HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-08-28; City Council; 10797; Supplemental Agreement with Tetra Tech for Prepartion of an EIR for the Encina Power Plant General Plan AmendmentCARLSBAD — AGENcQBILL AB# MTG..8/28/90 TITLE: SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH TETRA TECH, INC. FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN EIR FOR THE ENCINA POWER PLANT GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT. DEPT. HD. CITY A CITY MGR I os o oo RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. TV-** «*, approving a supplemental agreement with Tetra Tech, Inc. to provide for the preparation of an EIR for the proposed Encina Power Plant General Plan amendment, and authorizing the encumbrance of funds in an amount not to exceed $57,853.00 from the contingency account to pay for these services. ITEM EXPLANATION Earlier this year the Council adopted Ordinance No.'s NS-108 (1/23/90) and NS-111 (2/13/90) which established and extended a moratorium on any expansion at the Encina Power Plant pending the completion of studies and possible changes in the planning and zoning for the property. The staff subsequently reviewed applicable plans and policies and has initiated the process to amend the General Plan for the site from Public Utilities to Travel Service/Recreation Commercial (please see Location Map). The first step in the process is the preparation of an EIR in order to disclose the potential environmental impacts of the proposal. The City has retained legal counsel and an environmental consultant to assist staff with the review and analysis of SDG&E's application to the California Energy Commission (CEC) to construct a 460 MW power plant at the Encina site or one of four alternate locations. It is the opinion of our legal counsel that any proposal to amend the General Plan for the site should be processed as expeditiously as possible so that the CEC will have the benefit of Council's current position regarding the appropriate long term use of the property when making a decision on SDG&E's application. Tetra Tech is in a unique and favorable position to complete an EIR in a timely and cost effective manner because of their unique understanding of the property as the City's environmental consultant on SDG&E's expansion application. For this reason, Tetra Tech was the only consultant invited to submit a proposal. The proposal has been reviewed and found to be responsive to the required schedule and scope of work. The cost of $57,853.00 is competitive when compared to EIR's of similar scope. Funding would come from the contingency account. FISCAL IMPACT The agreement would require the appropriation of $57,853.00 from the contingency account. EXHIBITS 1. Location Map showing existing and proposed General Plan designations. 2. City Council Resolution No. jfc'J* 3- approving a supplemental agreement with Tetra Tech, Inc. 3. Supplement to the agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Tetra Tech, Inc. EXISTING GENERAL PLAN PRO JE BOUND ENCINA POWERPLANT PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN PRO JECT BOUNDAR ENCINA POWER PLANT GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GPA 90-1 EIR 90-2 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 90-322 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SUPPLEMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND TETRA TECH, INC. FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE ENCINA POWER PLANT GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, via Ordinance No.'s NS-108 and NS-111 (dated January 23,1990 and February 13, 1990, respectively) the City Council established and extended a moratorium on any expansion at SDG&E's Encina Power Plant pending the completion of studies and possible changes in the General Plan and zoning designations for the SDG&E property, and; WHEREAS, on May 22, 1990, by Resolution No. 90-141, the City Council approved an agreement with Tetra Tech, Inc. to provide environmental consulting services to assist the City in proceedings before the California Energy Commission (CEC) regarding SDG&E's application to expand facilities at the Encina Power Plant site, and; WHEREAS, the City has initiated the process to amend the General Plan for the Encina site from Public Utilities to Travel Service/Recreation Commercial, and consideration of said amendment requires the preparation of an environmental impact report, and; WHEREAS, it is essential that the amendment be considered as soon as possible so that the CEC can consider the City's position with respect to the appropriate long term use of the property when making a decision on SDG&E's application, and; WHEREAS, Tetra Tech, Inc. has a unique understanding of the site because of its involvement with the SDG&E expansion proposal, and therefore, is in a position to complete an EIR in a timely and cost effective manner, and; WHEREAS, Tetra Tech, Inc. has submitted a proposal to prepare the EIR, and the proposal has been found to be responsive to the required schedule and scope of work. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the supplemental agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Tetra Tech, Inc. is hereby approved. 3. That the Mayor is authorized and directed to execute said supplemental agreement for, and on behalf of, the City of Carlsbad. 4. That a fund transfer in the amount of $57,853.00, on file in the Finance Department, is hereby approved. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 28ttyay of August. 