HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-10-16; City Council; 10877; Revised Lanscape ManualOF CARLSBAD — AGENC BILL J-l 01•§o> o 4-1 O 60a 0) 6 c B014J •H 01 co 01T)•HCOCOo 1301 C•H4Jcoo •HO G O O vOi—I O o O § O oo MTQ. u TITLE: REVISED LANDSCAPE MANUAL DEPT. HO CITY A CITY MG RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No/^'^Y adopting the revised Landscape Manual Policies and Requirements and Ordinance NoQS-iS1! deleting the word "guidelines" from Title 11, Chapter 11.06, Section 11.06.025 of the Municipal Code. ITEM DISCUSSION: In 1983, the City Council adopted the Landscape Guidelines Manual. This manual outlines standards and guidelines to be followed by developers and landscape designers in preparing plans for approval by the City. In response to the need to incorporate new ideas and address recent issues related to landscaping, staff has revised the Landscape Manual (Exhibit 2). During the revision process, staff contacted various governmental agencies, professional organizations, and academic institutions throughout San Diego County as well as the State for input into the document. A draft manual was prepared and circulated to City departments and to several organizations for comments. Major revisions to the manual include: 1. Strengthening the document - eliminating the term "Guidelines" from the title and creating more specific requirements (vs. suggestions). 2. Adding a "Water Conservation Section" - requiring water saving irrigation techniques and limiting high water use plants (including lawns). 3. Revised the "Streetscape Themes" - coordinating landscape "themes" along major arterial roads with other City documents and existing conditions and calling out specific shrub types to be planted in the medians. 4. Updating Technical Standards - using current landscape industry technology. On September 17, the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended approval of the Landscape Manual with the following suggestions: Suggestion #1: Eliminate the term "Open Space" from the "Environmental Resource/Open Space Section." Action Taken: After consulting with the Planning Department, the entire section has been eliminated due to pending future open space issues to be studied (see pages 9 and 29 of the Manual). Suggestion #2: Clarify that both public and private recreation areas are exempt from the turf limitation. Action Taken: Wording has been clarified (see pages 27, C.3-4.2). Suggestion #3: Research City policy on "shake roofs" adjacent to high fire hazard areas and possibly include within the "Fire Protection Section" of the Landscape Manual. Action Taken: The Fire Department has clarified that fire-proof roof materials are already required through the building code for all structures within the City. On October 3, the Water Commission recommended approval of the Landscape Manual with the following suggestions: Suggestion: Revise the wording "Projects MAY be required, at the discretion of the City, to be designed to utilize reclaimed water" to read "Projects SHALL be required ... to utilize reclaimed water. Action Taken: Wording has been so revised (see page 27, C.3-5.1). FISCAL IMPACT: The Planning Department currently contracts consulting landscape plan check services. Development applicants pay a plan check fee that pays for this service. It is not anticipated that the revisions to the Landscape Manual will require any more plan check time than currently exists. After City Council approval of the contents of the Landscape Manual, staff will utilize the services of a graphic artist to enhance the layout of manual, add additional graphics, and prepare the document for printing. Cost for the graphic artist services is estimated at $6,700. Funds are available in the Advanced Park Planning Account No. 001-330-1824-3198. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2. Ordinance No. 3. Revised Landscape Manual 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 90-v384 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE REVISED LANDSCAPE MANUAL, POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS WHEREAS, in 1983, the City Council adopted the Landscape Guidelines Manual to outline standards and guidelines to be followed by developers and their landscape designers in preparation of landscape plans to be submitted to the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has directed staff to revise the Landscape Guidelines Manual to incorporate current issues related to landscaping and to update the standards; and WHEREAS, staff has conducted research by contacting various City Departments, agencies, professional organizations, and academic institutions on issues related to landscape issues; and WHEREAS, staff has circulated a draft revised Landscape Manual to City Departments and outside organizations for comments and have incorporated these comments where appropriate; and WHEREAS, on September 17, 1990, the Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed and recommended the revised Landscape Manual be adopted by the City Council; and WHEREAS, on October 3, 1990, the Water Commission reviewed and recommended the revised Landscape Manual be adopted by the City Council, and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the revised Landscape Manual 3 and has determined that the policies and requirements therein are beneficial to 4 enhancing and maintaining the environmental quality in the City of Carlsbad. 5 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 7 1. That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. 8 2. That the Landscape Manual Policies and Requirements dated October 1990 are hereby approved. 10 3. That the City Council of Carlsbad authorizes staff to hire a graphic 11 consultant to assist staff in preparing the final Landscape Manual document and that funds are available in Account No. 001-330- 12 1824-3198. PASSED AND APPROVED at a regular meeting of the City Council of 14 Carlsbad on the of of 1990, by the following vote, to wit: 15 16 17 NOES: 18 ABSENT: 19 20 21 CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor 22 ATTEST: 24 25 26 CC RESO NO. -2- 28 1 ORDINANCE NO. NS-134 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 11, CHAPTER 11.06, SECTION 11.06.025 OF 4 THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT TO DELETE REFERENCE TO THE 5 WORD "GUIDELINE". 6 7 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does ordain as follows: 9 SECTION I: That Title 11, Chapter 11.06 of the Carlsbad 10 Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 11.06.025 to delete 11 the word "guidelines" wherever it appears in that section. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days 14 after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. 17 18 19 20 i //// 21 //// 22 //// 23 //// 241' 25 26 27 //// 28 ,«.**• <*. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the City Council of Carlsbad on the of of 1990, and thereafter, 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of 4 Carlsbad on the of of 1990, by the following vote, to wit: 5 AYES: 6 NOES: 7 ABSENT: 8 9 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY 10 11 12 . , VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR., City Attorney J.O 14 15 16 17 CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor 18 19 20 ATTEST: 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS FINAL DRAFT REVISION OCTOBER 1990 NOTE; REVISIONS TO UBZ DENOTED BY SHADING EXHIBIT 3 CONTENTS I. n. HI. INTRODUCTION PRELIMINARY SUBMTTTALS A. Landscape Concept Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Application Intent Preparer Format Contents B. Water Conservation Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Application Intent Preparer Format Contents C. Environmental Resource/Open 1. I'. 'ormat Contents Fire Protection Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Application Intent Preparer Format Contents PAGE NO. 1 -3 4-6 7-8 9- 10 11 - 12 FINAL SUBMTTTALS A. General Planting, Irrigation, and Construction Plans 1. Application 2. Intent 3. Preparer 13 -16 4. Format 5. Planting Plans 6. Irrigation Plans 7. Construction Plans B. Erosion Control/Slope Revegetation 1. Application 2. Intent 3. Preparer 4. Format 5. Planting Plan 6. Irrigation Plans IV. POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS A. General Planting Policies and Requirements 1. Policy Statements 2. Other Applicable Sections 3. Requirements B. General Irrigation Policies and Requirements 1. Policy Statements 2. Other Applicable Sections 3. Requirements C. Water Conservation Policies and Requirements 1. Policy Statements 2. Other Applicable Sections 3. Requirements 17- 18 19-21 22 -24 25-28 D. Environmental Resource/Open 1. 2. and Requirements 29 Sections juirements E. Erosion Control/Slope Revegetation Policies and Requirements 30 - 32 1. Policy Statements 2. Other Applicable Sections 3. Requirements F. Fire Protection Policies and Requirements 34 - 37 1. Policy Statements 2. Other Applicable Sections 3. Requirements G. Streetscape Program 38 - 42 1. Policy Statements 2. Other Applicable Sections 3. Requirements 4. Arterial Roads V. INSTALLATION, BONDING, AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 43 - 46 A. Installation B. Bonding C. Maintenance APPENDIX A. Plant Zones B. Xeriscape Principals C. Streetscape 1. "Arterial Streetscape Themes" 2. Layout Diagram 3. Median Irrigation Service Diagram 4. Street Corners Clearance Diagram D. Public Project Landscape Details 1. Tree Planting/Deep Watering Device 2. Shrub Planting 3. Tree Staking E. Parking Lot Diagram F. Fire 1. High Fuel Species 2. Sections G. Evapotransporation Data H. Definitions I. INTRODUCTION A. Intent B. Application C. Manual Format D. Conflicts With Other Documents E. Minimum Requirements F. Variances I. INTRODUCTION A. INTENT Landscaping and site design help produce character and visual image for Carlsbad, creating an enduring impression of the community. The Manual will aid applicants and their landscape architects in understanding the City's policies toward landscaping. It is a comprehensive document listing programs, policies, and requirements relating to landscaping within the City. B. APPLICATION This document applies to all public and private developments requiring discretionary permits or submittal of landscape plans for development permits including but not limited to the following projects: a. private developments b. public parks and recreational facilites c. maintenance districts C. MANUAL FORMAT The Manual is broken down into 4 distinct areas: • Submittals (Section II and III) • Policies and Requirements (Section IV) • Installation, Bonding and Maintenance Requirements (Section V) • Appendix The SUBMITTALS sections tell the applicant: 1. What types of submittals are required. 