HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-08-07; City Council; 10760; Refuse Collection Rate Increase Landfill Tipping2 0 F 0 a - CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGEN 1 BILL REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASE: MTG. 8/7/90 PASS THROUGH OF LANDFILL DEPT. U&M TIPPING FEE INCREASES RECOMMENDED ACTION: ffl42B.f Adopt Resolution approving an increase in monthly refuse collection rates for residential and commercial refuse collection. mM EXPLANATION: At the City Council meeting of March 13, 1990, during the staff presentation of the proposed Refuse Collection and Recycling Contract between the City and Coast Waste Management (CWM), the Council was advised that City implementation of a recyclables collection program, AB 939 implementation and County staff recommended landfill tipping fee increases could result in a residential refuse collection rate increase from $7.60/mo. to $1 l.OO/mo. over the next twelve months. The curbside recyclables collection program would increase the residential rate by $1.00/mo. with known and expected County landfill tipping fee increases and AB 939 implementation accounting for the remaining $2.40/mo. In recognition of the potential for a substantial increase in County landfill tipping fees, the proposed Contract contained a clause "Unusual Cost Increases" which was intended to permit CWM to request a rate increase to pass through the increases. The City Council accepted staffs recommendation and approved the new Refuse Collection And Recyclables Collection Contract. The recyclables collection program began in June and is being implemented, Citywide, in phases with the final phase to be completed in the last week of August, 1990. The $l.OO/mo. rate increase to fund a portion of the recyclables collection program was also approved. Other than the rate increase for the new curbside recyclables collection service, CWM has not requested or received a rate increase for refuse collection services since December 1, 1988. Since that time the County has increased the landfill tipping fees by 71%, from $10.50/ton to $13.50/ton on September 1, 1989 and subsequently to $18.00/ton effective July 1, 1990. In addition, the County began to actually weigh the refuse trucks at the landfill on July 1, 1990. Prior to July 1, landfill fees were based on the estimated weight; an amount derived from the average capacity of the refuse trucks. Pursuant to Section 6 "Unusual Cost Increases" of the Contract, CWM has requested that the City Council consider a rate increase to pass these tipping fee increases through to the rate payer. Staff concurs that these tipping fee increases constitute cost increases for which the "Unusual Cost Increases" clause of the Contract was intended. PAGE 2 OF AB# '4 Tbb The Contractor has requested an increase from $7.6O/mo. to $9.10/mo.($l.50/mo.) for residential collection and from $47.95/mo. to $57.20/mo.($9.25/mo.) for basic commercial bin, once weekly collection (Exhibit 2). The curbside recyclables collection program fee of $l.OO/mo. is in addition to the refuse collection costs. Coast Waste Management (CWM) based the rate increase request on weight data obtained by weighing the refuse trucks at the Contractors scale during April, 1990. These weights were then multiplied times the proposed tipping fee of $18.00/ton to arrive at the requested rate increase. At the time the rate increase request was made, actual landfill weights were not available for use in the calculations. Subsequent to receiving the rate increase request, staff obtained historical weight data from the County and actual weight data from the landfill scales since July 1, 1990 to evaluate the rate request (Exhibit 3). The historical and actual data appear to substantiate the Contractor's 19% requested rate increase for commercial customers, however, the same data does not fully support the requested residential rate increase. The data appears to support a residential rate increase of $l.OO/mo. rather than the $1.50/mo. requested by the Contractor. The Contractor and staff agree that the lesser residential rate increase of $1 .OO/mo. is appropriate in view of the limited actual data available. After three to six months of actual experience with the system of charging by actual weight, more information will be available for staff and the Contractor to more accurately determine the impact of the new weight based rate structure. At that time an outside auditor, with experience in the solid waste industry, will be retained by the City to perform an audit of the landfill tipping fee costs, and other costs, to assure that the appropriate rates have been established. In addition, staff and the Contractor agree that the present method of requesting and evaluating proposed rate increases is both cumbersome and time consuming. Moreover, the present process requires the Contractor to actually experience cost increases in excess of 7% before a rate increase may be requested. Thus, even when it is known in advance what the increased cost will be, as in tipping fee increases, a rate increase cannot be requested until the increase is actually experienced. This dilemma usually requires the Contractor to absorb the cost increases until sufficient data is available to substantiate a rate increase request. To alleviate this situation, the outside auditing firm will also be asked to assist staff in developing a rate increase evaluation process mutually agreeable to both parties. L PAGE 3 OF AB /' 748 The residential refuse collection rate will be $9.60 per month, an increase of one dollar ($1.00) and an increase of 19% for commercial users. If approved by the City Council the rates will take effect on August 1, 1990. