HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-11-20; City Council; 10918; WORK PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION PLAN. * P g 5 .. z 0 F 0 a 2 0 z 3 0 0 CIa OF CARLSBAD - AGiENVBlLL 5' T AB# '3 "' MTG. 11 /20/90 DEPT. PLN RECOMMENDED ACTION: Tm- WORK PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES '7 CONSERVATION CIT' PLAN ADOPT Resolution No. yfl*&/l , APPROVING the Work Progra establishing an Ad Hoc Advisory Conunittee on Coastal Sag6 Resource Management, and authorizing staff to issue a Requc Statement of Qualifications for consulting services to prc vegetation and habitat inventory. ITEM EXPLANATION The concept of a Coastal Sage Scrub Resource Management P: first presented to the City Council on June 19, 1990. 1 time, the City Council authorized staff to proceed wi initial steps of this planning effort and appropriated ! from the Contingency Reserve to cover anticipated expenses primary task of the initial step consisted of developing t Program including a detailed budget and a schedule for corn of the work. The original impetus was a concern for the Cal Gnatcatcher, a species of bird which is a candidate for listing as an endangered species. As the process evolved, become clear that a more multi-specfies and multi-habitat a should be employed. Therefore, the program as now propose identify most of the biologically significant wildlife that exists within the City of Carl.sbad with special emph the Gnatcatcher habitat. As part of the initial step, staff called for a meeting interested agencies and individualts. The meeting was July 27, 1990. Approximately 150 people attended the m representing various cities, counties, federal and state w agencies, environmental organizations, property ownei concerned citizens. The concensus of the meeting was Coastal Sage Scrub Resource Management Plan for the ( Carlsbad would offer a number of benefits and should be pi Following the July 27 meeting, staff held several disc with representatives of the wildlife agencies in an ef better understand their requirements for such a plan. plan is to accomplish its intended purposes, it must mc the approval of these wildlife agencies. Valuable infc was gained in these discussions a:nd incorporated into t Program. The Draft Work Program is now ready for consideration by. Council; however, it should not yet be considered comr final. An important component of the Work Program Advisory Group which is described in Task 1 of the Drz Program. The proposed membership of the Advisory Commit 0 e PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. /I, q/f listed in Attachment A of the Draft Work Program, stated in of the agencies and organizations that would be invited t a representative. It would be most effective to ha1 Advisory Group's input on the Work Program prior to fina it. The Work Program in its present form provides thc Council with sufficient information to allow a decisj considerations in this decision will be the expected cos benefits, as outlined below. This type of plan is a relatively new approach to dealin wildlife habitat. There are few defined processes or proc to follow. To a great extent, the City and the other ag will be inventing the process as it proceeds. In view uncertainty inherent in this type of endeavor, staf structured the Work Program in phases so that there are s decision points at which the City Council will be able to the progress and determine whether to proceed further. program could be discontinued at the end of any phase appears that costs are becoming excessive or if the antic benefits are not being realized. Projected Costs. The largest expenditure will be fc services of a biological consultant to prepare a dc vegetation inventory map of the vacant land in the City. will involve examination of existing maps and aerial photc followed by field verification. When completed, the ma indicate the locations and acreage of the various habitat that are of concern to the wildlife agencies. The cost c work is estimated to be approximately $200,000. A more precise cost figure will be possible when the respol the Statements of Qualifications are received. At that t: Council. can determine whether or not to proceed wi. inventory, and if the decision is made to proceed, how tl should be funded. Several funding alternatives exist, in( City funding in full or in part, upfront funding by one ( major property owners/developers, a special fee for proc applications on land which may contain sensitive h; financial assistance from conservation organizations, combination of these and other methods. Other costs to ca: the Work Program will include a substantial amount of sta to oversee the consultant's work and to provide support Advisory Group. Reauest for Statement of Qualifications for Bio Consultant. It is important to select a biological con, who possesses the necessary qualifications to perform th and who has no conflict of interest in terms of repre property owners or developers whose property may be incll the mapping. It is recommended that staff prepare the for Statement of Qualifications and distribute it to a list of consultants who are known to possess the qualifications. whether to proceed with the next phases of work. F e 0 PAGE 3 OF AGENDA BILL NO. /< $?