HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-11-13; City Council; 10909; SEWER MASTER PLAN UPDATE REPORTS1: 3 0 4. 0 I cn 0 2 C 0 *rl c, rl ? 0 [II 2 a a, u e a rit Ti 4 =I U 0 6" 0 o\ \ m \ 4 4 4 z 0 .. E d A z 0 3 0 5 LI ipF CARLSBAD - AGEN LJ" ~ AB# /c! 9 t' 7 TITLE: DEPT. MTG.- 1 VI 3 /9 &?- SEWER MASTER PLAN UPDATE REPORTS CITY P CITY n I I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. '1 0 - 4.b Li accepting Sewer Master Plan Update Re] directing staff to prepare Resolution and Ordinance to implemen recommendations. ITEM EXPLANATION: On March 14, 1989, City Council approved the sale of bonds to finance ( share of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility Phase N Expansion Pro financing plan obligates Carlsbad to make yearly payments on the pr& interest on the bonds. Wilson Engineering has completed an update to the 1 1987 Master Plan of Sewerage which examines the impacts of these yearly I on the City's Sewer Construction Fund. The update indicates that a Sewer Fee of $1,610 is needed to provide revenues necessary for making the yearly I and constructing improvements to the City's wastewater facilities required at The fee will be adjusted yearly according to the Engineering News Record Lo! Construction Cost Index (ENR-LA-CCI) . Revenue from Sewer Capacity Fees may not be utilized to construct collection for new developments. In most cases, developers are required to bui conveyance systems. Another study by Wilson Engineering provides recornme for establishing Sewer Benefit Area Boundaries and Fees. The fees will be UI reimburse developers for constructing the collection facilities necessary for : properties within each Benefit Area as required by the City's Growth Man Program. These fees will also be revised yearly according to the ENR-LA-C( ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACX: A Negative Declaration finding that no environmental impact will occur as a the increase in Sewer Capacity Fees and establishment of the Benefit Area 1 been filed as required by the California Environmental Quality Act. Any pn install sewer improvements will require environmental review. FISCAL IMPACT: If report recommendations are implemented, revenue from the Sewer Capacity be utilized on improvements to the Encina Water Pollution Control Faciliq Carlsbad Interceptor and Home Plant Lift Station. Sewer Benefit Area Fee would be utilized to reimburse developers who construct collection facilities nf a benefit area or, if necessary, to provide funds for the City to construct the fi EXHIBIT: 1. Resolution No. G 0 - YL'Y 2. Benefit Area Map 3. Benefit Area Fee Table 4. Capacity Fee Update Report - d.t/ 6 i! 3 ir? c ;t c/pfkL cjJJ; c c' 5. Benefit Area Fee Update Report 6~ K *c k j ci. Y e 4 @ 1 2 3 4 RESOLUTION NO. 9 0 - 4 0 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIAACCEPTING SEWERMASTERPLAN UPDATE REPORTS AND DIRECTING STAFF TO PREPARE RESOLUTION AND ORDINANCE TO ADOPT REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS. 5 WHEREAS, the City Council approved the sale of bonds to finance the 6 contribution towards the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility Phase IV Ex] 7 8 9 10 Project; and WHEREAS, the City's obligation to make yearly payments on the princii interest on the bonds impacts the City's Sewer Master Plan; and 11 WHEREAS, Wilson Engineering has completed a Sewer Master Plan Update 12 which examines the effect of the bond payments on the Sewer Construction Fun1 l3 (I WHEREAS, Wilson Engineering has also completed studies which recornme 14 15 establishment of Sewer Benefit Area Fees to provide funds to construct or reimbursl // parties for construction of conveyance systems which may not be funded by 16 17 18 Wilson Engineering reports entitled "Capacity Fee Update to the December 1987 1 19 WHEREAS, the City Council has determined it to be in the public interest to 2o I Plan of Sewerage"' and "Benefit Area Fees for Conveyance System Improvements 1. Capacity Fees; and 21 /I to the December 1987 City of Carlsbad Master Plan of Sewerage", (hereinafter re 22 23 24 25 California, as follows: to as the 'Wilson Studies"). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Car 26 27 28 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby accepts the VI I 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 Studies. 3. That staff is directed to prepare documents to implement recomme made in the Wilson Studies. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carls' Council held on the 13thday OfNovember, 1990 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Larson, Mamaux, and Pettint NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Ku ATEST: g%&&z, (SEAL) city Clerk KAREN KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk 1 ~ ~ I, a t. *+**a++ % 0 e t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPACITY FEE UPDATE TO THE DECEMBER 1987, MASTER PLAN OF SEWERAGE ” June 1990 Wilson Engineering Consulting Engineers I I I 1 I 1 i I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NOf LISTOFTABLES .......................................... ii CHAPTER 1 . INTRODUCTION ............................... 