with present caseloads. Two Police Officers w be added to patrol in an effort to retain constant beat staffing thro normally scheduled absences. Orsanizational - A total of two clerical positions are included in 1990-91 budget. The Building Department is converting a full-t temporary position to a regular position. The City Manager’s office converting a regular part-time position to that of full-time. Serv levels will be maintained at their current status. A Principal Ci Engineer is needed to provide professional supervision of the capi project design and construction operation. An Engineering Technic in Water District is included in order to keep up with demands for p checking and inspection. The City‘s budget contains the commitment to continue the major build maintenance program, which includes remodeling Fire Station #1 and embarking scheduled roof maintenance. The Juveni 1 e Division Program has been augmen to i ncl ude additional counsel i ng hours. Human Resources contains addi t i oi funds for training City staff and completing an Affirmative Action Plan. City Fees This year the Council will be reviewing City fees as part of the budget proce The proposed budget is based on the existing fee schedule with no specific increases. Staff has recommended a variety of fee increases which will gener additional revenue if adopted. The fee schedules provided for Coun consideration are broken into two sections; Developer/Development Re1 ated Fe and General City Fees. This division is necessary because of the ways the treats various types of fees. Developer fees fall under two basic restrictions. First, article XI11 B of i constitution of the State of California establishes controls on the establishmc of fees. A fee must bear a reasonable relationship to the cost of perform the service received. Under the constitution, any amount in excess of the c( to provide services is considered a tax. Article XI11 A of the constitut (Prop 13) limits the City’s ability to establish or increase taxes. Second, development re1 ated fees (both operating and capital ) are furtl controlled by AB 1600 (Govt Code Section 66000 et seq.). Under these statu the Council may establish reasonable developer fees as long as there is a ne: (connection) between the fee and the service performed. In the case of capi fees, there must be a nexus between the fee and the benefit derived by developer from the project constructed with the fees paid. AB 1600 also impo! a variety of controls on the retention of funds by the City, accounting i budgeting. These and other statutes establish the process for implementing new develol fees, utility fees and general City fees. The process recommended by the sti is as follows: VI I - 0 e .. o Review the proposed fee schedule with Council when the budget o introduced in early June. Advertise a public hearing on fees at the same time as the public heari on the budget in late June. Adopt the proposed fee schedules or resolutions, and introduce ordinanc amending fees set by the municipal code at the time the budget adopted. All fees would become effective 60 days after adoption of resolutio or ordinances. o o The more general City fees are controlled by the wording of Article XI11 Although there are no statutes requiring public hearings or waiting periods f these general fees, it may be prudent for the City to consider using the mo structured approach to setting fees in all areas. The adoption of sewer fe must be done by ordinance rather than by resolution. The fee schedules before the Council are based on the fee study and ca allocation plan prepared for the City last year. In most cases staff recommending minor increases in development related operating fees to bring t City closer to full cost recovery. In a few cases the fees charged will eqL the cost of services provided. Capital fees will remain unchanged in most case The City Engineer currently has several fee studies underway. These will addre the Bridge & Thoroughfare Benefit District, Traffic Impact Fees, Sewer Connecti Fees, and Planned Local Drainage Fees. Also, the fee proposal includes revision of the Park In-Lieu fee system to allow an increase in these charge Council will receive each of these studies as they are completed. In the area of general City fees, staff is recommending few changes at this tim No change is proposed in recreation or aquatic fees, library fees, busine licenses or polices fees. Water fees will increase by about 10% for 1990-91 under the current proposa The monthly charge for a single family residence will go from $5.00 to $5.50 p month. This will amount to an annual increase of $6.00 for a single fami dwelling. Staff is recommending that the Council and Carlsbad Municipal Wat District Board direct staff to prepare a detailed water rate study during 199 91. Sewer user fees are currently under review by the Utilities 8. Maintenan Director. The consultants report will be available to the Council in late Ju or early July. Sewer rates are expected to increase by as much as 35% to 4 if the City wishes to properly fund current operating costs and depreciation the sewer system. If the Council were to adopt all recommended fee increases the City would recei an additional $lOO,OO to $150,000 in general fund revenue. Water revenue wou increase by about $100,000 for next fiscal year. VI11 e e Concl usi on The compilation of the 1990-91 budget was indeed a challenge. Addressing serv levels and any variations within them was the approach taken to formulate tl budget. The clear definition of Council goals resulted in the speci allocation of available resources. Carlsbad is fortunate to have a dependab revenue stream coupled with a commitment to excellence. The adoption of tt budget will give the citizens of Carlsbad the assurance that they are continu- to receive quality services. A special thank you is extended to all departments and their staff efforts compiling program and budget information. The Finance Department staff has dc an excellent job in pulling all the information together and reporting it. RAYMOND R. PATCHETT City Manager IX 8 e m ClTY OF CARLSBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1989-90 PROJE BALANCE ESTIMATED EST EXPEND/ FUND BALA FUND JULY 1,1989 REVENUES CAPITAL APPRO TRANSFERS RESERVES JUNE 3 GENERAL 8,359,390 37.205.000 34,913,422 (-,800) 8,( SPECIAL REVENUE POLICE ASSET' FORFEITURE 26,569 53,000 70.000 CDBG - ENTITLEMENT 461,903 80,100 80.81 1 HOUSING - LOW & MODlSEC8 10,741 1.61 5,000 1.572.1 56 BUENA VISTACRK CHNL MNT 100.000 1,500 STREET LIGHTING 275.499 =.000 735,234 TREE MAINTENANCE 162,000 0 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 40.0oO 0 STATE GRANTS 332.128 185,000 177.100 SENIOR NUTRITION 9,554 203.050 153.050 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE 107.812 70,000 mmo DEBT SERVICE LIBRARY BONDS 11.592 23.400 18,600 SEWER BONDS 98,422 127.000 129,956 CAPITAL PROJECTS CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION 2,615,013 110.000 3,000,361 495,000 TRAFFIC IMPACT 1.997,817 850.000 1,275,676 1. PUBLIC FACILITIES 7,008,607 4,000.000 8,709,248 2. PARK DEVELOPMENT 1,084.290 725,000 1~9,603 1. ZONE 5 PARK FEE 886,821 850.000 0 1, BRIDGE 8 THOROUGHFARE 1.897.563 720.000 1.010,796 1. SEWER PROJECTS 7,122,422 2,700,000 4,304,814 5, FEDERAL GRANTS (873.909 400,000 864,085 (1 I CDBG 5,013 106.267 602,090 ( STATE GRANTS 764,620 175.000 1,059,730 ( COUNTY GRANTS 280,000 250,000 HOSP GROVE 629,722 0 597.776 TRANSNET 0 550,000 1 ,158,100 ( PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 1,851.568 89,000 1,282,000 REVENUE