HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-09-04; City Council; 10813; PHASE I - HIRING SITE PLAN COMPLETION OF SITE DETERMINATION AND STAFFING STRATEGY* Q 0 a 9 $ 2 0 F Y $ 2 3 0 0 CI~F CARLSBAD - AGENB.~ILL P ( MTG..a WMPLE77ON OF Sl7E DE773MIMTION CITY i AB#- TITLE: pME / - H/R/NG SM pw DEPT. DEPT.L AND STAFFING STRAEGY CITY I RECOMMENDED ACTION: flymP7- Resslh;? nil 30 -q3G L Authorize Carlsbad staff to (7) Work with staff from the County of San Diego, in thc preparation of an agreement for use of County properly located in Carlsbad for a bring a staffing recommendation fonvard to Council for approval, (3) Proceed witi the development of grading and site improvement plans for the hiring center, (4 Information Program. hiring center, (2) Evaluate selected stafling alternatives for the hjrjng center ani Initiate the discretionary review process for the hiring center, (5) Develop a Publii ITEM EXPM77ON In response to Council direction on April 24, 7990; to initiate Phase IA and I5 c the Hiring Site Plan, staff has completed it’s investigation of potential sites withi the City of Carlsbad, and on August 74, 7990 received official authorization fro1 the San Diego County Board of Supervisors for temporary use of County propen on which to locate the Carlsbad day-laborer hiring center. Furthermore, staff ha been in contact with several groupslagencies regarding obtaining their service for administration of the hiring center employment program. The next step toward completion of the Phased Hiring Site Plan, would be for th Cify Council to direct sfaff to proceed la Phase I!. Phase I\ includes initiation an implementation of the following: I 1. Site Acquisition 2. Staffing 3. facility Improvements 4. 5. Public Information Application by the City for a Conditional Use Permit Site Acuuisition: Direct City staff to work with staff from the County ( San Diego in development of an agreeme acceptable to both the City Council and the Coun Board of Supervisors, for use of the County’s propel in establishing a hiring center. While no offici agreement has been reached, it is presumed that ti cost of leasing the land provided by the County of St Diego will be nominal. Staff estimates a period of 4 days to complete development and review of tl agreement and bring it forward to Council for approvi 0 0 PAGE TWO OF AGENDA BILL NO. fo! 31 3 Staffina: Staff is recommending numerous staffing alternatives, for a/; employment center, be investigated. These would include personnel provided by: a Cbaritab~~lNan-prafiFt~~~-~r~~~t Organizations The Employment Development Department €mployment/Temporary Agencies a City Employees (Part-time) Volunteers Staff has not fully investigated the cost of each staffin! alternative listed, however preliminary estimates from th State’s Department of Employment Development (EDC indicate a total cost as high as $26.00 per hourlper sta position provided by them. Other alternatives such a personnel provided from a volunteer group or a Employment/ Temporary Agency would cost substantially les (Exhibit 3). The Employment Development Department ha indicated to staR that they would be willing to provide shar term, employment training to city employees staffing the sit and provide various EDD and referral materials, at no cost 1 the Ciiy- In addition, EDD would schedule their outreac representative to visit the hiring center on a weekly basis I distribute materials and provide job counseling to migra, workers. Selection, negotiation, and Council approval of staffing alternative is estimated to take 45 days to complet; Facilitv Improvements: Staff has completed a preliminaiy site plan (Exhibit 2) for ti hiring center and is currently developing a grading plan. TI following amenities are recommended for the site: Chemical Toilets Trash Receptacle Picnic Benches Bike Rack Small Construction-type trailer Cellular Phone System Portable generator e 0 PAGE THREE OF AGENDA BlLL NO. jo! 8/ 3 Staff estimates the cost of grading and providing improvements to the site at approximately $9800 (non- recurringlstart-up costs). An additional $750 per month (Exhibit 3). Staff estimates a period of 60 days to complete the site improvements. would be necessary for (non-personnel) operating expenses Conditional Use Permit: The City can apply for a Conditional Use Permit and conduc all necessary reviews required as a part of the discretionar] review process. Staff estimates a period of 90 days tc complete the discretionary review process, however Staff i: recommending the hiring center begin operation on ai related to this item involve staff time required for applicatia and review. , interim basis, once site improvements are complete. Cost. Public Information: Staff can initiate a public information campaign directed a “day-laborers“, local employers and residents. The campaig will be instrumental in educating these groups as to th purpose of the employment center, it’s location, the responsibilities and obligations as employees and employer: and any other pertinent information. The proposed campaig would likely consist of signs, maijings, flyers, media release: and bi-lingual field representatives. Cost associated with th implementation of a public information campaign is estimate to be $7000 in start-up costs with City staff and bi-lingui volunteers providing additional infarmatian to the media an to the current day-laborer population. Staff recommends thi the campaign begin a minimum of 30 days prior to openin of the employment center and continue at some lev1 throughout its existence. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no direct fiscal impact to the City at this time. However, in order provic Council with an estimation of the potential costs related to implementation of a hirir center, an estimate is provided and is based on Non-recuring Costs (one timelstart-i costs), Recurring Costs (estimated monthly expenditures), Contractual Cos (staffinglland lease), and surplus Capital Equipment costs. 0 e PAGE FOUR OF AGENDA BILL NO. 1 c ,/ xi 3 Non-Recurring Costs: $9,800 Recurring Costs: $9, ooo/year Contractual Costs: $34,32O/year to $81,12O/year Surplus Equ$rnent: cost undetermined Non-mumng Costs: Staff estimates #on-recurring Costs to be approximatel) $9,800.00. These are "one-time" expenditures which art necessary in order to grade and provide site improvementi to the hiring center. In addition, start-up costs related to the public information program are included. Non-recurring cost8 include the purchase of; a gas generator, cellular phone system, informational signs, printing and miscellaneou! construction materials (Exhibit 3). Recurring Costs are those which can be categorized a: monthly expenditures related to the operation of tht employment facility. These costs include; trailer rental, toile rental, phone service, fuel costs (generator), printing costs Staff estimates $750.00 per month ($9000/year) in recurrin costs (Exhibit 3). RecuMng Costs: comcfual costs: Contractual Costs are those fees paid to outside agencies fc lease of land or seNices rendered in connection with th employment center. Lease costs for the land provided by th County of San Diego are expected to be nominal and in a amount necessary to absolve the County of any liabilitie related to use of the site. Staffing costs are varied dependin on the alternative selected. Costs related to staffing rang from "no cost" for volunteer labor, to $34,320 per year for temporary employees working en average of 30 hours pt week, and as much as $87,120 if the Employmei Development Department (€00) were selected as the sing staffing source for the employment center (Exhibit 3). These are surplus items the City currently has in storage 1 which are not being used, These items include; desk chairs, file cabinets, typewriters, etc.. The costs incurred 1 the City, are those directly related to these items beit unavailable for other uses. CwM Equipment 0 0 PAGE FIVE OFAGENDA BILL NO. io] 81 3 EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. %&3.. 2. Employment Center Site Plan 3. Phase II Cost Estimate t 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 v e RESOLUTION NO. 90-335 A RESOLUTION OF THE CllY OF CARISBAD, CALIF( AUTHORIZING STAFF TO INITIATE THE NEGOTIATION OF AGREEC FOR USE OF LAND AND PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION AND STAI WHEREAS, it has been the intent of the City Council of the City of Carls address issues related to the tremendous influx of immigrants in the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council on April 24, 1990 authorized Staff to initiate I of the Hiring Site Pian; and WHEREAS, Staff has completed is review of potential hiring center locatioi WHEREAS, On August 14, 1990, the San Diego County Board of Supt unanimously approved Carlsbad’s request for use of their land for a hiring cent1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Clty Council of the Carlsbad as follows: 1) 2) That the above recitations are true and correct. That the City Council authorizes staff to (1) Work with staff from the of San Diego, in preparation of an agreement for use of County F for a hiring center, subject to Council approval, (2) Evaluate I staffing alternatives for the hiring center and return to Council recommendation, (3) Proceed with development of grading a improvement plans for the hiring center, (4) Initiate the Discretionary Process, (5) Develop a Public Information Program strategy. . I .... .... .... .... * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1'1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 W e PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsl Council held on the 4th day of September , 1990 by the following votc AYES: NOES: None Council Members Lewis, Larson, Mamaux and Pettine Council Member Kulchin ABSENT: ATTEST: ALETHA L. 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