HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-08-20; City Council; 890-7; Accept of donations and sponsorshipPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# $3d>~"7 MTG. fi|AO/QD DEPT ' ft-ft TITLE: do,u RECOMMENDED ACTION: ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS AND SPONSORSHIP OF RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMPANIES , , (ACTION) DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY CITY MGR. 0 Review and discuss the attached report, consider staff's recommendation and take appropriate action for City Council review. ITEM EXPLANATION; During the City Council meeting of July 24, 1990, staff was directed to develop a policy in regards to alcoholic beverage companies co-sponsoring recreation activities, which was then to be referred to the Parks and Recreation Commission for their review and recommendation. Staff will give a verbal report regarding the attached memorandum and present the proposed administrative policy for the commission's consideration. FISCAL IMPACT: Please refer to the attached report. EXHIBITS: 1. Memorandum to David Bradstreet, dated August 9, 1990. August 9, 1990 TO: PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Principal Recreation Supervisor DONATION AND SPONSORSHIP OF RECREATION ACTIVITIES FROM ALCOHOL BEVERAGE COMPANIES BACKGROUND .p During the July 24, 1990, City Council meeting, the Council expressed a concern .'•' about accepting donations and co-sponsorships from businesses that manufacturer and or distribute alcoholic beverages, the Council felt that perhaps the City was sending a mixed message to our youth who may be participating in events co- sponsored by alcoholic beverage companies. .-, The City Council referred this issue to the Parks and Recreation Commission to:(lj develop a policy dealing with alcoholic beverage companies co-sponsoring recreation activities. Staff has developed a policy in the form of an Administrative Order for the Commissioner's review evaluation and recommendation. RECOMMENDATION Alcohol abuse and alcoholism are considered by many to be one of the most serious public health and safety problems in the United States. Based on the information that staff has obtained from other agencies (EXHIBIT 1), it is our recommendation that we take a positive approach and restrict alcoholic distributing companies from making donations of any kind, in exchange for co-sponsorship of Recreation events and programs. FISCAL IMPACT The Parks and Recreation Department receives approximately $3,000 per year in donations from alcoholic beverage companies. Staff will pursue alternate ways to offset the loss of this revenue by looking for different types of sponsors and/or by increasing fees. We consider this loss to be minimal considering the long term effect it will have on our youth. 2 DISCUSSION At the present time, there is no policy, and the only guidelines the Department has is that we will not solicit nor accept donations from anyone that deals with illegal substances or items dealing with a sensitive personal nature. The Recreation Division has received a tremendous amount of support from businesses EXHIBIT 1 29 throughout the City and County. Banks, Restaurants, Hotels, Sporting Good Stores and Beverage Companies have generously donated to the many youth and adult recreation programs that have been offered to the community. Our recreation programs are run on a self-sustaining basis and we rely on their donations to add quality to the event, and also to keep the registration fees affordable for the participants. Over the past seven (7) years, Mark Stein Beverage Company has co-sponsored the Triathlon, Body Board and Body Surfing Contests with our department, with these events targeted primarily for adults. They have supplied equipment such as display flags and screening material for the triathlon, as well as snacks, money and alcohol. (It should be noted that we no longer allow alcohol at the triathlon.) For the Body Board and Body Surfing Contests, Mark Stein have contributed financially to these events, with the funds going directly to pay for liability insurance. In exchange for their donations, our department would put their name and/or logo on application forms, T-shirts and race results. Staff has surveyed Parks and Recreation Departments throughout the County and Southern California, and found that no one has a written policy in regards to accepting donations or sponsorships of City activities as it relates to alcohol distributing companies (EXHIBIT 2). CONCLUSION The Parks and Recreation Department can continue to offer quality programs at economical fees for the Carlsbad community and do so without the support from alcoholic beverage companies. By establishing a policy, Carlsbad will be the first City that staff is aware of, to progressively send a written message to other municipalities regarding our position on alcoholic beverage companies sponsoring Recreation events. KEN PRICE Attachment: EXHIBIT 1 - Draft-Administrative Order EXHIBIT 2 - Survey of City's It c: Recreation Superintendent Recreation Supervisors 30 CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT SURVEY SPONSORSHIP AND DONATIONS FROM ALCOHOL DISTRIBUTING COMPANIES CITY Carlsbad Oceanside Vista Escondido Poway San Diego Corona Irvine Anaheim 8/90 DO YOU ACCEPT DONATIONS? Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes WHAT DO YOU HAVE TYPE OF A WRITTEN DONATIONS? POLICY? Financial Financial None Financial Services & Goods Financial None None Financial No No No No No No No No No CO-SPONSORSHIP TYPES WITH CITY OF EVENTS ALLOWED? SPONSORED? Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes Triathlon, Body Board, Body Surfing Concerts, 10K Run, Over-the Line, Bike Criterium None 10K Run None Athletic Events None None Community Olympic Games, Softball Tournaments 31 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 jy August 6, 1990 ^ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: DONATION AND SPONSORSHIP OF RECREATION ACTIVITIES FROM ALCOHOL BEVERAGE COMPANIES PURPOSE It is the purpose of this order to provide an administrative policy as it relates to alcohol beverage companies in making donations and co-sponsoring recreation activities. BACKGROUND The City Council directed staff to develop a policy in regards to alcoholic beverage companies making donations and/or co-sponsoring youth and adult recreation programs. This policy will serve as a guideline for the Parks and Recreation Department staff when accepting donations or the co-sponsoring of Recreation programs. POLICY In an effort to provide a wholesome family oriented environment, the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department will neither solicit nor accept donations or sponsorships from alcoholic beverage manufacturing and/or distributing companies. In addition, the Department will not include any advertising for an alcohol related product on any publicity flyers, press releases, signs, t-shirts, and or other related promotional items. ACTION This order is effective upon receipt. RAYMOND R. PATCHETT City Manager ALTERNATIVE POLICY STATEMENT In || effort to provide a wholesome family oriented environment, the City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreatltw Department will rteltfwr iwt solicit nor accept donations or sponsorships from alcoholic beverage Mfi« f act u ring and/or distributing companies^jn which said sponsorship requires an alcohol related product to bo promoted. Nor will the City In addition, the Department will not include any advertising for an alcohol related product on any Parks Recreation Department publicity including flyers, press releases, signs, t-shirts, and or other related promotional items. Parks & Recreation Department .--- Policy No. 23 SPONSORSHIP OF CITY YOUTH ACTIVITIES When soliciting and accepting sponsorship for youth programs, staff will be guided by the following policy: "Businesses engaged in the manufacture or sale of any products that are objectionable for youth, are not acceptable as sponsors." COMMUNITY YOUTH RECREATION ACTIVITIES Sponsors are the responsibility of the individual league officials. The matter is to be resolved by the parents, league officers, and those participating in the activity. This policy was adopted by the Parks and Recreation Commission at their meeting on March 19, 1984. 4/9/84 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 August 6, 1990 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: DONATION AND SPONSORSHIP OF RECREATION ACTIVITIES FROM ALCOHOL BEVERAGE COMPANIES PURPOSE It is the purpose of this order to provide an administrative policy as it relates to alcohol beverage companies in making donations and co-sponsoring recreation activities. BACKGROUND The City Council directed staff to develop a policy in regards to alcoholic beverage companies making donations and/or co-sponsoring youth and adult recreation programs. This policy will serve as a guideline for the Parks and Recreation Department staff when accepting donations or the co-sponsoring of Recreation programs. POLICY v/ In effort to provide a wholesome family oriented environment, the City of Carlsbad will not solicit nor accept donations or sponsorships from an alcohol distributing companyi^rrrwhrch sa44-^eftso^r^ip-re^y4^es--afl--a4-e^ho^-r-e-iated-iwcoduc-t ta.be projnoted. Nor will the City include any advertising for an alcohol related product on any Parks and Recreation Department publicity including flyers, press releases, signs, t-shirts, and or other related promotional items. ACTION , This order is effective upon receipt. RAYMOND R. PATCHETT City Manager • <: i -r -n f Zti 'ifcL*. -.-, -\t -x-.-' '/ "!'( />*«c<"«--j:±*sJj^\ Tt 11 ,t O"v"<-i i.-1-- v>-^ ^ / v^_- v.- ~ ^ , . < ^ ^2^- _ 32