HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-09-25; City Council; 10836; AUTHORIZATION FOR OUT OF STATE TRAVEL FOR REPRESENTATIVES FROM BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS" CI~OF CARLSBAD - AGEN-ILL ' IT/ L AB# /0;536 MTG. 9/25/90 DEPT- H' TITLE: AUTHORIZATION FOR OUT OF STATE TRAVEL FOR REPRESENTATIVES FROM BUILDING AND CITY AT DEPT. CD CITY MG RECOMMENDED ACTION: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS ADOPT Resolution No. 90 "352 authorizing out of state trav for one staff member each from the Building and Engineeri Departments to attend the PERMITS SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP meeti in Tempe, Arizona, October 4 and 5, 1990. ITEM EXPLANATION PERMITS is the computer system in place in Community Developme which tracks Building, Planning and Engineering applications i issues Building and Engineering permits. User conferences i held in various locales each year, the next one being in Tem] Arizona. These conferences provide the attendees with opportunity for training on new features of the systc Additionally the various sessions address specific applicat. questions and problem solving. In order to utilize the system efficiently as possible, it is important that ongoing St; training be a part of the Carlsbad program. This request is for Doris Cosman of the Building Department, Mike Bock, Engineering Department to attend the conference be held October 4 and 5 in Tempe, Arizona. Both Ms. Cosman and Bock use the system in their respective departments for the da activities associated with issuing permits. FISCAL IMPACT It is estimated that travel expenses will be under $300.00 each employee. Funds are available in the budgets of the Builc and Engineering Departments. 0 2. Permits Special Interest Group Conference information. PE EXHIBITS LI1 )o 1. Resolution No. 98"35z $ .2 0 F 0 4 i 0 z 4 3 8 W W ll L RESOLUTION NO. - 1 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CZTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING OUT OF STATE TRAVEL FOR TWO PEOPLE TO ATTEND A CONFERENCE IN TEMPE, ARIZONA. ' WHEREAS, the City has a Permit Tracking System whicl 4 5 6 7 8 9 used for the tracking of Building, Planning and Enginee: applications; and , 0' WHEREAS, the City feels that it is in its best inte to have ongoing training for the individuals who regularly USE system: and HEREAS, the permits Special Interest Groups holds 10 11 conferences at which staff can receive training on the la system features. . 12 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counci the City of Carlsbad, as follows: 14 15 16 17 1. That the above recitations are true and correc 2. That out of state travel to Tempe, Arizona hereby approved for one representative each from the Buildinc Engineering Departments. l8 I1 3. That funds for said travel are available i~ 19 I departmental budgets of the respective departments* 2* I ... 21 22 ." 23 24 25 26 27 ... ... ... 0.. ..* "- za w /I 1 2 3 4 t I W PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of t Zity Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 25 day of September , 1990 by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson and Mamaux NOES : None 5 6 ABSENT: Council Member ABSTAIN : None 7 8 9 TTEST: 10 1 11 LLktL 4 ~& ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City blerk (SEAL) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 - a 0 I ttOTfl RfSZRVQTION INf ORM4TION Please contact hotel &ectly Cd (60z)ep4-U00 fat reservatkms at thr Sheroton Tm Mon Pa tlotel Menth P3G. Conference or Skrra compuhr System, he. to obkh the reduced room rates Isted below. 4ccomwduMM $65 Shgk/DdA plut Tax* Md$lOforeachaddtkmdpermny,tofou. personsharoom I TNURSDIIY PROGR-CIM j .z30 ~~-830 .. ~~RGISTRNIONTBM .. ... CITY 1 (Nf Comer Garden 1eveK)ffi 4&tomahll ~o .. rr;m lzoo '. I - ?m 3000 SYST~M # ftandrOnopportrndhJfortrain on new featvet *Pmrdtfldds Contractor Module rtiew Key Words . ... . .. .. . :. *cross Reference Code h *People Relationship Tobk *Specid View Table *Prhfhg Permits *phtL.13 ConBtiOns of & Tr&hg room space is limited s( people will share single termind presentations shorn-overhead 1. : !EO0 noon-tOO hm'LL))(cHON YOUR OWH) I 1 :'TOO.PJIL-Z~O pm CONCURRMl SeSSlOHS 1 W On TrciningtCmtinuec *Specific c&icotion qu *Discussion P.C. Verb Trabhg *Tax rute b cmentiy 9.05%bbject to change). I +Operation of P.C. Verf *Specific appecotion q +DLtcutrion ilotdchecklrtmcrk3pm IIreuncrtiorurhddmfii 400 pm on dcy of dd uks -deed wtth advmce dtportt. chrck-outthnlstroonoon chtck-outspast POOpmwibeassessedahdf-dqchargc 230 pm-XOO pm, BRM e 0 OCTOBER 4 & TEMPE, ARlzON 1990 Fall Conferencf TtlURSD.clv(CONTINU€D) f RIDnY PROGRIIM 1 3;oO p,m,-s;JO p;m, 0~~~1~fl;~~RR~. 1 1I:OO am-9:OO.urn R€GISTR4TKIN(MISSION PQI (rn Of l€tIPi!> CONTINMTN BREIIKflST opporhnftVtohteroctwlthi" depdmentd~atkrrrofihe"pfw.M" system d related systems interfaces. '.ROO :a+K):B:l-:.SImRfi 'COMPUTING, HC, hgheerhg(pubk Works) *~erutlon of progam enhancements *Permits bsucmce *prkritization of requests Private Devekpmeni Wty commies city crews w ko&e +ctS Development d hterface 1.10:E am.-K)3O.um BR€W ! ~O:X);ML-IZOO noon PROGRW PR~S~NTCITI *shatrg of progran integration with office operafions. I ~,:,1~O~~~~-~~,pm:Um~tl€O~ .. *Demonrtrationof 4lutomatedMqy>hg *Demonrtrotion of llutomated Project 1 t30 pm-Z.30 'p.m. .PSIG NSIN€SS M€€TING -tsYst- a0:,p;m+245 pm B,Rf* .: I bukhgwet!l 2:;(5~pm-((:4'O'pm;'~fR, GROUP fOR&lS .. .. pkmhg *PC. Users Mannorwn~ +InfonnolionsytiemsPerml j 5:30 pm-630 pm;msmm&a p~j . .:. '. i :I .. . .. *Depdmentd Users 1 6:30 pm-7:m pmTOUIlOf:Ttlf::C~:~.O~::ltfMPf . . . . . . . , , ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . Opportvlny io view reedy compltted prows hvdvhg - * zationmodrkrscgrdsyst~brkk pavers, rpcdd sidewdo. et= he ae may fht restow& h the Old Downtown Tempe QCQ for yow 6rhg pieawe. chcd<wfththetkteloryorr Tempc hosts for Monnorion ... .. 71 .. . .. f Sff you l i i Tii€R€!! i 1 ..