HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-09-18; City Council; 10829; Grantee Performance Report for Community Development Block Grant Program, Fiscal Year1989-1990A Z O V a J v Z 0 V Cart . OF CARLSBAD — AGEND.- BILL FmTG. ITLE: GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR DEPT. HD.09/18/90 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM, FISCAL YEAR 1989-1990 CITY A [!EEDPT. RCITY MG . RECOMMENDED ACTION: If the City Council concurs, your first action is to adopt Resolution No..gP-01, to approve the City of Carlsbad's 1989-90 Grantee Perforfnance Report for the Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Program. The second recommended action is to adopt Resolution No. OO- A� to authorize cancellation of the Magee Park Bandstand Project and reallocation of funds from the Bandstand Project ($20,000) and other completed CDBG project(s). ITEM EXPLANATION: As required by federal regulations for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement Program, staff has prepared the attached Grantee Performance Report (GPR) for submission to the, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development by September i0, 1990. The period covered by the attached GPR is July 1, 1989 to June 30, 1990. As a recipient of federal CDBG Entitlement funds, the City of Carlsbad is required to prepare a GPR on an annual basis. The report provides a summary of progress on each active project which has been funded through the City's CDBG Entitlement program. The report also provides an accounting of the federal funds expended, or encumbered, during fiscal year 1989-90. As noted in the GPR, staff is recommending that the Magee Park Bandstand Project be canceled by the City Council and the funds for the project be reallocated to another approved CDBG project, or other projects. Auditors from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently informed staff that the Bandstand Project is not eligible for funding through the CDBG Entitlement Program. Staff was unable to convince the HUD auditors that the Bandstand Project's primary benefit is to low/moderate income persons. According to the HUD auditors, the Bandstand Project will benefit the surrounding businesses and tourists more than it will benefit low/moderate income persons residing in the area. Therefore, in order to retain the $20,000 in CDBG funds originally allocated to the project, the City must take formal action to cancel the Bandstand project and reallocate the funds to an alternate project(s). The Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee reviewed the attached Grantee Performance Report at their meeting of August 27, 1990 and recommended approval by the City Council. The Committee also recommended cancellation of the Magee Park Bandstand Project and reallocation of the CDBG funds from the Bandstand and other completed project(s), as outlined in Exhibit 3 to this report, as follows4 s AGENDA BILL NO. PAGE 2 1. Allocate $5,000 to continue the Paint-A-Thon Program which was previously approved under the City's Urban County CDBG Program. 2. Allocate funds (unspecified amount) to prepare, distribute, and tabulate the results of a Fair Housing Survey for the City. Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee re,:ommended that staff use as much of the balance of funds as required to complete the Fair Housing Survey. �. The City is required, by federal regulations for the ki> CDBG program, to complete a Fair Housing Analysis. A Fair Housing Survey, completed by residents of + Carlsbad, will assist staff in preparing the final Fair Housing Analysis report for Carlsbad. 3. Allocate remaining funds to the Pedestrian Access Ramp Project to construct additional ramps. Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee stated that (reallocated) funds remaining after completion of the Fair Housing Survey should be transferred to the Pedestrian Access Ramp to construct additional ramps in the Redevelopment Area. The City is required to make the GPR available to the public for review and comment. Notices were published in the local newspaper on September 1 and 12, 1990 announcing the public review and comment period for all interested persons. Comments, if any, received during the public review period will be presented to the City Council for consideration at the meeting. FISCAL IMPACT• No fiscal impact; transfer of funds only. EXHIBITS: ;c- 1 .'