199Q> by the following vote, to wit: AYES' Council Members Lewi's, Larson and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT' Council Members Mamaux, CLAUDE A. &EWIS, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZrCity Cle}k PC RESO NO.-2- William R. Brownlie, Vice President Tetra Tech, Inc. 348 West Hospitality Lane, Suite 300 San Bernardino, CA 92408-3216 SUBJECT: Supplement To The Agreement Between The City Of Carlsbad And Tetra Tech, Inc. Dated May 29, 1990, Pursuant To City Council Resolution No. 90-141. The CITY and CONSULTANT hereby agree to the following: 1. The CONSULTANT shall prepare an EIR and undertake and complete the tasks itemized in the Revised Proposal submitted by the CONSULTANT and dated August 15, 1990, (amended August 17, 1990) a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. The CONSULTANT shall be paid on a time and materials basis not to exceed a maximum of $57,853.00 dollars for all work performed pursuant to this supplemental agreement. Payments shall be made at the completion of each task set forth in Table 1 of the Proposal less 10%, which shall be paid after certification of the final EIR by the CITY COUNCIL. 3. In the. event the project is placed on hold by the CITY for 45 days or longer, the CONSULTANT shall be compensated for services rendered in accordance with Table 1 of the Proposal. Such payment shall not exceed the maximum amount of this supplemental agreement. L The parties hereto have executed this supplemental agreement on the H^ day of 1990. ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cle/k FORM: I vikcENT f. BIO"NDO, JR. City Attorney CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal te £f€€alifornia ^J/^ltX.t^f^t CONSULTANT William R. Brownlie, Ph.D., P.E. Vice President 15 August 1990 REVISED PROPOSAL To Prepare An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE ENCINA POWER PLANT GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT Prepared For: CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT Prepared By: TETRA TECH, INC. SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA "It WRB-M-331 P-24715 TETRA TECH, INC. 348 West Hospitality Lane, Suite 300 San Bernardino, CA 92408-3216 Telephone (714) 381-1674 August 15, 1990 Mr. Steve Griffin Senior Planner Planning Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 Subject: Dear Steve: Submittal of Revised Proposal for the Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the City of Carlsbad, California Tetra Tech is pleased to provide the enclosed revised proposal (10 copies) to the City of Carlsbad for the subject EIR. As described in the Statement of Qualifications submitted on July 19, 1990, Tetra Tech's proposed project team is composed of land use planners and environmental assessment specialists whose experience in the elements required to prepare this EIR assures the City of highly qualified assistance in its preparation. In addition, the Tetra. Tech team will include JHK & Associates located in San Diego, California. JHK will perform the traffic circulation analyses required for the EIR. If you have any questions or require additional information concerning this submittal, please do not hesitate to contact me. We look forward to the opportunity of assisting the City of Carlsbad with our services. Respectfully submitted, TETRA, TECH, INC. nlliam R. Brownlie, Ph.D.,/P.E. Vice President MGM/WRB:ab M-331 Enclosure: as stated REVISED PROPOSAL TO PREPARE AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE ENCINA POWER PLANT GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT PREPARED FOR CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT PREPARED BY TETRA TECH, INC. SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 15 AUGUST 1990 CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Project Overview 1 1.2 Staff Commitment 1 1.3 Proposal Overview 2 2.0 PROJECT TEAM 1 3.0 TECHNICAL APPROACH 4 3.1 Land Use 4 3.2 Traffic Circulation 5 3.3 Water Quality 5 3.4 Air Quality 5 3.5 Noise 6 3.6 Aesthetics/Visual Resources 6 3.7 Public Services and Facilities 6 3.8 Soils 6 3.9 Biology 7 3.10 Cultural Resources 7 3.11 Population, Housing, and Economic Impacts 7 3.12 Alternatives 8 4.0 WORK SCHEDULE 8 5.0 COST 10 APPENDIX A Letter of Commitment From JHK & Associates and Detailed Description of Traffic Circulation Analysis ii 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Overview The proposed scope of work described herein is based on Tetra Tech's understanding of the City of Carlsbad's Request for Proposal dated July 30, 1990 and its procedures and requirements for preparation of a program environmental impact report (EIR) for the Encina Power Plant General Plan Amendment. Tetra Tech has consulted with City staff to clarify typical EIR requirements. Upon contract award, Tetra Tech will review the proposed scope of work with representatives of the City in order to prepare a final work program that is fully responsive to the needs of the City. The Tetra Tech Team includes JHK & Associates (JHK), a traffic planning and engineering firm located in San Diego, CA. JHK will perform the traffic circulation analyses required for inclusion in the EIR. The following tasks outline Tetra Tech's proposed approach to the preparation of an EIR for a General Plan Amendment to redesignate approximately 100 acres from Public Utilities, Travel Services Commercial (TS), and Open Space (OS) to Travel Services Commercial/Recreation Commercial (TS/RC) and Open Space (OS). Tetra Tech is familiar with the site that consists of the SDG&E Encina Power Plant and adjoining areas located west of Interstate 5, east of Carlsbad Boulevard, north of Cannon Road and south of Agua Hedionda Lagoon within the city limits of Carlsbad. The EIR will be prepared in accordance with the most recent requirements of the City of Carlsbad, as described in the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance, and pursuant to all applicable State laws, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and its Guidelines. Tetra Tech is familiar with these environmental review procedures as outlined below. 