HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-11-19; City Council; 1190-3; Additional Parking for Stagecoach ParkPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL o g AB* MTG. \\-lV\A DEPT. TITLE: ADDITIONAL PARKING FOR STAGECOACH PARK (ACTION)-tv CO 59 EXHIBITS: 1. Memo, October 2, 1990 2. Minutes - Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee, Sept. 21, 1990 3. Staff Report, Camino de los Coches RECOMMENDED ACTION: Any additional parking for Stagecoach Community Park be created off-site (onstreet). Defer any parking design configuration to the Traffic Engineering Division or Traffic Safety Commission. Funding for any onstreet parking should be requested as part of the annual street overlay appropriation of the Utilities and Maintenance Department. ITEM EXPLANATION; The Planning Commission requested the Traffic Safety Commission to investigate provisions for onstreet parking for Stagecoach Park visitors due to occasional overflow parking situations. The Traffic Engineering Division discussed this issue with the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee (TSCC). The attached Staff Report, Exhibit 3, discusses the recommended action and alternatives as presented to the TSCC in an effort to provide additional parking for Stagecoach Community Park. During staffs presentation to the TSCC, a suggestion of the Committee members was that this issue should be discussed by the Parks and Recreation Commission prior to sending a recommendation to the Traffic Safety Commission. The primary reason this issue was recommended for discussion by the Parks and Recreation Commission was to explore the possibility of creating additional onsite parking spaces within the Stagecoach park site. In addition, a suggestion was made that if additional parking could not be facilitated within the park site, that funding for steps necessary to create onstreet parking be appropriated from the Parks and Recreation Department budget. The Parks and Recreation Department staff has reviewed the possibility of creating additional parking within the park site. It is staffs recommendation that any attempt to create additional parking for Stagecoach Park be done so outside the bounds of the park site. Any attempt to create onsite parking would disrupt the function of the park as designed and would result in the elimination or alteration of already existing facility or amenities be they recreational or maintenance. Furthermore, it is staffs recommendation that if additional onstreet parking is recommended to the Traffic Safety Commission that funding be requested as part of the annual street overlay appropriation to the Utilities and Maintenance Division. Due to the expertise involved with traffic and circulation patterns, staff suggests that any recommendations stemming from this Commission concerning additional onstreet parking and alternatives necessary to create it be deferred to Engineering staff. Engineering staff has recommended Alternative No. 2 on the attached Staff Report which essentially reduces 4 lanes of traffic and creates 2 lanes of traffic with a 10 foot painted median, onstreet parking on both sides of Camino de los Coches, and maintains the existing bicycle lanes. October 2, 1990 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Traffic Engineer REMOVAL OF BICYCLE LANES ON CAMINO DE LOS COCHES AT STAGECOACH PARK The Planning Commission requested that the Traffic Safety Commission investigate the removal of bicycle lanes from Camino de los Coches to provide on-street parking for Stagecoach Park visitors due to occasional overflow parking. Traffic Engineering Division staff investigated this matter and discussed the findings and recommendations at the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee (TSCC) meeting on September 21,1990. This Committee is composed of department heads and staff from various City of Carlsbad departments. Recommendations of the TSCC are then taken to the Traffic Safety Commission. The TSCC was concerned with the staff recommendation to remove one traffic lane in each direction from the existing four traffic lanes on Camino de las Coches to accommodate on-street parking and thereby permit bicycle lanes to remain. Their concern was that in the future