� City Council Resolution No. j04414 and No. 2. V Grantee Performance Report for Fiscal Year 1989-90. 3.e Outline of CDBG funds to be reallocated to other projects. 4. � Staff Report to Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee. _t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 90-346 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE 1989-90 GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on September 18, 1990, considered the City's 1989-90 Grantee Performance Report for the Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City Council has taken all testimony into account. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1. That the above recitation is true and correct. 2. That the City of Carlsbad's 1989-90 Grantee Performance Report for the Community Development Block Grant Program is hereby approved for submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development by September 30, 1990. 3. That the City of Carlsbad published a notice in the local newspaper announcing a fifteen (15) day public review and comment period on the 1989-90 Grantee Performance Report prior to the City Council approving the report for submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. • 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, by the City Council 2 of the City of Carlsbad, California on the 18th day of 3 September, 1990, by the following vote, to wit: 4 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Mamaux and Pettino 5 NOES: None 6 ABSTAIN: None 7 ABSENT: None (� T i 9 LAUDE A. tL.E , ayor 10 ATTEST: 11 J 12 Qc,�•� 13 THA T City Clerk KAREN R. sRANZ, KUNDTZ, sistant City Clerk } 14 V 15 16 17 18 ` 19r, 20 21 r 22 G. 23 24 25 26 27 28 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 -25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 90-347 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING CANCELLATION OF THE MAGEE PARK BANDSTAND PROJECT AND REALLOCATION OF FUNDS UNDER THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ENTITLEMENT PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on September 18, 1990, insidered cancellation of the Magee Park Bandstand Project and reallocation of Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Funds to alternate projects; and WHEREAS, the City Council has taken all testimony into account. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1. That the above recitation is true and correct. 2. That the City Council hereby approves cancellation of the Magee Park Bandstand Project and reallocation of the project funds of $20,000 as indicated during the City Council meeting of September 18, 1990. 3. That the City Council hereby approves reallocation of funds from the completed Community Development Block Grant Entitlement project(s) as indicated during the City Council meeting of September 18, 1990. 1 II 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tl 12 13 14 3.51 16 17 18 19 2C 2] 2' 2; 2 2 2 I PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, by the City Council Df the City of Carlsbad, California on the 18th day of September, 1990, by the following Vote, to Wit' AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Mamaux and Pettine NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None f DE , Mayor s 5 6 7 8 ATTEST: TNA UT KRANZ, City Clerk KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk Grantee Performance Report LM City of Carlsbad r Aftsm 2965 Roosevelt Street Suite B Carlsbad, CA 92008 Us. 11rbee= of HouMsM filock Grant P �� t ........... • B-89-MC-06-0563 ►a.wr.nee.new.n..rx„�y„ Debbie Fountain i T�I.a»►�xr•.. (619) 434-2811 e. Thls reppt oerNw •f tlta IMwrinp torrtra sfawNhg propnu achlevad thou •. Actf„tp Summary, brr HUD4W.2. gh (daa) b. status of funds - Part 1 and Part 11. form HUD-4949 3. c, low 1 Mod 8snaet W0*9000t, form HUD-4949.3a. d. Status of Funds - Part 111. ben 4949.4. s. Direct 80natt Aalvitaa, form HU0-4949.5. f. At:tons b Af kmatvafy Further Fafr HouuV. form HU04W9.e. 9. 0*4410~2. form HUD494111.7. EXHIBIT 2 sair 0048 4W*vd No. 250600” (exp. 3/31190) See HUD handbook e51o.