1.2 Staff Commitment Tetra Tech recognizes that the turn-around time for review of the General Plan Amendment (GPA) EIR is important to the City of Carlsbad to ensure that the entire environmental process can be completed in a timely manner. With this understanding, Tetra Tech will commit its project manager and technical staff to be fully responsive to the needs of the City on this project. 1.3 Proposal Overview Tetra Tech's proposed project team and qualifications of key personnel for the preparation of the EIR are presented in Section 2.0 of this proposal. Section 3.0 describes the technical approach and methods that will be used in the preparation of the GPA EIR. The proposed work schedule and tasks are presented in Section 4.0, and project costs, including estimated hours, are presented in Section 5.0. A Letter of Commitment from JHK & Associates and a detailed description of the proposed traffic circulation is presented in Appendix A. 2.0 PROJECT TEAM Tetra Tech's proposed Program Manager, Dr. William Brownlie, is well qualified to oversee the preparation of an EIR. Dr. Brownlie is a registered civil engineer who specializes in the management of multidisciplinary environmental and engineering programs. These studies include the preparation of environmental impact reports and statements and environmental assessments, environmental engineering programs, and hazardous materials management. Dr. Brownlie will be responsible for overall management of this program. He will have full authority to commit the necessary resources to meet study objectives and requirements. His primary function is to ensure the client's technical, financial, and scheduling objectives are met in full. Dr. Brownlie will have direct responsibility for all technical and operational aspects of the study. Specifically, he will: • Commit all Tetra Tech resources necessary to complete the EIR on schedule; • Serve as a direct interface between Tetra Tech technical personnel and the City of Carlsbad; • Serve as principal author of the EIR; and • Identify problems, formulate solutions, and communicate these to the study team. Dr. Brownlie is immediately available and ready to begin work on the preparation of the EIR. Key members of the Tetra Tech team proposed for this project are listed and briefly described below. Name Dr. William Brownlie Ms. Marilyn Beardslee Mr. William Moreland Dr. David Cargo Dr. Ted Turk Mr. Fred Budinger Mr. Edward Bailey Dr. Raj Mathur Mr. Michael Williams Other Technical Staff Support Staff Responsibility Project Share Program Manager 10% EIR Task Manager 20% Meteorologist and Air/Noise Specialist 10% Geologist/Soils Analyst 5% Lead Biologist 5% Cultural Resources Specialist 5% Aesthetic/Visual Resources 5% Population, Housing, Public Services Specialist 5% Economist 10% 10% Word Processing, Graphics 15% Ms. Marilyn Beardslee is the proposed EIR Task Manager for this program. She is a Regional Planner with many years' experience in demographic, environmental analyses, and long-range regional planning activities. As a regional government agency planner, Ms. Beardslee supervised the preparation of the agency's environmental documentation and performed evaluation, validation, and scoping of initial environmental assessments for the largest county within the 48 contiguous states. Complete resumes for all personnel are provided in the Statement of Qualifications that was submitted on 19 July 1990. JHK offers consulting services in all aspects of transportation planning and engineering. As the traffic consultant under contract with the City of Carlsbad to update the 1989 Traffic Monitoring Program and analyze 1-5 interchange Levels of Service, JHK is familiar with existing conditions and improvements included in the City's General Plan Circulation Element. The capabilities of JHK comprise all of the technical areas of expertise needed to successfully complete this project. Their experience on relevant projects will lead to the successful completion of the traffic circulation analyses included in the GPA EIR. Mr. Dan Marum will serve as the project manager for all traffic analyses, and Mr. William Reilly will serve as the Responsible Officer. Mr. Marum will be assisted on this project by Mr. Srikanth Reddy and technical assistance will be provided by Ms. Pamela Barnhart and Mr. Brian Shields. JHK has performed a wide range of projects in the San Diego area including ongoing work for the City of Carlsbad to analyze interchange performance on Interstate 5 and develop the 1990 Traffic Monitoring Program Annual Report. For this Encina Power Plant GPA Traffic Analysis Project, JHK will be responsible for the traffic engineering tasks and the analysis of transportation impacts. 