HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-09-25; City Council; 10844; Housing element work plan revisionClTllDF CARLSBAD - AGENDeILL d i AB# /O;Bq y e19 DEPT. PLN CIl ELEMENT OF THE CITJTS GENERAL PLAN. MTG q/i$i?D DE TITLEWORK PLAN FOR REVISION OF THE HOUSING RECOMMENDED ACTION: No action is required. The presentation of the work plan is an information item only. ITEM EXPLANATION State law requires that the Housing Element of the City’s General Plan be updated at least el five years. The new Housing Element must be adopted by City Council no later than Jul 1991. The legal requirements for a comprehensive element are more extensive than for any oi General Plan element. In addition to previous requirements, additional information and ana: such as issues dealing with the homeless as well as identifying low income units that are bc eliminated, are to be included in this new Housing Element. Because of the state-mandated schedule for completing the Housing Element by July 1991, work plan will proceed on an accelerated schedule, separate from the work plan for the ow revision to the General Plan which is just starting. The attached work plan covers the basic tasks and includes a time line and a critical path ch The revision process includes public participation to identify housing issues of concern to citizenry, the development community and housing advocacy groups. A preliminary draft of element is scheduled for completion by the end of the year. State law requires that each elem be reviewed for compliance with all legal requirements. This review is carried out by the Si of California Department of Housing and Community Development, usually prior to adoptior the City Council in order to make revisions to the completed element. Due to the complexity of some requirements and the various legal issues that might be raisec the adequacy of the element, a housing consultant, experienced in the various housing issues legal requirements, is proposed to be brought in to assist with this element. The general scl of the consultant’s work will be to assist staff with an analysis of the work plan and review finished draft with recommendation for revisions to strengthen areas of concern. : 2 3 2 0 F= 0 4 I1 e z 3 0 0 FISCAL IMPACT As the preparation of the Housing Element is being done by Planning Department staff, the c( incurred will be for the analysis and review of the element by a consultant that specialize! housing issues and elements. Although the complete scope of the work has yet to be defir it is anticipated that a consultant’s fee would range between $15,000.00 to $30,000.00 fc complete analysis, review and recommendations for revisions to the completed element to ens it will meet the legal requirement for compliance under State HCD guidelines. EXHIBITS 1. Work Plan 2. Critical Path Chart 3. Time Line w * HOUSING ELEMENT WORK PLAN Task I Review of Previous Element a) Quantitative analysis of previous Housing Element goals. (Plann b) Review of low income units that are scheduled for market conversion or demolition in the new 5 year Housing Element I (Housing) - Approximately 20 working days Task I1 Housing Needs a) Review and analysis of current housing needs concerning: 1) SANDAG RHNS numbers (Planning) 2) Special housing needs (Housing) - Homeless - Farm workers - SeniorElderly - Handicapped - Low income - Moderate income b) Current Resource - Land Inventory (Planning) 1) Developable vacant residential land 2) Recyclable (redevelopment) residential land 3) Potential residential land (commercial/industrial) c) Demographics - Review and analysis of population employment trends household characteristics - Approximately 30 working days Task I11 Public Participation - Workshops and town meetings with the community and special inti groups to identify needs and take input for future policy directio Workshops; Development Community (1) Housing Advocates (1) Public Agencies (1) (water sewer districts, schools) Town meetings: Each Quadrant (4) Total workshops/town meetings Workshops may be combined to reduce total number. - Approximately 20 working days -1 w a Housing Element Work Plan Page - 2 Task IV Constraints to Housing - Analysis of: a) Governmental constraints (Planning) - Code enforcement