HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-11-20; City Council; 10921; CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS OF GENERAL PLANQ !l 4 Q= ik .. z 0 5 4 $ z 3 0 " GI I r GnnLaunu - nutNu ILL 3 '/7 AB# /b, 921 TITLE: DEP MTG.11/20/90 CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR FISCAL CITY CITY DEPT. FIN IMPACT ANALYSIS OF GENERAL PLAN RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 9' ufC/&thorizing City staff to enter into an agreement wit Tischler and Associates, Inc. to complete a fiscal impact analysis of the City General Plan. ,, TIEM FXPWATION: On April 3, 1990, the City Council approved by minute motion a Request fc Proposal for the fiscal impact analysis of the General Plan. The analysis will all01 the City to consider the long range fiscal impacts of development within the Generi Plan. This analysis will also be useful as the City updates the General Plan addin yet another variable upon which to help make decisions. Generally, the City h looked at the General Plan as defining the quality of life, as it should. With tf fiscal analysis, the economic health of the City, and the services it provides i citizens can be evaluated as well. Other benefits of the fiscal impact analys include more effective revenue and expenditure forecasting for budgetary purpose and the effects that development rates and types have on specific revenue source Approximately twenty requests for proposal were distributed, of which the Cir received nine proposals. The proposals were reviewed by a staff team consistir of one Principal Planner, the Senior Management Analyst in Growth Managemen the Finance Director, the Senior Management Analyst in Finance, and later tl Research Manager. The team selected three consultant groups to interview ar review in depth their computer models. The consultant group with the lowest bid was Ralph Anderson and Associates, : $59,800. Their model contained the least amount of variables with which 1 analyze impacts, resulting in limited potential for Carlsbad's application. Carlsb; has numerous variables which need to be considered, especially in light of i twenty-five growth management zones. Another group interviewed was Hardto Rabinovitz and Alschuler, Inc. with a bid of $84,000. Their approach is to build customized model for Carlsbad based on a previous model developed for Escondid The concept itself is transferable, however, the model demonstrated appears to ha1 limited ability to address the amounts of variables necessary. Both of these grou] have not addressed citywide fiscal impacts on a frequent basis, instead focusing c narrow specific plans. Many of their references were derived from private sectc clients. The last group interviewed was Tischler and Associates, Inc. and is the fir recommended for use. Their bid is $112,700. This firm was selected over the 0th two finalists in that they have a computer model which has been previous developed and used widely in other public agencies. They possess pertinent analy skills on their team and demonstrated an ability to address the numerous variabl Carlsbad presents. The consultant will deliver the following products: , I- - )i : I e 0 Page Two of Agenda Bill No. /? ?A/ 1. Report on Economic Analvsis Findinns - - This report will assess tl economic absorption potential for various land use mixes as well i the reasonableness of the mixes. Level of Service and Cost and Revenue Factor Document - This rep0 will describe the information obtained from City departmen addressing levels of service, cost and revenue input. This docume is needed for present and future fiscal evaluations. Fiscal ImDact Report - The results of service level, revenue and lai use data will be described in this report. Fiscal impacts will ' reviewed on an annual as well as a cumulative basis. 2. 3. 4. Memo on Suggested Economic/Land Use Channes - Men recommending changes in land use mixes to create more balanc economic and fiscal results. 5. Memo on Revenue Evaluation and Recommendations - Mer recommending how to improve revenues and reduce costs. Fiscal Impact Model Outputs - Computer model and staff training Staff, in conjunction with Tischler and Associates, Inc. discussed alternatives wlG may be considered should the Council wish to reduce costs. The elimination deliverables #4 and #5 above, a less detailed report in #1, and a reduction in t number of meetings attended can result in a total cost of $80,000. In addition to the direct costs noted above, a significant amount of staff time M be required to coordinate efforts with the consultant throughout the repol: compilation. More salient is the need to recognize that staff time will be need in future years in order to maintain up-to-date data within the computer model well as keeping current on evolving land use issues. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are not currently available in operating funds. Funds can be transferred c of the General Fund unappropriated fund balance to the Finance Departmt Professional Services account. The cost of hiring a consultant to perform 1 analysis can run anywhere from $112,700 to $80,000 depending upon the ta: selected for completion. Indirect costs include staff liaison to the consultant p training of two staff members at a cost of approximately $6,000. 