HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-12-18; City Council; 10959; 1988-90 CDBG funds allocation82% 5aJa oucl cdal akk dd c, cw oc, 0 AB#- TITLE. REALLOCATION OF 1988-89 AND DEPT. RED DEF MTG. 12/18/90 1989-90 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CIT‘ BLOCK GRANT FUNDS CIT’ 3 g 0 aJ*d *G h1uc, (d nu cdL, 0 3:: ::$ aal -de al $E; a3 g$$ ,$+,g c)c) * E$2i xcdcd cd 0 z$zi >‘is,, O(dM M 24-4 u M? A .L.’!!$ % VI ouaa uuuu 1 gomfiP sg>*d> ,-,;”: u 4NOaJ ho 1*U6 c w woz‘;l cd OOaJ 5 Orl 5 k fi -aJ oomeG W-dd 0 0 u*c -4 5 :-dd; cl OGU M .d d cd-d al a, 4 Cbn 3.T3 .rl s cl a)L,aJ clam fi caJu 0 ‘d u*r,.rI 0 0 1.T3kok 00 .d> G aJam fnw 0 2 g$$i C).dmoaJ fi 3 c, G *aw Ms u o +w w “+O o co\ 2 o rl 0 a =! g 3 8 c, O& cd fi !4d cdaa 3 I+ arlw .d 4.dP 0 3aJ 0 cnrl \cn 4co \\ hld i= R€COMM€ND€D ACTION: Approve reallocation of a total of $131,290 in 1988-89 and 19t 90 federal Community Development Block Grant Entytlement funds alternate projects/ activities which benefit low/moderate incc persons. ITEM EXPLANATION : On September 18, 1990, staff presented a report to the City Council regarding a total of $40,646 in 1988-89 and 1989-90 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds which needed tc reallocated to alternate projects/activities. The funds were available for two reasons. First, there were two (2) previous approved projects (Buena Vista Playing Fields and Handicap Ra which had been completed with a balance of funds remaining in applicable accounts. Second, the City was required to cancel previously approved project (Magee Park Bandstand) to remain camp1 iance with federal regulations for the CDBG program. At the September 18th meeting, the Council approved reallocat of the CDBG funds in the partial amount of $28,756 from/to th following projects: AMOUNT PROJECT FROM AMOUNT PROJECT TO $ 8,872 Buena Vista $ 5,000 Paint-A-Thon Playing Fields $ 3,872 Fair Housing (Completed) Survey $20,000 Magee Park Bandstand $ 6,128 Fair Housing Sur (Canceled) $ 3,756 Good Samaritan k $11,774 Handicap Ramps $10,000 Addt’l Handicap (Completed) Ramps $40,646 TOTAL $28,756 TOTAL As requested, staff is now returning for additional directior from the City Council as to how the remaining balance of CDB( funds in the amount of $1 1,290 should be real located to a1 tei projects/activities which benefit low/moderate income person: Staff has also recently determined that $120,000 from the CDI Oak Avenue Improvements Project (approved in 1988 and 1989) should be reallocated to alternate projects. Based on engineering estimates for the Oak Avenue Improvements, the CI of the project will not exceed $150,000; the project was originally allocated a total of $270,000 in CDBG funds. he City Council may reallocate the available funds, which tl $131,290, to I) existing (or previously approved) CDBG proje 1 '1 @J 0 PAGE 2 AGENDA BILL NO. /f, y57 2) projects proposed for 1990-91 CDBG funds but not approved; and/or, 3) projects proposed subsequent to the public hearings held for the allocation of 1990-91 CDBG funds. As an addition, option, the Council may instruct staff to issue a new request proposals from the community and reallocate the available fund at a public hearing to be set at a later date. Exhibit 1 provides a list of projects which are currently bein or have been, funded through the City's CDBG Entitlement Progr Exhibit 2 is the list of projects which were proposed for 1990 CDBG funding. Exhibit 3 provides an outline of two (2) new projects which were proposed for CDBG funds subsequent to the public hearings held for allocation of 1990-91 funds. The fir proposal is from the Carlsbad American Little League (for additional improvements to Chase Field) and the second is presented by City Staff (for a Homeless Screening Agency). Staff's recommendations for reallocating the $131,290 in CDBG funds are outlined in Exhibit 4. FISCAL IMPACT: No Fiscal Impact; transfer of funds only. EXHIBITS: 1. List of projects