HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-12-04; City Council; 10928; ACCEPTANCE OF CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL GRANTS AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDSI 3 LC 3 c!L L .. z 2 5 a 4 0 z 3 0 0 - 1 D ClBOF CARLSBAD - AGENWBILL 7 TITLE: ACCEPTANCE OF CALIFORNIA ARTS AB# io[ 9 a-g MTG. 12/4/90 COUNCIL GRANTS AND APPROPRIATION C DEPT. Arts/Lib OF FUNDS C RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 90 --4G?G accepting grants from the California Arts Council amount of $5,460. ITEM EXP LANATIO N : The Arts Commission recommends that the City continue the artist residency progra support from the California Arts Council by holding a minimum of two programs duri 1990/91. The California Arts Council provides matching funds up to fifty percent of an i contract and has awarded grants for the following artists-in-residence: Los Angeles Make-A-Circus and Rafael Manriquez. On July 22, Make-A-Circus gave a one-day workshop/performance which was open general public. In October, Chilean guitarist, Rafael Manriquez, held a three-day resi which included performances and lectures at several Carlsbad Schools, the Senior G St. Patrick's School, and a community performance at the Carlsbad Cultural Arts C Los Angeles Brass is scheduled for a three-day residency which includes lecture/demonstrations and one community performance, January 30-February 1 , 1 The California Arts Council has provided support for a number of artist residency pros in the past, including Evelyn de la Rosa, Make-A-Circus and Janet Ketchum. FISCAL IMPACT: The total for the artist residency programs is $15,300 (Make-A-Circus - $4,300, F Manriquez - $2,000, Los Angeles Brass - $9,000). The California Arts Council has aw: the City of Carlsbad grants in the amount of $5,460. Council previously accepted a $, donation from Target Stores for the Make-A-Circus workshop. The remainder of fi ($6,840) are budgeted in the 'FY 1990/91 Arts Office budget. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. Gm 0 2. Contracts with California Arts Council I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 m 0 RESOLUTION NO. 9 0 - 4 20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING $5,460 IN GRANTS FROM THE CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL FOR ARTISTS-IN-RESIDENCE, MAKE-A-CIRCUS, RAFAEL MANRIQUEZ AND L.A. BRASS WHEREAS, the Arts Commission recommends a minimum of two artists-in-res, programs be held in 'FY 1990/91 to fulfill those goals and objectives; and WHEREAS, the California Arts Council provides matching funds up to 50 p for artists listed on its touring program; and WHEREAS, the California Arts Council has awarded these grants to the ( Carlsbad, Arts Program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Car California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the California Arts Council grants in the amount of $5,460 are t accepted. 3. That the grant money is hereby appropriated from account number 18( 8126-2495 for the uses described herein. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Carlsbad City Council at a res meeting held on the 4th day of December1990 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson and Pettine NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Mamaux ATTEST: LikddU 48aA7 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk =-RE OF C==tCEa ACT:NG GX STATE Direct or hGE?+C'I ii~:cc.;:~.r CC!!SC' :he S:c:i. cnl CO~IXACT NU> CafC.r.7;a 'zts Counti~ Grlsbad Arts Office STATE OF CXLI:mRNIA CC NTZLCTC 2 AGZ?+ZY C&fO-~2 .btS COUCS CGLj7-. "^.-,OR -- (:E 0%5C --... AS I.>IY,"VLL S7'7E ".-=T+ES P*eT*.E=S-,D. ZTC) Carlsbad Arts Office FWINTL~T) WAYS O= PERSON SIGNING Rc't-3r-L E- 3eid PFI:f..TSC hi,...% AS.5 TI7L e= PE2531' Ei64:115 Ti-i'. -PAe cx t 5 7, e E'_? e c t or hD04+SS 12GC Elrn -4venue Carlsbad, CA 92008 e 0 /A' .. I I. The Cnntrxtor agwes to indemnify, defend 2nd save harmless the State. its olficers. ager tmpIoyry from any ar:d a11 c!aims and IOSE 3ccruing oi resulting to 3ny anti all contractors. 