$-Fntwmsnt G,," Psrforynce Report Instuotiorn- 'or 9uido" an compattng I*GPfa. 1.This raprt ale• oertlakra: a. Assessment tta — b# gran" of to nlalfonship of the use of Community pant Block Grant COBG (1) ktoaty ldantRed oorwt•h* development objecsvae.t either ( ) furWa b: (2) the Nskn W Cb*&" vrhioA � ?tat each C08G "$,$led (3) the Of slums Or MW by or mmeetoommunily needs hav4tp � n�. and Ik kmv and modaraa incwrte P«sans. aid fn the P rawntion or Prh�Orarm ye•re spaoiflad ete y "arAli�eal vrM be ft fwfv tlo Ns whichCOBG Purtds exPoxbd durbt8 eta aria. Ma a 9raa oonsaoutive b. benefit low and modsraa irhoane Puaons; Oesafptions of: (1) eta nsta• N and taaats for eltatgq in ea gnnae's program o0laeehres: and (2) how eta grenaa WNW oharpa is preg" as a result of ite e*araroas: ftm m" N any oammhulfs ntotihred by t» Wwfto on its program Prom a jM$ in fts jurisdiction. e. The grarttsrs suU"b" om" Repraaamsew oaruRea thN: a. Thls repot oontaina am items kisnb%d in lams a and 7 above. b. To tla best N his / her knowbdge and baled the data in thin repot b Prue and correct as of the date in rNm e. C. FedarN asaistamoe made avaiabla urKMt Community Oevlopmant BPogs Grant C08G Program amowK of loam yesrtciaf support for nNy Pntsnt activftaa below level 0 such has not bsen u01@ed to reduce substanulty hhe COf>tit program year, support prig to the start of ttw most rao•nty completed WuMttp; teeter 100/ N Thla 16 sf eta Urtlar 8aua Coy 1 e pro seta 4 •tltn � Mat wAoahrer (CrOn/nN .1111111 en1 Cr/mJnN P►oees>aa s) shall a hatsduNnt alsMraemt et a M art p msllar vrMMn da luri dkMen o j i ^takes or uses a document or writing ssan hwnp san� .�q�;l�tlon Title 510,000 et MrtpNersN mel taar� Mssr Rw YOM, a lot+. my depertntsnt a agency of ►hs tlnk:S 3taa., shall be final not more than a 1ess t? Cit Retain this rem Previous edleon ZZ/ cl0 rN. 24 CFR put 570 form om Hhar�id—fie— _ • -- ASSESSMENTS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE USE OF THE CDBG FUNDS TO LOCALLY IDENTIFIED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES The City of Carlsbad is committed to using CDBG funds to enhance both the physical environment of the City and to assist low and moderate income residents of the City. To achieve these goals, the City has decided to use the funds for the following types of projects: 1. Projects which provide decent, safe and sanitary housing principally for persons of low and moderate income. 2. Projects which revitalize and improve the physical aspects of the City, primarily in low/moderate income cehsus tracts, through capital improvement activities. 3. Projects which provide services through community based organizations that serve the needs of citizens principally of low and moderate incomes. Outlined below are the projects funded through Carlsbad's 1989-90 Community Development Block Grant Program. Following each project description is a summary of the relationship of each funded project to the community development objectives noted above: PRO CT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE 1. OAK STREET To revitalize and improve the physical IMPROVEMENTS aspects of the City, primarily in low/moderate income census tracts, through capital improvement activities. 2. CASA DE AMPARO To provide services through community based organizations that serve the needs of citizens principally of low and moderate incomes. 3. PEDESTRIAN ACCESS To revitalize and improve the physical RAMPS aspects of the City, primarily in low/moderate income census tracts, through capital improvement activities. 4. PROGRAM Assists in meeting all program ADMINISTRATION objectives. a d .3 The City of Carlsbad is also committed to using CDBG funds to meet the national objectives identified for the program by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development. In addition to considering the above community cevelopment objectives, the City selects projects which will meet one or more of the following national objectives: 1) benefit at least 51% low and moderate income persons; 2) address conditions of slum and blight; and/or, 3) meet a particularly urgent community development need. All of the approved projects outlined above for the City's 1989-90 CDBG program meet the national objective of benefitting at least 51% low and moderate income persons. Also, the approved projects meet the primary objective, for the program, which states that in aggregate at least 60% of all CDBG funds will be for activities which benefit low and moderate income persons." During the period from July 1, 1989 to June 30, 1990, the. City made no formal changes to its objectives (as outlined above) for the CDBG program. However, as a result of staff discussions with HUD auditors, the City has made a decision to select primarily