which are currently receiving, or have received, Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Funds 2. List of projects proposed for the 1990-91 Community 3. Outline of new projects proposed for Community Developme Development Block Grant Program Block Grant Entitlement Funds 4. Staff's recornmendations for reallocating Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Funds ? ' 1. @ 0 EXHIE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM LIST OF PROJECTS/ACTIVITES PROJECT/ACTIVITY AMOUNT STATUS Casa De Amparo $ 15,000 Pending North County $ 7,300 Pending Lifeline Good Samaritan House $ 14,000 Pending WIF for Mental Health $ 12,180 Pending Disabled Network Ctr. $ 1,500 Pending Santa Fe Depot $ 15,000 Renovations complete Girls Club Parking $ 10,000 Construction complete Lot Buena Vista Play- $ 8,872 Construction complete fields Maxton Brown Park $ 10,000 Bid request pending Oak Street Improve- $270,000 Design pending ments Grand Avenue Side- $ 10,000 Bid request pending walk Handicap Ramps $ 45,000 Construction on 30 ra complete; addt' 1 ramp construction pending Residential Rehab. $ 90,000 Program design pendir Pai nt-a-thon $ 5,000 Pending Boys and Girls Club $ 30,000 Pending Fire Sprinkler System Fair Housing Survey $ 10,000 Pending Chase Field Improve- $ 11,106 Initial improvements ments complete San Diego Service Ctr. $ 40,000 Pending for the Blind Land Acquisition for $1 47,144 Pending Affordable Housing am oz 'O QH zc as cr)Z I--w ZT w= X0 EO 0-w 0U oaa, a,oa,QSra,L.I-a,oa, 'C oma, 4 Sr- EOa,..r Ea, a,T -UCQ aQ3i-aE Iha r-rmaa 0ru)~;7~3aoC, 5 €€@C,TE -r@OO#--rOQI *QQS 70) 4J clc LQS I-a000 4- -rUa,UEO~m$QLOLUQa,(QL 0 a, u3 * aUC, a-r a, s c -q.Q LU a, @I- 0 S 0 @TU E QrO 0 L-4J.r 0-U m 0 a,u 0-r a a,@ a,ncc- 0 01 a t (Q s a a > @-cQ -rEa,L73 >+Es@oa,Q sa s*s(D-c-I- QU QEQQQV)-r(6 QB L @'I- @-F-SaC,um @ x -Pa UU(0#+3 u 0-r) 737 s c 0 .rea (Qua) o u or- s on4 a, cn~ m a L a, o 3-1- 'u a, a, a,+ 3 @=lfyC cor ac-7-C 0 0 Lcc-cr-C, 0.r s 0 L- ~~LC,H~-~~X@.~~~Q~-C,~IOO~~.~U~~~-€ L1 LQ..r L C E -u 1 W > UI -I LLlQ >z r OH n a un U nz c3 a2 au 8 0 In 0 0 co 0 N In 0 I 0 0 0 0 O cr) I 0 * T- .. .. .. .. n F T- T- w - ii) e ii) +e ii) ii) e- ;g*& 0 W fr HQ -IQ ut-n rnz >J 2s !- -I3 own HH wu. H r- 7 7 A2 >a, -> OL @a, >a I- A2 II sa) 30 no -> -> -> -> -> mi- (DL ala, (DL (DL @a, (0L >a >a @a, @a, @a, >(I) >a >a 7 7 II II n 3a, no no no no -r Sa, sa, no -r -r -? -r -7 U Z 0 [II z n I-LL QO@ a39 mirr c -I- a, a, ss ss a-ra, s3C,s o-~ CDSO ~~3aa-c no a,-r a,-rurC, a, UE> QC,S 7 (Pa 0-rr 0-7 ooa, @roo@ a€ L .+U -4- OSL (o(D3La (DQ 0 'I-- 0.- of- a,. nzo Z-IH Z-I uufl 3HL(t-I o< nrn wl- a0 2: gg an @alar 0- L-r -rn L s > (Q a-7 a7 s 8 L (04- a a,-r a, L an^+ a,< E Eao ua ma,@ -r~n La, @C,U Qcna, I on a, z(0 ea,x OLE @.SI a,L -7Q a,-r i-Q 06L a0 S:EO NO0 sal0 -cL -roc !--I-= 1134- an a~a a>a cDZQL OL E E Lo3 ma,- lQa, -cum \Q an Zl- ID2 I--w ZT UT ZEO OW uu as x0 wo >z OH un nz n3 4u. # # e e # # # * cnl- uz 33 ua E! - - .. r m e9 7- # tl 0 @J 0 0 0 CD c') # fi) # # la 7 G - m 0 cr) - N # tff e. w Jc9 mz HH J3 WU %? 0-P L -I- n -r O+J L '7 0-P L -I- -\a, T\a, -\a) nhE nhE ax€ a.I-> CL-~> a-r> -0 (0011 UOQ Uoa @(6E a)@€ @aE -\a, 3QQ) rO -'I- L cnun ala€ >-kt+ nv) -r nu, am a,u 00 >-a >-Q 'I- I1XE 3@a, 3+Ja 3-PO 'I- -3 (OD 00 >-Q &-I-> -3 VI5 TO ,r, z --r L --I- L -3 mu 1 >-kH >!LH >kH ncn wl- mu ow a7 00 uu nn c, -Y 'I- 7 @*I- 3 0-P a, -7 -I 'I- > a~-~ma a, Q3 (00 OULSS LOOOa, oa, L 'F (63 7-u L '7 (OIL > a -I- a, a,- Qcn (0 73 -I- oa, > 8-Q ss a,@ tcc 33 a, -I- ma, HO a,L E< rra +J-I-a Lv)'--I-L LrnOS(6 a, -r n L"o naccrro L"oa,a, ad+cIir Ea+ L 0- Q3 OUL -I-* -P -T va, ~+L, o Q3 t5-Q O5LCC 7 e 0 EXHl ', OUTLINE OF NEW PROJECTS PROPOSED FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING I. LIGHTING ADJUSTMENTS, FENCING AND A SCORE BOARD for varic fields at Chase Park located at 3349 Harding Street. Total requested funds: $16,500 See attached letter from the Carlsbad American Little League and comments provided by the City's Parks and Recreation Department for additional information on the proposed project. 