/f Expected Benefits. A number of benefits are anticipate( the successful completion of this Work Program. The fir: most concrete is the consideration of the wildlife agenc. determining mitigation for City projects which may impact h, areas. Projects such as Cannon Road, Rancho Santa Fe Roac the Municipal Golf Course require review and approval 1 wildlife agencies. The Work Program will help id appropriate areas to carry out mitigation for habitat impacted by these projects. The agencies have also ind that they may be able to adjust the amount of mitigation re1 of these projects in view of the City's substantial expent of time and funds for the habitat inventory/mapping, as 1 the result is still within their guidelines for acce mitigation. Since the mitigation requirements for these pr have not yet been determined, it is not possible at this t indicate how much adjustment may be possible. The Work F will also contribute to a stronger cooperative relationshi the agencies, which will be of benefit to current and pro j ects . A second area of benefit will be the generation of infor needed for the update of the General Plan and the Open planning effort. Both of these ongoing programs wil: valuable use of the vegetation and habitat information in to determine development constraints, appropriate are? development, and areas for designation as permanent open for wildlife purposes. FISCAL IMPACT Approval of the staff recommendation would result in no imn expense to the City. Potential future costs to the City hz been determined, but a cost estimate has been provided. the results of approving the staff recommendation will k precise identification of costs and funding sources. EXHIBITS 1. City Council Resolution No. yfle41/ 2. Draft Work Program for Coastal Sage Scrub Rc Management Plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e W RESOLUTION NO. 90-41 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 01 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A WORK PROGRAM FOR A COASTAL SAGE SCRUB RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of C desires to provide for appropriate land use planning for a the City that may contain protected or sensitive w habitat; and WHEREAS, Coastal Sage Scrub is a habitat type wk recently been identified as sensitive due to the presence California Gnatcatcher, which is a candidate for federal as an endangered species; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of C intends to approach the task of planning for Coastal Sag areas of the City in an orderly and comprehensive manner NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by tl Counci.1 as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and c( 2. That the attached Work Program is hereby aF and staff is directed to pursue it with appropriate repor to the City Council, as described therein. 3. That an Advisory Group on Coastal Sage Resource Conservation is hereby authorized for the dura the Work Program. The Advisory Group's composition and are described in the Work Program. 4. That staff is authorized to distribute a for Statement of Qualifications to obtain a consulting bi to prepare a Coastal Sage Scrub Resource inventory, as de in the Work Program. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the day of November , 1990 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Larson, Mamaux and Pettir NOES: None ABSENT : Council Member Kulchin ABSTAIN : None ATTEST: 42LOL d 7cLL.L ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City C\eerk (SEAL) I I I I -2- e 0 CllY OF CARISBAD COASTAL SAGE SCRUB RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN WORJC PROGRAM (Cf=RMP) PHASE I TASK 1 ADVISORY GROW FORMATION l.A. Establish Advisory Group to advise staff and consultants during the preparation of the CSS The responsibilities of the Advisory Group would consist oE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Assist in identifying funding mechanisms for acquisition of land and lonl 7. 8. Represent their agency/organization in the development of the CSSRMP; Review and finalize work program; Review of products submitted by consultant(s) and staff; Suggest policies to implement the CSSRMP; Assist in identifying the legal framework of the CSSRMP; management of resources; Provide information on habitat that should be preserved; Provide information on proposed public and private projects that would be affected CSSRMP. The committee membership would consist of the members listed in Attachment A. The Advisory Group could form subcommittees, as needed. Possible subcommittees could ir Policy formation; Data collection; Environmental review Legal adequacy; and Funding mechanisms. Meetings of the Advisory Group (or subcommittees) would be scheduled on a periodic bas meetings would be properly noticed and open to the public in accordance with the Brown l.B. TASK 2 SELECTION OF ClTY CONSULTING BIOLOGIST 2.A. Issue Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) RESPONSIBILITY - City Environmental Consultant Biologist Qualifications San Diego field experience Coastal Sage Scrub Habitat survey experience No current or recent work