four traffic lanes may be needed to meet the circulation performance standard of the Growth Management Plan. If this were to occur, re-installing four traffic lanes would necessitate the removal of the on-street parking, with the end result being that the parking shortage problem is not being addressed with a permanent solution. Although the two-lane concept was supported, an option that the TSCC recommended was to explore creating additional on-site parking spaces at Stagecoach Park and eliminate the need to establish on-street parking. They further recommended, for procedural purposes, that this entire matter be discussed by the Parks and Recreation Commission prior to sending the issue to the Traffic Safety Commission for a recommendation. At the TSCC meeting, Ralph Anderson expressed concern about a funding source for the removal of existing striping to facilitate re-striping of the roadway to accommodate on-street parking. It was suggested that funding be considered for appropriation from the Parks and Recreation Department. He indicated that it would be later next year before his department could perform the work. I have attached the staff report to the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee and the minutes from the September 21, 1990 meeting. Because of the many issues involved with this subject I would be happy to discuss them with you at anytime. Will you please schedule this matter for discussion by the Parks and Recreation Commission at your earliest convenience? I will, of course, attend that meeting and am available to assist in any other way when you prepare the staff report. ROBERT T. JOHNSON, JR., P.E. Traffic Engineer RTJ:rz c: Community Development Director EXHIRIT T ^^•«_ n • ••§» ml I |A| B^F |Ai I •!•City Engineer Planning Director (V MINUTES Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COORDINATING COMMITTEE Time of Meeting: 8:30 A.M. Date of Meeting: September 21, 1990 Place of Meeting: Las Palmas Engineering Conference Room - - CALL TO ORDER: Robert Johnson called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m. ROLL CALL: Committee members present: Ralph Anderson, U/M Director Robert German, Risk Manager Robert Johnson, Traffic Engineer Marty Orenyak, Community Development Director Robert Vales, Police Chief Brian Watson, Fire Department - Battalion Chief Staff members present: Mike Shirey, Assistant Engineer Dave Millikan, Recreation Supervisor Bill Michalek, Police Officer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the August 24, 1990 Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee were approved as presented. it ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Committee on a non-agenda item. OLD BUSINESS: Bob Johnson announced that October 1, through 5 is California Rideshare Week. Regarding this item. Bob said that employees on an existing 4/10 work week can submit that as participating in rideshare week as credit for the North County cities challenge. Bob Johnson stated that the Private Street Standards are schedule to go back before the Traffic Safety Commission again, at the Commissions request The Commission wished for one more month to review these standards before making comment. NEW BUSINESS: Bob Johnson presented the Staff report stating on-street parking is needed only on occasion, i.e. when Stagecoach Park is operating on a full schedule at capacity. Bob said that staff recommends Alternative 2 as a new striping configuration for Camino de los Coches. This alternative will facilitate 2 lanes of traffic, 2 bicycle lanes and 2 parking lanes and still operate at an acceptable Level of Service (LOS). Dave Millikan agreed with staffs recommendation stating that this striping configuration will also alleviate any parking deficiencies that may arise at the new high school after it is constructed. Bob German stated that he has concerns over allowing parking on the somhside of the roadway, with individuals crossing traffic lanes to access the park. Q -I Everyone in attendance stated that if two traffic lanes are removed at (*> JL this time, it may be difficult to have them reinstated in the future if needed to maintain an acceptable LOS. Johnson Anderson German Orenyak Vales Watson X X X X X X X EXHIBIT 2 i ii. MINUTES