1 tractors, lliatenalme~, !;ibri-rs 3nd ilrly other person, firm or corporation furnishing or sur: \vxk sc.c.r\iictrs, rnzterisis 0: sxppli6 in connec?ion with the performmct of this contract an( 3ny a1:d a11 claims and locw accruing or resulting to my person, firm or corporation who may jured or dania~~ed by tlie Con!rac~or in the performance of this contract 2 The Cnntractor, and the agents and einpioyes of Contractor, in the performance of this men< sIiall act in an independent capacity and not 3s officers or employec or sge:its of 5 Giiionlis 3 The State may teminafe this ageement and Le relieved of the pa>ment of any consider: Cantractor should Contractor fail to perform the mven.mts herein contained 3t the time anc manner hcreiri provided. In the event of such termination the State m3y p-rwc.red with the 7 ~ny m3:mer deemed proper by the State The cos: to the State shall be ddLicted from any si the 6::tractoi under this aeremenc arid the baIance. if any, shdI be paid the Contrxtor u mand. 4. ??'i:hout :he written cor-mt of the State. this azrernrnt is not arsin,r.abie by Contractor E wi:oie o: in prt 5. Time is of the CS.YCCY iil this agreement. 6. So dterztion or :.2riition of the terms of this cxtrac! sldl he valid 11n1r-s mide in u-rit xizr!c+i by the prties !;ereto. and no oral uaderstiinding or agreement noi incarprat& here , k3 ! JI.,.-,II~ -..A: on zny of :he piides hereta. 7. The cor~ideration to b paid Cantractor, as provided herein, shaU be in ccrnpmsation f Cgn2scto:'s exF:)sc? inc:lxd in the p&orrnai>cv hereof, inc!uding trxvr! arid per ciien nt.:7Crwiw expisi). so F;ro\.idcri ,. 0 0 '. SCHEDULE OF AGREEMENT (Touring Program Roster) Berween the California Arts Council (hereinafter called CAC) and the forenamed Contractor for participation in the CAC Touring Program (TPj for 1990-91. The Contractor does hereby agree to furnish to CAC the following services (1-4) : 1. Under the terms of the CAC-TP to enter into contract for tk engagement(s) listed on Exhibit A - Engagements attached hereto as a part of this contract. 2. To abide by the terms and conditions of the FY 90-91 Tourir Program Sponsor Guidelines as specified in the current Tourfr Artist - Directory and as amended. completion of the engagement of said contractor a 'descriptii of the engagement, including but not limited to numbers of participants, admission charged for each activity, an inco and expense report, and an evaluation of the engagement on the Presenting Organization Report Form. A program, exampl of publicity and promotion, and an invoice for the grant sha of the performing group's tee must accompany each evaluatio 3. To submit to the Touring Program within sixty days after 4. To include in ALL programs and other published materials r=iared to the CAC-TP engagement, This credit line: "THIS ' ENGAGEMENT IS SUPPORTED, IN PART, WITH FUNDS PROVIDED BY T CALIFORNIA A,P.TS COrJNCIL, A STATE AGENCY, AND TWE NATIONAL EXDOWMENT FOR THE Ai?TS,-A FEDERAL AGENCY." r ., . Upon submission of tne Presenting Organization R.eport , a program frcm the engagement and sample promotional material if avaiiable, and an invoice to the Touring Program; CAC shz cay Contractor the fee support as designated for the specif: engageinent . 'Tot31 r,a~pnent for any single ~nc;rir;;rement will bo withheld !in- si:bmiss ion of all rquired reports. The CAC is only obligated for its share mentioned above to Fxtent that it yec(=e.irres fiinds approved for such purposes during The terms of this agreement. Norwithstanding any ot Frcvision f?f this aTr:?em?nt t:3 the cocrrary, tne discharge any financial nt;lir,ration of the CAC here~inder shall 'c? le r:?.rrer? by ?:I,? C!IC ii.r,r i I si;c:7 t ime as 1 t has received dur ..xis agreemeri- f::r:c!s avai lab?? for s:icn ptirpose. Cz:C ?f:C.?c::+i:>n (; t rhis ,?greement sil~1 1 in 3n-y case 'oe depen2en .ipon rhe r.ec~lp: nf >-r~~prly e:.:er:!:ted cn~ies hereof by th ,>:>t? :T'3.c:t?:p 6. -- c. . ,. I-- - t I I , I I I I 0 e Contractor understands the NEA/CAC Touring Program Roster prr vides reimbursement for a portion of the artist's fee only No other costs are allowable. 