for developers who are active in Carlsbad 2.B. Select consulting biologist RESPONSIBILITY - Planning Director with Advisory Group recommendation 0 0 TASIT 3 CITY COUNCIL STATUS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO Bl[RE CONSULTANT AND TO P PHASE II TASK 4 BACKGROUND AND GOAIS 4.A. Prepare background report on City’s existing Open Space planning efforts and how it rela resource management RESPONSIBILITY - City Environmental Consultant City Staff 4.B. Establish goals of the Coastal Sage Scrub Resource Management Plan. RESPONSIBILITY - Advisory Committee City Environmental Consultant City Staff TASK 5 BIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT INVENTORY 5.A. Prepare a Regional Overview report describing major habitat types and CSS distribution Diego Region. RESPONSIBILITY - City Environmental Consultant Prepare a Local Setting report, using existing data, of major habitat types and CSS distri in Carlsbad. 1. Map CSS areas by vegetation type 2. Map sensitive species sightings 3. Use City base with properties & LFMP Zones 4. Advisory Group review RESPONSIBILITY - City Environmental Consultant City Biological Consultant City Staff City Biological Consultant 5.B. 5.c. Data Collection I. CSS distribution identification (a) (b) Map CSS areas (c) Field verification Aerial photo interpretation (CityEANDAG photos) (1) CSS structure and composition (2) Species composition (3) Topographic influences (4) Disturbance recovery (naturaVman-made) (5) Habitat viability (corridors, regional connections) RESPONSIBILITY - City Biological Consultant City Staff 2 e 0 2. SANDAGData (a) Constrained Lands (tabular data/maps) (h) Land Use Inventory (tabular data/maps) RESPONSIBILITY - City Environmental Consultant City Staff 3. CSS Distribution Map Preparation (a) Data to be mapped (1) Property boundaries (2) LFMP Zone boundaries (3) Dedicated biologicaVnon-biological open space (4) Committed development areas (5) Proposed development areas (b) Digitize mapped data (SANDAG) (c) Produce data maps/ tables (SANDAG) (1) Coastal Sage Scrub habitat (2) Overlays Ownership Land Use Designation Constrained (steep slope, dedicated open space, committed to development RESPONSIBILITY - City Biological Consultant Environmental Consultant SANDAG City Staff 5.D. CSS Habitat Analysis 1. CSS resources (a) Structure and composition (b) Species composition (c) Topographic considerations (d) Recovery from disturbance (e) Habitat viability Various locations Corridors Regional connections 2. External effects (a) Adjacent land uses (b) Human Activity (c) Compatible/Non-compatible activities (a) Acceptablehon-acceptable activities (b) Extent of aiiowable encroachment (a) (b) Growth Forecasts (c) Local Facilities Management Plans 5. Advisory Group Review 3. Internal effects 4. Land use considerations General Plan Land Use and Conservation Elements Existing/Planned land uses RESPONSIBILITY - City Biological Consultant City Environmental Consultant City Staff 3 41) e 5.E. Habitat Resource Report 1. Prepare report describing the Coastal Sage Scrub habitat and species diversity withi habitat. Report will include externavinternal effects and land use considerations. RESPONSIBILITY - City Biological Consultant City Environmental Consultant City Staff 2. Peer Review The Habitat Resource Report will be distributed to Peer Review Group composed of Biologists and wildlife professionals for review and comment. RESPONSIBILITY - City Biological Consultant City Environmental Consultant City Staff 3. Advisory Group Review The Habitat Resources Report will be distributed to the Advisory Group for revie1 comment upon completion of the Peer Review. RESPONSIBILITY - City Environmental Consultant City Staff TASK 6 ClTY COUNCIL STATUS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO PROCEED PHASE III TASK 7 LEGAL FRAMEWORJC 7.A. Establish Legal Framework for CSSRMP 1. 2. Research legal framework within which the CSSRMP would be structured. Establish legal parameters for preparation of CSSRMP. RESPONSIBILITY - City Attorney City Staff TASK 8 FUNDINGMECHANISMS 8.A. Identify Sources of Funding for Implementation of CSSRMP 1. 2. Identify private fund availability 3. Identify Public Agency fund availability Determine requirements to obtain funding RESPONSIBILITY - City Environmental Consultant City Staff TASK 9 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN 9.A. Determine Opportunity and Constraint Areas 1. Identify areas where (a) Biologically defensible habitat exist (b) (c) Existing habitat that could be restored Minimum size of habitat areas 4 e 0 (d) Buffer area requirements Areas should be, wherever practical, contiguous with existing legal boundaries RESPONSIBILITY - City Biological Consultant 2. City Staff City Environmental Consultant 3. Advisory Group Review 9.B. Land Use Impact Analysis Identify land uses within potential Habitat Preservation Areas by land use design and/or existing use. Assess direct and indirect impacts of various land uses on proposed Habitat Presen Areas. (a) Direct impacts - include loss of habitat through removal or degradation, act that physically or behaviorally disrupt species occupying the habitat. (b) Indirect impacts - activities that decrease the long-term viability of habita occupying species. Identify special management areas where land uses should be restricted because ol potential for direct or indirect impacts to habitat areas. RESPONSIBILITY - City Biological Consultant 1. 