HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-09-04; City Council; 10808; MICRO COMPUTER NETWORK INSTALLATION0 P % .. z 0 4 5 s z 3 0 0 w vur w=mLamnv - nucnrqlmir.r. dl DEPT. H CITY A1 I CITY M( MICRO COMPUTER NETWORK INSTALLI\TION AB#&- TITLE: MTG. 09/4/90 DEPT. 1s RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. (?o-330 wide micro computer network in accordance with their proposal. ITEM EXPLANATION There are approximately 150 micro computers located in various departments throughout the organization. Though stand-alone computers have significan increased the productivity of many employees, few people are working in a alone environment. Increased emphasis is placed on sharing information. Networking will not only enhance our ability to share information, it will offer many other benefits. Among those are: Electronic Mail - Email can improve communication and document deliv It will also allow for more involvement by more people. Sharing Files - With all micro computers linked together, it will no be necessary to swap floppy disks to share information. Shati’ng Devices - Printers, plotters and other devices can be access many computers, not just one. Backups - Data will automatically be backed up friorn a central point. Integration - The network will allow PC’s, Mac’s, the HP3000 and fut computing platforms to be interconnected. This will improve access information across systems. authorizing LAN Systems to install the c A great deal of staff analysis occurred at various stages of this project. First, the network operating system needed to be selected. Based on perfc reliability, support of industry standards, price and security, Netware bj was selected. The next step was to determine the best way to implement the network. Aft polling user departments, a final configuration was developed for such it€ hardware, software, cabling, network management issues and server locatior Finally, staff sent a Request for Proposal to six vendors followed by a RE for Quote to the four finalists. Analysis of prices, qualifications and references results in a staff recommendation that LAN Systems be authorizc install the network. W W PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. Due to the complexity, staff recommends that the network be installed in foi phases: io! me Phase I: Las Palmas Phase 11: City Hall complex, including Finance and the Libra) Phase 111: Housing and Redevelopment Phase IV: Interconnections between all facilities, including Safety Center, Parks and Recreation Administration Street and the City's HP3000 minicomputer. FISCAL IMPACT The cost to implement the computer network throughout City facilities is ab( $325,000. One time expenses total approximately $300,000 and include hardwi items such as file servers, adapter cards and cabling. Needed software is t included. Ongoing maintenance costs total approximately $25,000 which incli maintenance contract and telephone 1 ine charges. Funds in the amount of $325,000 were included in the 1990-91 Capital Improvc Program for network implementation. EXHIBITS 1. Cost estimates for installation of entire network. 2. Resolution No. 98-33'5 . c773 7 # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1'7 18 19 e e RESOLUTION NO. 90-330 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A MICRO COMPUTER NETWORK. AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A PURCHASE ORDER TO LAN SYSTEMS INC WHEREAS, the City has approximately 150 micro computers in locations; and; WHEREAS, the City desires to network the micro computers to intraoffice communications, provide better access to information and existing hardware more efficiently; and WHEREAS, Requests for Quotes were distributed to qualified vendor WHEREAS, staff determined LANSystems to be the most qualified and most competitive quote; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of C as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Purchasing