HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-07-31; City Council; 10741 Part 2; Arroyo La Costa Master Plan CommunityARROYO LA. COSTA MASTER PLAN Prepared for: City of Carlsbad Planning Department 2075 La$ Balmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 -0 0 INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PREPARATION OF THIS MASTER PIA @ CONSULTANTS: HQFMAN PLANNING ASSOCIATES 2386 Faraday Avenue Suite 120 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Bill Hofman Mike Howes Lisa King (619) 438-1465 ADL PLANNING ASSOCIATES 5962 La Place Court Suite 205 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Anthony Lawson Dennis Cunningham GILLESPIE-DeLORENZO AND ASSOCIATES 1615 Murray Canyon Road Suite 900 San Diego, CA 92108 Gary Hoyt Greg Graves a CITY OF CARLSBAD: Marty Orenyak, Community Development Director Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director Gary Wayne, Acting Assistant Planning Director Dee Landers, Senior Planner Bob Wojcik, Senior Engineer LAND OWNERS: F'IELDSTONE/LA COSTA ASSOCIATES LIMITED P.O. BOX 9000-266 Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 931-8427 John Barone Doug Avis a Ruth Besecker ARROYO LA COSTA MASTER PLAN "c TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction rn A, Purpose 1 B. Project Description 4 C. Master Applications 6 D. Master Plan Goals 9 E. Relation to the La Costa Master Plan 9 n. General Plan and Land Use Provisiomj 12 A General Plan 12 B. Zoning 12 C. Legal Description 14 D. Land Uses 14 1. Residential 14 a. Type of Housing 14 b. Multiple Family Housing 14 c. Affordable Housing 15 2. Open Space 16 3. Schools 18 e E. General Provisions 18 1. Maximum Number of Units 18 2. Recordation 18 3. Nonvesting of Rights 18 4. Mitigation Monitoring 18 5. Growth Management 20 6. Condition Validity 20 7. Dedications 20 8. Availability of Public Services 20 9. Public Facilities 20 10. Zoning 21 11. Fiscal Impacts 21 12. Hillside Development Ordinance 21 13. Location of Improvements 21 14. Trail System 21 15. Landscaping 21 ? 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED e m, 16. Oak Trees 22 17. Architectural Review Board 22 18. Room Additions 22 19. Master Plan Map 22 20. Transfer of Units 22 a. Within Master Plan Area 22 b. Outside Master Plan Area 23 21. Master Homeowners’ Association 23 22. Recreational Vehicle Storage 24 23. Development of Public Facility Phasing 25 III. Development Review Procea 33 A. Master Plan 33 B. Tentative Map/Planned Development Permits 33 C. Site Development Plans 33 D. Public Facility Phasing 34 E. Master Plan Amendments 34 1. Major 34 2. Minor 35 F. Master Plan Review and Update 36 G. Tentative Map/Planned Development Amendments 36 1. Major 36 2. Minor 36 0 H. Site Development Plan Amendments 37 1. Major 37 2. Minor 37 .. 11 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED Pane Iv. General Community Development Standards 38 4D A. Resource Preservation 38 B. Grading 38 C. Architecture 41 D. Setback Standards 50 E. Landscape Guidelines 53 1. Community Landscape Character 53 2. Tentative Tree Selections 55 3. Landscape and Irrigation Standards 58 4. Maintenance 58 5. Streetscape Landscaping 58 6. Plant Sizes 58 7. Landscaping Zones 58 8. Plant Materials 65 F. Entries 66-a G. Fencing 69 1. COmmUnityWall 69 0 2. Village Walls 73 3. Production Fencing 73 H. Views 73 I. Signage 80 1. Temporary 80 2. Permanent 80 J. Lighting 80 V. Open Space 86 A. Introduction 86 B. Bicycle/Pedestrian Trails 91 C. Maintenance 98 iii 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED &i2 VI. Public Facilities 99 A. Introduction 99 B. City Administrative Facilities 99 C. Library Facilities 102 D. Wastewater Treatment Capacity lo6 E. Parks 106 e F. Drainage Facilities 109-a G. Circulation Facilities 112 H. Fire 117 I. Open Space 117 J. Schools 118 K, Sewer Facilities 118 L. Water Facilities 119 VII. Village and ODen SDace Area Development Standards 127 VIII. Appendice3 233 A, Historical Summary B. Resolutions of Approval a (to be added after hearings) iv e LIST OF EXHIBITS e Ezhibit No, Title Page Chptr. 1-1 Proposed Zoning 2 2 Master Plan Land Use 3 3 Location Map 5 4 Significant Grading 7 5 La Costa Master Plan 11 Chptr. 11-6 Proposed General Plan 13 7 Open Space Maintenance 17 8 Land Use Summary Table 19 9 Phasing 26 Chptr. IV-10 Grading Guidelines 40 11 Single Story Building Edge 42 12 Building Perimeter 43 13 Building Planes 44 14 Side yard Setback 46 15 Garage Doors 47 16 Roof Planes 48 17 Architectural Styles 49 18 Setbacks 51 19 Lot Coverage 52 20 Community Landscape Concept 54 21 Permanent Slope Landscaping 56 22 Landscape Character Zones 59 23 Calle Barcelona Street Scape 60 24 Collector Street Scape 61 25 Village Street Scape 62 26 Fire Control Landscaping 64 27 Walls/Fences Plan 67 28 Primary Project Entry 68 29 Village Entries 70 30 Community Theme Walls 71 31 Village Pilasters 72 a 32 Village Theme Walls 74 33 Production Fencing 75 34 Coordination of Fence Heights 76 35 View Corridor Enhancement 77 36 View Control 78 37 Screening Techniques 79 38 Sign Plan 81 39 Permanent Signs 82 40 Temporary Signs 83 41 Sign Illumination 85 Chptr. V-42 Master Plan Open Space 87 43 Recreation Center 89 V 0 LIST OF EXHIBITS (continued) @ Exhibit No. Title PaEe Chptr. V-44 Open Space Lot Alternatives 90 45 Open Space Table 92 46 Trails and Recreation Plan 93 47 Trails Sections 94 48 Walk/Trails Treatment 95 49 Pedestrian Bridge 97 Chptr. VI-50 Watershed Area Boundaries 110 51 Circulation Element Roadways 113 Chptr. VII-58 Village B-Design Criteria 133 59 Village B-Wall/Fence Location 134 60 Village C-Design Criteria 137 61 Village C-Wall/Fence Location 138 62 Village D-Design Criteria 141 63 Village D-Wall/Fence Location 142 64 Open Space Easement 143 65 Village E-Design Criteria 146 66 Village E-Wall/Fence Location 147 67 Open Space Easement 148 69 Village F-Wall/Fence Location 15 1 70 Village G-Design Criteria 154 71 72 Village H-Design Criteria 158 73 Village H-Wall/Fence Location 159 74 Village I-Design Criteria 163 76 Village J-Design Criteria 167 77 Village J-Wall/Fence Location 168 78 Village K-Design Criteria 171 79 Village K-Wall/Fence Location 172 81 Village GWall/Fence Location 176 82 Village M-Design Criteria 179 83 Village M-Wall/Fence Location 180 84 Village N-Design Criteria 183 85 Village N-Wall/Fence Location 184 86 Village 0-Design Criteria 187 87 Village 0-Wall/Fence Location 188 89 Village P-Wall/Fence Location 192 91 Village Q-Wall/Fence Location 196 52-57 Financing Matrices 121-126 68 Village F-Design Criteria 150 Village G-Wall/Fence Location 155 a 75 Village I-Wall/Fence Location 164 80 Village LDesign Criteria 175 88 Village P-Design Criteria 19 1 90 Village Q-Design Criteria 195 vi a LIST OF EXHIBITS (continued) Ti tIe Page Exhibit No, Chptr. VII-92 Village R-Design Criteria 199 93 Village R-Wall/Fence Location 200 94 Village S-Design Criteria 203 95 Village S-Wall/Fence Location 204 98 Open Space Area OS-3 - Design Criteria 210 100 Open Space Area OS4 - Design Criteria 213 a 96 Open Space Area OS-2 - Design Criteria 207 97 Open Space Area OS-2 - Wall/Fence Location 208 99 Open Space Area OS-3 - Wall/Fence Location 211 101 Open Space Area OS4 - Wall/Fence Location 214 102 Open Space Area OS-5 - Design Criteria 2'17 103 Open Space Area OS-5 - Wall/Fence Location 218 105 Open Space Area OS-6 - Wall/Fence Location 221 107 Open Space Area OS-7 - Wall/Fence Location 224 108 Open Space Area OS-8 - Design Criteria 227 109 Open Space Area OS-8 - Wall/Fence Location 228 111 Open Space Area OS-9 - Wall/Fence Location 232 104 Open Space Area OS-6 - Design Criteria 220 106 Open Space Area OS-7 - Design Criteria 223 110 Open Space Area OS-9 - Design Criteria 23 1 e vii e INTRODUCTION This introduction outlines the legal basis and scope of the Arroyo La Costa Master 1 A project description and statement of goals are also provided. A. PURPOSE ' The Arroyo La Costa Master Plan constitutes the zoning for the Southwest poi of the La Costa Master Plan (Exhibit 1, page 2). The Master Plan map (Exhibit 2, page 3) delineates specific neighborhoods w the Master Plan Area. The Master Plan text defines the allowable type and intei of land uses in each neighborhood and provides detailed development and de standards, requirements, development phasing and timing, and the method by w the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan will be implemented. Adoption of the Arroyc Costa Master Plan by the Carlsbad City Council, pursuant to Chapter 21.38 oj Carlsbad Municipal Code, will establish the zoning and development stand and intensity of development by planning area. Approval of the Arroyo La C Master Plan, however, does not vest development rights for the Master Plan P Construction of a portion of the Master Plan Area pursuant to this Master Plan I not vest any right to construct the balance of the plan. Land use and development within the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan shall be sul to all present and future plans, policies or ordinances adopted by the City Cou Development within the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan Area shall fulfill requirements established by the Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan and applicable Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 12, pursuant to Carl: Municipal Code Chapter 21.90. Development within the Master Plan shall be subject to all present and fu Growth Management plans, policies or ordinances adopted by the City Counc Code (Growth Management). The residential development potential for the Mi Plan area has been established by applying the density ranges and the "control PO of the General Plan Land Use designations which were applicable to the prop The net density of 2.69 du/net acre of the entire Master Plan (including the exi! Santa Fe Ridge Development) complies with the Growth Control Point of underlying General Plan density of 3.2 du/net acre for RLM areas and 6 du/net for RM areas. Amendments to the Master Plan are permitted pursuant to the procedure establit in Chapter 21.38 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (P-C Zone) and Chapter III oj Master Plan. The Master Plan defines the phased development of the Arroyc Costa Master Plan Area that assures all phases of development are consistent the requirements of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 12. applicable to the project as a whole as well as with respect to the permissible m by citizen vote including but not limited to Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Munic 1 e ijj P<-, E'> 2 ,J$ (-/ (, --- /-%) c $Y :; qJ i p 1) El Oaa @ F\ 5$, pa IJ Q, r \\ b. Y\ ";II mQ c ,--_ - V!\ \kT,,'\ I) fc--;l$ - 11- VL,!ALLJL1~ rC z: 1 -\( "li q1, :$@ qg((\\*J i lli 1 1 [' I \ \:I? ,/ \<GJ C 1 'yg]J'>\\ 2)) I &a \\ I;; &y- a3&\p, --a --__ 3 The Master Plan iraplemem the City sf Carlshad’s General Plan and Munir Code by providing guidelines and standards for the full development of all ph of the project; by requiring facilities and services consistent with the regulations ordinances of the City’s Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 12; anc ensuring that all City standards and requirements will be met in a consistent uniform manner. Unless specifically discussed in this Master Plan, all City pol and ordinances apply to the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan Area as they would a to any property in the City of Carlsbad. The Master Plan requires conformance all applicable City development standards and requirements. No person shall use or develop any property covered by this Master Plan in a mal which is contrary to the Master Plan as established by the City Council. developers within the Master Plan shall be subject to all terms and conditions oj Arroyo La Costa Master Plan. Prior to the sale of any undeveloped property within the Master Plan area agreement which satisfies the provision of 21.38.030 (b) of the Carlsbad Munic Code shall be presented to the City Council for approval. An amendment to the Zone 12 Local Facilities Management Plan in conformi with the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan has been processed concurrently with Master Plan. The amendment to the Zone 12 Local Facilities Management Plan prepared pursuant to the City‘s Growth Management Program, Title 21, Cha 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The contents of the plan follow the oui established by Section 21.90.110 of the Growth Management Ordinance. The 2 12 Plan is consistent with the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, a implements the Citywide Plan adopted September 23, 1986. The Zone 12 Plan provides a detailed description and analysis of how Zone 12 develop from its current status to build out. The Plan also demonstrates how when each facility and improvement will be constructed in order to accommo development within the Zone (phasing). The Plan also provides a comi description of how each facility and improvement will be financed when mitiga is necessary. 0 a B. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Arroyo La Costa Master Plan includes 528.78 acres located in the south portion of Carlsbad. Exhibit 3 on page 5 indicates the location of the project w existing Rancho Ponderosa subdivision, to the east by Rancho Santa Fe Road existing single family development to the north within the City of Carlsbad. major circulation system and land uses are illustrated by Exhibit 2, page 3. The above-mentioned acreage also includes the 43.2 acres covered by the exi! 170 unit Santa Fe Ridge Project. Since this project was a part of the origina Costa Master Plan, it has been included in the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan. S is bounded to the west by El Camino Real, to the south by Olivenhain Road anc 4 e e Costa Resort --__/- a -l-hE vIuL\GEs OF anru Location Map ARROYO LA COSTA LACOSTA 7 e 5 Fe Ridge has an existing Homeowners’ Association which has the optioi requesting annexation to the Arroyo La Costa Master Homeowners’ Association shall not be required to join. The Master Plan consists of 16 residential Villages, 9 Open Space Planning A a recreation/daycare center, 2 school sites, and a church site. When built out Arroyo La Costa Master Plan will consist of a maximum 1,145 future single fa homes (Le. excluding existing). These residences will be located on lots that r; from 5,000 to over 23,000 square feet in size with the majority of the lots over 7 square feet in size. The minimum size of the flat, usable portion of each lot wi 5,000, 6,000 or 7,000 square feet depending upon the village in which it is loa I), Features of the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan include a pedestrian/bike trail w will be used to provide access from the various neighborhoods to a centrally loc common recreation/day care facility. Passive recreational lots will be locate most of the villages to provide open space as well as access to the trail system pedestrian/bike bridge will span Calle Barcelona from a common recreation, care center to the nearby junior high school. The trail system has been designe provide links to other portions of Carlsbad as well as provide bicyclist and pedest circulation within the Master Plan area. The Master Plan has been designed to preserve the environmental resources loc; on the site. These include an existing riparian habitat at the central, western : of the property and an oak grove located at the northern central area of the propc A portion of the pedestrianlbicycle trail system will be constructed along each the design of the adjacent village as a natural, passive recreation area. A common active recreation area will be located in the center of the project and consist of a junior Olympic pool, tennis courts, recreational building, day care ce and outdoor play areas. Additional, large, passive recreation areas will be loci in the north central and the westerly portion of the Master Plan. Both of tk areas will be linked to the central recreation area through a trail system. A uniform wall, fence, and sign program will be incorporated into the project i to foster a sense of community. ARROYO LA COSTA MASTER APPLICATIONS The following applications are being processed concurrently with this Master P 1. General Plan Amendment to revise land use designations within the Ma Plan area. The existing General Plan designations do not accurately ref existing topography or constraints of this site. The proposed revision have two main results: 1) Changing small areas of residential land uses fi multiple family to single family for better compatibility with surroundin! of the enhanced riparian corridor. The existing oak grove will be incorporated 0 C. 0 6 / 'y 1'' . . '! . .. 7 existing development; and 2) Changing open space boundaries to resu larger, more contiguous open space areas that protect the more valu biological resources on the site. Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment to address the revised use designations. Per the requirements 'of the Carlsbad Growth Manage1 Program, the Zone 12 Local Facilities Management Plan must be update be consistent with the General Plan Land Uses proposed in this Master 1 This Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment addresses existing future projected adequacy of public facilities through build out of the M Plan to City build out. Certification of an Environmental Impact Report addressing all of discretionary approvals being requested with this Master Plan. Environmental Impact Report constitutes all environmental review reqi for approval of this Master Plan and all other discretionary approvals b granted at this time. Master Plan Amendment to the existing La Costa Master Plan to deletc portions of it that refer to the area previously known as La Costa sou^ (Arroyo La Costa). Zone Change fr0m.R-1 to P-C for approximately 8.42 acres at the nortl edge of the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan area to incorporate it into Master Plan area. This parcel was created as a remainder parcel when subdivision to the north was created in the 1970's. Due to the ex2 development and surrounding topography it can only be accessed from south through the master plan area. It is being incorporated as General Open Space in the proposed Master Plan. e 2. 3. 4. 5. 0 6. A 1076 unit Tentative Tract Map, Planned Development and Hill Development Permit for the undeveloped area covered by the Array( Costa Master Plan. This tentative map includes the area that was covere the previously approved tentative map (3 85-6/PUD 80. A Site Development Plan for the common recreation/daycare facility. Site Development Plan includes a 6,400 square foot recreation building w; houses a meeting room and offices, and a 6,400 square foot daycare facj In addition, a swimming pool, tennis courts and play area are proposed. r site development plan is being processed as an independent application f the planned unit development to allow for modifications without amendn to the entire tentative map and planned development permit. A Special Use Permit for alteration of the 100-year flood plain. In orde provide adequate access to the northern portion of the project and allow construction of a circulation element roadway, the 100-year floodplain of small drainage basin within the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan must be alte 7. 8. 8 0 The applicant has provided detailed HEC 11 hydrological studies showin! proposed modification to the 1Wyear floodplain will have no adverse im~ onsite or downstream from the project site. A Special Use Permit to demonstrate compliance with the El Camino Corridor Standards. a 9. D. MASTE!RPLANGOAI2$ The Arroyo La Costa Master Plan has been developed based on the following gi All development within the Master Plan shall conform to these goals: I. Preserve the environmental resources and existing topographic charactt the Master Plan Area. Ensure that development within the Master Plan is compatible with intf development as well as compatible with surrounding development. Create and maintain an open space network (Le., pedestrian/bicycle tr which links neighborhoods within the Master Plan and the Master ' community to surrounding land uses. Create a variety of single family neighborhoods focused on common recrez 2. 3. 4. a areas. 5. Conform to all aspects of Carlsbad's General Plan, Zone 12 Local Facil Management Plan and all applicable City ordinances, regulations and pofi Ensure that public facilities and services that serve the Master Plm community meet or exceed applicable City standards and requirements g to, or concurrent with development. Create an attractive, buffered circulation system that provides for the sa needs of automobiles, cyclists, and pedestrians. 6. 7. E. RELATIONSHIP TO THE LA COSTA MASTIER PEAN The original La Costa Master Plan was approved by the City Council in 1972, has had several amendments since that time. The La Costa Master Plan covl approximately 5282 acres, divided into four areas as follows: The Developed Area 2888 acres The Northwest Area 744 acres The Southeast Area 1121 acres The Southwest Area 529 acres 9 a See Exhibit 5 on page 11 for the location of each of these areas. Because the La Costa Master plan is 17 years old, the document does not adequ: address current environmental concerns nor does it comply with City standards policies. To correct these inconsistencies, in 1985 the City Council directed Carlsbad Planning Department to work with the owner of the undeveloped port of La Costa to revise and update the La Costa Master Plan. Because the ownei the undeveloped portions of La Costa are not yet ready to develop all of 1 properties, staff and the developer have agreed to first address the Southwest of the Master Plan (now called the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan). To simplify matters, the La Costa Master Plan is being amended concurrently the preparation of the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan and will eliminate all refere to the Southwest. The La Costa Master plan will remain in effect for the Develo Northwest and Southeast areas. It is anticipated that the Southeast portion of the La Costa Master Plan will be will be prepared and all references to that area will be removed from the La C Master Plan. Although the Ranchero Estates area was originally included in Developed area of the La Costa Master plan, it was subsequently included in Zone 11 Local Facilities Management Plan and therefore will be incorporated the Southeast La Costa Master Plan. Similar procedures would take place v the Northwest area is developed. This would have the end result of eliminating La Costa Master Plan and replacing it with three or four detailed, up-to-date Mi e next area considered for development. When that occurs, a separate Master 1 0 Plans. Many of the community design concepts developed in the Arroyo La Costa M: Plan may be utilized in the other Master Plans and the La Costa Master Plan. T community design concepts will be incorporated into the La Costa Master Plan P it is revised to accommodate the preparation of a detailed Master Plan for Southeast Area of La Costa. 10 * La Costa Master Plan ARROYO LA COSTA GENERAL PLAN AND LAND USE PROVISIONS 8- G GENERALPLAN The General Plan designations of the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan are show Exhibit 6, page 13. They include the following designations: OS - Open Space RLM - RM - Residential Low Medium, 0-4 dwelling units per acre (Grc Control Point - 3.2 du/ac). Residential Medium 4-8 dwelling units per acre (Growth COI Point 6 du/ac). All development within the Master Plan shall be consistent with these land designations as well as complying with the Master Plan and Village Developr Standards. B. ZONING The property within the boundary of this Master Plan is zoned Planned Commui (PC), as shown on Exhibit 1 on page 2. The PC Zone requires that a Master 1 be approved prior to any development on the site. The Arroyo La Costa Master 1 Zone, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and represents the zoning for the prop within its boundaries. This Master Plan has been prepared in compliance with four goals of the Intent and Purpose section, (21.38.010), of the PC Zone. 1. Provide a method for and to encourage the orderly implementation of general plan and any applicable specific plans by the comprehensive plan and development of large tracts of land under unified ownership developmental control so that the entire tract will be developed in acc with an adopted master plan to provide an environment of stable desirable character; Provide a flexible regulatory procedure to encourage creative and imaginz planning of coordinated communities involving a mixture of resider densities and housing types, open space, community facilities, both public private and, where appropriate, commercial and industrial areas; Allow for the coordination of planning efforts between the developer and city to provide for the orderly development of all necessary public facilj to ensure their availability concurrent with need; Provide a framework for the phased development of an approved ma planned area to provide some assurance to the developer that 1 development will be acceptable to the city; provided such plans art accordance with the approved planned community master plan. complies with all of the requirements of Chapter 21.38, the Planned Commu * 2. 3. 4. 12 m -I 0 Le 5 13 OW-L-. - C. LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of the south half of section 36, township 12 south. range 4 west, Bernardino meridian, together with a portion of fractional sections 1 and 2, tom 13 south, range 4 west, San Bernardino Meridian, together with lot 1 and a poi of lots 2,3,4, 9, 10 and 11 of Rancho Las Encinitas, Map No. 848, all in the co of San Diego, State of California. e D. LANDUSES The specific land uses within this Master Plan itre as shown as Exhibit 2 on pal 1. RESIDENTIAL a. Tvpes of Housing The Arroyo La Costa Master Plan provides for a maximum of 1 future single family dwelling units. The residential portion of Master Plan has been divided into 16 villages (including Santl Ridge). Actual lot sizes within the Master Plan Villages will rang size from a minimum of 5,000 square feet to over 23,600 square The majority of the lots will exceed 7,500 square feet in size building pads of 5,000, 6,000 and 7,000 square feet, depending I the Village in which the lots are located. This design provides a variety of single-family housing opportun consistent with the City's General Plan. Such a design is compatible with surrounding, existing single-family dweliings. * b. Multiple Familv Housing; A requirement of the City of Carlsbad's General Plan Housing Elec is to provide sufficient multi-family housing. The Arroyo La C Master Plan does not propose to construct any multi-family housir the area covered by the Master Plan. To comply with multi-fa housing provisions as discussed in the General Plan, multi-fa housing shall be required to be provided in the Master Plans for undeveloped portions of the Southeast and/or Northwest La Cc The exact location and number of any additional multiple fa housing, if required, will be determined as the Master Plans for tk areas are prepared. To ensure that there is anadequate mixture of housing types in Southeast and/or Northwest area, the following shall be complied 1 prior to recordation of the first final map in the Arroyo La C Master Plan: 14 * i. The City with the assistance and cooperation of the appli shall compile an inventory of the existing and approved si family and multiple family units in the area covered by tht Costa Master Plan to determine whether or not additi Northwest areas. This determination shall be made pric approval of future Master Plans for the Northwest and Soutl portions of La Costa. Said Master Plans shall require developer's agreement to provide the specified amount of n: family housing, if any, within the Master Plan areas. 0 multi-family units shall be required in the Southeast an ii. General Plan Amendments may be processed to providc multiple family housing in the Southeast and Northwest por of La Costa; however, no increased density within these i is either implied or guaranteed. All of i and ii shall be documented in an Agreement bet\ the City of Carlsbad and the Developer. This Agreement be recorded prior to the recordation of the first final map ii Southeast Master Plan Property to ensure compliance. iii. Arroyo La Costa Master Plan Area as a lien on the Develo c. Affordable Housing Another requirement of the Housing Element is to provide suffil affordable housing through a variety of methods. The Arroyo La C Master Plan does not propose to construct any affordable housii the area covered by the Master Plan; however, to comply affordable housing provisions as discussed in the General 1 affordable housing shall be required to be provided in the M Plans for the undeveloped portions of the Southeast and/or North La Costa. The exact method for the provision, location, and nul of any additional affordable family housing, if required, wil determined as the Master Plans for those areas are prepared. Plan's fulfillment of the affordable housing requirement are set < below: As a condition to, and prior to recordation of the first final ma] development under this Master Plan, the City of Carlsbad anc Developer shall enter into a "Housing Element Agreement" as foll i. The City of Carlsbad shall develop a definition of afforc housing using, but not restricted to, the options set forth ii City's Housing Element, which shall include, among other th the estimated "fair share'' of affordable housing which sh 0 The specific items to be accomplished for the Arroyo La Costa Mt 15 0 reasonably be required of all La Costa Master Plans. If determined that a fair share contribution to Affordable Hou is to be calculated with reference to the amount of an applici property approved for development, the Southwest (Arroyc Costa), Southeast and Northwest areas of the La Costa M Plan shall all be included within that calculation. calculation shall be determined prior to approval of fu Master Plans for the Northwest and Southeast portions o Costa. Said Master Plans shall require developer’s agreer to provide the specified ratio of affordable housing within Master Plan areas and specified within the build out calculat for Zones 10 or 11. No increased density within these are either implied or guaranteed by this Master Plan. The City of Carlsbad, with the assistance and cooperation 01 Developer, shall compile an inventory of affordable hou units within the City consistent with the definition of afford housing to be established in Item 1 above (preceding paragra This inventory is necessary to determine future need. All of the foregoing shall be documented in an Agreer between the City of Carlsbad and the Developer. ’ Agreement shall be recorded as a lien on the Develoi Southeast Master Plan Property to ensure compliance. (I) ii. iii. 2. OPEN SPACE * Preservation and enhancement of Open Space is an important aspect of Master plan. Open Space constitutes a major portion of the Master I approximately 135.8 acres or 26% of the Master Plan area will be reta as Open Space. The Southwest La Costa Master Plan Open Space pro@ parkways, utility corridors and an Oak grove located within the commu Exhibit 7 on page 17 shows which open space areas will be maintained bj Master Homeowner’s Association and which will be maintained by Vil Homeowners Association. A more detailed discussion of Open Spac provided beginning on page 86. consists of recreation areas, riparian habitats, natural slopes, trails, landsc 16 e .. - .. -. -~ --. ~ __ - _.-.. ~ -- . I c: 17 3. SCHOOLS Elementary School - Planning Area R, a 12.8 net acre site, has been rese for the Encinitas Unified School District for an elementary school site. Junior High School - Planning Area S, a 24.5 net acre site, has been rese for the San Dieguito Union High School District to be developed as a Ji High School. The detailed site design and timing of the construction of school faciliti these locations will be determined by the school districts. The tentative lots and indicate access points to these future school locations. e map that accompanies this Master Plan will establish these sites as sep; E. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF UNITS The maximum development potential permitted by this Master Plan is SI on Exhibit 8 on page 19. Unless a Master Plan Amendment is processec development allocations shown on Exhibit 8 shall not be changed, excepi residential dwelling units in a planning area may be increased up to 10 pe provided that there is a concurrent reduction in the number of dwelling permitted in another planning area in a corresponding amount, and fu provided that the total maximum number of dwelling units shall nc. 0 increased. 2. RECORDATION Notice of the approval of this Master Plan for property within its bound shall be recorded with the County of San Diego Recorder’s Office. 3. NONVESTING OF RIGHTS Specific development plans shall be evaluated in accordance with Muni Ordinances and Policies in force at the time said plans are befort Planning Commission and the City Council for approval. Where a co in development standards occurs the more restrictive standard shall precedence. Approval and construction of a part of the development pur! to this Master Plan shall not vest any rights in the balance of the Master nor create any vested rights for the approval of any subsequent developrr 4. MITIGATION MONITORING In accordance with the Assembly Bill 3180, all mitigation measures spec in EIR 86-2 and in the approving resolutions shall be complied with in entirety at the appropriate time of development. A mitigation monito 18 13, aaaaaaaaaaaa&&&&& rnrnrnrnrnrnrn~rn rnunwaoz--gaEzoaQ&m 19 program shall be included as an attachment to the resolution certifymg 86-2. 5. GROWTH MANAGEMENT ab The applicant shall comply with all provisions of the Carlsbad MUnii Code, Section 21.90 (Growth Management Program). The applicant by pu building permits pursuant to the Master Plan and the Local Faci Management Plan (LFMP) for Zone 12 agrees that all of the dedication LFMP are reasonably necessary to serve the needs of the developmen which the building permits are required. other requirements imposed as a condition of the Master Plan for Zor 6. CONDITION VALIDITY If any condition for construction of any public improvements or facilitie the payment of any fees in lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or imp by law on this project are challenged, this approval shall be suspende provided in Government Code Section 65913.5. If any such conditir determined to be invalid this approval shall be invalid unless the City Coi determines that the project without the condition complies with requirements of law. 7. DEDICATIONS All land and/or easements required by this Master Plan for public strl open space, recreational purposes and public utility purposes shall be gra to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City and free of all liens encumbrances. 1) 8. AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC SERVICES Approval of this plan does not constitute any guarantee that indivi developments within the Master Plan area will be approved nor that availability of public facilities and services will necessarily coincide witf Developer’s timetable for construction. Availability of public services wi evaluated in the context of subsequent individual approvals. 9. PUBUC FACILITIES To ensure that all development areas of the Master Plan shall be adequ: served, the developers of the Master Plan or portions thereof shall be requ to provide for their share of the construction or funding of all necessary pi facilities pursuant to the approved Zone 12 Local Facilities Management E 20 * 10. ZONING Pursuant to the powers of Chapter 21.38 of Carlsbad Zoning Ordinanc the Master Plan. No person shall use or develop contrary to the provi! of the Master Plan any land located within the boundaries defined bj Master Plan. All provisions of the Master Plan are imposed as a cond of zoning. Approval of this document does not excuse compliance wi~ other applicable City ordinances in effect at the time building pennit issued. (P-C Zone), this Master Plan shall constitute the zoning for all lands w 0 11. FISCAL IMPACTS The fiscal impacts of the proposed project have been analyzed by the appl and reviewed by the City of Carlsbad Finance Department. The analysi determined that the proposed development will have a net zero fiscal in on the City. Although the analysis is a reasonable effort to determinc fiscal impacts of development, amy report of this type should be accepted with the knowledge that it is based on a wide range of assumptions. 1 of these assumptions must be accepted based on a sense of reasonablc rather than fact or defensible research. 12. HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE All development within the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan shall k compliance with Chapter 21.95, the Hillside Development Ordinance, a Carlsbad Municipal Code. 0 13. LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENTS The location of streets, utilities, and other land use related improvemenl approximate on the Master Plan Map. Precise locations will be establ through the approval of the Tentative Map and Site Development Plan variation of up to but not exceeding ten (10) percent in the locations as SI on the Master Plan map shall be considered consistent with the Master Any variations will be governed by Engineering Department Policy N regarding substantial conformance. 14. TRAILSYSTEM An extensive trail system shall be provided for the Master Plan area as SI on the Master Plan Exhibit 46, page 93. 15. LANDSCAPING A detailed landscape and irrigation plan will be submitted to the Plai Director prior to the issuance of building permits for each Village. 0 21 16. OAKTREES Prior to the issuance of a grading permit or the recordation of the first j map within the boundary of the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan, the appli shall submit a map with all the existing onsite Oak trees plotted. In addi a text shall be submitted showing the approximate size of the trees, feasibility of relocating each tree that would be eliminated by develop1 to another place or site. The text shall also include individual cost estirr for relocation and shall be prepared by an expert with experience in relocz Oak trees. The text and map shall be submitted to the Planning Direct0 review and approval. * 17. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD Prior to approval of the first final map the applicant shall establish the Ar La Costa Architectural Review Board. The Architectural Review Board be responsible for the review and approval of all room additions, patio co decks, patios and other structures requiring a building permit. 18. ROOM ADDITIONS All proposed room additions, porch covers, patios, decks and c construction requiring a building permit from the City of Carlsbad sha approved by the Arroyo La Costa Architectural Review Board. No plan be reviewed by the City unless they first obtain the approval of the AI La Costa Architectural Review Board. All room additions and porch c( shall comply with the setback and lot coverage requirements establishe the Village Development Standards. The above-mentioned information be clearly stated in the Master CC&Rs for this project. * 19. MASTERPLANMAP All purchasers of homes within the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan sha given a 200 scale site plan of the Master Plan area prior to the clos escrow on each lot. 20. TRANSFER OF UNITS a. Within the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan The maximum number of dwelling units allocated for the Arroy Costa Master Plan is indicated in Exhibit 8, page 19. Unless a M, Plan Amendment is processed, the development allocations show Exhibit 8 shall not be changed, except that Residential dwelling in a planning area may be increased up to 10 percent subject tc approval of the Planning Director, provided that there is a concu. reduction in the number of dwelling units permitted in another plar 22 e area in a corresponding amount, and that the total maximum nu1 of dwelling units within the Master plan not be increased. Outside the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan Under the City's Growth Management ordinance, at the discretic the City Council and provided certain conditions are met, units be transferred to another zone within the same quadrant. This at Local Facilities Management Plans within a quadrant, the Propos E quadrant cap is greater than the number of dwelling units appr or issued after November 4, 1986 plus the allowable future unit! the Growth Management Control Point. Although this Master Plan limits the number of units to be constn within Zone 12, excess units as calculated under the Gr Management Program, may subsequently be proposed for constru in the Southeast or Northwest areas of La Costa. No increased de within these areas is either implied or guaranteed by the Arroy Costa Master Plan. Should additional dwelling units become avai within the Southeast Quadrant, the developer will be require petition the City Council to request these additional units. Undc circumstances will preference be given Arroyo La Costa if they rec additional units. All other developers within the quadrant will b. 0 is based on the provision that, if following adoption of all reside the same rights and privilege to compete for any available units 21. MASTER HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION 1) Prior to the recordation of the first final map, the applicant shall establ Master Homeowners' Association for the entire Arroyo La Costa Master area which will include representation from all planning areas and prepare Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) which contrc private uses, design, maintenance and development standards for each of the Master Plan. Included within the Master Association shall be 01 more sub-associations composed of villages grouped according to issu concern. Each association shall be an equal member of the M Association and may be required to pay a reasonable amount of dues tl Master Association. The CC&Rs shall be approved by the City Atto and Planning Director; the City shall not participate as a member o Architectural Review Board. No revisions that weaken or diminish the I of the City shall be made to these CC&w's without the City's prior WI consent. a. The CC&Rs shall state expressly that the property is subject tc provisions of the Master Plan. It shall also be indicated that the shall have the right but not the obligation to enforce the provisio this Master Plan through the normal enforcement procedures j 23 * City Council determines such enforcement is necessary to protec public welfare and may assess homeowners for costs incurred the The CC&Rs shall prohibit the storage or parking of recreatj vehicles within any of the Villages except in approved RV stc areas. The Master Association shall control the operation and mainten of the recreation vehicle storage area, entry features, common sl and other common features identified in the Master Plan. The M Homeowners’ Association shall also be responsible for the mainten of the open space/trail system. If a Citywide Open Space Mainten District is formed, the city may assume, at its discretion, mainten and liability responsibility for the trail network. The Master Homeowners’ Association shall also assume responsi, for the landscape and maintenance of the two school sites until time as the school districts begin construction. Also included wi the landscape and maintenance of the church site until constructic the church begins. The provisions of the Master CC&Rs shall be binding to the provi: of the CC&Rs for the Village Associations and may not conflict. S areas within individual villages shall be maintained by the Mi Association if exposed to major streets. The developer shall su a master maintenance plan showing all areas to be maintained @ Master Association to be approved by the Planning Director pric any final map approval. 22. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE STORAGE b. e c. d. e. a Planning Area OS-8 shall be developed as a Recreational Vehicle Stc Area to serve the needs of the residents of the Arroyo La Costa Master area. It shall have a minimum usable area of 1.56 acres. This RV stc area shall be operated and maintained by the Arroyo La Costa M. Homeowners’ Association. Recreational Vehicle storage shall be avail by use of an all weather access road prior to occupancy of any residential in the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan. If there is space available withir RV storage area, nonresidents of the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan ma allowed to store their recreational vehicles in this area. The fees chargt these nonresidents shall be used to pay for the maintenance of the RV sto area. As the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan is developed, residents oj Master Plan area shall have priority over nonresidents for storage s within Planning Area OS-8. 24 * 23. DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC FACEITY PHASING The Zone 12 Local Facilities Management Plan contains a det, development phasing program. The objective of the program is to coord the provision of public facilities and services with a projected sequence pattern of development. The project has been divided into three develop] phases. Each phase has specific onsite and offsite improvements tha required prior to or concurrent with development Thresholds (Perform Standards) as established in the Zone 12 Local Facilities Management performance standards identified in the Zone 12 Local Facilities Manage. Plan must be complied with as the Master Plan develops. The Arroy boundaries of these three phases are shown by Exhibit 9 on page 26. Pr specific improvements for each phase are listed below. a. PHASE ONE e to ensure the appropriate timing of facilities and services. All pubic fa Costa Master Plan will be graded and developed in three phases Phase I shall be limited to the construction of Village I as well a improvements discussed below: 1. NUMBER OF LOTS/DWIELLING UNITS Open Space Lots VillaPe Units Lots within the Village I 118 I22 4 * Open Space 2 Areas TOTAL 118 624 RECREATIONAL LOTS The recreational facilities on Lot 121 on the north sic Village I will be provided concurrent with development. .. 11. iii. LANDSCAPING/TRAILS Open Space Areas 7 and 8 including trail systems wil constructed and enhanced concurrent with development. iv. RVSTORAGE The recreational vehicle storage area in OS-8 will be provj e 25 , '- I( g -,x-. - * 26 V. WATER STORAGE The water system shall be installed per the approva Olivenhain Water District. e vi. SEWERSYSTEM The sewer system shall be installed per the approval of Leuc County Water District. vii. GRADING a. All of Phase I and that portion of Phase I exported the Phase II area will be graded. b. Desiltation basins shall be installed in the general i of lot 30 & 31 at the south of Phase I, the intersel of Calle Barcelona and Street 'C' at the North of P I and at the existing eighteen inch culvert unde Camino Real in OS-7 to the East of Phase I. viii. CIRCULATION a. Olivenhain Road io Olivenhain Road will be dedicated to full width Right-of-way within Phase I pr boundary based on a centerline to right-oi width of 63 feet. m ii. All offsite easements will be secured on railroad property or on the property on the s side of Olivenhain Road necessary to insta interim four through lanes on Olivenhain 1 from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe F Full half width improvements will be gradec installed for Olivenhain Road within Phi project boundary. A bond will be posted fo half width median improvement of Oliver Road adjacent to Phase I project boundar future construction at a time when required b City. The necessary improvements will be constn to provide a temporary four lane roadway i iii. iv. 27 e present Olivenhain Road alignment from Rai Santa Fe to El Camino Real. b. El Camino Real e 1. Right-of-way for full half width improvemer El Camino Real will be dedicated in accord dth City Standards along the full master boundary. An offer of dedication will be n for an additional 20 feet of right-of-way and necessary slope and drainage easemenk required by the City Engineer immediately of the required standard dedication for pote future widening of El Camino Real. An off-site easement will be secured for half s widening of El Camino Real to City stan along the railroad property. Full half width improvement of El Camino from Olivenhain road to Levante Street inch full width median improvements will be grr and improved. Improvements to the roac median sections will be made with turn poc and the future Calle Barcelona intersectic bring all structural sections into conformance City Standards o Necessary signal modifications will be made a intersections of El Camino Real and Oliver Road and El Camino Real and Levante. .. 11. iii. a ive C. Calle Barcelona 1. Calle Barcelona will be dedicated and impr to full width secondary arterial standards fro Camino Real through 'C' Street. An addit 15' easement on both sides of the right-of-way be dedicated for meandering bicycle and pede; trails which will be constructed from El Cai Real through 'C' Street. Traffic signal will be constructed at the interse of El Camino Real and Calle Barcelona. .. u. e 28 e B. PHASETWO Phase Two shall be limited to the construction of Villages G, H, as well as improvements discussed below. 1. NUMBER OF LOTS/DWIELLING UNITS VillaPes Units Lots within the Villages 0 Open Space Lots Village G 94 97 4 Village H 77 81 4 Village P 97 100 3 Village Q 72 73 1 Open Space Areas 3 School Sites 2 Village J 1 Total 340 358 12 ii. OPEN SPACE LOTS/RECREATION LOTS/DAYC CENTER a. The common Recreation/Daycare Center wil constructed in Open Space Area OS-9. b. The Open Space/Recreational lots located within Vi G, H, P, Q will be provided concurrent with develop] 4D iii. LANDSCAPING/TRAILS a. The landscaping/enhancement and trail systems o 5, OS-6, and OS-9 will be provided. iv. WATER SYSTEM The water system will be installed per the approv Olivenhain Water District. 29 * V. SEWER SYSTEM The sewer system will be installed per the approval 0: Leucadia County Water District. 0 vi. GRADING a@ All of Phase 11 and the portion of Phase m exponu Phase II will be graded. Desiltation basins will be installed in the general i of; the storm drain discharge at the northwesterly southeasterly corners of OS-5, lots 21 & 100 of Vi 'P', the storm drain undercrossing of the pedestrian at the easterly portion of OS-5, at the junior high st site and at the north east corner of Calle Barcelon: street 'C. The slopes along Calle Barcelona within Phase m be finish graded to their ultimate positions. b. c. vii. CIRCULATION a Calle Barcelona a. Calle Barcelona will be dedicated to full width secor arterial standards from 'C Street to Rancho Sant Road. An additional 15' easement will be dedicate both sides of the right-of-way for constructioi meandering bicycle and pedestrian trails from 'C' S to easterly end of Phase II. Necessary easements w dedicated for the construction of the pedestrian br Calle Barcelona will be improved to full width secor arterial standards from 'C' Street to most easterly ei Phase II. Calle Barcelona will be graded to full width secoI arterial standards from the most easterly end of P II to Rancho Santa Fe Road. A 32' wide pavemenl to be placed under that 32' section. Necessary drai facilities and pedestrian path will be installed fron most easterly end of Phase 11 to Rancho Santa Fe R b. c. be installed including all utilities and service lines pla 30 * d. Calle Barcelona will be improved to full width secon arterial standards from its intersectionwith Rancho S proper functioning of the intersection. The necessary signal modifications will be provided 2 intersection of Calle Barcelona and Rancho Sant Road. Fe Road to a length satisfactory to the City Enginee e e. C. PHASEJII Phase HI shall be limited to the construction of Villages B, C, 1 F, K, L, M, N, 0 as well as the improvements discussed below. 1. NUMBER OF LOTS/DWIELLING UNITS Open Space Lots Villace Units Lots Within The Village B 99 104 5 C 42 43 1 D 62 64 2 E - 99 102 3 F 46 47 1 K 61 62 1 L 48 50 2 M 42 45 3 N 71 73 2 0 48 49 1 Open Space 4 Areas e TOTAL 6 18 643 21 OPEN SPACE LOTS a. .. 11. The Open Space Lots within Villages B, C, D, E, L, M, N, 0 will be provided concurrent with develop] 31 e iii. CIRCULATION Rancho Santa Fe Road a. e Rancho Santa Fe Road will be reconstructed on the side along Village 'B to eliminate the previously inst right turn lane which is no longer required. All necessary easements will be provided for the po of the potential future pedestrian bridge on site in ( Space Area OS-3. b. Calle Barcelona a. Calle Barcelona will be improved to full width secoI arterial standards from easterly end of Phase II to Ra Santa Fe Road including the meandering pedestriar bicycle trails within the 15' easements on both sid right-of-way. iv. GRADING a. b. All of Phase III will be graded. Desiltation basins will be installed in the general ; of; the south easterly comer of OS-5 and either don easterly side of Rancho Santa Fe Road south of 1 of Rancho Santa Fe Road as directed by the Engineer. e Barcelona or at several locations along the wester11 32 e DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS em* Individual Planning Areas within this Master Plan shall be reviewed relative to provisions of this chapter. A. MASTERPLAN Any revisions to the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan shall be processed pursua Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code as well as Chapter III, E, page 34 oj document. All revisions must conform to and implement the Master Plan. application which is not consistent with the Master Plan shall not be approve1 TENTATIVE MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PERMIT A tentative tract map (CT 88-1) and planned unit development (PD 88-3) are 1 processed concurrently with the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan. Any revisions tc 88-1 and PD 88-3 shall be processed pursuant to Titles 20 and 21 of the Carl Municipal Code. All future development shall occur substantially in conform with these approvals unless otherwise amended. All proposed tentative map planned unit development revisions must conform to, and implement the M Plan. Any application which does not implement the Master Plan shall nc approved. B. c. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN A Site Development Plan processed pursuant to Chapter 21.06 of the Car: Municipal Code shall be submitted and approved prior to the development church or school. The Site Development Plan shall be consistent with the con< goals and standards specified in this Master Plan to ensure compatibility wil appropriate City policies and ordinances. After fiial approval of each Development Plan, grading, building and other ministerial permits for development of the site may be issued provided that all public facility requiren have been satisfied per the Zone 12 Local Facilities Management Plan. Each Site Development Plan shall be submitted and processed as set forth in Chr 21.06, Qualified Development Overlay Zone, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code e: that: 0 1. Per the requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, a Conditional Permit must be approved by the Planning Commission prior to development of a school or church on any site. However, the use of a cl or school at the proposed locations has already been deemed approF through the approval of the Master Plan, therefore, processing of Condit Use Permits are not required. The Site Development Plan process instead be utilized and will require review of only the site designs and bui elevations. It should be noted that the processing of either a CUP or 33 0 for a school fs at the discretion of the appropriate School Board and m, waived by a 2/3 vote of the Board. Prior to review by the Planning Commission and City Council, each Development Plan submitted subsequent to the initial Master plan rt process shall be reviewed and approved by the Arroyo La Costa D Review Board. 2. a D. PUBLIC FACILITY PHASING The Zone 12 Local Facilities Management Plan contains a detailed develop phasing program for eleven public facilities covered by the City of Carlsbad Ciq Public Facility Plan. This plan will ensure that public facilities will be in place 7 they are needed. The Arroyo La Costa Master Plan will be developed in 1 phases. Each phase has specific offsite and onsite improvements that are req prior to or concurrent with development. The Citywide Public Facilities established performance standards for public facilities. These performance stanc were adhered to by the Zone 12 Local Facilities Management Plan to ensurl appropriate timing of facilities and services. All public facility performance stanc identified in the Zone 12 Local Facilities Management Plan and any amendn thereto must be complied with as the Master Plan develops. E. MASTER PLAN AMENDMENTS Approval of this Master Plan indicates acceptance by the City Council of a gel framework for comunity development. Part of that framework establishes spt development standards that constitute the zoning regulations for the Arroy Costa Master Plan. It is anticipated that certain amendments to the Master Plan may be nece during the development of the area. Any amendments to the Master Plan occur in accordance with Carlsbad's Municipal code and the specific amend] process described below. Amendments are divided into three categorie determined by the Planning Commission. These include: 1) major; 2) minor; 3) four year comprehensive review and update. Amendments may be initiate the City Council or property owner. 1. MAJOR MASTER PLAN AMENDMENTS a All Master Plan modifications which do not meet the criteria of a N Amendment as determined by the Planning Commission, shall require a Ib Amendment to the Master Plan. These amendments shall be procc pursuant to Section 21.38.120 (P-C Zone) of the Carlsbad Municipal C All Major Amendments shall be reviewed for approval by the Plan Commission and City Council. 34 e Any request for a Major Amendment to the Master plan shall require sei consideration as it relates to the intent of the original Master Plan. condition of consideration of any amendment to the Master Plan it sha the applicant's responsibility to: a. 8 Ensure that the proposed amendment meets the goals and objec of the Master Plan and the public facilities requirements identific the Zone 12 Local Facilities Management Plan. Ensure that any impacts to the Master Plan resulting from amendment can be satisfactorily mitigated. Update any Master Plan studies and/or provide additional stl when determined necessary by the Planning Director. Any Major Amendment to the Master Plan shall require tha proposed development comply with all City ordinances and polici effect at the time of approval. Provide a strike-out/underline copy of the Master Plan text I changes are necessary and update my Master Plan exhibits affectc the proposed amendment. b. c. d. e. 2. MINOR MASTER PLAN AMENDMENTS All Minor Amendments which meet the criteria noted below shall be revie for approval administratively by the Planning Director. a. 4B Expansions or reductions to the geographic Planning Areas up to in area may be allowed by the Planning Director if the overall dwe unit yield or use allocation specified for the Planning Area in Chi VII does not increase or change. Minor realignment or modification of internal streets of the M Plan if approved by the Planning Director and City Engineer a constituting significant change to any individual neighborhood. Additions to/or minor amendments to design features identifie Chapter IV, Community Development Standards, provided additions or amendments strengthen the unity and vitality of community's design and are comprehensively incorporated in b. c. Master Plan. Minor modifications to the Development Phasing Scenario descr in the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 12 will require approval of the Planning Director and City Engineer. d. 35 0 e. Any changes to the Master Plan required to satisfy the requiren of the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife or Army COI If the Planning Director has concerns about approving these chz administratively he may submit these changes to the Pla Commission for a Planning Commission Determination of subst; conformance to the Master Plan. Engirieers may be approved administratively by the Planning Dirt 0 F. MASTER PLAN REVIEW AND UPDATE If determined to be necessary, at the direction of the City Council, the Master shall be comprehensively reviewed by the City of Carlsbad Planning Depart every four years or more frequently. The review shall consider but not be li1 to the following topics. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Adequacy of public facilities. The quality of the living environment created by the Master Plan. The Master Plan's fulfillment of current City policies and standards. The fiscal impact of the Master Plan's implementation. The Master Plan's maintenance of environmental quality. e G. TENTATZVE MAIP/PLA"ED DEVELOP~NT PERMIT AMENDMEN 1. MAJOR AAENDMENTS Major Amendments to a Planned Development Permit may be permitte Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.45.160. 2. MINOR AMENDMENTS Minor Amendments may be approved administratively by the Plai Director if there is no change to the densities or the boundaries of the SL property, and if the proposed change does not involve an addition of i use or group of uses not shown on the original permit, or the rearrange of uses within the development, or changes of greater than ten perce approved yards, coverage, height, square footage of units, open spat landscaping. The Planning Director's Review shall be limited only t Village(s) affected by the proposed amendment. 36 * H. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENTS 1. MAJOR AMENDMENTS 0 Major amendments to a Site Development Plan may be permitted subje $he approval of the Planning Commission provided that the prouisi~i Section 21.06.090 are met (Qualified Development Overlay 2 Development Standards). 2. MINORAMENDMENTS Minor Amendments may be approved administratively by the Plar Director if there is no change to the boundaries of the subject property3 if the proposed change does not involve changes of greater than ten pel in approved yards, coverage, height, square footage of buildings, open s or landscaping. The Planning Director’s review shall be limited only tc Village(s) affected by the proposed amendment. 0 37 e GENERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS All development within the Master Plan shall comply with the general develop standards established by this chapter. The following design guidelines have been devel to ensure that all Villages within the Master Plan maintain a consistent and w character, at the same time retaining their individual identity. These guidelines addres common design elements that will be used throughout the community to provide a \ cohesiveness and order, and to establish a strong sense of place and belonging. element is defined through text and/or illustrations. Site-specific design criteria for Village is established in Chapter VII. A. RESOURC E PRESERVATION 4f I. Development of Arroyo La Costa shall provide for the preservation o central riparian area as a significant visual and wildlife resource. All riparian areas shall be preserved and mitigated as directed bj Department of Fish and Game, the Fish and Wildlife Service, and the r Corps of Engineers. All development shall comply with the City's Hillside Development Ordin The major oak grove shall be preserved. Trees which need to be transplz or moved, shall be transplanted within the project boundaries. All development shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 21.90 ant Zone 12 Local Facilities Management Plan. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0 B. GRADING 1. Grading plans shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 21.95,21.38 and Chapter 11.