HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-06-26; City Council; 10693; Adoption of Revised Fees for City Services2 AB# /$h 93- TITLE: 6/26/90 ADOPTION OF REVISED FEES FOR CITY SERVICES ,.. MTG. FIN DEPT. DEP CITY CIT' 1. > F -- k JZ u -4 5 03 0 N I 0 el VI 2 a a, +J a cd 4 2 a b 0 N I 0 a [I) 2 a a, +J a 0 a (d 0 N* -I# IM zw 0 .h 4 rn 403 a2 0 CI 0- a, W PE 4.;: 3 5: G8 2 0 0 N a 2 0 z 3 0 0 uo a uo (d t-4u .rl TI uw 34J 8 E$ & 5 a \ \o \ \o CIWOF CARLSBAD - AGENVBILL ti 3 RECOMMENDED ACTION: At the meeting of June 26, 1990 - 1) Introduce Ordinance No. dS-128 adjusting Park-In-Lieu assessment methods. 2) Adopt Resolution No. ?/--A@? setting development-related f 3) Adopt Resolution No. @"J/%etting general city fees and h services fees. At the meeting of July 10, 1990 - 1) Adopt Ordinance No. M5-12b' adjusting Park-In-Lieu assessment methods. ITEM EXPLANATION: As part of the budget development process for 1990-91, staff reviewed city fee structure. The City Council last reviewed fees in May, 1 During 1990-91, a comprehensive bi-annual fee study will be perform The goal of reviewing and setting fees is to cover all or part of the of existing services. The results of the 1990-91 review are summar here and in the attached fee schedules. The recommended fee schedule contains small fee adjustments in orde keep up with inflation. The schedules are based on the fee study and allocation plan prepared for the City last year. The setting of fees is legislatively governed. Article XI11 B of constitution of the State of California establishes that fees assessec general and development related city services must be done so based a reasonable relationship to the cost of performing the sen Development related fees are further controlled by AB 1600, in th nexus (connection) between the fee and the service performed musl establ i shed. The fees recommended were establ i shed based upon the con of recovering costs for services. Some fees, however, recognize tha many cases the City Council may wish to subsidize services to the pub An amendment to the Park-In-Lieu fee Ordinance is the only recomme change within the capital fees. Other capital fees are currently u study and include the Traffic Impact, Bridge and Thoroughfare, Sewer Drainage Fees. Staff will return to Council as the studies are comple The revised Park-In-Lieu Ordinance before the City Council introduction will establish a change in the way property values are resulting in more flexibility. Property assessment will consist of a estate survey to obtain the best estimate of the cost of vacant lan quadrant. The new system will allow for an increase in the Park-In- charges, Revised assessments will be presented to the City Cou annually. Following the adoption of the Ordinance, staff will return quadrant assessment figures. . ‘I +’ I 0 0 Page Two of Agenda Bill No. /fl, L93 - Water fees increase by about 10% in the proposed schedule. charge for a single family residence will go from $5.00 to $5.50 month, resulting in an annual increase of $6.00. Sewer user fees currently under review and will be presented to the Council when comple Development related fees are generally up 6%. The recommended revisi are an attempt to maintain cost recovery for the services received. Th are several new fees included within the Planning field. The new f generally address charges for extensions or amendments to services which there is already a fee. On the average, these fees can range f 1/2 to 3/4 of the cost for the original service. fees category. Both involve the Masters Swim rates. The daily use r for the Masters Swim fee would go up $.50 or 22%. The recommendation based on a survey of four agencies, with results showing Carlsbad as lowest. The Masters Swim Workouts proposed for revision find tha charge would be assessed every month rather than every seven weeks include a rate increase as well. In comparing like time periods, Masters Swim Workout fee would go up $5.00 or 54%. The recommended revision is again based upon a survey indicating that Carlsbad‘s fec the lowest of 12 participants. The revised fee would place Carlsbac 11th place. FISCAL IMPACT: Increased charges for services will provide $100,000 to $150,000 General Fund revenue for 1990-91. Increases in water fees will proi for an additional $130,000 in revenue to the Water Enterprise Fund. I for services are set by the City Council to recover all or part of benefitting from the service. EXHIBITS : 1. 2. 3. The mont Two aquatic fees are the only changes proposed within the general c cost of providing certain services provided to individuals or organiza’ Ordinance adjusting in Park-In-Lieu fee assessment methods & Resolution No. @-2fl’/ establishing fees for development-re1 city services. Resolution No. @-gflf establishing fees for general city serv and water service fees. City of Carlsbad Fee Schedule - Development Related Fees and Ger City Fees and Charges. 4. *' 6- 1 c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 n mug <m m>y &:arm 13 gpo" cjL$% 14 no44 p-iz t-5= mGjog L'<J 15 gwmo EZ~O- 16 2052 c2$ 17 Go 18 19 20 21 22 >a< '&y 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 0 ORDINANCE NO. NS-120 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AMENDING TITLE 20, CHAPTER 20.44 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 20.44.080 TO PROVIDE FOR PERIODIC UPDATES OF PROPERTY VALUES FOR PARK-IN-LIEU FEE PURPOSES. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, does c follows: SECTION I: That Title 20, Chapter 20.44 of the Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 20.4 read as follows: ''20.44.080 Amount of fee in lieu of land dedic (a) When a fee is required to be paid in lieu dedication, the amount of the fee shall be based upon market value of the amount of land which would othe: required to be dedicated pursuant to Section 20.44.040. market value shall be determined by the City Council u following method: . (1) The City Manager may from time to tin the market value of undeveloped property within the Cit survey may be prepared through various means including, limited to, selection of several real estate professional Carlsbad to provide current estimates of undeveloped values with each of the City's four quadrants. (2) The Council shall adopt a rc establishing the value of one acre of park land in each after considering the results of this survey and any other information. (b) Subdividers objecting to such valuation, their own expense, obtain an appraisal of the proper qualified real estate appraiser approved by the City appraisal may be accepted by the City Council if foul reasonable. If accepted, the fee shall be based appraisal. It EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effecti- days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certij adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days a adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meetinc Carlsbad City Council on the 26th day of June and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of 10th day of Ju AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: *' I 8' 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 90-207 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE FEES FOR DEVELOPMENT-RELATED CITY SERVICES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has the authc to establish fees for City services; and WHEREAS, from time to time said fees are reviewed and evaluat6 maintain an adequate fee structure recovering costs for City services; WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the cost of provi development-related services; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it necessary to recover the c for devel opment-re1 ated services; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the fees show Exhibit A attached hereto are fair and reasonable in reaction to services received; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held the necessary public hearings allowed for public comment on the establishment of said fee. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// I c' 1 I* . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Cit Carlsbad, California that the fee schedule shown in Exhibit A atta hereto is hereby adopted and shall become the official fee schedule development-related services for the City of Carlsbad. Any fee area included in said list shall remain under the control of prec resolution adopted by this Council. All fees shall become effectic August 27, 1990. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 26th day of June 9' by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Lar NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: *~~.