3.0 TECHNICAL APPROACH Terra Tech proposes to prepare a program EIR (CEQA Guidelines Section 15168) that will consider potential environmental effects of subsequent actions should the General Plan Amendment be approved and implemented. Subsequent actions include amendment of the Local Coastal Plan, Local Facilities Management Plan, and zoning map and text. It is Tetra Tech's understanding that the program EIR 90-2 will be general in scope except where plans and policies allow specific analysis and discussion of impacts. Consideration of the effects of subsequent actions will be "tiered"; i.e., subsequent project EIRs need not examine those effects that were either mitigated or avoided as a result of the program EIR or examined in sufficient detail in the program EIR to enable these effects to be mitigated or avoided by site-specific revisions, the imposition of conditions, or other means in connection with approval of the later project. The program EIR 90-2 will include a discussion of program and tiered environmental review as it relates to General Plan Amendment 90-1. The most critical element of an EIR is the impact analysis section. A brief discussion of the approach to be used in addressing each of the key issues identified in the Initial Environmental Study is given in the following paragraphs. 3.1 Land Use Implementation of the proposal will result in a permanent alteration of the site from its current uses to the proposed uses. The City General Plan will be amended in accordance with the applicable goals, objectives, and policies for the proposed uses. Implementation methods by which this consistency will be achieved will be reviewed to identify environmental impacts that may occur as a result of the proposed action. 3.2 Traffic Circulation The traffic circulation study for the proposed GPA EIR will be prepared by JHK and will consist of three primary tasks including documentation of existing conditions, analysis of potential project impacts on traffic circulation, and identification of appropriate mitigation measures. The primary focus of the study will be to document existing conditions, to identify all required modifications to the adopted General Plan Circulation Element and to address any problems and concerns that develop as a result of the traffic generated by the proposed project. The traffic analysis will be based on the Final Land Use Plan developed to update the Circulation Element of the General Plan for the City of Carlsbad. 3.3 Water Quality Development of the site for proposed land uses will result in changes to existing flow paths and changes to storm runoff volumes, peak flows, and velocities. Runoff from the site and recreational uses of the site would have potential impacts on the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. To evaluate the surface runoff velocities, volumes, and peak flow rates, increases in the impervious surfaces associated with the proposed land uses will be estimated and compared against the values associated with current uses. Mitigation measures such as changes in storm drainage and flood control systems will be identified to reduce impacts on water quality in the area. 3.4 Air Quality In order to evaluate impacts of the proposal on air quality, the existing conditions will be examined in the Oceanside/Carlsbad area and the San Diego Air Basin. This will include the effects of the San Diego Gas and Electric Encina Power Plant's operations on air quality. Changes in potential emission of pollutants from proposed activities will then be estimated and compared against the existing baseline to evaluate the impacts of the proposal. Recent studies by the San Diego Air Quality Task Force reveal that stationary sources - not automobile - may be the primary source of smog. The contributions of stationary and mobile sources in the local area will be examined and potential for air quality changes will be described. Air quality impacts will be analyzed through the use of the EPA Industrial Source Complex Model for stationary sources and the CALTRANS mobile source model CALINE 4. 3.5 Noise With the proposed changes in land use designation, the sources of noise on the site will change significantly. An assessment of noise from increased traffic, onsite recreation activities and railroad noise will be made and compared against existing noise sources. Noise impacts from traffic will be determined through the use of the Federal Highway Model STAMINA 2.0 and new contours will be prepared. Existing administrative guidelines for residential noise will be reviewed and general mitigation measures will be identified. The responsibility for noise abatement will finally fall on specific project developments in the redesignated area. 3.6 Aesthetics/Visual Resources The proposed changes in land use designations on the site are expected to be more compatible with the surrounding uses and viewshed. Photographs of the existing site will be compared with photographs of other sites along the coast that have uses compatible with the proposed plan amendment (i.e., TS/RC). Standards established in the City's general plan will be reviewed to evaluate potential effects of proposed land uses. 3.7 Public Services and Facilities The proposed land use changes on the site will generate increased demand for public services and facilities such as police, fire, electricity, gas, telephone, water, and wastewater facilities, and solid waste generation. Potential increases in demand for these services and facilities will be estimated and compared against existing capacities of individual services, utility systems, and public facilities. Shortages thus identified will allow the City to plan for expansion of needed services and facilities as the proposed development and its growth-inducing activities mature. 