1 Recommendations ..................................... 1 Revisions from the December 1987. Master Plan of Sewerage ............................ .-. ........... 2 CHAPTER 2 . CAPITAL COSTS ............................... 3 Encina Water Pollution Control Facility Costs .................. 3 Phase IV Project .................................. 3 PhaseV ........................................ 4 Solids Management ................................ 4 Ocean Outfall .................................... 6 Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor ............................... 6 Other City of Carlsbad Capital Projects ...................... 6 CHAPTER 3 . CITY WIDE CAPACITY FEE ....................... 9 Units ............................................... 9 BondPayments ................................... 9 Inflation and Interest .................................. 10 Sewer Construction Fund Obligations ...................... 10 Estimated Fees ...................................... 10 EXHlBlTA ........................................... Pocket I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I LIST OF TABLES . PAGE NO. Table 2-1 Improvements to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (All Figures in Thousands of Dollars) .............. 5 Table 2-2 Improvements to the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewage Drainage Basin ................ %. ........... 7 Table 2-3 Other City of Carlsbad Capital Projects (All Costs in Thousands of Dollars) ....................... 8 Table 3-1 Sum of Expenses (All Costs in Thousands of Dollars) ...... 1 I Table 3-2 Sewer Capital Fund Cash Flow Projection ............... 12 ii I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION In 1989, the City of Carlsbad elected to bond finance their portion of the Phase IV construction at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. These bonds obligate the City of Carlsbad to pay back principle and interest in future years. The purpose of this report is to analyze the impact of these future bond payments and other cost increases and adjustments on the sewer connection fees. I The assumptions used for determining future flows are derived from the December 1987, Master Plan of Sewerage. Sizing the facility and cost data are obtained from the December 1987, Master Plan of Sewerage and the 1989-90 Encina Budget. All cost data has been revised to an ENR-CCI-LA of 5,800. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The City wide capacity fee should be changed to $1,610. 2. The City wide capacity fee should only cover costs for the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility, the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor, and the Home Plant Pump Station. 3. A number of smaller sewer area fees should be established to fund collection system improvements to bring a sewer line to each zone subbasin as defined in the December, 1987, Master Plan of Sewerage and the Benefit Area Fee for Conveyance System Improvements dated March 1930. 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I I REVISIONS FROM THE DECEMBER 1987, MASTER PLAN OF SEWERAGI 1. Bond payments have been included as an expense. 2. All conveyance system improvements other than the Vista/Carlsbac Interceptor and Home Plant Pump Station and Force Main have beer removed from the City wide capacity fee. 3. The Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant credit amount has been addec as an expense to the sewer construction fund and improvement costs foi the Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant have been removed. 2 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 i 1 I I 1 CHAPTER 2 CAPITAL COSTS All capital costs are based on information presented in the December 1987 Master Plan of Sewerage and the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility 1989-9C Budget. All costs have been increased to reflect an ENR-CCI-LA of 5,800. ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY COSTS Table 2-1 presents a summary of the City of Carlsbad share of improvements tc the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility over the next 30 years. The total costs of these improvements is estimated to be $43,573,000. Phase IV Project Construction is currently underway on the Phase IV project. During the Phase IV project, the City of Carlsbad’s ownership in the plant will change. Because the City of Carlsbad’s ownership in the plant is changing, its share of project costs will not be established until construction is completed. We are estimating that the City of Carlsbad’s share in the Phase IV plant and outfall projects will be 23.5 percent. The Phase IV operations building improvements have not been designed or constructed. The City of Carlsbad’s share in the operations building improvements project will be based on their post-Phase IV ownership of 25.68 percent. The Phase IV operations building construction is scheduled to begin near the end of the Phase IV plant and outfall projects. 