SHARING 352,392 0 344,295 CULTURAL ARTS (1% FUND) 127,494 5,000 147.000 40,000 WATER PROJECTS 117.500 225,000 149,288 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 2,288,982 4w000 2.61 0.795 OTHER 591.818 GAS TAX 1,255,924 935,000 278,381 1, XVI * a e CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1989-90 PROJE BALANCE ESTIMATED EST EXPEND/ FUND BALA FUND JULY 1,1989 REVENUES CAPITAL APPRO TRANSFERS RESERVES JUNE31 ENTERPRISE WATER MAINTENANCE 454.898 1,555,500 1,593,220 4 SEWER MAINTENANCE 3,229,585 2.312.000 3,148,283 2,: INTERNAL SERVICE WORKER'SCOMP SELF INSUR 874.385 450.500 635,000 1 LIABILITY SELF INSUR 821,086 885,000 520,000 1 *' VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (132,528) 1.094.118 I, 152,121 c VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 339.430 831,970 383,069 HEALTH INSURANCE 588,224 1 ,485.000 1,969,873 DATA PROCESSING 41 2,799 583,312 532.858 WATER DISTRICT WATER DlST PROJECT REPL 3,230,737 4,438,637 4.749.51 4 2.9 WATER DIST MAJOR FACILITIES 8,889,445 8,135,101 5.m.752 9.0 WATER DISTRICT OPERATION 3,889,448 7,835.000 7,265,379 44 REDEVELOPMENT OPERATIONS 1,014,185 mi .3oo 802,905 1.1 LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 693,691 =,o@J 0 1 ,o TAX INCRMNT BOND DEBT SERV 0 484.700 484,732 CAPITAL PROJECTS - BONDS 7,096,815 0 6,591.leO 5 CAPITAL PROJECTS 253.833 214.000 498,034 29,800 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 68,079,288 82,816,955 102,691,065 0 0 48,s XVJ .I ~ 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1990-91 PROJl BALANCE ESTIMATED EST EXPEND/ FUND BALi FUND JULY 1,1990 REVENUES CAPITAL APPRO TRANSFERS RESERVES JUNE: GENERAL 8,086,168 41,593,000 43,693,254 712,624 6, SPECIAL REVENUE POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE Q,=Q 83,000 28,890 CDBG - ENTITLEMENT 461,192 65.000 68,125 HOUSING AUTHORITY 53,585 1.651,ooo 2,090,006 I STREET LIGHTING 72,265 515,000 789,743 I BUENA VISTA CRKCHNL MNT 98,500 100.000 200,000 TREE MAINTENANCE 162,000 384,405 555,452 145.668 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 40,000 173,225 172,975 57,658 STATE GRANTS 340,028 290,400 172,470 SENIOR NUTRITION 59.554 216.91 3 158,913 AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE 87,312 76.000 ioa,ooo DEBT SERVICE LIBRARY BONDS 16,392 23.1 00 22,526 SEWER BONDS 95,466 127.000 122.626 CAPITAL PROJECTS CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION 219,652 1,752,177 1,455,000 TRAFFIC IMPACT 1,372,141 712,304 675,000 1. PUBLIC FACILITIES 2,299,359 4,358,899 4,782,000 1. PARK DEVELOPMENT 1,609,687 252,292 30,000 1. ZONE 5 PARK FEE 1,336,821 222,877 0 1, PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 658,588 0 300.000 BRIDGE &THOROUGHFARE 1,597,767 657,500 0 2. SEWER PROJECTS 5,517,608 966,621 2,464,615 4. REVENUE SHARING 8,097 0 FEDERAL GRANTS (1,337,990) 0 (1 9 CDBG (490,810) 2413,528 0 ( LIBRARY BONDS 10.500.Ooo 10,500.000 CULTURAL ARTS(146 FUND) 25.494 19.050 180.000 19,050 SDGaE 1.1 98,000 1,198,000 GAS TAX 1.912.543 935.000 400,000 (935.000) 1 ,! STATE GRANTS (120,110) 2,400.000 2,400,000 (' COUNTY GRANTS 10,000 300.000 150,000 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT 1,600.000 1,600,000 HOSP GROVE 31,946 0 TRANSNET (808.100) 1,053.000 200,000 GOLF BONDS 7,000,000 7,000.000 TRANSNET/HIGHWAY 1.875.000 1,875,000 DEVELOPER FUNDS 2.850,ooo 2,850,000 LTR CREDITRONE 19 187.500 187,500 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 76,187 0 PORT DISTRICT 400,Ooo 400,000 xv4 I I 0 m CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 1990-01 PROJl BALANCE ESTIMATED EST EXPEND/ FUND BALl FUND JULY 1,lsaO REVENUES CAPITAL APPRO TRANSFERS RESERVES JUNE 2 ENTERPRISE WATER MAINTENANCE 41 7,178 1,608,000 1,730,968 SEWER MAINTENANCE 2.395.322 2,368.000 3,482,715 1, INTERNAL SERVICE WORKER’S COMP SELF INSUR 480.885 800.000 750.000 LIABILITY SELF INSUR 1,186,086 620,001 500.000 1, VEHICLE MAINTENANCE (190.531) 1,157,242 1,150,578 ( VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 7a8.331 807,070 591,110 1, HEALTH INSURANCE 53.351 1.845,OOO 1,494,854 DATA PROCESSING 463.253 747,050 712,310 WATER DISTRICT WATER DlST PROJECT REPL 2,010,860 2,361,383 5,140,000 WATER DIST MAJOR FACILITIES 0,054.794 1,942,568 6,855,000 4. WATER DISTRICT OPERATION 4,450,069 7,835,000 7,836,108 4. REDEVELOPMENT OPERATIONS 1,112,580 312,600 794,103 LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 1,048,691 ~,ooo 0 1. TAX INCREMNT BOND DEBT SERV (32) 1,132,~O 1,132,400 CAPITAL PROJECTS - BONDS 505,455 0 0 CAPITAL PROJECTS (401) 0 0 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 116,483,088 108,460.905 118.087.329 0 0 86, . 9% , (x-1 x- 0 e CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1986-87 TO 1990-91 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 TOTAL 1990-91 EXPENDITURES BUDGET BUDGET DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ESTIMATED 1989-90 PROPOSED GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL 117,228 141,802 $140,037 $133.278 $157.714 CITY MANAGER 276.494 408,055 396,577 424,870 485,887 PUBLIC INFORMATION 21,161 46.476 30,000 38,200 48.707 CITY CLERK 45,985 121.665 29.000 28.200 36,939 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 283,387 407,899 371,332 420,658 450,561 CITY ATTORNEY 224,798 278.660 331,352 259,736 419,201 FINANCE 461,560 938,317 1,036,864 1,087.916 1,046,215 CITY TREASURER (9.473) 43,817 63,160 53,502 79,797 PURCHASI NO 242,055 312,074 366,085 375,544 380,902 HUMAN RESOURCES 389,163 489,353 598,192 571,209 883.479 RESEARCH OFFICE 180,- 225,939 277.396 328,817 327,626 RISK MANAGEMENT 173.062 207.164 250.822 226,969 267,318 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 2,406,419 3,621,221 3,890,617 3,948,899 4.584.346 PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING INSPECTION 767,061 816,591 850.095 1,041,021 1.091.588 POLICE 5,597,996 6,452,158 7,259,381 7,367,323 - 8,839,004 FIRE 3,761,787 4.827.565 4,907,006 6,131,685 6,256,265 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFEPl 10,126,844 12,096,312 13.016.482 14,540.029 16,186,857 PUBLIC WORKS COMMUNITY DEVEL ADMIN 242,834 401.538 557,397 573,421 61 1,679 ENGINEERING 1,123,521 1,971,162 2,359,832 2,562,388 3.570.237 PLANN I NO 860,804 1,088,005 1,294,897 1,386,203 1,962,206 HISTORIC PRESERV COMM 0 10,500 10,659 10.710 10.929 BLOCKGRANT ADMIN 58.725 22,100 24,456 24.550 23,379 TOTAL DEVELOP SERVICES 3,198,679 4,873,521 5,580,736 5,960,232 6,526,190 DEVELOP PROCESS SVCS 372,075 445.153 456,828 470.205 0 MUNICIPAL PROJECTS 478,451 635,189 622.447 631,209 0 GROWTH MANAGEMENT 62.469 299,873 254.220 301.548 347.760 xx 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1986-87 TO 1990-91 1987-88 1988-89 198990 TOTAL 1990-91 EXPENDITURES BUDGET BUDGET DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ESTIMATED 1 QSQ-90 PROPOSED MAINTENANCE UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION 43,024 341,378 338.775 343.31 5 355.584 STREET MAINTENANCE 2.441.604 3.830.306 2,796,576 2.945.454 2.799.103 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT 516.686 667.082 074.685 I ,077,451 1,402.967 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINT 216,686 383,978 293,473 294,373 328.533 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 3,218,010 5,222,744 4,403,509 4,660,593 4,888,187 OTHER DEPARTMENTS LIBRARY 1.770.401 1.968.806 1,876,615 2,187,902 2.717.492 CULTURAL ARTS PROGRAM 139,220 188.525 270.584 260.308 245,640 PARKS AND RECREATION 2.973.984 3,516,438 4,010,502 3,972.066 4,054,239 SENIOR CITIZENS PROG 116,015 203,997 262,391 309,054 321.163 TOTAL OTHER