~iAiiNFw~\ (SEAL) Total 1989-90 Proposed FeeC Additional Planning Inspections (first lnsp included in plan check fee) 50 50 50 0 Adjustment Plat 514 300 320 20 Administrative Variance - Single Family 344 230 240 10 Administrative Variance - Other 450 390 41 0 20 Appeal - City Council - Single Family 250 1 00 110 10 Appeal - City Council - Other 980 450 470 20 Appeal - Planning Commission - Single Family 400 100 110 10 Appeal - Planning Commission - Other 1,114 450 470 20 Bridge & Thoroughfare Benefit District Fees Building Permit Fees (Base on state fee schedule) Building Plan Check - 65% of Bldg Permit Construction Change Review - Minor 21 0 50 50 0 Construction Change Review - Major 400 150 160 10 Coastal Development Permit - Single Family 350 too 110 10 Coastal Development Permit - Other 360 350 360 10 CUP 2.598 2.000 2.100 I00 CUP - Amendment - Regular 1,000 1,Ooo CUP - Amendment - Non-Profit 75 75 CUP - City Manager’s 75 45 50 5 CUP - Extension - Regular 375 375 CUP - Extension - non-profit 50 50 CUP - Non-Profit 2,598 100 110 10 DayCare Permit 71 0 100 110 io DayCare Permit - Extension 50 50 Design Review - Preliminary Review - Major 250 25C Design Review - Preliminary Review - Minor 50 5c Drainage Fees (3x4) Duplicate Tracing Fees - Final Parcel Maps - per sheet 50 50 50 C Duplicate Tracing Fees - Final Tract Maps - per sheet 30 30 30 C Easement or Offer to Dedicate or Improve 423 150 1 60 1c EIA 225 200 21 0 1c EIR - 0 to 20 Acres 6,750 2,000 2,100 1 oc EIR - Over 20 Acres 14,234 5,000 5,250 25C EIR - Addendum 250 250 250 c EIR - Supplemental (Requiring a Public Hearing) 6,986 1,000 1,050 5c Encroachment Permit (Before Installation) 50 50 50 c Encroachment Permit (After Installation) 1 00 100 100 c Engineering Variance - Minor 82 80 82 i Engineering Variance - Major 157 150 157 7 Environmental Monitoring Fee 150 1 00 110 1C Fee Description Note Cost FW Fee Amount (5) (3) (3) Certificate of Compliance 266 225 240 15 Parcel Map 2,320 1,500 1,580 8C Final Tract Map (Base fee + $s per Acre) 3,446 2,500 2.630 13C Fire Hydrant Fees - See Uti1 Maint dept - $2,500 Deposit Future Improvement Agreements 100 75 80 ! General Plan Amendment - 0 to 5 Acres 2,150 1,000 1,050 5( . Total 1989-90 Proposed FeeCI Fee Fee Amount Fee Description Note Cost General Plan Amendment - Over 5 Acres 5,243 2,000 2,100 1 00 Grading Permit - (See Schedule for Rates) Grading Plan Check -100 CY or less(see Schedule for Rates) Growth Management Fees - As established by Council Hillside Dev Permit - Single Family 200 100 110 10 Hillside Dev Permit - Other 922 350 370 20 Hillside Dev Permit Amendment - Single Family 75 75 Hillside Dev Permit Amendment - Other 300 300 Improvement Agreement Extension 394 150 160 10 Improvement inspection Fee (See Schedule Below) Improvement Plan Review (Plan Check) (See Schedule Below) Information to Planning Commission - Single Family 550 100 110 10 Information to Planning Commission - Other 1,757 375 390 15 Inspection Overtime (On Request) 75 75 75 0 Landscape Inspection - Same as lmpvt Construction lnsp 75 75 75 0 (4) (4) (3x4) (3x4) Landscape Plan Check - Same as lmpvt Plan Check Lighting Plan Checks - (Plan Check) (See Schedule Below) Local Coastal Plan - Amendment - Major 6,000 5,500 5,780 280 Local Coastal Plan - Amendment - Minor 2,000 1,500 1,580 80 Master Plan ($9,500 + $15 per Acre) 33,979 9,500 9,980 480 Master Plan Amendment (Minor) 4,435 1,500 1,580 80 Master Plan Amendment (Major) ($3,500 + $1 0 per Acre) 14,566 3,500 3,680 180 Monumentation (Cash deposit as required) Notice Fees - Based on Cost to Provide Notice Park In-Lieu Fees - (See attached schedule) PD or Condo Revision - 4 or less (1 1 517 200 21 0 10 PD or Condo Revision - 5 to 50 (1) 3,814 1,750 1,840 90 PD Revision - Non-Res - 5 to 50 (1) 2,599 2,500 2,599 99 PD or Condo - 4 or less (1 1 1,371 400 420 20 PD - Non-Res - 4 or less (1 1 445 400 420 20 PD - Non-Res - 5 to 50 (1) 5,508 5,000 5,250 250 PD - Non-Res - 51 or more (1) 10,088 10,000 10,088 88 Permit Amendments Not Specifically Identified Planned Industrial Permlt 733 500 530 30 Planned Industrial Permit - Amendment 375 375 Planning Commission Determination - Single Family 350 200 21 0 10 Planning Commission Determination - Other 1,884 750 790 40 Planned Developemnt Final Map - Minor (4 or less) 25 15 20 5 Planned Developemnt Final Map - Major (5 to 50) 75 60 60 0 Planned Developemnt Final Map - Major (51 or more) 75 60 60 0 Planned Local Drainage Fees (4) cost (4) PD or Condo Revision - 51 or more (1) 8,877 5,000 5,250 250 Pb Revision - Nan-Res - 4 or less (1 1 1,1&4 500 530 30 PD Revision - Non-Res - 51 or more (1 1 7,871 5,000 5,250 250 PO or Condo - 5 to 50 (1) 5,952 3,500 3,680 180 PD or Condo - 51 or more (1) 10,860 10,000 10,500 500 (6) Total 1989-90 Proposed F~~CI Precise Development Plan 3,155 1,500 1,580 80 Precise Development Plan - Amendment 1,000 1,000 Preliminary Plan Review (Single Family Eempt) 184 100 110 10 Public Facilities Fees - 3.5% of Bldg Permit Value Public Facilities Fees Agreement 50 34 40 6 Quitclaim of Easement 423 250 260 10 Redevelopment Permit (Minor) 227 100 110 10 Redevelopment Permit (Major) 3,310 1,250 1,310 60 Redevelopment Permit Amendment (Minor) 75 75 Redevelopment Permit Amendment (Major) 750 Research Time (By Written Request) - Per Hour 0 60 50 100 Reversion to Acreage 250 250 250 0 Right of Way Permit - Municipal Projects paying insp fees 280 25 30 5 Right of Way Permit - All other Non-Utility 280 75 80 5 Right of Way Permit - Utility (By Contract) Satellite Antenna Permit 40 25 30 5 School Fees - (Set by School Districts) Sewer Connection Permit (5) 1,250 1,250 0 Sewer Lateral Charges - 4" line 30' long - 10' deep 800 690 720 30 Sewer Lateral Charges - 6" line 30' long - 10' deep 900 81 0 850 40 Fee Description Note Cost Fee Fee Amount (3) 7:; ~ Right of Way Permit - Single Family 280 25 30 51 Sewer Lateral Charges - Over 10' deep add $7.50 per ft Sewer Lateral Charges - Over 30' long add $1 2.50 per ft Sign Permit 50 25 30 5 Sign Program 277 150 160 10 Site Development Plan (Major) 9,961 5,000 5,250 250 Site Development Plan Revision (Minor) (2) 600 400 420 20 Special Use Permit 504 250 260 10 Site Development Plan (Minor) (2) 6,070 2,500 2,630 130 Site Development Plan Revision (Major) 1,300 1,000 1,050 50 Special Use Permit - Flood Plain 1,650 1,000 1,050 50 Special Use Permit Amendment - Flood Plain 750 200 Special Use Permit Amendments - All Other Specific Plan Amendment (Minor) (2) 3,599 1,500 1,580 ao Specific Plan Amendment (Major) 11,842 5,500 5,780 280 Specific Plan - Less than 5 acres 2,250 1,500 1,580 ao 1 Specific Plan - 5 to 25 acres 15,916 5,000 5,250 250 Specific Plan - More than 25 acres 24,500 12,000 12,600 600 Street Light Energizing Fee Street Name Change 203 1 00 110 10 Street Sign Deposits (As Required) Street Vacation 547 500 530 30 Structure Relocation 190 150 1 60 10 Tentative Map Rev - No PD - 1 to 25 Units or Lots 3,245 1,000 1,050 50 Tentative Map Rev - No PD - 26 to 100 Units of Lots 4,988 1,250 1,310 60 Tentative Map Rev - No PD - 101 or more Units of Lots 5,447 2,000 2,100 100 Total 1989-90 Proposed FeeCI Fee Description Note Cost Fee ~ee Amount Tentative Parcel Map Processing Fee 1,663 1,500 1,580 80 Tentative Parcel Map lyr Wension 424 500 424 (76) Tentative Tract Map Litigation Stay - 114 orginal Fee Tentative Tract Map - No PD - 1 to 25 Units 5,504 1,000 1,050 50 Tentative Tract Map - No PD - 26 to 100 9,102 2,500 2,630 130 Tentative Tract Map - No PD - 101 or more 13,231 4,000 4,200 200 Tentative Tract Map lyr Extension - 1/2 original Fee Traffic Impact Fee - North / South Carlsbad Variance (Single Family) 890 250 260 10 Zone Change - 5 or fewer acres 850 250 260 10 Zone Change - 25.1 or more acres 2,097 1,875 1,970 95 Zone Code Amendment 1,813 1,000 1,050 50 (1) - Based on number of units or lots whichever is greater Minor - Other Uses - Defined as less than 2 acres (3) (3) (5) Variance (Other) 937 500 530 30 Water Service Connection Fees - (Set by CMWD) Zone Change - 5.1 to 25 acres 1.350 750 790 40 (2) - Minor Residential Develrnment - Defined as - 50 or fewer units or lots, Whichever is greater (3) - No change recommended - Previous council action establishing fees remains unchanged (4) - See attached schedule for rate table (5) - Bases on separate fee study - to be presented to Council at a later date (6) - Any Permit Amendment not identified assessed at W! to 80% of original cost. (7) - Research Fee = Minimum $25.00 to Maximum $100.00 based on hours to completion. City of Carlsbad Park In-Lieu Fees Existing Value Quadrant E Per Acre Per Unit District 1 - NW 87,120 Single Family Detached & Duplex 786 Attached (4 units or less) 656 Attached (5 units or more) 524 Mobile Home 458 District 2 - NE 87,120 Single Family Detached & Duplex 786 Attached (4 units or less) 656 Attached (5 units or more) 524 Mobile Home 458 District 3 - SW 87,120 Single Family Detached & Duplex 786 Attached (4 units or lass) 656 Attached (5 units or more) 524 Mobile Home 458 District 4 - SE 108,900 Single Family Detached & Duplex 983 Attached (4 units or less) 820 Attached (5 units or more) 655 Mobile Home 573 The proposed Park Fee ordinance would establish a method of determining park land values in each quadrant City of Carlsbad Planned Local Drainage Area Fees Existing Fee Area Per Unit 1 0 2 0 3 3.808 4 1,686 5 2,658 6 200 7 2,273 8 0 9 2,878 10 1,196 11 1.630 12 4.445 13 2,858 Council will be adopting revised drainage fees as pad of a new master drainage study. This study is currently being conducted by the Engineering Department. Grading Plan Check Fee Schedule Ba Fee Plus P6f Grading Plan Check - 100 CY or less 100 - - Gradlng Plan Check - 101 to 1,000 CY 500 80.00 lWCY Grading Plan Check - 1,001 to 10,000 CY 1,300 80.00 1000Cy Grading Pian Check - 10,001 to 100,000 CY 2,100 80.00 10,OOOCY Grading Plan Check - 100,001 CY to 200.000 CY 2,900 80.00 10,000CY Grading Pian Check - 200,001 CY or more 3.700 80.00 100,OOOCY Grading Permit Fee Schedule Base Fee Plus Per Grading Permit - 100 CY or less 25 - - Grading Permit - 101 to 1 ,OOO CY 75 10.00 100CY Grading Permit - 1,001 to 10,OOO CY 175 52.50 1000Cy Grading Permit - 10,001 to 100,000 CY 700 60.00 10,Ooo CY Grading Permit - 100.001 to 200,000 CY 1,300 180.00 10.o0ocY