HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-12-18; City Council; 10955; Recreation series misc salary schedule amendsCIT" OF CARLSBAD - AGEND" BILL AMENDING THE MISCELLANEOUS SALARY MTG. 12-18-90 SCHEDULE FOR THE RECREATION SERIES IEPT. HR Recreation Spec. Recreation Supv. I Recreation Supv. I1 City Council adopt Resolution No. yf- #famending the salary schedule for the classifications of Recreation Specialist, Recreation Supervisor I, and Recreation Supervisor 11. $809 - $983 22 $939 - $1142 37 850 - 1033 27 1058 - 1286 49 1017- 1236 45 1135 - 1379 56 JTEM EXPLANATION: The Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department has a long history of providing excellent service for all citizens in the City. The Recreation Division of the department is responsible for providing cultural, educational, and recreational programs to all segments of the City's population. The recent and future growth of the City will continue to place additional demands on the department for services. The City has a continued interest in attracting, retaining, and developing the professional recreation staff. Consequently, a study was completed to 1) ensure that salaries paid to classifications in the Carlsbad recreation series are competitive with those in the San Diego County market, and 2) to ensure that adequate differentials are present between classifications within the series. The Human Resources Department conducted the study. Staff analyzed market data and the current salary differentials. The study confirmed that Carlsbad's salaries are, in fact, below market and that there are problems with compaction in the salary differentials between classifications. Staff recommends that the following range adjustments be made in the recreation series. These adjustments will ensure that salaries paid to the recreation professionals in Carlsbad are competitive in the market. The proposed salaries also addresses compaction problems that currently exist. CURRENT PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION I SALARY I RANGE I SALARY IRANGE I PAGE 2 OF AB# /$ f.6 FISCAL, IMPACX The cost for the recommended salary and salary related benefits equals $26,268 for the remaining fiscal year. These costs to be supported by a transfer from the General Fund Contingency Account. The balance of the General Fund Contingency Account will equal $842,500 EXHIBITS: Resolution No. yfl-#f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 90-449 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE MISCELLANEOUS SALARY SCHEDULE OF THE CITY TO REVlSE THE SALARY RANGES FOR RECREATION SPECIALIST, RECREATION SUPERVISOR I, AND RECREATION SUPERVISOR 11. WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs, that the salary ranges for Recreation Specialist, Recreation Supervisor I, and Recreation Supervisor II be adjusted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to adjust the salary range for Recreation Specialist from Range 22, $809 - $983, to Range 37, $939 - $1,142; adjust Recreation Supervisor I from Range 27, $850 - $1,033, to Range 49, $1,058 - $1,286; and Recreation Supervisor I1 from Range 45, $1,017 - $1,236, to Range 56, $1,135 - $1,379, as described in Attachment A, attached hereto and made a part thereof. 3. That the amount of $26,268 be transferred fkom the General Fund Contingency Account to the appropriate accounts in the Recreation budget. /// /// /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 18th day of December , 1990, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin ATTEST: a&&R Ru-+b ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clgk CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB: RECREATION SPECIALIST PARKS AND RECREATION Under general supervision, to perform responsible recreation work in specialist recreation program activities of the City; to participate and assist in supervising recreation programs; and to do related work as assigned. The Recreation Specialist is the entry level classification in the professional recreation series. Positions in this class are required to perform responsible recreation work. from that of the Recreation Supervisor I classification by the level of independence which is exercised in the supervision of recreation programs. Work in this class is distinguished KEY: Provide supervision and directly participate in specialized recreation program activities. Provide skilled recreation leadership or instruction at recreation facilities. Maintain inventory control, activity, and progress records. Assume responsibility for the scheduled use and maintenance of one or more recreation facilities. Develop and organize specialized recreation programs including instructional classes, special events, and excursions. RECREATION SPECIALIST, Continued Respond to citizen complaints and requests for information. Assist in coordinating recreation activities with other City departments and divisions, and with outside agencies. Assist in supervising, training, and evaluating assigned staff. Make public presentations and prepare reports. This position reports to a Recreation Supervisor or the Principal Recreation Supervisor. Philosophy, principles, and practices of public recreation programs. First aid methods, practices, and safety precautions related to any recreational program. Basic supervisory practices and skills. .. to: Communicate clearly and concisely, orally and in writing. Organize, supervise, coordinate, implement, and evaluate recreation programs. Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Work weekends, holidays, and evenings as assigned. RECREATION SPECIALIST, Continued CE AND EDUCATION: Any combination equivalent to the experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: A 0 One year of experience involving the implementation of a recreation, specialized leisure activity or community service program preferably supplemented by experience in public or business administration. 0 Equivalent to an Associate of Arts degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in recreation, physical education, or related field. Possession of a valid Class C driver's license. Must meet State of California Tuberculosis test requirements. This position requires frequent exposure to the weather and requires occasional physical exertion in the supervision of recreation programs. This position will occasionally be required to lift moderately heavy loads. 11 -1 -90 CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB DESQUPTION JOB TITLE: RECREATION SUPERVISOR I DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION BASIC FUNCI'ION: Under general supervision, to perform responsible work in a variety of recreational program activities of the City; to conduct, organize, and assist in supervising recreation programs; and to do related work as assigned. This is the entry class in the Recreation Supervisor series. Incumbents assigned to this class have lead supervisory responsibility over a limited number of recreation program activities which involve full-time and part-time staff. Incumbents shall be expected to organize and cany out recreation program assignments under limited supervision. This class is distinguished from the Recreation Specialist classification and the next higher class of Recreation Supervisor I1 by the range and complexity of the programs and tasks that are being performed. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide lead supervision and directly participate in a variety of City-wide recreation program activities. Provide skilled recreation leadership or instruction at recreation facilities. Maintain activity and progress records; maintain inventory control. Assume primary responsibility for the maintenance and use of one or more recreation facilities. Assist in developing and organizing a variety of recreation programs for all age groups. Respond to citizen complaints and requests for information. Assist in coordinating recreation activities with other City departments and divisions, and with outside agencies. Assist in supervising, training, and evaluating assigned staff. RECREATION SUPERVISOR I, Continued REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS: This position reports to the Principal Recreation Supervisor. DESIRABLE OUALIFICATIONS: KnowledEe of: 0 Philosophy, principles, and practices of public recreation programs. 0 Major sports, games, and other recreational activities suitable for children, adolescents, adults, and senior citizens. First aid methods and safety precautions related to recreational settings, athletic fields, swimming pools, and senior citizen centers. Basic supervisory practices. Abjlitv to: Communicate clearly and concisely, orally and in writing. 0 Supenrise and coordinate recreation programs. Supervise and train individuals and groups in recreational activities. Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION: Any combination equivalent to the experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities is qualifvinn. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: 0 Two years of experience invoking the implementation of a variety of recreation programs for all age groups. Equivalent to a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major corn work in recreation, physical education, or related field. RECREATION SUPERVISOR I, Continued SPECIAL REO-S: Possession of a valid California Class C driveis license. Must meet State of California Tuberculosis test requirements. PHYSICAL STANDARDS: This position requires frequent exposure to the weather and requires occasional physical exertion in the supervision of recreation programs. This position will occasionally be required to lift moderately heavy loads. 11-1-90 CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB DESCRIPTION JOB: RECREATION SUPERVISOR II DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION Under general direction, to perform professional recreation work in the organization and supervision of full-time and part-time staff involved in City recreation programs; and to do related work as assigned. PlSTlNGUlSHING CHARACTERISTICS: This is the senior level class in the Recreation Supervisor series. Positions assigned to this class are distinguished from the Recreation Supervisor I class by the degree of administrative and supervisory responsibility assigned. variety of recreation program activities involving both full-time and part- time personnel. Incumbents assigned to this class shall be expected to develop recreation programs and policies. Recreation Supervisors II supervise a wide Supervise and participate in a variety of recreation program activities. Make recommendations to the Principal Recreation Supervisor/ Recreation Superintendent regarding the organization, scheduling, and staffing of various recreation program activities. Supervise