DEPARTMENTS 4.QQQ.620 5,877,766 6,420,092 6.729.330 7,338,534 "-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNITY PROMOTION 200.000 202,000 201.000 202,000 201 .ooo COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE ~.500 57,500 62.900 62,900 65,685 AUDIT 34,292 33.OOo 32,000 34.500 35.000 DUES I SUBSCRIPTIONS 18.567 23,000 21,500 21,581 35,000 LEASES 70,106 287,600 280.000 273.419 300.000 CAPITAL IMPVTS 31.036 126.685 128.81 7 128,817 0 ANIMAL REGULATION CONT 52,073 75.000 77,905 77,905 84.670 HOSP GROVE PAYMENT 0 400.000 764,864 759,567 876,585 GOLF COURSE 740.000 DEBT ISSUANCE COSTS 0 0 0 0 STREET LIGHT COSTS (CITY 24,500 24,500 28,000 28,000 28.000 TREE MAlNT COSTS (CITY) 86.200 TREEMEDIAN IMPLEMENT 239,547 0 SISTER CITY PROGRAM 0 9.OOO 5,000 11,750 19,000 OTHER (8.931) 0 667.000 0 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL 468,143 1,238.285 1,601,986 2,508,986 2.471.140 SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND 24.415.715 32.929.849 34,913,422 38,348,069 41,993,254 CONTINGENCIES 0 255,013 0 231,682 1,700,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 24,415,715 33,184,862 34,913.422 38,577,751 43,893,254 xx I e e CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 198647 TO 1990-91 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 TOTAL 1990-91 EXPENDITURES BUDGET BUDGET DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ESTIMATED 1989-90 PROPOSED SPECIAL REVENUEFUNDS HOUSING AUTHORITY 1.462.305 1.651.882 1,572,156 1,697,845 2,090,006 LIBRARY AUDIO VISUAL INS 72,840 64,101 90,500 102,581 108,000 STREET LIGHTING 556.113 684.325 735.234 709.313 789.743 BUENA VISTA CRKCHNL MNT 1.500 0 200,000 TREE MAINTENANCE 555.452 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 172,975 WATER DISTRICT 7,265,379 7.265.379 7,836,198 PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND 56.569 37,224 12,500 121,000 72.470 SENIOR NUTRITION GRANT 122,592 145,427 153,050 156.898 156,913 LIBRARY BONDS 19.421 18,600 18,600 18,600 22.526 SEWER BONDS 123,381 129,956 129.956 129.956 122.626 CDBG ENTITLEMENT 0 69,302 80.81 1 67.33% 68.125 WATER ENTERPRISE & BON 1,218.91 1 178.460 1,593,220 1.723.276 1.739.966 SANITATION ENTERPRISUE 1,021,615 548.457 3.146.263 3.497301 3,482.71 5 WORKERS COMP INS 402.957 250.000 635.000 432,500 750.000 LIABILITY SELF INS 854,504 Q40,484 520.000 1,722.918 500,000 HEALTH &LIFE INSURANCE 999.602 1,039.898 1,999,873 1,299,873 1,494,854 .FLEET OPERATIONS 693.482 994,264 1,152,121 1,023,l 18 1,150,578 VEHICLE DEPREC b REPLAC 172,441 379.495 383,069 383,069 591,110 DATA PROCESSING 282,276 482.008 532,858 571,951 712,310 794,103 REDEVELOPMENT 498.108 765.431 802,905 TAX INCREMENT BONDS . 307,888 877.353 484.732 877,352 1,132,400 POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE 11,401 11 5,424 70.000 78,675 28,890 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 246.234 TOTALOTHER FUNDS 9.303.253 9,482,317 21,524,327 22,885,365 24,671.960 CAL LIB SERV ACT (CLSA) 180.613 112.228 164,600 171.1 97 100,000 835,027 XXI I 0 e CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1986-87 TO 1M-91 1987-88 1988-89 1 gas90 TOTAL 1990-91 EXPENDITURES BUDGET BUDGET PROPOSED DEPARTMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ESTIMATED 198SQO CAPITAL FUNDS GENERAL CAPITAL CONST 503,253 1.4n.m 3,000,351 4,277,889 1,455,000 PUBLIC FACILITY FEE 2,791,849 6,333,807 8,709,248 12,895.458 4.782.000 PARK IN LIEU 555,927 1,979,670 199,603 3,145,734 30,000 HOSP GROVE 318,323 52.224 597,776 650.000 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 1,796,871 144,963 1,275,676 1,707.921 675.000 BRIDGE & THOROUGHFARE 9,817 170,387 1,019,796 1,190.182 0 PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 0 0 1,282,000 162.000 300,000 REDEVELOPMENT 1,706,848 984,113 498,034 984.1 13 0 SEWER CONSTRUCTION 0 7,Q89,155 4,304,814 7,989,155 2,464,615 TAX INCREMENT BONDS 0 9,494,252 6,591,160 9,494,252 0 TRANSNETIHIGHWAY 1,875.000 SDGBE 1.198.000 GAS TAX 278,381 400,000 COUNTY GRANTS 250,000 150,000 1.600.000 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT TRANSNET 0 0 1,158.100 200.000 LIBRARY BONDS 10,500,000 GOLF BONDS 7,000,000 PUBLIC ART - 1 I 0 0 147.000 24.691 160.000 DEVELOPER FUNDS 2,850,000 LTR CREDITRONE 19 187,500 PORT DISTRICT 400,000 STATE GRANTS 244.947 476,005 1.059.730 ni ,076 2.400.000 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 4,185,653 3,589,325 2,010,795 5,516.425 0 REVENUE SHARING 17,093 607,907 344.295 607.907 0 FEDERAL GRANTS 57.619 1 .gs3,a90 864.085 1.683.890 0 COMMITY DEVEL BLOCK GRANTS 240.301 602,090 WATER PROJECTS 149,288 WATER DIST MAJOR FACILITY 5,968,752 5,989,752 6,855,000 WATER DlST PROJECT REPL 4.749.514 4,759.514 5.1 40.000 OTHER 0 591.818 591,818 0 TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 12,188,000 35,203,134 46,253,316 62,421,777 50,622,115 XXI 1 I e m CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1990-91 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 884 SOURCE OF FUNDS FY 1989-90 FY 1989-90 FY 1990-91 DIFFERENCE PROJECTE TAXES PROPERTY TAX SlO,ss0,000 Sl1,loo.ooo $12,400,000 $1,300,000 11.7' SALES TAX 8,948,000 9.500,000 11 .000,000 1,500,000 15.7! TRANSIENT TAX 3,750.000 3.300.000 3.700.000 400,000 12.1: TRANSFER TAX 338.000 340,000 375,000 35,000 10.2! TRAILER COACH IN-LIEU 20,000 20,000 18,000 (2.000) -10.01 FRANCHISE TAX 676,000 880.000 700,000 20,000 2.9, TOTAL TAXES 24,720.000 24,940,000 28,193,000 3,253,000 13.01 LICENSES AND PERMITS CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 671,900 700,000 1,000,000 300,000 42.81 BUSINESS LICENSES 772,000 725,000 875,000 150,000 20.a LICENSE TAX-CONSTRUCTION 337.000 800,000 800,000 0 0.01 OTHER LICENSES & PERMITS 188,Ooo 300.000 300,000 0 0.01 TOTAL LICENSES 8 PERMITS 1,QaQoo 2.525.000 2,975,000 450,000 17.8: STATE SUBVENTIONS ClGARElTE TAX 177,000 150.000 130,000 (20,000) -13.5 VEHICLE IN-LIEU 2,113,000 2,100,000 2,250,000 150,000 7.11 HOMEOWNERS PROP. TAX REIMB. 249,000 250.000 275.000 25.000 10.01 TOTAL STATE SUBVENTIONS 2,539,000 2,500,000 2,855.000 155,000 6.21 CHARGES FOR SERVICES PLANNING FEES m,ooo 725,000 750,000 25,000 3.4! BUILDING DEPT. FEES 5=,Ooo 575,000 575,000 0 0.01 ENGINEERING FEES 1.958.000 800.000 800,000 0 0.01 WEED CLEANING 35.000 35,Ooo 35,000 0 0.01 ZONE PLAN FEES 117.000 175,000 =,000 (145,000) -82.81 AMBULANCE FEES 207.000 200,000 230,000 30.000 15.01 RECREATION FEES 5w000 800.000 750,000 150,000 25.01 OTHER CHARGES OR FEES 260,000 450.000 475,000 25.000 5.51 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 3,750,000 3,560,000 3,645,000 85.000 2.3! FINES AND FORFEITURES 407.000 530,000 550,000 20,000 3.7. INTEREST 500,000 1,500,000 1,250,000 (250,000) -16.6: INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES 1,700,000 1,550,000 1,800,000 250,000 16.1: OTHER REVENUE SOURCES ' 900,000 100,000 525,000 425,000 425.01 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 38.464.900 37,205,000 41,593,000 4.388.000 11.71 XXlV 0 @ CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1990-91 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS O/o REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 88-8 SOURCE OF FUNDS FY 1989-90 FY 1989-90 FY 1990-91 DIFFERENCE PROJECTEI CDBG ADMINISTRATION GRANT RNENUE 85,000 80,100 85.000 4.900 8.15 POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE ASSET FORFEITURES =,000 50.000 75.000 25,000 5o.oc INTEREST 1 ,000 3,000 8,000 5,000 166.6 TOTAL 31 .OOO 53,000 83.000 30,000 56.H HOUSING INTEREST 1,000 15,000 1 ,000 (1 4,000) -933 TOTAL 1,651,000 1,815.000 1,651,000 36,000 2.2: FEDERAL GRANT 7,650,000 