Grading Permit - 200,001 CY or more 3,100 300.00 100,OOO CY Improvement Plan Review Cost of Improvements Fee $0 to $20,000 $20,000 to $?jo,OOo $5o,OOo to $1 00,Ooo $1 00,000 to $250,000 %500,OoO to $1 ,OoO,OOo Over $1 ,OOO,OOo 6.00% - $200 Minimum 5.0096 - $1,200 Minimum 4.0096 - $2,500 Minimum 3.50% - $4,0o0 Minimum 225% - $13,750 Minimum 1.50% - $22,500 Minimum $250,000 to 800,OOO 2.75% - $8,750 Minimum (Improvement Pian Check Fees are based on the current City of San Diego unit prices. This includes the cost of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, asphait or concrete paving, storm drains, etc.) ., . General City Fees and Charges May. 1990 1989-90 Proposed FeeC Fee Description Note Fee Fee Amoun General City Fees Administrative Fee for 1915 Act Bond Call 500.00 500.00 Ambulance Fees 165.00 165.00 Bicycle Licenses 3.00 3.00 Bicycle Licenses - Replacement or Transfer 1 .oo 1 .oo Band Search 25.00 30.00 5.01 Abandoned Vehicle Removal - Actual Administrative Cost Cast COSt Business License - Ease Fee (No change in other fees) 25.00 25.00 Business License - Fee for Listing of Businesses 25.00 25.00 Business License - Motion Picture taking First Day 30.00 30.00 Business License - Private PolicdPatrolMlatch Service 30.00 30.00 Business License - Sign Painter 30.00 30.00 Cabaret Dance Permit 200.00 200.00 City Council Minutes Subscription - Set by City Manager Copies - each 0.15 0.15 Emergency Response Billings - DUI At Cost At Cost Facility Rental (2) Fire - Routine Inspections - Charge per Failed inspection 20.00 40.00 20.01 Library Audio Visual Insurance fee - Per Video Tape 0.50 0.50 Library Fines 0 Library Online Searching Fees (3) Police - Alarm Permit 30.00 30.00 Police - False Alarm Fee - Second Occurance 25.00 25.00 Police - False Alarm Fee - All Additional Occurances 50.00 50.00 Police - False Alarm Fee - Businesses - During Business Hrs 100.00 100.00 Police - Fingerprinting Fees 5.00 5.00 Police - Hourly Cost per Police Officer - Determined by Finance Dir At Cost At Cost Police - Hourly Cost per Police Officer With Vehicle - Determined by Fin Dir AtCost AtCost Police - Impounded Vehicle Administrative Charge 12.00 12.00 Police - Report Fee (Free to Victim) 10.00 10.00 Public Dump Permit - Fee per acre 200.00 200.00 Publications - As Determined by the City Manager Returned Check Fee 15.00 15.00 Special City Services - Billed at Cost Special Events - Minimum Filing Fee - One Street (5) 25.00 30.00 5.0( Special Events - Traffic Variance / Minor - 5 or fewer interesctions (5) 100.00 110.00 10.0( Special Events - Traffic Variance / Major - 5 or fewer intersections (5) 300.00 325.00 25.0( Special Events - More than 5 intersections (5) 500.00 5B.00 B-01 General City Fees - Parks 8 Recreation Agua Hedionda At Cost Annual Fee - Resident - Power Boats &Jet Skis 30.00 30.00 Annual Fee - Non-Resident - Power Boats &Jet Skis 40.00 40.00 Annual Fee - Board SaillBoats under 8'(1/2 of reg. fees) 15.00 15.00 Annual Fee - Board Sail - Additional Decal 10.00 10.00 Replacement Lagoon Permit Decal 6.00 6.00 Daily Fee - Resident - Power Boats &Jet Skis 8.00 8.00 12.00 12.00 Daily Fee - Resident - Passive Use 3.50 3.50 Daily Fee - Non-Resident - Passive Use 6.00 6.00 Per Admission - Youth &Teen 1 .oo 1 .oo Daily Fee - Non-Resident - Power Boats &Jet Skis Aquatics Per Admission - Adult 1.75 1.75 7 May, 1990 1989-90 Proposed 4 Month Pass - Youth &Teen - Resident 23.00 23.00 4 Month Pass - Youth &Teen - Non-Resident 27.00 27.00 4 Month Pass - Adult - Resident 35.00 35.00 4 Month Pass - Adult - Non-Resident 40.00 40.00 4 Month Pass - Family - Resident 45.00 45.00 4 Month Pass - Family - Non-Resident 50.00 50.00 City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Res 15.00 15.00 City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Non-Res 20.00 20.00 City Classes - Adult/Teen - Learn To Swim - Res 20.00 20.00 City Classes - AdulUTeen - Learn To Swim - Non-Res 25.00 25.00 City Classes - Pre-Beginner - Parentnot thru Adv Pre-School - Res 20.00 20.00 City Classes - Pre-Beginner - Parentrrot thru Adv Pre-School - Non-Res 25.00 25.00 Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Res 15.00 15.00 Contract Classes - Aqua X I Masters Swim (Daily Fee) - Res 2.25 2.75 Contract Classes - Aqua X / Masters Swim (Daily Fee) - Non-Res 2.75 3.25 Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Non-Res 25.00 25.00 Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Res (6) 4.29 6.28 Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Non-Res (6) 5.00 7.44 Rental - Exclusive Use - CommerciaVCorp (Per Hr) 75.00 75.00 Rental - Exclusive Use - Community/Non-Profit (Per Hr) 30.00 30.00 Use Agreements - Other - Non-Exclusive use - per lane / per hr (1) 1.80 1.80 10.00 10.00 Fee Description Note Fee Fee Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Non-Res 20.00 20.00 Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Res 20.00 20.00 Use Agreements - Exclusive Use (Per Hr) 18.00 18.00 Staff Costs - City provided services (Life Guard / Supervision etc. - Per Hr) Utility Fees - Water Services Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 518" meter Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 314" meter Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 1" meter Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 1 1/2" meter Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 2 1/2" meter Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 3" meter 5.00 5.50 5.05 5.60 5.15 5.70 5.60 6.20 12.40 13.60 15.30 16.80 18.20 20.00 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 2" meter Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 4" meter Water Rate - Charge per 5 Units of HoteVEtc - Non-Cooking (per month) Water Rate - Charge per Unit HotellEtc - Allowing Cooking (per month) 22.40 24,60 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 6" meter Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 8" meter 24.05 26.50 27.00 29.70 1.20 1.30 0.80 0.90 Water Rate - Multiple units served by same meter (per month) (4) 2.90 3.20 Water Rate - Non-metered water for fire protection (per month) 5.80 13.60 Water Service Fee - Per New Account - Service Turn on 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 Water Meter Deposit - Construction Meters 450.00 450.00 Water Meter - Construction Meter rental fee 50.00 50.00 Utility Fees - Sewer Services Basic Sewer Service Fee - Single Family Dwelling (1) 7.30 7.30 Water Service Fee - Accounts scheduled for termination for non-payment (1) - Utilities & Maint is currently conducting a sewer rate study. No Change recommended at this time. Fee Ch: Amount 0.50 0.50 1.99 2.44 0.50 0.55 0.55 0.60 1.20 1.50 1.80 2,20 1 2.45 2.70 0.10 0.10 0.30 7.80 General City Fees and Charges (2) - Facility rental rates have not been addressed in this study. Existing rates remain in effect. (3) - Library fines and Online searching fees will remain unchanged (4) - When mulitple units are sewed by the same meter, first unit is charged at rate for meter, all others are charged at this (5) - See Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.17.050 (6) - Fees will be charged on a monthly basis, $27.00 for Resident and $32.00 forNon-resident. Rates above reflect a we8 and assume 4.3 weeks per month. L 8 .' i - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e RESOLUTION NO. 90-208 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE FEES FOR GENERAL CITY SERVICES AND WATER SERVICE FEES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has the author to establish' fees for City services; and WHEREAS, from time to time said fees are reviewed and evaluatec maintain an adequate fee structure recovering costs for City services; WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the cost of provic general City services; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it necessary to recover the cc for general City services; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the fees shown Exhibit A attached hereto are fair and reasonable in reaction to services received; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held the necessary public hearings allowed for public comment on the establishment of said fee. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// L .I 1 '. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 a e NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City Carlsbad, California that the fee schedule shown in Exhibit A attac hereto is hereby adopted and shall become the official fee schedule the City of Carlsbad. Any fee area not included in said list shall rem under the control of previous resolution adopted by this Council. fees shall become effective on July 1, 1990, with the exception of wa fees which shall become effective on July 15, 1990. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the C Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 26th day of June , 19 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larsc NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk\ (SEAL) Total 1989-90 Proposed FeeCt Fee Description Note Cost Fee Fee Amount Additional Planning inspections (first lnsp included in plan check fee) 50 50 50 0 Adjustment Plat 514 300 320 20 Administrative Variance - Single Family 344 230 240 10 Administrative Variance - Other 450 390 41 0 20 Appeal - City Council - Single Family 250 100 110 10 Appeal - City Council - Other 980 450 470 20 Appeal - Planning Commission - Single Family 400 100 110 10 Appeal - Planning Commission - Other 1,114 450 470 20 Bridge & Thoroughfare Benefit District Fees Building Permit Fees (Base on state fee schedule) Building Plan Check - 65% of Bldg Permit Certificate of Compliance 266 225 240 15 Construction Change Review - Minor 21 0 50 50 0 Construction Change Review - Major 400 150 160 10 Coastal Development Permit - Single Family '350 100 110 10 Coastal Development Permit - Other 360 350 360 10 CUP 2,598 2,000 2,100 100 CUP - Amendment - Regular 1,000 1,000 CUP - Amendment - Non-Profit 75 75 CUP - City Manager's 75 45 50 5 CUP - Extension - Regular 375 375 CUP - Extension - non-profit 50 50 CUP - Non-Profit 2,598 100 110 10 DayCare Permit 71 0 100 110 10 DayCare Permit - Extension 50 50 Design Review - Preliminary Review - Major 250 250 Design Review - Preliminary Review - Minor 50 50 (5) (3) (3) Drainage Fees (3x4) Duplicate Tracing Fees - Final Parcel Maps - per sheet 50 50 50 0 Duplicate Tracing Fees - Final Tract Maps - per sheet 30 30 30 0 Easement or Offer to Dedicate or Improve 423 150 160 10 EIA 225 200 21 0 10 EIR - 0 to 20 Acres 6,750 2,000 2,100 100 EIR - Over 20 Acres 14,234 5,000 5,250 250 EIR - Addendum 250 250 250 0 EIR - Supplemental (Requiring a Public Hearing) 6,986 1,000 1,050 50 Encroachment Permit (Before Installation) 50 50 50 0 Encroachment Permit (After Installation) 100 100 100 0 Engineering Variance - Minor 82 80 82 2 Environmental Monitoring Fee 150 100 110 10 157 150 157 7 Engineering Variance - Major Parcel Map 2,320 1,500 1,580 80 Final Tract Map (Base fee + $5 per Acre) 3,446 2,500 2,630 130 Fire Hydrant Fees - See Uti1 Maint dept - $2,500 Deposit General Plan Amendment - 0 to 5 Acres 2,150 1,000 1,050 50 Future Improvement Agreements 100 75 80 5 Total 1989-90 Proposed FeeCt Fee Description Note Cost Fee Fee Amount General Plan Amendment - Over 5 Acres 5,243 2,000 2,100 1 00 Grading Permit - (See Schedule for Rates) Grading Plan Check -100 CY or less(See Schedule for Rates) Growth Management Fees - As established by Council Hillside Dev Permit - Single Family 200 100 110 10 Hillside Dev Permit - Other 922 350 370 20 Hillside Dev Permit Amendment - Single Family 75 75 Hillside Dev Permit Amendment - Other 300 300 Improvement Agreement &tension 394 150 160 10 Improvement Inspection Fee (See Schedule Below) Improvement Plan Review (Plan Check) (See Schedule Below) Information to Planning Commission - Single Family 550 100 110 10 Inspection Overtime (On Request) 75 75 75 0 Landscape Plan Check - Same as lmpvt Plan Check Landscape Inspection - Same as lmpvt Construction lnsp 75 75 75 0 (4) (4) (3x4) (3x4) Information to Planning Commission - Other 1,757 375 390 15 Lighting Plan Checks - (Plan Check) (See Schedule Below) Local Coastal Plan - Amendment - Major 6,000 5,500 5,780 280 Local Coastal Plan - Amendment - Minor 2,000 1,500 1,580 80 Master Plan ($9,500 + $15 per Acre) 33,979 9,500 9,980 480 Master Pian Amendment (Minor) 4,435 1,500 1,580 80 Master Pian Amendment (Major) ($3,500 + $10 per Acre) 14,566 3,500 3,680 180 Monumentation (Cash deposit as required) Notice Fees - Based on Cost to Provide Notice Park in-Lieu Fees - (See attached schedule) PD or Condo Revision - 4 or less (1) 51 7 200 21 0 10 PD or Condo Revision - 5 to 50 (1) 3,814 1,750 1,840 90 PD Revision - Non-Res - 5 to 50 (1 1 2,599 2,500 2,599 99 PD or Condo - 4 or less (1 1 1,371 400 420 20 PD ar Condo - 5 to 50 ' (I) 5,952 3.500 3.680 180 PD or Condo - 51 or more (1) 10,860 10,000 10,500 500 PO - Non-Res - 4 or less (1 1 445 400 420 20 PD - Non-Res - 5 to 50 (1 1 5,508 5,000 5,250 250 PD - Non-Res - 51 or more (1) 10,088 10.000 10,088 88 Permit Amendments Not Specifically Identified Planned industrial Permit 733 500 530 30 Planned Industrial Permit - Amendment 375 375 Planning Commission Determination - Single Family 350 200 21 0 10 Planning Commission Determination - Other 1,884 750 790 40 Planned Developemnt Final Map - Minor (4 or less) 25 15 20 5 Planned Deveiopemnt Final Map - Major (5 to 50) 75 60 60 0 Planned Developemnt Final Map - Major (51 or more) 75 60 . 60 0 Planned Local Drainage Fees (4) cost (4) PD or Condo Revision - 51 or more (1 1 8,877 5,000 5,250 250 PD Revision - Non-Res - 4 or less (1) 1,184 500 530 30 PD Revision - Non-Res - 51 or more (1) 7,871 5,000 5,250 250 (6) Total 1989-90 Proposed FeeCI Fee Description Note Cost Fee Fee Amount Precise Development Plan 3,155 1,500 1,580 80 Precise Development Plan - Amendment 1,000 1,000 Preliminary Plan Review (Single Family Exempt) 184 100 110 10 50 34 40 6 Public Facilities Fees Agreement Quitclaim of Easement 423 250 260 10 Redevelopment Permit (Minor) 227 100 110 10 Redevelopment Permit (Major) 3,310 1,250 1,310 60 Redevelopment Permit Amendment (Minor) 75 75 Redevelopment Permit Amendment (Major) 750 750 Research Time (By Written Request) - Per Hour (7) 60 50 100 50 Reversion to Acreage 250 250 250 0 Right of Way Permit - Single Family 280 25 30 5 Right of Way Permit - Municipal Projects paying insp fees 280 25 30 5 Right of Way Permit - All other Non-Utility 280 75 80 5 Right of Way Permit - Utility (By Contract) Satellite Antenna Permit 40 25 30 5 School Fees - (Set by School Districts) Sewer Connection Permit (5) 1,250 1,250 0 Sewer Lateral Charges - 4" line 30' long - 10' deep 800 690 720 30 Sewer Lateral Charges - 6" line 30' long - 10' deep 900 81 0 850 40 Public Facilities Fees - 3.5% of Bldg Permit Value (3) Sewer Lateral Charges - Over 10' deep add $7.50 per ft Sewer Lateral Charges - Over 30' long add $12.50 per ft Sign Permit 50 25 30 5 Sign Program 277 150 160 10 Site Development Plan (Minor) (2) 6,070 2,500 2,630 130 Site Development Plan (Major) 9,961 5,000 5,250 250 Site Development Plan Revision (Minor) (2) 600 400 420 20 Site Development Plan Revision (Major) 1,300 1,000 1,050 50 Special Use Permit 504 250 260 10 Special Use Permit - Flood Plain 1,650 1,000 1,050 50 Special Use Permit Amendment - Flood Plain Special Use Permit Amendments - All Other Specific Plan Amendment (Minor) (2) 3,599 1,500 1,580 80 Specific Plan Amendment (Major) 11,842 5,500 5,780 280 Specific Plan - Less than 5 acres 2,250 1,500 1,580 80 Specific Plan - 5 to 25 acres 15,916 5,000 5,250 250 Specific Pian - More than 25 acres 24,500 12,000 12,600 600 Street Light Energizing Fee Street Name Change 203 I 00 110 10 Street Sign Deposits (As Required) Street Vacation 547 500 530 30 Structure Relocation 190 150 160 10 Tentative Map Rev - No PD - 1 to 25 Units or Lots 3,245 1,000 1,050 50 Tentative Map Rev - No PD - 26 to 100 Units of Lots 4,988 1,250 1,310 60 750 200 Tentative Map Rev - No PD - 101 of more Units of Lots 5,447 2,000 2,100 100 Total 1989-90 Proposed Fee Description Note Cost Fee Fee Tentative Parcel Map Processing Fee 1,663 1,500 1,580 Tentative Parcel Map lyr Extension 424 500 424 Tentative Tract Map Litigation Stay - 114 orginal Fee Tentative Tract Map - No PD - 26 to 100 9,102 2,500 2,630 Tentative Tract Map - No PD - 101 or more 13,231 4,000 4,200 Tentative Tract Map lyr Extension - 112 original Fee Traffic Impact Fee - North / South Carlsbad Variance (Single Family) 890 250 260 Variance (Other) 937 500 530 Water Service Connection Fees - (Set by CMWD) Zone Change - 5.1 to 25 acres 1,350 750 790 Zone Code Amendment 1,813 1,000 1,050 (3) TentativeTract Map - No PD - 1 to 25 Units 5,504 1,060 1,656 (3) (5) Zone Change - 5 or fewer acres 850 250 260 Zone Change - 25.1 or more acres 2,097 1,875 1,970 FeeC Amount 80 (76) 50 130 200 10 30 10 40 95 50 i Clty of Carlsbad Park In-Lieu Fees Existing Value Quad rant m Per Acre Per Unit District 1 - NW 87,120 Single Family Detached 8 Duplex 786 Attached (4 units or less) 656 Attached (5 units or more) 524 Mobile Home 458 District 2 - NE 87,120 Single Family Detached & Duplex 786 Attached (4 units or less) 656 Allached (5 units or more) 524 Mobile Home 458 District 3 - SW 87,120 Single Family Detached & Duplex 786 Attached (4 units or less) 656 Attached (5 units or more) 524 Mobile Home 458 DlStrlCt 4 - SE 108,900 Single Family Detached 8 Duplex 983 Attached (4 units or less) 820 Attached (5 units or more) 655 Mobile Home 573 The proposed Park Fee ordlnance would establish a method of determining park land values in each quadrant Clty of Carlsbad Planned Local Drainage Area Fees Existlng Fee Area Pec Unit 1 0 2 0 3 3,808 4 1,686 5 2,658 6 200 7 2,273 8 0 9 2,878 10 1,196 11 1,630 12 4,445 13 2,858 Councli will be adoptlng revised dralnage fees as part of a new master drainage study. This study is currently belng conducted by the Engineering Department, Improvement Plan Review Cost of Improvements Fee $0 to $20,000 $20.000 to $50,000 $50,000 to $100,000 $1 00,000 to $250,000 $250,000 to $500,000 $500,000 to $1 ,o0o,oO0 Over $1,000,000 6.00% - 8200 Minimum 5.0096 - $1,200 Minlmum 4.00% - 52,500 Minimum 3.50% - %,OOO Mlnimum 2.75% - $8.750 Minimum 2.25% - $13,750 Minimum 1.50% - $22,500 Minimum (improvement Pian Check Fees are based on the current City of San Diego unit prices. This includes the cost of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, asphalt or concrete paving, storm drains, etc.) Street Light Energizing Fee Watts Lumens Fee 70 5,800 85.00 100 9,500 115.00 150 16,000 160.00 200 22,000 175.00 (Above Fees are the cost for energizing Each Street Light for eighteen Months) 1 General City Fees and Charges May, 1990 1989-90 Proposed FeeC Fee Description Note Fee Fee Amoun General City Fees Abandoned Vehicle Removal - Actual Administrative Cost Cost cost Administrative Fee for 1915 Act