September 21, 1990 Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee Meeting Page: 2 B. Bob Johnson stated that the existing four traffic lane striping configuration will be maintained at the intersections of Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue with Camino de los Coches and that SANDAG traffic volume projections do not indicate a need for 4 Traffic lanes, adjacent to Stagecoach Park, at build-out. Chief Vales made a motion to recommend Alternative 2 to the Traffic Safety Commission with the addition of painting the curb returns at the park driveways red. Ralph Anderson seconded the motion and stated that this project could not be completed until next summer due to the current street overlay/chip/slurry seal program schedules. Ralph also asked who would fund this project? Discussion ensued on different funding sources, i.e.. Parks and Recreation Budget, U/M street overlay program project shift, etc. Brian Watson stated that this seems like a short term solution to a long term situation and that he thought other alternatives need to be considered first, such as expanding on-site parking facilities before changing the striping configuration of the roadway. Bob German agreed with Brian's statement and said that other alternatives need to explored. The motion on the table was revised, with approval of the second, to recommend that this item go before the Parks and Recreation Commission for additional review with alternative suggestions being made before going before the Traffic Safety Commission with this Committee recommending Alternative 2 with the addition of red curb at the driveway curb returns and a decision on funding on the project being made before the project begins. Roosevelt Street Parking Lot Closure to access via Roosevelt Street - Request to remove driveway approach. Bob Johnson presented the Staff report stating that the planter that is blocking the driveway is a safety hazard. Marty Orenyak said that the property owner should either remove the planter or remove the driveway approach at the owners expense. Due to the property owner creating a potential safety hazard it was recommended to the Traffic Safety Commission that either the property owner remove the driveway obstruction (planter) or close the driveway opening onto Roosevelt by constructing curb and gutter within 60 days of notification. As an alternative the Committee recommended that the City remove the driveway approach and construct curb and gutter and sidewalk and either bill the property owner for the work or put the cost of the work on the property owners tax bill via nuisance abatement procedures. Matron Road/ECR and PAR/ECR intersection - Request to establish a NO RIGHT TURN ON RED during limited hours. Bob Johnson presented the staff report stating that the only way these signs will achieve motorist compliance is with Constance police enforcement Bob referred to the City of Oceanside's attempt at peak hour traffic management by use of turn prohibition signs and the lack of motorist compliance there. 22 Vales Anderson German Johnson Orenyak Watson Orenayk Anderson German Johnson Vales Watson MINUTES September 21, 1990 Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee Meeting Page: 3 Brian Watson concurred with Bob's statement regarding Oceanside, saying that he is very familiar with the area where these signs are installed and without constant enforcement the signs are not effective. Bob Johnson also said that the City's U/M Department is working on a contract where CALTRANS would take over operation of the Marron Road/ECR signal and attempt to optimize traffic flow through this corridor with a coordinated signal timing program. Additionally, Bob said that PAR/ECR is scheduled to be widening and improved which would help to mitigate any current deficiencies. Due to the Police Department being unable to constantly monitor these locations and due to the future improvements pending at these locations it was recommended to deny the Police Department request for installation of NO RIGHT TURN ON RED signs at the intersection of Marron Road/ECR and PAR/ECR. Other Business Officer Michalek asked thai Haymar Road east of ECR be designated a No Parking Zone due to the large moving vans parking