HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-09-25; City Council; 10843; CCVB quarterly reportt % n E a Q= .. Z 0 6 a G -J 2 3 0 0 ClWF CARLSBAD - AGENWBILL AB# '4/gq 3 TITLE DEPT. I ~~~.9/25/90 CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR'S BUREAU CITY A w - D E PT. FIN QUARTERLY REPORT CITY M RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file report. ITEM EXPLANATION: During August, 1990, the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor's Bureau (CCVB) subm their fourth quarterly report. The reporting period covers April 1, through Junc 1990. For the period ending June 30, 1990, the CCVB has expended 65% of their budget. The table below provides an overview of the financial status of the CCVB as of Junl 1990. It appears that there are sufficient revenues to meet projected expenses. I. a straight line projection, indications are that $43,635 will remain at the end o contract. All revenue received from donations is being used to meet administr expenses. All program expenses are being supported with City contributions. Adequate donations have been received to warrant the release of City matching fi Funds will be released following a formal request. Projected Percent Total Projected Budget Account Amount Actual Budget To Date Revenue Budget Expenditure Category Budget 12 Months Under(over) Expended Expenditures Under(over) Administration 154,700 112,589 42,111 72.78% 140,736 13,964 Programs 85,300 44,503 40,797 52.17% 55.629 29,671 Total Contract 240.000 157,092 82,908 65.46% 196,365 43.635 Revenue Category City Contributions Administration 114,700 92.294 22.406 80.47% 114,700 0 Programs - Non Matching 55,300 34,848 20.452 63.02% 55,300 0 Programs - Matching 30.000 0 30,000 0.00% 30,000 0 Donations/Other 40,000 29,789 10,211 74.47% 40,000 0 Total Revenue 240.000 156,931 83,069 65.39% 240,000 0 Net Income (Loss) 0 -161 161 43,635 43.635 Expenditure amounts submitted by the CCVB. Revenue figures based on City records, from CCVB for donations. )r I W a .L -. Page Two of Agenda Bill No. iq,x3 Programs which have been pursued during the third quarter of the contract include placement of advertising media in fourteen different publications. The CCVB q sponsored two community events, the Volksmarch and the June 20 Jazz Concer Magee Park. The CCVB also continued to help tourists with their travel plans. FISCAL IMPACR None. EXHIBITS: CCVB Quarterly Report , e 0 I -_ August 1, 1990 ! Debbie Neville Sr. Management Analyst Finance Department City of Carlwsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Dear Debbie, Attached is a synopsis of the major activities of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau from April 1 - June 30, 1990. If you need additional information, please let me know. Sincerely, fl - & STEVE LINK Manager Encs. Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau P.O. Box 1246 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 931-9050 Division of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce U e The reporting period of April, May and June is noted for working individually with tourists and groups who respond to the marketing programs and ask for assistance in making their plans to come to Carlsbad. Most of the Bureau's magazine and newspaper ads are published during this period. Ads appeared in: April: Westways Orange County Register American West Magazine Phoenix Gazette May : Mo to rland America West Airlines Magazine LA Times Tucson Lifestyle Los Angeles Magazine Highlands (AAA in Arizona) June: America West Airlines Magazine Wes tways Phoenix Gazette Arizona Republic Spring (quarterly): Golden State Magazine Valley Guide (Phoenix) Tucson Guide Annual: The San Diegan (travel guide) During this period, the Bureau sponsored two community events. The Volksmarch, April 28-29 and the Jazz Concert in Magee Park, June 20. The Volksmarch had 368 registered participants, representing six states and British Columbia. They walked a specified 10 kilometer route through the village and along the beach. To intice the members of the National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies to meet in Carlsbad, the Bureau offered to sponsor a Jazz Concert in their honor. The concert was also open to the public. <. This period will also be remembered for the renovation of the depot. The Bureau rented a small portable office and placed it in the parking lot to function as the Visitors Information Center. The rest of the staff worked in the freight room. m 0 CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR'S BUREAU EXPENDITURE REPORT (amending report dated 7/17/90) CI E xp e ns es Spent as of Budget Admin & Operations 6/30/90 71,809.25 89,500 Salaries Benefits 7,131.56 7,875 Payroll Taxes . 9,939.40 7,500 Account ing 3,222.60 5,700 Insurance 850 .OO 1,500 Equipment Rental 1,116.57 725 U till t ies 1,450 -82 2,250 Maintenance 313.13 6 00 Janitorial 734.65 1,163 Telephone 4,323.54 7,500 Postage 3,561.05 4,500 Supplies 2,041.88 2,250 Mileage 999.62 1,875 Conferences 2,6 60.04 2,847 Publications . 