3 I 1 1 i I I I I I I 1 I. I I R i 1 I I Phase V The Phase V project will not occur until after the year 2000. For the purpose c establishing capacity fees we are estimating it will occur in approximately th year 2005. The City of Carlsbad’s share in this project will be based on the needed capacity. Our cost estimate is based on the City of Carlsbad obtainin! an additional treatment capacity of 5.09 million gallons per day during the Phasi V project. Solids Manaaement - The solids management project will be done in two stages. The City c Carlsbad’s share of the solids management project will be 24.19 percent. Wr have estimated the cost of land acquisition for this project at $5,000,000. 4 I I I I i 8 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I I 4 1 I Ocean Outfall The City of Carlsbad’s share of future ocean outfall costs will be 24.19 percenl For the purposes of estimating capacity fees, a reballasting project is schedule1 for the year 1993. A parallel ocean outfall will have to be built in conjunction wit the Phase V expansion project and it is also scheduled for the year 2005. VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR Table 2-2 provides a list of improvements needed to .the Vista/Carlsbac Interceptor. The total estimated cost for these improvements is $6,863,000 Exhibit A from the December 1987, Master Plan of Sewerage shows the locatior of the reaches called out in Table 2-2. This exhibit is found in the pocket in the back of this report. OTHER CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL PROJECTS Table 2-3 lists the other City of Carlsbad capital projects included in the City wide capacity fee. The projects total $1,137,000 and include the Home Plant Lift Station and Force Main improvements. In addition to these specific City of Carlsbad improvements, we have included a category for miscellaneous Gity of Garlsbad capital improvement projects, which is factored into the City wide capacity fee. The projected estimate of costs for the miscellaneous projects is $70,000 for each year through the year 2020. 6 U I, Table 2-2 Improvements to VistalCarlsbad Interceptor Sewage Drainage Basin ' IMPROVEMENTS TO EXISTING INTERCEPTORS I I I I I i 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 7 I I I I I I I I I b ! I 8 I I 1 I I 8 b I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 CHAPTER 3 CITY WIDE CAPACITY FEE In order to assess the impact of bond payments on the sewer construction fund a year by year cash flow projection is needed. This year by year projection mus include estimated number of units, inflation rates and interest. UNITS On December 29, 1989, the City of Carlsbad had a total of 26,995 equivalen dwelling units. The December 1987, Master Plan of Sewerage projects, at builc out, that the City will have a total of 60,935 equivalent dwelling units. For thc purpose of our capacity fee cash flow analysis, we have assumed that the Citl of Carlsbad will build out in the year 2020. We have uniformly distributed thc dwelling units each year. Thus, for the years 1990 through 2019, 1,09! equivalent dwelling units per year are assumed to be connected and in the finz year of the projection 1,090 units are assumed to be connected to total 60,93! equivalent dwelling units. Bond Pavments Bond payments for the Phase IV bonds are approximately $850,000 for the firs three years from 1990 to 1992, and $1 ,I 20,000 for the remaining 22 years of thl bond issuance. This bond payment provides $1 1,029,000 for the constructiol of the Encina Phase IV projects. These same ratios were utilized for a projectel bond issuance in the year 2005 to cover the year 2005 expenses. Based on l total construction cost need of $53,853,000, bond payments for the year 2OOl through 2007 will be $4,150,000. For the remaining 22 years, bond payment will be $5,469,000. INFLATION AND INTEREST Construction costs were projected to increase 5 percent per year. Interes income on the sewer construction fund was estimated to be 8 percent per year 9 I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND OBLIGATIONS Table 3-1 provides a summary of the expenses to the sewer construction fund. The expenses include construction, bond payments and the Lake Calavera Hilk Water Reclamation Plant credit. The City of Carlsbad is obligated by contrac: to provide connection fee credits for the Lake Calavera Hills area. These credit: decrease the income to the sewer construction fund and show up as an expense on this table. ESTIMATED FEES Table 3-2 shows a cash flow projection year by year needed to obtain a zerc balance in the year 2029, and cover all estimated construction costs, bonc payments and credits. In order for the sewer construction fund to have a zerc balance in the year 2029, the present sewer connection fees should be changec to $1,610. 