HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-09-18; City Council; 10821; ACCEPTANCE OF A GRANT DEED FOR STAGECOACH PARKY 4 !! 5 .. 2 0 4 5 5 2 3 0 0 G1l-P GAHLSBAU - AUCNUWILL DEF CIT ACCEPTANCE OF A GRANT DEED AB# /p, fAl TITLE: MTG..&&L FOR STAGECOACH PARK DEPT. ENG- &+-,?---e s .-,- CIT RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 9 dJ#A accepting a grant deed for parkland F Stagecoach Park. ITEM EXPLANATION: The 1982 La Costa Parks Agreement between the City and Daon Corporation I dedication of 28 acres of parkland for Stagecoach Park. To date 26.683 acres dedicated leaving a remaining 1.314 acres to be dedicated. The City w temporary park use easement over this remaining area to permit the full develc use of the park by the City. BCE Development Properties Inc. (Fieldstone) successor in interest to Daon ( wishes to now grant the remainder of the park site to the City. This dedi advance of the required dedication which would be triggered by the finaling of in the La Costa Parks Agreement Area. Park credits in the amount of 1.31 7 i be added to existing Stagecoach Park credit inventory pursuant to the La C Agreement. A revised park dedication inventory has been prepared and is I Exhibit 1. The credit balance available to those properties included within th of the La Costa Parks Agreement would now be 15.945 acres. FISCAL IMPACT: Dedication 1.31 7 acres of parkland in the La Costa Area has a park fee crE approximately $1 50,000 assuming single family development requirements. land value is considerably higher and has not been appraised for the purl dedication. EXHIBITS: 1. Stagecoach Park dedication Inventory. 2. Resolution No. ,%43#&accepting a Grant Deed for park land 1 Stagecoach Park. Letter from Villages of La Costa (Fieldstone) dated August 3, 1990. Grant Deed for park land purposes from BCE Development. 3. 4. kk 2 u so me O2 Tm E .E 8s 35 eg ?!5 j$P 8g -+ 0 cn -A 0 W 7- p @.z! .E no 7-4= Ea a3 0000 8 aaaa (9u?c9u? &z woom w4 l-om* 52 7-v n OW *KO cqrkc\! 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T-T-T-T-T- T- cob d *w w b rm)a)'utwm(um m mmolrucqr-?qq (4 7-7- 4: 7- l- bbbbbmbbm c9 010cocuO*rv)(0 a- c3v)(o~coao)mv) (d 7-rl-7-7-7-7-" N N 8 yqqqqqqqcq z b l- co CON cucocotco bd2 2 m (4y?Bo?E?c9c97- .r c7oi m 7 F I1 I, mtttmmmw(O 0 c97-W7-(uCOcob(O (u cococococococococo q ONCU~00000 q \\ti\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ XEW~ZZZE 5 'u 4 5 cui 7-l-Nc7tma ca 3333333 2: IIIII 6G 000000000 ti z .e c .ti .ti .e .ti .e .e .e CC:tCCCC wwwaa(~w m k9zzzzz&& co a Dm 3 7-7-7-7-7-T-l-bb mm cob ++++++I-++ \ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 W m 90-342 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED FOR PARK LAND PURPOSES IN STAGECOACH PARK WHEREAS, BCE Development Incorporated has submitted a Grant Deed c parcel of land to the City of Carlsbad for park purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has determined it to be i interest to accept said Deed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City c California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the Grant Deed from BCE Development Incorporated, dated Jt conveying a parcel of land for park purposes as described on Exhibit A of the GI the City of Carlsbad which is on file with the City Clerk and is incorporated herein L: is accepted. 3. That the City Clerk is authorized to cause the original Deed to be the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State of Californ appropriate Certificate of Acceptance attached. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad held on the 18th day of SePt. , 1990 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Miembers Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Mamz NOES: None ABSENT: None Pet t ine ATTEST: Y+&THA a@ NKW , City Clerk (SEAL) KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk -1 - 0 THE 0 -. VIEAGES OF LACOSTA p-- t August 3, 1990 Mr. David Hauser Assistant City Engineer City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 Re: Stagecoach Park - Deed for remaining property Dear David: When you did your memorandum last March and the subsequent par1 supplement to effect the clean-up on the Santa Fe Knolls bond, it was determined that a small portion of Stagecoach Park had not yet been dedicated to the City. This land is owned in fee by BCED. We determined as a housekeeping matter that it would be best to give the City the deed now rather than wait for the next map to final in that area. Enclosed is that deed which hz been signed by BCE Development Properties, Inc. Please let me know if you require additional documentation in order to proce! this deed for acceptance by the City. y truly yours, b L RUTH A. BESECKER Enclosure PO Box 9000 266 * Carlsbad, California 92009 - (619) 931 8747 * FAX (619) 931 1946 A Cornmunit) Bv The Fieldstone Company AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO 1 7 Name City Clerk Streel City of Carlsbad Address 1200 Elm Avenue City& Carlsbad, CA 92008 State L -I r 1 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Name City of Carlsbad Street 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Address City & State L _I SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S e 0 EXH I B IT "A" I BEING A PORTION OF LOT 5 OF RANCHO LAS ENCINITAS ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF 848 FILED IN THE OFFICE OE THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO, IN THE CITE CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCR: AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF PARCEL 4 ACCORDING TO PARCEL MAP 13524, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, BEING i A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF CAMTNO DE US COCHES (FORMI MISION ESTANCIA), AN 84-FOOT-WIDE ROAD EASEMENT GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CARL! PER DOCUMENT RECORDED JULY 14, 1977 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 77-281161 OF OFFI( RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, BEING ALSO A POINT ON THE ARC OF A 958-FOOT-RADIUS CI CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY A RADIAL FROM SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 60"10'49" WEST; THI ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CUiZ'JE AND RIGHT-OF-WAY 1. SOUTHWESTERLY 118.25 FEET THROUGHACENTRALANGLEOF07"04' TO AN INTERSECTION WITH SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF AN EXISl PARCEL OF LAND GRANTED TO THE ( OF CARLSBAD FOR Pm LAND PURP( PER DOCUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUt THENCE LEAVING THE ARC OF SAID CI ANDRIGHT-OF-WAYANDALONGTHENC EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID PARCEI LAND 1988 AS FILE/PAGE NO. 88-57436: 2. NORTH 38'30'39'' WEST 582.12 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF 5 PARCEL OF LAND, BEING ALSO A PC ON THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY PARCEL 3 PER SAID PARCEL MAP 13524; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHE BOUNDARY OF SAID PARCEL 3 3. NQRTH 24"27'00" EAST 81.82 FEET (NQRTH 24'26'56" EAST PER S PARCEL MAP NO. 1352Lc) TO INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHE BOUNDARY OF SAID PARCEL 4; THE ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID PARCE 4. SOUTH 42"23'00" EAST 583.87 FEET (SOUTH 42'23'04" EAST PER S PARCEL MAP NO. 13524) TO THE PC OF BEGINNING. DOUGLAS C. PAUL DATE RCE 22606 EXPIRES 12/31/93 \ fR I INDICATES RAD- VICIJVIT Y MAP DESIGNED fit +i!e LW6LASc.P NO7 70 SCALE L " , ... , . ---' . rnDeSlgn( r#mrrd- IWOSCCDIIIAIIY 5-m 6f'+235-647 MX Zj4.034V PLAT 70 ILtUSTRd7€ P MGAL LE%'RlfflON ~s \ OF PdRK SIT€ D€D!!Cd TION KCE 22606 . .--