HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-11-06; City Council; 10900; CCVB quarterly reportI? i P w B E e 4 .. z 0 I 6 a 6 2 3 0 0 GIWP GARLSBAD - AGENWBILL &V AB# /< q@H TITLE DEPT. MTG. 11/6/90 CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR'S BUREAU CITY A CITY N DEPT: FEN QUARTERLY REPORT RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file report. e ITEM EXPLANATTON: The Carlsbad Convention and Visitor's Bureau (CCVB) quarterly report submittec to the City on October 23, 1990, is the last one under the 15 month agreement. The report provides a fiscal review of the agreement period which ran from July 1,1989 through September 30,1990. Also included in the report are highlights of activities which occurred during the 1990 summer quarter. The table below reflects the annual revenues and expenditures for the CCVB. All revenues anticipated from the City were received by the CCVB. The remainder: of the matching funds for programs were released in September, 1990. Also the last of the unrestricted program funds were released in September. Donations for the entire 15 month period totalled $37,191. Expenditures show that all funds received have been spent. The most significant figures within the repotl indicate that actual revenues received from donations were higher than what was budgeted. The remaining funds will be used toward a professional audit of the 7/1/89 through 9/30/90 agreement period. Budget 15 Months Variance Percent Budget Account Amount Actual Expended Expenditure Category Administration City Contribution 114.700 114,700 0 100.00% Total Administration 148,700 147,185 1,515 98.9a% Programs 85,300 85.300 0 100.00% Donations 34,000 32,485 1,515 95.54% Total Contract 234,000 232.485 1,515 99.35% Revenue Category City Contributions Administration 114,700 114.700 0 100.00% 0 100.00% Programs - Matching 30,000 30.000 DonationsJOther 34,000 37.191 3.191 109.39% Total Revenue 234.000 237.1 91 3.191 101.36% Net Income (Loss) 0 4,706 4,708 Expenditure amounts submitted by the CCVB. Revenue figures based on City records, from CCVB for donations. Programs - Non Matching 55.300 55,300 0 100.00% I 0 0 Page Two of Agenda Bill No. /4 98’ Summer activities for the CCVB included co-sponsoring the Coastal Classic Street Rod show in downtown Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Bed Race. The CCVB also began developing their Japanese and Canadian promotional campaign. FISCAL IMPACT: None. EXHIBITS: 1. CCVB quarterly report. a ARLSBrn c- CALlFORYl.\ October 23, 1990 Debbie Neville Sr . Management Analyst Finance Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Dear Debbie: Attached is a synopsis of the major activities of the Carlsbad Convention ai Visitors Bureau, from July 1, 1990 - September 30, 1990. If you need additional information, please let me know. Sincere 1 y, & Manager TEVE LINK Encs. Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau P.O. Box I246 a Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 931-9050 -, I ,.l ' ! ' - LC I,' i ,'l-'(i(, '/ m CARLSBAD CONVENTION 6r VISITORS BUREAU YEAR END EXPENDITURE REPORT September 30, 1990 Actual Expenses Budget Administrative Expenses Sa la r i es $85,4 82.8 8 $89,500 Benefits 8,708 .OO 7,875 Accounting 5,502.60 5,700 Insurance 850 .OO 1,500 .. Payroll Taxes 15,275.69 7,500 i E qui pme n t Rent a 1 1,116.57 775 U tilir ies 1,810.41 2,250 Maintenance 334 e25 6 00 Janitorial - 924.65 1,163 T e 1 e ph one 5,365.15 7,500 Postage 4,813.73 4,500 Mileage 1,313.28 1,875 Conferences 3,270.04 2,847 Pu blicat ions 2,215.37 1,800 Trailer Rental 1,05 I. 63 Depot Renovation 471.26 Depot Property Tax 2,500 Total Admin $141,005.12 $142,135 Supplies 2,499.61 2,250 City Audit 2,000 Program Bxpenses Magazine Ads $60,343.20 $61,000 Trade Shows 9,527.72 11,000 Brochures 9,450.3 3 9,000 Specialty Items 1,674.71 1,730 Local Events 8,483.69 9,135 Total Programs $89,479.65 $91,865 I e e VISITOR INFORMATION SufnMARY . CA. resident Out of CA Foreiqn Total visicors visitors visitors month JULY 714 4 07 237 1358 AUGUST 8 57 366 270 1493 SEPTEMBER 647 173 169 989 2218 9 51 67 6 3840 3 month totals Above figures represent one member of family and/or group JULY AUGUST SEPT. TOTALS 410 479 315 1204 Phone inquiries Mail outs 383 406 419 1208 mail outs 410 430 345 1185 Travel agent (I) 0 During the summer period, the ConVis concentrated on serving t tourists in Carlsbad. We also worked on several community events and beg, developfng our Japanese and Canadian campaign. September 7-8 A group of six Canadians who write for travel magazines or travel SectignS 1 newspapers visfted Carlsbad. The trip was eo-sponsored by the Californi Oftice of Tourism and Air Canada. August 4 After operating for 3 months out of a trailer in the parking lot, the Visitcl Information Center moved back into the beautifully renovated Depot. Th completion of the renovation was marked with ceremonies and festivites. I July 22 The ConVis was the co-sponsor of the Coastal Classic street rod show i d ownt own Car 1 s bad. September 30 The ConVis was in charge of registration and was one of the sponsors of thi Carlsbad Bed Race. Carlsbad was featured in the travel section of the September 16 Fresno Bel plus an article in the August fssue of the Corporate Meetings & Incentives anc Neiman's made the cover of the September issue of Western Roofing Magazine. ! i Slaff Pholo I Bill Carman Mike Reid shows off a Yellow 1933 Ford Victoria and Fabian Lopez checks out his 1934 Chevrolet Coupe. Hot rods hit the road Sunday Ily RIargu Baniier Stall’ Writer and Northern California. on trailers from as far away as Arizona hlarly parlicipanls at Sunday’s show will attend in hope.s of selling their “Everybody likes to show off their street rod. Will1 astronomical price tags, (;ARI,sBAD - ‘rhe streets of dowll. car,” saici Mobley. “Cl~bs get togetlier it‘s no wonder tliat owners avoid burning own Carisbat1 will runibie to life as ROO art‘ caravB1r to shows.” rithber