6. e 0 Page Three of Agenda Bill No. /< 721 Annual fiscal commitments are also needed in order to keep the analysis static and up to date. It is estimated that the maintenance of the data base will cost frorr $6,000 to $7,000 annually in staff time. Additionally, the maintenance agreemen for use of the software will begin at $8,800 with 5% increases annually after thc first year. Each time an analytical report is needed from the model, staff time wil cost approximately $2 50. EIMIBlTS: 1. Resolution No. 78 - .5//& authorizing City staff to enter into an agreemen with Tischler and Associates, Inc. to complete a fiscal impact analysis of th City's General Plan. Memo dated October 29, 1990 to the Finance Director from the Senic Management Analyst - Finance providing details on tasks to be accomplishe and a discussion on the pros and cons of deleting certain tasks. Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Tischler and Associates, Inc. 1 perform a fiscal impact analysis of the City of Carlsbad's General Plan. Licensing agreement between Tischler tk Associates, Inc. and the City ( Carlsbad. 2. 3. 4. f. e. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 e 0 RESOLUTION NO. 90-414 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAEUSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING TISCHLER AND ASSOCIATES, INC. TO PERFORM A FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD’S GENERAL PLAN AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad intends to complete a fiscal impact anal4 of the General Plan; and WHEREAS, the City requires the services of a consultant to conduct analysis and produce a computer model; and WHEREAS, the City has selected Tischler and Associates, Inc. as consuli in the above transaction because of their excellent staff and tested computer mo NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Ciq Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the City Council hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute a fi impact analysis of the General Plan with Tischler and Associates, Inc. I attached contract which are incorporated herein by reference. 3. That the compensation for said services shall be as described in 4. That the amount of $112, 700 is hereby transferred from the Ger Fund Unappropriated Fund balance to the Finance Department Professional Ser account to support the costs of this study. /// /// /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 5. That the City Council reserves the right to remove Tischler Associates, Inc. from this project at any time. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carl City Council held on the 20th day of November , 1990. AYES: Council Members Lewis, Larson, Mamaux and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin @X[L UDE A. L S, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City 7 C1 rk lLAzZ-x'ifl&>L (SEAL) 0 e October 29, 1990 TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR FROM: Senior Management Analyst SCOPE OF THE TESCHLER PROPOSAL FOR THE FISCAL IMPACI' ANALYSIS OF TI GENERAL PLAN The purpose of this memo is to provide thorough detail of the deliverables which can expected should the City select Tischler and Associates, Inc. to perform the Fiscal Imp; Analysis of the General Plan. Also addressed are the impacts of performing an abbrevial analysis in an effort to reduce the cost of the analysis. The deliverables, whether they memos, reports or a computer model are underlined for identification purposes. 1 contents of the various reports will be detailed within the ensuing narrative. DELIVERABLES 1. Economic Analysis - A reDort will summarize the findings within four arc of economic analysis. A. Historic development trends, and ongoing development in Carlsb will be included. The report will also include the same trends neighboring cities, including their development activities, and grow managment measures. The consultant will further forecast the population of Carlsbad, well as for other North County cities. In conjunction with tj population forecasts, employment opportunities will be projected f the incremental resident populations. Ultimately, the project( employment by sector for Carlsbad, will be shown in five ye increments. Based upon employment projections, the amount of acerage requir for nonresidential purposes will be forecast. An esitmate of t: annual absorption of land use by type will be provided. TI projection will view Carlsbad absorption rates based upc development constraints within neighboring cities. The economic analysis will assess the reasonableness of the land u: mixes within the General Plan, and alternatives will be presente Also identified will be the most appropriate alternative(s) which ci be evaluated from a fiscal perspective. B. C. D. e a 2. Fiscal Impact Analysis - referred to as a cash flow. A. This portion of the entire analysis can also Following the identification and selection land use alternatives whj are selected, the level of service and cost and revenue informati from city departments will be collected and assessed. The consults will evaluate the level of service, and cost and revenue factors. Next a level of service and cost and revenue document will be issu which will describe the information obtained from the departmen interviews. This will be