Bond Call 500.00 500.00 Ambulance Fees 165.00 165.00 Bicycle Licenses 3.00 3.00 Bond Search 25.00 30.00 5.0 Business License - Base Fee (No change in other tees) 25.00 25.00 Business License - Fee for Listing of Businesses 25.00 25.00 Bicycle Licenses - Replacement or Transfer 1 .oo 1 .oo Business License - Motion Picture taking First Day 30.00 30.00 Business License - Private PolicelPatrolNVatch Service 30.00 30.00 Business License - Sign Painter 30.00 30.00 Cabaret Dance Permit 200.00 200.00 City Council Minutes Subscription - Set by City Manager Copies - each 0.15 0.15 Emergency Response Billings - DUI At Cost At Cost Facility Rental (2) Fire - Routine Inspections - Charge per Failed Inspection 20.00 40.00 20.0 Library Fines (3) Library Online Searching Fees (3) Police - Alarm Permit 30.00 30.00 Police - False Alarm Fee - Second Occurance 25.00 25.00 Police - False Alarm Fee - All Additional Occurances 50.00 50.00 Police - False Alarm Fee - Businesses - During Business Hrs 100.00 100.00 Police - Fingerprinting Fees 5.00 5.00 Police - Hourly Cost per Police Officer - Determined by Finance Dir Police - Hourly Cost per Police Officer With Vehicle - Determined by Fin Dir Library Audio Visual Insurance fee - Per Video Tape 0.50 0.50 At Cost At Cost At Cost At Cost Police - Impounded Vehicle Administrative Charge 12.00 12.00 Police - Report Fee (Free to Victim) 10.00 10.00 Public Dump Permit - Fee per acre 200.00 200.00 Publications - As Determined by the City Manager Returned Check Fee 15.00 15.00 Special City Services - Billed at Cost At Cost Special Events - Minimum Filing Fee - One Street (5) 25.00 30.00. 5.c Special Events - Traffic Variance I Minor - 5 or fewer interesctions (5) 100.00 110.00 1o.c Special Events - Traffic Variance I Major - 5 or fewer intersections (5) 300.00 325.00 25.C Special Events - More than 5 intersections (5) 500.00 525.00 25.t General City Fees - Parks 8 Recreation Agua Hedionda Annual Fee - Resident - Power Boats &Jet Skis 30.00 30.00 Annual Fee - Non-Resident - Power Boats &Jet Skis 40.00 40.00 Annual Fee - Board SaillBoats under 8(1/2 of reg. fees) 15.00 15.00 Annual Fee - Board Sail - Additional Decal 10.00 10.00 Replacement Lagoon Permit Decal 6.00 6.00 Daily Fee - Resident - Power Boats 8 Jet Skis 8.00 0.00 Daily Fee - Non-Resident - Power Boats &Jet Skis 12.00 12.00 Daily Fee - Resident - Passive Use . 3.50 . 3.50 Daily Fee - Non-Resident - Passive Use 6.00 6.00 Per Admission - Youth &Teen 1 .oo 1 .oo Per Admission - Adult 1.75 1.75 Aquatics 7 General City Fees and Charges May, 1990 1989-90 Proposed FeeCt Fee Description Note Fee Fee Amount 4 Month Pass - Youth &Teen - Resident 23.00 23.00 4 Month Pass - Youth 8, Teen - Non-Resident 27.00 27.00 4 Month Pass - Adult - Non-Resident 40.00 40.00 4 Month Pass - Family - Resident 45.00 45.00 4 Month Pass - Family - Non-Resident 50.00 50.00 City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Res 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 City Classes - Adultrreen - Learn To Swim - Non-Res 25.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 City Classes - Pre-Beginner - Parentrrot thru Adv Pre-School - Non-Res 25.00 25.00 Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Res 15.00 15.00 Contract Classes - Aqua X / Masters Swim (Daily Fee) - Res 2.25 2.75 0.5C Contract Classes - Aqua X / Masters Swim (Daily Fee) - Non-Res 2.75 3.25 0.5C 4 Month Pass - Adult - Resident 35.00 35.00 City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Non-Res City Classes - Adultrreen - Learn To Swim - Res City Classes - Pre-Beginner - Parentrrot thru Adv Pre-School - Res Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Non-Res 20.00 20.00 Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Res 20.00 20.00 Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Non-Res 25,OO 25.00 Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Res (6) 4.29 6.28 1.95 Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Non-Res (6) 5.00 7.44 2.44 Rental - Exclusive Use - CommerciallCorp (Per Hr) 75.00 75.00 Rental - Exclusive Use - Community/Non-Profit (Per Hr) 30.00 30.00 Use Agreements - Exclusive Use (Per Hr) 18.00 18.00 Use Agreements - Other - Non-ficlusive use - per lane / per hr (1) 1.80 1.80 Staff Costs - City provided services (Life Guard I Supervision etc. - Per Hr) 10.00 10.00 Utility Fees - Water Services Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 518" meter 5.00 5.50 0.3 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 3/4" meter 5.05 5.60 0.5: Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 1" meter 5.15 5.70 0.5! Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 1 1/2" meter 5.60 6.20 0.6( Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 2" meter 12.40 13.60 1.2( Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 2 1/2" meter ' 15.30 16.80 1.5( Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 4" meter 22.40 24.60 2.2( Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 3" meter 18.20 20.00 1.8( Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 6" meter 24.05 26.50 2.4f Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 8" meter 27.00 29.70 2.7( Water Rate - Charge per 5 Units of HotellEtc - Non-Cooking (per month) 1.20 1.30 0.1( Water Rate - Charge per Unit Hotel/Etc - Allowing Cooking (per month) 0.80 0.90 0.1( Water Rate - Multiple units served by same meter (per month) (4) 2.90 3.20 0.3( Water Rate - Non-metered water for fire protection (per month) 5.80 13.60 7.81 Water Service Fee - Per New Account - Service Turn on 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 Water Meter Deposit - Construction Meters 450.00 450.00 Water Meter - Construction Meter rental fee 50.00 50.00 Utility Fees - Sewer Services Basic Sewer Service Fee - Single Family Dwelling (1) 7.30 7.30 Water Service Fee - Accounts scheduled for termination for non-payment (1) - Utilities & Maint is currently conducting a sewer rate study. No Change recommended at this time. (2) - Facility rental rates have not been addressed in this study. Existing rates remain in effect. (3) - Library fines and Online searching fees will remain unchanged (4) - When mulitple units are served by the same meter, first unit is charged at rate for meter, all others are charged at t (5) - See Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.17.050 (6) - Fees will be charged on a monthly basis, $27.00 for Resident and $32.00 forNon-resident. Rates above reflect a w and assume 4.3 weeks per month. 8 PERIOD .- Om IkCREASE PERIOD WEEKLY EXISTING TO COST COST PROPOSED (WKLY) Existing Resident 17 Weeks s30.00 I $4.29 Non-Resident 17 Weeks I 35.00 I 5.00 Proposed Resident (Monthly (4.3 Weuks) I 27.00 1 8.28 I 46 51 % Non-Resident (Monthly (4.3 Weeks) I 32.00 I 7.44 I 48.84% - -- May. 1990 1989-90 Proposed FeeCI Fee Description Note Fee Fee Amount 4 Month Pass - Youth &Teen - Resident 23.00 23.00 4 Month Pass - Youth &Teen - Non-Resident 27.00 27.00 4 Month Pass - Adult - Resident 35.00 35.00 4 Month Pass - Adult - Non-Resident 40.00 40.00 4 Month Pass - Family - Resident 45.00 45.00 4 Month Pass - Family - Non-Resident 50.00 50.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 City Classes - Adultrreen - Learn To Swim - Non-Res 25.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 City Classes - Pre-Beginner - Parenmot thru Adv Pre-School - Non-Res 25.00 25.00 Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Res 15.00 15.00 Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Non-Res 20.00 20.00 Contract Classes - Aqua X l Masters Swim (Daily Fee) - Res 2.25 2.75 OS( Contract Classes - Aqua X I Masters Swim (Daily Fee) - Non-Res 2.75 3.25 0.3 Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Res 20.00 - 20.00 Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Non-Res 25.00 25.00 Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Res (6) 17.15 27.00 9.8: Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Non-Res (6) 20.00 32.00 12.0( Rental - Exclusive Use - CommerciallCorp (Per Hr) 75.00 75.00 Rental - Exclusive Use - CommunitylNon-Profit (Per Hr) 30.00 30.00 Use Agreements - Exclusive Use (Per Hr) 18.00 18.00 Use Agreements - Other - Non-Exclusive use - per lane 1 per hr (1) 1.80 1.80 Staff Costs - City provided services (Life Guard / Supervision etc. - Per Hr) 10.00 10.00 City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Res 15.00 15.00 1 City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Non-Res City Classes - Adultrreen - Learn To Swim - Res City Classes - Pre-Beginner - Parenmot thru Adv Pre-School - Res Utility Fees -Water Services Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 98" meter 5.00 5.50 0.51 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 3/4" meter 5.05 5.60 OS! Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 1 1/2" meter 5.60 6.20 0.61 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 2 112" meter 15.30 16.80 1.5 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 3" meter 18.20 20.00 1.8 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 6" meter 24.05 26.50 2.41 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 8" meter 27.00 29.70 2.71 Water Rate - Charge per 5 Units of HotellEtc - Non-Cooking (per month) 1.20 1.30 0.11 Water Rate - Charge per Unit HotellEtc - Allowing Cooking (per month) 0.80 0.90 0.1 Water Rate - Multiple units served by same meter (per month) (4) 2.90 3.20 0.3 Water Rate - Non-metered water for fire protection (per month) 5.80 13.60 7.8 Water Sewice Fee - Per New Account - Service Turn on 15.00 15.00 Water Service Fee - Accounts scheduled for termination for non-payment 20.00 20.00 Water Meter Deposit - Construction Meters 450.00 450.00 Water Meter - Construction Meter rental fee 50.00 50.00 Utility Fees - Sewer Services Basic Sewer Service Fee - Single Family Dwelling (1 1 7.30 8.00 0.7 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 1" meter 5.15 5.70 0.5 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 2" meter 12.40 13.60 1.2 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 4" meter 22.40 24.60 2.2 (1) - Utilities & Maint is currently conducting a sewer rate study. No Change recommended at this time. (2) - Facility rental rates have not been addressed in this study. Existing rates remain in effect. (3) - Library fines and Online searching fees will remain unchanged (4) - When mulitple units are served by the same meter, first unit is charged at rate for meter, all others are charged at (5) - See Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.17.050 (6) - Fee period has changed from 7 weeks to a monthly rate. 8 P e I( JUN Zf5 '9Q 16:37 C.I.F~-455-1113 BU Y GENERALCONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF GENERAL CONTRACTORS OF AMERICA SAN DIEGO COUNTY ASSOCIATION 6336 GREENWICH DRIVE, SUITE F, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92122 (619) 587-0292 June 26, 1990 Honorable Mayor Lewis City Councilmembers City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Dear Mayor Lewis and Councilmembers: The Construction Industry Federation appreciates this opportunity to commei proposed increases to the development-related fees as well as the proposed amef the Park-In-Lieu Fee Ordinance on method of assessment. Despite our efforts we 1 able to attend this evening's City Council meeting to provide testimony to your Counc After review. the Federation supgorts the proposed new fee schedule. It is our support full cost recovery fees which are reasonable, justified and lawful for associated with development-related projects. m- the m revis-ln -- 1 ieu Fee Ord inance asessrnent. This new method will most probably increase charges. Therefore, C/J that we be provided an opportunity to work with City Staff early on in determining proposed increases to the Park-In- Lieu Fees. The Construction Industry Federation, on behalf of its members, the Associate1 Contractors, the Building Industry Association, and the Engineering and General ( Association, appreciates your consideration of these comments. 1200 Elm Avenue mport of Resolutlon No. 90-207: Development Related Fees m of Ordinance No. NS-I 20: Park-ln-Lleu Fee Assessment -::: '* Car1;bad Jo;mal *- Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to North Coast Publishers, Inc. corporate offices: P.O. Box 878, Encinitas, CA 92024 (61 9) 753-6543 Proof of Publicution STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitle' I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general ci published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, a newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general char( which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular in the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one preceding the date of publication of t hereinafter referred to; and that the which the annexed is a printed copy, published in each regular and entire is: newspaper and not in any supplement the following dates, to-wit: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING i The City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearingonTuesday, June26 I~QO, at 6:OO P.M. in the Council rs of City Hall, 1200.Elm Carlsbad, California, to discuss development related fees and general City fees and charges. Interested parties are invited to attend this meeting and present their views and comments to the City Council. Copies of the Fee Schedules are available for public inspection at- the City Clerk's office, 1200 Elm Avenue, or the two libraries: 1250 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, and La COS- ta Branch, 7750 XM, El Camino Written and telephone inquiries may be directed to Debbie Neville of the Finance Department, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, 434-2973. CJ 5227: June 14,1990 ................................ CITY OF CARLSBAD ........ .JSISJE. 1.4.. .............. ................................ Real, Carlsbad. ................................ ................................ I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoir correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San Di California on THE 14TH day of JUNE, L99_ 0 c '. -I ./&9&<& Clerk a #202-2M-12187 \I .* June 12, 1990 Legislative Staff Construction Industry Federation 6336 Greenwich Drive, Suite F San Diego, CA 92122 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Your previous request for notice of public hearing in accord; with Section 54992 of the Government Code had expired. HoweT yesterday I received a renewed request, which I acknowledged. As a courtesy, I wanted to inform you that there will be a pul hearing before the Carlsbad City Council at the meeting of l 26, 1990, concerning some development related fees and I general City fees and charges. Additional information and specifics concerning the fees available in the Office of the City Clerk and in the Fin; Department. The City Council Meeting will begin at 6:OO p.m. I A!- LEE RAUTENKRANZ Ry City Clerk LJ? Enc. (Copy of legal notice) 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008 - (619) 434-2 3' .* June 8, 1990 Woodcrest Development of San Diego, Inc. 5473 Kearny Villa Rd., Suite 210 San Diego, CA 92123 Attn: Ronald J. Van Daele, V.P. RE: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING There will be a public hearing before the Carlsbad City Council at th meeting of June 26, 1990 concerning development related fees and general City fees and charges. The data required by Section 54992 of the Government Code is availabl in the City Clerk's Office and the Finance Department. The City Council Meeting will begin at 6:OO P.M. s* Assistant City Clerk Enc. (Copy of legal notice) 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008 - (619) 434-: .' 0 0 .- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF CARLSBAD The City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 26, 1s at 6:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlst Cal i forni a, to discuss development re1 ated fees and general City fees charges. Interested parties are invited to attend this meeting and present their vi and comments to the City Council. Copies of the Fee Schedules are available for public inspection at the C Clerk's office, 1200 Elm Avenue, or the two libraries: 1250 Elm Aven Carl sbad, and La Costa Branch, 7750 #M, El Camino Real, Carl sbad. Written and telephone inquiries may be directed to Debbie Neville of Finance Department, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, 434-2973. I Fee Description Note Additional Planning Inspections (first lnsp included in plan check fee) Adjustment Plat Administrative Variance - Single Family Administrative Variance - Other Appeal - City Council - Single Family Appeal - City Council - Other Appeal - Planning Commission - Single Family Appeal - Planning Commission - Other Bridge & Thoroughfare Benefit District Fees Building Permit Fees (Base on state fee schedule) Building Plan Check - 65% of Bldg Permit Certificate of Compliance Construction Change Review - Minor Construction Change Review - Major Coastal Development Permit - Single Family Coastal Development Permit - Other CUP CUP - City Manager's CUP - Non-Profit DayCare Permit Drainage Fees 0x41 Duplicate Tracing Fees - Final Parcel Maps - per sheet Duplicate Tracing Fees - Final Tract Maps - per sheet Easement or Offer to Dedicate or Improve EIA EIR - 0 to 20 Acres EIR - Over 20 Acres EIR - Addendum EIR - Supplemental (Requiring a Publlc Hearing) Encroachment Permit (Before Installation) Encroachment Permit (After Installation) Engineering Variance - Minor Engineering Variance - Major Environmental Monitoring Fee Parcel Map Final Tract Map (Base fee + $5 per Acre) Fire Hydrant Fees - See Utll Maint dept - $2.500 Deposit Future Improvement Agreements General Plan Amendment - 0 to 5 Acres General Plan Amendment - Over 5 Acres Grading Permit - (See Schedule for Rates) Grading Plan Check -100 CY or less(See Schedule for Rates) Growth Management Fees - As established by Council Hillside Dev Permit - Single Family Hillside Dev Permit - Other Improvement Agreement Extension (5) (3) (3) (4) (4) Improvement Inspection Fee (See Schedule Below) Improvement Pian Review (Pian Check) (See Schedule Below) Information to Planning Commission - Single Family Information to Planning Cornmissivn - Other (3x4) (3x4) XLI I Total 1989-90 Proposed Fec cost Fee Fee Amou 50 50 50 514 300 320 344 230 240 450 390 41 0 250 100 110 980 450 470 400 100 110 1,114 450 470 266 225 240 21 0 50 50 400 150 160 350 100 110 360 350 360 75 45 50 2,598 100 110 71 0 100 110 50 50 50 30 30 30 423 150 160 225 200 21 0 2,598 2,000 2.100 11 6,750 2.000 2,100 1 14,234 5,000 5,250 2 250 250 250 6,986 1,ooO 1,050 50 50 50 100 100 100 82 80 82 157 150 157 150 100 110 2,320 1,500 1,580 3,446 2,500 2,630 1 100 75 80 2,150 1,OOO 1,050 5,243 2,000 2,100 1 200 100 110 922 350 370 394 150 1 60 550 100 110 1,757 375 390 Total 1989-90 Proposed Fee Fee Description Note Cost Fee Fee Amoun Landscape Plan Check - Same as lmpvt Plan Check Local Coastal Plan - Amendment - Major 6,000 5,500 5,780 281 Local Coastal Plan - Amendment - Minor 2,000 1,500 1,580 81 Master Plan ($9,500 + $15 per Acre) 33,979 9,500 9.980 481 Master Plan Amendment (Minor) 4,435 1,500 1,580 81 Master Plan Amendment (Major) ($3,500 + $10 per Acre) 14,566 3,500 3,680 181 Monumentation (Cash deposit as required) Notice Fees - Based on Cost to Provide Notice Park In-Lieu Fees - (See attached schedule) PO or Condo Revision - 4 or less (1) 517 200 21 0 1 PO or Condo Revision - 5 to 50 (1) 3,814 1,750 1,840 9 PD or Condo Revision - 51 or more (1) 8.877 5.000 5,250 25 PD Revision - Non-Res - 4 or less (1) 1,184 500 530 3 PD Revision - Non-Res - 5 to 50 (1) 2,599 2,500 2.599 3 PO Revision - Non-Res - 51 or more (1) 7,871 5,000 5,250 25( PD or Condo - 4 or less (1 1 1,371 400 420 2( PD or Condo - 51 or more (1) 10,860 10,000 10,500 5a PD - Non-Res - 4 or less (1 1 445 400 420 a PD - Non-Res - 5 to 50 (1) 5,508 5,000 5,250 25( PD - Non-Res - 51 or more (1) 10,088 10,Ooo 10,088 81 Planned Industrial Permit 733 500 530 31 Planning Commission Determination - Single Family 350 200 21 0 11 Plannlng Commission Determination - Other 1,884 750 790 41 Planned Developemnt Final Map - Minor (4 or less) 25 15 2a I Planned Developemnt Final Map - Major (5 to 50) 75 60 60 I Planned Developemnt Final Map - Major (51 or more) 75 60 60 c Planned Local Drainage Fees (4) Precise Development Plan 3,155 1,500 1,580 8( Preliminary Plan Review (Single Family Exempt) 184 100 110 1( Public Facilities Fees - 3.5% of BIdg Permit Value (3) Public Facilities Fees Agreement 50 34 40 ( Quitclaim of Easement 423 250 260 1I Redevelopment Permit (Minor) 227 100 110 11 Redevelopment Permit (Major) 3,310 1,250 1,310 61 Research Time (By Written Request) - Per Hour 60 50 50 ( Reversion to Acreage 250 250 250 I Right of Way Permit - Single Family 280 25 30 ! Right of Way Permit - Municipal Projects paying insp fees 280 25 30 I Rlght of Way Permit - All other Non-Utility 280 75 80 t Right of Way Permit - Utility (By Contract) Satellite Antenna Permit 40 25 30 f School Fees - (Set by School Districts) Sewer Connection Permit (5) 1,250 1,250 ( Sewer Lateral Charges - 4" line 30 long - 10' deep 800 690 720 3 Sewer Lateral Charges - 6" line 30' long - 10' deep 900 81 0 850 4( Sewer Lateral Charges - Over 10' deep add $7.50 per ft Sewer Lateral Charges - Over 30 long add $12.50 per ft Inspection Overtlme (On Request) 75 75 75 Landscape Inspection - Same as lmpvt Construction lnsp 75 75 75 I Cost (4) PD or Condo - 5 to 50 (1 1 5,952 3,500 3,680 1 8( Sign Permit 50 25 30 I XLI I I Total 1989-90 Proposed FW Fee Description Note Cost Fee Fee Amoun Sign Program 277 150 160 1 Site Development Plan (Minor) (2) 6,070 2,500 2,630 13 Site Development Plan Revision (Minor) (2) 600 400 420 2 Site Development Plan Revision (Major) 1,300 1,000 1,050 5 Special Use Permit 504 250 266 1 Special Use Permit - Flood Plain 1,650 1,OOO 1,050 5 Specific Plan Amendment (Major) 11,842 5,500 5,780 28 Site Development Plan (Major) 9,961 5,000 5,250 25 Specific Plan Amendment (Minor) (2) 3,599 1,500 1,580 8 Specific Plan - Less than 5 acres 2,250 1,500 1,580 8 Specific Pian - 5 to 25 acres 15,916 5,000 5,250 25 Specific Pian - More than 25 acres 24,500 12.000 12,600 60 Street Light Energizing Fee Street Name Change 203 100 110 1 Street Sign Deposits (As Required) Street Vacatlon 547 500 530 3 Structure Relocation 190 150 160 1 Tentative Map Rev - No PD - 1 to 25 Units or Lots 3,245 1,000 1,050 5 Tentative Map Rev - No PO - 26 to 100 Units of Lots 4,988 1,250 1,310 c Tentative Map Rev - No PD - 101 or more Units of Lots 5.447 2,000 2,100 1c Tentative Parcel Map Processing Fee 1,663 1,500 1,580 E Tentative Parcel Map lyr Extension 424 500 424 (7 Tentative Tract Map Litigation Stay - 1/4 orginal Fee Tentative Tract Map - No PD - 1 to 25 Units 5,504 1,OOO 1,050 5 Tentative Tract Map - No PD - 26 to 100 9,102 2,500 2,630 13 Tentative Tract Map - No PO - 101 or more 13,231 4,000 4,200 20 TentativeTract Map lyr Extension - 112 original Fee Traffic Impact Fee - North / South Carlsbad Variance (Single Family) 890 250 260 1 Variance (Other) 937 500 530 3 Water Service Connection Fees - (Set by CMWD) Zone Change - 5 or fewer acres 850 250 260 1 Zone Change - 5.1 to 25 acres 1,350 750 790 4 Zone Change - 25.1 or more acres 2,097 1,875 1,970 9 Zone Code Amendment 1,813 1,OOO 1,050 E (1) - Based on number of units or lots whichever Is greater (2) - Minor Residential Development - Defined as - 50 or fewer units or lots, Whichever is greater Minor - Other Uses - Defined as less than 2 acres (3) - No change recommended - Previous council action establishing fees remains unchanged (4) - See attached schedule for rate table (5) - Bases on separate fee study - to be presented to Council at a later date (3) (3) (5) f L* _- *I City of Carlsbad Park In-Lieu Fees Existing Value Fee Quadrant Per Acre Per Unit District 1 - NW 87.1!20 Single Family Detached & Duplex 706 Attached (4 units or less) 656 Attached (5 units or more) 524 Mobile Home 458 District 2 - NE 87,120 Single Family Detached & Duplex 786 Attached (4 units or less) 656 Attached (5 units or more) 524 Mobile Home 458 District 3 - SW 87,120 Single Family Detached & Duplex 786 Attached (4 units or less) 656 Attached (5 units or more) 524 Mobile Home 458 District 4 - SE 108.m Single Family Detached & Duplex 983 Attached (4 units or less) 820 Attached (5 units or more) 655 Mobile Home 573 The proposed Park Fee ordinance would establish a method of determining park land values in each quadrant City of Carlsbad Planned Local Drainage Area Fees Existing Fee Area per unit 1 0 2 0 3 3.868 4 1,686 5 2,658 6 200 7 2,273 8 0 9 2.878 10 1,196 11 1,630 12 4,445 13 2,858 Council will be adopting revised drainage fees as part of a new master drainage study. This study Is currently being conducted by the Engineering Department. ,d - Grading Plan Check Fee Schedule BaSe Fee Plus Per Grading Plan Check - 100 CY or less 100 - - Grading Plan Check - 101 to 1,000 CY 500 80.00 100CY Grading Plan Check - 1,001 to 10,000 CY Grading Plan Check - 10,001 to 100,000 CY 2,100 80.00 10,000CY Grading Plan Check - 100,001 CY to 200,000 CY Grading Pian Check - 200,001 CY or more 3,700 80.00 100,000 CY 1,300 80.00 lOOOCy 2,990 80m ia,ooocy v- Grading Permit Fee Schedule BaSe Fee Plus Per Grading Permit - 100 CY or less 25 - - Grading Permit - 101 to 1,000 CY 75 10.00 100CY Grading Permit - 1,001 to 10,000 CY 175 52.50 lOooCy Grading Permit - 10,001 to 100,000 CY 700 60.00 10,OooCY Grading Permit - 100,001 to 200,000 CY 1,300 180.00 10,OOOCY Grading Permit - 200,001 CY or more 3,100 300.00 100,OOOCY Improvement Plan Review Cost of Improvements Fee $0 to $20,000 $20,000 to $50,000 $50,000 to $loo,OOo $1 00,000 to $250,000 $250,000 to $555oo,OOO $500,000 to $1 ,000,OOo Over $1,000,000 6.00% - $200 Minimum 5.0096 - $1,200 Minimum 4.00% - $2,500 Minimum 3.50% - $4,OOO Minimum 2.75% - $8.750 Minimum 2.25% - $13,750 Minimum 1 SO% - $22,500 Minimum (Improvement Plan Check Fees are based on the current City of San Diego unit prices. This includes the cost of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, asphalt or concrete paving, storm drains, etc.) i 1 May, 1990 1989-90 Proposed Fee Fee Description Note Fee Fee Amou General City Fees Abandoned Vehlcle Removal - Actual Administrative Cost Cost cost Adminisfratlve fw for 1915 Act Bond Call 500.00 500.00 Ambulance Fees 165.00 165.00 Bicycle Licenses 3.00 3.00 Bicycle Licenses - Replacement or Transfer 1 .oo 1 .oo Bond Search 25.00 30.00 5. Business License - Base Fee (No change in other fees) 25.00 25.00 Business License - Fee for Listing of Businesses 25.00 25.00 Business License - Motion Picture taking First Day 30.00 30.00 Business License - Private PoliccdPatrolMlatch Service 30.00 30.00 Business License - Sign Painter 30.00 30.00 Cabaret Dance Permit 200.00 200.00 City Council Minutes Subscription - Set by City Manager Copies - each 0.15 0.15 Emergency Response Billings - DUI At Cost At Cost Facility Rental (2) Fire - Routine Inspections - Charge per Failed Inspection 20.00 40.00 20. Library Audio Visual Insurance fee - Per Video Tape 0.50 0.50 Library Fines (3) Library Online Searching Fees (3) Police - Alarm Permlt 30.00 30.00 Police - False Alarm Fee - Second Occurance 25.00 25.00 Police - False Alarm Fee - All Additional Occurances 50.00 50.00 Police - False Alarm Fee - Businesses - During Business Hrs 100.00 100.00 Police - Fingerprinting Fees 5.00 5.00 Police - Hourly Cost per Police Officer - Determined by Finance Dir At Cost At Cost Police - Hourly Cost per Police Officer With Vehicle - Determined by Fin Dir At Cost At Cost Police - Impounded Vehicle Administrative Charge 12.00 12.00 Police - Report Fee (Free to Victim) 10.00 10.00 Public Dump Permit - Fee per acre 200.00 200.00 Publications - As Determined by the City Manager Returned Check Fee 15.00 15.00 Special City Services - Billed at Cost At Cost Special Events - Minimum Filing Fee - One Street (5) 25.00 30.00 5. Special Events - Traffic Variance I Minor - 5 or fewer lnteresctlons (5) 100.00 110.00 10. Special Events - Traffic Variance / Major - 5 or fewer intersections (5) 300.00 325.00 25. Special Events - More than 5 intersections (5) 500.00 525.00 25, General City Fees - Parks & Recreation Agua Hedionda Annual Fee - Resident - Power Boats 8 Jet Skis 30.00 30.00 Annual Fee - Non-Resident - Power Boats 8 Jet Skis 40.00 40.00 