10 I I 8 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I ll Table 3-1 II Sum of Expenses (All Costs in Thousands of Dollars) I1 Year Total Lake Bond Bond . Const Cost Const. Sum Cost Expenses Calavera Hills Payment Payment Future Index Expenses All 2005 Phase N Cost i credii 1990 I 208 0 850 5.845 1.M) 5,845 II I I 1 I 1 1 11 1991 1 6,212 I 1.05 I 6,523 I 850 I 01 ~ ~~ 208-1 ~~ ~~~~ ~ II 11 1992 1 5.706 I 1.10 I 6.291 I 850 I 01 208 I It I I i i 1993 208 0 1,120 94 1.34 70 1996 208 0 1,120 89 1.28 70 1995 208 0 1,120 514 1.22 423 1994 1.16 2,057 ~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ 2,381 208 0 1,120 II 1997 0- 208 1,120 109 1.55 70 1999 208 0 1,120 103 1.48 70 1998 208 0 1,120 1,560 1.41 1,109 IL 11 2000 I 70 I 1.63 I 114 I 1.120 I 01 01 II I I I I I 1 1 11 2001 I 70 1 1.71 I 120 I 1,120 I 01 01 II 2002 0 0 1,120 132 1 .89 70 2003 1' 0 0 1,120 126 1 .80 70 I1 2004 0 4,150 1,120 160 2.29 70 2CQ7 0 4,150 1,120 153 2.18 70 2006 0 4,150 1,120 53,853 2.08 25,904 2005 0 0 1,120 139 1.98 70 I! 70 0 5,469 1,120 177 2.53 70 0 5,469 1,120 168 2.41 1. 1: II 201 0 0 5,469 1,120 9,955 2.65 3,752 I 0 5,469 1,120 70 2.79 195 2011 11 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I [______ Table 3-2 Sewer Capital Fund Cash Flow Projection II Total Yearly apflse 1990 7,581 1991 6,903 1,842 1994 3,709 1993 7,349 1992 Number of B Income Income Income Fee Fee Yearly I Net Total Interest Bond Connection Connection 1 Bnnmons Income 1,095 6,481 13,384 593 1 1,029 1,762 1.61 1,095 564 2,406 265 0 2,141 1.96 1.095 (1,301) 2,409 369 0 2,039 1.86 1,095 (4,664) 2,685 742 0 1,942 1.77 1,095 (4,619) 2,962 1,112 0 1,850 1.69 II I I I I 1995 99 2.988 509 0 2.479 2.26 1.095 2.888 1997 1,341 2,762 402 0 2,361 2.16 1,095 1,422 1996 1,141 2,559 310 0 2.248 2.05 1,095 1,417 II I I I 1 I I I 1998 1,688 3,119 517 0 2,603 2.38 1,095 1,431 I 3,385 1,948 0 652 2,733 2.50 1,095 1.437 1999 I1 2000 3,143 4,389 1,225 0 3,164 2.89 1,095 1,246 2002 2,776 4,016 1.003 0 3,013 2.75 1,095 1,240 2001 2,443 3,677 808 0 2,869 2.62 1,095 1,234 2003 3.546 4.708 1 ,417 0 3.322 3.03 1.095 1,252 II I I I I I I I ~.~ ~~ ~~~ ~ -~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ 2004 472 59,595 2,080 53,853 3,662 3.34 1.095 59.1 23 2005 1 3,990 5,248 1,760 0 3,488 3.19 1,095 1,259 II I I I 2006 (296) 6,461 2,222 0 4,239 3.87 1,095 6,757 2008 768 6,198 2,161 0 4,038 3.69 1,095 5,430 2007 540 5,963 2,117 0 3,845 3.51 1,095 5,423 IL ll 2009 I 6,766 I 1,095 I 4.07 I 4,451 I 01 2,198 I 6,650 I (116) I 11 1 I 2010 (263) 6,531 1,378 0 5,153 4.71 1,095 6,794 2012 (462) 6,322 1,415 0 4,908 4.48 1,095 6,784 201 1 (9,681) 6.863 2,189 0 4,674 4.27 1,095 16,544 II 11 2013 I 6.804 I 1,095 I 4.94 I 5.411 I 01 1.357 I 6,767 I (37) I I1 I I I t I I .. 2014 1,630 7.337 1,371 0 5,965 5.45 1,095 5,706 2015 220 7,035 1,354 0 5,681 5.19 1,095 6,815 201 6 3.029 8,772 1,866 0 6,906 6.31 1,095 5,743 2018 2,572 8,242 1,665 0 6,577 6.01 1,095 5,730 201 7 2,047 7,765 1,502 0 6,264 5.72 1,095 5,718 I 2019 I 5,757 , 1,095 . 6.62 , 3,602 , 9,360 2,109 , 0, , 7,251 II I I I I I I .1 2020 (2,9551 2,514 2.514 0 0 0 0.00 5.469 2022 (2,736) 2,733 2,733 0 0 0.00 0 5,469 202 1 4,204 9.976 2,397 0 7,579 6.95 1,090 5,772 II 4 11 2023 I 5.469 I 01 0.00 I 01 01 2,278 I 2,278 I (3,191) I II 1 I .I 2024 (4,020) 1,449 1,449 0 0 0.00 0 5,469 2026 (3,772) 1,747 1,747 0 0 0.00 0 5,469 2025 (3,446) 2,023 2,023 0 0 0.00 0 5,469 II I 2027 (4,341) 1,128 1,128 0 0 0.00 0 5,469 2028 (5,064) 405 405 0 0 0.00 0 5,469 2029 (4,689) 780 780 0 0 0.00 0 5,469 ' Beginning Fund Balance $7,418,000 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I BENEFIT AREA FEES FOR CONVEYANCE SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS UPDATE TO THE DECEMBER, 1987 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER PLAN OF SEWERAGE August 1990 Wilson Engineering Consulting Engineers I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 8 I I I I I 1 I TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO List of Tables ............................................. 1 List of Figures ............................................. iii CHAPTER 1 . INTRODUCTION ................................. 1 Recommendations ..................................... 1 Summary of Changes ................................... 2 CHAPTER2 . FEEAREAS .................................... 3 Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Basin .......................... 5 Benefit Area A .................................... 5 North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Basin ...................... 6 Benefit Area B .................................... 6 South Agua Hedionda Basin .............................. 7 Benefit Area C .................................... 8 Benefit Area D .................................... 9 Benefit Area E ................................... 10 Benefit Area F ................................... 12 Buena/San Marcos Interceptor Basin ...................... 13 Benefit Area G ................................... 13 Benefit Area H ................................... 15 Benefit Area I ................................... 