3.8 Soils The proposed land use changes will have varying effects on the soil erosion potential from construction and other development activities. Although estimates for soil erosion cannot be made until specific development activities are known, general characteristics of the soils existing on the site **•" and their erosion potential will be identified at programmatic levels through the use of standard soil loss equations. Estimates of grading activities and construction traffic will be made to calculate the short-term erosion of soil by wind and water. Increases in short-term sedimentation of downstream drainage sources including the Agua Hedionda Lagoon will be estimated and general mitigation measures suggested to reduce potential impacts. 3.9 Biology The proposal has a potential for significant changes in vegetation, wildlife, and wetland areas as well as possible effects on threatened and endangered species. Information on these biological resources will be collected from literature sources, consultation with federal and state agencies, and field surveys. Federal and state permits required for wetland mitigation will be identified and other mitigation measures will be suggested to reduce impacts on vegetation and wildlife. Both marine and terrestrial ecosystems will be affected by the proposed changes in land use. However, sufficient literature has been developed in the past to make programmatic evaluation of impacts which can be compared against existing conditions. 3.10 Cultural Resources The proposed changes in land use and related construction activities will no doubt impact prehistoric, historic, and Native American site which are likely to be found at the site. An evaluation of all cultural resources including the paleontological resources likely to exist on site will be made from a thorough literature search, consultations with the State Historic Preservation Office, local university and other research centers. No field survey will be conducted at this stage. Evaluation of impacts on cultural resources will be a requirement for the developers of specific projects on the site. However, methods to mitigate identified impacts will be described to provide guidance to developers. 3.11 Population, Housing, and Economic Impacts Land use changes proposed for the site will have growth-inducing effects both onsite and in the community as a whole. While good estimates of changes in employment, income, population, and housing can be jade only after specific projects are identified, rough estimates will be made at this programmatic level. These estimates will serve as a guide for the development of public services and facilities which must be planned prior to or in coordination with specific development activities. 3.12 Alternatives Pursuant to the requirements of CEQA, the program EIR will describe a range of reasonable alternatives that could feasibly attain the basic objectives of the project, and evaluate the comparative merits of the alternatives. For the purposes of this EIR, a "worst case scenario" is defined as consisting of a destination-oriented resort hotel complex with restaurants and associated recreational amenities (such as convention facilities). Alternatives to be examined include: 1. No project. This assessment will assume no land use modification. It will provide an overview of potential future activities within the 100-acre area, including an expanded powerplant; 2. Decreased intensity based on anticipated traffic and circulation impacts; 3. Open space, consisting of passive and active uses, such as an expanded park, golf course, tennis courts, and/or public parking. 4.0 WORK SCHEDULE Tetra Tech recognizes the requirement to provide a Draft EIR that is consistent with CEQA and the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance. The work schedule proposed on the following page is believed to be reasonable for preparation of a legally defensible document. Major milestones leading to the Final EIR are the following: • Preparation of a screencheck Draft EIR; 10 copies provided. This task will include meetings with the City and/or an agency scoping meeting to discuss the final work program, preparation of the baseline environmental setting, evaluation of environmental impacts, development of mitigation measures, and delivery of the screencheck Draft EIR. • Preparation of the Draft EIR; 50 copies provided, 25 of which will be bound in three-ring loose-leaf binders. This task will involve a City review period, incorporation of City comments, and delivery of the Draft EIR. ENCINA POWER PLANT GENERAL PLAN EIR WORK SCHEDULE Task Description 8 WEEK 10 12 14 16 18 Task 1 - Prepare Screen- check Draft EIR Agency Scoping/Data Collection Prepare Baseline Setting Evaluate Impacts/Mitigation Measures Deliver Screencheck Draft EIR (10 copies) Task 2 - Prepare Draft EIR City Review of Screencheck Draft EIR Incorporate Comments Deliver Draft EIR (50 copies) Task 3 - Prepare Final EIR Public Review Period Incorporate Comments Deliver Screencheck Final EIR City Review Incorporate Comments Deliver Final EIR (25 copies) O • Preparation of the Final EIR inclusive of Response to Comments generated during public review period; 25 copies provided. Responses to public and agency comments will be prepared by Tetra Tech with assistance from JHK for traffic related issues. A screencheck Final EIR will be prepared for City review and comments will be incorporated prior to delivery of the Final EIR. Tetra Tech will also prepare candidate findings of public benefit. • Attendance and participation at public hearings. Tetra Tech anticipates the need for numerous meetings to be certain that the final EIR is fully responsive to the requirements of the City. These meetings will include, but not be limited to, the following: • Initial project scoping meeting; • Weekly telephone contacts or status meetings with EIR Task Manager; • Weekly telephone contacts or status meetings with traffic consultant; • Up to four (4) public hearings. These meetings have been incorporated into the schedule and Tetra Tech's fee proposal. 