1,800,000 1,650,000 50,000 3.1: AUDIO-VISUAL INSURANCE INTEREST 5,000 6,000 8.000 0 O.O( INSURANCE FEES 80.000 64,000 70,000 6,000 9.3 - TOTAL 85,000 70,000 78,000 6,000 8.5i STREET LIGHTING INTEREST 4,000 13,000 4,000 (9,000) -69.2: INTERDEPARTMENTAL 28,000 24,000 28,000 4,000 16.6i STREET LIGHTING FEES 478.000 490,000 478.000 (12,000) -2.4f DAMAGE REIMBURSEMENT 1,000 5,000 5.000 0 0.oc TOTAL 511.000 532.000 515.000 (1 7,000) -3.2C STREET TREE MAINTENANCE INTEREST 2.000 2.000 2,500 500 25.0C STREET MAINTENANCE FEES 180,600 180,000 295,705 135.705 84.82 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 88.200 86,200 TOTAL 162,000 182,000 384.405 222,405 137.22 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE INTEREST 0 0 0 0 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE FEES 40,000 40,000 116.100 76,100 190.2! GENERAL FUND SUPPORT 57.125 57,125 TOTAL 40,000 40.000 173,225 133.225 333.0f BUENA VISTA CHANNEL INTEREST BUENA VISTA FEES 100,Ooo 100.000 100,000 0 O.O( TOTAL 1 00.000 100,000 100,000 0 O.O( xxv 0 m CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1990-91 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS % REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 88-8 SOURCE OF FUNDS FY 1989-90 PI 1989-90 FY 1990-91 DIFFERENCE PROJECTEI INTEREST 1 ,000 10,000 1,000 (9.000) -9o.oc STATE GRANTS GRANTS 289,400 175,000 289.400 114.400 65.37 TOTAL 290.400 185,000 290,400 105,400 56.97 SENIOR PROGRAMS GRANTS 95,000 153,050 156.913 3,863 2.52 DONATIONS 50.000 50,000 60,000 10.000 20.0c - TOTAL 145.606 203,050 21 6,Ql 3 13,863 8.8: TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 3.060,400 3.020.150 3,554,943 534,793 17.71 LIBRARY BONDS PROPERTY TAX 23.000 23.000 23,000 0 O.O( TOTAL 23.100 23.400 23.100 (300) -1.2L INTEREST 100 400 100 (300) -75.0( SEWER BONDS PROPERTY TAX 126,000 126,000 126,000 0 O.O( INTEREST 1.0oo 1 ,600 1,000 0 O.O( TOTAL 127.000 127,000 127,000 0 O.O( TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 150,100 150.400 150,100 (300) -0.2( WATER MAINTENANCE RECONNECT FEES 8,000 10,000 10,000 0 O.O( INTEREST 10,000 45.OOo 45,000 0 O.O( FIRE PROTECTION 5,000 5,500 6,000 500 9.0! METER CONNECTION FEES 60,000 85,000 72,000 7.000 10.7. LATE CHARGES 150.000 125.000 125.600 0 O.O( MISCELLANEOUS 30.000 55.000 50.000 (5,000) -9.O! TOTAL 1.51 7,000 1 ,=,= 1,608,000 52,500 3.6 READY TO SERVE CHARGE 1.254.000 1,250,000 1,300,000 50,000 4.01 - SEWER MAINTENANCE INTEREST 140.000 145,000 125,000 (20,000) -13.7! SERVICE CHARGES 2,163,000 2,150,000 2,220,000 70.000 3.21 LATERAL CONNECTIONS 23,000 15,000 23.000 8.000 53.3, MISCELLANEOUS 0 2,000 0 (2.000) -100.0~ TOTAL 2,326,000 2.312.000 2.388.000 56,000 2.4 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 3,843.000 3,867,500 3,976,000 108,500 2.8 xxv I 0 m CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1990-91 ESTIMATED PROJECTED EST1 MATED AS O/o REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 88-8 SOURCE OF FUNDS FY 1989-90 FY 1989-90 FY 1990-91 DIFFERENCE PROJECTEI WATER OPERATIONS WATER REVENUES 6,700.000 6,700.000 6,790.000 90,000 1.31 PROPERTY TAX 575,000 575,000 575,000 0 O.O( ENG 8 OTHER SERVICES 1 w.oO0 im,ooo 120.000 (70.000) -36.81 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 98.000 Q8.000 40,000 (58,000) -59.1 I INTEREST 272,000 272,000 310,000 38.000 13.9; TOTAL 7.835.000 7,835,000 7,835,000 0 O.O( WATER DlST PROJECT REPL CAPITAL SURCHARGE 967,600 gs7.6OO 1.002.578 34.978 3.6' CITY CONTRIBUTIONS 3,244,885 3,244,885 1,155,115 (2,089,770) -64.4( INTEREST 226,152 226,152 203.690 (22,462) -9.9: TOTAL 4,438,637 4,438,637 2,361,383 (2.077254) -46.8( WATER DIST MAJOR FACILITIES MAJOR FACILITY CHARGE 1,200.770 1.200.770 1,308,732 107,962 8.9s 88 REFUNDING PROCEEDS 4,312,070 4.31 2.070 0 (4.312.070) -1OO.O( INTEREST INCOME 622,261 622.261 633.836 11,575 1.8( TOTAL 6,l 35,101 6.13!5,101 1,942,588 (4,192,533) -68.31 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT 18.408.738 18,408,738 12,138,951 (6269,787) -34.01 - WORKERS COMP SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST 80,000 50,000 50,000 0 O.O( SERVICES 402.490 400.~ 750,000 349,500 87.2 TOTAL 482,490 450,500 800,000 349,500 77.5 LIABILITY SELF-INSURANCE INTEREST 160.000 145,000 120,000 (25,000) -17.28 SERVICES 739,927 740,000 500,001 (239.999) -32.4, TOTAL 899,927 885,000 620.001 (2W9W -29.9' - HEALTH INSURANCE INTEREST 15,000 40.ooo 45,000 5,000 12.5 INTERDEPARTMENTAL I.=WOOO 1.205.000 1.380,000 155,000 12.8 REIMBURSEMENTS 240.000 220.000 240,000 20,000 9.0 TOTAL 1 ,555,000 1.465.000 1.645.000 180.000 12.2 XXVl I e m CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1990-91 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS O/o REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE OF FY 88-8! SOURCE OF FUNDS FY 1989-90 FY 1989-90 FY 1990-91 DIFFERENCE PROJECTEL VEHICLE MAINTENANCE INTERDEPARTMENTAL 1.084.959 I .OM.I 1 a 1,107,242 53,124 5.04 MISCELLANEOUS 0 40,000 50,000 10,000 25.00 TOTAL 1,064,959 I ,OM,I I a 1,157,242 63.124 5.77 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL 890.000 81 1,970 795,070 (16,900) -2.08 INTEREST 12.000 20,000 12,000 (8.000) 40.00 TOTAL 702,000 831,970 807,070 (24,900) -2.99 DATA PROCESSING INTEREST 8.000 14,000 14,000 0 0.00 TOTAL 527,638 583,312 747.050 163.738 28.07 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 5,232,012 5,309.800 5.776.363 466,463 8.78 CHARGES 521,636 569,312 733,050 163,738 28.78 REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS OPERATIONS 1,016.OOO 756,300 192,800 (563.700) -74.5: TOTAL 1,096,000 901.300 312,600 (588.700) -65.31 -6.2: LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG 254,000 320.000 300,000 INTEREST 20,000 35,000 40,000 5,000 14.2E TOTAL 274.000 =,000 340,000 (15,000) -4.2: INTEREST a0.m 145,000 120,000 (25,000) -17.24 (20,000) TAX INCRMNT BOND DEBT SRV 309,700 308,700 1.007,400 697,700 225.2E TOTAL 641,602 484,700 1,132,400 647,700 133.6 CAPITAL PROJECTS 0 214.000 0 (21 4.000) -1oo.oc TOTAL OTHER FUNDS 2.01 1,602 1.955.OOo 1,785,000 44.000 2.2! BOND INTEREST 331,902 175,000 125,000 (50,000) -28.5i xxv I I. I e W CITY OF CARLSBAD REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 1990-91 ESTIMATED PROJECTED ESTIMATED AS O/o REVENUE RWENUE REVENUE OF FY 88-8 SOURCE OF FUNDS FY 1989-90 FY 1989-90 N 1990-91 DIFFERENCE PROJECTE GENERAL CAPITAL CONSTR 110.000 1,752.177 1.642.177 PUBLIC FACILITY FEE 3,425,100 4.000.000 4.358.699 358,699 8.97 PARK IN LIEU 836,196 725,000 252,292 (472.708) -65.2( ZONE 5 PARK FEE ~,ooo 650.000 222.877 (427.123) -65.71 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE 508.090 =Q,OoO 712,304 62,304 9.55 SEWER CONSTRUCTION 881,846 2.700.000 966,621 (1,733,379) -64.2( TRANSNET 864,000 ~,OOo 1.053.000 503,000 91.4: SDGBE 1.198.000 1,198.000 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT 1,800,000 1,800.000 LIBRARY BONDS 10,500,oO0 10.500.000 BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE 360,112 720,000 657,500 (82.500) -8.6t TRANSNETIHIGHWAY 1.875.000 1,875,000 GOLF BONDS 7,000,000 PUBLIC ART (1% FUND) 5.000 19,050 14.050 FEDERAL GRANT 90.722 4cUxofm 0 (400,000) -100.0( STATE GRANTS 0 175,000 2,400,000 2,225,000 1271.4: COUNTY GRANTS 280,000 300,000 40.000 PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE 0 89.000 (89.000) -100.0( WATER PROJECTS 225,000 (225,000) ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 400,ofm (400,000) PORT DISTRICT 400.000 LTR CREDITRONE 19 187,500 DEVELOPER FUNDS 2,850,000 2,850,000 GAS TAX 826.000 935.ooo 935,000 0 O.O( CDBG 255,000 108.287 248.528 140,261 131.91 - TOTAL 