2. What the intent of requiring the submittal is. 3. Who shall prepare the submittal. 4. What the graphic format shall be. 5. What the contents shall be. The POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS sections tell the applicant. 1. What the policies are of the City of Carlsbad related to different areas of landscape design. 2. What other related sections of the Manual apply. 3. What are the specific requirements that relate to the different areas of landscape design. INTER-RELATIONSHIP The policies and requirements of the different section may be inter-related, that is they may apply to more than one section although only stated once. For example, one of the policy statements found in the Water Conservation Policies and Requirements section states "Carlsbad is in a naturally semi-arid region. The landscape ethic should be towards designing and maintaining landscape systems compatible with the natural environment." This policy also applies to all other sections as well. As a second example, the requirement that "pressure regulating device shall be used where the static pressure at the point of connection exceeds 80 pounds per square inch" is found in the General Irrigation Policies and Requirements. However, this requirement also pertains to the Erosion Control/Slope Revegetation and the Streetscape Program sections where applicable. Therefore, the users of this manual must pay close attention to the "Other Applicable Sections" paragraph at the beginning of each section as well as cross references throughout the text. D. CONFLICTS WITH OTHER DOCUMENTS If conflicts arise between this manual and other governing documents, the most stringent and/or recent shall apply. E. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS The policies and requirements within this manual are minimum standards. Projects are encouraged to exceed these standards whenever appropriate. F. VARIANCES Variances may be granted from the policies and requirements of this manual by the City from time to time if undue hardships or special circumstances make the variance request necessary. Variance procedures shall conform to City policy related to the specific modifications being requested at the time of the request. II.PRELIMINARY SUBMTTTALS A. Landscape Concept Plan 1. Application 2. Intent 3. Preparer 4. Format 5. Contents B. Water Conservation Plan 1. Application 2. Intent 3. Preparer 4. Format 5. Contents Environmental Re 1. 'reparer Format 5. Contents D. Fire Protection Plan 1. Application 2. Intent 3. Preparer 4. Format 5. Contents ^Open Space Plan PRELIMINARY SUBMITTALS II.A LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN A.1 APPLICATION Projects requiring discretionary approvals or as otherwise required by the City. These plans are to be submitted along with other required plans and documents at the time of application for project approval. A.2 INTENT A.2-1 This plan will provide the City with a clear impression of how a proposed development will look, work, and be maintained. A.2-2 The plan will depict in a general way how the proposed project will conform to the policies and requirements of the following sections of this document. A.3-1 Plam shall Ise prepared by a kadseape architect registered in rjie State of California or as s|>ecifled in A<3*2 Plans may also be prepared by a civil engineer^ architect, or contractor licensed fey the State of California to the extent Ms or her Heease allows. A.4 FORMAT A.4-1 PLAN SIZE A.4-2 Size may be variable as long as the presentation clearly portrays the design concepts. A.4-3 Special areas may require enlargements as requested by the City. A.4-4 After the project has been approved by the City, the applicant must provide the City with the approved plan on mylar [24" x 36" sheet(s)] or microfilm (as specified by the City). A.5 CONTENTS to include but not be limited to: A.5-1 GENERAL a. existing conditions (grades, plants, etc.) b. existing improvements c. property lines and existing easements d. project address and vicinity map e. north arrow and scale f. proposed grading consistent with grading plans for the project g. proposed planting (see A.5-2) h. proposed recreational areas, outdoor eating areas, and/or trails A.5-2 PLANTS A.5-2.1 Typical plant species to be used on the project. A.5-2.2 A general idea of the quantity of plants proposed without calling out exact quantities. A.5-2.3 Indicate proposed plant sizes. A.5-2.4 Generally identify all existing woody plant material to be removed or retained. Trees over 12" in diameter caliper shall be identified on the plan individually as to caliper size and type and labeled to be retained or removed. A.5-3 PLANTING ZONES All planting areas shall be outlined as one of the four planting zones below and described in Appendix A. ZONE ONE Lush ZONE TWO Refined ZONE THREE Naturalizing/Transitional ZONE FOUR Native A.5-4 PERCENTAGES Indicate the following percentages: a. percent of the total site used for landscaping b. percent of the landscaped area (as defined in Appendix H) of each planting zone as described in Section A.5-3 A.5-5 MAINTENANCE AREAS Outline the areas of landscape maintenance responsibilities (private, common area/homeowners' association, City, etc). PRELIMINARY SUBMITTALS II.B WATER CONSERVATION PLAN B.I Projects requiring discretionary approvals or as required t*y the City* Submit iit com|BiK$b« with the ;iaad$cape Concept Plan. B.24 This Han will demonstmi^ to the City how the proposed &svel8|Htteiit will use all practical means available to conserve water in tne landscape, B.2-2 The Plan will depict, in a general way, i«>w the ptoposa! project w01 conform to the policies and requirements of the following sections of this document, pattittdariy tfee Water Ooasermtjou FoMes attd fleqsamment 1.3-1 Pla»s shall !?e prepared IQT a laa^beape arsMtect jreglsteisgd la the State of California or as specified in B.3-2. Plans may also be prepared by a licensed civil engineer^ architect,: or contract registered i» the State of CaMoaaia to the extent that fels or her Ucertse allows* PLAN SIZE B.4- 1 .1 Prepared oa a 50% screenedl copy of the Landscape Concept Plan, B.44 .2 Special areas may require enlargements as required by the City, imist City wii the approved flan on mylar C&T x 36W) or mi«roitoi (as Extent of P^Jtwi^ £one 1 Cl^^h'^ Indicate peitentage of loue 1 total landscaped area (as defined in Appendix IB). B.5-2 Proposed turf areas (limited to 10% of the landscaped area for cool season passes and 15% for warm season passes). Give percentage of turf of tbe total landscaped area (as defined In Appendix: M). BJ5-3 AsKOMnwjdations for claimed water (existing or Mure) and outliae planting areas proposed to use r«dabnecl water. Sfeow how fettoaed water settee wSI eoi»ply wMt tne €it^s Redlaiaied Water Master Plan. B.5-4 Written descriptbnt of water conservation featar«s mcltidiag addressing xenscape principles (see Appendix S) within the project. 8 PRELIMINARY SUBMITTALS H.C ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE/OPEN SPACE PLAN C.I APPLICATION Projects requiring discretionary approval that contain areas of special enviroi or open space significance as determined by the City. C.2 INTENT C.2-1 This plan shall assess both the existing biological value of the proposals for environmental protection of the resources. C.2-2 The plan will also access any interpretive or recreation (i.e might coexist within or around the biological constraints PREPARER Hie Plan shall be prepared by a Consulting 1 name and company. C.4 FORMAT C44, PtANSIZb ^ C.4-1.1 Prepared on a 50% screene^copy of the Landscape Concept Plan. C.4-1.2 Special areas may require enlargements as required by the City. C.5 CONTENTS to include bj^hot be limited to: CS-1 C5-1.1 to Written recananendatlons on habitat preservation maintenance requirements. TRAILS Written recommendations on trail system < space areas. .lies that may coexist witninopen enhancement and 10 PRELIMINARY SUBMITTALS H.D FIRE PROTECTION PLAN D.I APPLICATION A Fire Suppression Plan is required when a proposed project contains or is bounded by hazardous native vegetation as determined by the Fire Chief. The plan shall be submitted in conjunction with the Landscaped Concept Plan. D.2 INTENT D.2-1 This plan will demonstrate how the proposed project will mitigate potential fire hazards. D.2-2 The plan shall show in a general way how the proposed project will conform to the policies and requirements of this document, particularly the Fire Protection Program, Policies and Requirements (Section IV. F). D.3 PREPARER D.3-1 Plans shall be prepared by a landscape architect registered in the State of California, and the plans shall bear his or her registration number and name or as specified in D.3-2. D.3-2 Plans may also be prepared by a civil engineer, architect, or contract licensed by the State of California to the extent his or her license allows. D.4 FORMAT D.4-1 PLAN SIZE B.4*l.l P*«|*a**<!' on & 30% se&eaed copy of th& Lafltdscape Cfettttpt Plan or the Mormation may be incorporated into the Landscape Concept Plan. D.4-1. 