Officer is hereby directed to execute a Order to LANSystems Inc., 6835 Flanders Drive, Suite 500, San [ 92121 for the purchase and installation of a micro computer nc accordance with their proposal dated December 13, 1989. ~ 20 21 z2 23 24 2'5 26 27 28 // // // // // // // // // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Counci day of September , 199 City of Carlsbad, California, held on the following vote, to wit: 4th AYES: Council Members Lewis, Larson, Mamaux and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin ATTEST: ALETHA &.eJ%- L. fUU$NK6&=m I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2-1 i (gL! "3-i. 1 $C 0 0 ;.I m OF c2AlRJSBrn - NOW mmomG PROrnrn Phase I - Las Palmas HARDWARE File Server 2 - ALR 25386DT $10,115.00 Ea. $20,230.00 - 1.2Mb Floppy Drive -3 Parallel Ports/2 Serial Ports -16-Bit Ethernet Adapter UTP 10BaseT -Monochrome Monitor & Adapters -Novel1 Disk Corprocessor -3OOMb SCSI Hard Drive in External Cabinet Hot Server Components 1 - Novel1 DCB $ 445.00 1 - 16 Bit Ethernet Adapter $ 415.00 Ethernet Adapters 67 - Tiara 8-Bit Ethernet Adapters $ 325.00 $21,775.00 for Twisted Pair 10BaseT -80386 25MHz -8Mb Of RAM a a arm OF c2uRILsBrn - NO= mOm0 PROrnrn Phase I - Las Palmas Tape Backup Gigatrend 1Gb DAT Tape Backup $ 5,355.00 Elgar 1100 $ 1,000.00 UPS Cabling 1 - SynOptics Model 3000 120 User Concentrator 12 User 10 BaseT Host Module $ 4,150.00 6 - SynOptics UTP Model 3308 $3350.00 Each $20,100.00 1 - 96 Port Patch Panel $ 500.00 2 - Punch Down Block $ 75.00 Each $ 150.00 $ 300.00 1 - Rack for SynOptics 1 - SynOptics Model 3333 Retiming Module $ 1,495.00 67- Faceplates $ 12.00 Each $ 804.00 46- Labor to Install & Test $ 125.00Each $ 5,750.00 21- Labor to Cross Connect $ 75.00Each $ 1,575.00 Hardware Total: $84,044.00 2 W rn OF c2iuRLSBrn - NOW mOmQ PROrnrn Phase I - Las Palmas SOFTWARE Operating System 2-Novel1 Netware 286 version 2.15 $ 2,895.00 Ea. $ 5,790.00 Utilities 2-LANSpool - Print Spooling $ 395.00 Ea. $ 790.00 2-MAP Assist - Local $ 249.00 Ea. $ 498.00 2-LANSight - Remote Diagnostics $ 395.00 Ea. $ 790.00 Cheyenne ARCserve $ 1,295.00 Menus 2-Sabre Menu $ 395.00 Ea. $ 790.00 2-Saber Meter - Reports on software usage $ 195.00 Ea. $ 390.00 Electronic Mail 2-Da Vinci E-Mail for DOS unlimited $ 995.00 $ 1,990.00 2-Da Vinci E-Mail for Combination DOS & Windows **Optional Purchase Virus Package NetScan-File Server (Per 100 Stations) Applications 2-WordPerfect 5.1 for Server $ 250.00 Ea. $ 500.00 2-Lotus 2.2 Server Edition $ 398.00 Ea. $ 796.00 2-Harvard 6 - User LAN $ 1,045.00 Ea. $ 2,090.00 2-Base 5 - User LAN $ 475.00 Ea. $ 950.00 2-Rightwriter $ 285.00 Ea. $ 570.00 Software Each Server: $13,012.00 Software Both Servers: $21,479.00 2-LANSpace - Loads Net3 into EMS $ 495.00 Ea. $ 990.00 $ 1,495.00** $ 3,250.00 3 w 0 CmIY OF c,3uU#sBrn = NOW mOmG PROrnrn Phase I - Las Palmas MISCELLANEOUS Backup Tapes DAT Backup Tapes 12 at $25.00 Each $ 300.00 Memory Upgrade 1Mb Memory Upgrade 20 at $335.00 Each $ 6,700.00 Cabinet $1,o00.00 Miscellaneous Maintenance Tools $ 100.00 Miscellaneous Total: $ 8,100.00 PHASE 1 SUMMARY HARDWARE TOTAL: $84,044.00 SOITWARE TOTAL: $2 1,479.00 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL: $ 8,100.00 Phase I Total: $113,623.00 4 w 0 clt7I-Y OF f2.kuUsBrn - Nom momG PRmm Phase I1 - City Hall Complex HARDWARE File Server ALR 25386DT $12,690.00 -1.2Mb Floppy Drive -3 Parallel Portsl2 Serial Ports -16-Bit Ethernet Adapter UTP lOBaseT -Monochrome Monitor & Adapters -Novel1 Disk Corprocessor -6OOMb SCSI Hard Drive in External Cabinet Ethernet Adapters 40 - Tiara 8-Bit Ethernet Adapters $ 325.00 $13,000.00 7 - Mac Ethernet Cards $ 425.00 $ 2,975.00 Hot Server Components 1 - Novell DCB $ 445.00 1 - 16 Bit Ethernet Adapter $ 415.00 Tape Backup Gigatrend 1Gb DAT Tape Backup w/Extra SCSI UPS -80386 25MHz -8Mb of RAM for Twisted Pair lOBaseT $ 5,855.00 Elgar 1100 $1,000.00 2 - HP3000 Connections Novell Wide Area Network Module $ 805.00 Ea. $ 3,220.00 Ea. $6,444.00 Novell Asynchronous Communications Server $ 1,348.00 Ea. $ 2,696.00 PC Compatible to house NACS with Ethernet Card $ 747.00 Ea. $ 1,494.00 MAC Integration LocalTalk NLlO00 $ 200.00 5 w 0 m OF;’ c3ARJLsBrn - NOW WWOrnG PRmm Phase I1 - City Hall Complex HARDWARE Cabling 1 - SynOptics Model 3000 $ 4,150.00 120 User Concentrator 5 - SynOptics UTP Model 3308 $3350.00 Each $16,750.00 12 User 10 BaseT Host Module 1 - 96 Port Patch Panel $ 500.00 2 - Punch Down Block $ 75.00 Each $ 150.00 1 - Rack for SynOptics $ 300.00 1 - SynOptics Model 3333 Retiming Module $ 1,495.00 52- Faceplates $ 24.00 Each $ 1,248.00 38- Labor $ 125.00 Each $ 4,750.00 14- Labor to Finanace Trailer $ 175.00 Each $ 2,450.00 36- 3’ Patch Cords $ N/C 36- 7’ Patch Cords Lw- $31,793.00 $ 2,470.00 Hardware Total: $81,477.00 Library ThinNet Module 3 Drops 6 w m m OF f2lucLsBrn - NOW mOmG PROrnrn Phase I1 - City Hall Complex SOFTWARE Operating System Novell Netware 286 version 2.15 Including 1.1 VAP for MAC Novell Access Server Software Utilities MAP Assist - Local $ 249.00 $ 2,995.00 $ 1,750.00 LANSpool - Print Spoolhg $ 395.00 LANSight - Remote Diagnostics $ 395.00 LANSpace - Loads Net3 into EMS $ 495.00 Ether Monitor - Ethernet Diagnostics Tool $ 295.00 NetReports - Provides Reports for LAN Managers $ 295.00 Cheyenne ARCserve $ 1,295.00 Menus Saber Menu $ 395.00 Saber Meter - Reports on software usage $ 195.00 Electronic Mail Da Vinci E-Mail for Combination DOS & Windows ** Optional Purchase Virus Package Netscan-File Server (Per 100 Stations) Applications WordPerfect 5.1 for Server $ 250.00 Lotus 2.2 Server Edition $ 398.00 Harvard 6 - User LAN $ 1,045.00 RBase 5 - User LAN $ 475.00 Rightwriter $ 285.00 $15,452.00 Da Vinci E-Mail for DOS unlimited $ 995.00 $ 1,495.00** $ 3,250.00 Software Total: 7 w 0 rn OF cYu€UtsBrn - Nom momQ PROrnrn Phase I1 - City Hall Complex MISCELLANEOUS User Training Training for 100 users, 10 at a time to include network use from a user standpoint. Specifically Sabre Menu and WordPerfect as it pertains to the Novel1 Network. This is a three hour class. $ NIC Training for Da Vinci E-Mail(Per Person) $ 50.00 Ea. $ 5,000.00 This is a three hour class. Backup Tapes DAT Backup Tapes 12 at $25.00 Each $ 300.00 Memory Upgrade 1Mb Memory Upgrade 21 at $335.00 Each $ 7,035.00 Cabinet $1,oO0.00 Miscellaneous maintenance tools $ 100.00 Miscellaneous Total: $13,435.00 PHASE II SUMMARY HARDWARE TOTAL: $81,477.00 $15,452.00 SOFTWARE TOTAL: MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL: $13,435.00 PHASE II TOTAL: $1110,364.00 8 w 0 c.mY OF c2ARLiSBrn = NOW mOmG PROrnrn Phase I11 - Housing & Redevelopment HARDWARE File Server ALR 25386DT $ 7,025.00 -1.2Mb Floppy Drive -2 Parallel Ports/:! Serial Ports - 16-Bit Ethernet Adapter UTP -Monochrome Monitor & Adapters -Novel1 Disk Corprocessor -150Mb SCSI Hard Disk Ethernet Adapters 9 - Tiara 8-Bit Ethernet Adapters $325.00 $ 2,925.00 for Twisted Pair 1OBaseT -80386 25MHz -4Mb of RAM , UPS Elgar 1 100 $1o00.00 Cabling 1 - SynOptics Model 3030 $ 1,795.00 36 User Concentrator 1 - SynOptics UTP Model 3308 $ 3,350.00 12 User Host Modules 1 - 36 Port Patch Panel $ 200.00 1 - Punch Down Block $ 75.00 1 - Rack for SynOptics $ 300.00 11- Faceplates $ 24.00 Each $ 264.00 1 1- Labor $ 125.00 Each $ 1,375.00 Cable: $ 7,359.00 Hardware Total: $18,309.00 9 w a CJmY OF c34lNLsBrn = NOW m0-G PROrnrn Phase 111 - Housing & Redevelopment SOFTWARE Operating System Novell Netware 286 version 2.15 $ 2,895.00 Utilities LANSpool - Print Spooling $ 395.00 MAP Assist - Local $ 249.00 LANSight - Remote Diagnostics $ 395.00 LANSpace - Loads Net3 into EMS $ 495.00 Menus Sabre Menu $ 395.00 Saber Meter - Reports on software usage $ 195.00 Electronic Mail Da Vinci E-Mail for DOS unlimited $ 995.00 Da Vinci E-Mail for Combination DOS & Windows ($ 1,495.00**) ** Optional