housing related projects in the future. Although the City will continue to fund public improvement projects and public services, the City will be primarily interested in projects which assist in the effort to provide safe, decent and affordable housing for low/moderate income persons. It is anticipated that the City will approve a new program strategy, with revised community development objectives, during program year 1990-91. Since the City of Carlsbad is a fairly new "Entitlement City" within the CDBG program, we are still "learning the ropes." We are working diligently to improve our program and select projects which assist low/moderate income persons in a manner which is acceptable to the federal government. We are gaining a better understanding of the CDBG regulations and we are committed to operating a program which fully complies with those regulations. As a result of our experiences with the CDBG program to date, the City has and will continue to revise its program to reflect a more concentrated focus on the issue of housing and related activities within the community. The City of Carlsbad has received various verbal comments from the public regarding the projects selected for the CDBG program. However, to the best of our knowledge, the City has received no written public comments on the program strategy, community development objectives or approved projects. In general, the verbal public comments tend to focus on the fact that a number of the funded public service agencies are located outside the city limits. Unfortunately, Carlsbad has very few public service agencies located within our city limits; consequently, it has been necessary for us to go beyond our boundaries in an effort to assist low/ moderate income persons within the community. In response to the public comments, an attempt will be made to solicit more projects from public service/non-profit agencies which are physically located in Carlsbad. 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S t Z=ZOn QV -Z O O S M V;w00—z-1u cc 3—uCD * % /I O O O W r E 1 C W r x z Q Q Q I G N m r l- a W d- V t7 Jf 2 G m (n Z W W E Z \ O = r <StZ -C OJ 0 JGZ_O 0z-ha: (A SO• W tL E O W Q< Q Z LL\ \ r Or} WLLN GOO>=IYQ 11< O x rm O(n to uluxZxSOZJ M o •� a+r^ az r rxxAr tn\ ' r(Y JN •+ O�} W rl7 W ry O N r N a •'�!^0Z n CovdK} V m•-Z r z o d 3 0^ G o Q W r^^ F d} i m z J oo+F, v(n oor3o^JfYua m 0: W LL\ to 7 O •-•3'•-• W V mr d E \ E N6GW OW xrmz> x t7r ZSxr W d'OJW O.rZV W LL O to 2 rGr V^ Q. •d•-•OS GO O O \ r}aLL fr7v, r r(!!rC ur 2 Z mx Wr0 1 WmLL<W r} z W r rQtd<ZG xoozCLLW mGW a E <o ZZL! 00% ra r OM zxx a O E WO �Q VQ W(nEa rE<W W W V WOWzz(n c�mI.- z!! < 0 fY V m zr- W z zx<Jzxln<W W d W <<W>.Mx r(nrV <<Q=Zm t!! > W aaE r d mr<20=00O< C% O x X �• W O •-• O W m S .J r W W W M O E O d V r W V m r V r} O r 0. 0 1-• m m 0• m\ r O rrlu z v^a x a W d > O o o G G I�oz O !� Z .... W < r! N e M J r J 7 O m < Q 0 m O ff' 1 1 O O m 1 T G d N O Qt co r 1 -•• O :7 2 N O N O d t Z 2 7 W r () N N < N O d 90 } E O LL d O O W m O m v W< M V WI-- f, m Wm (D m JG< Qt F (A u5 O < z 0 (n m O Z J Ix V r W x LO m .. < a:W 1 0 n. 0 ..• fr< mtD rxk- w G 1 m O m Q 4 LL Z V O O E u! r G n m }- 1 ONKC7O On Qf W} z T z^ 0 z^ In m p Er .c �• Qm a:1 Wxa - ¢ a r W W c7 1n b ..,. zv cam x x a W O m z LL N m W r JE a z \ } 1 Ln W d E d r Z V \ \ oa Wo v»o m a Jfr } E U. W 0) 0} W C� 1 t 1 > O W c.' t t J •V LL 00. ."I Z W .� f.. z rcc 1 Y — C„ Q Z} d z 0 ' 1 x 1 s z m<: W 1 O Y %• y1 W Q �• d•(r W E I O I ••••d W {JtGJV ix z 1 c1S 1 rJ >EW AZ x W < z 1 t a \a 0 O O x ZVV E -O 1r1 Wlna zxur <OZ E }^ 1 x Y F-l:D c9 O o.\ J< 7 ►-r 1 U 1 z <z V• Z^ Zm t9mE �� .»y 1 N 1 0- --1-000 z cc >-• 1a: 1^ V r W Jdr^LL O 1 > 1 rOW V WJ r NZLL r !- V m 1 0 1 <(AW r (n WG<E O W Q V N t• 1 S N E L.Z cc W V< O E W > < W Y r I r d LL M W= Q' SO.S O t E t (n •O 02cca0 O r 1 t� 1 •+NN V <0 W O LLJW u za ! E t zrr- E< X OWW < Oz 1 I rN N 00. >f- ^< 1 Z Y EOLLZ Z2r`Z r W z r Y w I a V W 0 Q t1 zG< < 1 t? 1 d 2^ 0GmNZ W C V 1 1 1 NWF- mzx7^a E}c9 0 I E t E Wmd 0<x0(n< rr J I G I <A\tJ xJvS V+m c t 1 0JWJ KCZ ZMV J � o.m 1 E 1 O V ^m <o -•O¢ W E 1 V• t fr z S O < W r< W. < QE Y 6 1 0. +6S LL2r(LL0. V 0 > • V N r x > r W > m q h -9 ^ ^ E < o o c o r z N Q Y O Y V Z < m m o.r car t - GranteePerformanceReport U.S.DepertmentooWusing Statusof Funds. andU►banDevelognant Cs7mmurxy Oevopment Pans 1 and 11 B1odc Grant Program Wit OMB Approval No. 2506-0077 (exp. 