Annual Fee - Board SaillBoats under 8’(1/2 of reg. fees) 15.00 15.00 Annual Fee - Board Sail - Additional Decal 10.00 10.00 Replacement Lagoon Permit Decal 6.00 6.00 Daily Fee - Resident - Power Boats 8 Jet Skis 8.00 8.00 Daily Fee - Non-Resldent - Power Boats &Jet Skis 12.00 12.00 Daily Fee - Resldent - Passive Use 3.50 3.50 Dally Fee - Non-Resident - Passive Use 6.00 6.00 Per Admission - Youth &Teen 1 .oo 1 .oo Aquatics 1989-90 Proposed Fee Fee Description Note Fee Fee Amou Per Admission - Adult 1.75 1.75 4 Month Pass - Youth &Teen - Resident 23.00 23.00 4 Month Pass - Youth 8 Teen - Non-Resident 27.00 27.00 4 Month Pass - Adult - Resident 35.00 35.00 4 Month Pass - Adult - Non-Resident 48.00 40.00 4 Month Pass - Family - Resident 45.00 45.00 4 Month Pass - Family - Non-Resident 50.00 50.00 City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Res 15.00 15.00 City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Non-Res 20.00 20.00 City Classes - AduiVTeen - Learn To Swim - Res 20.00 20.00 City Classes - AdultlTeen - Learn To Swim - Nan-Res 25.00 25.OQ City Classes - Pre-Beginner - ParenVTot thru Adv Pre-School - Res 20.00 20.00 City Classes - Pre-Beginner - Parenmot thru Adv Pre-School - Non-Res 25.00 25.00 Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Res 15.00 15.00 Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Non-Res 20.00 20.00 Contract Classes - Aqua X 1 Masters Swim (Daily Fee) - Res 2.25 2.25 Contract Classes - Aqua X 1 Masters Swim (Daily Fee) - Non-Res 2.75 2.75 Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Res 20.00 20.00 Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Non-Res 25.00 25.00 Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Res 35.00 35.00 Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Non-Res 40.00 40.00 Rental - Exclusive Use - CommerciallCorp (Per Hr) 75.00 75.00 Rental - Exciusive Use - Community1Non-Profit (Per Hr) 30.00 30.00 Use Agreements - Exclusive Use (Per Hr) 18.00 18.00 Use Agreements - Other - Non-Exclusive use - per lane 1 per hr (1) 1.80 1.80 10.00 10.00 Staff Costs - City provided services (Life Guard 1 Supervision etc. - Per Hr) Utility Fees - Water Services Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 518" meter 5.00 5.50 0 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 34" meter 5.05 5.60 0 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 1" meter 5.15 5.70 0 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 1 112" meter 5.60 6.20 0 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 2" meter 12.40 13.60 1 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 2 112' meter 15.30 16.80 1 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 3" meter 18.20 20.00 1 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 4" meter 22.40 24.60 2 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 6" meter 24.05 26.50 2 Water Rate - Standby Charge (per month) - 8' meter 27.00 29.70 2 Water Rate - Charge per 5 Units of HotelEtc - Non-Cooking (per month) 1.20 1.30 C Water Rate - Charge per Unit HoteEtc - Allowing Cooking (per month) 0.80 0.90 C Water Rate - Multiple units sewed by same meter (per month) (4) 2.90 3.20 C Water Rate - Non-metered water for fire protection (per month) 5.80 13.60 7 Water Service Fee - Accounts scheduled for termination for non-payment Utility Fees - Sewer Services Basic Sewer Service Fee - Singie Family Dwelling (1) 7.30 8.00 ( Water Service Fee - Per New Account - Service Turn on 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 Water Meter Deposit - Construction Meters 450.00 450.00 Water Meter - Construction Meter rental fee 50.00 50.00 (1) - Utilities h Maint is currently conducting a sewer rate study. No Change recommended at this time. (2) - Facility rental rates have not been addressed in this study. Existing rates remain in effect. XLVl i I 1989-98 Proposed Fee Description Note Fee Fee Fee Amoi .. 4 (1 1 e e 1. 4 - >& 0- t I- ment Area will be retained through the addition of one neM Maintenanl Worker. Police - The addition of one Police Officer within the Investigatio Program will keep up with present caseloads. Two Police Officers wi be added to patrol in an effort to retain constant beat staffing throu! normal ly scheduled absences. Orqanizational - A total of two clerical positions are included in t’ 1990-91 budget. The Building Department is converting a full-til temporary position to a regular position. The City Manager’s office converting a regular part-time position to that of full-time. Servic levels will be maintained at their current status. A Principal Civ. Engineer is needed to provide professional supervision of the capit; project design and construction operation. An Engineering Technicii in Water District is included in order to keep up with demands for pl, checking and inspection. The City’s budget contains the commitment to continue the major buildir maintenance program, which includes remodeling Fire Station #1 and embarking ( scheduled roof maintenance. The Juvenile Division Program has been augment[ to include additional counseling hours. Human Resources contains additiona funds for training City staff and completing an Affirmative Action Plan. Citv Fees This year the Council will be reviewing City fees as part of the budget process The proposed budget is based on the existing fee schedule with no specific fe increases. Staff has recommended a variety of fee increases which will generat additional revenue if adopted. The fee schedules provided for Counci consideration are broken into two sections; Developer/Development Re1 ated Fees and General City Fees. This division is necessary because of the ways the la treats various types of fees. constitution of the State of California establishes controls on the establ ishmen of fees. A fee must bear a reasonable relationship to the cost of performin the service received. Under the constitution, any amount in excess of the cos to provide services is considered a tax. Article XI11 A of the constitutioi (Prop 13) limits the City’s ability to establish or increase taxes. Second, development related fees (both operating and capital) are furthe controlled by AB 1600 (Govt Code Section 66000 et seq.). Under these statute: the Council may establish reasonable developer fees as long as there is a nexui (connection) between the fee and the service performed. In the case of capita‘ fees, there must be a nexus between the fee and the benefit derived by thc developer from the project constructed with the fees paid. AB 1600 also impose a variety of controls on the retention of funds by the City, accounting ani budgeting. These and other statutes establish the process for implementing new developet fees, utility fees and general City fees. The process recommended by the stafl Developer fees fall under two basic restrictions. First, article XI11 B of th is as follows: L e 9 .c I" '.# .r 6 * -c* A- ' <- o Review the proposed fee schedule with Council when the budget introduced in early June. Advertise a public hearing on fees at the same time as the public hear on the budget in late June. Adopt the proposed fee schedules or resolutions, and introduce ordinan amending fees set by the municipal code at the time the budget adopted. All fees would become effective 60 days after adoption of resoluti or ordinances. The more general City fees are controlled by the wording of Article XI11 Although there are no statutes requiring public hearings or waiting periods these general fees, it may be prudent for the City to consider using the rn structured approach to setting fees in all areas. The adoption of sewer f must be done by ordinance rather than by resolution. The fee schedules before the Council are based on the fee study and c allocation plan prepared for the City last year. In most cases staff recommending minor increases in development re1 ated operating fees to bring City closer to full cost recovery. In a few cases the fees charged will eq the cost of services provided. Capital fees will remain unchanged in most cas The City Engineer currently has several fee studies underway. These will addr Fees, and Planned Local Drainage Fees. Also, the fee proposal include' revision of the Park In-Lieu fee system to allow an increase in these charg Council will receive each of these studies as they are completed. In the area of general City fees, staff is recommending few changes at this ti No change is proposed in recreation or aquatic fees, library fees, busin 1 icenses or pol ices fees. Water fees will increase by about 10% for 1990-91 under the current prdpos The monthly charge for a single family residence will go from $5.00 to $5.50 month. This will amount to an annual increase of $6.00 for a single fam dwelling. Staff is recommending that the Council and Carlsbad Municipal Wa District Board direct staff to prepare a detailed water rate study during 19 91. Sewer user fees are currently under review by the Utilities & Maintena Director. The consultants report will be available to the Council in late J or early July. Sewer rates are expected to Increase by as much as 35% to if the City wishes to properly fund current operating costs and depreciation the sewer system. If the Council were to adopt all recommended fee increases the City would rece an additional $lOO,OO to $150,000 in general fund revenue. Water revenue wo increase by about $100,000 for next fiscal year. o o o the Bridge b Thoroughfare Benefit District, Traffic Impact Fees, Sewer Connect