HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-11-19; City Council; 1190-9; Carrillo Ranch Development TimelinePARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL o< toCO AB* U^ft-Cl TITLE: MTG. lHfl-90 DEPT. Y 4(2—' RECOMMENDED ACTION: CARRILLO RANCH DEVELOPMENT TIMELINE FACTION)A4* v< Or Review and discuss issues related to development within Zone 18 as it pertains to the Qf Carrillo Ranch. Direct staff accordingly. \ lA'l ITEM EXPLANATION; During the Committee report presentation of the October Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, it was requested that this item be placed on the November Commission meeting for discussion. The Committee report presentation in October gave an update of the Committee meeting relating to the Carrillo Ranch development timeline. During that initial meeting, Committee members were informed as to the development timeline of the ranch and the funding as identified in the Capital Improvements Program Budget. Committee members were also informed as to the status of Zone 18 of the Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP). The Zone 18 plan has recently been submitted to various departments by Planning staff for review prior to submittal of the zone plan to the Planning Commission. A Committee suggestion was to address issues relating to the adequate buffering of the future Carrillo Park with respect to adjacent development. In addition, the Historic Preservation Commission has also submitted a request that the Timeline Subcommittee include review of land use planning for areas immediately adjacent to the ranch (Exhibit 2). Accordingly, staff has submitted a memo to the Planning Director to address such issues during any master plan developments submitted to the Planning Department for Zone 18 (Exhibit 1). Staff will update the Commission regarding Zone 18 of Local Facilities Management Plan and the process by which the zone plan will be submitted for approval to both the Planning Commission and City Council. In addition, staff will address the Commission with respect to previous master plans which have been submitted and any master plans which are anticipated to be submitted to the Planning Department for review subsequent to Council adoption of the zone plan. EXHIBITS: 1. Memo, October 29, 1990, to Planning Director 2. Memo, October 24, 1990, to Parks and Recreation Director October 29, 1990 TO: PLANNING DIRECTOR VIA: Parks and Recreation Director^X FROM: Senior Management Analyst CARRILLO RANCH Several months ago, the Parks and Recreation Commission established a committee to review the Carrillo Ranch development timeline. Included in the committee were representatives from Parks and Recreation Commission, Historic Preservation Commission, and Mrs. Joan Kindle with staff support from the various departments. During the initial committee meeting, the timeline for development of the Carrillo Ranch was discussed as outlined in the Capital Improvement Program Budget for the committee members' information. One area of specific concern at the committee level was the future development of property immediately adjacent to the Carrillo Ranch. It was recommended that appropriate steps be taken to insure adequate buffering between the park facility and adjacent development. With this in mind and in light of the current status of the proposed Zone 18 of the Local Facility Management Plan, I am requesting any direction you could provide with respect to the future planning of areas immediately adjacent to the Carrillo Ranch property. As you are aware, Zone 18 of the LFMP will shortly be reviewed by the Planning Commission and ultimately by the City Council. If approved, the preparation, submittal and review of master plans within Zone 18 will in all likelihood commence immediately. Our department would appreciate the opportunity to review any master plans related to this area for the purpose of insuring adequate buffers around the ranch. Any support from your office in directing us to address these concerns would be appreciated. KEITH BEVERLY dm c: Assistant City Manager Growth Management Senior Planner Redevelopment Senior Management Analyst Committee Members Attachment ADMIN:MEMOS:timcline.cr EXHIBIT 1 63 October 24, 1990 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Senior Management Analyst VIA: Housing and Redevelopment Director CARRILLO RANCH PLANNING DEVELOPMENT TIME LINE SUBCOMMITTEE At its meeting of October 23, 1990, the Historic Preservation Commission discussed the meeting summary of the Carrillo Ranch Planning and Development Timeline Subcommittee. As a result of this discussion, the Commission would like to request that the scope of work of the Timeline Subcommittee also include review of land use planning for areas immediately adjacent to the Ranch. In addition, the Commission would like to receive information regarding the type of zoning around the Ranch. Thank you for your assistance. CLINT PHILLIPS c: Community Development Director 64 EXHIBIT 2 CARRILLO RANCH DEVELOPMENT TIMELINE FUNDING TOTAL SOURCE APPROPRIATION YEAR 1. Carrillo Ranch Stabilization State Grant 490,000 Current 2. Leo Carrillo 10.2 ac. 250,000 93-94 Devel & Restore PFF 2,000,000 94-95 3. Leo Carrillo 8.5 ac. (Dedicated P.I.L./Growth Mgt) 4. Leo Carrillo Develop 8.5 ac. PFF 4,500,000 2000+ Allocation of CLP. funds for development of Capital Improvement Projects is subject to Council's discretion based upon priority. Priority is often times based upon Growth Management Performance Standards. Access to the Carrillo Ranch site will be subject to development as it occurs within the Local Facilities Management Zones 17 and 18. Zone 17 is currently in the initial planning stages, and Zone 18 is under technical review. Neither zone has Council approved and/or adopted plans. Zone plan submittal timelines for both zones is unknown at this time. 65 ? p •o 0 X X 1 VI S VI M a O O "O m rS R » 3 ?iii "* ^ o m » <5 S £m o S SJO JOm mVI VI 0 5 £ £ JO » r™m p •< vi m II " 5 s ° 3 *r*i ^ ""* —>* w >>>>> 2 5 g g K g ? ? ? ? 8 f- f- P- JO m m m mr- r- f- > _ _ tQ m m m j» > O O O x » GS2-i £ Si S g 8 2 o . - 3 » I s < PC — r-r- C O m o m immC 3 o S S S f I £"~S5 I S « g o = H«i § § *sa§^ : ??S SS-'Utrno v< ™ S 5 M 0 £^£8•^ o ru^^^ C •• 1*4*1 > nrsjooc " o oV^JS s o -^ s a ^ ~2*csssi * s°?*o -™ sinvixi-4 vi en m ._OT "•n m »• < *• _ " £ o » ? S 2m mm S 2s is i s a y Is 3 3 - 3 rtJ o -O -O -S ** 5 -< c. 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