11. SCREENING AGENCY TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE WITH RANGE OF PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH HOMELESSNESS IN CARLSBAD Total requested funds: $15,000 Based m City Council direction, city staff prepared a "request for proposals" to nonprofit agencies to serve as a screening agency and central registry for homeless services in Carlsbad. A copy of the "request fo proposal" is attached for additional information on the proposed program. A report on the responses to the "requ for proposal" will be submitted by staff at a later date @ e CAELSBAB BMERIC:AN LITTLE LEFpGUE, IRIC. I::AR!.,SBAD T 1::~i.- 1: FORr,i I A '3 1x3: .!; ;:&ei- :2Er '. :I. 530 p 0 !- T (1 1' F' 1 C \E 13 iz X Li. .L!.3 :[ r, .I 1- /... .; ..I .." I:$ -1 ..I .I. I:.? F1:1 I-!!? .t <3. i 17 Q f I? <:ii::i i'; e i/ e 1 .I; I: a j" j. .s k3 .st t.j 5: e ~1 I?.,,; (2 1 I:I IS IT 12 r-1 t .:, i:: /- 4L. .. J b!s 1'- . .::n !f ;:. ,k r 3 I:: :?. r :i ::.\2 .:E\ d T (2 E, ,. >zJ 2 (3 t:! (2 Carlsbad Arne?- ic.3r-l Li.j7tle I-.e ag~,ie, i,:>e are .F<:irma!.: :,,; j. jijs. .k e 1 y <E. 1 6 ,, 5 i:! i:> b e 3.1 1. i:i i:: .2 'I; e d f 1-1 Y j, jji 1:s T- IS';..! is T! e TI +; .E. < e ?ights ai; I:l-ia5.e #I,2, e: 3 i-ieed .l:i:l !:I\? I:!.eal ?s ,E. j. b 1. y :- e !, a n-I p e cj , IS.,.; e ri 4; <::I 17 !-I e p I:~ i r: .I: 1::~ f h e jL 1-i (1 d .3. ri (1 e 1- I:I i,..i:z. :. 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I: t:ln 1: ey 1-1 i TI g .I; i-1 pgp pj-5. w1:1!->.113 be jnr:~.~:;; app~-ei: iated ~ sj.fri:e i.I; j.5 j.n-ipi>r.I;5ai-i.j7 %a:[ [7a~ .!; [-j ~55 e p 1'' I::I .j (2 I: .\; E. I: 1-1 iij p 1 *2t e d 3 y .tl: ti $2 en d I:I 1: J 5, ri 1.1 .:\ r' y 1 '3'3 ?L ,, i 1-, e :i ~)*J/:I 1' i::i v c.2 ai E 1-1 "s. 5. 9 5. 1. 3. 3 12 t ~:i 1-1. y .E. e a 5 111 rl t:i f f t 1-1 <:\ q 111 I:I d 5.t a y .k jl S1-i I:I I..). 1 d y I.l:i~e <~n:>:' <;t..j.e.";t ii:trl~i!, \:11 es.~e feel f'i-ei:? ti:i I::A~. 3. *, - i'", $;: e r' e 1, ;.,/ ~ - .., I i: ,to - OJ (#L,& J. .( .:&w v' [V v 8 'd { tF*a.\-\1 J jl L.t~~j.Z .i. :L :I (21 fii e i" I I:: .:k 1-1 I-, j. 3; -I; :[ i"j i.- e .st 9 ii. e a a October 26, 1990 TO : SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST, REDEVELOPMENT FROM : Principal Recreation Supervisor CHASE FIELD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (C.D.B.G.) Staff has had an opportunity to review your October 23, 1990 memorandum regards to the Carl sbad American Little League request for Community Devel opn Block Grant (C.D.B.G.) funds (see attachment). On October 25, 1990 the Parks and Recreation Director, Parks Superintendent myself met with the league representatives and discussed their request a: relates to the improvements that they are requesting for Chase Field. A. careful review of their proposal and cost estimate, it is our recommends. that the following items be considered for C.D.B.G. funding: ’ ‘j-; .?. 1. Fencinq Improvements - Estimated cost $4,000 Raise fences between backstop and lst/3rd base to a 12‘ height all three (3) fields. This item will keep more balls on the pla: field and provide additional protection to the spectators, vehil and nearby residents. 2. Liqhtinq Improvements - Estimated cost $10,000 To provide the athletic fields with a more uniform, higher qua lighting, a program of relamping, reaiming and cleaning of existing fixtures should be initiated. In addition, a study shl be performed by a lighting consultant on how to best maximize lighting of all three (3) fields at Chase Field site. The league requested that an electric scoreboard be included, though it was not identified on their original request. scoreboard would be identical to the existing scoreboard at C Field and would be made available to our department and o community sports organizations. A storage unit was originally included in the Little Leagues request, howe