2 Special areas may require enlargements as requested by the City. 0.4-1 .3 Afta? ft* ptspet lam bee& a^i^o^ed ty th» €&$» the the City wfm t&& approved plant on mylar (24" x 3&* ) or iiacrxafilm (as D.5 CONTENTS The Fire Suppression Plan shall consist of a written and graphic plan and sections illustrating the following: a. Fire hydrant locations b. Rear yard setbacks c. Fire control planting as outlined in Section IV. F d. Emergency/maintenance access e. Maintenance responsibility and schedule of frequency f. Any other project modification to protect the development from fire hazards g. street widths dimensioned 12 HI. FINAL SUBMITTALS A. General Planting, Irrigation, and Construction Plans 1. Application 2. Intent 3. Preparer 4. Format 5. Planting Plans 6. Irrigation Plans 7. Construction Plans B. Erosion Control/Scope Revegetation 1. Application 2. Intent 3. Preparer 4. Format 5. Planting Plan 6. Irrigation Plans FINAL SUBMITTALS HI.A GENERAL PLANTING, IRRIGATION, AND CONSTRUCTION PLAN A.1 APPLICATION All projects that require final landscape plans to be submitted in conjunction with a grading or building permit or other permit or application. A.2 INTENT To translate the provisions set forth in any approved preliminary submittals related to the project and/or applicable policies and requirements of this manual into working documents for landscape construction. A.3 PREPARER A.3-1 Plans shall be prepared by a landscape architect registered in the State of California, and the plans shall bear his or her registration number and name. A.3-2 Plans may be prepared by a civil engineer, architect, or contractor licensed by the State of California to the extent his or her license allows. Irrigation plans may be prepared by an irrigation consultant. However, plans must include the stamp of the licensed landscape architect or other licensed professional responsible for the work. A.3-3 The plans shall contain the following statement: I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HAVE EXERCIZED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THE PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE, AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IS CONFINED TO REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. BY: DATE: Preparer A.3-4 The plans shall also contain the following statement: THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSERVATION PLAN, FIRE PROTECTION PLAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED TO LANDSCAPING. BY: DATE: Preparer 13 A.4 FORMAT A.4-1 PLAN SIZE A.4-1.1 24" x 36" on standard City of Carlsbad "D Sheets" with the Planning Department title block. A.4-1.2 After final approval of plans by the City, the applicant shall provide a complete set of photo mylars to the City. Mylar photo process copies of the original drawings are satisfactory if signatures on them are original. A.4-2 SCALE A.4-2.2 Plan scale no smaller than one inch equals 20 feet unless approved by the City. A.4-2.3 Hand lettering shall be no smaller than 1/8" in height. A.4-2.4 Non-hand lettering shall be a minimum of .10" in height. A.5 CONTENTS to include but not be limited to: A.5-1 COVER SHEET Shall include (but not be limited to): a. project title b. vicinity map c. location map d. for projects with multiple sheets, provide a reduced map of the entire project showing portion of project covered on each sheet. e. sheet index A.5-2 GENERAL CONTENTS Each sheet shall contain (but not be limited to) the following items: a. bar scale b. north arrow c. graphic key if appplicable (see "Graphic Key below) A.5-3 GRAPHIC KEY * For multiple sheet projects, each sheet shall provide a graphic key (reduced overall project map) indicating the portion of the project that each sheet covers. 14 A.5-4 PLANTING PLANS Shall include (but not be limited to): A. 5-4.1 Existing and proposed grades and drainage elements. A.5-4.2 All outdoor elements shown on the approved Landscape Concept Plan including but not limited to recreational areas, outdoor eating areas, and trails. A.5-4.3 Location and spacing of all plants. A.5-4.4 Size and quantities of all plants. A.5-4.5 Seed mix information including but not limited to: a. rate b. mix c. mulch d. binder e. fertilization A.5-4.6 Planting details. A.5-4.7 General planting notes. A.5-4.8 Specifications. A.5-5 IRRIGATION PLANS To include but not be limited to: A.5-5.1 Graphic indication of all components in the systems. A.5-5.2 A legend explaining all symbols and stating the manufacturer, precipitation rate, g.p.m.'s, radii of each head type and detail reference call out as well as any pertinent information about equipment used. A.5-5.3 All systems shall have its equipment sized, its control valve size and station number given, and its gallon per minute stated. A.5-5.4 All water meters or other points of connection, both temporary and permanent, shall be noted and sizes called out. Any temporary elements shall note their intended time of use. A.5-5.5 The static water pressure, at each P.O.C., shall be stated for each water meter. A.5-5.6 Irrigation details. 15 A.5-5.7 General irrigation notes. A. 5-5.8 Specifications A.5-5.9 Pressure calculations for the lowest pressure (worst case) system shall be submitted with the plans. A.5-6 CONSTRUCTION PLANS A.5-6.1 Plans for construction to include but not be limited to the following: a. fountains/water features b. fences c. walls d. walks e. trellises f. signs g. landscape lighting A.5-6.2 Construction details. A.5-6.3 General construction notes. A.5-6.4 Specifications A.5-6.5 If any aspect of the landscape construction (including but not limited to those items above) are shown on the architects' or engineers' plans, that information shall be indicated on the landscape plans and referenced as to plans and sheet numbers. 16 C, FINAL SUBMITTALS III.B EROSION CONTROI/SLOPE REVEGETATION B.I APPLICATION All projects that require final landscape plans to be submitted in conjunction with a grading permit or other permit or application. B.2 INTENT To translate the provisions set forth in any approved preliminary submittals related to the project and/or applicable policies and requirements of this manual into working documents for landscape construction. B,3 PREPAKEK. B.3-1 Plans shall be prepared by a landscape architect registered in the State of California, and the plans shall bear his or her registration number and name. B.3-2 Plans may be prepared by a civil engineer, architect, or contractor licensed by the State of California to the extent his or her license allows. Irrigation plans may be prepared by an irrigation consultant. However, plans must include the stamp of the licensed landscape architect or other licensed professional responsible for the work. B.3-3 The plans shall contain the following statement: I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HAVE EXERCIZED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THE PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE, AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IS CONFINED TO REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. BY: DATE:. Preparer B.3-4 The plans shall also contain the following statement: THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSERVATION PLAN, FIRE PROTECTION PLAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED TO LANDSCAPING. BY: DATE: Preparer 17 B.4 FORMAT B.4-1 These plans may be included on the General Planting, Irrigation, and Construction Plans submittal. B.4-2 PLAN SIZE B.4-2.1 24" x 36" on standard City of Carlsbad mylar "D Sheets" with the Planning Department title block. B.4-2.2 After final approval of plans by the City, the applicant shall provide the original set of mylars to the City. Mylar photo process copies of the original drawings are satisfactory if signatures on them are original. B.4-3 SCALE B.4-3.1 Plan scale no smaller than one inch equals 40 feet. B.4-3.2 Planting and irrigation plans shall be drawn on 50% screen of civil engineering grading plans. B.4-3.3 Hand lettering shall be no smaller than 1/8" in height. B.4-3.4 Non-hand lettering shall be a minimum of .10" in height. B.5 CONTENTS To include but not be limited to: B.5-1 Cover sheet (provide same information as in Section III A) B.5-2 Graphic Key (provide same information as in Section III A) B.5-3 Planting Plans (provide same information as in Section III A) B.5-4 Irrigation Plans (provide same information as in Section III A) 18 IV.POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS B. D. E. F. General Planting Policies and Requirements 1. Policy Statements 2. Other Applicable Sections 3. Requirements General Irrigation Policies and Requirements 1. Policy Statements 2. Other Applicable Sections 3. Requirements Water Conservation Policies and Requirements 1. Policy Statements 2. Other Applicable Sections 3. Requirements Environmental Requirements e Policies and 3. Other Applicable Sections Requirements Erosion Control/Slope Revegetation Policies Requirements 1. Policy Statements 2. Other Applicable Sections 3. Requirements Fire Protection Policies and Requirements 1. Policy Statements 2. Other Applicable Sections 3. Requirements Streetscape Program 1 . Policy Statements 2. Other Applicable Sections 3. Requirements 4. Arterial Roads and POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS IV.A GENERAL PLANTING POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS A.1 POLICY STATEMENTS A. 1-1 Landscaping in general provides an important aspect of the quality of life in Carlsbad. A. 1-2 Landscaping shall be compatible and enhance the positive character of existing neighborhoods. A. 1-3 Landscaping consisting of ground cover, shrubs, and trees shall be used to screen elements of unsightliness and screen/soften new improvements. A. 1-4 Passive solar opportunities shall be protected from obstruction by landscaping. A. 1-5 Landscaping shall be used to provide privacy where appropriate. A. 1-6 Landscaping shall be used to accentuate and enhance architecture. A. 1-7 Landscaping shall be used to provide and enhance opportunities for outdoor recreation, relaxing, and eating. A.2 OTHER APPLICABLE SECTIONS (include but not limited to): - Erosion Control/Slope Revegetation - Streetscape Program Policies and Requirements - Water Conservation Policies and Requirements - Installation, Bonding, and Maintenance Requirements A.3 REQUIREMENTS A.3-1 GENERAL A.3-1.1 The plans shall indicate positive surface drainage (2% grade in planting areas) away from structures and terminating in an approved drainage system. A.3-1.2 All trees (except on slopes 3:1 or steeper) shall be a minimum of 15 gallon size. A.3-1.3 50% of the shrubs (except on slopes 3:1 or steeper) shall be a minimum of 5 gallon size. 19 A.3-1.4 Non-self supporting trees shall be staked or guyed (with flagging). A. 3-1.5 Spacing of plants shall allow for their size at maturity. A. 3-1.6 Trees with surface root systems and/or broad branch structures shall be planted only where sufficient space is available. A.3-2 PARKING LOT AND PERIMETERS (See Appendix E.) A.3-2.1 The "parking areas" shall be computed by adding the areas used for access drives, aisles, stalls, maneuvering, and landscaping within that portion of the site that is devoted to vehicular parking and circulation. A.3-2.2 The following minimum percentages shall apply to "parking areas". 