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and the City of Carl Design Guidelines Manual. Preliminary and final grading plans wil prepared in accordance with the Municipal Code for review by the Engineer. All permanent manufactured slope banks in excess of three feet in hc shall be constructed at a gradient of 2 to 1 (horizontal to vertical) or Any exceptions to this gradient must be approved by the City Engineel Planning Director. Grading on naturally occurring slopes of 25 percent or more shall b compliance with the policies of the City's Hillside Development Ordina Manufactured slopes shall be contoured where possible to simulate na terrain, except where rounding will conflict with the soil engin1 recommendations, Artificial appearing slopes with rigid angular characten 2. 3. 4. 38 e shall be avoided. Recommended grading techniques are shown on Exhik on page 40. Phasing of grading within each Village shall provide for the safety 5. e maintenance of other Villages already developed or under eonstmctior 6. Phasing shall preclude, where possible, hauling of earth over reside streets or developed areas. Grading permits may be issued after adequate review of grading plans b City Engineer. These permits may be issued and grading may comm after approval of the Master Plan and tentative map but may not be is prior to the recordation of the final map, unless approved by the Engineer, Planning Director and the Community Development Direct0 The developer shall include top-soil rollback and redisking on cut/fill sl to ensure stability and growth. Runoff and erosion shall be reduced by the construction of desiltation b; identified in the Zone 12 Local Facilities Management Plan. Provisioi maintenance and removal of deposited sediment must be made prior to map approval. The plans for these basins must be approved by the Ci Carlsbad Engineering Department. Grading shall be phased so that all erosion control basins are installed the grading operation of that phase to the satisfaction of the City EngiI Temporary runoff-control devices should be installed prior to any gra activities. All graded areas shall have erosion control measures installed within 30 after rough grading is completed. If permanent vegetation can not be instr within the 30 day period, temporary irrigation shall be installed. If grading activities are scheduled such that landscaping and irrigation car be completed prior to August 1 of any year, then in addition to hydrosee or landscaping, the developer shall additionally jute mat or straw punc exposed slopes to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Any slope area of more than 5,000 square feet shall use an auton irrigation system. All temporary slopes or flat areas not scheduled for development withii days shall be hydroseeded. Ninety percent (90%) germination is require1 means of rainfall or with an irrigation system if rainfall is insufficient. 7. 8. 9. 10. m 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 39 e 0 b DO THIS SMOOTH TRANSITIONS BETWEEN TOP AND BOTTOM OF SLOPES - e r DOM'Y DO THIS AVOID SHARP TRANSITIONS BETWEEN TOP AND BOTTOM OF SLOPES . 16. The application for grading permits must provide assurance to the Engineer that manufactured slope banks will be properly landscaped and the Iandscape will be maintained by either the developer, the property ow the Village Association, or the Master Homeowners' Association, t Landscape Maintenance District if approved by the City Council. 0 C. ARCHITECTURE 1. ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS The following architectural standards shall be utilized throughout the m; plan area to add relief to the design of residences and to avoid the crez of neighborhoods characterized by large, boxy homes. a. Where there are three 2 story units in a row situated less than 15 apart, at least one of the three units shall have a single story buil edge. The depth of the single-story edge shall not be less than 10' shall run the length of the building pad. The roof covering the si story element shall be substantially lower than the roof for the story element to the unit (this is not intended to preclude long s type roofs falling to a single-story element). (See Exhibit 11 on 1 42) Where there are three two-story units in a row situated between 15 20 feet apart, at least one of the three units shall have a single ! building edge with a depth of not less than 5 feet running the le of the building pad. The roof of the single story element sha substantially lower than the roof for the two-story element of building (this is not intended to preclude long shed-type roofs fa to a single-story element). (See Exhibit 11) Thirty-three percent (33%) of all units shall have a single story 1 for forty percent (40%) of the perimeter of the building. Fox purpose of this guideline the single story edge shall be a minil depth of three feet (3'). The units qualifjmg under the 33% sha distributed throughout the project. (See Exhibit 12 on page 43) For at least 50% of the units in the Master Plan, there shall be at three separate building planes on street side elevations of lots wil feet of frontage or less, and four separate building planes on street elevations of lots with a frontage greater than 45 feet. The minil offset in planes shall be 18 inches and shall include but not be lin to building walls, windows and roofs. The minimum depth betweei faces of the forward-most plane and the rear plane on the ; elevation shall be 10 feet and a plane must be a minimum of 30 s to receive credit under this section. (See Exhibit 13 on page 44 b. 0 c. d. 41 8 0 5'MIN. ELEMENT NOTE: ABOVE UNITS ARE SPACED LESS THAN 15'APART. r SINGLE STORY ELEMENT 5'MIN. ; a NOTE: ABOVE UNITS ARE SPACED GREATER THAN 15' APART. ThE VIL!= OF WE LACOSTA Single Story Building Edge a ?? ARROYO LA COSTA 42 m 8 a3 m Lu (3 $5 $ki 02 kg os $2 C\Q bp 3; no Y$ $2 k3 s8 huQ a acl '$a %-I 3l- bq OL ae F r L. u, 8 v) && hoe hf ?E h w h oalu 3eg 0 43 m u) 0 : a. Lu L 5 2 I Lu v) - r4 - a- 4 qs 2u siii 0.7 I- 0 z a m 0 [r: lL *o -- ab 44 e. Rear elevations shall adhere to the same criteria outlined in nur 4 above for front elevations except that the minimum depth bets front and back planes on the rear elevation shall be 3 feet. Exhibit 13 on page 44) At least 50% of the units in the Master Plan shall have one elevation where there are sufficient offsets or cutouts so that the yard setback averages a minimum of 7 feet. (See Exhibit 14 on ab f. 46) g. Project units with three car garages shall be a mix of two door gar three door garages, and offset two door garages (2 planes sepa by at least twelve inches). (See Exhibit 15 on page 47) Fifty-percent (50%) of exterior openings (doors/windows) sha recessed or projected a minimum of 2” and shall be with woc colored aluminum window frames (no mill finishes). The predominant roof framing for each floor plan shall ~ directional variety to the other floor plans of the same project. Whenever possible the roof plane sf units located at the top of SI should attempt to parallel the slope. (See Exhibit 16 on page 4 All future room additions by homeowners shdl comply with the a mentioned standards. This shall be clearly stated in the Master ( R’s for this project and the architectural review manual prepare the La Costa Architectural Review Board. h. 1. j. k. 9 2. ARCHITECTURAL STYLES Three architectural styles have been proposed for the Master Plan to c cohesiveness within the development and to provide compatibility wit1 surrounding neighborhood. The three proposed architectural styles discussed below. Exhibit 17 on page 49 shows the location of the i different styles of architecture within the Master Plan. a. California Contemporary Mediterranean The California Contemporary Mediterranean style is characterizc stucco exteriors and Spanish tile roofs. Some key elements in det: are the use of deeply recessed windows and doors, arched elerr tile accents, corbels, stucco wainscoting and a mixture of gablec hip roofs. Soft earth tone colors with bright accents will be use the exterior of the units. Villages M, N, 0, P, and Q will utilizl California Contemporary Mediterranean style of architecture. 45 a a K 0) Q 8 $ Lhl f% 0 m 4 3 a 0 Lhl k 0 T Lu 0) Lu Q3 ? 2 2 T N 8 46 28 LO QQ I e 8 ROOF PLANES SHOULD BE PARALLEL TO THE ADJACENT SLOPE WHENEVER POSSIBLE. m THE a LA VIUAGES COSTA OF Roof Planes mf %? ARROYO LA COSTA 48 .-A . 8 a e 49 b. Traditional Monterev The Traditional Monterey style of architecture is characterized thr the use of stucco exteriors, hip and gabled roofs with Spanish tilt exposed rafter tails at the eaves. The use of other elements SUI covered balconies; window and door lintels, recessed windows, 7 shutters, pot shelves, and exposed beams also contribute to the intt of this style. Soft earth tone colors and white on stucco and 7 developed with the Traditional Monterey style of architecture. 8 elements will also be utilized. Villages B, C, G. H, I, K and L w C. Traditional Estate This style of architecture results in a stately, more consem appearance. The exterior design will incorporate the use of bricE siding as a major element of design. The roofs will be predomin hipped, and will be covered with a variety of flat tile. Other dc that distinguish this style will be windows in garage doors, brick wood columns, painted shutters, and the possible use of entry wall: gates. Villages D, E and F will be developed using the Tradit Estate style of architecture. D. SETBACK STANDARDS All units shall maintain the followkg setback, as shown on Exhibit 18 on Bag Front yard 20’ 0 Side yard/rear yard All units shall comply with section 21.45.090 of the Carl Municipal Code (Development Standards section of the Plx Development Ordinance). In addition, all units shall co with the City of Carlsbad’s Architectural Guidelines for : lot single family detached units. An increased rear yar enhanced rear elevations shall be required for slopes whicl be viewed from Rancho Santa Fe Road, Ohenhain Road, Cde Barcelona. Patios and accessory structures for lots lo( along these roadways shall be setback a minimum of five from top of slope. Dwelling unit coverage shall not exceed 50% of the net lot square footage as sh on Exhibit 19 on page 52. 50 e e Side Yard Setback 5' Min. From Side of D. U. '\ * Front Yard Setback 20' Mh From Right of Way -NE 0 VIWESOF ARROYO Setbacks LA COSTA DWE LACOSTA 7 51 0 .* / Dwelling Unit Coverage not to exceed ! of Net Lot Square Footage e Bldg. (Footprint w/garage) ..................................... = Percentage of Bldg. Coverage Square Footage Net Lot on Net Lot Gross Lot Square Footage Net Lot Square Footage qAvl?;umTA 1 IC mmE Lot Coverage (typical) ?? ARROYO LA COSTA 52 E. LANDSCAPE GUIDELINES The purpose of the landscape plan is to visually reinforce the patterns establi: by the Master Plan and communicate the overall landscape concept of the Ar La Costa community. This plan will serve as a guide to assure that indivi projects will be compatible within the comprehensive landscape plan for the ovc Trees will be the dominant thematic element used to create a logical sense of 01 continuity and contrast throughout the community. Trees will be pre-selecte provide the necessary guidance to the various parties responsible for impleme1 type and character of each planting community or zone. Additional species ma included in final landscaping plans. I. COMMUNITY LANDSCAPE CONCEPT a community. and administering the landscape program. Plant lists are generally descriptive o The major components of the landscape design are the existing natural a hillsides, streetscape and accent plantings. The Community Lands Concept proposes the use of a specific list of trees in designated "Commu areas to reinforce the project's natural setting. Upon ultimate developn Arroyo La Costa will feature ridgelines punctuated with pines and everg conifers, transitioning lower into oaks and broadleaf trees upon adja upland slopes. In contrast to the hillside plantings, groves of sycamores cottonwoods will dominate low lying areas. Riparian vegetation inch willows and sycamores will border the existing riparian area. Visually st avenues of trees will line the primary streets. Tall palms will prc additional focus along Calle Barcelona., ab community entries and at recrei visual relief along the streetscapes. In order to achieve the Community Landscape Concept, 60% of trees pla in any designated community area shall be selected from the specific 1 Community Tree Palette. The components of the Community Lands Concept, Exhibit 20 on page 54, are as follows: a. Streets (dominant. suDDort trees) e ares. Colorful plantings will also accent the entries, focal areas, and prc Landscape of streets will provide continuity throughout the commi and create the appropriate link with adjacent areas. Olivenhain R El Camino Real and Rancho Santa Fe Road will continue existing patterns established by the City of Carlsbad. Streets within Arroy Costa will reflect the "community design theme" and be selected the appropriate "Plant Community" and be located as a single sp per street. 53 * --2 --.. L- N ___~- t 54 b. Village (theme trees) Each Village may have its own distinctive theme reflective of its community location. 0 C. Entries (accent trees) Entries are in three categories: - Primary Project Entry (community entry) - Primary Village Entry - Secondary Village entry Accent trees will be used to contrast with designated street t Major entry accent trees will be pre-selected; however, the primar] secondary entry trees will be selected by the developer subjel approval by the City's Landscape Architect. d. Focal Accent Points Flowering accent trees will be used at these major and minor points to provide distinctive contrast. e. Slopes Permanent Landscaping for slopes will be designed to soften appearance of the slope and to visually soften the transition bet\ slope and pad areas (See Exhibit 21 on page 56). Plantings sha chosen from the appropriate landscape zone while complimentinl applicable plant community and maintaining view opportunities. 0 f. Landscape Zones Lush, Refined, Naturalized, and native fire protection zones indicated on the General Landscape Plan (Exhibit 22 on page 59), ! they have a significant effect on the visual character of the landsc 2. PLANT COMMUNITY TREE PALETTE a. Ridgeline Community Calocedrus decurrens (Incense cedar); Pinus roxburghii (Chir p Pinus torreyana (Torrey pine); Tristania conferta (Brisbane box) 55 0 .' TREES PLANTED IN INFORMAL GROUPIN FOREGROUND PLANTINGS . LOWER, TRANSITION INTO TALLER BACKGROUND PLANTINGS SHRUBS MASSED IN LARGE INFORMAL GROUP: a CONTINUE SHRUBS GROUNDCOVERS B LIMITS OF SLOPE POSSIBLE) TO SO PLAN VIEW IhE VI= OF WE LA COSTA Permanent Slope Landscaping T ARROYO LA COSTA e 56 b. UDland Slope Certonia siliqua (Carob); Cinnamomum camphora (Camphor t Quercus ilex (Holly oak); Schinus molle (California pepper); Tipi tipu (Tipu tree). C. Lowlands Community 0 Liquidambar styraciflua (Sweetgum); Alnus rhombifolia (White a1 Populus fremontii (Western cottonwood); Plantanus race] (California sycamore) d. RiDarian Community Plantanus recemosa (California sycamore); Salk spp. (Willow) e. Natural Community Heteromeles arbutifolia (Toyon); Rhus integrifolia (Lemonade Bc f. Maior Street2 El Cho Real - City Selection Dominant tree - London Plane Tree (Platanus acerifolia) Support tree - Eucalyptus Species, Pine Species, Cajeput (Melaleuca leucadendra) a Rancho Santa Fe Road - City Selection Dominant tree - Torrey Pine (Pinus torreyana) Support tree - Pinus Species, Western Cottonwood (Pop fiemontii) Calle Barcelona - Primary Thematic Corridor Dominant tree - Jacaranda Acutifolia (Jacaranda) Support tree - Washingtonia Robusta (Mexican Fan Palm Collector Streets (Villages) Liquidamber Styraciflua (Sweetgum) Cinnamomum camphora (Camphor tree) go SDG&E Easement All trees to be approved by SDG&E. Height not to exceed 15 fc 57 * 3. LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION STANDaRDS All landscape installation and irrigation systems shall conform to the Ci Carlsbad's Landscape Guidelines Manual, * 4. MAINTENANCE All landscape maintenance shall conform to the City of Carlsbad's Lands Guidelines Manual and project CC&Rs. In general, the overall appearance of the landscape shall be neat, health] free of weeds and debris. All new construction shall be landscape accordance with a City approved Landscape Plan, and subject to inspection of adequate maintenance levels. If a landscape mainten district is approved by the City Council in the future, some of the maintained by the Village and Master Homeowners' Associations mz mdntained by the maintenance district. 5. STREETSCAPE LANDSCAPING The streetscape scene is comprised of the relationship between builc structures, street scale, adjacent view/vistas, signage, landscaping and s furnishings. Exhibits 23 through 25, on pages 60 through 62, illus proposed streetscaping within the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan. e 6. PLANT SIZES Streetscape trees shall be a 15 gallon minimum size with larger sizes pl: on collector streets and Calle Barcelona. Specimen trees may be utili project entries and other focal points. Groundcovers and some shrubs shall be hydroseeded to insure quick ( and to reduce erosion. Additional shrubs and trees shall be planted fr minimum size of one gallon containers at no less than the minimum required by erosion control standards. Larger sizes and quantitie: anticipated in Zone 1 areas, adjacent to Thematic corridors and in ( highly visible areas. 7. LANDSCAPE ZONES The Landscape Communities have been assigned Landscape intc classifications based on the intensity of maintenance and water requirer per the City of Carlsbad Landscape Guidelines Manual. The location of zones within this pfoject is shown in the Landscape Zones Exhibit 22 page 59). A brief description of each zone is as follows: 58 * N t 59 * ~-- L F .a 60 0 :E E g! E 2; g SE: -.__ ~.~. e.., E w- 6 =E -f 0 61 ,) +==ep I'i I 0 L I I 24 { I4 I r// ;$ r 41 '3 i ' f v) , '1 VY) : E; - .- __ TJ hi e ,o- t? xi i 0- ;.: ; > $3 0 0 \ST- --~ : rF $;T c3 f/( ; ' J%YY i '7 i 1 <*- i; , ----p+ '\b : ;a a? : '$ n ;; 04 P! ---~-. Y- ~ Y- n .c i I .- 'n I I A. Zone One: Lush Landscapes Lush Landscaping is used along the streets, around entry monur and in the recreation center where lush, green, flowering landscap required. These are high maintenance areas and will require signif amounts of irrigation. Consideration will be given to 7 conservation measures where appropriate. e b. Zone Two: Refined Landscape Refined landscape are those which require less intensive mainter practices (such as mowing, pruning, etc.) and less water. ' appearance is unmanicured but well kept. These areas are prin slopes found in private rear yards and along main streets. C. Zone Three: Naturalizing Landscape Naturalizing landscape shall be planted for low use areas that dc have a refined appearance but are not native - a transition betwee two. It should be able to naturalize and become self sustaining established. d. Zone Four: Native Landscape Areas of existing vegetation planned for low-level active use v existing vegetation is retained with very little modification. 11 require a minimal level of maintenance (usually periodic contr debris and minor clearing for seasonal fire protection) anc supplemental irrigation. This type of landscaping is used for r open space areas along the SDG&E easement and riparian arel a e. Fire Protection Zone This zone is designed to help resolve the potential dangei development adjacent to fire hazard areas. The fire protection pro, utilizes Landscape Zones Two, Three and Four to create and mail a fire control landscape, as shown on Exhibit 26 on page 64. P used here are specifically selected for their fire retardant and low characteristics. Landscaping Zones 1-4, plus the Fire Protection Zone will be implemei To further preserve and enhance the natural character of the area following zones will be included: 63 e * Q Qz 5 ?! 5 2 5 2 s 5 8 E 5 cc -x T 0 v) * 0 u1 Qz ii a 64 E Sensitive Plant Zone This zone has been identified by the biologist as a significant n plant community which is sensitive to the impact of development effort has been made to route trails away from these zones. a g. SDG&E Easement Landscaping within the SDG&E easement shall conform to ag restrictions. The actual zones may vary between City use zones, k on the adjacent areas. 7. PLANT MATERIALS a. Zone 1: Lush LandscaDes Trees Erythrina spp. (Coral tree) Eucalyptus ficifolia (Red flowering gum) Jacaranda acutifolia (Jacaranda) Washington robusta (Mexican fan palm) Pinus toneyana (Torrey pine) Platanus acerfolia (London plane) Shrubs 0 Boufahvillea spp. (Bougainvillea) Escallonia spp. (Escallonia) Moraea spp. (Fortnight Lily) Photinia species (N.C.N) Agapanthus africanus (Lily-of-the-Nile) Groundcovers Lantana spp. (Lantana) Gazania spp. (Gazania) Osteosperum (Trailing African Daisy) Tracheiospermum jasminoides (Star Jasmine) b. Zone 2: Refined Landscape Trees Calocedrus decurrens (Incense cedar) Cinnamomum camphora (Camphor tree) Tipuana tipu (Tipu tree) 65 0 Alms rhodfolia (White alder) Pinus torreyana (Torrey pine) Platanus racemosa (California sycamore) Ceratonia siliqua (Carob) Schinus mosse (California pepper) Quercus ilex (Holly oak) Liquidambar styraciflua (Sweetgum) Pinus roxburghill (Chir pine) Tristania conferta (Brisbane box) * Shrubs Arbutus unedo (Strawberry tree) Cistus spp. (Rockrose) Callis temon (Bottlebrush) Cotoneaster parneyii (Red Clusterberry) Echium fastuosum (N.C.N) Pittosporum undulatum (Victorian Box) Prunus ilicifolia (Hollyleaf Cheny) Groundcover Cissus antarctica (Kangaroo Treebine) Delosperma alba (White Trailing Iceplant) Lonicera japonica (Japanese Honeysuckle) Pelargonium peltatum (Ivy Geranium) Rosmarinus "Prostratus" (Dwarf Rosemary) Trifolium "OConnors" (Clover) * C. Zone 3: Naturalizinp LandscaDe Trees Patanus racemosa (California sycamore) Salix spp. (Willow) Heteromeles arbutifolia (Toyon) Rhus integnfolia (Lemonade Berry) Shrubs Arctostphylos glandula (Manzanita) Comarostaphylis diversifolia (Summer Holly) Helianthemym scoparium (Rock Rose) Heteromeles arbutifolia (Toyon) Quercus dumosa (California Scrub Oak) Salvia apiana (White Sage) Rhus intefrifolia (Lemonade Berry) 66 a Ground Covers Eriogonum fasciculatum (Flathead Buckwheat) Eschschoizia californica (California Poppy) Encelia farinosa (Desert Encilia) Lotus scoparius (Deerweed) Lupinus bicolor (Lupine) Mimulus puniceus (Monkeyflower) 0 F. EWIES Entry monuments serve several important purposes. They identify the comrni help establish a hierarchal order within the community (from main enti neighborhood entry to secondary entry) and provide unifying design ac throughout the community. Arroyo La Costa will have primary project er located at the intersection of Calle Barcelona and Rancho Santa Fe Road a the intersection of Calle Barcelona and El Cantino Real. Primary neighbor] entries will be located only along Calle Barcelona, while secondary neighborl entries will mark individual villages. Exhibit 27 on page 67 shows the locatic these entries. These entries are characterized by uniquely designed pilasters accent plantings (See Exhibit 28 on page 68) Entry monumentation will be provided by the master developer. There are primary types of entries, project entries and village entries. The approxii location of these entries is depicted on Exhibit 27,, The recommended materials include precast material concrete color bases and with light stucco finish on the pilaster body. Insets shall be tile. e 1. PROJECT ENTRIES Project entries are those which provide access to the entire community. ' consist of special monumentation and landscape planting. These en should be designed to create a portal and convey a sense of arrival. r will inform the motorist that this is the entrance to the Arroyo La C Community. comm~nity fencing materials. Entry design should flow with the terrain appear to be an extension of adjacent land forms (Exhibit 28 on page 1 They will include design features that are consistent 66-a 0 '.__ -, - e 67 4 a 2 T _1 L .. 3 (3 E 5 3 c 2 a l e 68 2. VILLAGE ENTRIES These are the entries to the individual villages in Arroyo LaCosta. The to be designed as an enhanced extension of the community fencing d These should be limited to the one or two major entry points into a vj and will provide visitors with the project name identification (See Exhit on page 70). * G. FENCING One of the most dominant visual elements of a community is its fencing. essential for this element to be aesthetically pleasing and provide continui design to unify the various architectural styles within individual neighborhoods a single community theme. Fences and walls can serve many functions including security, identity, enclo privacy, etc. However, care must be exercised in the design of fencing in ord avoid long, boring or awkward sections of fencing. It is intended that the avai fencing types be combined to attract interest and provide variety. Usi combination of open and solid styles, changing angles and directions is encourz Long straight rum of a single fence style is monotonous and inappropriate. The walls and fences for Arroyo La Costa are divided into three categoric follows and their respective locations are shown on Exhibit 27, page 67. r) I. COMMUNITY WALL The community wall is a solid concrete masonry unit structure with pila located at key locations along the wall length (at beginning and end PC: significant changes in vertical or horizontal direction, or changes in type). The wall is 6 feet in height, and has a light stucco finish, off whi color, with a light sandblast finish and a natural concrete colored Raised precast concrete wall decorations shall also be used. Exhibits 30 31 on pages 71 and 72 show the details of this wall type and pilasters. a 69 2 d 3 2 9 s 2 E 9 s I : e -4 UI 4 4 rp L ru 0 0 D si U 8 0 B 8 z 2 /I c L E E A ru a q 5 00 83 sz 2 s c 2 0 70 ,, 16 \ , x 7- -,+t/ ,//l*I , 8 lu % 2 8 s 5 h m 7 0 0 8 b h z QLU Qh ZQahQ 27 z2 22l& &T t-2 Coqz 0TLu 07LU h O24h44h -QLu omu Vl T?< LUQU 0QQ U4Qh2O 20 LU~O a3Q $hO hhO 22 ETCop 2gm *a2 za zqo oca ZZ% U gz$ &$5 r&0 %&c 588 ST2 s 2 c 2! 0yq qm2Ll.I &-h-4 ok Lh', 0 Q oq4 730 070 s 45E $00 $80 5- Luod TO+ Eo Lu (3 l-00 h0Gz a04 q 2 23s 222 ish" 5 28 -xQ 42 2 oe cn z $(A? LZQ fZQ 3 q C5.a s$$z$$ 0 0 0 b- 220 dI-7 ThT 0 4cuz am2 3a2 4 4 2* I .. U a ? 2 r U h 5 5 0 72 M cornmudty walls shall be landscaped in accordance with the comi landscape plan. Whenever possible, mounding and landscaping shal utilized to soften the appearance of walls and fences. Where necessary wall types will be modified to accommodate Views and noise attenua Note that along Calle Barcelona the community wall varies in its set€ thus creating a variety of special landscape experiences along the stree 1) 2. WGEWALLS These walls are of similar materials as the community walls except tha pilasters are six feet, wall height is five feet, and wall decorations are used. All Village walls shall be landscaped in accordance with community landscape plan. Whenever possible, mounding and landsca shall be utilized to soften the appearance of walls and fences. W necessary, this wall type will be modified to accommodate views and r attenuation. The Village wall details are shown on Exhibit 32 on page 3. PRODUCTION FENCING The production fences are of wood construction, and used to separate pn residence boundaries. This fence type has an upgraded version whe borders on public areas, as well as a view fence (see Exhibit 33, page 7 All fence heights shall be coordinated such that there is a smooth trans between side and front yard production fences (see Exhibit 34 on page H. mws e Maintaining quality views is important in the overall image of the Villages o Costa. Interior view potential should be maximized by careful siting of build (especially two-story) and tall trees. Outward views should be framed with tree shrub massing. This planting will also serve to soften views of the houses visibl surrounding areas (see Exhibit 35 on page 77). Views into the riparian area should be maintained (Exhibit 36 on page 78), v views which look down from residential areas into the recreation center and school yards should be controlled (see Exhibit 37 on page 79). This provid feeling of privacy and seclusion for those who use these facilities, and still main1 a view corridor for medium and long-range views. The treatment of edges between differing land uses is an important consideratio maintaining continuity in community design. Site planning and landscape de should make a smooth and logical transition from one area to the other wit1 leaving hard edges or abrupt changes. The three areas of greatest concern are riparian-open space/residential interface, the special use/residential interface the easement/residential interface. 73 e e 6' NEIGHBORHOOD PILASTER LIGHT STUCCO FINISH 9 fi VILLAGE THEME WALL NOTE PILASTER LOCATIONS ARE AT BEGINNING AND ENDS OF WALLS AS WELl AS AT CHANGES SIGNIFICANT HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL 6'NEIGHBORHOOD PILASTER a TUBULAR STEEL FENCING VINE ACCENT PLANTING __-- Z-=@m-?L - ._-_ - I: --k VILLAGE THEME VIEW FENCE THE vlsAGE30F WE LA COSTA Village Theme Walls a ?? ARROYO LA COSTA 74 2x6 CAP - 2 X 4 RAIL- 0 X 8 CEDAR BOARD 5X6WOODPOST 7 I * STANDARD PRODUCTION FENCE ,+- 2 X J RAIL iOP AND flOrro~,l 1 tflLACK 'VINYL CHAINLINK 6x5 WOODPOS~ = :> 5 -- - ----- --+ ! / ,' 18 ~ ,-*\ .. - (I) PRODUCTION VIEW FENCE r 2x6 CAP I ,- 2 X 4 RAIL 6 X 5 WOOD POST- ' -1 XBCEDARflOARO I/ i , &-_ - -.F.ZZL. - - ~- . -4 L 4 UPGRADED PRODUCTION FENCE 'IhE VILGE OF WE LA COSTA Production Fencing 8 ?? ARROYO LA COSTA I5 0 INSTEAD OF TMS YARD FENCE SIDE YARD FENCE DO THIS YARD FENCE a OR THIS RAISE FRONT YARD FENCE THE VIuACfs OF h COSTA VUE Coordination of Fence Heights 0 ?? ARROYO LA COSTA 76 VIEW CORRIDOR FOR LOT ABOVE * VIEW CORRlDOR TO PRESERVE VIEWS, AVOID PLAh DENSE SHRUBBERY OR LOW BRAh TREES AT THE TOP OF SLOPES. e OUTWARD VIEWS PLANT MASSINGS FOR ENFRAMEMENT -&iE VILW OF WE LA COSTA View Corridor Enhancement e ?? ARROYO LA COSTA 77 0 PRESERVE VIEWS INTO RIPARIAN AREA e BLOCK VIEWS FROM TRAILS TO R ESlD EN TIA L A REAS T-IE VIWE OF WE LA COSTA view Control Q ?? ARROYO LA COSTA 78 * TO SCREEN VIEW Of HIGHER LOCA TONS, LARGE SHRUBS SHO BE MASSED AT TOP ( SLOPE, WITH HIGH PLANTED DOWN SLO BRANCHING TREES a TO SCREEN VIEW OF LOWER LOCATIONS, TREES AND LARGE SHRUBS SHOULD BE MASSED AT TOP OF SLOPE. mE V1m OF WE LA COSTA Screening Techniques e 7 ARROYO LA COSTA 79 I. SIGNAGE Appropriate signage is important in maintaining the community design them well as providing a system for identifying community development and g directional information to residents and visitors. 0 Signs utilized in Arroyo La Costa include both temporary and permanent typ I. PERMANENT SIGNS Permanent signs include: a. Trail Head markers b. Street signs c. Vehicular Directional signs d. Recreation Center signs e. Village Identity signs With the exception of the subdivision direction sign, the trail head m; and the street signs, all of the signs will be constructed of concrete rns blocks, with a light stucco finish natural concrete color cap to matck community walls. Specific location for each sign type are shown on Ex page 82. 38 on page 81. The details of these sign types are shown on Exhibit 3 2. TEMPORARY SIGNS 0 Temporary signs which will be present until the completion of pr construction include: a. Information Center signs b. Future Facility signs c. Community Entry signs These signs are shown in detail on Exhibit 40 on page 83. J. LIGHTING The design issue of "lighting includes street lighting, as well as building landscape accent lighting, and sign illumination. Three basic principIes shoul considered in the provision of lighting: 1. Street lights should provide a safe and desirable level of illumination for I motorists and pedestrians without intruding into residential areas. Lighting fiitures should relate to the human scale, especially in pedes1 areas. 