HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-10-16; City Council; 10878; DESIGNATING A REDEVELOPMENT SURVEY AREA| AUTHORIZE LOAN FROM THE CITY TO THE AGENCYc 2 ?E U L 0 ah alu LlLl rdal .a $El ca sn m3 4 uu c am 0 *rl rlu a, 5u al &I5 c m t2 Zrd *rl -&I A Kid GPI bo *rl h ma ala a *rl 4 -0 mz co ma, la os cnrl *c 0 -4 cu 0 .rl a ual 35 -16 a,cd 5rdI alH aw L) zO :2 & m; QU OaJO l-l rd *rl L)Ll VrdaJ 53 cd -d al ua ?I r: m c alu sum orl rd 0 \ 4 cn a \ d 0 .. z 0 - 6 a 1 a 2 3 0 0 "r: cm OF CARLSBAD - AGENR BILL Tm DESIGNATING A REDEVELOPMENT SURVEY I ( AB# /d{ $ ?& AREA; AUTHORIZE LOAN FROM THE CITY TO THE AGENCY MTG. 10/16/90 DEPT. RED ( RECOMMENDED ACTION: ADOPT Resolution No.' designat.ing a Redevelopment Su Area; and authorize a loan from the City to the Agency. ITEM EXPLANATION: At the regular City Council meeting or August 21, 1390, st directed to study the area bounded by Elm on the North, th Railroad tracks on the west, the 1-5 freeway on %he east a Tamarack Avenue on the south as a po'cential redeveloprxmt A new redevelopment project area may be established as an amendment to the existing "Vfl'iage Redevelopment Project A, by creating a new project area. Any boundary amendment to existing "Village" groject area will subject it to conplet fiscal review and analysis by impacted taxing entities, in the county, school district, and utilities districts. Thi result in the request by other agencies to share in the distribution of subs.equent 'Lax increment funds. Due to th potential impac3 staff recommends rnaint.aining the existing "Village" project area boundaries and reviewing any additi area as a potentia7 new redevelopment project area. According to State ia\4 (Health and Safety Code Sect.icn 330 seq.) the first step in creating a new project area is $0 Cjty to adopt a resolution designating a "Redevelopment Su Area". The boundaries of the survey may be as ;arge as zn limits and should allow for flexibility in creating the be Area" does not ob1 Iga'ce the City Counci 1 Co create a new p area, nor es'iab7ish any findins of b!ight but it is the re first step. Once adopted the "survey" area will be stuaie analyzed for feasibility. Staff has developed three alternatives cf 2 potentia! Redevelopment Survey Area as follows: ALTERNATIVE "A" includes the primary ai-ea as directed by Council but extends west to Car-sbad Boulevard and scuth ? Agua Hedionda Lagoon. These additional areas wi 11 a1 low circulation, access, open space, and land usss to be revis with greater community focus and impact. (Exhibit "A") ')@.3Ef ,1 possible project area, Establ ishing a "fisdeveloprnent Surv m 0 >a * P. r- t ,tiGENCI%, BTFL $$ IC/% 7 e 2 a*.cdc e II ?, I3 ALTERNATIVE ''R" includes a':i of area $7 and extends south Cai?non Road insliiding thz Agua Hedionda Lag9oi-i betwssfi Car:s Boulevard and Intei-state 5. These areas may be lacking :!'I 9 improvements 9 pub; i c fasi 1 i ties arid ope9 spaces shat nay not renedied by prj\y/a!;e >ST gzs>dernxepta-/ action \.~jthsut, redeveiop (~xkljbjt :'e") 18 I, ALTERNATIVE "c" jjqc;:udss 31 1 of ar-32 A and ''S" a-gd zx'cfnc south .LC the r:ji;:.y f in< {zs between ::nt.erstaie 5 and \t,rt.st. t~ -kp Pacjfic Qce3.;7. These &ddi.k:onal arcas incfiide ?a:?ge oLsrei.zr shore; ine erea that iire prirnari 1 y dependent up~n governrn~r~t private enterprfss t.s act. a7ane to reverse cr ~17eviate CUTTI cond i -L i oris , ( Ex, ?I i i2 i t actiGn far imQro'~'eiTEl'-lt 3r:d ft may b@ i-iflT-3ESO!