5 - 200 cars -- 10% planted area 200 and over ~ 15% planted area A.3-2.3 Trees shall be provided at the minimum rate of one per every four parking stalls. Trees snail be located within the parking area, exclusive of parking lot setbacks. A.3-2.4 Trees shall be planted a minimum of 2' from curbs. A.3-2.4 Any lane of through traffic shall be separated from parking by a minimum 5' wide planting strip. A.3-2.5 If a landscaped island is provided between double rows of parking, the island shall provide a minimum of 4' of landscaping clear of vehicle overhangs. A.3-2.6 Islands at the end of each parking row shall be used as planted area. A.3-2.7 Each unenclosed parking facility shall provide a perimeter landscape strip of at least 8 feet on all sides. The perimeter landscaped strip may include any landscaped yard, setback, or landscaped area otherwise required within the property and shall be continuous except for required access points. A.3-2.8 Planting or any combination of planting, mounding, and decorative walls shall be used to provide screening from adjacent property or streets of the parking area to a height of 3'. A.3-2.9 At all vehicular access points, landscape elements shall be less than 30" in height (including plants measured at maturity). 20 A.3-3 EMPLOYEE EATING AREAS A.3-3.1 For office/industrial projects that are required by the City to provide outdoor employee eating areas, these areas shall be shown, on the landscape/landscape construction plans picturing all amenities including but not limited to site furniture, trash recepticles, and picnic tables. A.3-4 SCREENING OF UNSIGHTLY ELEMENTS Plants shall be evergreen and spaced to provide 100% screening within 2 years of installation. A.3-5 MICROCLIMATE ENHANCEMENT Trees shall be located to shade south and west facing windows, walls, and outdoor living spaces except as limited by A.3-6. A.3-6 SOLAR ACCESS Site design and landscaping shall provide solar access by adhering to the provisions in the State laws described under A.3-6.1 and A.3-6.2. A.3-6.1 THE CALIFORNIA SOLAR RIGHTS ACT OF 1978 (AB3250) A.3-6.1-1 Expressly adds the right of receiving sunlight upon or over land to the list of recognized easements, to be known as "Solar Easements." A.3-6.1-2 Defines a "Solar Energy System" to include active or passive systems and describes the requirements of a solar easement. A.3-6.2 THE CALIFORNIA SOLAR SHADE CONTROL ACT OF 1978 (AB2321) It provides that no adjacent property owner shall obstruct more than ten (10%) percent of a collector's sky space (with possible exemptions) at any time on any day of the year. 21 POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS IV.B GENERAL IRRIGATION POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS B.I POLICY STATEMENTS B.I -1 Irrigation systems shall be designed to provide the optimum amount of water to the landscape for plant growth without causing soil erosion or runoff. B.I -2 Irrigation plans shall promote the industry standard for public safety in all aspects of the irrigation system. B.2 OTHER APPLICABLE SECTIONS (include but not limited to) - Erosion Control/Slope Revegetation - Streetscape Program Policies and Requirements - Water Conservation Policies and Requirements - Installation, Bonding, and Maintenance Requirements B.3 REQUIREMENTS POINT OF CONNECTION B.3-1 ,1 All projects with Jba*r or more dwelling units shall provide separate water service for landscaping including but not limited to water connections, an<t backlbw B.34.2 Water service (point of connection) installation for landscape shall be in place as tf^uirsd to <5otncMe with planting tWttg speeiM to Section V, B.3-2 BACKFLOW DEVICES City approved backflow preventers to protect the potable water supply shall be installed and shall comply with all applicable health and safety codes. B.3-3 PIPING B.3-3.1 All pipe must be below grade except for risers and drip systems distribution tubing. B.3-3.2 PVC pressure mains shall be class 315 (2" or larger) or schedule 40 (1 1/2" or smaller). B.3-3.3 PVC lateral line shall be class 200 eJECegr tftttt %" shall be setttsdtite 40. 22 B.3-4 CONTROLLER All imfatkat systems shall he operated by automatic B.3-5 SHUT«GFF/ZQI*E COMIDL VALUES Globe or ball valves shall be installed at the points of connection and throughout to divide the system into controllable units and shall be Installed in valve boxes, B.3-6 QUICK COUPLING VALVES Quick couple valves shall be installed at a minimum of every 100 feet along the mainline and as needed to adequately service the area. R1MOIE CONTROL VALVBS Where static water pressiare exceeds SO psi at the point of cotaseetloit, ^ressttre regulating type" remote control vslves shall be provided within ea^eit circuit (unless mote than 50 |«i to o]perale as prasctibed by the &3-S PBESSUM COHSTEAINTS Presstsr« regelating device shall be tised whett the stadc pi?esstan at the point of connection exceeds 80 pounds per square inek Pressure differential within the lateral piping circuits shall not exceed 10% of the designed operating pressure. B.3-09 VELOCITY CONSTRAINTS Water velocities within any segment of pipe within the system shall not exceed 6 feet per second. 23 3 B.3-10 OVERSPRAY Irrigation systems shall be designed to minimize overspray onto adjacent property or non-planted areas. B.3-11 EQUIPMENT PROTECTION/SAFETY B.3-11.1 All irrigation equipment located within 12 inches of pedestrian or vehicle uses shall retract entirely below grade. B.341,2 Pop up beads shall be used within 10 feet of any pedestrian use, B.3-11.3 Risers over 12 inches in height must be galvanized metal or staked (staking shall be with galvanized pipe and damp* (2) or as approved, by the City), B.3-12 SLgEVl&G Crossing of toads with irrigation lines shall be avoided wherever possible. If a crossing must be made, sleeves shall be installed and they shall be sdb,ai«ite 80 pvc B.3-13 TfiRUST BLOCKS Thrust blocks cojnsistiag ol a miiamttiti of I cubic fool; of concrete shall be installed aroand main Hoe elbows ($" in diameter and over) at points of change In direction. 24 POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS W*C WATER CONSERVATION &1 POLICY STATEMENTS C.I 4 Carisfead is in a naturally seir&arid region. The landscape ethic should be towards designing and maintaining landscape systems compatible with the natural environment. C4 -2 Current tedbnology I» the landscape industry elated to water in irrigation and planting can provide significant savings in the use of water. C.l-3 Landscape design shall include water conservation as a primary criteria. C.l-4 The principals of xeriscape shall be Incorporated into design and maintenance C.I -5 Public areas receiving &e highest intensity of use> such as recreation areas and ur&an gathering spaces shall receive the nighest priority for landscape water consumption. C.I *6 Alternative water sources (non«potable) shall be used and/or planned for landscape irrigation. C. 1 -7 In the event of a declared wafer shortage or mandatory water conservation measures, the project shad comply with all water atoeation adopted by State and local government. C.2 OTHER APpyCABLE SECHPafS (include fettt not llmtted to) * General Planting and Irrigation PoMes and Requirenients * Erosion Control/Slope Revegetation Policies and Requirements * Installation, Bonding, and Maintenance Requirements C2W Model H«Bftes - Housing projects feimtcNg a jceoiel hoBjeCs) shall designate at least one model as the "Water Conservation kaodscape Model" or "Xeriscape Model." The landscaping of this unit(s) shall incorporate all the principals of xeriscape and shall itave a sign program to describe to prospective buyers tibe water eonserving elements and plant types titHized in All model landscaping shall atil&e tne prMcJpafe c^f icerJseape, 25 $Q& T88T €.3-2,2 After roisgn grading, soil samples shall be taken from enough locations on the site to represent aa adequate cross section of conditions. £3-2.3 Soil test shal be performed by a soil testing laboratory <|*re*a;pf>raved by the City). The test shall indicate bat not be Iterated to the following*, a. organic matter content b, II, Pt K d 1C e* soil texture (silr, dayy sand) fertilizations. The results and recommendations of the soil testing laboratory shall be submitted to andapiHoved by the City. TJbe appmv«d rjec»nmien4atiotjs for amendments and backfill shall be incorporated Into the landscape plans prior to the start of construction and shall become part of the approved plans. C3-3 MUL03MG A minimum of 3 inches of orgpfde mulch shall be added In non-turf planting ateas to cover the soil €,3*3.2 Where adjacent ID hard surfaces such as sidewalk; curbs, or drives (where ftB&h grade *MI be J* below the top of the Jwds«ifaceX the thickness may taper down to 1 " thick, €,3*33 HoQ»porous materials shall not be placed under the nmkju C3-4.1 Plani» wii&$tnB$ar csltuial requirements of esposwe, soils, and vsrater Jiee4s, etc. shall be grouped together and located m the project site in mkroclRj^es where they wgl inspire the least water for o|«tota» growth and 26 (13*4.2 Turf areas shall be limited to 10% of the landscaped area for cool season grasses and 15% for warm season passes of the landscape area. For purposes of this recpairement^ landscape area shall be as defined in Appeadix H ?rtd shall uor include n»t«rsl or maiwnade slopes over 2:1 or areas designated as *o|>eii space* by the City, Public and private: parks and recreation areas larger than 10,000 &j«are fees (with a width to length ratio of more than 10%) are exempt from the limitation. C.3-4.3 No turf shall be allowed in: a. median strips b. areas less than 8 feet wide c. slopes over 4:1 steepness C.3-4.4 Areas of public and private recreation facilities (i.e. parks and golf course) that can be non-turf without affecting the recreational use shall be designed toward this goal. C.3-4.5 The percentage of the Zone 1 plant zone (as described in Appendix A) shall not exceed 20% of the landscaped area. C.3.5 IRRIGATION C.3-5.1 Projects shall be designed to utilize reclaimed water to the satisfaction of the City. All regional and local water and health code requirements in force at the time of final landscape approval shall apply including, but not limited to, installation of labeled or colored irrigation pipe to denote reclaimed water use. The above requirement may be waived if the City determines that the project is out of the service area of future reclaimed water as shown in the City's Reclaimed Water Master Plan or other related documents. C3-&2 Provide separate water service jfor landscaping fiod«di»g b«t sot l&sM toconnections, water meters, and foackftow preventers for at commercial projects, w&fa&M over 4 dwelling waifs, paries^ wd goU courses, C3-53 Mptfea systems shall be orgaaM Into "fcydro zoa.es* based on plaals, mm Sprinkler head spacing (except for bubblers) shag be equal ro $0% of the diameter spray. The systems should be designed for siifllsa#a runoff and • onto liotHrrigated areas. 