2. a 80 >$ -- i . ~- 81 &% 2-2 ;$: $G$ p 3:s -a0 il :$; 2 ea. ~ sa: 1 7 2:s c t~~ . .. ~ ~- - - 6 *'o 8 0 z2 I 2 & u1 E -L- f' $ z L - 4 4 3 YI Y) ZL 5: $5 562 E: -uZ. ",c n IC,,? Clr R Y $i & ,E? E: -$@ ;s c1 Iq >ic :$ 3 2 i ,>, a y1 0 0 9 a q 4 -1 q 22 )s- c - __ _. _._ I) - 1. z 2 2 ? : 5 cc c, -0 2 r5 0 c YU T U 2 - s 52 U 2 z ? k z 2 z 5 2 lu I- -. __.. ... --. ..-. - .. .- .. .01-.E ’ 702 a c c 4 g g L P c 2 u z I- 2 s 5 0 ~ e 83 3. Lighting and lighting fixtures should complement the design and charactc the environment in which they are placed. AI street lighting shall conform to the City standards or an approved theme ligl program, and shall be approved by the City Engineer. Lighting for community facilities and recreation areas shall be considered a element of Site Plan Review. Any such lighting which will illuminate a reside area past the hour of 1O:oO pm shall be clearly identified on the site plan. Illuminated entries should direct lighting low to the ground and be limited to the immediate vicinity of the entry. Lighted entries should not be distracting, CI visual hot spots, or glare, etc. Suggested entry sign illumination techniques illustrated in Exhibit 41 on page 84. e * 84 0 * h UPLIGHT ILLUMINATION DO WNLIGHT 1L L UMlNA TlON I b 0 TLIGHT I1 L UMlNA TlON BACKLIGHT ILLUMlNATlON BIE VIUAGES OF WE LA COSTA sign illumination e ?? ARROYO LA COSTA 85 OPEN SPACE 6' A. INTRODUCTl ON Approximately 135.8 acres or 26% of the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan consi! Open Space. Exhibit 42 on page 87 shows open space within the Master Plan. open space provided within the Arroyo La Costa Master Pan complies wit applicable City ordinances and standards. Per section 21.38.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, all master plans program which addresses: a) Open space for the preservation of natural resou b) Open space for the managed production of resources; e) Open space for out recreation; and d) Open space for public health and safety. Based on this stanc the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan is required to provide 79.32 acres of open si The following subsections explain how the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan corn with this requirement. 1. provide 15 percent of the total master plan area, in an integrated open 5 Open Space for the Preservation of Natural Resources a. Willows The 12 acre area of willows in the west central portion of the M Plan will be preserved in its natural state. The existing drai course with little if any riparian habitat near Colina Way wi enhanced. This will result in an approximately 41 acre rip2 riparian habitat in the eastern portion of the Master Plan bets Villages C and D will also be preserved. corridor running through the middle of the project. A small is01 e b. Native areas Except for the RV storage and a desiltation basin, all of the adjacent to El Camino Real will remain in its natural state, althc there will be some enhancement to the eroded areas. Sey sensitive native plant species, including Del Mar Manzanita wi. preserved and protected within this area. C. Tree Groves The existing Oak groves in Village P will be preserved and enhan a 4:l ratio with 15 gallon trees. Any mature oaks that are removed from this site will be replacei a 86 --> --. 87 2. Open Space for the Managed Production of Resources This area has not recently been used for agricultural purposes. portion of the Master Plan will be reserved for the productic resources. Open space for Outdoor Recreation a. Community Recreational Daycare Center * 3. This area will consist of approximately 6.45 acres and include a junior Olympic swimming pool, exercise room, tc courts, children's play area, as well as a daycare center. Ex 43 on page 89 shows the details of the site as approved u a Site Development Plan 89-11. b. Passive Recreation Areas A 1.10 acre passive recreation area will be provided sou Calle Barcelona in the western portion of the project. Open Space Lots and Miniparks Open space lots and miniparks will be located within neighborhood for a total of another 2.5 acres. Some of 1 open space lots will provide access to the community system. The location of these lots is shown on Exhibit 4 page 87. Typical details of these open space areas are prov in this chapter (See Exhibit 44 on page 90) and the indid Village Chapters. The location of these lots is also show the individual village chapters. The landscaping in these i will be designed to provide maximum visibility for p surveillance and to create a safe feeling for users. The f details of landscaping and passive recreation facilities on t small open space lots shall be approved by the Plan Director. In addition to the areas listed above, lands associated wit1 trail system as discussed in Section B of this chapter considered Master Plan outdoor recreation areas. c. a 4. a Open S a. Utility corridor A 150 foot wide public utility corridor is located within Master Plan. In addition to carrying utility lines it will sen e 88 z (3 0 e -. -- I 1 - 0 0 89 e F h ii: 9 a 5 s =! 5 E z 4 4 3 a 2 2 0 q 0 2 8 2 3 00 B w q Q z q v) E E 3 4 q c 4 0 4 I- ru 0) 4h cl 0 5 0 .. 90 an open space setback buffer between future residences an Camino Real. This area will be enhanced with trails and o 0 passive recreational amenities. b. Slopes All slope areas will be maintained in open space. As shown on Exhibit 42 on page 87, the Arroyo La Costa Master Pli required to provide 79.32 acres of Master Plan Open Space. The Arroy Plan open space is provided on Exhibit 45 on page 92. Costa Master Plan Open Space supply is 135.8 acres. A breakdown of Mi B. BICYCLE/PEDESTRIAN TRAIL$ 1. INTRODUCTION To encourage pedestrian and bicycle movement within the communi1 system of trails has been developed. These trails allow residents to n freely about the Arroyo La Costa community and access both the open SI and recreation amenities provided. They are also designated to tie in future citywide trail system, if one is developed. When built out, the Ar La Costa Master Plan will have approximately 6.4 miles of trails. Exhib on page 93 shows the location and types of trails which will be provj Exhibit 47 on page 94 provides cross sections of the proposed trails. * 2. DESCRIPTION There are three trail types which are interconnected and allow moven throughout the community: a. Bike Path and Walkway The fist of these is the main bike path and walkway. It extends a Calle Barcelona from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Roac shown by Exhibit 46 on page 93. This trail will have a concrete lane separated from the road and the pedestrian walk by a plar area. A section of this trail will also be extended north along local collector street between Villages M and C to Open Space k OS-3. The trail will then go into Open Space Area 3 bem Villages C and D. The applicant has provided studies to the 1 showing that it would be possible to build a bicycle/pedestrian bri shown on Exhibit 47 on page 94. Special design treatments for trail are shown on Exhibit 48 on page 95. across Rancho Sank Fe Road at this location. Trail sections 91 a EXHIBIT 45 e Preservation of Natural Resources * Outdoor Recreation ** Public Health and Safety *** Managed Production of Resources**** e er reservom an 0 92 e $$ $ ;$ t! 4 2 !$ !d i! 8 2 '?h,- Lb-2 i gsa'cauoi ou1 ou or 4gc ,g 2:: gag 5; b gg q St$ $;j 3% 8 ru8 lu: 02 :G: $? $9 $ 8; zg 582 $3 $2 :z :z k : 0 =?a0 *a:o G ;.p ~ -6 2% 5 :& 0 g 5 0 2m-L Q 6s c6a cb: 4; x L 3 &$; %$; %$; Eu p 4 n. 9s ?k Tot qoc & 2 0 9 a 0 -2 rn: bbl iobE Ct 1 ... . . - ! p: -* 93 0 2 25 2 3 lu E E $ b- ul I- .pe 0 0 0 i= 2 q Lu Le 0 2 0 0 e 4 5 % q v, s 4 g Q $ s 5! $ 2 G Lu 4 e 94 DO Tnis A VOID REPETWE PAT?-ERNS9 TIGHT SPACING BETWEEN CURVES e e *. , . Q. THE vim OF LA COSTA VUE Walk / Trail Treatment a ?? ARROYO LA COSTA 95 b. Concrete Trail The second trail type is an 8 foot concrete trail, which encircles major open space and riparian area. This trail will link cornunity recreation daycare center with the open space area in northern central portion of the master plan. It will provide accez Open Space Area OS-3 in the north-eastern portion of Arroyc Costa. It will also lead directly to the bicycle/pedestrian br spanning Calle Barcelona (see Exhibit 49, page 97). Both the and the developer acknowledge that not all pedestrians will use pedestrian bridge to cross Calle Barcelona. A bond has been PO by the applicant in case a traffic signal is needed at the intersectio the junior high school site and Calle Barcelona. This trail has b designed to allow for police and fire access for emergency situati 0 e. Asphaltic Concrete/Concrete Trail A 150 foot SDG&E transmission easement lies along the wes boundary of the property. Within this easement will be an 8 foot 1 asphaltic concrete/concrete trail. This trail will also function a: access road for SDG&E vehicles. Another 8 foot wide asph, concrete trail will connect Village B with Rancho Santa Fe Road addition, access to Open Space Area OS4 will be provided 1 similar trail. A smaller, 5 foot trail will run through an open si area in Village P, which contains a stand of native oak trees. The trails shall be constructed to provide good drainage. A c slope shall be maintained with a minimum two percent (2%) gr with berms and ditches utilized to prevent washouts of cuts and j Cut and fill slopes created by the construction of the trail system not exceed 2:l. Trail entrance signs will be posted at trail entrai and street crossings. For any trail crossing a roadway, a crossing warning motorists will be set 300 feet before the crossing. Bike racks will be located at the school sites, the corm recreation/daycare center and both of the passive recreation arez encourage bike use. 0 a 96 a % I$ U 2 i 2 lu 0 m 2 s E 2 v) ru e 0 e 97 3. LINKS TO CITYWIDE TRAIL SYSTEM The trail system has been designed to form the embryo of the future city\ trail system if the City decides to develop such a system. The applicant provided plans showing how the trail could be linked to bicycle/pedest bridges crossing Rancho Santa Fe Road and El Camino Real. These bric are not proposed as a part of this master plan, The applicant has prov the information for the sole purpose of showing that it would be physil possible to construct the bridges. The construction of these bridges would require the cooperation of the as well as the impacted property owners on the opposite sides of El Can Real and Rancho Santa Fe Road. The potential bridge across El Can Real would also require the approval of the Coastal Commission. The of Carlsbad is in the process of preparing a study on the feasibility 1 citywide trail system. This study will examine the desirability of these bric and funding mechanisms for their construction and maintenance. a C. MAINTENANCE The Master Homeowners’ Association shall also be responsible for the maintenz of the open space/trail system. If a Citywide Open Space Maintenance Distri formed, the city may assume maintenance and liability responsibility for the network, a 98 0 VI- PUBLIC FACILITIES A INTRODUCTIO N 0 The Arroyo La Costa Master Plan land area lies entirely within Local Faci Management Zone 12. The public facility requirements for this Master Pla fully addressed in the Zone 12 Local Facilities Management Plan (L€ Amendment being processed concurrently with this Master Plan. The Zon Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment was prepared pursuant to the ( Growth Management Program. The Zone 12 WMP Amendment; (1) pro detailed description of how the zone will develop, (2) demonstrates how and i each required facility and improvement will be constructed tQ accommodate ph development within the Master Plan, and (3) provides a complete descriptic how each facility and improvement will be financed when mitigation is necess The following are the mitigation requirements from the Zone 12 L Amendment which shall be provided for by the Arroyo La Costa Master 1 Unless otherwise specified, these conditions apply to the entire Arroyo La ( Master Plan area. B. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES 1. INVENTORY a. Existin? and Build Out City Administrative Demand: Citywide projected population comes from the 1986 CFIP. Zon projected population comes from the Zone 12 Local Fa& Management Plan. 0 Performance Projected Standard Population Demand (Sq .Ft.; Existing (1/1/90) Citywide 67,320 100,980 Zone 12 1,455 2,183 Build Out Citywide (2013) 134,914 202,371 Zone 12 4,285 6,428 99 a bo Inventory of Existing Citv Administrative Facilities; The existing City Administrative Facilities owned and leased bi City of Carlsbad as of January 1, 1990 are: e Permanent Temporary Leased mm mm &a.Q City Hall (1200 Carlsbad Village Drive) Main Building 12,899 Finance Modular 2,700 hrchasing/Personnel Modular 1,800 Redevelopment (2965 B. Roosevelt) 3,200 Community Development (2075 Las Palmas Dr): 22,627 Public Safety and Service Center (I) a (2560 Orion Way): Police and Fire 53,700 Vehicle Maintenance 10,358 Water District Office 18,000 -----_---- ----------- ---------- Totals 117,584 4,500 3,200 TOTAL EXISTING FACILITIES 125,284 _-_______-----_--_ ------------------ Existing City Administrative Facilities as of January 1,1990 exceec performance standard. However, 2.6 percent of the total sqi footage is leased and another 3.6 percent are in temporary mod units. If the leases are terminated or temporary facilities are longer used, thereby reducing existing City Administrative facili this analysis would need to be re-done to assess compliance with adopted performance standard. If compliance was not bi mzntained, all residential development in the City would be stop until the appropriate mitigation could be implemented. 100 0 C. Inventorv - of Approved Future City Administrative Facilities: The adopted 1989-1990 to Build Out Capital Improvement Pro4 Facilities for construction within 5 years (1994): Facility rn Year Cost Public Safety Center (11): Construction 62,000 ’92-’93 $3,955,000 PF m (CC Reso, No, 89-210) funds the following City Adminim Square Funding & New City Hall N/A 1999 + $23,100,006 PE No other City Administrative Facilities are identified within the ( adopted CIP. Existing City Administrative Facilities plus those scheduled construction within five years in the adopted 1989-90 to Build Out are as follows: I Permanent Temporary Le ca-a @.%m (sc Esting 11’9,584 4,500 0 1989-1990 CIP 62,000 179,584 4,500 Subtotal L TOTAL FACILITJES 18; -pos- ---,.--- - -------------------------- -------------------------- 2. FINANCING The City collects a public facility fee (PFlF) which is set at 3.5% of buil permit valuation. This fee is paid at time of building permit issuance calculating the PFF the following expenditures were projected for Administrative Facilities: PFF = Public Facilities Fee and S = Sewer Enterprise Fund. 1 101 0 Las Palmas Facility $2,000,000 Public Safety Center Phase 11 $3,455,000 City Hall - Future $23,100,000 TOTAL $29,055,000 In addition to the PFF funds, the adopted 1989-1990 to build out -------I------- 0 indicates the use of sewer funds for part sf the public safety center Pka! Public Facility Fees will continue to be paid by development in the 1 Thus, no special financing mechanism for City Administrative Faciliti required as a condition of development within Zone 12. 3. SPECIAL CONDITIONS No special conditions. C. LIBRARY FACILITIES 1. INVENTORY a. Existiny and Build Out Library Demand Citywide projected population comes from the 1986 CFTP. ZOI! projected population comes from the Zone 12 Local Faci Management Plan. a Performance Projected Standard Population Demand (Sq.Ft. Existing (1/1/90) Citywide 67,320 53,856 &ne 12 1,455 1,164 Build Out Citywide (2013) 134,914 107,931 Zone 12 (1992) 4,285 3,428 102 e b. Inventory of Existinp Library Facilities: Existing library facilities owned and leased by the City of Carlsb: of January 1, 1990 are the following: rl) Owned Leased Facility Gml fam Civic Center Library (1200 Carlsbad Village Drive) 24,600 Adult Learning Center La Costa Area Libra# (1207 Carlsbad Village Drive) 400 (7750 El Camino Real) 4,500 Warehouse (2075 Corte Del Nogal) 2.060 Total 24,600 6,96Q TOTAL EXISTING FACILITIES 31,560 Inventow 0 f ApDroved Future Libraw Facilities: South Carlsbad Library A six acre City owned site has been identified and designed for South Carlsbad Library. This library is projected to be 64,OOO sq feet in size and to open in 1992. According to City staff, the 6,960 square feet of existing leased lib space will expire and be vacated when the South Carlsbad librai constructed. The 1989-90 to Build Out CIP allocates funds for ( financing between 1989-1999 + a The South Carlsbad library site was approved by the City Counci July 7, 1987. On April 10, 1990, the City Council approved expan of this facility from 58,000 square feet to 64,OOO square feet3. The is near the northwest comer of El Camino Real and Alga Road. ---------------- ---------------- e. e 2 The existing 6,900 square feet of leased library space will expire when the new Sc 3 The staff report for this action is contained in appendix A-2, Agenda Bill No. 10,. Carlsbad Library is constructed. 103 a * North Carlsbad Library Expansion The 1989-90 to Build Out Capital Improvements program shows f for construction of the North Carlsbad Library Expansion in 199d additional library space. Build Out Library This expansion will provide approximately 8,000 square fee Funds for an additional 17,331 square feet of Library space for E Out are shown in 1999+ in the 1989-90 to Build Out Ca Improvements Program. 2. F"ANCING South Carlsbad Library: On July 7, 1987, the City Council took action for the acquisitioq grac design and construction of the 58,000 square foot South Carbbad Lib] Qn April 10, 1990, the City Council approved expansion sf this faeility f 58,000 square feet to 64,OOO square feed. Although the City Council guaranteed the needed funds, the long tern financing mechanism m? modified at some time in the future. The adopted 1989-90 to Build Out CIB has appropriated $d9,790,00C library facilities, Approximately one-half of the $30,782,000 budgeted foi South Carlsbad Library construction is to provide for debt finant $1,124,008 per year is budgeted for debt service payment which wodlc payable over the next 20 years. North Carlsbad Library: The 1989-90 to Build Out CIP shows $3,948,000 for construction of the Ni Carlsbad Library expansion in 1994-99. This will provide an additional 8 square feet of library space at the existing library on 1250 Carlsbad Vil * Drive for a total of 32,600 square feet. Build Out Library: The 1989-90 to Build Out CIP indicates that $5,060,000 for an additic 17,331 square feet of library facilities will be funded in 1999+ to fulfill 104 @ demand for libraries at build out. This space will likely be added to exis facilities. The primary source of funding will be Public Facility Fees (3.5% of buil pennit valuation). This fee is collected at the time building permits e issued for all residential, commercial and industrial developments. The following is a summary of the 1989-90 to Build Out Capital Improve1 Program funding allocation for library facilities: South Carlsbad Library: Description Year Cost (‘89 dollars) Debt Financing 1989-1999+ $28.1 million TOTAL $28.1 million Funding --------------- North Carlsbad Library Expansion: DescriDtion Year Funding Cost (‘89 dollars) 0 Construction 1994-99 $3.9 million Build Out Library: Funding Description Year Cost (’89 dollars) Construction 1999 + $5.1 million 3. SPECIAL CONDITIONS No special conditions. D. WASTEWATER TREATMENT CAPACITY The following action shall be pursued jointly by each sewer district to em adequate wastewater treatment capacity through the year 2000: 105 e 1. Monitor Encina treatment plant flows on a monthly basis to determine a( flow rates and to have an early warning sf capacity problems. e E. PARKS 1. INYENTORY a. Existing and Build Out Park Demand: The projected population for Park District 4 comes from the Zon Local Facilities Management Plan. Performance Standard Projected Park Demand Park District 4 Population f&Ed Existing (1/1/90) 21,110 63.33 Build Out (2013) 42,817 128.45 Qf this, the Zone 12 existing and projected build out population demand is: Performance Standard Projected Park Demand 0 Zone 12 Population l.Acred Existing ( 1 / 1 /90) 1,455 4.37 Build Out (1992) 4,285 12.86 Inventorv o f Existing Park Facilities In Park District 4: The inventory of existing parks listed below was approved on Julj 1989 by the Parks and Recreation Commission. The locations of tl parks are shown in the Zone 12 Local Facilities Management PI Community Park m Ownership Acres La Costa Canyon Active City 12.34 Stagecoach Active City 28.00 TOTAL 40.34 Special Use Areas BE Ownership Acres Cadencia Active City 2.0 El Fuerte Active City 3.6 b. * 106 La Costa Heights La Costa Meadows Elementary (Levante Elem.) Active EmSD 5.4 Elementary (Fuerte Elem). Active SMUSD 2.0 TOTAL 13.0 In addition., the adopted 1988 Parks Agreement Supplement betst BCE Development and the City of Carlsbad (C.C. Reso. 88 guarantees the dedication of 35 acres of parkland and $2,241,265 the construction of 19.48 acres of additional parks in Park Distn within a five year periods. This dedication of land and the guara to construct additional acreage will allow park supply to conform 7 the adopted performance standard. The adopted 1989-90 to Build Capital hprovements Plan shows 28 acres of Alga Norte 1 scheduled and funded for construction within five years. This acrc is needed prior to January 1, 1993, in order to continue to meet adopted performance standard. In the event that the ye monitoring program shows that the adopted performance standa not being met in 1993 or at any time, residential development in 2 action to construct additional park ffacilities. Park District 4 confc with the adopted performance standard through build out. Communi9 Park m Ownership Acres e 12 and Park District 4 will be stopped until the City Council t( e Alga Norte Active City 28.00 TOTAL EXISTING FACILITIES 8 1.34 C. Inventory - of Projected Future Park Facilities: An inventory of projected park facilities was approved by the P and Recreation Commission on July 17, 1989. The locations oft parks are shown in the Zone 12 Local Facilities Management I within five years in the adopted Capital Improvements Plan: The follodng parks are listed in the inventory but not sched Community Park m Ownership Acres Macario Park Active City 25.M Alga Norte Park Active City 7.M 107 e Camllo Ranch Active City 18.78 TOTAL PROPOSED FUTURE FACILITIES 50.78 Projected Build Out Adeauacy/Inadeauacy of Park Facilities: 81.34 acres of existing park facilities can be applied toward mee the adopted parks performance standard. The 50.78 acres of proje future park facilities are proposed facilities per the City3 ado] Parks Inventory. Assuming these proposed facilities are scheduled and funded adequacy/inadequacy of park facilities in Park District 4 is as follc 0 d. construction prior to build out, the projected build Existing Facilities 81.34 Proposed Future Facilities $0.78 Total Build Out Park Facilities Park District 4 Build Out Demand Projected Park District 4 Adequacy /Inadequacy 3.67 acres 132.12 acres 128.45 2. FINANCING e The City’s approved Capital Improvement Program contains the follov funding for park facilities in Park District 4: Park Proiect 1990-91 1991-92 1993-99 1999 + Alga Norte (19.48 acres) $2,241,2654 Alga Norte (15.52 acres) $1,000,000 $ 805,000 Park Proiect 1990-9 1 1991-92 1993-99 1999 + Alga Norte Community Center $1,5OO,OOO 4 This cost estimate reflects an increase in the per acre cost to develop park lam well as guarantee that the park will be operational on schedule to meet performance standard. 108 e Leo Camllo Park (18.78 acres) $2,075,000 $ 977,500 Macario (25.0 credit) $7,000,000 e The 19.48 and 15.52 acres of Alga Norte Park and the 10.28 acres of Car can be used to meet the adopted performance standard because they scheduled within five years in the adopted 1989-90 to Build Out CIP. TI improvements will be financed by means of a combination of the e~ Parks Agreement and Public Facilities Fees. The Parks agreement was entered into between the City and BCED in 1982, prior to the initiatio the Growth Management Program. The agreement was amended in 191 ensure that Park District 4 would meet the adopted Parks Performi Standard (C.C. Resolution No. 88-52). As amended, the agreement guarantees the dedication of 35 acres of 1 land and $2,241,265 for the construction of 19.48 acres of additional par1 Park District 4 within a five year period from the execution of the P Agreement. This dedication of land and the guarantee to construct additi acreage will allow the park supply to conform with the adopted perform; standard, The amended Parks Agreement defines the specific park-in-lieu credits other, if any, reimbursements to be received by BCE Development. adopted 1989-90 to Build Out Capital Improvement Program ident $3 17,500 per year, for reimbursement to BCE Development, to begin in 1 93 and to be paid in full after June 30, 2002. e 3. SPECIAL CONDITIONS The property owners of Zone 12 shall comply with the existing p agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Fieldstone/La Costa Associ; dated March 3,1988, and any amendments thereto. Currently, this agreer contains the following provisions: a. The secured dedication by Fieldstone/La Costa Associates of acres of Alga Norte Park at a location to be determined acceptabl the City, including acceptable access to the park site subject to approval of the City Engineer. Provide a letter of credit or some other secured financing accept to the City in the amount of $2,435,000 guaranteeing the construc of 19.48 acres of park land, from a financial institution and upon tr and conditions acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attoi at the time this agreement is executed. Provide for the operating expenses for the park. b. c. 109 0 d. The Parks Agreement must be consistent with the requirements of City's Growth Management Program. If any reimbursements and/or park-in-lieu fee credits are to be @ the Parks Agreement shall provide a mechanism to do so. At any time the parks performance standard is not complied with within 1 4 or Zone 12. 0 e. 2. District 4, no further residential development will be allowed in Park Disl F. DRAINAGE See Exkibit 50 on page 110 for Watershed Area boundaries. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. All future development within Zone 12 shall be required to construct future Zone 12 storm drain facilities identified in the current Drainage Ma Plan and the revised Master Drainage Plan as determined by the ( Engineer. Any facilities necessary to accommodate future development n be financially guaranteed prior to the recordation of a final map, issuano a grading or building permit, whichever occurs first for any developn requiring future storm drain facilities in Zone 12. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of a grading pel or building permit, whichever occurs first for any specific development wi Zone 12, the developers of that project are required to: a. Pay the required drainage area fees established in the current Ma Drainage Plan and; Enter into an agreement to pay any drainage area fees establishec the forthcoming revised Master Drainage Plan. Prior to the recordation of any final map within Zone 12, a comprehen hydrauiic study shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Engin( This study shall include an analysis of the Encinitas Creek drainage bi from Zone 11 all the way to Batiquitos Lagoon. The hydrologic analysis n propose alternate forms of mitigating peak storm runoff flows to incluc possible flood attenuation action plan for the entire Encinitas Creek drain basin. If the subsequent study identifies existing major storm drain facilj 2. 0 b. 3. 109-a e -2 .- --_ 110 that currently fall below the performance standard, a Enancfig program : be approved mitigating any deficient facility. 3. WATERSHEDA e a. Prior to the recordation of the fist final map, issuance of gra permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, within Watersht of Zone 12, the developers are required to financially guarantee dlesign and construction of the following storm drain facilities: i., A 48" storm drain facility carrying water past a proposed 1 crossing in the north central portion of Zone 12. A 54" storm drain carrying water past a proposed road cro: north of the riparian area in Zone 12. A detentionldesiltation facility north of Calle Barcelona in western portion of the zone. A double barrel 42" storm drain facility carrying water from detention/desiltation facility to the northeast corner of C Barcelona and El Camino Weal. A double 6 by 5 foot box culvert extension of the existing culvert which currently carries water to the west side o Camino Real. A 301 storm drain facility carrying water across Calle Barce in the western portion of the zone. A 30" storm drain facility carrying water across Calle Barce in central portion of zone, A 30 storm drain facility connecting to the 48" storm d facility in the north central portion of Zone 12. A 30 storm drain facility in the northwestern portion of Z 12. 0, 111. iiii. ive v. 4D vi. vii. viii. LL 4. WATERSHED B No special conditions. 111 e 5. WATERSHED C a. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of a gra permit or building permit, whichever occurs first within Watershc of Zone 12, the developers shall financially guarantee the design construction of the following drainage facilities: 1. A proposed 36" storm drain carrying water from Santa Fe G through La Costa SW I to Olivenhain Road. A 30" storm drain facility along the alignrnent of ( Barcelona canying water across Rancho Santa Fe Road. 0 ii. e. CIRCULA TION See Mibit 51 on page 113 for Circulation Element Roadways. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. An on-going monitoring program shall be established to evaluate the as€ of improvements, development, and demand on circulation facilities. required timing of improvements is based upon the projected deman development in the zone and the surrounding region. This timing ma modified without amendment to this plaG however, any deletions or addir to the improvements will require amending this local plan. Prior to recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permi building permit, whichever occurs first, within Zone 12, a comprehen financing program guaranteeing construction of the following circula improvements shall be approved: Prior to recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permi building permit, whichever occurs first, within Zone 12, a comprehen financing program guaranteeing construction of the following circula improvements shall be approved: 2. 0 3. a. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED NOW 1. Rancho Santa Fe Road Three road segments from Melrose Avenue North to La Costa Ave shall be constructed to include the following improvements: a. Complete grading of Rancho Santa Fe Road to ultimate ri of-way width to prime arterial standards; 112 a a UI s 8 L:$ aa= v)c z@ggn I- .1";80; ~~4ug~ 55%55% 5LSE& F-CU uauzc< u<auao ~ooq8" uz ua2-,a; 0 z e.:oog w e0:00$ g ..:OO$ ua JiFiL? 4B *~ PIaaIa ~em finn e e e e 2 (b 113 b. Construction of four through lanes, two in each direc including a fully landscaped median; Intersection signalization as required to meet traffic wanq by the City Engineer. c. 0 Completion Date - 1990 DO M, Olivenhain Road Olivemhain Road between El. Camino Real and Rancho Santa Road shall be constructed to include the following: a. b. c. Complete grading for four lame interim improvement; Construction of interim four lanes; Intersection improvements at El Camino Real/Oliveml intersection. Completion Date - 1990 its. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 1991 i. El Camino Real/Cdle Barcelona Improvements to the intersection of El Camino Real and C Barcelona. CornDletion Date - 1991 0 C. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 1993 1. La Costa Avenue La Costa Avenue between El Camino Real and 1-5 northbound ramps shall be constructed to include the following: a. Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to rn arterial standards; Construction of one additional through travel lane in e direction; Completion Date - 1993 b. 114 e d. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 1995 io Rancho Santa Fe Road Rancho Santa Fe Road from Melaose Avenue North to Camino d Coches shall be constructed to include the following: a. 1) Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to pi aterial standards; Construction of four through travel lanes, two in each dire( to include intersection improvements including a landscaped meeting; b. Completion Date - 1995 ii Olivenhain Road Olivenhain Road from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe R shall be constructed to include the following: a. ConstruCtion of six through travel lanes, three in each direc to full prime arterial standards; Improvement of the Olivenhain Road intersections wit1 Camino Real and Rancho Santa Fe Road. b. 0 ComDletion Date - 1995 iii. Calle Barcelona Calle Barcelona from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road s be constructed to include the following; a. Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width; b. Construction of two through travel lanes in each direction This requirement is needed concurrent Phase II of the Arroyo Costa project in Zone 12. For purposes of this analysis, it is assui to in place prior to 1994 (Zone 12 Build Out). Completion Date - 1995 115 e iv- Improvement of the intersection of El Camino Real and Lib C Avenue. Completion Date - 1995 El Camino Real/La Costa Avenue e e. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 2000 No improvements necessary. f. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY BUTL,D OUT 1. El Camino Real El Camino Real between La Costa Avenue and Olivenhain Road s be constructed to include the following: a. Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to pr arterial standards; Construction of six through travel lanes, three in each direct to full prime arterial standards; Improvements of the intersections of El Camino Real anc Costa Avenue, Levante Street, and Calle Barcelona. b. c. 0 Completion Date - Build Out 11. Improvements to the intersections of Rancho Santa Fe Road Melrose Avenue North, Questhaven Road, Melrose South, La Cc Avenue, and Calle Barcelona. Completion Date - Build Out *. Rancho Santa Fe Road Intersections 116 0 H. - FIRE 1. INVENTORY 0 At the present time, Fire Station No. 2 and Temporary Station No. 6 s Zones 6, 11, and 12 &thin the southeast area of Carlsbad. Zone I currently served by Fire Stations 2 and 5, however, future developmer Zone IO will be entirely within the five minute response time of Fire St2 Noo 2, Zones 17 and 18 are not included in this analysis since they served by Fire Station No.5. Fire Station No. 2 is located at 1906 AI Road. Temporary Fire Station No. 6 is located at 3131 Levante Street The City of Carlsbad originally purchased the current Fire Station No. 6 witR the intent of constructing a permanent fire station. Since that tirr has been determined that Rancho Santa Fe Road will be realigned to east. WitR this realignment, a suitable land transfer must take plac provide the City with a permanent location for Fire Station No. 6. The City of Carlsbad has entered into an agreement with BCE Develop1 which provided for construction of temporary facilities. The 1989-90 to E design and construction of temporary Fire Station No. 6 as a part of agreement. In addition, this agreement provides for relocation of Fire St2 No, 6 to the future Rancho Santa Fe Road alignment. Fire Stations No. 2 and 6 will continue to provide fire support to Zon until build out. The City of Carlsbad and BCE Development Rave ent into an agreement which guarantees funding for the relocation of Fire st2 No. 6 to the permanent location prior to build out. Out Capital Improvements Program shows $550,000 appropriated for 0 2. SPECIAL CONDITIONS No special conditions. I. OPEN SPACE SPECIAL CONDITIONS I. All future development within this zone shall be required to show ha contributes to meeting the open space performance standard and that development does not preclude the provision of performance standard ( space at build out of Zone 12. Open space compliance will be monitored annually and as individual pro. are reviewed within this zone. 2. 117 0 3. Prior to the approval of any development within this zone, the Plan Director shall be required to find that the development does not precludc provision of performance standard open space at build out of Zone 12. e J. SCHOOLS I. IPJVENTORY Two General Plan School sites are designated within the Arroyo Ea C Master Plan. Although these sites are not listed as requirements within Special Conditions for the Zone 12 Local Facilities Management Plan, are provided to meet the requirements sf the Carhbad General Plarn, Endnitas Union Elementary School District, and the San Dieguito 1 School District. This Master Plan provides two school sites as follows: 1. 2. These sites have been approved by both districts as satisfying requirements for the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan, A 13.3 gross acre Elementary School site, and A 27.4 gross acre Junior High School site. 2. SPECIAL CONDITIONS No special conditions. e K SEWERDISTRICT SPECIAL, CONDITIONS 1. All development within Zone 12 shall pay the required sewer connection to the Leucadia County Water District. 2. Sewer Basin A The following Special Conditions shall apply to Villages E, F, G, H, I, J L, N, 0, P, and Q: a. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of a grac permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, for any develop= in Sewer Basin A, a financing mechanism guaranteeing construction of the following sewer facilities shall be provided to satisfaction of the Leucadia County Water District: 118 4D i. the proposed 10-inch sewer line within Calle Barcelona mu e installed; ii. The improvements recommended by the LCWD Planning S will continue to be made by LCWD to maintain conform with the adopted performance standard; 3. Sewer Basin B The following Special Conditions shall apply to Villages B, C, D, M, I, E F: a. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of a grading pe or building permit, whichever occurs first, for any development in SI Basin B, a financing mechanism guaranteeing the construction of following sewer facilities shall be provided to the satisfaction of Leucadia County Water District: i. The improvements recommended by the LCWD Planning Study continue to be made by the LCWD to maintain conformance wit1 adopted performance standard. Lo WATER DISTRICT SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1, Water Service Area A e The following Special Conditions shall apply to Villages D, E, and M: a. Water facilities shall be provided at the time of development to satisfaction of OMWD. The water district may require improven outside of Water Service Boundaries if deemed necessary to s development. b. All development within Water Service Area A shall pay the approp water fees established by OW. 2. Water Service Area B The following Special Conditions shall apply to Villages B,C,E, I, J, K, L N, 0, P and Q: a, Water Facilities shall be provided concurrent with development to satisfaction of OMWD. A portion of the existing 12” water line in ( 119 e Barcelona shall be removed and an extension/connection made to thc main in the new alignment of Calle Barcelona as well as its extension connection to the 16" main in El Camino Real and the 12 inch lin Rancho Santa Fe Road, as required by QMWD. water fees established by OMWD. * b. All development within Water Service Area B shall pay the approp 3. Water Service Area C The following Special Conditions shall apply to Villages E, F, G, H, Q, an a. Water Facilities shall be provided concurrent with development to b. The existing 14" water line in the northwesterly portion on Zone 12 sha removed and replaced with a 16" water line in Levante Street/Anillo with a connection at the La Costa pressure reducing station and at the main in El Camino Real. established by the OMWD. satisfaction of OMWD. c. All development within Water Service Area C shall pay the appropriate M. FINANCING 0 The following Exhibits 52 through 57 on pages 121 through 126, summarize fa( financing for Zone 12 public facilities as shown in the Zone 12 Local Fad Management Plan. These matrices summarize the individual facility to be finan its estimated cost and timing of construction the existing budgeted Carlsbad Cal Improvements Plan monies available for the facility and the future funding optic 120 e Ill I1 I Ill II I I II I 1.1 I II I II I II I Ill I- I I Ill II I 1- I I II I I II I Ill II I I-SI I II I I II I Ill II I I -1 I II I I I1 I I IIIv)v) v) II I II I Ill IaJaJI I I w II I Iv)v)I I v) II I I II I aJu I I- II I w II I I I II I Ill I II I I LI I L II I Ill ZII in- II I I I1 I II I IaJLI I II I I II I Ill I II I II *- aJ IC, I I II I I II I II ILL0 v) ICv)I I II I Ill -_ Ill I aJQl I II I I II I - I -- II ---I k-2- $ -I- lVEl I II I Ill IIIIIII II I II I I ?I I - II I I %(Ill I IC,,cLI I I II I IIIIIII IIIII Iccv)I I I II I IIIIIII IIIII lmal I I II I 1v)AI I I II I IUUI I I II I I I I I I II I IIIII IIIIII IIIIIII IIIII 1041 I I II I I I I I II I IIIII lmhl I I II I I 1 I IOII I I I I I ICYII I ICDOl I IOII I I --I I ICYII I I I 1 lull I I IrxII I I I 1 1x11 I I 1-11 I lcocol I lull I I ISII I lNbl I IIII I 1 I I It-I1 I I I I I II I- I II-II I 14-41 I ll-ll I IIIII I**l I I II I IIIII I IIIIII I I I I II I IIIII I IIIIII I I I I II I 1 IIIIII IIIIIII I I I I II I IIIII IIIII 1.. 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I I I 3 II I I 0 II I 0 mcl WI I II I II I W PI) l-l ot II I UI N I I I I I II I h I II I 0 v)l I I II I II II I I I II I ai I II I I II I 4 I-I I II I 41 I II I 01 I II I K 1 I II I l-I I II I II I II II I E I6 I II I II I II I II II 1 (d 1 I Bsr: I II I II II I = II I II II I I II I II II I Q, .C n no 1 .C + n I II I II I II I II I II I II II I I II I II II I N: 4z II I II II I I II I c II II I N ! !! ! d !! !! I =-I E' - LL 22 rn, v) c, 2g &I I g 21 I o mE z II I m - E KI 3 2 ii I Sl I II I g AI I II I .C I II I .C =: II I I - I - 'C W. VILLAGE AND OPEN $PACE AREAS DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS e A INTRODUCTION The Arroyo La Costa Master Plan has been divided into 19 Villages i Open Space Areas. All but three of the Villages will be developed detached single family residences. Villages R & S will be developed wj developed as a church site. No residential development will occur in any of the Open Space areas Open Space areas except OS-8 and OS-9 will be left in their natural state only a trail system. Open Space Area OS-8 is the location designate recreational vehicle storage. Open Space Area OS-9 will contain the con recreation building and daycare center. Each Village and Open Space subsection of this chapter will contain exhibits and special design cr applicable to that particular Village or Open Space Area. Village A consists of the previously developed Santa Fe Ridge project. project was developed under the original La Costa Master Plan. In the i 12 Local Facilities Management Plan this area is subdivided in two area purposes of identifying the two types of General Plan Land Use designa on the project. In this Master Plan the Santa Fe Ridge project is si designated as Village A. The provisions and requirements of the Arroy Costa Master Plan do not apply to this village. It is only included i~ Master Plan because it was a part of the original La Costa Master Pla Open Space Area OS-1 consists of the open space area that is associated the previously approved Santa Fe Ridge project. elementary school and a junior high school respectively. Village J wJ 0 B, COMMON VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS All residential villages within the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan shall COI with the following common development standards and design criteria. 1. PERMI'ITEDUSES Single family detached dwellings, accessory structures and assocj recreation areas. 2. DWELLING LOT COVERAGE A maximum of 50% dwelling unit coverage of the net lot sqi footage shall be permitted. e 127 a 3. SETBACKS a. Front 0 20 feet from property line bo Street s idevard 10 feet from property line c. Side/Rear All units shall comply with section 21.45.090 of the Carl Municipal Code (Development Standards section of the P1a1 Development Ordinance). In addition, all units shall COI with the City of Carlsbad's Architectural Guidelines for s lot single family detached units. An increased rear yar enhanced rear elevations shall be required for slopes whicf be viewed from Rancho Santa Fe Road, Olivenhain Road, Calle Barcelona. Patios and accessory structures for lots ~OC along these roadways shall be setback a minimum of five from top of slope. 4. PROJECTIONS Fireplace structures, cornices, eaves, belt courses, sills, buttresses, other similar architectural features projecting from a building intrude up to two feet into the required distance between buildii a 5. ARCHlTEcrzTRAL REVIEW BOARD Prior to approval of the fist final map, the applicant shall estat the Arroyo La Costa Architectural Review Board. The Architeci Review Board shall be responsible for the review and approval c room additions, patio covers, decks, patios and other struct requiring a building permit. 128 e 6. ROOM ADDITIONS All proposed room additions, porch covers, patios, decks and ( construction requiring building permit from the City of Carlsbad be approved by the Arroyo La Costa Architectural Review Board plans will be reviewed by the City unless the approval of the AI La Costa Architectural Review Board is first obtained. All 1 additions and porch covers shall comply with the setback anc coverage requirements established in this chapter. e 7. ACCESSORY STRUCTURES Patios and accessory structures not exceeding six feet in h (including peaked roof) within rear yards shall be allowed up tc feet from the rear property line, 8. HEIGHT The maximum height in the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan shal exceed 35 feet as defined by Section 21.04.065 of the Carl Municipal Code. e 9. NEIGHBORHOOD IDENTITY a. Monuments Each village shall provide entry monuments and other sig the locations shown in the individual village Design Cri Community Development Standards section of this Master. Exhibits. These monuments shall meet the specifications c b. Walls and Fences Community theme wall, village wall and fencing, and pn fencing shall be provided at locations shown in the indivi village wall/fence exhibits. These walls and fences shall bc the specifications shown in the Community Develop1 Standards section of this Master Plan. 10. LANDSCAPE All community-wide landscape standards described in the Comi Development Standards section shall be incorporated into planning area. The dominant unifying landscape elements for planning area shall be preselected street trees, common lands 129 4b areas and slopes planted prior to homeowner occupation. Indiv homeowner landscapes may vary subject to the approval oj individual village associations within the Arroyo La Costa Master * If. COMPATIl3ILITY The average lot size of all lots along the northern and sou perimeter of the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan shall be equal greater than the average lot size of the lots in the existing adj neighborhoods. C. VILLAGES Village A Village A consists of the existing 170 single family homes that make u portion of the Santa Fe Ridge project which lies within the boundaries ( Arroyo La Costa Master Plan. This project is located west of the Pond project, north of Rancho Santa Fe Road and south of the future align of Cdle Barcelona. None of the standards or requirements of the Arro: Costa Master Plan are applicable to this project. As mentioned previously in this Master Plan, the Santa Fe Ridge Proj only hcludecf in the Master Plan because it is a part of the southwest p< of the original la Costa Master Plan. Village B I. Description * Village B is located immediately south of Calle Barcelona, w( Rancho Santa Fe Road and east of the existing Santa Fe 1 development. Village B has a gross acreage of 37.39 acres and developable acreage of 34.34 acres. The existing topography s down toward Rancho Santa Fe Road and provides back country to the south and east. An open space area separates this Village the existing Santa Fe Ridge project. 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use RLM (0-4 DU/acre). Arroyo La Costa Master Plan allows 100 units. 3. Lot Size: Minimum - 6,000 square feet. 4. Pad Size: Minimum - 6,000 square feet. 130 e 5. Special Desim Criteria All community-wide design standards described in the Corn Development Standards shall be implemented in this planning The following specific guidelines shall also be included for this p1a1 area: e Spdal attention shall be given to incorporating the adj< open space area as an amenity to the project. Special attention shall be given to the rear elevations c units backing on Rancho Santa Fe Road to assure the elevations of the homes are as attractive as the front. 0 * Sound walls shall be used to mitigate noise along Although architectural style does not need to be of an ide: The slopes along Rancho Smta Fe Road shall be undulat Landscape screening of the dwelling units shall be incorpo Barcelona and Rancho Santa Fe Road. 0 style with Santa Fe Ridge, it shall be compatible. sirnulate natural topography. 0 0 to soften views of these structures from Calle Barcelonz Rancho Santa Fe Road. Units shall be designed to take advantage of back country 7 to the south and southwest. All residences shall be setback a minimum of 30 feet fro1 edge of the Calle Barcelona right-of-way and 50 feet fro1 edge of the Rancho Santa Fe right-of-way. e . 6. Open Space/Trails A connection between Village B and the adjacent open space (OS-2) will be made via an open space lot to be landscaped, incli trail, per the requirements of the Open Space Chapter of this M Plan. This trail shall be designed, to the extent possible, to pre views from the trail into the rear yards of adjacent residence! addition, a bike/pedestrian trail shall be constructed along Barcelona. 13 1 e 7. Architectural Stvle The architectural style shall be Traditional Monterey. This st] typified by stucco exteriors, hip and gabled roofs with Spanish tilt exposed rafter tails at the eaves. In addition, covered balcc dndow and door lintels, recessed windows, wood shutters, potshc and exposed beams contribute to this style. Typical colors art earthtones and white on stucco and wood surfaces. The exact. stylc be modified subject to the requirements of Development Rc Process Chapter of this Master Plan. ab e 132 * e a /--- w w w m Concreteside\ - 0 -Trail 0 0 0 0 Bikeway v views - 1 I Project Boundc - - VillageBoundc rn mnruL VWSff VILLAGE B bm Design Criteria * ?? 133 Santa Fe Ridge LEGEND THEME WALL mmmmmm Soli( VILLAGE WALL 00000 Soli( PROJECT FENC E E 0 0 E Villa HHIm Star lllllllHl Opc 1)IE umur m@ Village B @ LAm Wall / Fence Location ?? 134 Villape C e 1. Description Village C is located immediately north of Calle Barcelona, we: Rancho Santa Fe Road and south of Levante Street. Village C 1 gross area of 13.52 acres and a net developable area of 12.92 a A small riparian area exists dong the northern edge of Village C. topography of the site slopes down towards Rancho Santa Fe R providing back country views to the south and east. 2. Description General Plan Land Use RM (4-8 du/ac). Arroyo La Costa Master Plan allows 51 units. 3. Lot Size: Minimum 6000 square feet. 4. Pad Size: Minimum 6000 square feet. 5. Special Design Criteria AI community-wide design standards described in the Commi Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plan area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included for planning area: 0 e Special attention shall be given to incorporating the adjz open space area as an amenity to the project. If a Ra Sante Fe Road pedestrian overpass is constructed in the fu a directional sign indicating the pedestrian overpass sha provided at the intersection of the local collector street v provides access to Village e and Calle Barcelona. This shall meet the specifications for set forth in the Commi Development Standards section of this Master Plan. The slopes along Rancho Santa Fe Road shall be undulate simulate natural topography. . Special attention shall be given to the rear elevations of all 1 backing onto Rancho Santa Fe Road and Calle Barcelor ensure that the rear elevations are as attractive as the fro the homes. Site planning and structural elevations shall be coordinatt ensure preservation of back country views to the east. 135 0 Sound walls shall be used to mitigate noise along ( Barcelona and Rancho Santa Fe Road. All residences shall be setback a minimum of 30 feet fron edge of the Calle Barcelona Right-of-way and 50 feet fron edge of the Rancho Santa Fe Right-of-way. Landscape screening of the dwelling units shall be incorpoi to soften views of these structures from Calle Barcelona Rancho Santa Fe Road. 0 e 6. Ouen Suace /Trails A pedestrian/bike trail shall be constructed along the local coll street which provides access to Village C and along Calle Barce The trail shall be maintained by the community open : maintenance district. This trail shall be designed, to the e possible, to preclude views from the trail into the rear yarc adjacent residences. This trail will link with the trail in Open 2 Area OS-3 to the north of this village. 7. Architectural Stvle The architectural style shall be Traditional Monterey. This st: typified by the use of stucco exteriors, hip and gabled roofs Spanish tile and exposed rafter tails at the eaves. The use of elements such as covered balconies, window and door lintels, rec windows, wood shutters, potshelves and exposed beams also contr to the integrity of this style. Typical colors are soft earthtone: white on wood and stucco elements The exact style may be moc subject to the Development Review Process Chapter of this N Plan. e 136 0 D * 0 LEGEND & VillageEnhy = = ConcreteSidev, 0 0 0 Bikeway 'cI1) views Refined Slopes w Project Boundai - - Villagebundai ?tn mnrlJi? @ ma VILLAGE C hm Design Criteria 5!!? 137 eL8S?e-,I os3 OOO 600 a. :-• -4. e 0 8 0 L 0 f \ e 4 0 / LEGEND THEME WALL mmmmm. Solid VlLlAGE WALL 00000 Solid 0 0 0 0 oopel PROJECT FENCI amam Villas = I =a Stanc -rhE mnnJE @ mff Viltage~ Urn wall 1 Fence Location ?? 138 Village D 1, Description 0 Village D is located north of Calle Barcelona, west of Rancho $ Fe Road and immediately south of Levante St. Vil1age.D has a ; area of 19.96 acres and a net developable area of 18.36 acres. village borders against existing single family development to the n A 40 foot wide open space easement exists along the nori boundary of the Village, adjacent to the existing development. TI south, is a small riparian area. Much of the existing vegetation il Village has been heavily disturbed. This area is relatively 1 however there may be opportunities for internal views and country views from a small portion of the lots. 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land use RLM (0-4 DU/acre). Arroyo La Costa Master Plan allows 63 units. 3, Lot Size: Minimum - 7,000 square feet. 4. Pad Area: Minimum - '7,OOO square feet. 0 5. Special Design Criteria All community-wide design standards described in the Comm Development Standards section shall be implemented in this p1a1 area. The follodng specific guidelines shall also be included foi planning area: e Site planning and structural elevations shall be coordinatc ensure preservation of back country views to the south and Site planning for all lots adjacent to OS-3 shall be designe incorporate views into the open space/willows (OS-3) adja to this village. Sound walls shall be used to mitigate noise along Rancho S Fe Road. All residences shall be setback a minimum of 50 feet fron edge of the Rancho Santa Fe Right-of-way. . Landscape screening of the dwelling units shall be incorpor to soften views of these structures from Rancho Santa Fe R 139 e All units located along the northern boundary of this vi shall maintain a fifteen foot setback from the existing forty open space easement. rear yard. This rear yard can be divided into two zones ref€ to as Zones as shown on Exhibit 64 on page 143: a. Zone 1 is defined as the 15’ setback from the open s easement. Allowed uses in Zone 1 include: i. Room additions ii. Patio covers iii. Accessory Structures iv. Pools and Spas V. This will create a fifty-five foot 0 Barbecues and other recreational related facil bo Zone 2 is defined as the 40’ open space easement. structure over six feet in height as measured from exi grade shall be permitted. Allowed uses in Zo include: i. ii. In-ground pools and spas m. Accessory structures equal to or less than height. Barbecue and other recreational related fad equal to or less than 6’ in height. *e, e This shall be recorded as a deed restriction for afft properties. 6. &en SDace /Trails Although this village does not include a designated bike/pedes trail, the sidewalks within this village will tie in to the bike/pedes trail in the adjacent open space area. 7. Architectural Style The architectural style shall be Traditional Estate. This style is % by the use of brick and siding, hipped roofs, and flat tile. ( painted shutters, and the use of entry wall and gates. The exact may be modified subject to the requirements of Development Rt Process Chapter of this Master Plan. elements are windows in garage doors, brick and wood colu 140 0 0 Santa Fe Glens (c LEGEND /--- e VillageEnhy Refined Slopes v views Open Space Lo m m Concretesidewalk m m m ProjectBoundar - - Village bundar rn mwi? @ Vlk%fSoF VILLAGE D LAm Design Criteria ?? 14 1 Santa Fe Glens e e LEGEND THEME WALL mmmWmm Solid VILIAGE WALL 000.0 Solid 8 00 0 OOper PROJECTFENCI U 0 0 0 0 Villa€ = I = I Stanc 1111111111 Ope1 rn e bm ma Wall Village / Fence D Location 0JmE ?? 142 mZ .EN po 5 5- CI m c 0 mc -& ma !i a m f UJ g fa S8 5i 2s s;$ RS 8% bh- $ .$ .n 22 g2.Z F!c g -5 z 6 P u) Po a B a 0 : * 0 Village E 0 1, Description Village E is located north of Calle Barcelona, east of El Camino and south of Levante St. Village E has a gross area of 32.45 acre: a net developable area of 31.15 acres. A portion of this Villa adjacent to the existing Segovia Way and single family residenc the north. An existing degraded riparian habitat is located don, northwestern edge of this Village. The western portion of this Vi affords views into the main open space/riparian corridor. A 40 wide open space easement exists along the northern edge oi Village which impacts fifteen of the proposed lots in Village E. 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use RLM (0-4 DU/acre). Arroyo La Costa Master Plan 99 units. 3. Lot Size: Minimum - 7,OOO square feet. 4. Pad Area: Minimum - 7,000 square feet. 5. SDecial Design Criteria All community-wide design standards described in the Corn Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plar area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included foi planning area: e e All units located along the northern boundary of this vi shall maintain a fifteen foot setback from the existing forty open space easement. rear yard. This rear yard can be divided into two zones reft to as Zones as shown on Exhibit 67 on page 148: a, This will create a fifty-five foot Zone 1 is defined as the 15’ setback from the open SI easement. Allowed uses in Zone 1 include: 1. Room additions ll. Patio covers iv. Pools and Spas V. *. iii, Accessory Structures Barbecues and other recreational related facil 144 * b. Zone 2 is defined as the 40' open space easement. use over six feet in height as measured from the exi grade shall be permitted. Allowed uses in Zo include: i. 0 Accessory structures equal to or less than height. Barbecue and other recreational related fad equal to or less than 6' in height. ii Fools and spas I iii. This shall be recorded as a deed restriction for a& properties. 0 Site planning for lots adjacent to the central open space con (OW) shall incorporate views into the central open s corridor (OS-4). 6. Open Space /Trails Although this village does not include a designated bike/pedes trail, the sidewalks within this village will tie in to the bike/pedes trail in the adjacent open space area to the west in the central pr open space corridor. 7. Architectural $&le e The architectural style for this village shall be Traditional Estate. style is typified by the use of brick and siding, hipped roofs, anc tile. Other elements are windows in garage doors, brick and v columns, painted shutters, and the use of entry wall and gates. exact style may be modified subject to the requirement Development Review Process Chapter of this Master Plan. 145 a La costa South 0 e LEGEND * VillageEntry Refined Slopes v views Open Space Loi H rn H ConcreteSidewalk m I I Rojectkundar - - VillageBoundap m mnrLlE @ -OF VILLAGE E hm Design Criteria ?f 146 La costa south Santa F e LEGEND VlllAGE WALL maom0 Solid 80 0 8 0Opei PROJECT FENCI '\ @-- EPPOO Villas -m=m Stanc c$ yo 1111111111 Oper \ (r. \ Rn: KlmLE mm \/itloge E ' LAm \No11 / Fence Location ?!? 147 -E .P Y a V a 50 u e 0 P, EO 2 s 2 NS 5-* ac mR -i E, m a w 9) 0 a Q u) E :$ ;8 si -%.x %j 8% 24- 22 ai .B: 5 2z.g 53 2 0 oU 2 t* 9) K e w e I a 6 Villape F e I. Description Village F is located immediately north of Segovia Way, and east Camino Real. Village F has a gross area of 16.45 acres and i developable area of 15.85 acres. This Village abuts existing s family development to the north and east (Santa Fe Glens an Costa South). The existing topography slopes down from nor south. space/riparian corridor from this area. There is some potential for views into the main 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use RLM (0-4 DU/acre). Arroyo La Costa Master Plan allows 48 units. 3. Lst Size: Minimum - 7,000 square feet. 4. Pad Area: Minimum - '9,OOO square feet. 5. Special Desim Criteria All community-wide design standards described in the Corn Development Standards section shall be implemented in this pla area, The following specific guidelines shall also be included foI planning area: a This village shall be designed with existing Segovia Way surrounding development as major design constraints. 6. men $Dace/Trails Although this village does not include a designated bike/pedes trail, the sidewalks within this village will tie in to the bike/pedes trail in the adjacent open space area to the west in the central pr open space corridor. 7. Architectural Style The architectural style for this village shall be Traditional Estate. style is typified by the use of brick and siding, hipped roofs, and tile. Other elements are windows in garage doors, brick and v CO~LUIUIS, painted shutters, and the use of entry wall and gates. exact style may be modified subject to the requirement: Development Review Process Chapter of this Master Plan. 149 0 La Costa South 0 .SI e LEGEND Refined Slopes *--- m I I Roject Boundar - - Village Boundar rn rn rn Concretesidewalk -lhE anrLJE! mff VILLAGE F * hm Design Criteria ?!? 150 il-a Costa South e e LEGEND VlllAGE WALL Oeeee Solid PROJECT FENCll 0 0 0 P 0 Villag =ImB Stanc I~UIM#III Oper h rn KmrLJi? 0 v&XZS°F Village F bm Wall / Fence Location ?? 15 1 Village G a 1. Descriptions Village G is located north of Calle Barcelona, east of El Camino and south of Levante St. Village G has a gross area of 25.3 acre! a net developable area of 25.3 acres. The existing topography 01 Village slopes down to the south providing some potential ;It views. space/riparian corridor. The oak grove located adjacent ta southern edge of this Village will be preserved and enhanced as a of Village P. The western edge of the project abuts the main 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use RLM (0-4 DU/acre). Arroyo La C Master Plan allows 94 units. 3. Lot Size: Minimum - 6,000 square feet. 4. Pad Area: Minimum .