5.0 COST Tetra Tech's cost proposal for the preparation of a Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Encina Power Plant General Plan Amendment is presented in Table 1. This project can be completed on either a fixed price or time and materials basis. Table 1 shows the proposed level of effort and associated costs for tasks described in this proposal. Cost Assumptions. Key assumptions on which these estimates were based include the following: • This proposal is valid for a period of 60 days from the date of this submittal. 10 REVISED TABLE 1 COST PROPOSAL PROGRAM EIR FOR THE ENCINA POWER PLANT GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TASK f" SCREENCHECK DRAFT 20 75 120 100 60 375 i TASK £ DRAFT EIR TASO FINAL EIR 15 40 30 20 45 150 10 20 50 50 40 170 HGHT COORD ! & PUBLIC HEARINGS 20 15 35 TOTALS 65 150 200 170 145 730 TETRA TECH LABOR DOLLARS PROJECT MANAGER SENIOR SCIENTIST STAFF SCIENTIST ASSOCIATE SCIENTIST SUPPORT STAFF TOTAL Tt LABOR HOURS TOTAL Tt LABOR DOLLARS | $20,040 | | $8,140 | | $8,610 1 | $2,720 ~| | $39,510 IOTHER DIRECT COSTS | MATERIALS SUBCONTRACTOR JHK ASSOC. TRAVEL $150 $300 $725 $100 $500 $50 $300 $1,375 $16,200 $750 TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS | $450 | | $825 ] | $550 | | $300 | | $18,325 | [TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS *| | $20,490 | | $8,965 | | $9,160 | | $3,020 1 | $57,835 | NOTE: USE OR DISCLOSURE OF DATA CONTAINED ON THIS SHEET IS SUBJECT TO THE RESTRICTION ON THE TITLE PAGE OF THIS PROPOSAL OR QUOTATION. ENCNAPU2.XLS 8/15/90 11 • The schedule proposed for the EIR covers a period from of 18 weeks commencing from a Notice to Proceed from the City, in accordance with the work schedule described in this proposal. • Estimates of the level of effort for labor and Other Direct Costs (ODCs) are based on information currently available to Tetra Tech regarding the scope of work and are subject to negotiation of mutually acceptable terms and conditions. Tetra Tech labor cost is calculated using the weighted average of current salaries for those employees to be utilized on the project and are consistent with current compensation policies and procedures. 12 APPENDIX A 0 t- k & associates VU . Fred Hk kman Tetrs Tech ?43 *. Hospitality Lane San Bemadtnot California 92*08 R*?; :HK. a Associates Letter of Commitment for in-.- Encina Power Plant jiP.A [i r 3posal *9&& 4', • - - ' . •' •• man; rIK •. >' Associates .s pleased HI bt-i1 jficiudp-o on th<? EnvironmentaJ •• • ~ •--. Jft (EIR) Project ledm lur ti'^- reierenced project. Our experience , n :•- -- : ' :" --!- >ughou1 San i3ieg>j County ss well as u:jr knowledge 3 .... , • >• of Carlsbad, will he ijriieiicial ]r^ the corrjpH-aon of thb i iject. !A e- loot- ard to the opportunity to provide proi'essiona! Traffic ems, ring services to •= "' £Ch and the City ot Carlsbad, Please fee.i free to contact us ;l; we c in ie if • ;'' 6! assistance or provide additional inloi rnation,. i :ei eh , 1HK & ASSOCIATES DFM Ir Daniel c. Mai urn Senior Transportation Planner R, San HLJ'3 15 '90 10:£' COPY --.- R:o San Dit-go Drive * suhe 335 •rma 92108 » ^619i 295-2248 » FAX (619) 295-2393 PHGE.SS1 liiK. & associates PROJECT WORK PLAN TRAFFIC/TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING TASKS INTRODUCTION The proposed General Plan Amendment (GPA) Project to be located on the existing Encina Power Plant site in the City of Carlsbad will require a traffic circulation analysis as part of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to address any environmental issues associated with the project. The primary focus of the study will be to document existing conditions and to identify all required modifications to the adopted General Plan Circulation Element and address any problems and concerns that develop as a result of the traffic generated by the proposed project. The traffic analysis will be based on the Final Land Use Plan developed to update the Circulation Element of the General Plan for the City of Carlsbad. As the traffic consultant under contract with the City of Carlsbad to update the 1989 Traffic Monitoring Program and analyze 1-5 interchange Levels of Service (LOS). JHK & Associates (JHK) is familiar with existing conditions and the improvements called for in the General Plan Circulation Element. The working relationship that has been established with City staff will be an asset in providing a quality product in a timely manner. Also, JHK brings a fresh perspective to traffic engineering design and transportation planning issues in the City of Carlsbad due to the fact that JHK has not been involved in land development projects, and has only worked as an extension of City staff in the development of traffic studies to address community or regional planning issues. OVERVIEW OF PROPOSED STUDY APPROACH The traffic circulation study for the proposed GPA (Proposed Project) EIR will consist of the following transportation engineering tasks: • Project Initiation and Meetings • Document Existing Conditions • Traffic Analysis • Mitigation Measures • Prepare Traffic Analysis Text for Inclusion in EIR 1 <.