activities - Permit processing - Impact/Development fees - Zoning/Development standards - General Plan densities b) Non Governmental Constraints - Environmental (Planning) - Land inventory - Financing/construction/land prices (Housing) - Floodplain and topography Opportunities for Housing - Analysis of: - Redevelopment set-asides - Financing alternative - Inclusionary zoning - Density bonus ordinance - Approximately 30 working days Task V Review of Goals, Policies, Objectives and Implementing Programs - Approximately 30 working days Task VI Graphics Preparation - Approximately 17 working days Task VI1 Environmental Review - Approximately 35 working days Task VI11 Planning Department and Executive Editorial Review/Complete Draft - Approximately 15 workings day Task IX Set for Planning Commission Review and Public Hearing - Send to State HCD for review - Approximately 30 working days Task X Revise Draft Element with HCD and Planning Commission Comments - Approximately 15 working days w Housing Element Work Plan Page 3 e Task XI Revised Draft to City Council for Hearing and Adoption - Approximately 15 working days It is anticipated that after each task, the appropriate editorial for that section wil completed for review. Task VII, Editorial Review, is primarily to edit for editorial achieve continuity and act as a final catch-all period. TOM PONSFORD Associate Planner TP:rvo ' e2 e a v) a .- cv CI 5 .- r x w rr av) Y == E5 sa 5; is c, SQ) av) -a u= az sa =% S 9- '0 as -a =r )I a n a Fr - I 0 PC 0 F /Dl ._ ;lrll ........................................ Fl j Em3 8 :iijJ=ij2j j :€ma? : a, ma .j: :i.*:.,.. ...... :._. ........ ; .,.,.. 3 ;g .&El h ' PI , m a r I *I I v- b ? 2 r 0 co ? c r- ? ? m 3- ? : $ 7 ? r- 0 ? i.2 l- l- s l- 3 ? F v) (3 \ 7 7 v) ? s l- 7 m z l- \ ?- 0 ? ?! 7 cd l- 0 m cu \ 7 ? 7 0 (D 0 ? e l- 0 2 ?! 0.) - U al h al al 6 iii 0 - 0 c c - __1___1_. aL"-.-"~F C :?E .- 0 2- EF a V P &.----+ a vi -5 0-2- .- c .- 0 g0.E I gig.= .- I- w .- v) 0 v) gs5.g .1_ c v) .- - - oozl~o 38- .- -n 0-. C pp C m - e 13 0 I I i STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1) * GEORGE DEUKI DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN Division of Housing Policy 921 Tenth Street CITY CbPi Development Sacramento, CA 95814 /c/L& 44 March 2, 1987 h/o~~ mv _c_ /./j(#f$w 3/4 1200 Elm Avenue e (916) 323-3176 G &5 Mr. Frank Aleshire City Manager City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Aleshi re: ~- RE: Review of the City of Carlsbad's Adopted Housing Element Thank you for submitting Carlsbad's adopted housing element, re( February 3, 1987, for our review. As you know, we are authorized to 1 adopted housing elements and report our findings to the locality (Govei Code Secti on 65585 (c) ) The adopted element includes changes addressing comments in our Februal 1986 letter reviewing the draft element. Specifically, the adopted e now includes a land inventory which demonstrates that the City has vacant residential land to accomodate its regional share of the h need, establishes a quantified objective for conservation of housin describes the City's efforts to achieve participation of all ec segments of the community in the development of the housing el Consequently, we are pleased to find that Carlsbad's adopted h element, in our opinion, complies with State housing elemen (Article 10.6 of the Government Code). We hope our comments are helpful to the City and we wish you success implementation of your housing program. In accordance with re pursuant to the Public Information Act, we are forwarding copies o letter to the persons and organizations listed below. If you ha, questions about our comments or would like assistance in the implemen of your housing program, please contact Steve Boilard of our staff at 323-4475. ?Y>*Te Si ncerely , Nanc J. McKee, Chief Division of Housing Policy Development NJM:SB:bt L * * cc: James Hagaman, Manager Research Analysis Group Me1 Shapi ro, San Diego Housing Coal ition Jonathan Lehrer-Graiwer, Western Center on Law and Poverty Inc. Linda Hol z, Legal Aid Society of San Diego Jeanne Lott , California Public Interest Research Group Bob Cervantes, Governor's Office of Planning and Research Tom Bannon, California Building Industry Association