- 6,000 square feet. 5. Suecial Desim Criteria All community-wide design standards described in the CQIIXII Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plar area, The following specific guidelines shall also be included foi planning area: This village shall provide an open space lot for the purpo providing access to adjacent open space corridor (OS-4). Lots adjacent to the Oak grove in Village P shall be desi to incorporate views into the Oak grove. interior views into the Master Plan area. a e Wherever possible units shdl be designed to take advantal 6. Open SDace/Trails Although this village does not include a designated bike/pedes trail, the sidewalks within this village will tie in to the bike/pedes trail in the adjacent open space area (OS-4) via an open spact This lot will contain a trail head marker and be landscaped pel Open Space Chapter of this Master Plan. 152 a 7. Architectural Style The architectural style shall be Traditional Monterey. This stJ typified by the use of stucco exteriors, hip and gabled roofs Spanish tile and exposed rafter tails at the eaves. The use of ( elements such as covered balconies, window and door lintels, recr windows, wood shutters, potshelves and exposed beams also contr to the integrity of this style. Typical colors are soft earthtones white on wood and stucco elements. The exact style may be mod subject to the Development Review Process Chapter of tRis M Plan. e e e 153 e a LEGEND & Village Entry 0 Trail Head . . . . ConcreteSidewl Open Space Lo1 - -Trail Refined slopes v views m H H Project Boundar m I VillageBaundan IkiE mnrLlE @ mm VILLAGE G hm Design Criteria ?? 154 La casta South e 0 0 LEGEND VlllAGE WALL em000 Solid 00 00 OOpe PROJECT FENC P E E E 0 Villa( /---- - I m E Stan mmammamm11 Ope1 -rbE 0YvLJi7 @ ma Village G hco61;4 Wall / Fence Location ?? 155 Village tp e 1. Description Village H is located north of Calle Barcelona, east of El Camino and immediately south of Levante St. Village H has a gross art 24.1 acres and a net developable area of 22.35 acres. This Villa located on top of a ridge which slopes down to the north and SI There are views of Batiquitos Lagoon and Green Valley fron western portion of the Village. The eastern portion of Village adjacent to the existing single family homes on the north sic Levante Street (Spanish Village). An elementary school site is lot on the south side of Village H. 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use RLM (0-4 DU/acre). Arroyo La Costa Master Plan allows 78 units. 3. Lot Size: Minimum - 6,000 square feet. 4, Pad Area: Minimum - 6,000 square feet. 5. Special Design Criteria All comunity-wide design standards described in the Comm Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plar area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included foi planning area: * 0 Wherever possible, site planning for lots in Village M incorporate lagoon views to the northwest, and interior v For lots immediately adjacent to the Elementary School disclosure to future homeowners shall be provided by mea, a Declaration of Notice to be recorded with the Co Recorders office making the buyers aware that the homes adjacent to a future school site. e . As mitigation for the aesthetic loss of the eucalyptus g onsite, the northerly entrance to Village H, as well as interior slopes of Village H, shall be enhanced with additj tree planting. 156 * 6. &en Space/Trails Although this village does not include a designated bikelpedes trail, the sidewalks within this village will tie into the sidewalk sy, which leads to the bike/pedestriam trail. e 7. Architectural Stvle The architectural style shall be Traditional Monterey. This st^ typified by the use of stucco exteriors, hip and gabled roofs Spanish tile and exposed rafter tails at the eaves. The use of ( elements such as covered balconies, window and door lintels, recc windows, wood shutters, potshelves and exposed beams also contrj white on wood and stucco elements. The exact style may be mod subject to the Development Review Process Chapter of this M Plan. to the integrity of this style. Typical colors are soft earthtones 0 157 0 e .8 LEGEND & Village Entry m ConcreteSdewl 0 TrailHead Open Space Lot 9' - Trai! Refined Slopes v views m I Project Boundan - - VillageBoundaq rn mnrLlE -OF VILLAGE H * h!m Design Criteria ';;l"B 158 e Spanish Village 0 ow * LEGEND VIUGE WALL ..... Solid 0 0 0 80 Ope1 PROJECT FENCI 0 0 E 0 E Villas E aE a Stan 1111111111 ope1 rn mnruE ma Village H bco61i9 Wall / Fence Location 0 ?? 159 Village I rl, 1. Description Village I is located south of Calle Barcelona, east of El Camino and west of the Rancho Ponderosa development. Village I has a area of 43.65 acres and a net developable area of 39.95 acres. Vi I will be located on top of a hill which slopes down to the north, ! and east providing opportunities for some views into the Olive] Valley, and the central valley topography of the Arroyo La Costa A 150 foot wide SDG&E easement forms the western boundary c Village. On the east, the village is bounded by the existing Pond( project. At the northern end of Village I, a 1.1 acre recreation dl1 be provided. This village is required to provide access to thc storage area in Open Space Area OS-8. 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use RLM (0-4 DU/acre). Arroyo La Costa Master Plan allows 122 units. 3. Lot Size: Minimum - 6,000 square feet. 4. Pad Area: Minimum - 6,000 square feet. e 5. Special Design Criteria All community-wide design standards described in the Comi Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plar area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included for planning area: An recreation area shall be provided at the northern er Village I. Special attention shall be given to the rear elevations o units backing on Olivenhain Road to assure the rear eleva of the homes are as attractive as the front. Sound walls shall be used to mitigate noise along t Barcelona and Olivenhain Road. e Although architectural style does not need to be of an iden style with Rancho Del Ponderosa, it shall be compatible. 160 a e Landscape screening of the dwelling units shall be incorpoi to soften views of these structures form Calle Barcelona Olivenhain Road. e 0 Village I shall provide access to the adjacent RV site vj open space lot in the western portion of the village. The a shall have a lockable, bollard type gate to discourage acce vehicles other than homeowner's RV's. Residences adjace this access lot shall be adequately buffered from noise and via walls and landscaping within the open space/access lot future residents of Village I shall be made aware by mea a Declaration of Notice to be recorded with the Cc Recorder's Office of the existence of the RV storage area F they purchase their homes. All residences shall be setback a minimum of 50 feet fron Olivenhain Road right-of-way. Residents of Village I shall be made aware by means Declaration of Notice to be recorded with the Cc Recorder's Office that the stub street at the Southwest c( of Village I will eventually connect to future development will gain access through Village I. e . 0 Residents of Village I located adjacent to Village J sha made aware by means of a Declaration of Notice to be reco with the County Recorder's Qffice that the property to the n has been designated as a potential church site. e 6. Open Space/TrailS A pedestrian/bike trail shall be constructed along Calle Barcel The trail shall be maintained by the community open s maintenance district. This trail shall be designed, to the ei possible, to preclude views from the trail into the rear yard adjacent residences. 7. Architectural Style The architectural style shall be Traditional Monterey. This sty typified by the use of stucco exteriors, hip and gabled roofs Spanish tile and exposed rafter tails at the eaves. The use of c elements such as covered balconies, window and door lintels, rece windows, wood shutters, potshelves and exposed beams also contri to the integrity of this style. Typical colors are soft earthtones 161 0 white on wood and stucco elements. The exact style may be mod subject to the Development Review Process Chapter of this M e Plan. e 162 * Calle Barcelona 0 Rancho Del a LEGEND ConcreteSidew - -Trail m 1 I Project Boundar - - Village Boundar IhE WnrLIE 0 vnaecEsg VILLAGE I LA(&@ Design Criteria ?? 163 aiie Barcelona * Rancho Del Pond1 pmject mu&av e LEGEND THEME WALL mmmmm.1 Solic 0 0 00 0 Ope VIUGE WALL 00000 Solic OOOOOOpe PROJECT FENC IO P P P E Villa{ ~D-I Stan 1111111111 ope lhE 0InruE WGS~ Village I * LA- Wall / Fence Location ?? 164 Villaye J a I. Description Village J is designated as a church site. This village is located I of Calle Barcelona, east of El Camino Real and north of the Ra Ponderosa development. Neighborhood J has a gross area of 7.6 and a net developable area of 6.60 acres. The existing topograp this village slopes gently down northward towards the future align of Calle Barcelona. 2, Use Allocation Although this village carries the RLM General Plan Land Use DU/acre), it has been designated as a church site by The Arroy Costa Master Plan. Any change in this designation would requii amendment as determined in the Amendments section of this M Plan. As mentioned above, this village has a net usable acreage ( acres. The average church site in Carlsbad has a net usable aa of two (2) acres. The site's unusual shape and some soils proh dl1 require substantial gradfig and the possible use of retdnfig to develop this site to its full potential. For this reason, an altern church site has been reserved in Village Q. If the Pla~ Commission does not approve a Site Development Plan for a cl on this site, the site shall remain in permanent open space anc southern portion of Village Q shall be developed as a church si e 3. Special Desim Criteria All community-wide design standards described in the Comrni Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plar area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included foi planning area: Prior to any development on this site other than the grz required for Calle Barcelona, a Site Development Plan mu approved by the Planning Commission. The Church developed on this site shall be designed to advantage of the existing topography with a minimal amou grading I 4. ODen SDace/ Trails A pedestrian/bike trail shall be constructed along Calle Barcel The exact details of the trail system are included in the Comrni 165 e Development Standards section of this Master Plan. The trail sha maintained by the community open space maintenance district, 5, Architectural Style II) The architectural style of church structures shall be harmonious but not necessarily identical to, the architectural styles of Villa Village Q, and the Junior High School site. The exact architectur the church shall be approved by the Planning Director in a Development Plan review procedure. 0 e 166 e 0 e LEGEND a Bikeway Refined Slopes H H H ConcreteSidewalk - - VillageBounda lhE WE wm VILLAGE J h!m Design Criteria a ?? 167 I) * 0 LEGEND THEME WALL EmmmmE Solid VlLMGE WAU ooooo Solid THE mwi? @ mm Village J bm Wall / Fence Location ?? 168 Villapt K e 1. Description Village K is located south of Calle Barcelona, east of El Camino 1 and immediately north of the Ponderosa development. Village K a gross area of 20.9 acres and a net developable area of 19.85 ac The existing topography of this site slopes down to the north and \ There is an opportunity for internal views along the northern western edges of the village. To the west, Village K is bounded junior high school site. Existing single family homes (Rancho Ponderosa) are to the south of Village K. 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use RLM (0-4 DU/acre). Arroyo La Costa Master Plan allows 63 units. 3. Lot Size: Minimum - 6,000 square feet. 4. Pad Area: Minimum - 6,000 square feet, 5. Special Desim Criteria All. community-wide design standards described in the Comi Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plan area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included for planning area: 0 e Sound walls shall be used to mitigate noise from ( Barcelona. For lots immediately adjacent to the Junior High School disclosure to future homeowners shall be provided by mea a Declaration of Notice to be recorded with the Co Recorders office making the buyers aware that the homes adjacent to a future school site. Units developed at the ends of the cul-de-sacs shall be desi] to take advantage of views to the west. 6. Open Space/TrailS A pedestrian/bike trail shall be constructed along Calle BarceloI described in the Community Development Standards section of Master Plan. The trail shall be maintained by the community c space maintenance district. This trail shall be designed, to the e: 169 e possible, to preclude views from the trail into the rear yard adjacent residences. a 7. Architectural Style The architectural style shall be Traditional Monterey. This sty typified by the use of stucco exteriors, hip and gabled roofs Spanish tile and exposed rafter tails at the eaves. The use of o elements such as covered balconies, window and door lintels, rece windows, wood shutters, potshelves and exposed beams also contri to the integrity of this style. Typical colors are soft earthtones white on wood and stucco elements. The exact style may be mod subject to the Development Review Process Chapter of this M: Plasp. 8 170 * a 0 Rancho Del Ponderosa LEGEND =@ VillageEntry rn rn ConcreteSidev Bikeway Refined Slopes v views = m Village Boundai - - RojectBounda lhE mnrLlE ma VILLAGE K a hm Design Criteria ?? m 171 Calk Barcelona -- -__ - _/-- 1 . 1 -_ HI .I * IO s 0 0 a Rancho Del Ponderosa LEGEND THEME WALL WmWmWW Solid VILLAGE WALL 00 00 0 Ope1 PROJECT FENCI B U E U Villas m = I Stan( e L/!W Gff Wall Village / Fence K Location mmE ?? 172 Village L a I. Description Village L is located south of Calle Barcelona, east of El Camino and immediately north of the Santa Fe Ridge development. Vi 6, has a gross area of 15.8 acres and a net developable area of acres. The existing topography of this village slopes down to the providing some limited opportunity for internal views. To the sc Village L is bounded by existing single family residences (Sat Ridge). 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use RM (4-8 DU/acre). Arroyo La Costa Master Plan allows 55 units. 3. Lot Size: Minimum - 6,000 square feet. 4. Pad Area: Minimum - 6,000 square feet. 5. Special Desim Criteria All community-wide design standards described in the Comm Development Standards section shdl be implemented in this plar area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included fo planning area: e Sound walls shall be used to mitigate noise from ' Barcelona. All residences shall be setback a minimum of 30 feet fror Calle Barcelona right-of-way. 0 6. &en SD - ace/Trails A pedestrian/bike trail shall be constructed along Calle Barcelo described in the Community Development Standards section 0; Master Plan. The trail shall be maintained by the community space maintenance district. This trail shall be designed, to the e possible, to preclude views from the trail into the rear yarc adjacent residences. a 173 7. Architectural Stvle The architectural style shall be Traditional Monterey. "'his sty1 typified by the use of stucco exteriors, hip and gabled roofs > elements such as covered balconies, window and door lintels, rece windows, wood shutters, potshelves and exposed beams also contri to the integrity of this style. Typical colors are soft earthtones white on wood and stucco elements. The exact style may be mod subject to the Development Review Process Chapter of this M Plm. * Spanish tile and exposed rafter tails at the caves. The use of o * 174 * 0 x =Yo- =u =y =- r' y' 4B Rancho Del Ponderosa LEGEND Village Entry m ConcreteSideLh Refined Slopes & 0 0 0 0 Bikeway v views - - VillageBoundai I E I Project Boundai rn e LAcosclZ mcF VILLAGE Design Criteria L mE ?? 175 e * Rancho Del Ponderosa LEGEND MEME WALL IHmIII Sotic VILIAGE WALL 00000 Solic PROJECT FENC 0 P 0 P P Villa 9s-• Star rn allrLlE ma Village L hm Wall / Fence Location e 7 176 Village M e 1. Description Village M is located north of Calk Barcelona, west of Rancho S Fe Road and immediately south of Levante St. Village M has a 1 area of 15.1 acres and a net developable area of 13.75 acres. existing topography of Village M slopes gently down to the SI providing some limited internal views to the south. 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use RM (4-8 DU/acre). Arroyo La Costa Master Plan allows 56 units. 3. Lot Size: Minimum - 5,000 square feet. 4. Pad Area: Minimum - 5,OOO square feet. 5. Special Desim Criteria AU community-wide design standards described in the Comm Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plar area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included fo planning area: Sound walls shall be used to mitigate noise from 1 Barcelona. AU residences shall be setback a minimum of 30 feet fro1 edge of the Calle Barcelona right-of-way. Units shall be designed to take advantage of interior vie the south. e e 0 6. Open Suace/Trails A pedestrian/bike trail shall be constructed along Calle Barcelon along the eastern village boundary as described in the Corn Development Standards section of this Master Plan. The trail sb maintained by the community open space maintenance district. trail shall be designed, to the extent possible, to preclude views the trail into the rear yards of adjacent residences. 177 0 7. Architectural StvIe The architectural style shall be Califo~a Contempc: Mediterranean. This style is characterked by stucco exteriors Spanish tile roofs. Some key elements in detailing are the uj deeply recessed windows and doors, arched elements, tile acc corbels, stucco wainscoting, and a mixture of gabled and hip r The exact style may be modified subject to the Development Re Process Chapter of this Master Plan. e a 1) 178 0 N m LEGEND & VillageEntry = ConcreteSidew Bikeway Open Space Lo: v views Refined Slopes - - VillageBoundar THE @ IAm Wff VILLAGE Design Criteria M pJwE ?? 179 t8s88t#8 D %t8S8 "-, * I a 08"8.,,,8 \-, 4'<: I J-- b.- 2; 0s9"~* 5 @'8#rr888rr"'' ' 0 *Ooo 8% * %e ymoo- ! I+ \ 08884fis*t* 0. i 0 O@a0 I) ! eo.&\, T- 2; :i :i g : I' I ,/--- q **.y** \ r- ** / -.&. 1 0. ./ f -\ f -- w a \' '-,' .i j . -L. <- r- ;? ab a N 8 - /,' $, I 49% '. M goma P .I .. .D - I 0: .I \ el .i 'i '.*...,*f \j 0 3 -. i ; m \ is 0 : * 0 i a* '+ ! r, i ,.* . / - P It \ ++j 'Qb. 9) cd// ++p, + ,..' /I - --'1 > ..* -<-. .\ '\. .. / 01 i 3 ff , ,I 1 ' .! 9*I e fi \, -\ .\ %.OOO@O c' /' '\J7 --. - 4.0 L-. ' 0.0. ". t* 1, e/ 0 ee$r 0 eo ,/' %%I* m LEGEND THEME WALL .EmE.m Solid VILLAGE WAU OOOO* Solid /----- n PROJECT FENC mmummVilla( -.-. Stan 111111111~ Ope lhE mnrLlE 0 urn Village M LAm Wall / Fence Location ?? 180 Village N a I. Description Village N is located immediately north of Calle Barcelona, east c Camino Real and south of Levante Street. Village N has a gross of 20.06 acres and a net developable area of 18.86 acres. This vi1 will be located on a ridge which slopes down on the south side portion of the northern edge of the village slopes gently down tc north. Most of the view potential of this site is to the south, with s limited opportunities to the north. 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use RM (4-8 DU/acre). Arroyo La Costa Master Plan allows 76 units. 3. Lot Size: Minimum - 5,000 square feet. 4. Pad Area: Minimum - 5,000 square feet. 5. Special Desim Criteria M community-wide design standards described in the Commi Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plar area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included fol plamning area: a 0 Sound walls shall be used, where necessary, to mitigate 1 along Calle Barcelona. All residences shall be setback a minimum of 30 feet &on edge of the Calle Barcelona right-of-way. Units shall be designed to take advantage of views to the I and south. 6. &en SDace/ Trails A pedestrian/bike trail shall be constructed along Calle Barceloi described in the Community Development Standards section oj Master Plan. The trail shall be maintained by the community space maintenance district. This trail shall be designed, to the e possible, to preclude views from the trail into the rear yarc adjacent residences. 181 e 7. Architectural Style me architectural style shall be California Contemp( Mediterranean. This style is characterized by stucco exteriors Spanish tile roofs. Some key elements in detailing are the us deeply recessed windows and doors, arched elements, tile ace corbels, stucco wainscoting, and a mixture of gabled and hip r The exact style may be modified subject to the Development Re Process Chapter of this Master Plan, e * * 182 e 0 0 LEGEND m . m m ConcreteSidew Open Space Loi - - Village Boundav rn mnruE @ MWSE VILLAGE N hm Design Criteria ?? 183 E /'8'#~,,,Iy ,,,,, 1111 ,,,I ,111 la11 111 1111 11' "'~""@"% a; It1 [h .. if f ""#8##,, 'e80@88811 @I e .: 1B =I '\ I i [ i i ii 0 0 e r 0 e I- 1 -._- 4 0 0 0 * .-Ip r-a-r 0 !\\z 0 !T" T E- p I1 J&&% * P % Jdr F* ?%!i e e 0 0 ! 0- I i i t e P 0, c, 0, lp 0 I I e+8-m.& € i5 Jb *- 0 3 " ". 'c 5 0 0 o( % e .- P - -. e&+ . +PC e/o *'--. % ca// **,A -\ e k.h&.dJ LEGEND THEME WALL 1.111111 Solid VILMGE WALL 00.e. Solid PROJECT FENCI E 0 E 0 Villa( memm Stan IIIIIIIIIS Ope m YIPWE @ -0s Village N hm Wall / Fence Location ?? 184 Village Q 4lb 1. Description Village 0 is located immediately north of Calle Barcelona, east ( Camino Real and south of Levante Street. Village 0 has a gross of 12.90 acres and a net developable area of 11.2 acres. This vi dl1 be located at the end of a ridge which slopes down to the n south, and west. The western edge of this village is adjacent tc Common Recreation/Daycare Center site and the central space/riparian corridor. This site has excellent interior views tc west and some interior views to the south. 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use RM (4-8 DU/acre). Arroyo La Costa Master Plan allows 56 units. 3. Lot Size: Minimum - 5,000 square feet. 4. Pad Area: Minimum - 5,000 square feet. 5. Special Design Criteria AD community-wide design standards described in the Comm Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plan area The following specific guidelines shall also be included for planning area: a 0 Site planning for all lots adjacent to open space planning OS-5 shall be designed to incorporate views into the OS-5 adjacent to this village. For lots immediately adjacent to the Commi Recreation/Daycare Center, disclosure to future homeow shall be provided by means of a Declaration of Notice reco with the County Recorder’s office making the buyers aware the homes are adjacent to a future Recreation/Daycare s * Sound walls shall be used, where necessary, to mitigate n along Calle Barcelona. All residences shall be setback a minimum of 30 feet from Calle Barcelona Right-of-way. 185 a 6. &en SpaceITrails A pedestrian/bike trail shall be constructed along Calk Barcelol described in the Community Development Standards section of Master Plan. The trail shall be maintained by the community t space maintenance district. This trail shall be designed, to the e: possible, to preclude views from the trail into the rear yarc adjacent residences. 0 7. Architectural Style The architectural style shall be California Contempc Mediterranean. This style is characterized by stucco exteriors Spanish tile roofs. Some key elements in detailing are the us deeply recessed windows and doors, arched elements, tile acc corbels, stucco wainscoting, and a mixture of gabled and hip rl The exact style may be modified subject to the Development Re Process Chapter of this Master Plan. e 186 0 e e LEGEND & VillageEntry w w w w ConcreteSidew Bikeway v views - I VillageBoundar Refined Slopes m mnrLlE 0 vllkU3OF VILLAGE 0 LAm Design Criteria 7 187 0% QY. OF?,- 'c %\* 0 E >.., /' (* \ 'Tu m f.V "/ J\. ob< '= OO\ 0 oo\. o\ "\' 0 *\ QO\ a\ ,$e/?- ' a I1 ,,dtltI' "8, 0' 0 0 *\J rr '<$\.J .-.l i ~ *Is I /. 4 /: pr,, 'r "'3 / -- osns $--- r r -9 I '9 * -wlp&-/. -%I - \-*: -_ 'alle 8arm,o, ~ - -. . 0 -* 9p.. --m 1.. I -*\ .J--,'- 0 0 -2 n'.*-- 01 O 0 0 "r'\ .- 00 I O0 Q-0 o*< 0 ---y .\ p$- *-%f 21.. 0-.. 0 -r :-----+ & 04. . &- 1 N \r' I X -r ,-* *kf $ & & -0.b 2 0 LEGEND THEME WALL mmDmmm Solid VILLAGE WALL 00000 Solid 00000 Ope PROJECT FENC 0 0 0 W 0 Villa! =mmm Stan mmmmmmmtmm Ope m mnrLlE wm Village0 @ bm Wall / Fence Location ?? 188 Village P a 1, Description Village P is located immediately north of Calle Barcelona, east ( Camino Real and south of Levante Street. Village P has a gross of 26.1 acres and a net developable area of 25-6 acres. The exi topography of this village slopes down to the south and west. Thi! is also adjacent to the main open space/riparian corridor which through the Master Plan area. A small Oak grove exists in northern portion of this village. A portion of the Arroyo La Costa system is provided in the Oak grove within this Village. This offers opportunities for views to the south into the riparian con and for some views into the Oak grove. a 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use RM (4-8 DU/acre) Arroyo La Costa Master Plan allows 106 unk 3. Lot Size: Minimum - 5,000 square feet. 4. Pad Area: Minimum - 5,000 square feet. 5. Special Design Criteria All community-wide design standards described in the Commi Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plan area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included for planning area: e . Site planning for all lots adjacent to open space planning adjacent to this village. The native Oak area in Village P shall be retained a OS-5 shall be designed to incorporate views into the OS-5 e amenity. Site planning for all lots adjacent to the native Oak area be designed to incorporate views into the Oaks. of the various internal views offered by this village into central riparian corridor as mentioned above. . Whenever possible units should be designed to take advan 189 * 6. Open Space/Trails This village provides for a trail through the native Oak area. This shall be designed to cause as little disturbance as possible to the ( while providing opportunities for homeowners to experience the i This trail will tie into the sidewalk system. The Open Space Cha contains the details of this trail. In addition, an open space lot along the southern boundary ol village, abutting the adjacent OS-5 area, shall provide access tc adjacent open space area e 7. Architectural Style The architectural style shd be California Contempc Mediterranean. This style is characterized by stucco exteriors Spanish tile roofs. Some key elements in detailing are the us deeply recessed windows and doors, arched elements, tile acc corbels, stucco wainscoting, and a mixture of gabled and hip r The exact style may be modified subject to the Development Re Process Chapter of this Master Plan. 0 e 190 e e LEGEND & VillageEntry I I I I ConcreteSidetv /--I. 0 TrailHead Open Space Lo v views - - VillageBoundar -0 -Trail Refined slopes rn mnrLiE 0 wcF VILLAGE P hm Design Criteria ?? 191 LEGEND VILIAGE WALL 00.00 Solid 00000 Ope PROJECT FENC E P 99 Villa( =ID. Stan UI~IIII~I Ope /--- lhE mwi? WCXS~ Village P @ bm Wall / Fence Location ?? 192 Villwe 0 4D I. Description Village Q is located immediately north of Calle Barcelona, east c Camino Real and south of Levante St. Village Q has a gross are 17.30 acres and a net developable area of 16.55 acres. A 150 foot 7 SDG&E easement forms the western boundary of this village. elementary school will be located adjacent to the eastern edge of providing opportunities for interior views and some views to the 7 village. The existing topography of this site slopes down to the s 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use RM (4-8 DU/acre). Arroyo La Costa Master Plan allows 78 units. The southern area of Village Q is designated as an alternative ch site. If a Site Development Plan for a church is approved in Vi J then these 16 lots shall be developed for residential purpose: deed restriction shall be placed over these 16 lots limiting them tc for church purposes only unless a Site Development Plan for a ch is approved on Village J. This deed restriction shall also prohibi individual lot being used for church purposes. It shall state that i area is used for church purposes, the entire 3.4 acre site mu! Although the area designated for development of a church si Village Q is substantially smaller than the Village J site, the ar Village Q does not have the restrictions imposed in Village J b unusual shape and soils problems of the site. Studies of existing c€ sites in Carlsbad show that the average church site is two acres. Village Q alternative church site is larger than this average. If the Army Corps of Engineers or the Federal Wildlife se requires a portion or all of the Village Q alternative church sit wetland mitigation, the developer of the site shall designate an( church site, the location and size of which is to be determined b Planning Director. This shall occur prior to approval of any final and shall be presented to the Planning Commission as an inform item. a utilized. 3. Lot Size: Minimum - 5,000 square feet. 4. Pad Area; Minimum - 5,000 square feet. 5. Special Design Criteria 193 0 All community-wide design standards described in the Comi Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plan area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included for planning area: e a For lots immediately adjacent to the elementary school disclosure to future homeowners shall be provided makinl buyers aware that the homes are adjacent to a future school adjacent open space area to the west (OS-6) as amenities tc village. If the southern portion of this site is developed for ch purposes, a Site Development Plan must be approved bj Planning Commission prior to the start of construction. church shall be designed to be compatible with the SUXTOUK neighborhood and conform to the requirements of th Camino Real Scenic Corridor Study. The site design incorporate a minimum 30 foot wide landscaped buffer t located on the south side of the adjacent homes betweer residential development and the church. A minimum 30 ft. lamdscaped setback shall be provided along Street C. Residents of Village Q located adjacent to the potential cf site shall be made aware by means of a Declaration of N to be recorded with the County Recorder’s Office tha property to the east has been designated as a potential ck site. 0 Site planning for this village shall incorporate views intc 0 6. Open Space/Trails Although this village does not include a designated bike/pedes trail, the sidewalks within this village will tie in to the bike/pedes trails. 7. Architectural Style The architectural style shall be California Contemp Mediterranean. This style is characterized by stucco exteriors Spanish tile roofs. Some key elements in detailing are the u deeply recessed windows and doors, arched elements, tile acc corbels, stucco wainscoting, and a mixture of gabled and hip 1 The exact style may be modified subject to the Development Rc Process Chapter of this Master Plan. 194 m 4D OS6 * LEGEND &village Entry v views 0 Trail Head 9 M H ConcreteSidev -e - Trail Refined Slopes - - Villagebunda, rn mnnJE V@msff VILLAGE Q o h.m Design Criteria ?!? 195 e os4 II) LEGEND THEME WALL ClOOOO Ope VILLAGE WALL ooooo Solid 00000 Ope PROJECT FENC E 0 0 E E Villa( -RIM Stan niiiiiiii Ope rn mnrlJE viumsm village^ LAm Wall / Fence Location a 7 196 Villape R 0 1. DescriDtion Village R provides for an Elementary school site. This villai located immediately north of Calle Barcelona, east of El Camino : and south of Levante Street. Village R has a gross acreage of 13.3 a net acreage of 12.8 acres. The existing topography of this site sl down to the south. The central open space/riparian corridor is loc along the southeastern edge of the village. 