7,927,068 12,700,287 39,486,548 19,198,781 151.1; GRAND TOTAL $77,097,818 $82,618,955 $108.480,905 $18,256,450 22.1( XXlX m CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 0 PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1989-90 AND 1990-91 1989-90 1990-91 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1989-90 1 1 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 1 1 0 ITY MANAGER 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER 1 1 ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER 1 1 SECRETARY TO C. MANAGER 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 CLERK TYPIST I 0 1 1 TOTAL CITY MANAGER 5 6 1 IN FORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY CLERK 1 1 STENO CLERK II 1 1 MINUTES CLERK 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 6 6 0 DATA PROCESSING PROGRAMMEWOPERATOR 2 2 PROGRAMMEWANALYST 1 1 MICRO COMPUTER SPECIALST 1 1 DATA PROCESSING MANAGER 1 1 TOTAL DATA PROCESSING 5 5 0 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 11 11 0 CITY AlTORNEY 1 1 ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 1 1 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY 1 1 SECRETARY TO C. ATTORNEY 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL CITY ATTORNEY 5 5 0 xxx m CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION a PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1989-90 AND 1990-91 1989-90 1990-91 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1989-90 FINANCE DIRECTOR 1 1 ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ACCOUNTANT 3 3 ACOUNTI NG SUPERVISOR 2 2 ACCOUNT CLERK II 4 4 ACOUNT CLERK I 2 2 AUDITOR 1 1 BUSINESS LIC REPRESENTATIVE 0 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL FINANCE 16 17 1 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT 2 2 0 PURCHASING OFFICER 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 BUYER 2 2 STOREKEEPER 1 1 MESSENGER 1 1 TOTAL PURCHASING 6 6 0 1 1 COMPENSATION & BENEFITS MGR 1 1 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES MANAGER 1 1 HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST 1 1 HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 COMPENSATION TECHNICIAN 1 1 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 8 8 0 MGR OF RESEARCH 8 ANALYSIS 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 2 2 SECRETARY I 1 1 TOTAL RESEARCH 4 4 0 xxx I m CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 0 PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1989-90 AND 1990-91 1989-90 1990-91 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1989-90 ADMINSITRATION POLICE CHIEF 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 0 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 2 3 1 OPERATIONS POLICE CAPTAIN 1 1 POLICE LIEUTENANT 4 4 POLICE SERGEANT 6 6 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER 5 8 3 POLICE OFFICER 31 34 3 POLICE SERVICES AIDE 2 1 -1 TOTAL OPERATIONS 49 54 5 INVESTIGATIONS POLICE LIEUTENANT 1 1 POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER 8 8 POLICE OFFICER 0 1 1 POLICE SERVICE AIDE 0 1 1 SECRETARY I 0 2 2 TOTAL INVESTIGATIONS 10 14 4 VICE NARCOTICS POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 POLICE OFFICER 2 2 TOTAL VICE NARCOTICS 3 3 0 TECHNICAL SERVICES POLICE CAPTAIN 1 1 POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 POLICE OFFICER 1 2 1 RECORDS & COMMUNIC SUPERV 1 1 SU PERVlSl NG COMMUNICATOR 1 1 COMMUNICATION OPERATOR II 9 13 4 COMMUNICATION OPERATOR I 4 0 -4 POLICE RECORDS CLERK II 2 6 4 POLICE RECORDS CLERK I 4 0 -4 CRIME PREVENT TECH 1 1 0 SECRETARY I 3 1 -2 TOTAL TECHNICAL SERVICES 28 27 -1 XXXl I 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION a PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1989-90 AND 1990-91 1989-90 1990-91 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1989-90 ALLOCATED TRAFFIC POLICE SERGEANT 1 1 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER 4 4 POLICE OFFICER 2 2 POLICE SERVICES AIDE 1 1 TOTAL TRAFFIC 8 8 0 TOTAL POLICE 1 00 1 09 9 1 1 FIRE BAlTALION CHIEF 4 4 FIRE CAPTAIN 18 18 FIRE CAPTAIN SPECIALIST 4 4 FIRE ENGINEER 18 18 FIRE FIGHTER 12 12 PARAMEDIC-FIRE FIGHTER 18 18 SECRETARY II 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER I 1 0 -1 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER II 1 2 1 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER 111 2 2 TOTAL FIRE 81 81 0 1 1 BUILDING INSPECTOR Ill 2 2 BUILDING INSPECTOR II 4 4 BUlDLlNG INSPECTOR I 1 1 SECRETARY II 0.25 0.25 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 1 1 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I 1 1 BUILDING TECHNICIAN II 0 1 1 TECHNICIAN I 0 2 2 PERMIT CLERK 0 1 1 TOTAL BUILDING INSPECTION 10.25 14.25 4 COMMUNITY DEVEL DIRECTOR 1 1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 SECRETARY II 0.5 0.5 CLERK TYPIST I 2 2 PERMIT CLERK 2 0 -2 RECEF'TIONIST/CASHIER 1 1 TOTAL COMM DEV ADMINIST 7.5 5.5 -2 XXXl I I m CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION W PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1989-90 AND 1990-91 1989-90 1990-91 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1989-90 ADMlNlSTFtATION CITY ENGINEER 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 2 1 WORD PROCESS OPERATOR II 2 3 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 7 9 2 DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT Crpl ENGINEER 1 1 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER 1 2 1 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 7 7 ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER 1 2 1 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 2 3 1 TECHNICIAN I 0 1 1 1 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT 12 16 4 MUNICIPAL PROJECTS MUNICIPAL PROJECT MANAGER 1 1 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER 1 2 1 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 4 4 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 2 2 PRINCIPAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECT 1 1 SR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 2 2 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 5 5 PERMIT CLERK 0 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 0 -1 WORD PROCESS OPERATOR II 1 0 -1 TOTAL MUNICIPAL PROJECTS 18 18 0 TRANSPOfWATION TRAFFIC ENGINEER 1 1 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 2 2 ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER 1 1 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 4 4 0 TOTAL ENGINEERING 41 47 6 xxx I v 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 0 PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1989-90 AND 1990-91 1989-90 1990-91 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) 1989-90 ALLOCATED GROWTH MANAGEMENT MANAGER 1 1 SECRETARY I I 0.25 0.25 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER 1 1 SENIOR PLANNER 1 1 TOTAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT 4.25 4.25 0 1 1 0 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR 1 1 0 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 2 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 0 -1 PRINCIPAL PLANNER 2 2 0 SENIOR PLANNER 3 4 1 ASSOCIATE PLANNER 6 7 1 ASSISTANT PLANNER 3 3 0 PLANNING TECHNICIAN I 1 1 0 PLANNING TECHNICIAN II 0 1 1 GRAPHIC TECHNICIAN 1 1 0 SECRETARY II 1 1 0 WORD PROCESS OPERATOR I 1 1 0 WORD PROCESS OPERATOR I1 2 2 0 TOTAL PLANNING 24 27 3 DEVEL PROCESS SERV MGR 1 0 -1 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER 1 0 -1 ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER 1 0 -1 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 