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 90-285 . 2. 3. 4. Refuse Rate Comparison. Coast Waste Management, Inc. request "County of San Diego Landfill Rate Increase". County of San Diego, "Analysis of weights from June 18-26, 1989 and July 1-11, 1990. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .- RESOLUTION NO. 90-285 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REVlSING THE MONTHLY REFUSE COLLECIION AND CURBSIDE RECYCLING RATES FOR THE CrrY OF CARLSBAD WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has contracted with Coast Waste Management, Inc. for refuse collection services within the City; and WHEREAS, the Refuse Collection Contract permits Coast Waste Management to request a rate increase in the event of "Unusual Cost Increases"; and WHEREAS, Coast Waste Management has requested a rate increase pursuant to the "Unusual Cost Increases" clause of the Contract as a result of 71% increase in tipping fees at County landfills; and WHEREAS, the City agrees that Coast Waste Management has experienced "Unusual Cost Increases"; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the rate for once-a-week on premise collection of residential refuse and recyclables shall be a monthly charge of $9.60, an increase of $1.00. 3. That the rate for once-a-week on premise collection of residential refuse and recyclables shall be a monthly charge of $11.77, and increase of $1.00. 4. That the monthly rates to be charged for commercial refuse and recyclables collection shall be: /// /// /// NUMBER OF PICKUPS PER WEEK No. of Bins - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 14 15 2 3 1 $58.20 $97.07 $135.95 $174.81 $213.69 $252.56 6. That the following rates shall apply to special pickups of refuse: a) Drag-on box service shall be charged at the rate of $27.50 4 11 COMMERCIAL CAN STOPS 1 x Week $18.15/Month 2 x Week $35.28/Month 3 x Week $52.42/Month 4 x Week $69.55/Month 5 x Week $86.69/Month /I 5. That the monthly charge for apartment and condominium refuse and 9 10 11 12 13 recyclables collection shall be: No. of Units 1-3 $9.60/Month per unit 4-5 $9.09/Month per unit 6 or more $8.86/Month per unit delivery charge per box. The following dump charges apply to the following classes 16 17 of drag-on boxes. 18 19 20 21 A. (19 cu. yds. or less) $216.32 B. (20-29 CU. yds.) $211.32 C. (30-39 CU. yds.) $204.12 D. (40-49 CU. yds.) $195.56 (The above rates include the applicable dump fees). Demurrage charges on drag-on boxes shall be $3.00 per day in the event the 22 II 23 11 drag-on box is not dumped a minimum of one time a week. Customers requiring more than one dump from a drag-on box shall receive a refund of the original $27.50 delivery fee, this refund may be in the form of a credit against the customers 25 26 27 account with the refuse collector. I/ 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 20 b) Special pick-ups of items such as water heaters, washers, dryer, etc. shall be individually negotiated at a reasonable rate between collector and customer. Before any pick-up of such items is made, customer shall be notified of charges. 7. 1, 1990. 8. 1, 1990. 9. That the commercial rates established hereby shall be effective August That the residential rates established hereby shall be effective August That the rates and charges established by this Resolution shall on their effective day supersede the rates previously established. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council , 1990, and of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 7th day of by the following vote, to wit: August AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin and Mamaux NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Pettipe a ATTEST: it flak ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 5960 EL CAMINO REAL, P. 0. BOX 947, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 PHONE: 753-9412 OT 452-9810 MCDOUGAL SANITATION CARLS6AD DISPOSAL CO. SOLANA BEACH DISPOSAL CO. DEL MAR DISPOSAL CO. RANCHO SANTA FE DISPOSAL CO. SORRENTO VALLEY DISPOSAL CO. rl June 8, 1990 Ralph W. Anderson Director of Utilities & Maintenance City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-1519 RE: County of San Dieqo Landfill Rate Increase Dear Ralph: The County Board of Supervisors adopted increases for trash disposal at all County Landfills effective July I, 1990. The increase takes the rate from 913.50 to 418.00 or a 33 percent increase in the charge per ton. This disposal site fee increase, however, is unlike other increases adopted