& associates JHK & Associates will also be available for attendance at project related meetings with City staff and other consultants working on the EIR. For this cost estimate it was assumed that JHK would attend up to three project meetings and three public hearings. A total of 20 professional staff hours have been included in Task 1 to account for 3HK's attendance at these six meetings. The following section describes the proposed work activities to be performed by JHK. PROPOSED STUDY APPROACH Task 1 - Project Initiation and Meetings The purpose of this task is to meet with City of Carlsbad representatives and other consultants working on the EIR to finalize the scope of work for the study. The Project Team will present the proposed scope of work, and through discussion with key City personnel and other relevant individuals, a final scope of work will be established for the project. This task is necessary to ensure that the alternatives analyzed in the traffic analysis portion of the study correspond to the alternatives and assumptions used by other consultants in other elements of the study. This initiation meeting with City staff will enable JHK to confirm key assumptions prior to initiating the traffic analysis task. These key assumptions include: • Fully define the limits of the study area affected by the Proposed Project. • Document the comparsion of the Proposed Project Land Use concept and the land use patterns and densities included in the Final Carlsbad General Plan Land Use Element for the project site. • Fully define the alternate network configurations to be analyzed for interim and ultimate time periods. • Fully define the contribution of traffic on the above referenced facilities from other study area development projects in both the interim and ultimate time frames. Task 2 - Document Existing Conditions Two major subtasks will be necessary to fully document the existing conditions of the project study area. This task is important because it provides a frame of reference for all subsequent analysis tasks. W illK. & associates Subtask 2.1 - Obtain and Review Available Information/Data The purpose of this task is to critically review and inventory available existing information on traffic volumes, previous studies, programmed roadway improvement projects, planned roadway improvement projects and planned development projects adjacent to the study site. Safety and accident information on existing roadway facilities will also be reviewed. All collected data and previous report documents will be maintained in a working file for future reference and analysis. JHK & Associates will work closely with the consultant for the "Promenade Development" to ensure that all relevant information from this traffic study is included or referenced in our Final Report. Subtask 2.2 - Determine Supplemental Traffic Data Requirements Based on the results of Subtask 2.1, a determination will be made as to the amount of additional data required to accurately detail the impact of all relevant transportation/access issues affecting the circulation system adjacent to the proposed project site. Staff hours and project budget to collect additional turning movement data (beyond what is available from previous JHK studies in this portion of Carlsbad) have not been included in this proposal and it is anticipated that all required traffic data will be provided by the City. If field data collection is required by the City, JHK will develop a separate cost estimate in the future. Subtask 2.3 - City Review of Study Progress JHK & Associates will produce a series of working papers to document progress achieved on this project. These working papers will contain key assumptions related to the traffic engineering analysis tasks for City review and comment. All input received from the City will be incorporated into the final technical report to be developed by JHK. Task 3 - Traffic Analysis After fully defining the existing traffic conditions in Task 2, JHK will perform the required traffic analysis to determine the impacts resulting from the implementation of the Proposed Project. iflK. & associates In addition to the Proposed Project (Travel Services/Recreation - Commercial) traffic analysis, JHK will be required to identify the impacts associated with the four project alternatives listed below: Alternative 1* - No Project Alternative 2** - Alternative Siting Alternative 3* - Decreased Intensity Alternative 4*** - Open Space * JHK involvement on these two alternatives will be significant. It is estimated that approximately 60 professional/support staff hours will be required to fully address the traffic engineering impacts associated with these alternatives. The corresponding budget amount for this alternative analysis work is approximately $3,600.00. Thus, the project budget includes approximately $7,200.00. ** JHK involvement on this task will be insignificant. The staff hours assigned to this task previously, have been reduced to zero in this revised proposal. *** JHK involvement on this alternative will be minimal, however, a minimal amount of project budget will be required. It is estimated that approximately 20 professional staff hours will be required to briefly address the traffic engineering impacts associated with this alternative. The corresponding budget amount is approximately $1,200.00. Thus, the total project budget includes approximately $1,200.00. To accomplish the traffic analysis task, JHK proposes to utilize the final circulation element network, as developed by the City and the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) as part of the most recent transportation phasing analysis work. This will ensure that all planned roadways (for Years 1995, 2000 or 2010) are included in the network for analysis. The two major subtasks of the traffic analysis are discussed below. Each of these subtasks will be performed by JHK for the Proposed Project and each of the project alternatives as required. Subtask 