or parking war “cloor scri~tch- I 3 Q, 44 u) J By Margo Banner offered two pages for the same price, said Link. The magazine Staff Writer CARLSBAD - Two full pages in a paid for by the magazine. glossy Japanese travel magazine will “It was really flattering to see them inform Japan of travel and tourism get excited about our town,” said Link. opportunities in Carlsbad. “They were taking all sorts of photos - On Tuesday Tatsuya Kuma Sat0 of enchiladas at Fidel’s and little bou- “USA West Coast” and two assistants tiques in the Village.” were given a whirlwind tour of the city Link said that he hopes the expo- by Steve Link manager of the Carlsbad sure will bring individual Japanese Convention & Visitors Bureau The visi- tourists to Carlsbad, but the main aim tors took snapshots and marveled at of the ad is to interest tour companies Mexican restaurants, antique shops on in scheduling Carlsbad as a one-night State Street, flower fields and beaches. stop between San Diego and Los The magazine is published annually Angeles. through the Japan Travel Bureau and is Link said that contrary to many composed almost entirely of full-page Europeans he meets who are traveling * advertisements from California hotels alone in California despite limited and resorts, luxury stores, amusement English, the Japanese prefer to travel parks and cities. The oversized, glossy in groups. magazine prints 250,000 copies per “They feel more secure in groups,” year. Approximately 85 percent of the said Link 1990 issue was devoted to Los Angeles. Carlsbad is a popular destination for 1991 issue and at the last minute was summer heat. representatives’ trip to Carlsbad was The Convention & Visitors Bureau Canadians and British, Link said, as paid $4,200 for a one-page ad in the well as numerous Americans escaping ! By Craig Clynes available for Oceanside hospitality properties. the city has noticed an increase in the number of people stam overnight. B-C Business Editor Even before the Middle East crisis Statistics compiled by Ken Kefauver. increased gasoline prices and overall the city’s director of tourism, show the travel COS~S, visitors and tourists were stili number of Doups spending at least one coming to North County and staying in night in Oceanside increased to 6.429 in local hotels. say tourism officials in 1989, compared to 3.665 in 1988 And with a Carlsbad and Oceanside. group averaging four people in 1989, rather While statistics showed a slowdown San than three of the previous year. more than Diego County’s hotel occupancy and in the 25.ooO visitors spent time in the city’s hotels number of visitors to its major tourist 1astyear.comparedtoabout 11,ooOin 1988. attractions, “the good news is that we Local tourism officials say North didn’t lose our occupancy rates,” said County’s proximity to all of Southern Peder Norby, chairman of Carlsbad’s California’s major attractions, including Convention and Visitors Bureau. Disneyland, Universal Studios, the San “The fact that there is little or no drop Diego Zoo and Sea World, the reasonable in our occupancy rates is a significant rates its hospitality properties chqe and factor,” given the condition of California’s the ambiance the communities offer are and the nation’s economy, he said. ’ key to attractingvisitors. According to countywide statistics “We’re very economical here in compiled through May and monitored at Oceanside,” said Kefauver. ”There are the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, hotel locations here that are within (90 minutes) Occupancy in North County Coastal hotels, of the major destinations.” .which include Carlsbad and Oceanside, “For a long time, our tourism policy was was 632 percent in 1990. compared to 64.8 to ride the coattails of San Diego.” Norby Percent in 1989. Some parts of San Diego said. “But in the last three or fouryears. we County saw their occupancy rates fall have found that we have a lot to offer in nearly 6 percent when compared to 1989. North County thabthey don’t have in San of seven Carlsbad hospitality sites He said that although Carisbad and conducted by the chamber show occupancy Oceanside are growing communities, they increasingto nearly75 percent in July. still offer that “small, coastal-town In spite of the discrepancies, the atmosphere that offers Some unique numbers indicate people are spending shopping opportunities and less trafic” However, results of an informal survey Diego.” time in Carlsbad, which means money to than Los &gels or Sari Diego. + As corn pet jt-0 n i ncreases, C; must improve its image with million, California projected expenditure LOS ANGUS - The travel industry according to the U.S. 7 didn’t need a recent run-up in gas prices Hawaii is expected to to sing the blues. Business was soft at m.5 million, and Ne area hotels, theme parks and airports behind. with= millic “We are not marke well before thewideast crisis. Things are slowing because we are well as we should as 2 entering or are in fact in a recession,” Bullard, spokeswom; said C. Lance Barnett. chief economist Studios Hollywood. for the California Department of complacent that toul Commerce. “Consumers have changed come.’’ their minds about the future.” That is one reaso Industry officials point to a grab bag Universal is down fron of problems hanging over Southern year. shesaid. California, including.smog, clogged Hotels also .are fe freeways and the specter of gang especially because so built recently. OCCUF violence. In addition, other destinations are fallen below the 70 pen competing successfully for visitors who make or break a hotel. once came to Southern California. Rates dipped to 67 Orlando, Fla., aow draws more tourists hgeles County and t than Los Angeles County. And many the San Fernando Vallt states spendmore money to attract those months of the year, acc tourists than California does. With an estimated budget of $6.5 Set center has worn off, an( hS ageles D&I,, p~~~~ Interstate 5, is down.