after discussing this in more detail it was agreed that they could poss obtain a unit through a donation and at no cost to the City or t 3. Electric Scoreboard - Estimated cost $2,500 organization, If you have any questior,s regarding these items, please feel free to contac Attachment c: Assistant City Manager Parks and Recreation Director Housing and Redevelopment Director Parks Superintendent 0 e 'i EXHI' October 3, 1990 Name Title Agency Address The City of Culsbad is rceking the services of a qualified nonprofit agency to scri individuals for assistance with a range of problems associated With homelessness. Esbtes of homeless individuals L Carisbad range ham approxhatdy 10 te 25 pol As a group, the ciMs churches are currently providing canned and dry food, lodging a local motel, gas vouchers, clothing, and referrals to social service agencies. Churches not have the mem, however, to conduct an adequate evaluation of homeless individu to identify those who truly need help, the reason{s] for homelessncss on a case-by-c basis, and the most appropriate pmgram/agencies to meet the special needs of each c of homelessness. An organization is needed to serve as a screening agency, and cen registry for those who have received help, and to provide services directly or arrangement with public or private providers. SCOPE OF !3ERWCES General sentices include the provision of emergency housing and crisis counseling for immediate needs of homeless penon(s) and assistance with breaking the cycle kamelcssness by providing the fatIowhg services: 1) identify the needs of the homeless in Carlsbad on a case-by-case basis. The needs 1 must be identitied may relate to, but are not limited to: n healthhutxition independent living skills I drug and alcohol involvement rn shelter rn family reunification potential I mentalhealth rn transportation m clothing 1 f I t I . c 0 .* * 2) Provide onsite or access to: I food bus tokens jobcomeling I referrals to social dce agencies rn shelter refd/voucherr I assistance in abt- permanmt housing Momation on health care I counseling (bilingual Sfaffl a legal advice 8 mmtd health refds a gasvouchers a assistance in obtaining orher federal, state, and local assistance, including empluj counseling; medical assistance; Vetem’ benefits; and income support assistance, SI Supplemental Secdty income benefits, Aid to Famities with Dependent Children, GI Assistance, and Food Stamps. 3) Address the need for transportation assistance fiom Cdsbsd churches and agencies to the screening agency. 4) Address the need for screenins services in the evenings and on the weekends, 5) Provide a cenual registry of people from Carlsbad who have received help, hr- demographic Mormation on people assisted, type of services provided, ttc. I clotking 4)! * EXHIBI- ,*. -8 *. . ;r December 18, 1990 TO : CITY MANAGER FROM: SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST, REDEVELOPMENT VIA: DIRECTOR OF HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REALLOCATION OF $131,290 IN CDBG FUh The following recommendations for reallocation of the $131,29C Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Funds from progr years 1988-89 and 1989-90 are presented by Staff for City Cour cons i derati on : PROJECT AMOUNT JUSTIFICATION Maxton Brown Park $ 20,000 Additional funds (Curb and gutter) needed to complet the approved pro; Grand Avenue Si dewal k $ 20,000 Additional funds needed to complet the approved pro; Homeless Services $ 15,000 The agency will Screening Agency assist in the efi to adequately ev: ate the needs of homeless in Carl: Affordable Housing $ 76,290 The new focus foi Project the CDBG program housing and rela- projects. Also, . Council has indic ted an interest funding affordab housing projects with CDBG funds. The City Council may approve staff’s recommendations as outli above or reallocate the funds to other eligible projects whic meet the needs of low/moderate income persons. DEBORAH K. FOUNTAIN