1 0 -1 TECHNICIAN I 3 0 -3 ASSOCIATE PLANNER 1 0 -1 PLANNING TECHNICIAN II 1 0 -1 BUILDING TECHNICIAN II 1 0 -1 TOTAL DEV PROCESS SERV 10 0 -10 xxxv m CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 0 PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1989-90 AND 1990-91 1989-90 1990-91 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1989-90 1 1 ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR 1 1 LIBRARIAN 111 - LITERACY 1 1 LIBRARIAN 111 5 6 1 LIBRARIAN II 1 2 1 LIBRARIAN I 3 3 MEDIA SERVICES MANAGER 1 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT 111 2 2 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 6 6 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 3 4 1 CLERK TYPIST II 3 3 SECRETARY 11 1 1 GRAPHIC ARTIST 1 1 MESSENGER 0 1 1 TOTAL LIBRARY 29 33 4 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 TOTAL CULTURAL ARTS 3 3 0 ADMINISTRATION PARKS & RECREATlON DIRECTOR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 PARK PLANNER 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 CLERK TYPIST It 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 5 5 0 PARK MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 PARK SUPERVISOR 1 1 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 5 5 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER II 9 9 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I 2 4 2 BUILDING MAINT CARPENTER 1 1 TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE 19 21 2 xxxv I 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1989-90 AND 1990-91 1989-90 1990-91 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1989-90 TREE MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERVISOR 1 0.5 -0.5 TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER 1 2 1 TREE TRIMMER II 2 2 TREE TRIMMER I 1 2 1 TOTAL TREE MAINTENANCE 5 6.5 1.5 MEMAN MAINTENANCE PARK SUPERVISOR 0 0.5 0.5 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I 0 1 1 TOTAL MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 0 1.5 1.5 RECREATION OPERATIONS RECEPTIONISTKASHIER 3 3 TOTAL RECREATION OERATIONS 3 3 0 RECREATION FEE SUPPORTR) RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 PRlNC RECREATION SUPERV 1 1 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I1 2 3 1 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I 2 1 -1 RECREATION SPECIALIST I 3 3 TOTAL RECR. FEE SUPPORTED 9 9 0 AQUATICS AQUATIC SUPERVISOR 1 1 TOTAL AQUATICS 1 1 0 SENIOR PROGRAM SR CITIZEN COORDINATOR 1 1 SECRETARY I 1 1 SITE MANAGER 1 1 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAM 3 3 0 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION 45 50 5 XXXVI I m CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 0 PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1989-90 AND 1990-91 1989-90 1990-91 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1989-90 ADMINISIRATION UTILITIEWvlAINTENANCE DIR 1 1 ASST UTlUMAlNT DIR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 5 5 SIREET MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 0.3 0.3 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPT 1 1 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERV 2 2 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 5 5 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER I 7 9 2 TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE 23.3 25.3 2 STREET LIGHTING ELECTRICIAN It 1 1 ELECTRICIAN I 1 1 ELECT OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR 1 1 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING 3 3 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER II a a BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINT SUPT 1 1 BUILDING MAINT SUPERV 1 1 BUILDING MAINT CARP 2 2 CUSTODIAN II 0 1 1 CUSTODIAN a 9 1 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER II 1 1 TOTAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE 13 15 2 XXXVI I I e CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION e PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1989-90 AND 1990-91 1989-90 1990-91 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1989-90 WATER UTILITY MAINT SUPERINTENDENT 0.5 0.5 ACCOUNT CLERK II 0.5 0.5 ENGINEERING TECH II 0.3 0.3 UTILITY MAINT WORKER Ill 1 1 METER SHOP SUPERVISOR 1 1 METER READER 111 0 1 1 METER READER II 5 4 -1 METER READER I 1 1 0 TOTAL WATER 9.3 9.3 0 SANITATION UTILITY MAINT SUPERINTENDENT 0.5 0.5 ACCOUNT CLERK II 0.5 0.5 ENGINEERING TECH II 0.4 0.4 SWER MAINTENANCE SUPERV 1 1 UTILITY MAINT WORKER 111 1 1 UTILITY MAlNT WORKER II 2 2 MAlNT WORKER I 1 1 UTILITY SYSTEM OPERATOR 111 1 1 UTILITY SYSTEM OPERATOR II 1 1 TOTAL SANITATION 0.4 0.4 0 FLEET OPERATIONS FLEET MAINTENANCE SUPERT 1 1 ACCOUNT CLERK I1 1 1 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC II 2 2 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I 1 1 EQUIPMENT SERVICE WORKER 1 1 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC SUPERVISOR 1 1 TOTAL FLEET OPERATIONS 7 7 0 TOTAL UTILITIESNAINTENANCE 69 73 4 xxx I x,;, * CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION e PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1989-90 AND 1990-91 1989-90 1990-91 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1989-90 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HOUSING 8 REDEVELOPMENT DIR 1 1 SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 2.5 2 -0.5 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 SECRETARY II 1 1 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 5.5 5 -0.5 HOUSING SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 0.5 1 0.5 HOUSING SPECIALIST I 1 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 CLERK TYPIST II 1 1 TOTAL HOUSING 3.5 4 0.5 BLOCK GRANT SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 1 TOTAL BLOCK GRANT 1 1 0 TOTAL HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT 10 10 0 GENERAL SERVCIES ADMIN GENERAL MANAGEWDE 0.6 0.6 ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER 1 1 ADM I NlSTRATlVE ANALYST 1 1 ACCOUNTANT 1 1 ACCOUNTING OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 1 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 1 1 RECEPTIONIST 1 1 TOTAL GENERAL SERVICES ADMIN 6.6 6.6 0 XL 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD BY DEPARTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION v PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1989-90 AND 1990-91 1989-90 1990-91 REQUEST NUMBER BUDGET OVER ALLOCATED REQUEST (UNDER) ALLOCATED 1989-90 OPERATlONS SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 SYSTEMS OPERATION SUPERVISOR 1 1 CONSTRUCTION & MAINT SUPERV 1 1 SENIOR SYSTEMS OPERATOR 1 1 SERVICE COORDINATOR 1 1 STOREKEEPER 1 1 SR CONSTR & MAINTENANCE WORKE 1 1 SYSTEMS OPERATOR II 3 3 SYSTEMS OPERATOR I 1 1 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 1 1 FACILITY MAlNT LEADWORKER 1 1 CONSTRUCTION MAINT WORKER 3 3 SENIOR VALVE TECHNICIAN 0 1 1 VALVE TECHNICIAN 0 1 1 OPERATIONS OFFICE ASSISTANT 0 1 1 TOTAL OPERATIONS 16 19 3 ENGINEERING GENERAL MANAGEWDE 0.4 0.4 ENGINEERING MANAGER 1 1 SR. ENGINEERING INSPECTOR 1 1 ENGl N EERl NG INSPECTOR 1 1 ENGl N EERl NG TECHNICIAN 2 3 1 ENGl N EERl NG SECRETARY 1 1 ENGINEERING OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 1 TOTAL ENGINEERING 9.4 10.4 1 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT 32 36 4 524 553 29 SR. ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 2 2 XL I Total 1989-90 Proposed FeeC Fee Description Note Cost Fee Fee Amount Additional Planning Inspections (first lnsp included in plan check fee) 50 50 50 0 Adjustment Plat 514 300 320 20 Administrative Variance - Single Family 344 230 240 10 Administrative Variance - Other 450 390 41 0 20 Appeal - City Council - Single Family 250 100 110 10 Appeal - City Council - Other 980 450 470 20 Appeal - Planning Commission - Single Family 400 100 110 10 Appeal - Planning Commission - Other 1,114 450 470 20 Bridge & Thoroughfare Benefit District Fees Building Permit Fees (Base on state fee schedule) Building Plan Check - 65% of Bldg Permit Construction Change Review - Minor 21 0 50 50 0 Construction Change Review - Major 400 150 160 10 Coastal Development Permit - Single Family 350 100 110 10 Coastal Development Permit - Other 360 350 360 10 CUP 2,598 2,000 2,100 100 CUP - City Manager’s 75 45 50 5 CUP - Non-Profit 2,598 100 110 10 DayCare Permit 71 0 100 110 10 Drainage Fees (3x4) Duplicate Tracing Fees - Final Parcel Maps - per sheet 50 50 50 0 Duplicate Tracing Fees - Final Tract Maps - per sheet 30 30 30 0 Easement or Offer to Dedicate or Improve 423 150 1 60 10 EIA 225 200 21 0 10 EIR - 0 to 20 Acres 6,750 2,000 2,100 1 00 EIR - Over 20 Acres 14,234 5,000 5,250 250 EIR - Addendum 250 250 250 0 EIR - Supplemental (Requiring a Public Hearing) 6,986 1,000 1,050 50 Encroachment Permit (Before Installation) 50 50 50 0 Encroachment Permit (After Installation) 100 100 100 0 Engineering Variance - Minor 82 80 82 2 Engineering Variance - Major 157 150 157 7 Environmental Monitoring Fee 150 100 110 10 Parcel Map 2,320 1,500 1,580 80 Final Tract Map (Base fee + $5 per Acre) 3,446 2,500 2,630 130 Fire Hydrant Fees - See Uti1 Maint dept - $2,500 Deposit Future Improvement Agreements 1 00 75 80 5 General Plan Amendment - 0 to 5 Acres 2,150 1,000 1,050 50 General Plan Amendment - Over 5 Acres 5,243 2,000 2,100 100 Grading Permit - (See Schedule for Rates) Grading Plan Check -100 CY or less(See Schedule for Rates) Growth Management Fees - As established by Council Hillside Dev Permit - Single Family 200 100 110 10 Hillside Dev Permit - Other 922 350 370 20 Improvement Agreement Extension 394 150 160 10 Improvement Inspection Fee (See Schedule Below) Improvement Plan Review (Plan Check) (See Schedule Below) Information to Planning Commission - Single Family 550 100 110 10 (5) (3) (3) Certificate of Compliance 266 225 240 15 (4) (4) (3x4) (3x4) Information to Planning Commissip - Other 1,757 375 390 15 XLI I Total 1989-90 Proposed FeeC Fee Description Note Cost Fee Fee Amount Inspection Overtime (On Request) 75 75 75 0 Landscape Plan Check - Same as lmpvt Plan Check Landscape Inspection - Same as lmpvt Construction lnsp 75 75 75 0 Local Coastal Plan - Amendment - Major 6,000 5,500 5,780 280 Local Coastal Plan - Amendment - Minor 2,000 1,500 1,580 80 Master Plan ($9,500 + $15 per Acre) 33,979 9,500 9,980 480 Master Plan Amendment (Minor) 4,435 1,500 1,580 80 Master Plan Amendment (Major) ($3,500 + $1 0 per Acre) 14,566 3,500 3,680 180 Monumentation (Cash deposit as required) Notice Fees - Based on Cost to Provide Notice Park In-Lieu Fees - (See attached schedule) PD or Condo Revision - 4 or less (1 ) 51 7 200 21 0 10 PD or Condo Revision - 5 to 50 (1 ) 3,814 1,750 1,840 90 PD or Condo Revision - 51 or more (1 ) 8,877 5,000 5,250 250 PD Revision - Non-Res - 4 or less (1 ) 1,184 500 530 30 PD Revision - Non-Res - 5 to 50 (1 ) 2,599 2,500 2,599 99 PD Revision - Non-Res - 51 or more (1) 7,871 5,000 5,250 250 PD or Condo - 4 or less (1 ) 1,371 400 420 20 PD or Condo - 5 to 50 (1) 5,952 3,500 3,680 180 PD or Condo - 51 or more (1) 10,860 10,000 10,500 500 PD - Non-Res - 4 or less (1 1 445 400 420 20 PD - Non-Res - 5 to 50 (1) 5,508 5,000 5,250 250 PD - Non-Res - 51 or more (1) 10,088 10,000 10,088 88 Planned Industrial Permit 733 500 530 30 Planning Commission Determination - Other 1,884 750 790 40 Cost (4) Planning Commission Determination - Single Family 350 200 21 0 10 Planned Developemnt Final Map - Minor (4 or less) 25 15 20 5 Planned Developemnt Final Map - Major (5 to 50) 75 60 60 0 Planned Developemnt Final Map - Major (51 or more) 75 60 60 0 Planned Local Drainage Fees (4) Precise Development Plan 3,155 1,500 1,580 80 Preliminary Plan Review (Single Family Exempt) 184 100 110 10 Public Facilities Fees - 3.5% of Bldg Permit Value Public Facilities Fees Agreement 50 34 40 6 Quitclaim of Easement 423 250 260 10 Redevelopment Permit (Minor) 227 1 00 110 10 Redevelopment Permit (Major) 3,310 1,250 1,310 60 Research Time (By Written Request) - Per Hour 60 50 50 0 Reversion to Acreage 250 250 250 0 Right of Way Permit - Single Family 280 25 30 5 Right of Way Permit - Municipal Projects paying insp fees 280 25 30 5 Right of Way Permit - All other Non-Utility 280 75 80 5 Right of Way Permit - Utility (By Contract) Satellite Antenna Permit 40 25 30 5 School Fees - (Set by School Districts) Sewer Connection Permit (5) 1,250 1,250 0 Sewer Lateral Charges - 4" line 30' long - 10' deep 800 690 720 30 Sewer Lateral Charges - 6" line 30' long - 10' deep 900 81 0 850 40 Sewer Lateral Charges - Over 10' deep add $7.50 per ft Sewer Lateral Charges - Over 30' long add $1 2.50 per ft (3) Sign Permit 50 25 30 5 XLI I I Total 1989-90 Proposed FeeCI Fee Description Note Cost Fee Fee Amount Site Development Plan (Minor) (2) 6,070 2,500 2,630 130 Site Development Plan (Major) 9,961 5,000 5,250 250 Site Development Plan Revision (Minor) (2) 600 400 420 20 Site Development Plan Revision (Major) 1,300 1,000 1,050 50 Special Use Permit 504 250 260 10 Special Use Permit - Flood Plain 1,650 1,000 1,050 50 Specific Plan Amendment (Minor) (2) 3,599 1,500 1,580 80 Specific Plan Amendment (Major) 11,842 5,500 5,780 280 Specific Plan - Less than 5 acres 2,250 1,500 1,580 80 Specific Plan - 5 to 25 acres 15,916 5,000 5,250 250 Specific Plan - More than 25 acres 24,500 12,000 12,600 600 Street Light Energizing Fee Street Name Change 203 100 110 10 Street Sign Deposits (As Required) Street Vacation 547 500 530 30 Structure Relocation 190 150 1 60 10 Tentative Map Rev - No PD - 1 to 25 Units or Lots 3,245 1,000 1,050 50 Tentative Map Rev - No PD - 26 to 100 Units of Lots 4,988 1,250 1,310 60 Tentative Map Rev - No PD - 101 or more Units of Lots 5,447 2,000 2,100 100 Tentative Parcel Map Processing Fee 1,663 1,500 1,580 80 Tentative Parcel Map lyr Extension 424 500 424 (76) Tentative Tract Map Litigation Stay - 114 orginal Fee Tentative Tract Map - No PD - 1 to 25 Units 5,504 1,000 1,050 50 Tentative Tract Map - No PD - 26 to 100 9,102 2,500 2,630 1 30 Tentative Tract Map - No PD - 101 or more 13,231 4,000 4,200 200 TentativeTract Map lyr Extension - 1/2 original Fee Traffic Impact Fee - North 1 South Carlsbad Variance (Single Family) 890 250 260 10 Variance (Other) 937 500 530 30 Water Service Connection Fees - (Set by CMWD) Zone Change - 5.1 to 25 acres 1,350 750 790 40 Zone Code Amendment 1,813 1,000 1,050 50 (1) - Based on number of units or lots whichever is greater (2) - Minor Residential Development - Defined as - 50 or fewer units or lots, Whichever is greater Minor - Other Uses - Defined as less than 2 acres (3) - No change recommended - Previous council action establishing fees remains unchanged (4) - See attached schedule for rate table (5) - Bases on separate fee study - to be presented to Council at a later date Sign Program 277 150 1 60 10 (3) (3) (5) Zone Change - 5 or fewer acres 850 250 260 10 Zone Change - 25.1 or more acres 2,097 1,875 1,970 95 Quadrant Existing Value Fee Per Acre Per Unit Grading Plan Check Fee Schedule BaSe Fee Plus Per Grading Plan Check - 100 CY or less 100 - - Grading Plan Check - 101 to 1,000 CY 500 80.00 lOOCY Grading Plan Check - 1,001 to 10,000 CY 1,300 80.00 