-ii3- 6 -LC e:cpe.c.t " c zs > ... ,/ $,I 1 of -Lhese 9rea-s may c,3n.tajn quai 2tjes app;-opr-;ez~ for TT'- d. it of rede\~e 7 opmsfit 22.3: s , They siloij 7 d ;L;e stuc: i ecf to de+,erz j :-;E they can ;-easc;nabi y be expected ko b.i reverssd or 2 : ;e\:'; ~.ts: prj va'ce en'c,crprfse ac+j 23 a! s.ne - Staff recoamey:ds ~bo3zj c7.~ A-iternative i4 2s f'L pro\/{des 2.h~ most fiex'b{;ity fs- est&: j si7j 7,g a yiziq p;rr,jer,t area frcm wj.'h'i^ bit I4 I the bounciai-; es I -... .. I, n il survey area. It, y1 1 I t,a$,,? ap~;~gx<m~t.e; y 97% year -;.o P-qplete "",I. ths reqzi re; .- ar;alysjs, ~evjew, pub: ic worksi-tops az5 hsa~ir?gs, ~repzratb! adoption of %i new Pro,.jeet ,Area. ?i?qcf-tunjtj~s --"r -rsr -jzjzsr 4 j nvoj ;/erwnt zxj st thrcughout t.i?e precess I FISCAL 1WpAC-r: Ccgsul'La.nl fees ere 2s-Lj3arLed ax. $39, S:cg = 3, :cat-; t.c tk:e ,A,-< 'Y fr~m 'the :z<';.i;y: s gens;-e- f~~~ i;~a~pr=~rj a<z.s.d f5;;d b,aI 8;7ce !!;j needed. If a neiAi ~rcject. ~rga js. adcptec, [.EX Inc:-emlr;-t !F?e wj 1 -j pay back. tri~ 1 SE-~ (5 ) ;qi ti: -j n-Lerest, - EXHIBITS: 1. E;lesc! uti cn ;\.i.o. desi gn;:x.; nj p.1 &rnz.Lj'~,/e - i-I c - y.j 5' .. :: ,c, 8, - - .4 su;-vey &rea. ., :I . :I 2. A 1 tf: ;-;?a'; 7 'dc, ,q d 5 . ,b.? ter?zk< i/e ''3" 4, A,! -?ef-;claj;j',ie !8c:' k t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e w RESOLUTION NO. 90-385 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DESIGNATING A REDEVELOPMENT AREA AND AUTHORIZING LQAN TO AGENCY FROM THE CIT’ GENERAL FUN D_....______......_._._.. ______...____.__.________...._._~_ WHEREAS, the City Council cf the City of Carisbal California has considered the requirement for designa survey area for determining the feasibility of formin redevelopment project area; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that under Secti 33312 of the California Health & Safety Code the dssj of a survey area is permjtted by the adoption of cert findings: and WHEREAS, ihe City Council finds it necessary to the Agency up to, but not to exceed, $30,000 which wi paid back to the City with interest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counc the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true ana correct.. 2. That the attached exhibit c accurately reprc the boundaries of the survey area, and it requires s: determine if a redevelopment project area is feasiblc 3. That a loan tc the Agency from the City General the amount of $30,000 is hereby approved. 4. That the Finance Director is hereby authorized . transfer $30,000 from the City’s unappropriated fund to the Redevelopment Agency and establish a new acco the survey area. ’I ,I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I€i Irl 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a W PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetin the City council of the City of Carlsbad, held on the 16th day of October , 1990, by the followin to w1t: AYES : Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Mamaux NOES : None ABSENT: None ATTEST : ALGA&?? R$!TE!$~~\ Clerk (SEAL 1 //// //// //// //// 1 RESOLUTION NO. 90-385 .. L PAClt!C OCEAN i i I City of i I REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT II ALTERNA .* . t. 0 '# A . - -~ - PACIFIC OCIA '/ $1 City of C gy,yi$)T C (RS ftwSJDr^D) 'REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT II ALTERNA " -I