Purchase Applications WordPerfect 5.1 for Server $ 250.00 Lotus 2.2 Server Edition $ 398.00 RBase 5 - User LAN $ 475.00 Rightwriter $ 285.00 Software Total $ 7,422.00 10 w q clrm OF c2iRILsBrn - NQW mQmG PRQrnrn Phase I11 - Housing & Redevelopment MISCELLANEOUS - CITY HALL - HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT Memory Upgrade 1Mb Memory Upgrade 3 at $335.00 Ea. $ 1,005.00 PHASE III SUMMARY HARDWARE TOTAL: $18,309.00 SOFTWARE TOTAL: $1,422.00 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL: $ 1,005.00 Phase 111 Total: $26,736.00 11 w w m OF t2#uUdsBrn - Nom mOmG PROrnrn Phase IV - InterNet LAS PALMAS Bridges 1 - 3Com IB3000 Ethernet Bridges $ 7,250.00 2 - Shared Modems $ 800.00 Total: $ 9,050.00 1 - DSU/CSU $l,Ooo.Oo CITY HALL COMPLEX Bridges 1 - 3Com IB3 Ethernet Bridges $10,250.00 3 - DSU/CSU $1000.00 Ea. $ 3,000.00 2 - External Modems $ 400.00 Ea. $ 800.00 1 - Additional V.35 SI0 $ 2,500.00 Remote Dial-In - Access Server ALR 20386DT $ 3,500.00 with 2 V.35 Connectors & Software -80386 20MHz -4Mb Of RAM -Monochrome Monitor -Monochrome Adapter WNIM Card $ 805.00 2 - 9600 Baud External Modems $ 1,400.00 E-Mail Integration PC Mail Server $ 1,200.00 $ 700.00 Ea. Total: $23,455.00 HOUSING/REDEVELOPMENT Bridges 1 - 3Com IB3000 Ethernet Bridges $ 7,250.00 Total: $ 8,250.00 1 - DSU/CSU $1,oO0.00 12 W/ w rn OF (l2ARLsBrn - NOW mOmG PROrnrn Phase IV - InterNet SAFETY CENTER Bridges 1 - 3Com IB3000 Ethernet Bridges E-Mail Integration Mac Mail Server $ 2,600.00 $ 7,250.00 1 - DSU/CSU $ 1,000.00 QM MHS Gateway $ 200.00 BridgeEthernet Connection $ 200.00 $1 1,250.00 Phase IV Summary $10,250.00 LAS PALMAS TOTAL: CITY HALL COMPLEX TOTAL: $23,455.00 $ 8,250.00 HOUSING/REDEVELOPMENT TOTAL: SAFETY CENTER TOTAL: $1 1,250.00 Phase IV Total: 13 f . J m OF c2uRILsBrn a NOW moiz PROrnrn Summary By Phase Phase I - Las Palmas Hardware $ 84,044.00 Software $ 21,479.00 Miscellaneous $ 8,100.00 $113,623.00 Phase 11 - Citv Hall Complex Hardware $ 81,477.00 Software $ 15,452.00 Miscellaneous $ 13,435.00 $1 10,364.00 Phase 111 - Housing & Redevelopment Hardware $ 18,309.00 Software $ 7,422.00 Miscellaneous $ 1,005.00 $ 26,736.00 Phase N - InterNet Las Palmas $ 10,250.00 City Hall Complex $ 22,455.00 Housing & Redevelopment $ 8,250.00 Safety Center $ 11,250.00 $ 53,205.00 Site Summarv Phase I $1 13,623.00 Phase 11 $1 10,364.00 Phase 111 $ 26,736.00 Phase N $ 53,205.00 $303,928.00 14 / e w LANSYSTEMS INC 6835 Flanders Drive Suite 500 San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 61 9-587-8000 Fax 61 9-587-071 2 February 26, 1990 Mr. Gordon Peterson City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Gordon, The following is a list of services and/or additions we will make to the original network proposa for City Hall and Housing/Redevelopment. This document is to be considered an addendum tc the original proposal. Integrated AnalysisLANSystems will install the following software on your system at no charge The City of Carlsbad, may purchase the software from Integrated or from any other source Network versions, if available, will be needed. 1) Rbase 3) WordPerfect 5.1 4) Harvard Graphics 2) Lotus 1-2-3 The four laptop computers owned by the City of Carlsbad will be equipped with ethernet adapter for the same price (290.00) as the other workstations on the LAN. These adapters will either b actual card type or the Xircom parallel port type. If the City obtains more Laptop computei before or during the install of the computer system, LANSystems will provide them to the Cit of Carlsbad at LANSystem’s cost. This may be higher than the $290.00 quoted above if th Xircom adapter is needed. At this time, the City of Carlsbad has not decided which E-Mail to use. Integrate Analysis/LANSystems will install whichever E-Mail package is decided upon. The City will E responsible for the procurement of additional hardware for any implementation if this is