9r I= City of Carlsbad '*x W«--------- Peril: SummaryotRaeouroaandExpenditures —89—MC-06-0563 From 7/1/89 T§/30/90 CDBG Funds 1. Unexpended CDBG tundra at end of previous reporting period 2. Additional CDBG funds received i 244,212 a. EnNement Grant (HUD-708$ line 8b) S - b. Surplus from Urban Renewal/ NOP Settlement (HUD-7082, One IOb) 321, 000 s c. Loans guarantead under Section too —0 d. Program ir"" received during the program veer (as shown in Statue of Funds Part III, oobmn f) : -0- a. Return of grant funds —0— i 3. TOW CDBG funds available for use duringthis reporting period (sum of Ones 1 tfxu 2e) —0— 4. TOW CDBG funds expended duringthis reperiod a. Amount shown on Activity Sumary forms, column $ 565,212 b. CDBG funds used for Section t08 paymenb 110 ,184 S. Unexpended balance of CDBG We at the and of this reporting period (Ono 3 minus lines q and tb) = = —0 art . N tbLowand oderate ncome nsona 455 028 A. Low/ModsomefltDudngthl$Reportln,Period I. a. TOW CDBG nude expended (from Ono to above). except for sec. 108 Payments b. Lose: Planning and program administralion costs (as shown in Activity Summary forms, column g) $ $ 110,184 55,978 C. Net expenditures subject to program benefit calculation (lino 6a minus line 6b) 7• Pvt IPendbxes banefittirtg low and moderate income persona (as shown in LowiMod Benefit Workshest : 54,206 = 54_9nA a. Paroant benefit to low and moderate income persons (One 7 as a percent of line 6c) f. Program Years) covered in certification PY PY PY C. Low/ Mod teneMh►Mlu(t1�YearCertiikatbns (complete onlyltCertification period exceeds oneyear) tg.& Cumuletiw not expendibxes subfect to program benefit calculation b. Cu"WAIi" expenditures bensfitting low and moderate income persons Retain No record for 3 years Previous editions are obsolete 100 = N/A I 1\1i ref, 21 CFR part 570 a d handbook 6510 2 Grantee /oowM BeyfhWrkksheet 11UIr Y City of Carlsbad Part : .« r.n t.►aa t Acift I A IMtpN.T. ow " IN/A - No direct expenditures �D 1 mist aim OwMa/tnaM Oont�nwryaT OAO wwow No. 2606"077 (•xp. a�J r B-89-MC-06-0563 Fran 7 1 89 To 6/30/90� .na t f Mht+ aw !i d bty by wmwdw w I TOM ma immin aar I lownow*er I at.t I ! ` ft I ondt M AdN1yNWt�t I Aelviry N.T. N-w d NIop I AMI W N/A - No direct expenditures sum of 0if"t Expe"Olum fP "a IfaNlwdeN xd urir N�rn Too&*mn Lowimod coat he mdt he wl..l'Mrr^0 P«b1 npewdrq w0d Pe"m WKWwOmweeny lweofllHhMOWWhO dmate 1�.r«nn6►«1wa,A,Ia►»tA.,1.Nw.a.r►rr,6..Lw/wr6«,.fI1 • Pe"mTd.Ilw/wu.n.Mh.,,,�.,,tl,N,utuu 54,206 faahitt 1Na naeotd fa 3 ynn 54,206 Ptwian odion is ob"41s IamMUD•6666.2.(166) W. 2< OF" part 3, 0 and handbook 6510 2 1 Grantee Performance Report and Urban Development Rehabilitation Activities =w"top= t ir OMS Approval No. 25064077 (exp. 3/31190) Public Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimased to avwqo 4 hours per response, including the time for Mewing instructions, search. ing existing dos win=. get and nesintaining the, data needed and completing and rovwmg the collection of inforrnadar= comments regard -rig this burden osftM or any otter aspect of this collection of informaim. including suggestions for r9ductrig this burden. to the Reoortz Management atfiew- Vence or Imormaxion roixass am wpoems. V.*. wepanniant Of MQUWn9 WVG Urcan LMV=Pln*nt, WASninglon, D.C. 294103500; and to the Office of Management and Budget Paperwork Reduction Project (2506-0077) Washington. D.C. 205M "W"Gicku"s Cksm M~ i PWO Comm Citz o f Carlsbad IB-89-MC-06-0563 lFmm 7/1/89 To15/30/S ;Ingle Family ActlAtles Multifamily Activities w (one Unit Structures) (Two or Maes, Unit Structures) f StaMng 1. Number of staff Y"r$ N/A N/A ----FTEsm#yws FTE staff vows Activity Delivery Costs., L Activity delivery cost from all sources a. staff costs $ —0- i -0- b. other direct costs $ —0- 3. Activity delivery cost from COBG funds a. staff costs $ —0- s -0- b. other direct costs $ Units Rehabilitated: 4. Units committed -0- Units -0- ti-M L Units comphftd -0- Units -0- Units lime: L Average weeks to complex -0- weeks -0- we*" Obilgeftns: T. Amount obligated from &I sources L COSO funds obligated $ —0- $ -0- b. other public (Fedarail. state, local) funds obligatsd S -0- t -0- a private funds obligated $ —0- $ -0- d. unliquidated obligations at and of year S -0- $ -0- Expenditures: S. Amount expended from all sources $ $ a. COSO funds expanded $ $ b. other public (Fedenal, state. local) funds expended $ $ t -0- -0- c. private funds expended I $ $ * No residential rehabilitation activity during program year 19F9 - 1990. Retain this record for 3 yews form HU04949.2s 00-89) ref. 24 CFR pan 570 and hancbcak i510 2 0 Grantee Performance Resort Status Of Eundr Part III • N.T. at City of Carlsbad Prq► M Inear.