1000 Cy Grading Plan Check - 10,001 to 100,000 CY 2,100 80.00 10,000 CY Grading Plan Check - 100,001 CY to 200,000 CY 2,900 80.00 10,000 CY Grading Plan Check - 200,001 CY or more 3,700 80.00 100,000 CY Grading Permit Fee Schedule BaSe Fee Plus Per Grading Permit - 100 CY or less 25 - - Grading Permit - 101 to 1,000 CY 75 10.00 l00CY Grading Permit - 1,001 to 10,000 CY 175 52.50 lO00Cy Grading Permit - 10,001 to 100,000 CY 700 60.00 10,OOOCY Grading Permit - 100,001 to 200,000 CY 1,300 180.00 10,000 CY Grading Permit - 200,001 CY or more 3,100 300.00 100,000 CY Improvement Plan Review Cost of Improvements Fee $0 to $20,000 $20,000 to $50,000 $50,000 to $1 00,000 $100,000 to $250,000 $250,000 to $500,000 $500,000 to $1,000,000 Over $1,000,000 6.00% - $200 Minimum 5.00% - $1,200 Minimum 4.00% - $2,500 Minimum 3.50% - $4,000 Minimum 2.75% - $8,750 Minimum 2.25% - $13,750 Minimum 1.50W - $22,500 Minimum (Improvement Plan Check Fees are based on the current City of San Diego unit prices. This includes the cost of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, asphalt or concrete paving, storm drains, etc.) Improvement Construction Inspection Fee Cost of Improvements Fee $0 to $250,000 $250,001 to $750,000 $750,001 to $2,000,000 $2,000,001 to $5,000,000 $5,000,001 and Over 5% - $250 Minimum 4.5% - $1 2,500 Minimum 4.0% - $33,750 Minimum 3.5% - $80,000 Minimum 3.0% - $175,000 Minimum Street Light Energizing Fee Watts Lumens FfM 70 5,800 85.00 100 9,500 1 15.00 150 16,000 160.00 200 22,000 175.00 (Above Fees are the cost for energizing Each Street Light for eighteen Months) XLV I May, 1990 1989-90 Proposed FeeC Fee Description Note Fee Fee Amoun General City Fees Abandoned Vehicle Removal - Actual Administrative Cost cost cost Administrative Fee for 1915 Act Bond Call 500.00 500.00 Ambulance Fees 165.00 165.00 Bicycle Licenses 3.00 3.00 Bond Search 25.00 30.00 5.0 Business License - Base Fee (No change in other fees) 25.00 25.00 Business License - Fee for Listing of Businesses 25.00 25.00 Business License - Motion Picture taking First Day 30.00 30.00 Business License - Private Police/PatrolMlatch Service 30.00 30.00 Business License - Sign Painter 30.00 30.00 Cabaret Dance Permit 200.00 200.00 City Council Minutes Subscription - Set by City Manager Copies - each 0.15 0.15 Emergency Response Billings - DUI At Cost At Cost Facility Rental (2) Fire - Routine Inspections - Charge per Failed Inspection 20.00 40.00 20.0 Library Audio Visual Insurance fee - Per Video Tape Bicycle Licenses - Replacement or Transfer 1 .oo 1 .oo 0.50 0.50 Library Fines (3) Library Online Searching Fees (3) Police - Alarm Permit 30.00 30.00 Police - False Alarm Fee - Second Occurance 25.00 25.00 Police - False Alarm Fee - All Additional Occurances 50.00 50.00 Police - False Alarm Fee - Businesses - During Business Hrs 100.00 100.00 Police - Fingerprinting Fees 5.00 5.00 Police - Hourly Cost per Police Officer - Determined by Finance Dir Police - Hourly Cost per Police Officer With Vehicle - Determined by Fin Dir At Cost At Cost At Cost At Cost Police - Impounded Vehicle Administrative Charge 12.00 12.00 Police - Report Fee (Free to Victim) 10.00 10.00 Public Dump Permit - Fee per acre 200.00 200.00 Publications - As Determined by the City Manager Returned Check Fee 15.00 15.00 Special City Services - Billed at Cost Special Events - Minimum Filing Fee - One Street (5) 25.00 30.00 5.0 Special Events - Traffic Variance I Major - 5 or fewer intersections (5) 300.00 325.00 25.0 Special Events - More than 5 intersections (5) 500.00 525.00 25.0 General City Fees - Parks & Recreation Agua Hedionda At Cost Special Events - Traffic Variance / Minor - 5 or fewer interesctions (5) 100.00 110.00 10.0 Annual Fee - Resident - Power Boats &Jet Skis 30.00 30.00 Annual Fee - Non-Resident - Power Boats & Jet Skis 40.00 40.00 Annual Fee - Board Sail/Boats under 8'(1/2 of reg. fees) 15.00 15.00 Annual Fee - Board Sail - Additional Decal 10.00 10.00 Replacement Lagoon Permit Decal 6.00 6.00 Daily Fee - Resident - Power Boats &Jet Skis 8.00 8.00 Daily Fee - Non-Resident - Power Boats &Jet Skis 12.00 12.00 Daily Fee - Resident - Passive Use 3.50 3.50 Daily Fee - Non-Resident - Passive Use 6.00 6.00 Per Admission - Youth &Teen 1 .oo 1 .oo Aquatics i XLVl I Fee Description Per Admission - Adult 4 Month Pass - Youth &Teen - Resident 4 Month Pass - Youth &Teen - Non-Resident 4 Month Pass - Adult - Resident 4 Month Pass - Adult - Non-Resident 4 Month Pass - Family - Resident 4 Month Pass - Family - Non-Resident City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Res City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Non-Res City Classes - AdulUeen - Learn To Swim - Res City Classes - Adultrreen - Learn To Swim - Non-Res City Classes - Pre-Beginner - Parenmot thru Adv Pre-School - Res City Classes - Pre-Beginner - Parenmot thru Adv Pre-School - Non-Res Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Res Contract Classes - Aqua X/ Masters Swim (Daily Fee) - Res Contract Classes - Aqua X / Masters Swim (Daily Fee) - Non-Res Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Res Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Non-Res Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Res Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Non-Res Rental - Exclusive Use - Commercial/Corp (Per Hr) Rental - Exclusive Use - CommunitylNon-Profit (Per Hr) Use Agreements - Exclusive Use (Per Hr) Use Agreements - Other - Non-Exclusive use - per lane / per hr (1) Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Non-Res Staff Costs - City provided services (Life Guard / Supervision etc. - Per Hr) Utility Fees - Water Services Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 5/8" meter Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 3/4" meter Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 1 I meter Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 1 1/2" meter Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 2 1/2" meter Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 3" meter Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 6" meter Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 8" meter Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 2" meter Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 4" meter Water Rate - Charge per 5 Units of HoteVEtc - Non-Cooking (per month) Water Rate - Charge per Unit HotelEtc - Allowing Cooking (per month) Water Rate - Non-metered water for fire protection (per month) Water Service Fee - Accounts scheduled for termination for non-payment Water Rate - Multiple units served by same meter (per month) (4) Water Service Fee - Per New Account - Service Turn on Water Meter Deposit - Construction Meters Water Meter - Construction Meter rental fee Utility Fees - Sewer Services Basic Sewer Service Fee - Single Family Dwelling 1989-90 Proposed FeeC Note Fee Fee Amouni 1.75 1.75 23.00 23.00 27.00 27.00 35.00 35.00 40.00 40.00 45.00 45.00 50.00 50.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 2.25 2.25 2.75 2.75 20.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 35.00 35.00 40.00 40.00 75.00 75.00 30.00 30.00 18.00 18.00 1.80 1.80 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.50 0.5 5.05 5.60 0.5 5.15 5.70 0.5 5.60 6.20 0.6 12.40 13.60 1.2 15.30 16.80 1.5 18.20 20.00 1.8 22.40 24.60 2.2 24.05 26.50 2.4 27.00 29.70 2.7 1.20 1.30 0.1 0.80 0.90 0.1 2.90 3.20 0.3 5.80 13.60 7. a 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 450.00 450.00 50.00 50.00 (1 1 7.30 8.00 0.7 Fee Description 1989-90 Proposed Fee( Note Fee Fee Amour