a stand alone product, and can be useful f the task at hand as well as effective budgeting. The information from the previous tasks will be placed into t FISCALS computer model, which will include: 1) land u alternatives from the ecomonic analysis, 2) level of service, and cc and revenue factors. The results will be discussed in a fiscal impact report which w describe the fiscal impacts on an annual as well as a cumulative bas Following the assimilation of the initial fiscal report, the consulta will recommend changes in land use mixes needed to create a mc balanced ecomonic and fiscal result. This memo will view vario periods of development from now through buildout. A memo will be issued which will suggest improvements to revenu and methods to reduce costs. Included is an analysis of the revenu generated by various types of land uses. B. C. D. E. F. 3. Design and Implementation of the Fiscal Impact Model - Concurrent with tl above task of issuing a fiscal impact report, the computerized fiscal impa model will be developed. Several key outputs generated by the computer a outlined below. Upon delivery of the computer model, TA will provide o site training to a core staff of up to five individuals. A. Calculation of staff needs. B. Calculation of available and excess capital facility capacitv. C. Inclusion of ladlead time of construction for capital projects. D. Debt finance by renular or revenue bonds. E. Opportunity to reflect remaining useful life of capital facilities. 0 0 F. Calculation of operatiw budnet summaw. IMPACI'S OF COST SAVING ALTEWATIVES Several options have been suggested as methods to reduce the scope of the fiscal imp: analysis resulting in a reduced cost to the city. These will be discussed below. Reduce the scope of the ecomonic analvsis portion of the study - Cost savings = $22,5( The four components of ecomonic analysis referred to in section #1 above would reduced to a memo prepared by a staff member of Tischler and Associates. Included WOI be comments on population, housing, employment and nonresidential square foota projections currently being utilized by the City as well as the implication of these tren on Carlsbad's long term economic health. Ecomonk information would be derived frc published information as well as visits with representatives of Carlsbad's developmc sector. The drawback to the abbreviated report is a lack of information on the developmc activities of other North County Cities. It also would not inlcude an in depth analysis the employment, housing, and non-residential absorption potential. The more throu study will be completed by a professional economic consulting firm, Keyser, Marst Associates, Inc., and include a breader view. Especially important is the impact otl Cities' land uses have upon Carlsbad's ecomony. Memo suEgestinz ecomonic/land use chanp;es - Cost savings = $1,700 The elimination of this report will not allow the City to view recommendations t professional consultants recommendations regarding changes in land use mixes. T purpose of this memo is to recommend more balanced economic and fiscal resr throughout the city's growth. The availability of this information will allow for mt accurate budgeting and planning throughout the years. It will also provide another me: of evaluating the General Plan. Memo recommendinp; how to improve revenues and reduce costs - Cost savings = $2,4 The exclusion of this element of the analysis will reduce the opportunity for the City look at revenues generated by various types of land uses. Its exclusion will also fail to g the City feedback into service level changes which can be made to reduce the demand available resources. The City continually looks for methods to enhance revenues and th sources. This analysis will identify such revenue sources. The memo will also anal; service level changes which can be made to improve the city's financial outlook. T evaulation will provide a complete picture as to revenue enhancement opportunities, well as steps which can be made to modify service levels if and where appropriate. Public meetings - Cost savings = $6,100 The orignial proposal includes the cost for six public meetings and three commur meetings. The revised proposal would reduce the number of meetings attended to two, ( public meeting, and one community meeting. It is further stipulated that both meetii 0 0 would be arranged within one trip on behalf of the consultant. The advantage of n meetings attended by the consultant, is to reinforce the methods that were usec implementing the variables within the model. More meetings required may increase accountability of the consultant as well. SUmmary As can be seen, the analysis discussed is quite complex, and can be of benefit to the C The benefits range from assessing the ecomonic feasibility of the General Plan upon operations, to providing budget and service level guidelines. e 0 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the 3n( day of - +> 194bY and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and Tischler and Associates, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "Consultant". RECITALS City requires the services of a consultant to provide a fiscal impact analysis of the General Plan and a licensed copy of the FISCALS computer model; arid Consultant possesses the necessary skills and qualifications to provide the services required by the City; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Consultant agree as follows: 1. CONSULTANT'S OBLIGATIONS A) Preparation of an economic analysis of the existing General Plan including: 1) A review of the current economic position of the City, including an analysis assessing economic absorption potential through buildout. Phased review of the economic position of the city at various points during buildout. 