other staff and participate in providing skilled recreation leadership or instruction at recreation facilities. Maintain activity and progress records. Prepare periodic reports and news releases. Requ isi tio n sup plies. RECREATION SUPERVISOR II, Continued Attend meetings and assist in providing staff support to the Parks and Recreation Commission, including the preparation and presentation of technical staff reports. Respond to citizen complaints and requests for information. Assist in budget preparation and administration. Assist in the development of goals, objectives, and policies for the Recreation Department. Act as liaison with school district officials. Make recommendations and assist in contract administration. Assist in the coordination of recreation activities with other City departments and divisions, and with outside agencies. Supervise, train, and evaluate assigned staff. This position reports to the Principal Recreation Supervisor or the Recreation Superintendent . e Philosophy, principles, and practices of public recreation programs. e Major sports, games, and other recreational activities suitable for children, adolescents, adults, and senior citizens. 0 First aid methods and safety precautions related to recreational settings, athletic fields, swimming pools, and RECREATION SUPERVISOR 11, Continued senior citizen centers. e Principles of supervision, training, and evaluation. Abilitv to: e Communicate clearly and concisely, orally and in writing. e Supervise a variety of recreational programs. 0 Supervise and instruct individuals and groups in recreational activities. e Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. 0 Supervise, train, and evaluate assigned staff. NCE AND EDUCATION: Any combination equivalent to the experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: e Three years of professional experience involving the development and supervision of a variety of recreation programs for all age groups. e Equivalent to a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major work in recreation or a related field. Possession of a valid Class C California driver's license. Must meet State of California Tuberculosis test requirements. RECREATION SUPERVISOR II, Continued This position requires frequent exposure to the weather and requires occasional physical exertion in the supervision of recreation programs. This position will occasionally be required to lift moderately heavy loads. 11 -1 -90 Resolution No. CLASSIFICATION ACCOUNT CLERK I ACCOUNT CLERK 11 ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN ASSISTANT ENGINEER ASSISTANT PLANNER Asso(3IATEENGINEER AssocIATE PLANNER BUILDING INSPECTOR I BUILDING INSPECTOR I1 BUILDING IWUNT. CARPENTER BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER I BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 BUILDING TECHNICIAN I1 BUYER CLERK TYPIST I CLERK TYPIST I1 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 11 COMPENSATION TEMMCIAN CONSTRUCIlON INSPECNIR I CONSTRUCITON INSPE<;TOR I1 CRIME PREVENTION TECHNICIAN CUSTODIAN CUSMDIAN I1 DEPUnCITYCLERK DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING COORD. ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 11 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I EQUIPMENT MECHANIC II EQUIPMENT MECHANIC LEADWORKER EQUIPMENT SERVICE WORKER EVIDENCE AND PROPERTY TECH. FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER I FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER 11 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER I11 GRAPHIC ARTIST GRAPHICS TECHNICIAN HOUSING SPECIALIST I LIBRARIAN I LIBRARIAN II LIBRARIANm LIBRARY ASSISTANT I LIBRARY ASSISTANT II LIBRARY ASSISTANT m MAINTENANCEELECTRICIANI MAl"ANcEELEcTluCIANII MAINTENANCE WORKER I MESSENGER METER READEWUPAIRER I METER READEWREPAlRER I1 RANGE 7 15 58 44 22 74 64 91 78 55 70 38 27 39 50 42 I 4 43 55 53 55 70 31 I 12 32 26 35 50 34 40 52 18 I1 38 63 77 24 24 46 38 53 68 24 35 48 34 38 12 1 18 26 CLASSIFICATION MICROCOMPUTER SPECIALIST MINUTESCLERK PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 PARK DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR PERMITCLERK PLANNING "ICIAN I PLANNING TECHNICIAN I1 POLICE RECORDS CLERK I POLICE RECORDS CLERK I1 POLICE SERVICES AIDE PROGFIAMMEWANALYST PROGRAMMEFUOPERATOR RECEPTIONIST/CASHIER -TION SPECIALIST RECREATION SUPERVISOR I RECREATION SUPERVISOR I1 SECRETARY I SECRETARY n SEcRETARY/BooKKEEPER SECRJTARY To CITY ATIDRNEY SECRETARY To CITY MANAGER SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR SENIOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKFXI SENIOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR SENIOR PLANNER SENIOR RECEPnONIST CASHIER SITE MANAGER SrENOCLERKI .sTENOCLERKII m-ER sTRFxT MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 STREET hw"ANCE WORKER 111 SWEEPER OPERATOR SYsrEMSANALYsT TEMNICIAN I TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER TRANSPORTATION PLANNER TREE TRIMMER I TREE TRIMMER II TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER UTLllTY MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 m MAINTENANm WORKER 111 UTIllTY SYSTEMS OPERATOR I1 UTILITY SYSTEMS OPERATOR 111 WORD PROCESSING OPERAIOR I WORD PROCESSING OPERATOR I1 13-14-90 RANGE 55 32 20 38 84 9 3s 50 1s 20 16 78 68 1 37 49 56 27 32 29 40 40 85 44 85 91 4 4 12 21 21 38 29 84 35 91 104 16 24 40 27 38 31 36 9 13 a