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use E (Elementary School Site). This site was chosen as an elementary school site by representa of the Encinitas School District for the following reasons: a. It was farthest away from the existing schools at Levante S and the intersection of Calle Barcelona and Rancho Sanf Road. The district preferred to space the schools as far other schools to provide better service and accessibilii students. The majority of the students attending this school woulc have to cross Calle Barcelona, a secondary arterial. This site was separated from the junior high school site. b. a e. 3. Reversion to Residential Use In the event Village R is not required by the Encinitas or San Die School Districts for school purposes within ten (10) years fron recordation of the last adjacent subdivision map, or if the s( districts specify in writing that the site is not needed for s( purposes, the underlying land use shall change from school facj needed, the underlying land use may change from school faciliti residential low-medium density (RLM) upon approval by the Council of the following: a. General Plan Amendment; b. Master Plan Amendment; c. d. Tentative Map Amendment; and e. Planned Unit Development Permit. to Open Space. If it is determined that additional open space i Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment; 197 a 4. Special Design Criteria All community-wide design standards described in the Commi Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plan area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included foI planning area: e 0 A Site Development Plan must be approved by the Plar Commission prior to the development of a school on this however, this requirement may be waived by a 2/3 vote o school board. 0 This village shall gain its main access from the northwest cc of this site. A secondary access may be provided from central western portion of the site if the school di! determines a second access is necessary. The slopes along the perimeter of this village shall be he landscaped to provide a visual buffer between the school adjacent residential villages. posted identifying this village as a future school site. 0 Prior to occupancy of the first unit in Village Q, a sign sha 5. ODen SDac e/Trails Although this village does not include a designated bike/pedes trail, the sidewalks within this village will tie in to the bike/pedes 0 trails, 6. Architectural Style The architecture of the school should be compatible with adj; residential development which has a Califofn4a Contempc Mediterranean style of architecture. 198 e * e LEGEND m m ConcreteSidewalk 0 Refined Slopes - - Villagebundar rn mnrLlE @ v&KXScF VILLAGE R hm Design Criteria ?? 199 .+@@h.c,, 1 , 'm/s"*""\ / - S-L - 11 /A .I -1 m 8 f7 $la -I / ,,llII~~~ 4 -g +f 4 Bf 0 I I W a A -- =i tl Q s/ 0 q PPP 0 3; R J?d e &/j m 4 !i $3&5 t,; $(;,!::/ y-".." 1 ---- ----A 1 .! 0 LEGEND VlllAGE WALL 00000 Solid 00000 Ope PROJECT FENC iiiiiiiiia Ope -lhE mnrLlE WGXF Village R o bm Wall / Fence Location ?!? 200 Villape S * 1, Description Village S provides for a Junior High School site. This village is loc north of the existing Rancho Del Ponderosa community. Village ! a gross acreage of 27.4 acres and a net acreage of 24.5 acres. existing topography of this site slopes down to the north and we immediately south of Calle Barcelona, east of EI Camino Real 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use J (Judor High School Site). This site was chosen by representatives of the San Dieguito L High School District for the following reasons: a. The site is located adjacent to Calle Barcelona for quick easy access with minimal impacts on the surrounding resid( areas. This village could be graded into a flat 20+ acre school This village was not adjacent to the central open space/rip corridor. a. Reversion to Residential Use b. c. 0 In the event Neighborhood S is not required by the Encinitas o Bieguito School Districts for school purposes within ten (10) from the recordation of the last adjacent subdivision map, or : school districts specify in writing that the sire is not needed for s purposes, the underlying land use shall change from school fac to Open Space. If it is determined that additional open space 1 needed, the underlying land use may change from school facilit residential low-medium density (RLM) upon approval by the Council of the following: a. General Plan Amendment; b. Master Plan Amendment; c. d. Tentative Map Amendment; e. Planned Unit Development Permit. Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment; 201 e 4. SDecial Design Criteria All community-wide design standards described in the Corn Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plai area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included foi planning area: * A Site Development Plan must be approved by the Plar Commission prior to development of the school on this however, this requirement may be waived by a 2/3 vote c school board. 0 This village shall gain access from Calle Barcelona a. B The slopes adjacent to the school site shall be he northwest edge of the site. landscaped to provide a buffer between the school and em and future residences. a Prior to occupancy of the first unit in Village I or K, a sign be posted identifying this village as a future school site. 5. ODen SDace/ Trails Although this village does not include a designated bikelpedef trail, the sidewalks within this village will tie in to the bike/pede: trails. e 6. Architectural Style The architecture of the school should be compatible with adj residential development which is Traditional Monterey. 202 0 e . ...+ :: w.z Rancho Del Ponderosa LEGEND & VillageEntry Refined Slopes 0 e 0 Bikeway - = Village Boundai H .I H H Concretesidewalk m H I RojectBounda rn mwE @ -OF VILLAGE S LA- Design Criteria ?? 203 0 0 0 'a C I 9 ~ '1 -6 8 I L b%\ I /: I ( -f<; 1 1: YL /' \\ S A_ I. a 9 '2 ,*0@ ' e--.. I8 J \*./ \ \ ':, 6. *m #eaT prop& B0Undaq dB 'O d .me Rancho Bel Ponderosa LEGEND THEME WALL mmmm Solid WAGE WALL 0 0 0 0 OOpei m 0NrlJi? 0 -OF Villages LAm Wall / Fence Location 3!!? 204 D. OPEN SPACE AREAS 0 Ogen SDace Area OS-1 Open Space Area OS-1 is the open spaee area that was created wher Smta Fe Ridge project was developed. This Open Space Area is lo( south of Calle Barcelona between the existing Santa Fe Ridge project Village B of the Arroyo La Cosa Master Plan. Open Space Area OS-: a gross acreage of 4.0 and a net acreage of 3.95, Open Space Area OS-1 is not a part of the Arroyo La Costa Master It is only included in this document because it was also a part oi southwest portion of the original La Costa Master Plan. The existing and passive recreation facilities within Open Space Area OS-1 area maintained by the Santa Fe Ridge Homeowner’s Association. These faci are for the use of the residents of Santa Fe Ridge only. ODen SDace Area OS-2 1. Description Open Space Area OS-2 provides for passive recreational open z uses. This Open Space Area is located south of Calle Barce between the existing Santa Fe Ridge neighborhood and Villa1 Open Space area OS-2 has a gross acreage of 1.7 and a net aa of 1.6 acres. 0 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use Open Space (OS). Arroyo La Costa M Plan does not allow any residential development. 3. Special Desim Criteria All community-wide design standards described in the Corn Devlopment Standards section shall be implemented in this plai area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included fo planning area: Special attention shall be given to landscaping of this 0 space area in order to ensure compatibility between this and the adjacent existing open space area of the Santa Fe I Project. Landscaping planted in the open space area shall be comp; with the existing native vegetation in this area. 205 0 This open space area shall be developed concurrently witk Village B of this Master Plan. * 4. Trails A pedestrian trail shall be provided in this open space area pel specifications of the Community Development Standards section o Master Plan. This trail will tie into the sidewalks along Rancho S Fe Road. In addition, this trail may connect with the existing par course ii adjacent Santa Fe Ridge project. If the homeowners of Sam Ridge do not want to make this connection nor share in the co maintaining the trail and open space, then this trail shall be separate from the existing trail in the Santa Fe Ridge project. The trail shall be designed, to the extent possible, to preclude \ into neighboring residences and yards. 4b 206 0 a !B I ~ B m \a w)&i*= I +OS-* E Santa Fe Ridge 9 '* .c\g e= +* LEGEND 0 Trail Head - - Village Boundai m I I Project Bounda /--- - -Trail L rn mnrLlE @ vm!m o.s.-2 hm Design Criteria ?? 207 * santa F@ Ridge * LEGEND THEME WALL mmmmmm solit PROJECT FENC \ 4 mmmm Star )*e--- \ ' &e (9" GA$ 4, m ETmJE -ff os- 2 * hm Wall / Fence Location ?? 208 - Chen SDace Area OS-3 1. Description a Open Space Area OS-3 consists of an open space corridor leading 1 the local collector street which provides access to Village C tc existing riparian habitat area. Open Space Area OS-3 provides for passive recreational open s uses and preservation of the riparian area. This Open Space Ar located north of Calle Barcelona and west of Rancho Santa Fe R acreage of 4.81 and a net acreage of 3.96 acres. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use Open Space (OS). Arroyo La Costa M, Plan does not allow any residential development. between Villages C and D, Open Space Area OS03 has a j "1 L.. 3. SDecial Design Criteria All community-wide design standards described in the Comi Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plar area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included foi a planning area: This open space area shall incorporate and preserve riparian/willow area within its boundaries with minimal in to the vegetation. 0 This area shall have a minimum width of forty feet. This open space area shall be developed concurrently wit . first village to develop immediately adjacent to OS-3. 14. Trails This open space area provides for an important link in bike/pedestrian trail system which runs through the Master Plan. trail shall be built per the specifications of the Corn Development Standards section in order to provide for pedestrian traffic from Calle Barcelona to the eastern limits of the project. trail shall be designed, to the extent possible, to preclude view! neighboring residences and yards. 209 e e MI e LEGEND 0 Trail Head Refined Slopes - - Trail - - VillageBoundai a Concretesidewalk I w w Project Boundai rn mnrlJE mff 0.S.- 3 * hm Design Criteria ?? 210 0 ooa ? ooo 0 0 6O 0 0 0 0) 0 Q 0 0- 0 0 D 0 0 cf -l ;. .! \* 0 /+a.& 2 / -\!!!.!CI_.-- #o 7 OS-^“?^ ,k&+O-m-.mm- #/Project B( 0 e J? p*e.. 1 ,;t !.J B Q 6 L. 1 y c @e lr & I@ a I) LEGEND THEME WALL aamm Solic VILLAGE WALL 00000 Solic 00000Ope PROJECT FENC mm-m Stan IIIMIII~ Ope m 1) -OF 0.S.- 3 UlrnnJE hm Wall / Fence Location ?? 211 ODen Suace Area OS-4 e 1. Descriution Open Space Area OS4 contains the main natural drainage cours Arroyo La Costa and consists of a riparian habitat and some he; disturbed upland areas. This riparian area will be enhanced an( into the larger riparian area in Open Space Area OS-5. Open SI Area OS4 provides for passive recreational open space uses. ' Open Space Area is located north of Calle Barcelona, west of Ra Santa Fe Road, east of El Camho Real and immediately sout Levante Street, in the central open space corridor of the La C Master Plan. The area is surrounded on three sides by exi: residential development. Open Space Area OS-4 has a gross acr of 12.18 and a net acreage of 9.68. 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use Open Space (OS). Arroyo La Costa M: Plan does not allow any residential development. 3. Special Design Criteria All community-wide design standards described in the Commi Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plan area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included fox planning area: e 0 This open space area shall be used for passive recre: purposes only. No trails shall be constructed within the northern portion oj 4 except as identified within the Community Develop] Standards section of this Master Plan. 0 No large equipment shall be used to construct the tra designated in the Community Development Standards se in order not to disturb adjacent existing residences. 4. Trails A bike/pedestrian trd. is provided in the southern portion of this space area as shown in the Community Development Standards se of this Master Plan. This trail shall be designed, to the extent pos to preclude views into neighboring residences and yards. This shall also be designed to avoid the northern portions of the open I area. 212 0 0 ea Costa South 0 LEGEND - - Villagebundar w w m ConcreteSidewaik = I I ProjectBounda rn @ hm wcF O.S.-4 Design Criteria pJ m.E ?? 213 e ba Costa South a /\ 1 c LEGEND VILLAGE WALL 00000 Ope1 L rn mnrLJE ma 0.S.-4 * hm Wall 1 Fence Location ?? 214 ODen SDace Area OS-5 4D I. Description Open Space Area OS-5 consists of an existing willow riparian ha1 amd associated upland slopes. The existing riparian area mns f northeast to southwest. Open Space Area OS-5 accommodates 110-year floodplain entirely within its boundaries. A desiltation b will be provided within this area to accommodate peak flows. open space area will be enhanced and tie into Open Space Area 4. Open Space Area OS-5 provides for passive recreational open SI uses. This Open Space Area is located immediately north of ( Barcelona, east of El Camino Real and west of Rancho SanQ Woad, in the central open space corridor of the La Costa Master I Open Space Area OS-5 has a gross acreage of 28.46 and a net acrc of 19.36. 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use Open Space (OS). Arroyo La Costa M: Plan does not allow any residential development. 3. Special Design Criteria A1 community-wide design standards described in the Commi Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plan area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included for planning area: 0 0 This open space area shall be used for passive recrei This area shall incorporate and preserve a substantial poi Drainage structures within this area shall be minimized tc Addition riparian type vegetation shall be planted to enh purposes only. of the existing riparian area on the Master Plan site. 0 0 extent possible in favor of open, natural drainage. the existing riparian area. . 4. Trails A bike/pedestrian trail is provided within this area as shown ir Community Development Standards section of this Master Plan. trail will be designed to guide traffic around the riparian discourage traffic through the riparian area. The trail shal 215 0 designed, to the extent possible to preclude views into meighbo residences and yards. a * 216 e e a LEGEND 0 Trail Head m ConcreteSidewl - - Trail Refined Slopes 0 0 0 0 Bikeway - - VillageBoundaq lhE 0 -OF 05- 5 mmE LAm Design Criteria ?? 217 e LEGEND THEME WALL OOOOQ Oper VILLAGE WALL 00000Oper L lhE @ -OF 0.S.- 5 UrrnrUE ’ LAm Wall / Fence Location ?? 218 &en SDace Area OS-6 0 1. DescriDtion Open Space area OS-6 provides for passive recreational open s easement and all land between this easement and El Camino 1 north of Calle Barcelona. This area will remain in its natural except for a trail system and some enhancement of presently er slopes adjacent to El Camino Real. Open Space Area OS-6 1 gross acreage of 21.70 and a net acreage of 10.05. uses, Open Space Area OS-6 consists of a 150 foot wide SD( 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use Open Space (OS). Arroyo La Costa M Plan does not allow any residential development, 3. Suecial Desim Criteria All community-wide design standards described in the Comrni Development Standards section shall be implemented in this pla area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included foa planning area: All landscaping and grading within the SDG&E transmi: easement shall meet the approval of SDG&E. for the enhancement of the presently eroded slopes adjace El Camino Real and the improvements necessary for the system. * . This Open Space Area shall remain in its natural state ex 4. Trails A bike/pedestrian trail is provided along the length of this are shown in the Community Development Standards section of Master Plan. Lockable, bollard type gates shall be provided a1 ends of the trail through the SDG&E easement to discourage off vehicles. The trail shall be designed, to the extent possible to prec views into neighboring residences and yards. 219 e 8 0 LEGEND 8 TrailHead = 1 ConcreteSidewc e--- I -Trail Refined Slopes 0 0 0 0 Rkeway - - Villagebundaq m I m Project Boundaq m 5YvLJE wa OS.- 6 hm Design Criteria 0 ?? 220 ?@asm. StWS.. * /IC GI \ * ,//&6 I! "a \ <, c c. 8 ha Luoo ./q 8° --// PI \\ 'l\ Q "\ * 9 9 /J ?,\\ \\ '* > \\ 3 1; : c\\ + \, /I % 1' t k-- Q $ *+* \\: %* 9o \, '": ";; '1; e ;\' 1 \ '\\ 1 Project bundary \c4 )I e I. I ".'\ e \&:yo:?:?;;\ --:<-- LEGEND THEME WALL 0 0 0 OOOpe \ '?\I\ &-- d a\\e 0arm\ona VILLAGE WALL OO@OO Solid 0 0 0 0 OOpei /--- m UlrnrLJE mm 0.S.- 6 LAm Wall / Fence Location 0 ?? 221 ODen %ace Area OS-7 0 I. Description Open Space area OS-7 provides for passive recreational open SI uses. Open Space Area OS-7 consists of a 150 foot SDG&E easen and all land between this easement and El Camino Real south of C Barcelona, except for Open Space Area OS-8. This area will ren in its natural state except for a trail system and enhancement of presently eroded slopes along El Camino Real. Open Space Area 7 has a gross acreage of 13.44 acres and a net acreage of 6.14. 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use Open Space (OS). Arroyo La Costa Mz Plan does not allow any residential development. 3, Special Desim Criteria All community-wide design standards described in the Commt Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plan area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included for planning area: 0 All landscaping and grading within the SDG&E transmis 0 easement shall meet the approval of SDG&E. This Open Space Area shall remain in its natural state ex for the enhancement of the presently eroded slopes adjacei El Camino Real and the improvements necessary for the system. 4, Trails A bike/pedestrian trail is provided along the length of this are shown in the Community Development Standards section of Master Plan. Lockable, bollard type gates shall be provided a1 ends of the trail through the SDG&E easement to discourage off vehicles. The trail shall be designed, to the extent possible to prec views into neighboring residences and yards. 222 0 0 e LEGEND W = ConcreteSidewl -e - Trail Refined Slopes 0 0 0 0 Bikeway - - VillageBoundaq = R I Roject Boundan m mnruE mcF OS- 7 a .LA- Design Criteria ?i? 223 CaHe 0a~\o”~ /- w- \J/ .A I\ \j \\-. ‘-0 \e z q\ (J 5 I: v UJ \: A( i :: It *; , e2 \ .,< 0 \i ‘t I I ‘\, ;I a LD 0 ‘I: \) t /< ‘r L* st 0 ;OS=7&d - )iiilow I\ Project Boundary &- m I ----e 0 \*;;<%a. I)e \ f *+ *>. LEGEND \ <\\ mm THEME WALL 00000 Ope1 =..& 1 VIUGE WALL oooeo Solid PROJECT FENCI 6.1. Stanc rn UNVLJE -OF OS- 7 hm Wall / Fence Location e Y 224 ODen %ace Area OS-8 a 1, Description Open Space area OS-8 is designated as the Arroyo La Costa M; is located south of Calle Barcelona, and east of El Camino Real a the western Master Plan boundary. Open Space Area OS-8 has a i acreage of 3.56 and a net acreage of 1.56 acres. This area ha been used for fulfilling the Master Plan’s Open Space requirem Plan Recreational Vehicle (RY) stobagc area, This open space Arroyo La Costa is required to provide 20 square feet of storage exclusive of driveways and approaches per residential dwelling This equates to 21,520 square feet or .49 acres. In addition, the 07 has agreed to provide adequate storage area for the Fairways prc (CP 89-6). Therefore an additional 2,660 square feet (.06 acre! storage area is required for a total of 24,180 square feet (.55 ac Open Space Area OS-8 supplies 27,442 square feet (59 acres). is a surplus of 3,262 square feet (.03 acres) of recreational vel storage area exclusive of driveways and approaches. 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use Open Space (OS). Arroyo La Costa M: Plan allows for an RV storage lot in addition to passive recreati uses. The Master Plan does not allow any residential developme this area. e a. Special Desim Criteria All community-wide design standards described in the Commi Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plan area. The following specific guidelines shall also be included foI planning area: e All landscaping and grading within the SDG&E transmis easement shall meet the approval of SDG&E. The lot shall provide at least 20 square feet of storage exclusive of driveways and approaches per residential unit 1 in the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan. The owner of the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan area has ag meet the demand created by the Fairways Tentative Map 89-16). Therefore, an additional 20 square feet per reside to allow this RV parking area to provide adequate spac 0 225 dwelling unit in the Fairways project shall be provided w this area in excess of the amount required for the Arroyc Costa Master Plan homGomers, e 0 Site planning and landscaping for this area shall prc adequate buffer to adjacent residences, in the form of ben and or landscaping, from light and noise created by the parking use. design shall meet the requirements of the City Engineer. Landscaping and berming shall be provided on the west sic the Recreational Vehicle lot to ensure that the light aesthetic impacts of the lot are sufficiently screened i development to the west as well as automobiles on El Car Real. . The site planning, stall dimensions, configuration, and 0 A lockable, bollard type gate. shall be provided at the end o access road (entrance to parking lot) in addition to the located within Village I to preclude access of off road veh to the trail system in the adjacent open space area 4. Trails A bike/pedestrian trail is provided dong the length of this are shown in the Community Development Standards section of Master Plan. The trail shall be designed, to the extent possibbl preclude views into neighboring residences and yards.. 0 226 e * b y &...' bEH*p T7 c, /*-- -. ,..... +'- k \ - - e Lmm--f *& .-;...*; ,<\ gj &2 .i$p \ && P. t (=jJ&T /; $: :,;y p; Ri\ /J &$ >:. I p. I?$ k/y ..-. .. . *.,... .:::--- LEGEND - - Trail - - Village Boundai m w = Project Bounda c-- 0 RefinedaoPes rn ' LAm -OF os*- Design 8 Criteria 0JmE ?? 227 a fi3;FL37 osm7I fi 0 / \pi I oF )ii !I \\ : t' \( : 6 B, \ e3 1 1 Y3lY \e IrcI (b e Project Boundary bmm7- !t e. LEGEND VlLlAGE WALL eoooe Solic PROJECTFENC ~H-I Stan m 0MrLlE mm 03- 8 * LAm Wall / Fence Location ?!!? 228 ODen SDace Area OS-9 e I. Description Open Space area OS-9 is designated to provide a Recreation/Day Center to serve the Arroyo La Costa Master Plan area. This ( space area is located immediately north of Calle Barcelona, east ( Gamin0 Real, and south of Levante Street, adjacent to thc cei open space corridor of the La Costa Master Plan. OS-9 has a 4 acreage of 6.45 and a net acreage of 5.60 acres. 2. Use Allocation General Plan Land Use Open Space (OS). Arroyo La Costa M: Plan allows for a Recreation/Daycare Center. The Master Plan not allow any residential development in this area. 3. SDecial Design Criteria All community-wide design standards described in the Commi Development Standards section shall be implemented in this plar area. The following specific guidelines shall also be.included fol planning area: 0 No development shall occur on this site prior to approval o 0 Site Development Plan by the Carlsbad Planning Co&s Site planning shall minimize, to the extent possible, light noise impacts to the adjacent residences. 0 The architectural style shall be compatible with, althougl 0 An organized Daycare program shall be initiated necessarily identical to, the architecture of Villages K an maintained by a licensed provider in the dayeare bui provided in this open space area. The site design and stru shall meet the requirements of all applicable federal, statc local codes. e The recreational facilities in this area shall be devel concurrent with the second phase of development in the M Plan. 4. Trails A bike/pedestrian trail is provided along Calle Barcelona as shol the Community Development Standards section of this Master 229 0 A pedestrian bridge take off shall be provided within this are; provide for the bridge crossing to the Jr. High School site across C Barcelona. The details of this bridge are discussed in the Commc Development Standards section, This trail shall be designed, to extent possible, to p~eclude Views into neighborimg residemees yards. e 0 230 e e e LEGEND . 0 0 0 0 Bikeway m ConcreteSidewalk Refined Slopes m-m~ VillageBoundar 5 * VlaageEnfV 'IhE 0YVLJE ma 0.S.- 9 a urn Design Criteria Y 23 1 * -bo 00 40 J 0 0 90 0 0 P 0 Qo~~o 8 0 Q0 00 qj& 0 0 0805 I *!/ 00 0 J 0 0 $0 Io g@Q0 _e - - --- e k-- A:: --- LEGEND THEME WALL 00000 Open VlLlAGE WALL 0 0 0 0 0 Open ThE 0m=L!E e -OF 0.S.-9 ]LA- Wall / Fence Location T 232 APPENDIX ARROYO LA COSTA MASTER PLAN HISTORICAL SULMMAR'JP e The following is a chronological summary of legislative actions pertaining to the : covered in, or adjacent to, this Master Plan: 8/1/72 2C-26; Approved pre-annexational zone changes from C tc 1-15,000, R-1-10,000, R-1-7,500, RDM, R-2, C-1, and C-2 1 a Specific Plan on 1190 acres. Adopted by CC Ordin; #93 18. 9/5/72 ZC-(No File #I: Approved pre-annexational zone chai from San Diego County A-1-8, A-3-8 and LC to Plar Community (PC) zone on 2900 acres subject to annexa Adopted by CC Ordinance #9323. 9/5/72 MP-6; Adopted Master Plan for 2900 acres subjec annexation by the City of Carlsbad. Adopted by CC Ordini $9322. 9 f 5/72 Annexation 2.12; Annexed East Carlsbad Annexation #: a 4090 acre area, to City of Carlsbad. Adopted CC Ordh ZC-105; Approved pre-annexational zone change to PC : on the 311 acre area known as El Camino Glens. Adopte CC Ordinance #9354. Annexation #2.16; Annexed the 717 acre area known as La Costa North (Kratter property). Adopted by CC Resolu #3 184. MP-128: Approved a Master Plan for the La Costa North on 717 acres of property generally located north of Alga I Resolution #3183. Annexation #2.1$; Annexed East Carlsbad Annexation # the 435.5 acre area known as El Camino. This included acres of La Costa. Adopted by CC Resolution #3185. ZC-124: Approved pre-annexational zone change to PC on 717 acres known as La Costa North. Adopted by Ordinance #9359. I Diego County R-1, R-lB, R-2, R-3, R-4, E-1-A and a # 1147. 6/5/73 8/7/73 8/7/73 an east of El Camino Real (Kratter property). Adopted b 8/8/73 8/2 1/73 233 e 9/4/73 GPA-16: Amended the General Plan for property gene located north of Alga Road and east of El Camino Red Costa North). Adopted CC Resolution #3207. ZC-116; Approved pre-annexational zone change on 182 E known as La Costa Northeast to PC zone. Adopted by Ordinance #9361. a f0/2/73 6/15/74 MP-149; Amended Qrdinance f9322 by adopting a hey Master Plan which removed an unnecessary school site established MP-149 as the new file number for the La C Master Plan. Adopted by CC Ordinance #9376; PC Resolr #1019. 3/19/74 Annexation #2.19: Annexed East Carlsbad annexation # including the 182 acre La Costa Northeast area. Adopte CC Ordinance #1164. Annexation #CA 74-30; The City of San Marcos Annexec uninhabited land known as South City. This inch approximately 240 acres of La Costa lands. Adopted by Marcos City Council Ordinance #76-358. . EIR-307; Certified EIR-307 for the La Costa Master Plan fQ/ 16/74 4/27/76 149(A) and GPA-38. 0 5/4/76 GPA-38; Amended the land use element and Plan Circulation Element of the General Plan. Adopted by Resolution #3896. ZCA-(No File #); Revision of PC zone by the City COL Adopted by Ordinance #9458. MP-149lA): Referred back to Planning Commission for pa amendment to allow for "continual" (concurrent) processir Rancheros De La Costa, La Costa Vale Unit #2, Green V Knolls, and Santa Fe Knolls while a new PC zone was b developed. The processing of the remainder of the Master area was delayed until adoption of the PC zone. No fo action by City Council; PC Resolution #1253. MP-l49(B); Repealed Ordinance #9376. Adopted an int Master Plan for La Costa area. Referred to new exhibi type of development which reflected La Costa's plans for I single family development and less condominium developn Established a circulation plan, school site plan, park site 1 6/15/76 6/15/76 11/2/76 234 e and development standards for Santa Fe Knolls, Ranchero La Costa, La Costa Vale #2, and Green Valley KI Adopted by CC Ordinance #9469. MP-l49(C?; No action taken. 3/18/80 MP-l49(D): Deletes 45 acres from MB-l49(B). De property is located generally east of El Fuerte on both sid the extension of Alga Road (Hidden Meadows, Meadow C and Meadowlark Areas). Specifically it removed parcel #; over half of parcel #3. Removal of the property allowet its rezoning out of PC and therefore development could k upon completion of the San Marcos Water District Plan1 concurrent zone change was also processed (ZC 206) reza the area from PC to RDM-Q. Adopted by CC Ordin #9546, amended Ordinance #9322 as amended by Ordin #9469; PC Resolution #1567. MP-l49(E); Amended the La Costa Master Plan to provid conformance with the newly revised General Plan Element #9570; PC Resolution #1719. MP-l49(I”); Deleted 4.5 acres from the La Costa Master an amended MP-l49(E). Property deleted was loeatec Centelia Street south of Levante in La Costa. Concurrent : change (ZC 225) was processed changing the zoning on above property from C-2 and PC to RDM Adopted by Ordinance #9579; PC Resolution #1757. MP-l49(G): Revised the Land Use Plan of the La C Northwest area and made minor administrative changes tc Master Plan text and maps on property located generally of El Camino Real and north of Alga. Changes to land included the golf course which was reduced in size from acres to 85 acres, increased unit count by 100, and incre area of proposed park from 21 to 23.5 acres. Adopted bj Ordinance #9628; PC Resolution #1954. 0 12/16/80 Parks and for Public Facilities. Adopted by CC Ordin 3/17/81 e 6/29 f 82 8/31/81 MP-l49(H); Withdrawn on August 31, 1981, with no ac 3/24/82 MP-149CI): Minor amendment to the La Costa Master E Allowed for separate development of neighborhood SE Adopted by PC Resolution #1935. taken. 235 a 9/21/82 MP-149CJ); Revised the Land Use Plan of La Costa Soutl and made minor administrative changes to the Master Plan and maps on property generally located at the intersectic Rancho Santa Fe Road and future Msion Estancia. changed the land use designation from TS to C [see ( &(A)]. Amended Ordinance #9570 as amended by Ordin #9628 and MP 149(E). Adopted by CC Resolution #703C Ordinance #9647; PC Resolution #201f. MP-149CK); Changed Master Plan designation of a parcel RLM to RMH on property generally located on the mort1 comer of El Camino Real and Levante. This amenhen1 of RMH on the property. This was formerly part of SI which had provided for lower intensity land uses for this p along with 98 acres to the east to accommodate the G Valley Knolls Development. The parcel had been the si 6 model homes for the 98 acre development to the Adopted by CC Ordinance #9676-9677/cTS3-1/CP221 171(c)/MP-l49(K); PC Resolution #2083. MP-l49(L): Amendment was intended to change 14 aa office an 37 acres of commercial to 34 acres of RMH ar acres of commercial located on the northeast corner of' fi La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road. WithdraN June 27, 1983. No action was taken, MP-149CMk Amendment was to change densities ad land on property generally located in the southwest portion of tf Costa Master Plan. The Planning Commission recomme denial to the amendment to the City Council (PC Resoli #2277). The amendment was withdrawn before it was h by the City Council. MP-149(Nk Amendment to request land use change frc to RM on property generally located on the southeast c( of Rancho Santa Fe Road and future Mission Esta Withdrawn on August 9, 1985, with no formal action takc 0 3/15/83 consistent with the existing General Plan land use design; 6/27/83 0 8/9/85 236 0 0 e FISCAL IMPACT STUDY OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ZONE 12 LFM PLAN AND ARROYO LA COSTA MASTER PLAN February 16, 1990 Submitted by: Fieldstone/La Costa Associates P.0. BOX 9000-266 Carlsbad, California 92009 Prepared by: P&D Technologies, Inc. 401 West A Street, Suite 2500 San Diego, California 92101 (10124 00) 0 0 CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 1 1.1 Purpose.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.3 Summary of Conclusions, * , * b , * . . . . . . . . 