- —W sww.t LV" VJM AmwAW e. DOWM ""ofHwwn, 81odc snot Pr 0 oMe /bona,�y Ho. 25oa.00n c.xP. �tpo� 563 Fmwn 7/i/R9 �_ti/�ni90 rrwvgHi wwn K ooswis 10M HUD4@49.4(4.88) rot 24 CFR part 570 and handbook 6510 2 —• IN \ O Q J W p KOtlfJ p !!` 1 ui 2 LL22 s O O � W H z O O f ILI E 0U-< 9G ^ V J \ 4c < IA 0 0_ — LL O V O W = O I— < p o. W K IA N J W > yS ¢ y a a ¢ z O z Jt C. z < < w M G O V z Y> M O Ir —¢In— tl s—¢r cc W Iu 0 J Q c u _ O Y z O 2 V F < C7 W <oo.— J Jz0(t O m — O O O 2 O+ y ... z it ✓ P �• co O w z— n T W m S z N m 3 —O v � O 2 W < M W IL W m r v> D In J ¢ E O O O z J ix O r O V •-• < d' W 1 O J = cc< co W r — V• V E O 1 LL LL z V O O O W>. zT z W 30<S O O E r ¢ co W 0 z y 0 -- Q— cr 1 V J< W V z V t7m O W a Oz Q — E \ r LL N z 0 0 o W J ..Jz W E ¢¢ O O h M c. r w 2 0 to O 4 o m w y J0: !••ENWtn w V » O_ IA > c z 0 < w C 2 G C. z 1- C w 1 1 m y y w O t7y > t 1 1 1 p Y W r t 1 z V V V I Ilf 1 ¢ O z < w t W 1 J Q E t V 1 C? mE F z 2 z N z LL W } t W 1 1 W d' O E y o. LL J W r F 1 '� / O. 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A 0aJau t1+0 0 0 C 0 ALu CI60>WidW 00)'004-)00VCCN0 > x C W u +) C O O N+j z 4 u MCC 'd 3 L4 0 0 0 C-MOLO0$id0.-+L•-+ O 3 +) t7+ U ,J of 14 +J N 1110 CT r4 -4 (d N U J O A 0 L W 41 N 3 � u +J to U .-a RS 'CS +) C O O +) u N 0 aCi a6 A N W (d O Vl Id N : c ca IT N N p, � N O O CT O 0 ••••� E O L 0 +1 3 > 4-� - 0 e) It O 0 U N C 'd O N E ••r 0 O C '0 �-+ > •a -4 4S 0 L a a) L. '0 N .[ O C a,4 4 O L L 0 O N u\ O C O N C W M O V 4 O 0 C u O +s ++ W O N 0 L W (d C- LEtd Eto0 w 0u C aO aroC°c0a r+ a� O 041 L N0000+jv4 +1OEL W L L 044 N O'0mO ON �'dOCr.CU ed u r+ a u 0 N 4S ++ E 4S r+ o3>•G00'0 v L L +-1 +-) Ti 1 N 91 EXHIBIT 3 REALLOCATION OF FUNDS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM As reflected in the 1989-90 Grantee Performance Report, the Buena Vista Playground Improvements and Pedestrian Access Ramps Projects are complete and were completed at a cost less than the original estimates. The accounts for the noted projects, consequently, -: q y, contain a balance of funds which must be reallocated to alternate projects or returned to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Also, it has been recommended that the Bandstand at Magee Park Project be canceled and that the funds be reallocated to another project. 'a The funds available for reallocation are as follows: ,i Balance of funds Original Project to be reallocated $ 20,000 $ 8,872 $ 11,774 Bandstand at Magee Park Buena Vista Playing Field Improvements Pedestrian Access Ramps The total amount of funds available for reallocation is $40,646. EXHIBIT 4 DATE: August 27, 1990 TO: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITT E FROM: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORT The Housing and Redevelopment Department recently completed the "Grantee Performance Report" required by regulations for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement Program. The report provides a summary of progress for the City of Carlsbad's CDBG Entitlement Program for the period from July 1, 1989 to June 30, 1990. A copy of the completed report is attached for review and approval. Staff will provide a brief Your s the Grantee Performance Report during the committee meetingnonn August 27, 1990. As noted in the report, staff is recommending that the Bandstand Project at Magee Park be canceled by the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee and, subsequently, the City Council. Auditors from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) informed staff that the Bandstand Project is not eligible for funding through the CDBG program. was unable to convince the HUD auditors that the BandstandStaff Project's Primary benefit is to low/moderate income persons. Since the City has not yet expended funds on the Bandstand Project, it appears to be in our best interest to cancel the project at this time and "reprogram" the allocated funds of $20,000 to another project. Staff's recommendation for "reprogramming" the indicated funds is included in this report to the committee. Also, as reflected in the GPR, two (2) CDBG entitlement projects, Buena Vista Playground Improvements and the Pedestrian Access Ramps, have been completed at a cost which was below the original estimates. Consequently, the accounts established for the noted projects contain a balance which must be reallocated to another project, or other projects. The total amount of funds which need to be reallocated from the two (2) noted projects is $20,646. 