2) 1 Rev. 8/27/90 0 e 3) An analysis of City's fiscal position at buildout of City's General Plan land use. Each analysis should consider both operating and capital costs and revenues. 4) B) Development of recommendations on changes in the land use mix to create a more balanced economic result between now and buildout. Application of the FISCALS computer model to be used to model the fiscal impact of economic changes, service levels, capital facilities and the land use plan. The model shall run on an IBM-AT or 386 compatible PC. Preparation of an analysis of the revenues generated by various types of land use and the costs of providing required city services at the present, during development and at buildout. C) D) E) In addition, Consultant shall: 1) 2) Complete all work within eight months of award of contract. Attend up to six public meetings with the City Council, and provide presentations to community groups or committees as required by the City. Provide 30 copies of the final report, a reproducible copy of the report, and two unprotected copies of the FISCALS complete with operation manuals and operator training. Consultant shall designate a project manager who shall be responsiblle for completing all the obligations contained within this agreement. Consultant shall provide services in accordance to the response to 3) F) 2 Rev. 8/27/90 0 and shall not utilize new or 0 City's RFP attached as Exhibit different staff without City's prior authorization. Consultant shall provide training on the operation of the FISCALS computer model generated as a result of this project, to up to two (2) City staff members and shall provide documentation for all software systems that meets with the approval of the Information Systems Director, including user manuals and technical descriptions. G) 2. CITY OBLIGATIONS The City shall provide reasonable staff liaison in scheduling meetings with departments. 3. PROGRESS AND COMPLETION The work under this contract will begin immediately upon approval. All reports shall be complete and ready for City Council review within eight months of the beginning of this contract. 4. FEES TO BE PAID TO CONSULTANT The City will pay consultant up to a maximum of 90% of the total mount of the contract ($101,430) upon receipt of monthly invoices containing progress reports from consultant. The amounts to be billed shall be on a percent of task completed basis. The remaining 10% ($11,270) will be paid following City Council acceptance of the entire project. 5. FINAL SUBMISSIONS Within fifteen (15) days of completion and approval of the fiscal impact analysis of the General Plan, Consultant shall deliver to the City the following items: A) Thirty copies of the final report. 3 Rev. 8/27/90 0 0 B) C) One reproducible copy of the report. Two unprotected copies of FISCALS, with operation manuals. 6. CHANGESINWORK If, in the course of the contract, changes seem merited by the Consultant or the City, and informal consultations with the other party indicate that a change in the conditions of the contract are warranted, the Consultant or the City may request a change in contract. Such changes shall be processed by the City in the following manner: A letter outlining the required changes shall be forwarded to the City by Consultant to inform them of the proposed changes along with a statement of estimated changes in charges or time schedule. A supplemental agreement shall be prepared by the City and approved by the City according to the procedures described in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.1 72. Such supplemental agreement shall not render ineffective or invalidate unaffected portions of the agreement. 7. COVENANTS AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES The Consultant warrants that their firm has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for the Consultant, to solicit or secure this agreement, and that Consultant has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration contingent upon, or resulting from, the award or making of this agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, the City shall have the right to annul this agreement without liability, or, in its discretion, to deduct from the agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage 4 Rev. 8/27/90 0 0 fees, gift, or contingent fee. 8. NONDISCFUMINATION CLAUSE The Consultant shall comply with the state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination. 9. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT In the event of the Consultant's failure to prosecute, deliver, or perform the work as provided for in this contract, the City may terminate this contract for nonperformance by notifying the Consultant by certified mail of the termination of the Consultant. The Consultant, thereupon, has five (5) working days to deliver said documents owned by the City and all work in progress to the City Finance Director. The City Finance Director shall make a determination of fact based upon the documents delivered to City of the percentage of work which the Consultant has performed which is usable and of worth to the City in having the contract completed. Based upon that finding as reported to the City Manager, the Manager shall determine the final payment of the contract. 10. DISPUTES If a dispute should arise regarding the performance of work under this agreement, the following procedure shall be used to resolve any question of fact or interpretation not otherwise settled by agreement between parties. Such questions, if they become identified as a part of a dispute among persons operating under the provisions of this contract, shall be reduced to writing by the principal of the Consultant or the City Finance Director. A copy of such document of dispute shall be forwarded to both parties involved along with recommended methods of resolution which would be of benefit to both parties. The City Finance Director or 5 Rev. 8/27/90 e 0 principal receiving the letter shall reply to the letter along with a recommended method of resolution within ten (10) days. If the resolution thus obtained is unsatisfactory to the aggrieved party, a letter outlining the dispute shall be forwarded to the City Council for their resolution through the Office of the City Manager. The City Council may then opt to consider the directed solution to the problem. In such cases, the action of the City Council shall be binding upon the parties involved, although nothing in this procedure shall prohibit the parties seeking remedies available to them at law. 11. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONSULTANT The Consultant is hired to render professional services and any payments made to Consultant are compensation solely for such services. Consultants shall certify as to the reasonability of all fiscal impact history and projections. 12. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF SERVICES This agreement may be terminated by either party upon tendering thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. In the event of such suspension or termination, upon request of the City, the Consultant shall assemble the work product and put same in order for proper filing and closing and deliver said product to City. In the event of termination, the Consultant shall be paid for work performed to the termination date; however, the total shall not exceed the lump sum fee payable under paragraph 4. The City shall make the final determination as to the portions of tasks completed and the compensation to be made. 13. STATUS OF THE CONSULTANT The Consultant shall perform the services provided for herein in Consultant’s own way as an independent contractor and in pursuit of Consultant’s independent 6 Rev. 8/27/90 e 0 calling, and not as an employee of the City. Consultant shall be under control of the City only as to the result to be accomplished, but shall consult with the City as provided for in the request for proposal. The Consultant is an independent contractor of the City. The payment made to the Consultant pursuant to the contract shall be the full and complete compensation to which the Consultant is entitled. The City shall not make any federal or state tax withholdings on behalf of the Consultant. The City shall not be required to pay any workers’ compensation insurance on behalf of the Consultant. The Consultant agrees to indemnify the City for any tax, retirement contribution, social security, overtime payment, or workers’ compensation payment which the City may be required to make on behalf of the Consultant or any employee of the Consultant for work done under this agreement. The Consultant shall be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and shall comply with those requirements, including, but not limited to, verifying the eligibility for employment of all agents, employees, subcontractors and consultants that are included in this agreement. 14. REPRODUCITON RIGHTS The Consultant agrees that all copyrights which arise from creation of the work pursuant to this contract shall be vested in City and hereby agrees to relinquish all claims to such copyrights in favor of City. 15. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatever, not for personal injuries or death caused by, or claimed to have 7 Rev. 8/27/90 e 0 been caused by, or resulting from, any intentional or negligent acts, errors or omission of Consultant or Consultant's agents, employees, or representatives. Consultant agrees to defend, inded, and save free and harmless the City and its officers and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications. 16. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACX The Consultant shall not assign this contract or any part thereof or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 17. PROHIBITED INTEREST No official of the City who is authorized in such capacity on behalf of the City to negotiate, make, accept, or approve, or take part in negotiating, making, accepting, or approving of this agreement, shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or in any part thereof. No officer or employee of the City who is authorized in such capacity and on behalf of the City to exercise any executive, supervisory, or similar functions in connection with the performance of this contract shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or any part thereof. 18. VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the City, either before, during or after the execution of this contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained nor entitle the Consultant to any additional payment whatsoever under the terms of this contract. 8 Rev. 8/27/90 0 0 19. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 18, "Hold Harmless Agreement," all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall insure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 20. EFFECTIWDATE This agreement shall be effective on and from the day and year first above written. 21. CONFLUX OF INTEREST The Consultant shall file a Conflict of Interest Statement with the City Clerk in accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Conflict of Interest Code. The Consultant shall report investments or interests in real property. 22. SUBCONTRACXNG If the Consultant shall subcontract any of the work to be performed under this contract by the Consultant, Consultant shall be fully responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of Consultant's subcontractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed by the subcontractor, as Consultant is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by consultant. Nothing contained in this contract shall create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor of Consultant and the City. The Consultant shall bind every subcontractor and every ... ... ... ... 9 Rev. 8/27/90 e 4) subcontractor of a subcontractor by the terms of this contract applicable to Consultant’s work unless specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract in question approved in writing by the City. Executed by Consultant this day of 7 19-. CONSULTANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California (name of Consultant) By: City Manager or Mayor By: (sign here) ATTEST: (print name here) ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk (title and organization of signatory) (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by CONSULTANT must be attached.) (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR. City Attorney BY Deputy City Attorney 10 Rev. 8/27/90 e a Licensing Agreement Between Tischler & Associates, Inc. and The City of Carlsbad AGREEMENT made as of November , 1990 by and between TISCHLER & AS. ATES, INC. a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the District of Coli the principal office of which is located at 4701 Sangamore Road, Suite N210, Bet Maryland 20816 (hereinafter referred to as TA), and The City of Carlsbad the mailing a( of which is 1200 Elm Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (hereinafter referred to as Customer). RECITALS A. TA is owner of the copyrighted computer program known as the Fiscal Analysis S (hereinafter referred to as FISCALS). TA is authorized to sublicense FISCALS for the use of the Customer, Customer is interested in becoming a sublicensee for FISCALS, subject to the tern conditions set forth in this Agreement. B. C. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings set forth below, the I agree as follows: 1. Subject to the condition precedent set forth in Paragraph 3 below, TA shall Customer a non-exclusive and non-transferable perpetual license to use the copyri computer program known as FISCALS at the City of Carlsbad offices located at Elm Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008. In conjunction with this license, TA shall provi Customer the following: a. b. TA shall expeditiously correct errors or malfunctions in the FISCALS program or manuals which are brought to its attention in writing by Customer. Written notiific by Customer shall specify the manner in which the FISCALS program does not pel in accordance with the users manuals. In the event that, after investigation, determined by TA that the reported error or malfunction was not caused by a defe the FISCALS program or users manuals, TA shall charge Customer at TA’s regular rate for time spent by it in investigating the alleged error or malfunction. Customer shall pay TA the sum of Forty-Nine Thousand Nine Hundred ($49,900) Do The amount paid in accordance with this Paragraph shall constitute the consideratic the license granted by TA and the services to be performed under a separate agree One copy of the current FISCALS computer program; Five (5) copies of the current FISCALS users manuals. 