in prior years by the County, in that along with the price per ton increase the method of calculating the load size has changed to charqinq by weight. This increase has a double impact on effecting the cost of providing refuse removal service to our customers. Our adjustments are further impacted in the fact that we had not requested an adjustment for the September 1989 County of San Dieqo landfill disposal site fee increase. With these significant changes to the cost of service we have no other alternative than to request an adjustment to the present rates for service in the City of Carlsbad. Our proposed rate adjustments are to cover the increased landfill disposal costs imposed by the County of San . Dieqo and have no general rate increases in the adjustment. Our request will apply to the unusual cost increase as delineated on page 6, paragraph 6 of the Refuse Removal Agreement. In the past the County of San Diego had adopted rate increases by adjusting the price upward based on their projected tonnage for the next year'to balance 'their operating budqet. The 1990 County increase was adjusted in this manner as well as convertinq to weighing all trucks upon entry to the landfill. This conversion to charginq by weight from the prior method of charging on a flat fee per truck load significantly chanqes the cost. The estimated load size had not been adjusted to reflect the present carryinq capacities of all of our refuse vehicles. We, in order to access the impact of the change during the month of April, conducted-an in depth weight study of our trucks to ascertain the effect of the increase. The residential and commercial customers will have the following adjustments due to the County d isposa 1 site fee increase: EXHIBIT 2 PAGE 2 RESIDENTICILSERVICE To determine the new fees for refuse disposal we conducted over a four week period a weight study in the City of Carlsbad. After completion of the study our trucks were found to average 7.49 tons per load. Our average number of customers per residential load was 204 residents. The rate below is calculated using the new rate of $18.00/ton versus the prior rate used in 1988 when the collection charge was last adjusted. 1990 rate of $18.00 x 7.49 tons = 6134.82 NET INCREME IN DISPOSAL SITE FEE 971.82 Less: 1988 rate per truck 63.00 $71.82 / 204 RESIDENTS = 9.352 per week .352 per week X 4.3 weeks per month = $1.51 81.51 rounded to the nearest 9.05 = $1.50 / month increase PRIOR RESIDENTIaL RATE PER MONTH INCLUDING RECYCLING 88.60 PROPOSED MONTHLY RESIDENTIAL REFUSE RATE INCLUDING RECYCLING *lo. 10 COMMERCICU,SERVLCE A similar weight study was conducted over a four week period of our commercial frontload vehicles. Their average load weight totaled 9.85 tons which we rounded to 10.00 tons per load. The average number of bins per load was 46 bins. The calculation below shows the adjustment from the present load charge with the new rate as adopted by the County. 10.00 tons per truck load x $18.00 = 6180.00 1990 landfill fee per truck $180.00 NET INCREASE PER LOAD 9 99.00 Less: 1988 landfill'fee per truck 81.00 $99.00 increase per load / 46 bins = 2.152 weekly increase $2.152 x 4.3 weeks = 8 9.29 adjustment per bin dump PRIOR RATE FOR 1 X WEEK SERVICE INCLUDING RECYCLING CHARGE $48.95 PROPOSED RATE FOR 1 X WEEK BIN SERVICE INCLUDING RECYCLING CHCIRGE 958.20 PAGE 3 These are our proposed rates.for your review and analysis. We request for the Council to approve the adjustments to be effective July 1, 1990 when the rates will be increased by the County of Sen Dieqo. These adjustments have a greater impact to all since they cover two rate increases plus the conversion from a vehicle size fee to actual weight fee eliminating the K factor. If you have any questions, please give me a call at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Conrad 8. Pawelski Vice President/General Manager COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. REFUSE COLLECTION AND RECYCLING SERVICE RATE 4DJUSTMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED RATES FOR JULY 1, 1990 TYPE 01 SERVICE RESIDENTIAL RATES (When Applicable): Monthly Curb Backyard, Special COMMERCIAL CAN RATES 1 x week 2 x week 3 x week 4 x week 5 x week COMMERCIAL 3 1 x week 2 x week 3 x week 4 x week 5 'x week 6 x week cubic Yard Bins: COMMERCIAL Roll Off Service: Box Sizes A, E, C, (on call) Delivery charge 1st box Dernurage charge per day over 7 days CURRENT RATE Rate 8.60 10.76 %16.60 32.18 47.77 63.35 78.94 Monthly Rates $48.95 78.97 108.20 137.81 167.44 197.06 9122.32 + DSF $27.50 S3.00 PROPOSED RATE %10.10 12.26 *le. 15 35.28 52.42 69.95 06.69 sS8.20 97.07 135.95 174.81 213.69 252.96 $122.32 + DSF $39.50 J3.00 br: YY4 >b01*ood0m000 m c') ~ooooeoooooo~ aoooooooooooo CYIO coo 0 ow Wr) 13- rld Y 2 0 r) k 0) x 0 r) k a 0 z cl #/ i Od (3 0 0 0 11 0 0 II II II 0 m m I YYYYYUYUYYYYYYYYYY E 0 H w L k 0 u u tu Icl X 3 u n 0m0UIm00OD0mN00 II 0 d dw Wd II OD d ncu II I 0000000000000 0 m(v w (vw (v wo d *OD a aa -a 0 00, t- ot- d drl (Y P)d 0000000000000 ro ODw d 00 F QDu) w (vm M *r- m dro d dd a ca a- -- .. . 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