4 3 Staff's recommendations for reallocating the funds noted above is as follows: FUNDS TO BE FROM ORIGINAL PROJECT TO NEW PROJECT REALLOCATED $20,000 Bandstand at Magee Park Paint-A-Thon Program $8,872 Buena Vista Project Fair Housing Survey & Education Program .a $11,774 Pedestrian Access Ramps Residential Rehabilitation <� Program The total amount of funds to be reallocated to "new" projects is $40,646. A description of each "new project" is attached to this report for your review and approval. Staff will make a short presentation on the reallocation of the unexpended CDBG Entitlement funds during the committee meeting. Recommendations from the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory , Committee regarding the reallocation of CDBG funds will be forwarded to the City Council for review and final approval. As -, required by federal regulations for the CDBG program, the public will be notified of the proposed action by the City Council and will be given the opportunity to submit comments on the proposed f change to Carlsbad's CDBG Program. DEBORAH K. FOUNTAIN :al { f r t -Z, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SUMMARY OF PROPOSED FAIR HOUSING SURVEY AND EDUCATION PROGRAM Federal regulations for the Community Development Block Grant Program require every recipient (i.e., City of Carlsbad) to conduct a "Fair Housing Analysis". The City must conduct the analysis to determine the impediments to fair housing choices in its housing and community development program and activities. Based upon the conclusions of the analysis, the City must take steps to overcome the effects of conditions which limit fair housing choice within our jurisdiction. The City must comply with all of the federal regulations related to the CDBG program in order to remain eligible for future funding. In an attempt to comply with the requirement for' the Fair Housing Analysis, staff is recommending that the City conduct a survey, among all residents of Carlsbad, to 1) determine the extent of discrimination within the housing market; 2) identify impediments to fair housing; and, 3) determine the level of understanding among the community regarding the issue of fair housing. The term "fair housing choice" is defined, within the federal regulations, as "the ability of persons, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, of similar income levels to have available to them the same housing choices". The analysis must include a review for impediments to fair housing choices in the areas of: 1 ) the sale or rental of dwellings; 2) the provision of housing brokerage services; 3) the provision of financing assistance for dwellings; 4) public policies and actions affecting the approval of sites and other building requirements used in the approval process for the construction of publicly assisted housing; and, 5) the administrative policies concerning community development and housing activities, such as urban homesteading, multifamily rehabilitation, and activities causing displacement, which affect opportunities of minority households to select housing inside or outside areas of minority concentration. It is staff's intent to prepare a 10-15 question survey to be completed by residents of Carlsbad. The survey will be mailed to all residents of Carlsbad; a self-addressed, stamped envelope will be included for returning the completed survey to the City. The survey will request information related to the resident's awareness of fair housing laws, their experience(s) with obtaining housing within the community and personal statistics (i.e., income, # in family, etc.). The responses to the survey will assist staff in its analysis of the degree of "fair housing choice" within Carlsbad. .a ) The survey, prepared by Staff, will be forwarded to the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee for review and approval prior to its review and approval by the City Council. Staff intends to prepare a cover letter, explaining the survey, which will be signed by the Mayor. Also, enclosed with the survey will be information related to the federal and state fair housing laws and corrective actions which may be initiated by the residents in response to u unlawful actions by homeowners, landlords, managers, brokers, real estate agents, etc. 4 The funds reallocated to the Fair Housing Program from the ? completed Buena Vista Project will be used to finance costs related to preparing and mailing the "Fair Housing Survey" to all residents :} of Carlsbad. 