27 €,3*5.5 Sprinkler heads shall have marched preciptation rates within, each control valve circuit and head types shall not be mixed within the circuit. C3-5J the Irrigation system shaB be designed to apply wetter at a rate not exceeding the MIsratton *as& of the soil. CSW5.7 All trees!» kwo areas shall be Irrigated with a "deep watering device" (drip or bubbler application inside a drain pipe - Set Appendix D). C3-5L8 Serviceable cheek valves located in valve boxes or on risers (above grade) are required where elevation differential may cause low head drainage. C.3^5.9 AH irrigation systems shall be equipped with a automatic controller capable of dual or multiple pr^ramBttirig, CojitroBers roast Itaw multiple cycle start capacity and a flexible calendar program. C3-S10 A rain situ! off device shall be included In the irrigation system affecting all stations, CL3-5.11 Moisture sensots or hsslr£tneter$ may be required at the dis<seiK«i of the City, £3-6 FOUNTAINS C3-0.1 Fountains shall have recycling systems. C.3-6.2 Fountains, pools, and ponds shall be designed to utilize reclaimed water. The design and equipment shall conform to local water and health agency requirements related to reclaimed water. C.3-6.3 Fountains shall be designed to ntin&n&e evaporative loss. 28 IV.D POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES/OPEN SPACE POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS D.I D.l-1 D.I-2 D.I-3 D.I-4 D.I-6 D.I-5 D.2 D.3 D.3-1 POLICY STATEMENTS Environmental resources and open spaces are an importanj^art of the quality of life in Carlsbad. Biological resources shall be protected, enhanced, andj^&ntained. Landscapes shall be designed and maintained ^nich are supportive of wildlife, biotic diversity and significant biotic recourses. Recreational uses within natural resource aj^Rs shall be provided where they are compatible with protection of the en»ronment. Interpretive and educational experiei«s of significant natural resources shall be encouraged where it is compajipie with protection of the environment. Motorized vehicles shalLbe and upkeep. ricted except where needed for maintenance OTHER APPLICABLE>ECTIONS (include but not limited to): - Fire Protectioi^ffogram. Policies and Requirements - Water Consecution Policies and Requirements - Erosion Co^nrol/Slope Revegetation Policies and Requirements - GeneraL^anting and Irrigation Policies and Requirements - InstaU^raon, Bonding, and Maintenance Requirements UIREMENTS tQMMEWAL SBSQURCE A«D OPES SPACE &LAK The recommendations found in the approved Environment^ Open Space Plan (or as modified by the City) shall be carried out in the • landscape plans (Erosion Control or Ceneral Plantrng/lrrlgaticai Plans), 29 POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS IV.E EROSION CONTROL/SLOPE REVEGETATION POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS E.I POLICY STATEMENTS E. 1 -1 Soil erosion is detrimental to the quality of life in Carlsbad due to topsoil loss and siltation of waterways and lagoons. E.I-2 Erosion potentials shall be mitigated through erosion control planting/slope revegetation. E.I-3 Irrigation shall be designed to apply optimum water to the slope plants without causing erosion. E.I-4 Plant materials used on slopes shall be those species that are known to have low water requirements and rooting systems of various depths that will minimize erosion and soil slippage. E.I-5 Plant materials used shall be compatible in cultural requirements and aesthetic appearance to adjacent natural landscapes. E.2 OTHER APPLICABLE SECTIONS (include but not limited to) - Fire Management Program Policies and Requirements - General Landscape and Irrigation Policies and Requirements - Water Conservation Policies and Requirements E.3 REQUIREMENTS E.3-1 SLOPE PLANTING E.3-1.1 SLOPE PLANTING STANDARDS Slopes requiring erosion control measures as specified herein shall be treated with one or more of the following planting standards: a. Standard #1- €0VE&<^0F/JUt£JilE8ti £o*fir crop shall be a seed flowers. Submit l&e spedlk seed mix ior City approval prior to application. The cover crop shall be applied at a raise and masmer s^fScieiif to povide coverage <witM& thirty C30) days. 30 ii Type of jute mesh shall be as approved by the City and staked to the slop as tecomntettded by ike amttfactsrer, Jute Mesh shal be seguM between Aup&t IS mad fi$& 15, tine reaialnder of die year* fiie <sover ctop aad/0f jute ii||| b. Standard #2: One hundred (100%) percent of the area shall be planted with a ground cover known to have excellent soil binding characteristics (planted from a minima*** size of flatted tnatena! and spaced to provide full coverage within one year). c. Standard #3: Low spreading woody shrubs (planted from a minimum of 2 3/4 inch liners) shall cover a minimum of seventy 00%) percent of the slope face (at mature size). d. Standard #4: Trees and/or large shrubs shall be (planted from a minimum of 1 gallon containers) at a minimum rate of one (1) plant per two hundred (200) square feet. E.3-1.2 AREAS OF APPLICATION (Planting) E.3-1.2.1 SLOPES -- 6:1 or steeper and: a. 3 feet Ofjefta in vertical height and are adjacent to public walks or streets require at minimum Standard #1 (cover crop and juted). b. 4 feet to 8 feet in vertical height require Standards |||, #2 anc^ #3. c. In excess of 8 feet in vertical height require Standards Hi, #2, #3l-r x #$&:•&.and #4. E.3-1.2.2 TEMPORARY/SPECIAL CONDITIONS Areas graded flatter than 6:1 may require, when determined by the City, Standard #1 (cover crop) when they have one or more of the following conditions: a. They are not scheduled for improvements (construction or general landscaping) within 60 days of rough grading. 31 b. They present a potential erosion problem as determined by the City. c. They are identified by the City as highly visible areas to the public or have special conditions that warrant immediate treatment. Areas to be hydroseeded shall first be disked or rototilled to provide a friable, loose seed bed. E.3-1.3 HYDROSEEDING E.3-1.3.1 Hydroseeding in lieu of Standard #2 may be allowed if approved by the City and under the following conditions. a. A native seed mix is required as a condition of approval of the project by the City or other presiding agency and the required species are commercially unavailable in container or flatted stock. b. The slope is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the City to be too rocky for hand planting. E.3-1.3.2 The hydroseed mix shall consist of a variety of long lived plant materials with root systems of varying depth. E.3-1.4 ROCKY SLOPES Planting need not be provided for cut slopes that are deemed by the City Engineer to be rocky in character and not subject to damage by erosion. This also includes any slopes protected against erosion damage by other methods. Other methods can be used if they have been specifically recommended by a soils engineer, engineering geologist, or equivalent authority and found to offer erosion protection equal to that provided by the planting specified in this section and they are approved by the City Engineer. E.3-2 SLOPE IRRIGATION E.3-2.1 AREAS OF APPLICATION (IRRIGATION) All areas requiring planting under Section E.3-1 shall be irrigated with a permanent automatically controlled irrigation system covering 100% of the planted area and in conformance with the following requirements. E.3-2.2 SLOPE IRRIGATION STANDARDS E.3-2.2-1 Water service (point of connection) installation for erosion control shall be in place to coincide with planting timing specified in section E.3-1. 32 14. v E.3-2.2-2 PIPE On grade pipe is not allowed unless it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the City that the rocky condition of the slope would prevent trenching in cases where on grade pipe is allowed it shall be the galvanized type. E.3-2.2-3 MASTER CONTROL VALVE Projects with over 50,000 square feet of slopes shall install a "master control valve" (normally closed) to be activated by the automatic controller. This valve shall be located just downstream of the point of connection. E.3-2.2-4 SEPARATE CIRCUITS The top, bottom, and middle of slopes shall be designed to operate on separate circuits. E.3-2.2-5 SPRINKLER HEAD TYPES The precipitation rate (based on 1/2 head pattern) of sprinklers used on slopes shall: a. not exceed .5 inches per hour on slopes 25' in horizontal distance or larger. b. not exceed 1.4 inches per hour on slopes 25' in horizontal distance or less. 33 POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS IV.F FIRE PROTECTION PROGRAM POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS F.I POLICY STATEMENTS F.l-1 Landscape treatments shall be designed so as to mitigate fire dangers to structures adjacent to natural areas. F.I -2 Landscape treatments for the purposes of fire protection shall be performed in a manner which limits disruption to environmentally sensitive areas while still achieving conformance with the fire protection standards. F.2 OTHER APPLICABLE SECTIONS (include but not limited to) - Erosion Control/Slope Revegetation Polices and Requirements - General Planting and Irrigation Policies and Requirements - Water Conservation Policies and Requirements - Installation, Bonding, and Maintenance Requirements F.3 REQUIREMENTS Design, installation, and modification of existing vegetation shall be in conformance with one of the following "conditions" or as required or modified by the City. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to develop a plan which meets the fire protection requirements. Environmental constraints or other restrictions placed upon the development shall not be considered justification for modification or subordination of fire protection standards. The site planning of the development shall satisfy both the fire protection standards and environmental constraints. CONDITION A- yA&UFACTUMD SLOPE m& FRDTECHOH {see Appendix to man made slopes abutting high risk fire areas as described under Section H D.I 34 Planted with ground cover plant species known to have fire 2. No trees or shrubs allowed. 3. Irrigated. SectioftA*2 - measured horizontally 20 feet outward from the outlying edge of Section Arl, 1, Planted with low water use naturalizing plant s$»eeie$ known to have low fuel characteristics. & Ho trees aHowe& 3, Irrigated, Sjqfljoj&.jyi - jaeasured, m*twa»l from the outlying edge of A-2 to include the remainder of the area between Section A~2 and high risk Sre areas as described under Section IT D, Horizontal distance from the struetureCs) to tratreat ed M^ risk areas shalinot be less than 60>, 1, Planted widi low water to have low fuel characteristics. 2> Trees are allowed but shall not he planted closer than 20* apart, 3, Irrigated. R3-1 COISDfnOM B - MA1WE SLOPES-WILDL^D FIRS SUPPfiESSrOfei («ee Appendix F,2) Pertalas m areas whete fMJO^al of ^tivlronineistally sensitive native - measured 20' horizontally from the outlying edge of the structure^) toward the environmentally restricted area as defined the City* 1. Removal of "high fuel and moderate hazard species'* as listed m Appendix F,l. 2» Planting with ground cover plant species known to have lire retardant qualities or as otherwise required by the City. Lf. 3, Mo trees or shrubs allowed. 4. Irrigated - measured horizontal^ 20 feet outward iroim the outlying edge of Bl. 1. Removal of "high fctel species* as Ikied in Appendix F.I, 2. Removal by selective pruning of up to 60% of the volume of the ''moderate fuel species1' as listed m Appendix F.I, 3. Replanting with naturalizing low fuel species. 4» Trees and large iree form shrubs (e»g» Qaks» Sumac, Toyon) which are being retained $t*all be p*«ned to provide cJeamn.ee equal to three times the height of the surrotuiding understory plant material or six feet; whichever is higher. Dead and excessively twiggy growth: shall also be removed. & Irrigated, edge of Section 82. The outer edge of B3 shall extend horizontally to a point at least 60* feom structures, 1 , Removal of *1agh lie! species* as listed In %peadix F.I, 2, Removal by selective pruning of up to 40% of the volume of tfee ''moderate fuel species" as lis Trees Jmd kege tree form sferabs (e^ jOa&s-,. SiKnae^ To^oa) which are being retained shall fa pruned to provide clearance equal to three times the height of die surrounding understory plant material or six feet, whichever Is higher. Dead and excessively twiggy growth shall also be removed. 4. P.3-3 It is line: applicants responsibility to secure agreements with owners of adjacent property to modify offsite wildland fire hazards to the proposed project so that conformance with the fire protection standards is achieved. F.3-4 Maintenance access shall be provided to die lire protection area as shown on *i?ire Pmtectioft Seedoas'* (see Appendix E2>. 36 F.3-5 Debris and trimmings produced fey thinning shall be removed from the site or shall be converted to nwich by a chipping machine and evenly dispersed over the area to a maximum depth of 4 inch- F.3-6 FlansnaMe wood feoemg shaB not be «0owed witMn 100* of tlie area. F.3-7 Tlie Fire l>pttta««r may feqaire docaiaeiitary photographs of slopes at the ttme of tceaaaemt Photographs wtl remain m possession of the City as a reference for future maintenance Inspections by the City, 37 POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS IV.G STREETSCAPE PROGRAM POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS G.I POLICY STATEMENTS G.l-1 Landscaping shall accentuate positive, natural, historical, and architectural elements of Carlsbad. G. 1 -2 Landscaping shall be designed toward a goal of providing a pleasing and safe vehicular and pedestrian experience. G.I-3 The City is establishing these policies and requirements to ensure that sidewalks and other pedestrian walkways are safe for pedestrian use and that crackling or buckling of sidewalks and other pedestrian walkways will be eliminated or minimized. The City is not a guarantor of perfectly flat sidewalks and can only maintain them within its reasonable budgetary powers. However, these guidelines are being established to prevent, to the maximum extent possible, tree roots from invading, disrupting or destroying City sidewalks. Although it remains the property owner's duty to notify the City if a problem arises and liability to third persons may need to be judicially determined, it is hoped that with the City's routine inspection and maintenance program and these policies and requirements, such incidents will be minimized. G.I-4 Landscaping along arterial roads shall be consistent with the themes and standards set forth in this section so as to provide visual linkages and identities. G.2 APPLICABLE AREAS - Arterial landscaped medians - Manufactured slopes abutting public/private streets - Frontage setbacks - Rear and side yards that abut public/private streets G.2 OTHER RELATED SECTIONS (including but limited to) - General Planting and Irrigation Policies and Requirements - Water Conservation Policies and Requirements - Installation, Bonding, and Maintenance Requirements 38 G.3 REQUIREMENTS G.3-1 PLANTING G.3-1.1 SIGHT DISTANCE G.3-1.1-1 Landscape elements over 30" in height (including planting measured at maturity) are not allowed at street corners within a triangular zone drawn from two points, 25' outward from the beginning of curves and end of curves. (See Appendix C.4.) G.3-1.1-2 In addition to the requirement above (G.3-1.1-1), on collector streets and above, Cal Trans Sight Distance Standards shall apply to the height restriction stated in G.3-1.1-1. G.3-1.2 STREET TREES G.3-1.2-1 Provide a minimum of one tree for every 40'of street frontage. Trees may be planted on center or grouped. G.3-1.2-2 If the streetscape is along a major or prime arterial, the street tree planting shall conform to the "Arterial Road Themes" (see Appendix C.I). G.3-1.2-3 Locate trees a minimum of 3' outside the public right of way (except within the "Redevelopment Area" where street trees may be allowed within the R.O.W. if approved by the City). G.3-1.2-4 Located: a. A minimum of 5 feet from paving. b. A minimum of 7 feet from any sewer line. c. Not in conflict with public utilities. d. Not be allowed on street corners within a triangular zone drawn from two points, 25 feet from the beginning of curves and end of curves or within sight lines as described under "Sight Distance" above. (See Appendix C.4.) G.3-1.2-5 Trees planted within 5' of public sidewalks shall be installed with root barriers approved by the City. 39 G.3-2 IRRIGATION G.3-2.1 WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY G.3-2.1-1 Be automatically controlled. G.3-2.1-2 Use only pop up heads or drip system. G.3-2.1-3 Designed and be installed with every effort made to eliminate spray or runoff onto streets or sidewalks. G.4 ARTERIAL ROADS G.4-1 CONCEPT G.4-1.1 These roadways will carry large volumes of traffic into and through Carlsbad. They provide the means for an initial and repeated exposure to the City's physical setting. Their visual corridors play an important role in developing an image of Carlsbad. This image creates an enduring impression to aid in the City's sense of place and community pride. G.4-1.2 Specific criteria lias been set for the landscaping along the prime and major arterial roadways. These routes will each have individual streetscape themes creating a recognizable identity for each particular thoroughfare or segment of thoroughfare. The themes are based on the character or heritage of that specific area of Carlsbad. G.4-2 TREE TYPES The specific trees creating a streetscape theme have been pre-selected by the City. Each theme shall be made up of four (4) types of trees: "Theme", "Support", "Median", and "Project Identity/Accent Trees". PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL STREETSCAPE TREES Median Island Trees - These trees shall be installed as part N/A of the required street improvements. Theme Trees - These trees set the overall character of 50% the streetscape and are located along the roadside but (or 100% of standard outside the right-of-way. (See G.3-1.2-3.) G.3-1.2-1 whichever is greater) Support Trees - These trees were selected to complement 30% the theme tree. Select trees from those listed which fit the project site conditions. Project Identity/Accent Trees - These trees are not 20% pre-selected, rather the applicant can choose the best tree for their project and submit it for City approval. 40 G.4-3 MEDIAN LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS G.4-3.1 Construction drawings for concrete surfacing and landscaping shall be submitted on separate sheets as part of the STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS. G.4-3.2 Plans shall be approved by the Parks and Recreation Director. G.4-3.3 MEDIAN CONCRETE G.4-3.3-1 The median layout shall be in conformance with the "Arterial Median Layout" (see Appendix C.2). G.4-3.3-2 Concrete color and pattern shall be as specified under "Arterial Streetscape Themes" (see Appendix C.I) and as approved the Parks and Recreation Director. G.4-3.3-3 Prior to installation, a 10* s10* square sample shall be poured at the job site. This sample shall be approved by the City prior to installation of the median concrete. G.4-3.3-4 Concrete shall be 560-C-3250 with 6 x 6 - 10 x 10 welded wire mesh throughout. G.4-3.4 SOIL G.4-3.4-1 Finish grade shall be 2 inches below the concrete surface of the median. G.4-3.4-2 Soil shall be suitable for plant growth and free of harmful substances or deleterious materials. G.4-3.5 MEDIAN PLANTING REQUIREMENTS G.4-3.5-1 Trees 3nd sfepubs shall be as specified in the "Arterial Street Themes" (see Appendix C.I). G.4-3.5-2 Trees shall be 24 inch box minimum size; one per planter. G.4-3.5-3 Shrubs shall be 5 gallon minimum size. G.4-3.5-4 G.4-3.5-5 Installation details shall conform to "Public Project Landscape Details." (See Appendix D.) 41 G.4-3.6 MEDIAN IRRIGATION REQUIREMENTS (See Appendix C.3.) G,4*3L6*1 All litigation equipment shall lie approved in writing % the Paris and Recreation Department prior to preparation and submittal of plans, G.4-3.6-2 Installation details shall conform to "Public Project Landscape Details.11 (See Appendix D.). G,4~3>6-3 Water meters, eotttrdto, and fcacMbw devices, shall be located 2* iti&Me the public right*^way in the planting area unless specified otherwise by the City. (See Appendix C.3.) G.4-3.6-4 Controllers shall be installed in separate steel locking enclosures. Enclosures shall have the following words stenciled with 2 inch high white letters on the side facing the street: "CITY OF CARLSBAD MEDIAN IRRIGATION" G.4-3.6-5 Pressure mainlines and electrical wires under the street shall be encased in Schedule 80 PVC, 36 inches below rough street grade. Sleeves for water lines shall be two times the diameter size of the line it holds. G.4-3.6-6 Pressure mainlines and lateral lines under median concrete (between planters) shall be Sch. 40 minimum. G.4-3.6-7 No irrigation circuit shall span separate islands. G.4-3.6-8 No irrigation circuit shall span more than five planters. G.4-3.6-9 The irrigation heads shall be stream bubblers, flood bubblers, or drip system. No spray heads allowed. G.4-3.6-10 Trees shall utilize a "Deep Watering Device" (see Appendix D). 