17 North Batiquitos Interceptor Basin ......................... 18 Benefit Area J ................................... 21 Benefit Area K ................................... 22 Benefit Area L ................................... 23 Benefit Area M .................................. 23 i 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 B I I I 1 I LIST OF TABLES PAGE NO Table 1-1 Table 2-1 Table 2-2 Table 2-3 Table 2-4 Table 2-5 Table 2-6 Table 2-7 Table 2-8 Table 2-9 Table 2-10 Table 2-1 1 Table 2-12 Table 2-13 Table 2-14 Table 2-15 Table 2-16 Table 2-17 Table 2-18 Table 2-19 Table 2-20 Table 2-21 Table 2-22 Table 2-23 Table 2-24 Table 2-25 Table 2-26 Summary of Benefit Areas ........................... 2 Improvements for Benefit Area A ...................... b F EDU Information for Benefit Area A ..................... b F Improvements for Benefit Area B ...................... G EDU Information for Benefit Area 6 ..................... f Improvements to the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Basin System .................................... 7 EDU information for South Agua Hedionda Basin Interceptor System ................................ 8 Improvements for Benefit Area D ...................... 9 EDU Information for Benefit Area D .................... 9 Improvements for Benefit Area E ..................... 10 EDU Information for Benefit Area E .................... 11 Improvements for Benefit Area F ..................... 12 EDU Information for Benefit Area F .................... 12 Improvements for Benefit Area G ..................... 13 Improvements for Benefit Area H ..................... 15 Improvements for Beneift Area I ...................... 17 EDU information for Benefit Area G ................... 14 EDU information for Benefit Area H ................... 16 EDU Information for Benefit Area I .................... 17 Improvements to North Batiquitos Basin Interceptor System ............................... 18 EDU Information for North Batiquitos Basin Interceptor System ............................... 19 Reimbursements for the Occidental/Ponto Trunk .......... 20 Reimbursements for the Ayres/Batiquitos Trunk .......... 20 Improvements for Benefit Area J ...................... 21 EDU information for Benefit Area J .................... 21 improvements for Benefit Area K ..................... 22 EDU information for Benefit Area K .................... 22 ii I I LIST OF FIGURES 1 I PAGE NO I Figure 2-1 Benefit Fee Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 I I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I iii I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The City of Carlsbad sewer capacity fee includes improvements to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility, the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor, the Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant and the Home Plant Lift Station. Construction of the facilities funded by the city wide capacity fee does not provide a sewer line to each of the City’s growth management zones. Thus there are a number of conveyance facilities which will need to be funded by more than one growth management zone. This report provides recommended boundaries for benefit areas for facilities recommended in the December, 1987 Master Plan of Sewerage. In most cases these facilities will probably be built by a developer. This developer will then be eligible for reimbursement by subsequent developers within the benefit areas established in this report. Reimbursement fees for the Occidental/Ponto Trunk and Ayres/Batiquitos Trunk have also been included. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Adopt the benefit areas A through M and establish an estimated cost per unit for development of the conveyance system in these benefit areas as presented in Table 1-1. 1 I I I I I I B I B I I B I B I 1 B I 1 I M 2,538 38 I ~~ SUMMARY OF CHANGES 1. Provide a second fee above the city wide capacity fee to fund conveyance system improvements. 2. Provide a fee based system for the construction or reimbursement for construction of conveyance systems to each subbasin established in the December, 1987 Master Plan of Sewerage. 2 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I CHAPTER 2 FEE AREAS All costs presented in this report are based on facilities recommended in tht December, 1987 Master Plan of Sewerage. Costs for these facilities have beer increased based on an ENR-CCI-LA of 5,800. Where better data is currentl! available on facility costs, other adjustments have been made. The number o units in each subbasin is also based on information presented in the December 1987 Master Plan of Sewerage. Unit counts have been updated to reflect curren development status and projections. Figure 2-1 shows the boundaries of the recommended fee areas. Exhibit A fron the December, 1987 Master Plan of Sewerage may be found in the pocket at thc back of this report and shows the location of the reach designations called ou in the tables in this chapter. 