1 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 2.1 Proposed Project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.2 City of Carlsbad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3.0 ESTIMATED IMPACTS TO GENERAL FUND OPERATING BUDGET 3 3.1 Revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3.2 Expenditures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4,O ESTIMATED IMPACTS TO CAPITAL BUDGET 4 5.0 REFERENCES E - ii 0 0 LIST OF TABLES 1-1 Summary of General Fund Revenues and Expenditures Due to Project ..................... 1 2-1 Assessor Parcels Included in the Project Area. ..... 2 2-2 Proposed Land Use Program. ............... 2 2-3 Population and Land Use Data .............. 2 3-1 City of Carlsbad General Fund Revenues, FY 1988-89 Actual, by Potential Impact. * * * @ * . * a * * * * @ * 3 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No.1-- Assessments for Street Tree and Median Maintenance. .. -3 Actual, by Potential Impact. .............. 3- New Development in LPM Zone 12. ............ .4 3-2 3-3 City of Carlsbad General Fund Expenditures, FY 1988-89 4-1 Estimated Development Fees Payable By LIST OF FIGURES 2-1 General Plan Designations. ............... 2 iii 0 0 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 1.1 PURPOSE This Fiscal Impact Study (FIS) has been prepared for the city c carlsbad to satisfy the general information requirements relate with the proposed 1989 amendments to the Local Facilitie Management (LFM) Plan for Zone 12, and to the Arroyo La Cost Master Plan. Other discretionary actions associated with tl- pro] ect require a General Plan amendment, zone change, tentat it tract map, planned development and hillside development permit5 and an environmental impact report. This Study estimates th impacts of future development in LFM Zone 12, as envisioned in th amended LFM Plan and Master Plan pertaining to the City o Carlsbad's municipal finance. The project proponent is Fieldstone/La Costa Associates, owner c 477 acres, or 99% of vacant land, in LFM Zone 12. (The othe owner is Northwestern Pacific Railroad Company--5 acres.) Thi Study has been prepared for Fieldstone/La Costa Associates by P& Technologies, Inc., 401 West A Street, San Diego, CA 92101. 1.2 METHODOLOGY Types of Revenues and Emenditures In general, a development project will impact the local jurisdic. tion's municipal finance in the following ways: (1) General Fund revenues and expenditures (a) Which are generated or supported by fees anc charges for services, or 1-1 0 e (b) Other revenues and expenditures Special Fund revenues and expenditures (a) (2) which are independent of the General Fund (including Enterprise Funds), or expenditures in the General Fund (b) Which are used to increase revenues or offst (3) Capital Fund revenues and expenditures By City policy, revenues and expenditures in categories (1.a) ai (2.a) above are partially self-funding. For example, Planning ai Engineering Fees for processing of development approvals cover pa: of the City's costs for those services. This Study takes accoui of this fact by: (1) Excluding Enterprise Funds from the analysis, and (2) Subtracting fees and charges for services from bot General Fund revenues and expenditures. Among Special Funds, those which could impact the General Fund ai the State subvention from Gas Tax (Motor Vehicle Fuel License Taa revenues and the recently formed Lighting and Landscape Maintenanc District. Impacts on the Capital Fund are examined in a separate document called Facilities Financing Plan for LFM Zones 11 and 12, prepare and submitted to the City under the Growth Management Program. (Se Section 4.0 of this Study.) In summary, the focus of this Study is limited to General Fun revenues and expenditures, net of fees and charges for senrice augmented by revenues from the Gas Tax Fund, and the Lighting an Landscape Maintenance District. 1-2 0 0 Definition of Costs This Study analyzes averaqe costs, based on actual revenues a expenditures of the City for Fiscal Year (FY) 1988-89. When significant capacity constraints are foreseen, or when capaci, (capital) improvements are funded separately, the average COI analysis is more conservative than the marginal cost analys because the revenues generated by the proposed new developrze must cover not merely the marginal cost of additional services b also a pro rata share of fixed costs such as general governmen maintenance of buildings and grounds, and other Citywide service: Equivalent Dwellins Units Some municipal services benefit primarily the resident populatil of the City of Carlsbad. Examples are libraries, cultural ark and parks and recreation services. Average costs of these service are defined in terms of cost per capita. Other services, such as general government and public safeti benefit both the residents of the City and other developed la1 uses, including commercial, industrial, and institutional uses. : computing average costs for the latter group of services, th: Study relies on the concept of equivalent dwelling units (EDU) Under this approach, it is assumed that an EDU of residential us and an EDU of non-residential use will derive the same benefit from services e The factor used to convert a net acre c non-residential use to EDU is 4.1 units per gross acre. TI derivation of this factor is discussed in Section 2.0 below. It should be noted that while an approach based on EDUs is common1 accepted in fiscal analysis, it is an approximation, which ca obscure differences in service demands created by different type of non-residential land uses. In the present case, such a approximation is justified, because the proposed project consist almost entirely of residential uses, Non-residential uses are tk 1-3 0 e schools and a utility site. The EDU method permits a comparisol of average residential demand for services with averaqe no] residential demand in the City. 1.3 SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS The project area consists of approximately 482 acres of vacar land, located in the City's LFM Zone 12. The proposed land UI for this area consists of 1,077 units of single family detacht residential, 43.9 gross acres of institutional uses, including l elementary school, a junior high school, and a utilities site, a. open spaces and streets. Based on a factor of 4.1 units per gro acre of non-residential use, the project at buildout would a1 1,257 equivalent dwelling units to the City. When all proposed uses are built, the project area will general annual revenues of $973,284 and require public services ( $982,648, resulting in an operating deficit of $9,364 (see Tab: 1-1). The above estimates of General Fund revenues and expenditures ai based on conservative assumptions. Actual impact to General FUI expenditures is anticipated to be less, since the proposed projec would not increase public service costs across the board, as j assumed for this Study. At the same time, some revenues, such 2 property taxes, are underestimated due to the conservative propert values assumed in the Study. In summary, it is expected that tt proposed project will have a minimal impact on the General Fur budget of the City. With respect to capital facilities, LFM Zone 12 shares with Zor 11 the responsibility for financing major facilities identified i the Local Facilities Management Plans of the two zones. The 1-4 0 e facilities are proposed to be funded through a combination of: 0 Developer construction or dedication 0 Development impact fees o 0 Citywide Mello-Roos community facilities district 1913/15 Act assessment district and other sources Zone 12 would contribute its prorata share of development f revenues and Mello-Roos taxes. Zone 12's impact on the Citl capital improvement program would be self-financing, with no r negative or positive impact. 1-5 0 a Table 1-1 SUKMARY OF ANNUAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES DUE TO PROJECT Inpact due to Zone 12 __________________--____________________---------- ___________ REVENUES Property Tax (Residential Only) 607,323 Sales Tax 175,589 Franchise Tax 18,936 Cigarette Tax 7,130 Vehicle License (In-Lieu) 87,198 Gas Tax (State Subvention) 18,426 Street Tree and Median Maintenance (a) 25,105 Total $973,284 Real Property Transfer Tax 33,577 EXPEND I TURES General Govermnt 147,003 Public Safety 425,898 Public Works arid Maintenance 148,509 Culture, Recreation and Mon-Departmental 230,789 Other 30,449 Total $982,648 --_-_--____ NET SURPLUS (DEFICIT) ($9,364 1 __________-___--__-_------------------------------ _---------_ SOURCE: See Section 3.0 of text. Notes: a. Estimated nen assessments at buildout; applicable to offset street maintenance costs. See Table 3-2. 1-6 a 0 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 PROPOSED PROJECT The proposed project is located in the Southeastern quadrant the City of Carlsbad, bounded by El Camino Real to the west, Ranc Santa Fe Road to the east, (partially) Le Vante Street to t north, and Olivenhain Road to the south. Along with two existi neighborhoods, Rancho del Ponderosa and Santa Fe Ridge, the ar is identified by the City as Local Facilities Management Zone 1 The project area consists of 13 assessor parcels totalling 481 acres, located in two County Tax Rate Areas, 9045 and 9079 (Tab 2-1). The proposed project would convert this area to primari residential uses, with ancillary uses such as an elementa school, a junior high school, a utilities site, open spaces, a streets (Table 2-2) A full description of the project area and the buildout land u! program is contained in tlLocal Facilities Management Plan, 201 12--Amendmenttt and "Draft Environmental Impact Report, Arroyo : Costa Master Plan." This section provides a supplemental discui sion of the principal population and land use data. Using the City's Growth Management Control Point average densitif for General Plan land use designations, the amended LFM Pli estimates that 1,330 housing units, composed of both detached ar attached units, may be developed on currently vacant land in 201 12 Subsequent studies by Fieldstone/La Costa Associates (Arro] La Costa Master Plan) indicated that, subject to site constraint: 1,077 single family detached units could be constructed. This 2-1 e 0 Table 2-1 ASSESSOR PARCELS INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT AREA Assessor County Parcel Gross Tax Rate Nunber Owner Acres Area 216-320-13 Fieldstone/La Costa Assoc. 8.4 09045 255-010-09 Fieldstone/La Costa Assoc. 84.9 09079 255-010-18 Fieldstone/La Costa Assoc. 27.7 09045 255-010-19 Fieldstone/La Costa Assoc. 2.3 09045 255-030-09 Fieldstm/La Costa Assoc. 37.8 09045 255-030-10 Fieldstone/La Costa Assoc. 74.6 09079 255-030-11 Fieldstone/La Costa Assoc. 10.8 09079 255-031-24 Fieldstone/La Costa Assoc. 58.5 09045 255-031-25 Fieldstone/La Costa Assoc. 33.6 09045 132.8 09079 255-041-14 Fieldstone/La Costa Assoc. 255-023-01 Worthuest Pacific Railroad Co. 3.9 (a) 255-023-02 Northwest Pacific Railroad Co. 0.9 (a) _--------_-- ___-___--___---__-__.-------------- __-____- ___________ 255-022-01 Fieldstone/La Costa Assoc. 5.8 09079 Total 481.9 ------------ .--------_-.---_--__--------------- ____-_-_ -____-__-__ SOURCE: a. Not currently subject to property taxation. San Diego County Assessor's Office 2-2 - -- -- ..., --. -- 2-3 0 Table 2-2 PROPOSED LAND USE PROGRAM Gross Net Acres Acres (a) __-___.____-___.------------------------- --------_-- _--_______- Residential RLM 229.9 215.0 RM 120.8 113.5 Elementary School 13.3 12.8 Junior High School 27.4 24.5 Uti 1 it ies 3.2 2.6 Open Space 87.3 0.0 Total 481.9 368.3 -.---...............--------------------- _---------- ----------- SOURCE: Local Facilities Management Plan, Zone 12--Amen&ent a. Net of constrained areas, such as pouerline easement and circulation. 2-4 0 0 Study is based on the lower projection of 1,077 single fami units, which calculates a closer approximation representing t buildout condition, rather than the estimate derived from Grow Management Control Point average densities. It is assumed for purposes of this study that the average size new single family detached units built in Zone 12 is 2,500 squa feet. (Planning studies assume a slightly higher average un size.) Conservatively estimating the value of a new unit at $1 per square foot, the average sales price is estimated to $300,000. (Current market values are closer to $150 per squa foot.) Applying an average household size of 2.471 persons per un (consistent with assumptions of the Growth Management Program) a assuming no vacancy, population of the project area would be 2,6 people. The non-residential land uses which would require municip services are an elementary school, a junior high school, and utilities site, totalling 43.9 gross acres (amended LFM Plan). 2.2 CITY OF CARLSBAD According to an annual study conducted by the San Diego Associati of Governments (SANDAG) on January 1, 1989, the population of t City was 62,030. The same study also estimated the total housii stock in the City to be 26,492 units. The most comprehensive land use study available for San Die( County is that reported by SANDAG in 1986 ("Land Use Patterns the San Diego Regionvt). According to this study, the City ( Carlsbad in 1986 contained 4,734 gross acres of residential use: 504 acres each of commercial and industrial uses, 703 acres c 2-5 0 0 transportation, communication and utilities uses, and 143 acr of educational and institutional uses. Thus, residential a non-residential uses requiring municipal services occupied 6,5 acres, of which 1,854 acres were non-residential. The January 1, 1986 estimate of total housing stock was 19,4 units. The average housing density was thus 4.1 units per acre (= 19,415/4,734). Assuming the same density of equivalent dwelli units for non-residential uses, the City contained 34,093 EDU (= 26,492 + 4.1 X 1,854). Using this factor of 4.1 units per gross, non-residential acre, t proposed project would contain 1,257 (= 1,077 + 4.1 x 43. equivalent dwelling units. These results are summarized in Table 2-3. 2-6 0 e Table 2-3 POPULATION AND LAND USE DATI City of Carlsbad Zone 12 Percent _---------------I*---------------.-...-.-.--.... .........._ -....-..... ._..I...I.. Population (a) 62,030 2,661 4.34: Housing Units (b) 26,492 1,on 4.1% Cannercial/IndustriaI/Institutional Acres (c) 1,854.0 43.9 2.4% Equivalent Duetling Units (= Housing 34,093 1,257 3.n Units plus 4.1 x Gross Non-Resid. Acres) (dl Average Assessed Value Per Resid. Unit (e) a. City population from SANDAG, January 1, ,) Population $300,000 ________________________________________-------- _---------_ --_-__--_-- ----------- and Housing Estimates. assuned average household sire of 2.471 persons per unit and no vacancy rate. from planning studies. City data frm SANDAG. 1986 Land Use Patterns in the San Diego Region. office, industrial, utilities, and institutional uses is 1,854 acres. acres, resulting in average gross density of 4.1 housing units per acre. Assunes 2,500 square foot units at $120 per square foot. Zone 12 population based on b. City housing stock from SANDAG. Zone 12 housing units e. Gross land area devoted to camwcial, Zone 12 data from amended LFM Plan. d. In 1986, 19,415 housing units occupied 4,734 gross e. 2-7 e e 3.0 ESTIMATED IMPACTS TO GENERAL FUND OPERATING BUDGET 3.1 REVENUES Total General Fund revenues to the city in FY 1988-89 W* $36,546,934. Gas Tax subventions totaled $859,035, for tot, operating revenues of $37,405,969 (Table 3-1). Of this amoun revenues of $4,699,107 were derived from fees and charges f services, including Construction Permits. In accordance with tl methodology described in Section 1.2, these are assumed to be co: recovery revenues and are used to offset expenditures. Becau: the project is primarily residential, with no taxab: non-residential uses, the revenues which would result from tl proposed project are limited to: 0 Property, Property Transfer and Sales Taxes 0 Franchise and Cigarette Taxes 0 Vehicle Licenses 0 Gas Tax Subvention 0 Assessments for Street Tree and Median Maintenance Unit revenues which are assumed for this Study are shown in Tab1 3-1 and discussed below. Estimated annual revenues and expendi tures are summarized in the previous Table 1-1. Property Tax The two county Tax Rate Areas in which the project area is locatel have the following tax allocation formulas: 3-1 0 m Table 3-1 CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL FUND REVENUES FY 1988-89 ACTUAL, BY POTENTIAL IMPACT Potential Applied FY 1988-89 Impact by to Offset Actual Zone 12 Expend. Unit Revenue/Assvnption ______--------------.------.------ ---.------- ----------- ----------- --------------_-_____________________ TAXES Property Tax, incl. Reimb. 10,314,209 Yes 18.7968% times 1% of est. sales v Sales and Use Taxes 8,186,215 Yes (50%) $65.99 per capita Transient Lodging Tax 2,752,025 No franchise Tax 599,445 Yes $17.58 per EDU Reat Property Transfer Tax 570,244 Yes 5.53% of est. property tax rev' Cigarette lax 166,216 Yes $2.68 per capita Trailer Coach In-Lieu lax 26,608 NO LICENSES AND PERMITS vehicle Licenses (In-Lieu) 2,032,657 Yes $32.77 per capita Construction Permi ts 674,814 Off-Set 674,814 Business Licenses 696,706 Wo License Tax on Neu Construct. 1,111,849 No Other 38,853 No CHARGES FOR SERVICES Engineering Fee 1,609,561 Off-Set 1,609,561 Plan Checking Fee 1,212,287 off-set 1,212,287 Zone and Subdivision Fees 132,120 Off-Set 132,120 Sales of naps and Publications 54,642 Off-Set 54,642 Library and Parks/Rec Fees 621,842 Off -Set 621,842 Police Service Fees 28,252 Off-Set 28,252 Wlance Fee 219,030 Off-Set 219,030 Envirmtal lrrpact Studies 21,305 Off-Set 21,305 Other 125,254 Off-Set 125,251 [Continue next page.] 3-2 0 0 Table 3-1 (Continued) Potential Applied FY 1988-89 Impact by to Offset Actual Zone 12 Expend. Unit Revenue/Assurption .................................. ----_______ ____-___--- --__-__-_-- --____________________________________. Kontinuedl FINES AND FORFEITURES Vehicle Code Fines 477,172 No Other 1,658 No INTEREST 2,087,490 No HISCELLANEWS Reimkrrsed Expenditures 1,045,848 No Sale of Property 4,039 No Rents 118,514 Wo Other 1,618,079 No ------_--_. ---------_- TOTAL - General Fund 36,546,934 4,699,107 GAS TAX 859,035 Yes (50%) $6.92 per capita GRAND TOTAL 37,405,969 SOURCE: ----------- ____-__-_-_----------------------- -------*--- ----------- __--._----- ........................................ FY 1988-89 Actual from City of Carlsbad, Finance Department. For unit revenues, see Section 3.1. 3-3 0 0 Percentage of Prop. 13 Tax Received by Tax Rate Area City of Carlsbad ............................................. 09045 14.536891% 09079 23.056611% Average 18.796751% ............................................. The total property tax which would be received by the City $607,323 (= 1,077 x $300,000 x 1% x 18.796751%). No adjustment is made for property taxes which are currently pa on the vacant land, since this Study is evaluating the averagc rather than marginal or incremental, fiscal impact of the proposl project . Real Property Transfer Tax In Carlsbad, Real Property Transfer Tax is levied on property vali appreciation since the previous transfer. Assuming that tl average rates of appreciation and of property transfer remain th same as they have been for the past several years, total transfe tax revenues as a percent of total property tax revenues wil remain constant. This share is estimated to be 5.53%, resultin in annual transfer tax revenues of $33,577 for the propose project. Sales Tax For FY 1988-89, Sales and Use Taxes for the City totallei $8,186,215. Sales tax revenues were derived from taxable tran, sactions of establishments located in the City. It is not know1 how much of the taxable transactions were due to purchases bj residents of the City and how much by firms and non-residents. 3-4 0 0 For purposes of this analysis, it is assumed that one-half c Sales and Use Tax revenues to the City result from taxable pui chases in the City by residents of the City. The average salt tax revenue generated is then $65.99 per capita, or $163 (= 65.! x 2.471) per household. This would imply that purchases totallii $16,300 are made by Carlsbad households in the City establishments. This estimate of annual purchases at Carlsbad establishments CE be put in context by reviewing average household income in the Cil and the proposed project. It is estimated that Carlsbad's medi; household income in 1988 was $41,015, or 38% higher than tl County's median household income of $29,755 (Greater San Die( Chamber of Commerce). For the proposed project, with estimatc average house price of $300,000, average household income may L around $75,000. A higher household income generally results j higher volume of purchases and in higher sales tax revenues to tk City. Thus, annual purchase of $16,300 is a conservative estimat of household purchases in the City. Based on $65.99 per capita, the estimated sales tax revenues frc the project is $175,589. Franchise Tax Utility franchise taxes are paid by both households and businesses It is assumed here that the payments approximately correspond t equivalent dwelling units (XDU). This is likely to overestimat franchise tax payments by businesses and underestimate payments I: residences, since the non-residential EDU includes transportatic and institutional uses, as well as commercial and industrial. Tt average revenue is $17.58 per EDU, and the estimated revenue fo the proposed project is $18,936. This estimate includes revenue only from residential units. 3-5 0 0 Street Tree and Median Maintenance Assessment In 1969 the city Council adopted an amendment to the existir Street Lighting District (renamed Street Lighting and Landscapir District No.1) , establishing new assessments to fund tl maintenance of street trees and medians in selected arterii streets (Agenda Bill #10,048). All existing and future residenct in LFM Zone 12 will be subject to both street tree maintenance ai median maintenance assessments. The new assessments will be phased in over a three-year period frc FY 1989-90 to FY 1991-92. The assessments are $11.80 and $21. per unit, respectively, for the first year and full assessments fc street tree maintenance, and $1.26 and $2.16 per uni. respectively, for the first year and full assessments for medii maintenance. The latter assessments apply to residences which q not front on streets with medians. Although Rancho Santa Fe Rol has a median, none of the units in LF'M Zone 12 will front on th street, according to the applicable definition in the Engineer Report. The new assessments will be placed in a special fund, as is t case for Street Lighting assessment. However, because the n assessments will provide a source of funds for street maintenan expenditures which are currently in the General Fund, this stu includes these assessments as additional revenue due to t project. (Street Lighting assessments are not included.) The estimated total assessment payable by new units in LFM Zone is $25,105 (Table 3-2). 3-6 0 0 Table 3-2 STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO.l ASSESSMENTS FOR STREET TREE AND MEDIAN MAINTENANCE Assessment Total Assessment (c) Per Unit --_--__----_-__-..-_--- FY 1989.90 (a) (b) FY 1989-90 FY 1991-92 New Assessments Beginning --------__.-_.-_--_------------- e---------- --.-.______ -..-.-.---- Street Tree Maintenance FY 1989-90 (d) $1 1.80 12,709 FY 1991-92 $21.15 22,779 Median Landscape Maintenance FY 1989-90 (d) $1.26 1,357 FY 1991-92 92.16 2,326 ----------- ----------- Total $14,066 $25,105 _________________--------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Notes: a. Excludes the existing Street Lighting program and special fwd. b. From City of Carlsbad, Utilities and Maintenance Departments, and Agenda Bill #10,048 (5/23/89). c. Estimated totat assessments on 1,077 Single family detached units. see text for additionat discussion. activities. period by FY 1991-92. d. FY 1989-90 is the first year of assessment for these Full assessments will be phased in Over a 3-year 3 -7 e 0 Other Population-Based Revenues Cigarette Tax, Vehicle License (In-Lieu) and Gas Tax are assur to vary in proportion with population. Based on this assumptic the estimated revenues from these sources are, respective. $7,130, $87,198, and $18,426. Although the Gas Tax fund can be used for street maintenance, t city does not use the fund consistently for this purpose. In sc years, such as FY 1988-89, monies from the fund were used I street construction or improvement. For this reason, only one-ha of the potential Gas Tax revenues from the project are assun available for General Fund purposes. 3.2 EXPENDITURES The City's FY 1988-89 actual General Fund expenditures total $30,471,691. For this analysis, revenues of $4,699,107 from fe and charges for services are applied to offset expenditures . Various departments, resulting in net General Fund expenditurc of $25,772,584 (Table 3-2). It is assumed that the proposed project will incur, on average the same operating costs for municipal services as the rest of th City. Average cost is defined in terms of cost per capita fo services directed toward residents and in terms of cost per EC for services directed toward residents, businesses, an institutional uses. General Government and a part of Non-Departmental, Public Safety Public Works and Maintenance, and Other are services which arc assumed to be shared by all land uses. Average costs arel res- pectively, $116.95, $338.82, $118.15, and $24.22 per EDU. 3 -8 0 0 Table 3-3 CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL FUNL) EXPENDITURES FY 1988-89 ACTUAL, BY POTENTIAL IMPACT Potential Offset for FY 1988-89 Impact by User Fees Adjusted Actual Zone 12 and Charges Expend. Es:imted Unit Cost .................................. .-----_---- ----------- ----------- ----------- --.---------_----_------- GENERAL GOVERNMENT City Council 124,474 Yes City Manager 421,848 Yes City Clerk 78,062 Yes City Attorney 266,167 Yes City Treasurer Information Systems 355,470 Yes Finance 880,830 Yes Purchasing 294,761 Yes Persmne 1 486,141 Yes Research Office 172,228 Yes Insurance 166,829 Yes Weed Abatement 27,297 Yes Capital Inprovements 92,339 Yes Building Maintenance 632,214 Yes Lease 70,000 Yes 43,752 Yes Subtotal 4,112,412 (125,254) 3,987,158 5116.95 per EDU [Continue next page.] 3-9 0 0 Table 3-3 (Continued) Potential Offset for FY 1988-89 Impact by User Fees Adjusted Actual Zone 12 and Charges Expend. Estimated Unit Cost .................................. ----------- ----------- -_-----__-_ _----_____- --_______________________ [Continuedl PUBLSC SAFETY Building Inspection 856,412 Yes Pol ice 6,304,763 Yes Fire 4,522,167 Yes Civil Defense 115,602 Yes Subtotal 1 1,798,944 (247,282) 11,551,662 9338.82 per EDU WBLlC UORKS AND MAINTENANCE Develgment Process. Services 316,301 Yes Engineering 2,708,245 Yes Planning 1,098,304 Yes Comnnity Development 361,497 Yes Street Ha i ntenance 2,762,169 Yes Maintenance 485,932 Yes Subtotal 7,732,748 (3,704,729) 4,028,019 ~118.15 per EDU [Continue next page,] 3-10 e e Table 3-3 (Continued) Potential Offset for FY 1988-89 Impact by User Fees Adjusted Actual Zone 12 and Charges Expend. Estimated Unit Cost .................................. ____-_-___- -_-_--_---- ----------- __---_____- __-_-__-___.___-____----. [Cont inuedl CULTURE, RECREATION AND NON-DEPARTMENTAL Parks and Recreation 3,433,139 Yes Library 1,960,102 Yes Cultural Arts Program 178,677 Yes Cannuni ty Promotion 200,089 Yes Comnunity Assistance 57,500 Yes Senior Citizens Programs 172,199 Yes Subtot a I 6,001,706 (621,842) 5,379,864 f86.73 per capita OTHER 825,881 Yes 825,881 924.22 per EDU TOTAL - General Fund 30,471,691 (4,699,107) 25,772,584 -----*----- _-_I*____.- --------__- TOTAL UNIT COST Unit Cost Per EDU Unit Cost Per Capita 5598.14 per EDU %.?3 per capita ____________________-------------- --------*-. ..---__--_- -------_--_ --.-------- .......................... SOURCE: FY 1988-89 Actual from City of Carisbad, FiMnCe Department. For unit expenditures, see Section 3.2. 3-11 e 0 Culture, Recreation and the remaining part of Non-Departmental a1 services which are assumed to be shared by residents only. Average cost is $86.73 per capita. Estimated costs due to the project total $751,859 for EDU-base services and $230,789 for population-based services, resulting i total service cost of $ 982,648 per year (Table 1-1). 3-12 a 0 I 4.0 ESTIMATED IMPACTS TO CAPITAL BUDGET Estimated impacts to the City's Capital Improvement Program i discussed in a document entitled "Facilities Financing Plan I Local Facilities Management Zones 11 and 12, City of Carlstad dated September 29, 1989 and submitted by Fieldstone/La Cos Associates. The Facilities Financing Plan is currently und review by the City. This section provides a summary of t conclusions of the Facilities Financing Plan. LF'M Plans for Zones 11 and 12 examined a list of 11 pub1 services as required by the City's Growth Management Program. T Plans identified approximately the same list of facilities whi must be constructed over time in order to satisfy the Program performance standards for the two zones. As a result, the combin Financing Plan addresses the facility requirements of both zone According to the Financing Plan, $246 million of facilities mu: be constructed over a 15 to 20-year period to serve new develo] ments in Zones 11 and 12. Of this amount, it is proposed that tl developers of LFM Zones 11 and 12 construct or directly fund $: million of facilities, consisting of parks, streets, drainagc sewer, and water. A 1913/15 Act assessment district is proposc to fund $48 million required for the construction of Call Barcelona and Rancho Santa Fe Road. The Financing Plan further identifies facilities estimated at $12 million which are required by other developments in the City a well as Zones 11 and 12 and which are scheduled to be construct€ as part of the City's Capital Improvement Program, with fund obtained from development fees. Finally, the recently propose Citywide Mello-Roos community facilities district could financ 4-1 0 e l and construct $54 million of facilities, which are required other new developments as well as Zones 11 and 12. None of the facilities which are required either wholly or p tially by Zone 12 will be funded from the City's General Fund. : proposed sources of funds are developer contribution, developmi fees, assessment district, or Mello-Roos community faciliti district. In all cases, direct beneficiaries of new faciliti will provide funds for construction, hence there will be no n impact to the City's operating budget. Development fees payable by residential development in Zone 12 ai summarized in Table 4-1. Approximately $8.9 million in fees woul be paid through buildout. This amount may be subject t adjustments resulting from the establishment of a Citywide Mello Roos community facilities district. 4-2 a a Table 4-1 ESTIMATED DEVELOPMENT FEES PAYABLE BY NEW DEVELOPMENT IN LPM ZONE 12 _------__---------------------------.---------.---------- ___________ Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District No. 1 $530/DU x 1,On DU = $570,810 Park-in-Lieu Fee 8983/DU x 1,077 DU = $1,058,691 Public Facilities Fee 3.5% x %%/SF x 2,500 SF/DU x 1,On DU = 86,219,675 Traffic Impact Fee %?O/DU x 1,077 DU S721,590 Zone 6 Local Facilities Management Fee $310/DU X 1,077 DU * 9333,aTo -_-_-----_- Total $8, w4,636 --------------------__c_________________---------------.- -_-_-______ 4-3 e @ 5.0 REFERENCES California, State of. Office of Planning and Research, 197 Carlsbad, City of. 1987. Local Facilities Management Plan, Zoi 12. Adopted February 23, 1987, City Council Resolution Nc Economic Practices Manual (Revised 1982). 88-47. . 1989. Draft Environmental Impact Report, Arroyo I Fieldstone/La Costa Associates. 1989. Facilities Financing Pla Septembe . 1989. Local Facilities Management Plan, Zone 12- Greater San Diego Chamber of Commerce. 1989. 1988 Median House. hold Income. In San Diego Economic Bulletin, Vol. 37, No. 11 December. Costa Master Plan. February. for Local Facilities Management Zones 11 and 12. 29. Amendment (Draft). San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). 1986. Land USE Patterns in the San Diego Region. . 1989. January 1, 1989 Population and Housing Estim- ates. 5-1