42 V. INSTALLATION, BOND RELEASE, AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Installation B. Bonding C. Maintenance V. INSTALLATION, BOND RELEASE, AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS A. INSTALLATION A.2 EROSION CONTROL/SLOPE REVEGETATION A. 1-1 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Prior to start of grading, the applicant or applicant's agent shall submit a construction schedule outlining the timing of the slope planting and irrigation. Irrigation and planting shall take place as grading progresses. A. 1-2 IRRIGATION Installation of irrigation as shown on the approved plans shall commence within 20 days of the time when each slope is brought to grade as shown on the approved grading plans. A. 1-3 PLANTING Planting and irrigation for the areas described above under A. 1-2 shall be completely installed, as shown on the approved plans, within 30 days after the irrigation installation first commences, Al LETTER A.l»l substantial conformance with the approved plans and specifications: a, Ptior to parting & Permit of Ocoipsaicy oa private ^et^ments, or maintained by City forces and prior to the required maintenance . as described in Section C.3.1. 43 B. MAINTENANCE (Public and private projects) B.I CONDITION OF LANDSCAPES B.l-1 All planting areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition. B.I-2 CULTIVATION AND WATERING All planted areas shall be maintained in a relatively weed-free condition and clear of undergrowth which may cause undue fire hazards. Plantings must be fertilized and watered at such intervals as are necessary to promote optimum growth. B.I-3 Landscape irrigation shall be applied at a rate not exceeding the infiltration rate of the soil (minimizing erosion and water waste) but sufficiently to allow for healthy plant growth. B.I-4 REPLANTING All trees, shrubs, ground covers, and other plant material which have been planted and which, due to accident, damage, disease, or other cause, fail to show a healthy growth, shall be replaced. Replacement plants shall conform to all standards that govern the original planting installation. B,2 CBAHdES TO THE APPROVED iA^DS€AFE m a manner in substantial conformance with, the approved landscape plan. Any changes to the approved laadseape* alter installation must be approved by the City m B.3 LANDSCAPE MEDIANS AISD OTHER AREAS TO BE MAINTAINED BY CITY FORCES &3-U1 The Hjedia&s sfoall be maintained t»jr tiie developer (iras^itsible lor their construction) for a period of 90 days, or until plants deemed established to i&e «^Mactio» of Sie Porks and BeereaiJou Director, whichever period is A maintenances submitted to the City for approval at the time of acceptance of the median landscape coastr«ctiQii» and prior to eommencement of the landscape maintenance period. 44 B.3-L2 At the time of final acceptance^ the 0ty shall be given all controOer enclosure keys, quick coupler keys, oj>eration manuals, and other items called out in the approved plans and specifications and necessary to maintain the B.4 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE/OPEN SPACE AREAS of developments that were approved under the requirements of Section IV 0 of this manual shall be maintained in substantial conformance with the recommendations set forth in the approved Environmental Resource/Open Space Pirn B.5 FIRE SWPRESSIQN MANAGEMENT AREAS Areas of developments that were approved under the requirements of Section IV F of this manual shall be *&ainiained by the responsible private patty in conformance with the approved Fire Suppression Mao, Plants shall be kept pruned to the volume requirements set forth in Section P. C. RELEASE OF BONDS CL2 LETTER OF CERTMCATtQl! (RELEASE OF 8ON&S) Prior to release of bonds, the licensed designer of record on the project shall submit a fetter to the City Engineer osrdftlng that he ot she has inspected the work and that the project complies with the following conditions: a. Ha* been maintained In substantial conloiawance to the approved b* Is growing in a healthy and thriving condition. c* AM plantings required under Section IV E of this manual have been established as ait effective surface erosion control d. There is no evidence of exe*ss&& runoff ftoai the fcrigatldn svstem causing « soil erostoii prolNtem, €,3-1 Prior to release of bonds, as built landscape plans for the bonded work shall be sufcEMtie4 to and approved by the 45 CL3-2 As baSt plaints for areas to be eventually maintained by City forces shall be approved bjr the Parks and Recreation Director. B.3-3 Plans shall be drafted clearly to the satisfaction of the City, and the original rayim sliall be s«b«utted to 46 APPENDIX A. Plant Zones B. Xeriscape Principals C. Streetscape 1. "Arterial Streetscape Themes" 2. Median Layout Diagram 3. Median Irrigation Service Diagram 4. Street Corners Clearance Diagram D. Public Project Landscape Details 1. Tree Planting/Deep Watering Device 2. Shrub Planting 3. Tree Staking E. Parking Lot Diagram F. Fire 1. High Fuel Species 2. Sections G. Evapotransporation Data H. Definitions ' "^ PLANTING ZONES Zone One - Lush Landscape 1. Criteria a. Zone One should be utilized only in areas of a development which require a lush green landscape such as areas of high use or visual importance. b. The plantings require an intensive maintenance operation to produce the desired appearance. c. This Zone's anticipated appearance relies on large amounts of irrigation. Annual amounts for a healthy, mature landscape are estimated at over thirty (30") inches of supplemental water annually. 2. Description Zone One may be thought of as a traditional landscape, green, lush, and flowering. Most plants used to produce this effect do not come from a semi- arid type climate found in Southern California. These exotic plants require large amounts of water and intensive maintenance. Although Carlsbad has a mild temperate climate, it remains a semi-arid region, characterized by poor, infertile soil. Natural lush landscapes are found within our area, but only in very limited micro-climates whose special environment can produce the requirements to support this types of landscape. This natural pattern of limited lush landscapes should act as a guide for Zone One's use. These lush landscapes should be utilized for areas of intensive use or as a sensory rich setting in areas visible and important to the majority of users, such as entries, courtyards, pedestrian ways, and recreation areas. APPENDIX A 3. Zone One Plants - Typical species related to this zone might be: - Azalea species - Clivia miniata - Fatsia japonica - Ferns - Asplenium; Blechnum - Fuchsia - Gardenia species - Schefflera actinophylla - Annual flower color - Lawns B. Zone Two - Refined Landscape 1. Criteria a. Zone Two should have an unmanicured appearance, not unkept, but rather a landscape designed to require less intensive types of maintenance such as mowing, pruning, fertilizing, and watering. Plant material whose appearance is not dependent on heavy watering and maintenance care. b. It stresses continually low maintenance by designed plant combinations with matched growth requirements. This zone's water requirements for a mature landscape is estimated between ten (10") and thirty (30") inches of supplemental irrigation water annually. 2. Description Zone Two attempts to reflect the natural constraints of Carlsbad's physical environment. It substitutes for a historically disproportionate use of Zone One's "traditional landscape". Its design and selection of materials promote less maintenance and lower water requirements. 3. Zone Two Plants - Typical species related to this zone might be: - Pittosporum tobira "Wheeleri" - Raphiolepis indica -Hebe - Agapanthus - Psidium guajava - Frageria chiloensis C. Zone Three - Naturalizing Landscape 1. Criteria a. This zone will be planted in low use areas whose visual character will not have a refined appearance. It will have a naturalized appearance similar to areas of native vegetation and may in fact contain native species. b. It will have the ability to "naturalize" once it has been established. Its estimated supplemental water requirement is below ten (10") inches annually. 2. Description Zone Three will be primarily used to create a more natural looking area, such as slopes, periphery areas, and areas of projects where disturbed grounds may need to blend into vegetation. The success of this landscape is directly related to its ability to become self-sufficient within a prescribed period of time. A self-sufficient landscape, Zone Three is capable of sustaining itself as an effective landscape on very limited water and remain healthy. Few newly planted juvenile plants are "drought tolerant", but they develop the ability to adapt to cycles of dry periods once their root systems have developed and have matured and adapted to the site conditions. 