2. ,/ 3. e * dated ,November , 1990. The amount due TA shpll be paid upon receipt of invoj and according to the Task completed per the acceptance agreement. In the event tl Customer desires professional services related to FISCALS, other chan those set forth the above referenced agreement, TA shall provide the additional requested services up request and for additional consideration to be negotiated between parties. TA shall deliver FISCALS to Customer and/or initiate the related services within fifte days following TA’s receipt of the written notification. At the time FISCALS is delivei to Customer, Customer shall provide appropriate qualified staff on a timely basis to ins1 the computer program on Customer’s computer. All marketing and distribution rights in FISCALS are reserved by TA. TA authori: Customer to use FISCALS for its own normal municipal activities and to make no ml than one copy of the FISCALS (unless otherwise agreed to in writing) for its own use I not for distribution to or use by others, provided that any such copy shall retain the sa notice concerning the copyright by Tischler & Associates, Inc. with full rights distribution held by TA. All copies of the computer program product are to remain the computer designated by Customer. Customer agrees not to provide or otherv make available FISCALS in any form to any person other than personnel of Custor Customer shall be exclusively responsible for the supervision, management and con of the use of FISCALS delivered pursuant to this Agreement. Customer also agrees it will take appropriate action, by instruction,agreement, or otherwise, with its employ to satisfy its obligation under this Agreement with respect to use, copy modificat protection and security of FISCALS. Customer also agrees that only its employees specifically authorized to use FISCALS. TA warrants that the FISCALS program and users manuals were conceived and develc by TA and that the FISCALS program and users manuals do not infringe any copyi trade secret or trademark. TA also make the following representations and warrar concerning the capabilities and performance of FISCALS: a. 4. 5. 6. The program can provide a methodology which helps structure data-gatherhi fiscal analysis. The program can accommodate both base year and projected values for va factors for specific time increments. The program can project facility and service needs based on socioeconomic demographic forecasts, and public service levels and cost and revenue factors project the fiscal impact of proposed facilities and services. The program has the capability to assess the impacts of proposed or proj revenues and expenditures, as well as the capability to forecast future tax rate related net fiscal impacts. b. c. d. 0 0 e. The program has the ability to calculate all major expected costs, revenue impacts on assessed valuations, tax rates and bonding capacity. TA makes no other representations or warranties concerning the performa FISCALS. The foregoing warranties are in lieu of all other warranties, exp or implied, including, but not limited to, those concerning merchantabilir fitness for a particular purpose. TA’s liability, in contract, in tort, undc warranty or otherwise, with respect to this Agreement or anything dc connection with the performance thereof, or the breach thereof, or with res1 the technical direction or use of any product or equipment associated providing t he services hereunder, shall be limited to the aggregate the an paid by Customer to TA. TA’s liability under this Agreement shall be lim correction of defects in the FISCALS program and users manual, TA sh; be liable to Customer or anyone claiming through Customer in contract or (including negligence), for special, indirect, incidental, or consequential dm 7. TA shall not be liable for any loss, damage, detention, or delay resulting from ( beyond it reasonable control, or from fire, strike, or other concerted action of wor act or omission of any government authority or of the Customer, insurrection o embargo, car shortage, wreck, or delay in transportation, or inability to obtain nect labor, materials, or equipment fiom usual sources. In the event of delay in perforr due to any such cause, the date of such performance shall be postponed by such 1 of time as may be reasonably necessary to compensate for the delay. Customer shall not, without the prior written consent TA, assign or transfe Agreement or permit the use of the FISCALS program or any materials furnished this Agreement by any persons other than those in Customer’s direct employmer subject to its direct supervision. Customer acknowledges that the source and object code for the FISCALS progran proprietary rights to any materials supplied to Customer by TA pursuant to Agreement are, and at all times shall remain, the property of TA, and Customer shall no right, title or interest therein, except as expressly set forth in this Agreement. Customer agrees that any modification to the FISCALS program developed by Cusl with any advice or support by TA, or by TA for Customer, whether or not reimburst Customer and whether or not developed in conjunction with Customer’s employe agents, shall be exclusive property of TA. Customer further agrees that modified ver of the FISCALS program do not constitute a program different form the FISC program and, as such, fall under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the Sta California. 8. 9. 10. 11. e 0 12. This is the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter e for the contract entered in between TA and Customer on . There are not understandings, agreements, representations, or warranties, expressed or im respecting this Agreement and the services provided hereunder. This Agreement n- modified only by written amendment, signed by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the data first w above. ATTEST: TISCHLER & ASSOCIATES, By: m Paul S. Tischler ATTEST: CLAUDE -4- A. LEWI Mayor By: Witness