3.1 - Trip Generation, Distribution and Assignment The first step in the traffic analysis will be to determine the expected number of trips that will be generated by the Proposed Project (and each of the project alternatives, as required) and adjacent properties in the study area. The adjacent properties and the limits of the study area will be fully defined in Task 1, the Project Initiation Task. The number of trips generated will be evaluated for iflK. & associates both interim and uitimate time periods. The trip generation process will be based on technical information and direction provided by the City of Carlsbad. At the present time, 3HK anticipates using a trip rate of 300 trips/acre as provided by SANDAG for a hotel use including convention facilities/restaurant uses. After the trips have been generated, it will be necessary to determine how many lanes of roadway carrying capacity will be required to adequately serve this amount of generated traffic. This determination of the required roadway carrying capacity will allow the Project Team to accurately analyze future network configurations. Based on the results of the trip generation portion of this task and the final selection of roadway alternatives to be evaluated for both the interim and ultimate time frames, the TRANPLAN planning model will be utilized to perform a select zone analysis to define distribution and assignment of the project generated trips to the study area roadway network. Model outputs and/or a manual assignment of trips will assist JHK in defining average daily traffic (ADT) volumes and peak hour turning movement volumes, as well as other measures of effectiveness (MOE's) that may be helpful in evaluating the performance of each alternative. These peak hour volumes will then be used to perform capacity analyses in Subtask 3.2. It is anticipated that the majority of all Task 3 work will be based on existing travel forecasts to be provided by the City. Subtask 3.2 - Capacity Analysis Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) Analyses will be performed for major intersections within the study area established for the Proposed Project. The ICU analyses will be based on peak hour conditions and total traffic activity associated with each alternative for both the interim and ultimate time frames. The ICU analyses will utilize design guidelines for enhanced geometries of major intersections as developed by 3HK and the City of Carlsbad. The ICU analyses will also confirm that the operations at these intersections will meet the Growth Management Threshold/Standards adopted by the City. Mitigation measures, as discussed in Task 4, will be recommended to address any adverse impacts identified in the ICU analyses. iflK. & associates It is anticipated that the ICU analyses will be performed for 6-8 intersections in the study area. The cost estimate was made based on the cost of analyzing 8 intersections, however, more intersections could be analyzed and the cost estimate revised at a later date if necessary. JHK & Associates will also examine link capacities and levels of service on critical segments in the study area. This segment analysis will detail the impact of this project as required by the Growth Management Plan. Task fr - Mitigation Measures The purpose of this task will be to recommend measures to mitigate any adverse impacts on the traffic circulation network that are identified in Subtask 3.2. Mitigation measures, recommended to reduce or eliminate the adverse effects of these impacts, may include intersection and roadway capacity improvements, safety improvements, and site access improvements. An analysis of the significance of any impacts that cannot be fully mitigated will also be conducted. Task 5 - Prepare Traffic Analysis Technical Report JHK <5c Associates will document the existing traffic circulation conditions, the traffic analysis methodology and relevant findings, and the recommended mitigation measures to be included in the final Environmental Impact Report following the format outlined by the previous City of Carlsbad. This technical report will be included in the appendix of the EIR document. A contingency estimate has been included in the cost estimate (as an optional Task 6) to allow for the preparation of responses to comments received from the City in the process of reviewing the preliminary draft and draft versions of the EIR. This task assumes that Tetra Tech, Inc. will incorporate the findings of our traffic report into the EIR format. Task 6 - Prepare Responses To EIR Comments (Optional) As mentioned in Task 5, JHK had included this optional task in response to a request from the City of Carlsbad to assist in responding to comments received during the review of the Draft EIR. Based on our understanding of this project and 10K. & associates-J our experience with similar work, JHK has included a total of 80 professional hours to develop appropriate responses for inclusion in the final EIR and modify the Draft EIR as necessary. PERSONNEL TIME AND BUDGET ESTIMATES The staff proposed for this study consists of members of the San Diego/Western practice of JHK. It is anticipated that the traffic analysis work for the EIR will be completed in 30 working days from the date of notice to proceed. The time schedule for the traffic analysis portion of the EIR should be fairly flexible in terms of the overall project time schedule and the schedule of other subconsultants working on the project. The estimated person-hours for each individual by task are shown in Table 1 and the cost estimate for the proposal work activities is summarized in Table 2.