3. Zone Three Plants - Typical species related to this zone might be: - Acacia redolens - Mimulus species - Ribes speciosum - Ceanothus - Cassia - Lantana camara - Mahonia - Baccharis pilularis - Rosmarinus officinalis D. Zone Four - Native Landscape 1. Criteria a. Zone Four is an area of existing vegetation whose native character shall remain with very little modification. b. It is planned for low-level active use, which is compatible with the area's natural character. c. In this zone, no water is required. The use of irrigation can adversely affect many plants found in this zone. Introduced plants should be watered individually. 2. Description Zone four consists of natural vegetation, native or naturalized, in which there is no or very little disturbance from site improvements. An area may be planned as a Zone Four landscape to preserve its physical features, its qualities as a natural ecosystem, wildlife habitat, or as open space. These qualities may be used to provide passive recreational opportunities, possibly linked by hiking trails. Zone Four will require a minimal level of upkeep. Its maintenance program will consist of periodic control of debris and minor clearing and/or pruning for fire protection. Retained in their natural non-irrigated condition, these areas will remain relatively dry. Due to this characteristic, a "Fire Protection Program" may be required. THE SEVEN PRINCIPLES OF "XERISCAPE" 1. Good design. 2. Thorough soil preparation. 3. Careful planned use of shrub and lawn areas. 4. Adapted, low water demand plants. 5. Effective and efficient watering methods. 6. Mulched flower and shrub beds. 7. Proper landscape maintenance and management. APPENDIX B ARTERIAL STREETSCAPE THEMES ALGA ROAD THEME: Coastal Foothills PLANTING SCHEME: Informal LANDSCAPE: Median Tree -- Canary Island Pine Median Shrubs -- Coprosma (west of El Camino Real) Lantana (east of El Camino Real) Canary Island Pine Eucalyptus (cladocalyx) Pine species Theme Tree -- Support Trees -- MEDIAN ISLAND CONCRETE: To match existing median condition in Alga Road. CANNON ROAD (Carlsbad Blvd. to El Camino Real) THEME: Lagoon vistas and wetlands PLANTING SCHEME: Informal LANDSCAPE: Median Tree -- Median Shrubs Theme Tree -- Support Trees - Melaleuca (leucadendra) Statice Coyote Brush Torrey Pine Eucalyptus species Melaleuca (leucadendra) APPENDIX C.I MEDIAN ISLAND CONCRETE: *Surface Texture - Exposed aggregate with brick bands around each planter. *Color - Concrete (natural), brick (charcoal) *or to match existing median condition in Cannon Road CANNON ROAD (El Camino Real to eastern City limit) THEME: Riparian Corridor PLANTING SCHEME: Informal LANDSCAPE: Median Tree ~ Liquidamber Shrub Tree -- Statice Coyote Brush Theme Tree -- London Plane Tree (multi-trunk) Support Trees -- Oak species Liquidamber MEDIAN ISLAND CONCRETE: *Surface Texture - Riverstone ("Bomanite" pattern or equal) *Color - "Santa Barbara Brown" (Scofield Co. color or equal) *or to match existing median condition in Cannon Road CARLSBAD BOULEVARD (south of Cannon Road) THEME: Scenic sea coast drive PLANTING SCHEME: Informal LANDSCAPE: Median Tree - Washingtonia robusta (fan palm) Median Shrub -- Statice Carissa Theme Tree - Monterey Cypress Support Tree - Melaleuca (nesophila) Myoporum MEDIAN ISLAND CONCRETE: (Only applicable if improved to current arterial standards.) Surface Texture - Riverstone ("Bomanite" pattern or equal) Color - Natural with exposed aggregate CARRILLO WAY THEME: Riparian and historical context PLANTING SCHEME: Informal LANDSCAPE: Median Tree -- Poplar Median Shrub - Star Jasmine Theme Tree -- Alder Support Trees -- Liquidamber Poplar MEDIAN ISLAND CONCRETE: Surface Texture - Riverstone ("Bomanite" color or equal) Color - Dark Grey COLLEGE BOULEVARD THEME: Neighborhood identity and character PLANTING SCHEME: Informal LANDSCAPE: Median Tree -- Evergreen Pear Median Shrub -- Carissa Theme Tree - Camphor Tree Support Trees -- Eucalyptus species Tulip Tree MEDIAN ISLAND CONCRETE: Surface Texture - Herringbone Brick ("Bomanite" pattern or equal) Color - Mocha Brown ("Scofield Co." color or equal) EL CAMINO REAL THEME: Scenic corridor tying City together PLANTING SCHEME: Formal LANDSCAPE: Median Tree -- Brisbane Box Median Shrub - Rhapiolepis Theme Tree -- London Plane Tree Support Trees ~ Eucalyptus species Brisbane Box MEDIAN ISLAND CONCRETE: To match existing median condition in El Camino Real LA COSTA BOULEVARD THEME: Lagoon vistas and wetlands PLANTING SCHEME: Informal LANDSCAPE: Median Tree -- California Sycamore Median Shrub -- Mahonia (a. "compacta") Theme Tree -- Weeping Willow Support Trees -- Eucalyptus (viminalis) California Sycamore MEDIAN ISLAND CONCRETE: Surface Texture - Running Bond Cobblestone ("Bomanite" pattern or equal) with exposed aggregate Color - Natural PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD (1-5 to El Camino Real) THEME: Oak grove woodland PLANTING SCHEME: Informal v x LANDSCAPE: Median Tree -- Holly Oak Median Shrub -- Agapanthus Theme Tree - Oak species Support Trees -- Alders London Plane Tree (multi-trunk) MEDIAN ISLAND CONCRETE: To match existing median condition on Palomar Airport Road PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD (El Camino Real to eastern City limit) THEME: Agricultural history/valley vistas PLANTING SCHEME: Informal LANDSCAPE: Median Tree -- Eucalyptus (ficifolia) Median Shrub -- Agapanthus Theme Tree -- California Pepper Support Trees -- Eucalyptus (ficifolia) Oak species MEDIAN ISLAND CONCRETE: Surface Texture - Flagstone ("Bomanite" pattern or equal) Color - "Santa Barbara Brown" (Scofield Co. or equal) POINSETTIA LANE THEME: Flowering Streetscape 73 PLANTING SCHEME: Informal LANDSCAPE: Median Tree - Median Shrub Theme Tree -- Support Trees Southern Magnolia Prittosporum "Wheeleri" Southern Magnolia Flame Tree Fire Wheel Tree MEDIAN ISLAND CONCRETE: To match existing median condition on Poinsettia vi 1 APPENDIX C.2 MEDIAN IRRIGATION SERVICE DIAGRAM APPENDIX C.3 /1\V u\H \L/ \1 ^ ^\ *•••."• \ \v; 'V ^N ^l\ ^ / APPENDIX C.4 <n Vi X c ^<s TREE PLANTING/DEEP WATERING DEVICE APPENDIX D.I ^^vT^/V^e- © ©. SHRUB PLANTING APPENDIX D.2 TREE STAKING APPENDIX D.3 ^ 4 1 S 11^ & ^°^ •<i X 1s m xl/ 1! ^ ft 1 \*\ T I| x ^ \ < U) 1•> | *l C)i u|1 Q ^|l ^\ ffi * 4 * J i Vj tO ^i 1t^? i O V 1 %^^ Iv^ 1 ?! 'V^^ ?ii ^^5 \ O - t APPENDIX E RESTRICTED HIGH FUEL SPECIES NATIVES: Adenostoma fasciculatum Chamise Artemisia californica California Sagebrush Eriogonum fasciculatum Buckwheat Salvia species Sage Other species as specified by the City. DOMESTICS: Acacia species Acacia Cedrus species Cedar Cupressus species Cypress Dodonaea viscosa Hopseed Bush Eucalyptus species Eucalyptus Juniperus species Juniper Pennisetum Fountain Grass Pinus species Pine Other species as specified by the City. MODERATE HAZARD SPECIES Heteromeles arbutifblia Toyon Malosma laurina Laurel Sumac Quercus dumosa Scrub Oak Rhus integrifolia Lemonade Berry Aylococucus bi-color Mission Manzanita Other species as specified by the City. APPENDIX F.I APPFNDIX F.2 fifc I<*§&•«l^gfH ^ ft 9 % * N I EVAPOTRANSPIRATION CHART MONTH JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUO SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTALS ET MM/DAY 1.80 2.40 2.80 3.20 3.90 4.05 4.10 4.20 3.70 2.80 2.00 1.60 ET INCH/MONTH H M L 1.89 2.28 2.94 3.25 4.09 4.11 4.30 4.41 3.76 2.94 2.03 1.68 1.42 1.71 2.20 2.44 3.07 3.09 3.23 3.31 2.82 2.20 1.52 1.26 0.94 1.14 1.47 1.63 2.05 2.06 2.15 2.20 1.88 1.47 1.02 0.84 HISTORICAL RAINFALL INCH/MO 1.36 1.48 1.55 0.81 0.15 0.05 0.01 0.07 0.13 0.34 1.25 1,73 8.93 GROSS WATER REQUIREMENT INCHES /MONTH * H * M * L ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 1.58 1.98 2.73 3.44 4.75 4.82 5.06 5.15 4.36 3.30 1.80 1.16 40.13 1.03 1.31 1.86 2.49 3.54 3.61 3.79 3.86 3.25 2.43 1.20 0.67 29.05 0.47 0.64 1.00 1.53 2.34 2.40 2.53 2.56 2.15 1.57 0.61 0.17 17.96 Corresponds to "Planting Zones," see Appendix A. APPENDIX G DEFINITIONS Approved - means approved by the City of Carlsbad. Bar Scale - means the scale of a drawing notated on a line such that when the plan is reduced or enlarged, the corresponding scale can be measured off of the line. City - means the City of Carlsbad. Cover Crop - means a relatively fast growing, quick spreading plant material applied to an area so as to provide erosion control prior to establishment of the more permanent, long-lived plants. Days - means calendar days. Erosion Control - means short and long term protection of soil surfaces from wind and water soil transport. Finish Grade - means the final grade or elevation of the non-hardscape portion of a project after all construction is complete as called for in the plans. Finish Surface - means the final grade or elevation of hardscape portions of the site after all the construction is complete as called for in the plans. Hardscape - means non-planted areas consisting of concrete or concrete products, brick, asphalt, applied decomposed granite surfaces, etc. High Risk Fire Area - means a native or manmade landscape consisting primarily of woody shrubs and trees that have a relatively high potential for sustaining fire as determined by the Fire Chief. Irrigation Consultant - means a person considered an expert in the irrigation field and the majority of his/her work is in preparing irrigation construction documents. Landscape Plans - means plans that cover the proposed construction of landscape items including planting, irrigation, patios, sidewalks, and other hardscape items, signs, walls, trellises, etc. Long Lived - means perennial plant material that under normal growing conditions has a life span of greater than 8 years. Overspray - means irrigation water that sprays beyond the area it is intended to service. APPENDIX H Definitions, Continued Parking Areas - means areas used for access drives, aisles, stalls, maneuvering, and landscaping within that portion of the site that is devoted to vehicle parking and circulation (excluding any required parking set backs). Run-Off - means irrigation water that is applied at a rate above the infiltration rate of the soil which causes water to drain away on the surface from the landscape area it is intended to service. Turf - means grasses such as bermuda, bluegrass, fescue, rye, zoyzia, and other grasses or hybrid derivatives of such grasses. Typical Species - means a group of plants with similar appearance and cultural requirements, (not intended to be a complete list of such plants). Woody Plants - means plants that have stems and trunks that consist of bark.