necessax (e.g. Mail Gateway for DaVinci E-Mail). The installation of the E-Mail package will be dor at no charge. I m @ . The system includes a 90 day on-site warranty. The 90 days will start once the City accepts the system. Acceptance is defined as the equipment working according to manufacturer! specifications. I welcome your questions or comments regarding this document. Sincere Regards, DQWL &&(,-;,$ \I\ \ Oliver Goellnitz Director of Sales OPG/n yd , w w . c SCOPE OF WORK Client: City of Carlsbad Contact/Phone: Gordon Peterson, 434-2915 Date: 8/21/90 Expected Completion Date: 11/15/90 Project: City of Carlsbad General Description: Installation of four LANS that will be connected via ethernet bridges Macintosh and HP3000 connection will be necessary. HARDWARE - LAN Provided: See attached Sheet. HARDWARE - Customer Provided: All workstations OPERATING SYSTEM - LAN Provided: Four copies of Advanced NetWare 2.15, 1 witl MAC Vap. OPERATING SYSTEM - Customer Provided: Apple Share for the Macintosh network. SOFTWARE - LAN Provided: See Attached SOFTWARE - Customer Provided At Customers option, Customer may provide the softwar( listed in the proposal. CABLING - LAN Provided: LANSYSTEMS will furnish a sub-contractor to provide lab01 materials and equipment to install a total of 130 locations at the following sights: Las Palmas City Hall Complex, Housing and Redevelopment. Phase I - Las Palmas: LAN/Sub Contractor will install one four pair wire to forty-si locations with all the necessary cross connections between AT&T 110 punch blocks and patc panels. We will also cross connect from the existing punch blocks to the new AT&T 110 punc blocks for twenty-one existing locations. c w q c v Phase I1 - City Hall Complex: LAN/Sub Contractor will install one four pair wire tc thirty-eight locations in the two main buildings and fourteen locations in the finance trailor, wit1 all necessary cross connections between the AT&T 110 punch block and patch panels. Phase 111 - Housing and Redevelopment: LAN/Sub Contractor will install one four pai wire to eleven locations with all necessary cross connections between AT&T 110 punch blockr and patch panels. Phase IV - All cables necessary to implement the interconnection of the LANs will be provided by LANSystems. LANSYSTEMS/Sub Contractor will test 100% of all installed cabling for shorts, opens and shorts to ground for all conductors with it's own electronic test equipment in order to providc correctly wired cabling. We will number all jacks, punch blocks and patch panels, in each usex location for ease of identification. CABLING - Customer Provided City of Carlsbad will provide a reasonable path for all cable runs. If a conduit run is to be used, it must be in usable condition. Customer will also provide all cores and sleeves through all fire and concrete walls at all locations, Las Palmas, City Hall Complex and Housing and Redevelopment. Customer is responsible for all existing wiring that will be used in the network installation. INSTALLATION - LAN Provided See Attached INSTALLATION - Customer Provided Macintosh Apple LAN already exists at the Safety Center. TRAINING - LAN Provided: System Administrator training to include instruction on the use of Sabre Menu. User training to include WordPerfect and Da Vinci E-mail as it pertains to network use. Da Vinci E-mail training is also being offered. TRAINING - Customer Provided: All applications. FINAL ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: Project is broken into four phases. Each phase is a mini project. The acceptance criteria is functionality of all the components and software that apply to the particular phase in question. See attached document to see the breakdown of the four phases. Payment will be due 30 days after the completion and acceptence of each phase. Completion is defined as the functionality of each component installed that is part of the system.