1498.76 1,800 Trailer Rental 936.26 Total Admin & Oper 112,589.13 137,635 Programs Magazine Ads 27,839.02 35 , 160 98 63,000 Trade Shows 6,301.72 7,198 e28 13,500 Brochures 5,063.93 3,936.07 9,000 Specialty I tems 185 .OO 1,545 .OO 1,730 Local Events 5,113.63 4,021.37 9,135 Total Programs 44,503.30 51,861.70 96,365 h NOTE: This information was submitted by Steve Link on August 27, 1990. w a ._ CARLSBAD CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU FINANCIAL STATEMENT YEAR 1989-1990 MONTH ENDING: JUNE DATE OF REPORT 7/17/90 BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL Y-T-D Y-T-D MO MO INCOME City of Carlsbad 159 , 996 128 , 693 13 , 333 7 , 468 Other (Fund Raisers, Cooperative Fees, 32 , 282 29 , 789 2 , 668 2 , 934 Donations, Misc.) ...................................... TOTAL INCOME 192 , 278 154 , 482 16,001 10,402 EXPENSES 7 , 495 6,908 Administration 91,376 98 , 397 Operation 18 , 713 23 , 220 1,675 3 , 920 (1) Pro j ects/Programs 81,888 36,739 6,824 1,362 , ....................................... TOTAL EXPENSES 191 , 977 158 , 364 15,994 12,172 NET PROFIT (LOSS) 301 (3,882) 7 (1,770) (1) This figure includes extraordinary expense of depot renovation and trailor rental. RI e .. VISITOR INFOIZPlWTION SW?Y CA. resident Out of cx ForeiGn Total fc vis Fco rs visitors visitors month APRIL 522 228 141 891 MAY 396 244 144 784 JUNE 544 268 2 04 1016 1462 740 489 2691 3 month totals Above figures represent one member of family and/or group JUNE TOTALS APRIL MAY Phone inquiries 194 255 360 809 Mail outs 147 501 547 1195 Travel agent mail outs 447 330 450 1227 w e '. m CONVIS Walkers Discover Carlsb ad's Charms The cloudy weather did not dampen the enthusiasm of the people who participated in the kilometer Volksmarch on Apn People from six states and Briti Columbia, as well as people fra throughout California, came to the downtown area. The sanctic event was sponsored by the Sal Diego Rockhoppers. Walkers register for the Volksn at the Depot. Carlsbad for the annual walk tl Hotel Occupancy Rates Continue to Climb Only two areas of San Diego County showed a significant growth in hotel occupancy rates in March 1990 over March 1989. These were North County Coastal, which is primarily Carlsbad, and Downtown San Diego. These findings were reported in the current newsletter of Laventhol & Horwath, a national accounting firm. They publish a monthly newsletter reporting statistics in the county's lodging industry. For comparative purposes, they divide the county into nine regions. In March, North County Coastal achieved an occupancy rate of 68.4 percent of the year-to-date occupancy rates. 18 Curlsbad Business Journal 4 CONVI? 0 C. Grand Reopening Will Salute Renovated De Dixieland music, antique vehicles, Carlsbad, Saturday, Aug. 4, from 14 Since late May, the Depot has been undergoing a complete interior renovation, returning it to refreshments and more are planned p.m. turn-of-thecentury appeal for the Grand Reopening of the old The public is invited to jo Santa Fe Depot in downtown festivities and tour the Der Artifacts and old photos w display. According to Wayne Dor architect for the project, his accuracy has been a primal in the restoration. Wooden have been installed and tht restored to their original a1 The staff of the Convention Visitors Bureau will work t ticket counter in the center There are some modificat original depot didn't have 1 rooms, which are necessaq electrical fixtures will be us than outdated gas fixtures, Donaldson. "The Depot is a significan Carlsbad's heritage," said I Pinney, Visitors Center rep tive. "Now that it really shii will welcome school field t~ be proud to show it to touri and baggage rooms have b Shawn Sasse, an architect wifh M. W. Donaldson &Associates, shows one of the light fixtures being installed in the Depot. ConVis Treats Visitors to Jazz Concert Members of the National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies (NALAA), who met in Carlsbad the third week of June were treated to a jazz concert in Magee Park by the ConVis. This was part of the agreement to entice the group to meet here. The concert was open to the public, giving many local residents the opportunity to enjoy the concert and meet the members of NALAA. Bob Magnussen and Friends Quarfef petform for an appreciafive aud, 12 Carlsbnd Business Journal v m CONVIS ‘I1 ir *. ConVis Responds 1 to Avalanche. i; of Inquiries ! The ConVis is Bponding to 1,000 inquiries a month from people interested in vacationing here. Most of the inquiries are generated from ads placed by the ConVis in a dozen regional and national magazines. “The ads have our phone number as well as our address, so our phones are busy and our mailbox is full,” said Cleta Wright, ConVisPublic Relations Director. Some magazines offer a reader-response card service, From these magazines, theConVis r&lariy receives mailing labels with the names and addresses of people who request information via the card. ‘We have received more than 400 mailing labels from a single ad in Westways and Los Angeles Magazine,” said Wright. “In one strip of 193 labels from the May issue of Los Angeles Magazine, there were names of people from 22 states.” Several local hotels are using the lists of inquiries to send their own literature. “I really encourage the hotels to send their property brochures, plus any special packages they may be offering it‘s just one more way to pique their interest,” she said. “Quite a few of these people stop in at thevisitors Information Center when they vacation here, asking about local activities and directions. We feel confident the ads are attracting more tourists to Carlsbad,” said Wright. y 1 i 1 Downtown Glitters with Street Rod Show Early Sunday morning, July 22, the pristine streets of downtown Carlsbad will rumble to life as 300-500 street rods cruise into town for the Coastal Classic Street Rod Show. These cars will be driven or carried here on trailers from as far away as northern California and Arizona. interiors. Powerful engines are crammed into a space originally intended for a tiny fourcylinder engine. Sprinkled among the street rods will be a few custom cars from the5O’s. The proud owners of these awesome machines will place them on display along Grand Avenue between Roosevelt and Carlsbad Boulevard. The public is invited to view the display. The sounds of 50s music will fill the air. By mid-afternoon, the show will be over and the streets will be as pristine as before. True street rods are pre1949 customized cars, painted in rich colors with generous amountsoof chrome and plush 1 Cleta Wrighf displays a sheet of203 mailing labelsjii LA. Magazine. Carlshd BusinessJourn