7. Copies of the fully executed Artist-Presenter contracts mu be received by the Touring Program before fee support will be provided by CAC. 8. The Contractor must notify Touring Program of any changes the contract with the performing group or of any schedule changes. All such changes shall be subject to the writtel; aproval of the CAC. 9. The Nondiscrimination Claiise (OCP-1) , General California A: Council Requirements are attached hereto and are hereby m; a part of this agreement. It is the Contractor's responsibility to read and adhere to the requirements of thl attachments and the Program Access reguations and the Sta of California Government Code 11139.5. 10. This grant shall not be deemed accepted, valid or binding the part of the State unless approved by the Department c Finance and/or General Services of the State of Califosni where their approval is required. Contractor shall be subject to the examination of the Audi General for the period of three years after the final payn 11. 3 mder the contract (Government Code Section 10532). h -L- I I 1- c -2 E 3 z4 c?r CI! A- H 0 y* E. 1 L' us 1 1=z o-= e-7 - -5 2 G oc --. 2 d u5i az i? .. c7 1 - - -- 5. 3s -- =I d - q c, ,I i3 3 ,? rA- ,? '21 - -+ r T. 'a c t * la L 5 - I I* T c ri c v? fi L .J 1 --= c, - - -cJ - p,. -e -3 32 - L: v) L i - z H r 3 3 i -8 -i 1 - - - 5 I 0 % - d -- < rd 2 0 1 .I c,o -=e w 0- oc i: r -5 ti -3 0 c=T 0 I c 2 gd c i 5 % & U 3 U - r I I '4 ., " c -, *\ - 5 - - - r_- ...d I : I zv I-f, A c u - rL C ILI h-Lz c.3 b ~0~~- Z" -- w s?q= LJ T,<c< 3 + SL c -3 w 3 .i q 2 =- >E-.-. L =r>z*=s\ v) ~~yy~~ c &~~~5) cf - --- == i r-. h 1 -- 4 - - i: f 3 5 < -c C.! ._ 4 .;I -' I wo \ - 0' --. 1 cu c7 \\ r- CY W I N cl ri 1 VI m G i4 E- 0 (I; - I 1 k c! . +. - 0 yc -P < .II +- E & c, d - L- 3 v) 1 t- 3uv-Gc I 111 ;\ 1 TITLE OF OFFICER ACT!NG FOR STATE Director AGENCY hrrcnftur rolled the State. and CONTRACT NUMBE California Arts Council 1 TRO- 016 hcrcajter calkd the Contractor. Carlsbad Arts Office CONTRACTORS 1.0 0 0 CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL TOURING/PRESENTING PROGRAM 1990-91 ARTIST/PRESENTER CONTRACT STATUS MEMORANDUM Page/Line: 23/8 Date: September 12, 1990 Artist: Rafael Manriquez ter:,? City of Carlsbad Contract Date(s): 10/24-26/90 Contract Total Fee:$ 2,000 CAC Reimbursement:$ 1,000 (50 96) Status of Above-Referenced Contract: 2G 2. G. Fee reimbursement funds are committed conditional up0 Touring Program receipt of - Contract amendment specifying date of specific residency activities and performance(s) >--sign ed b ***%X****h***XXX**XXX~*XX*X*XX****X*X*X*X*XXX**XXX*XXXXXX**X*X~* -both presenter and artist - by the date shown below. --’- Return the required items to the Performing Arts Touring an Presenting Program by: September 28, 1990 - FINAL DEADLINE Failure to respond by this-deadline may jeopardize your funding. CAC USE ONLY: CC: Artist PRESE TER STATUS I___ 2 Past Par?;icipant ___-- New to Program Presenter / Touring Program \ w- t;\ Elm .' 1 <I 5Y c.cn s. m I LP; I 1 i 1 I./-[ 1 I I w r/) <= E=@ zaz n E52 ?- w E> E 0 ug 2 0 a7 o/ t: I c-42 - c! I I rd zz 0 sz ._ VI 0 e- N (0% E? 1 . uz3-3 E - cizs 81 aa I .. m d< - - - -- 2. zz 3s 42- 7: a ,? -2 00 0' c i> mc L.2 f m u - I - .. i i 2 .-- LL *e e c I -& L n < 3 c 1 i 5 c) 7 e V 3 c -s - 0 -, z+ .u I -+ 2 z - 'cr 0% - v: 9 n L --= - N a J z = -- U v) 1- I 3 '3 la- w '4 < o"" t- G 2' -- <r=:a c+ - '.r- -+ H 11, -' 3 5 i L uu -3 << = e- 0 CT 0 a -. - 9 =--. t- G c r ~2 x d s w 0, .-. .--I - --. I I I v 3 u.- c tL) c--. 0N cuo I .I 1 c r- + I 1-1 I Nm .-.\ F-i L $ c c - r, 5 IZG F CL -'A 3 -fir&- c-4 g )- Goa20 v C<GC c. F- - 0 o-- -3 .v) .2Ll c,2 I c 7)X\Oi;:Sc7 w E_-' xc-;i--. z =2<90 ro . 3 O<.rcNC;-+ 9.J I 1 ZGrnWC zp4 o<o I 2 LN!4=.OW ' >l- b cc 4 L <-A GU' 3 .+ :< ffJ < i- 1 I I I\\ I