4 t{{ i y C i ' i r s Fi E A A i x i 1; J0 ` , COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SUMMARY OF RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM Funding for the City Program was approveOf Carlsb d's Residential Rehabilitation Community Development Block er both Granthe County of San own CDBG Entitlement Program(CDBG) Diego s Provide low interest home mprovement ) Program and the City s in order to upgrade purpose of the program is to affordable houexisting loans to low income g throughouththe��9tstock and maintainpersons To be eligible for the y of Carlsbad. title to the property; 2)ohave, an applicant 1 range accordingan income withmnst: )hold clear or legal entity; to federal income guidelines• y; and, 4) be able 3) be imoderate to verif an individual The program offers low y income, for a period of 10-1 interest loans of applicants must have Years; to qualif �2500 to $35,000 median income for an income which is lessthanhese loans, deferred San Diego County. The of the $0 to loans, with an interest rate o program also offers .� �35,000 for applicants f 3-5� the median income for who have an income less than in an n50%rof loans, the program San Diego County, In addition i° handicapped applicants grants ($5 000 to the noted median income for who have incomes lessathanm50Aso°flterly or the County, he At this time, it is estimated that ! $472 349 available in CDBG funds to there is Rehabilitation Program. approximately If the reallocation l excessthe the Pedestrian Access Program is approved, Ramps to the Residential Rehcess atio 1 the total amount of funds from the program will be $484,1L3, available through q COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SUMMARY OF PAINT-A-THON PROGRAM The Paint-A-Thon Program was originally approved under the San Diego County Urban County CDBG Program. If approved by the City Council, the program will become an "Entitlement Project" under the City's own CDBG program. Through the PaintlowThon ncomeprogram, the City issues vouchers, worth $300-$400, to homeowners for purchase of supplies needed to paint the exterior of their homes. To participate in the program, a person must meet income qualifications and reside in the home to be painted with the supplies received through use of the voucher. Originally, the vouchers were only available to those low-income persons residing in the area west of I-5 and between the Buena Vista and Batiquitos Lagoons. However, under the revised Paint-A-Thon program, eligibility will be expanded to include all low-income persons w i th i r. the city limits cif Carlsbad. Presently, there are two (2) merchants participating in the Paint-A-Thon Program: Koopsen's Paint Store and Bauer Lumber Co. The merchants have agreed to accept the vouchers in return for paint supplies for qualifying program participants. The merchants, then, forward the vouchers to the City's Housing and Redevelopment Office for payment. The funds reallocated to the Paint-A-Thon program from the canceled Magee Park Bandstand Project will be used to cover the cost of the vouchers issued to qualified applicants. O 7 O L7 +-3 tT E p ....�. O 4j J O+) U - f~ O U cC a � c4-)i ai a 0 --1 cd 4 4.) sv. a aEi s ¢ Z3 C L E 4-• 0-4 E s~ •� fr f•'� E f•. i.. Q fr �� � r•� .� bn �3 H E A. cti C4 bn u1 -o •r•+ +� +� sxcn v+�� v ^+ c•4 E•, U+� �s EU t, N. O Cd 4J E v �. a -4, 4 o s4 v� c� Z C '� 41 �, v v� o P. � 41 o+ A EW oa-+x o-c� ^�cdvv Z z -+ v s3 x v U +� 4-4 x E E O aS C E 4 >, 4-) U) to a Tf O z U L7 ^ O +J c0 v CR -o sr U oU lj lix ot;-U 4. a w q o �� 0 w w w of aoo 0 z N .. O ¢ E > I Er z .z7 ti ;a lid 0 zl E-r d U a a a w o �. a¢wQa Az U a a0> ¢o a q E" •• o 0 ' ¢�xcWJ�QZA WEI 0 0 0 x UE"zaZWZ E-al �o v wzwP'QaW w0I � ^ it Omuta oz :]z .� y �a�a H O Fi W > W � dT EA rp Ei3 W .. U> O q!� W E, W N N q N KI (OTC ,'Jj V V `•. it � •� a •� •� "'� H 0 a ^ y > �•�r I I ^L U1 S+ Ji N (II N UI O � w F E•E U ~ U1 �. 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