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 \ r FIGURE BENEFIT FE I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR BASIN The interceptor improvements in the Vista/Carlsbad Basin are funded from thc city wide connection fee. Benefit Area A is the only benefit area in thc Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Basin. Benefit Area A Benefit Area A contains sewer drainage zones 25, 2B and 7A. This benefit are; has 1,470 estimated future units and an estimated cost of trunk sewe improvements of $410,000. The estimated fee for this benefit area is $279 pe unit. Table 2-1 provides a summary of the improvements needed for the benefi area, and Table 2-2 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone, TABLE 2-2 EDU INFORMATION FOR BENEFIT AREA A ZONE TOTAL FUTURE Existing 25 "- 1,089 1,089 2B 362 7A 250 "- 250 743 38 1 TOTAL 612 1,470 2,082 5 U I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I i 1 NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR BASIN There are no interceptor improvements needed in the North Agua Hediond; Interceptor Basin. Benefit Area B is the only benefit area in the North Agu; Hedionda Basin. Benefit Area B Benefit Area B contains sewer drainage zones 7B and 14B. This benefit are: has 644 estimated future units and an estimated cost of trunk improvements o $316,000. The estimated fee for this benefit area is $491 per unit. Table 2-[ provides a summary of the improvements needed for the benefit area, and Tablt 2-4 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. 1, Table 2-3 Improvements for Benefit Area B Reach 316,000 4,000 10 Tamarack Avenue NAHTIA Total Cost, Length, Size, Location in. $ feet TABLE 2-4 EDU INFORMATlON FOR BENEFIT AREA B ZONE 1,171 290 881 7B TOTAL FUTURE Existing 14B -" 354 354 II TOTAL 1,525 644 881 ~ 6 I I I I I -I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA BASIN The South Agua Hedionda Basin contains Benefit Areas C, D, E, and F Interceptor improvements are needed in the South Agua Hedionda Basir System. These interceptor improvements will serve zones 5A, 5D, 7C, 8, 14A 15A, 15B, 16, 24A, 24B, and 18A. The South Agua Hedionda Basin has 9,78: estimated future units and an estimated cost of interceptor improvements o $4,600,621. The estimated fee for these improvements is $476 per unit. Tablc 2-5 provides a summary of the improvements needed and Table 2-6 provides i summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. The estimated $470 per unit wil be added to all benefit areas in the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Basin tc pay for the interceptor improvements. Table 2-5 IMPROVEMENTS TO SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA BASIN INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM II CONSTRUCTION OF NEW INTERCEPTORS Reach Total Length, Size, Location inches cost, feet $ SAH 1 Future Cannon Road SAH4 456,000 2,200 21 Hidden Valley Road SAH2 48 1 ,000 2,320 21 Hidden Valley Road 560,000 3,500 21 )I LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS II I South Agua Hedionda Lift Station and Force Main 3,103,621 TOTAL 4,600,621 ~~ 7 8 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I TABLE 2-6 II EDU INFORMATION FOR SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA BASIN INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM ZONE TOTAL FUTURE Existing 5A 383 422 356 66 5D 383 "_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A Benefit Area C Benefit Area C contains sewer drainage Zone 8. This benefit area has 1,44! estimated future units. There are no trunk improvements needed in this benefi area and, therefore, the total fee per unit within Beneifit Area C is $470. This fel is based solely on the interceptor system improvements needed in the Soutl Agua Hedionda Interceptor Basin. 8 I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 Benefit Area D Benefit Area D contains sewer drainage zones 7C, 14A, and 15A. This benefi area has 2,891 estimated future units and an estimated cost of trunl improvements of $1,092,000. The estimated fee for this benefit area is $848 pe area, and Table 2-8 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. unit. Table 2-7 provides a summary of the improvements needed for the benefi Table 2-7 Improvements for Benefit Area D Reach Location Size, 388,000 3,500 15 Future Cannon SAHT2C 206,000 3,000 8 Future College SAHT2B 498,000 6,300 10 Future Cannon SAHT2A Total Cost, Length, inches $ feet Road Blvd. Road TOTAL 1,092,000 TABLE 2-8 ~ - EDU INFORMATION FOR BENEFIT AREA D II It ~~ - ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ZONE Existing TOTAL FUTURE 7c "- 14A 571 571 "- 2,024 1,522 502 15A 798 798 TOTAL 502 2,891 3,393 9 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I Benefit Area E Benefit Area E contains sewer drainage zones 5A, 5D, 15B, 16, 24A, 24B an( 18A. This benefit area has 5,447 estimated future units and an estimated cos of trunk improvements of $2,155,000. The estimated fee for this benefit area i: $866 per unit. Table 