2. 3. City Environmental Consultant City Staff 9.C. Advisory Group Review TASK 10 HABITAT PRESERVATION RECOMMENDATIONS 10.A. Prepare Habitat Preservation Recommendations Identify habitat areas currently protected (a) Acceptable land usehuman activities @) Extent of allowable encroachment Identify unprotected habitat areas to be protected (a) Acceptable land usehuman activities (b) Extent of allowable encroachment (a) Size of buffer area required (b) Appropriate land use/human activities Identify connecting corridors and regional connections Identify habitat areas where development should be allowed if compensation mz habitat loss. Identify areas where development can occur without impacts to habitat RESPONSIBILITY - City Biological Consultant 1. 2. 3. Identify appropriate buffer areas 4. 5. 6. City Environmental Consultant City Staff 7. Advisory Group Review 1O.B. Habitat Preservation Areas Map 1. 2. Map would consist of Mapped on a suitable City base map (a) Biological resource data (b) Existing land uses (c) General PladZoning designation 5 0 0 RESPONSIBILITY - City Biological Consultant City Environmental Consultant City Staff 3. Advisory Group Review Implementation Strategy for Habitat Preservation 1. Finalize goals of CSSRMP RESPONSIBILITY - Advisory Group 1o.c. City Staff 2. Acquisition of habitat (a) Mechanism (Purchase/Easement/Other) (b) Ownership (CityDJon-profit/Other) (c) Funding 1. Habitat Improvement (a) Types of improvement (b) Responsibility (c) Funding 2. Habitat Management (a) Publidprivate responsibilities (b) Level of management required (c) Funding (a) Extent (b) Compatible activities RESPONSIBILITY - City Biological Consultant 3. Buffer areas City Environmental Consultant City Staff 4. Advisory Group Review TASK 11 ENVIR0"TAL SCOPING ll.A. 11.B. Conduct public scoping meeting to determine extent of environmental review Issue Notice of Preparation (NOP) notifying interest agencies and parties of type of environi document which will be prepared for the proposed adoption of a Coastal Sage Scrub Re Management Plan. RESPONSIBILITY - City Environmental Consultant City Staff TASK 12 CITY COUNCIL STATUS WORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO PROCEED 6 e 0 PHASE IV TASK 13 COASTAL SAGE SCRUB RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN DOCUMENT 13.A. Prepare Final CSSRMP Document 1. 2. Edit document Compile reports prepared for Tasks 4 through 12 ]RESPONSIBILITY - City Environmental Consultant City Biological Consultant City Staff 3. Advisory Group Review TASK 14 FINALENVIRONMENTALDOCUMENTS 14A. Megative Declaration or EIR/EIS Document 1. 2. Public review 3. Project defined as the CSSRMP Plan (Task 13) Prepare final EA/Neg.Dec. or EIWEIS 7 0 e A'JTACEMENT A ADVISORY GROUP MEMBERSHIP City Staff PLANNING DIRECTOR (Representative) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR REPRESENTATIVE (Don Rideout) CITY ENGINEER (Representative) CITY ATTORNEY (Representative) CITY FIRE CHIEF (Representative) RESPONSIBILITY - Management Oversight of CSSRMP RESPONSIBILITY - Administrative Management of CSSRMP RESPONSIBILITY - Engineering Dept. Coordination RESPONSIBILITY - Review of CSSRMP Documents RESPONSIBILITY - Technical Advice on Fire Management Note: Other fire agency assistance requested, if needed. Federal, State and Local Azencies US. FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE (Representative) RESPONSIBILITY - Technical Advice & Document Review CALIFORNIA DEPT. OF FISH & GAME (Representative) RESPONSIBILITY - Technical Advice & Document Review COASTAL COMMISSION (Representative) RESPONSIBILITY - Review of CSSRMP for Coastal Issues SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (SANDAG) RESPONSIBILITY - Technical Advice/Regional Perspective consdtants CITY ENVIRONMENT CONSULTANT RESPONSIBILITY - Management of CSSRMP - Prepare draft of CSSRMP RESPONSIBILITY - Technical & Field Studies CITY CONSULTING BIOLOGIST - Assist in preparing draft of CSSRMP Environmental Organizations LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL 0 RGANIZATIO NS (2 selected from following organizations) - Audubon Society Agua IHedionda Lagoon Foundation Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation Friends of Lake Calaveras League of Women Voters Shoreline Protection Organization Sierra Club RESPONSIBILITY - Local Environmental Interests RESPONSIBILITY - Regional Environmental Interests SO. CAL1F.WILDLIFE HABITAT CONSERVATION DISCUSSION GROUP (1 REPRESENT1 8 e a Peer Review of Technical Studies California Native Plant Society Fish & Willdlife Service Working Group Western Field Ornithologists RESPONSIBILITY - Review of Technical Study Adequacy Pro perty Chvner/Develo~ment Indmm PROPERTY OWNER (1 Large/l Small property owner) RESPONSIBILITY - Ownership Interests (1 Large/l Small Development Company) RESPONSIBILITY - Development Interests DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRY arb c:sage.scrub 9