there. He also asked if the centerline striping and limit line could be refreshened. Bob Johnson said staff would investigate this request. Bob Johnson said that speed zone issues on Pontiac Drive will again come before this Committee for review due to residents requests. Chief Vales stated that he is going to attempt to secure one or two more positions to create a special residential speed zone enforcement detail. He stressed that this is tentative and is based on budget constraints. Bob Johnson stated that this is an excellent idea and that Traffic Engineering Division staff supported it. The next meeting of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee will be held on Friday October 26, 1990 at 8:30 a.m. in the Las Palmas Engineering Conference Room. Adjournment: By proper motion, the meeting of September 21, 1990 was adjourned at 9:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted Engineering Division sistant City Manager Community Development Director City Engineer Utilities and Maintenance Director Assistant City Engineer 23 German Anderson Johnson Orenyak Vales Watson CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COORDINATING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT COMMITTEE MEETING OF: September 21, 1990 ITEM NO. 6A LOCATION: Camino de los Coches INITIATED BY: Planning Commission REQUESTED ACTION: Remove the bicycle lane(s) located on Camino de los Coches to provide on-street parking to serve Stagecoach Community Park. BACKGROUND: Stagecoach Park was opened in 1986 to the public and serves as a regional park. Environmental constraints and preservation of historical artifacts limited the number of parking spaces constructed to 240 total spaces in three parking lots (Exhibit 1). On occasion, all of the parking spaces are occupied and illegal parking occurs in the parking lot or vehicles overflow park on surrounding vacant parcels of land or adjacent residential streets. DATA: Camino de los Coches is designated as a secondary arterial roadway on the Circulation Element of the City of Carlsbad. The roadway is currently striped as a secondary arterial with bicycle lanes, four traffic lanes and a painted median that provides a left turn lane at intersecting streets. Section C.2.2 of the Circulation Element states that "Bikeways should be provided on virtually all new major secondary arterials and on scenic roadways." However, Camino de los Coches is not shown on the City of Carlsbad Bicycle Route Map in the Circulation Element. A traffic count taken on September 12, 1990 indicated low traffic volumes on both ends of Camino de los Coches near the intersections of Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue. Results are shown on Table 1. The latest buildout traffic projections for the City of Carlsbad prepared by SANDAG for Camino de las Coches indicates a traffic volume of 3,300 vehicles near Rancho Santa Fe Road and a volume of 2,800 vehicles near La Costa Avenue. However, staff believes higher volumes will result due to a shopping center being proposed on the southeast corner of the RSF/Camino de los Coches intersection and plans for a new high school that will take access from Camino de los Coches across from Stagecoach Park. Current traffic volumes do not require a four-lane roadway to operate at an acceptable level of service or to provide for roadway safety. 24 EXHIBIT 3 TRAFFIC SAFETY COORDINATING COMMITTEE Staff Report COMMITTEE MEETING OF: September 21, 1990 ITEM NO. 6A (Continued) TABLE 1 - 24 HOUR ADT CAMINO DE LOS COCHES Location Direction of Travel Volume 200' s/o LCA Northbound 613 100' s/o LCA Southbound 743 200' e/o RSF Eastbound 1,196 300' e/o RSF Westbound 1,327 Staff would oppose removal of the bicycle lanes. However, several options exist to provide on-street parking and also provide bicycle lane(s). The preferred option would be to provide one traffic lane in each direction with parking adjacent to the curb and gutter. Sufficient roadway width would remain to stripe a five-foot wide bicycle lane in each direction. An unacceptable option to staff would be to remove one of the traffic lanes to provide a parking lane, bicycle lane and one traffic lane on the northerly side of Camino del los Coches. This would result in a three-lane