2-9 provides a summary of the improvements needed fo the benefit area, and Table 2-10 provides a summary of the units by sewe drainage zone. I Table 2-9 Improvements for Benefit Area E Reach Total Cost, Length, Size, Location SAHTIA Carlsbad Raceway 8 503,000 4,540 15 Rancho Carlsbad, SAHTI E 388,000 3,500 15 Sunny Creek Road SAHTID ~ 410,000 3,700 15 Agua Hedionda Creek SAHTIC 332,000 3,500 12 Agua Hedionda Creek SAHTI B 69,000 1,000 inches $ feet Sunny Creek Road SAHTI F 2,155,000 TOTAL 31 6,000 2,500 18 El Camino Real SAHTlG 137,000 2,000 8 Future College Blvd. I 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 1 I I 1 I 1 i I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I Benefit Area F Benefit Area F contains sewer drainage zones 5B and 24C. This benefit area ha: 1,524 estimated future units and an estimated cost of trunk improvements o $720,000. The estimated fee for this benefit area is $942 per unit. Table 2-1 - provides a summary of the improvements needed for the benefit area, and Tabk 2-12 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. Table 2-11 Improvements for Benefit Area F Reach Total Cost, Length, Size, Location inches $ feet SAHT3A 103,000 1,500 8 Future Macario Canyon Road Canyon Road SAHT3B 61 7,000 6,500 12 Future Macario TOTAL I I I I I 720,000 I ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ TABLE 2-12 EDU INFORMATION FOR BENEFIT AREA F ZONE 1,784 1,447 337 5B TOTAL FUTURE Existing 24C "- 77 77 TOTAL 1,861 1,524 337 12 I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 BUENA/SAN MARC6S INTERCEPTOR BASIN There are no interceptor improvements in the Buena/San Marcos Intercept0 Basin. Benefit Areas G, H, and I fall within this basin. Benefit Area G Benefit Area G contains sewer drainage zones 5C, 5E, 5F and 51 . This benefi. improvements of $128,000. The estimated fee for this benefit area is $76 pel unit. Table 2-1 3 provides a summary of the improvements needed for the benefi, area, and Table 2-14 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone area has 1,692 estimated future units and an estimated cost of trunk Table 2-13 Improvements for Benefit Area G Reach Carlsbad Total Length, Size, Location in. Ownership, cost, feet $ cost, % $ BSM2 128,000 19.2 633,150 4,690 21 Camino Vida Roble c ’ Computer runs indicate BSM2 will not exceed capacity in the future; however, monitoring indicates future flows will exceed full pipe capacity and therefore a replacement pipe is recommended. * Cost based on old-line ownership percent. 13 I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 14 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I Benefit Area H Benefit Area H contains sewer drainage zones 6B, 1 OA, 1 OB, 1 OC, 17A, 178 an( 18B. This benefit area has 4,836 estimated future units and an estimated cos of trunk improvements of $2,484,000. The estimated fee for this benefit area i! $514 per unit. Table 2-15 provides a summary of the improvements needed fo the benefit area, and Table 2-16 provides a summary of the units by sewe drainage zone. Table 2-15 Improvements for Benefit Area H II LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS Reach Carls bad Total Length, Size, Location in. Ownership Co: cost, feet $ % North La Costa Lift Station r- Construct Station I -- I " Force Main 1 16 1 5,000 750,000 1 100 79 1 500,000 1 100 527 11 CONSTRUCTION OF NEW TRUNK SEWERS BSMTI A BSMTI B BSMTI C BSMT1 D BSMTI E BSMTI F TOTAL Way 1 y 1 Future Carillo 2,000 Serves 6B 1,000 Future Carillo W av I l2 I 1,ooo Future Carillo I 15 I 3,700 Way Serves 17A I 10 I 3.500 North of La Costa Golf Course 15 1,200 180,000 I 100 190 65,000 100 95 90,000 100 69 388,500 100 410 255.000 100 269 126,000 100 133 I 2,484, 15 I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 Benefit Area I Benefit Area I contains sewer drainage zone 20B and fifty percent of Zone 20A. This benefit area has 1,334 estimated future units and an estimated cost of trunk improvements of $380,000. The estimated fee for this benefit area is $285 per unit, Table 2-1 7 provides a summary of the improvements needed for the benefil area, and Table 2-18 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. Table 2-17 - Improvements for Benefit Area I Reach Carlsbad Total Length, Size, Location in. 100 380,001 360,000 4,000 12 Laurel Tree BSMT2 Ownership Cost cost, feet $ % $ Road TABLE 2-1 8 EDU INFORMATION FOR BENEFIT AREA I ZONE TOTAL FUTURE Existing 20A (50%) 1,340 1,334 6 TOTAL 578 578 -" 20B a 762 756 6 17 I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I NORTH BATIQUITOS INTERCEPTOR BASIN The North Batiquitos Basin includes Benefit Areas J, K, L, and M. These benefit areas include Zones 4A (50%), 46, 6A, 9, 19A, 19B, 19C, 19D, 20C, 21A, 216 and 226. Benefit Areas J, K, and L have 4,013 estimated future units and the estimated cost of North Batiquitos Interceptor improvements is $1,474,400. The estimated fee for these benefit areas is $367 per unit. Table 2-19 provides a summary of the improvements needed for the North Batiquitos