roadway, with the southerly side of Camino de los Coches not changing. Staff recognizes that, on occasion, additional parking spaces are required. However, a recent parking study on a busy night of activity indicated sufficient parking spaces were available. Results are shown Table 2 (attached). Due to low traffic volumes at this time, staff could support the removal of one traffic lane in each direction to provide on-street parking adjacent to Stagecoach Park on both sides of the roadway. Bicycle lanes would remain. However, staff recommends that four traffic lanes and bicycle lanes remain at the intersections of Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue and that NO PARKING be permitted on these four-lane segments of Camino de los Coches. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that the following actions be initiated to implement on-street parking. 1. Remove one traffic lane in each direction from the entrance to the westerly parking lot and continue easterly to approximately Via Calendo. Geometries at the intersections of RSF and LCA would not change. 2. Within the above referenced segments, provide two eight-foot wide parking lanes, two five-foot wide bicycle lanes, two fourteen-foot wide traffic lanes and one ten-foot wide painted median. 3. The removal of the existing striping be accomplished by a slurry seal of the roadway and that the City Council approve the cost appropriation. TRAFFIC SAFETY COORDINATING COMMITTEE Staff Report COMMITTEE MEETING OF: September 21, 1990 ITEM NO. 6A (Continued) 4. The slurry seal be programmed into the schedule next spring for the contract to be awarded by the Utilities and Maintenance Department. Staff further recommends that if four traffic lanes are required in the future, on-street parking be removed and that bicycle lanes remain. Operational or safety problems on the roadway or the need to meet the performance standard for circulation in the Growth Management Plan are several reasons why four traffic lanes would be necessary. NECESSARY CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Approval of on-street parking, removal of traffic lanes and funding of this proposal will require approval by the City Council. 26 TABLE 2 PARKING LOTS AT STAGECOACH PARK EASTERLY PARKING LOT (62 Total Spaces') NUMBER OF TIME PARKED VEHICLES % OCCUPANCY 6:00 - 6:29 P.M. 13 21 6:30 - 6:59 P.M. 27 44 7:00 - 7:29 P.M 32 52 7:30 - 7:59 P.M. 43 69 8:00 - 8:29 P.M. 51 82 8:30 - 8:59 P.M. 55 89 9:00 - 9:29 P.M. 47 76 9:30 - 9:59 P.M. 43 69 MAIN PARKING LOT (127 Total Spaces) NUMBER OF TIME PARKED VEHICLES % OCCUPANCY 6:00 - 6:29 P.M. 59 46 6:30 - 6:59 P.M. 68 54 7:00 - 7:29 P.M 84 66 7:30 - 7:59 P.M. 85 67 8:00 - 8:29 P.M. 99 78 8:30 - 8:59 P.M. 69 54 9:00 - 9:29 P.M. 47 37 9:30 - 9:59 P.M. 44 35 WESTERLY PARKING LOT (51 Total Spaces) NUMBER OF TIME PARKED VEHICLES % OCCUPANCY 6:00 - 6:29 P.M. 6 12 6:30 - 6:59 P.M. 11 22 7:00 - 7:29 P.M 9 18 7:30 - 7:59 P.M. 4 8 8:00 - 8:29 P.M. 7 14 8:30 - 8:59 P.M. 7 14 9:00 - 9:29 P.M. 7 14 9:30 - 9:59 P.M. 8 16 NOTE: Parking survey conducted on September 10, 1990. -- 27 A. PARKING 8. BALLFIELD / SOCCER C. BALLF1ELD 0. RESTROOM E. BASKETBALL F. PLAY AREA Q. PICNIC AREA H. NATURE AREA I. RECIRCULATINQ STREAM J. TENNIS COURTS K. ADOBE RUINS L GYMNASIUM / COMMUNITY BLDG. M. VOLLEYBALL N. RESTROOM / CONCESSION MUIMITV PAMK EXHIBIT 1CONDITION DIAGRAM CAMINO DE LOS COCHES CAMIND DE LDS CDCHES ALTERNATIVE 1 E>:is / 5' u _J u 1— 1 « TING - Curb 11' U _J TRAFFICSIR] & Gu 11' LJ _J TRAFFIC: -1 PINC ;~ter MEDIANPAINTEDCDNFIGURATIDN ir. uz TRAFFICII7 uz TRAFFIC\ 5' U _J U H- « PQ 29 EXHIBIT 2 CAMIND DE LDS CDCHES ALTERNATIVE 2 2 TRAFFIC LANES, 2 BIKE LANES, 2 PARKING LANES u LD a. Curb & Gutter U^I—1PQ 14' u u a: 10' <I—I LJ 14' LJ Z u HH Lu U Z u^:H-iPQ 8' LJ 30 EXHIBIT 3 CAMIND DE LDS CDCHES ALTERNATIVE 3 3 TRAFF1 8' UJ PARKING[C Ci 5' u <:_j u 5 LANES, 2 BI Arb & Gu 14X uz TRAFFICK 1 E LAN ;ter 10X MEDIANPAINTEDES, 1 PARKING LANE 11' uz _J TRAFFIC\ II7 u TRAFFIC\ 5X u Ul HH 31 EXHIBIT 4 CAMIND DE LDS CDCHES ALTERNATIVE 4 4 TRAFFIC LANES, 1 PAF / — Curb & Gu 20' 11' uz ID i— i QL<: LJQ_ Z 0 U •— 1 I-H L_ L_ L_ U. <C <Q/ a: h- h- ^ 1 <ING L tter 10'MEDIANPAINTED.{^NE, ND BIKE LANES 11' \ 12' LJ Z TRAFFICLJ TRAFFICEXHIBIT 5