Basin Interceptor System, and Table 2-20 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. The interceptor improvements cost of $367 per unit will be added to the fees for Benefit Areas J, K, and L. Reimbursement fees for previously constructed facilities are also required in the North Batiquitos Interceptor Basin. Benefit Areas J, K, L, and M have an estimated 9,725 total buildout EDUs and the reimbursement for the Occidental/Ponto Trunk is estimated to be $372,127. The fee of $38 per unil shall apply to Benefit Area M and be added to Benefit Areas J, K, and L. Table 2-21 provides a summary of reimbursements for the Occidental/Ponto Trunk. Benefit Areas L and J have an estimated 4,916 total buildout EDUs and reimbursement for the Ayres/Batiquitos Trunk is estimated to be $1,060,070. A fee of $216 per unit is added to Benefit Areas L and J for this reimbursement. Table 2-22 provides a summary of reimbursements for the Ayres/Batiquitos Trunk. Table 2-1 9 IMPROVEMENTS TO NORTH BATIQUITOS BASIN INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS Reach Total Cost, Location $ North Batiquitos Lift Station Repairs to Ayres Sewer Trunk 1,427,400' 47,0002 11 TOTAL I I 1,474,400 II 1 From North Batiquitos Pump Station Payment Allocation Plar prepared by Luke-Dudek, November 1989. 2 From Ayres Sewer Trunk Line Repairs Payment Plan prepared by Luke-Dudek, May 1, 1989. 18 I I I I 1 I I I I I I 8 1 I I I I I I - - 1 TABLE 2-20 EDU INFORMATION FOR NORTH BATlQUlTOS BASIN INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM ZONE TOTAL FUTURE Existing 4A (50%) 886 "- 886 4B 1,115 25 1,090 I I 1 6A I 407 I 122 I 529 I I I 9 1,770 1,256 514 19A 1,138 1,138 -" I I I 196 I "- I 894 I 894 I I I 19c 185 185 "- 19D 460 460 -" I I I 20c I "_ I 390 I 390 I I I I I I 21 A I "- I 350 I 350 I 21 B 1,534 1,257 277 22B 474 474 "- I TOTAL I 3.174 I 6.551 I 9,725 1 I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I9 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I TABLE 2-21 REIMBURSEMENTS FOR THE OCCIDENTAL/PONTO TRUNK TRUNK Reimbursement Cost,’ $ Occidental/Ponto 372,127 ‘ From City Engineer’s memorandum, dated 7-23-90. 1979 dollars escalated to 1990 dollars. 1. ~ __~~~ ~~ ~ TABLE 2-22 REIMBURSEMENTS FOR THE AYRES/BATIQUITOS TRUNK TRUNK Reimbursement Cost,’ $ Ayres/Batiquitos ’ From City Engineer’s memorandum, dated 7-23-90. 1,060,070 1979 dollars escalated to 1990 dollars. 20 I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 1 Benefit Area J Benefit Area J contains sewer drainage zones 6A, 19B, 19C, 21A and 21 B. This benefit area has 2,300 estimated future units and an estimated cost of trunk improvements of $473,028. Table 2-23 provides a summary of the improvements needed for the benefit area, and Table 2-24 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. The estimated fees for this benefit area also include Nortt- Batiquitos Interceptor improvements and reimbursements for the Occidental/ Ponto Trunk and Ayres/Batiquitos Trunk. The estimated fee for this benefit are; is $827 per unit. Table 2-23 Improvements for Benefit Area J Reach Total Cost,' Location $ N BT2 473,028 19B, 19C ~~ ~ ' From estimate prepared by P&D Technologies for Aviara, dated 1-1 0-9C TABLE 2-24 ll EDU INFORMATION FOR BENEFIT AREA J ZONE 1 Existing TOTAL FUTURE II 6A I 407 I 122 I 529 11 19B I "_ I 894 I 894 19c 350 350 -" 21 A 460 460 "- 21 B "_ 2,707 2,300 407 TOTAL 474 474 ~~~ ~ 21 I I I B 1 I I I I I B 1 1 I I I I I I Benefit Area K Benefit Area K contains sewer drainage zone 20C. This benefit area has 39 estimated future units and an estimated cost of trunk improvements of $554,001 Table 2-25 provides a summary of the improvements needed for the benefit are: and Table 2-26 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. Th estimated fees for this benefit area also include North Batiquitos lnterceptc improvements and reimbursement for the Occidental/Ponto Trunk. Thl estimated fee for this benefit area is $1,826 per unit. I Table 2-25 Improvements for Benefit Area K II ~ 11 IMPROVEMENTS TO EXISTING TRUNK SEWERS ~~~ ~~ Reach 475,000 5,000 12 Daisy Avenue NBT3B 79,000 1,000 10 4B NBT3A Total Cost Length, Size, Location inches $ feet and Batiquitos Lagoon TOTAL 554,000 TABLE 2-26 EDU INFORMATION FOR BENEFIT AREA K ZONE 390 390 "- 20c TOTAL FUTURE Existing TOTAL "- 390 390 22 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I Benefit Area L Benefit Area L contains Basins 46, 19A, and 19D. This benefit area has 1,32 estimated future units. This benefit area has no trunk improvements needed I the estimated fee for this benefit area includes the North Batiquitos lnterceptr improvements and reimbursements for the Occidental/Ponto Trunk and tt Ayres/Batiquitos Trunk. The estimated fee for this benefit area is $621 per un Benefit Area M Benefit Area M contains Basins 9, 22B, and half of 4A. This benefit area hc 2,538 estimated future units. The estimated fee for this benefit area includc only the reimbursement of the Occidental/Ponto Trunk and is $38 per unit. 23