HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-12-18; City Council; 10961; INVITATION TO KARLOVY VARY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA TO BECOME SISTER CITIESL .*' a 8 2 .rl u g 0 v1 B !-I a, c, c, rb $ 2 0 m 1 co rl c\I rl 1 GIIpP GAHLSBAU - ACI~NU~ILL F- y&& [AB# /< 741 I TITLE DEPT. d 942 MTG.jA;j/.rp 1 DEPT.Arts/Lib NVlTATlON TO KARLOW VARY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA CITY All TO BECOME SISTER CITIES CITY MG I I I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: I Adopt Resolution No. 7'e j4ziting KsVary, Czechoslovakia to become I Sister Cities with Carlsbad, California. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City of Karlovy , Vary, Czechoslovakia has indicated great interest in establishing formal ties with the City of Carlsbad. The reasons behind this interest include a strong desire to explore the cultural, political and economic similarities and differences between the two cities. This interest has been expressed by Karlovy Vary Mayor Jiri Kovarik add by a petition privately initiated by citizen Jiri Slach and signed by 85 residents of Karlovy Vary. The historical ties between Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia and Carlsbad, California include the fact that our city was named after Karlovy Vary and that the mineral spring waters discovered here in the 1800s were uniquely like those of Karlovy Vary. Since then, many historical and cultural ties have been forged, including special exhibits maintained by the Carlsbad Historical Society. The mission of the Carlsbad Sister City Committee is to plan and implement activities which foster mutual understanding and goodwill between the citizenry of the City of Carlsbad and the citizenry of any city duly designated by the City Council as a "Sister City". The expressed interest of the government and private citizens of Karlovy Vary, as stated in their correspondence, is to create ties of "new friendship" after decades of "forced friendship" with the USSR. The relationship communication by which the official governments and the private citizens of each city may establish connections. 0 w is viewed as symbolic; its primary objective is development of a channel of B cc Q. 3 The Sister City Committee strongly recommends that the City of Carlsbad extend an invitation to Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia to become sister cities. Ties * F Committee sees the relationship as less formal in practice than Sister Cityhood Carlsbad Historical Society and resident immigrants from Czechoslovakia. The A expressed great interest in assisting the effort, including representatives from the 4 initiatives. 0 between the two cities are longstanding. Several Carlsbad citizens have .. z 0 with Futtsu, Japan, emphasizing cultural exchange through "pen pal" style e 8 z 3 _I 0 a Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. /!, qdl FISCAL IMPACT: Immediate impact on the Sister City Committee budget is negligible. Emissaries from the City of Karlovy Vary have clearly stated that currently its citizens and representatives are economically unable to travel to the United States and that Karlovy Vary is interested in establishing communication and exchanging ideas and information. No formal delegations or exchanges of gifts are planned. Further, the Sister City Committee feels that increased Sister City relationships strengthen Committee fundraising abilities through expanded community impact and visibility. Current Committee and staff personnel are adequate to conduct envisioned tasks: correspondence, exchange of documents, planning for cultural and fundraising activities. The long range fiscal impact may involve some increase in costs: while currently both cities are unable to exchange delegations, it is possible that in the future some additional staff time and travel expenses may be incurred. These expenses can be planned for and offset by the increased fundraising anticipated by the Committee. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. @-‘%--A 2. Letter from Mayor Jiri Kovarik 3. Letter from Citizen Jiri Slach and Citizens’ Petition -. < ll 0 e 7 *I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. go-452 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, INVITING THE CITY OF KARLOVY VARY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA TO BECOME SISTER CITIES WITH CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS the Cities of Carlsbad, California and Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia have a long established historical and cultural connection; and WHEREAS the City of Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia is the namesake of the City of Carlsbad, California: and WHEREAS the City of Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia has indicated great interest in establishing a Sister City relationship with Carlsbad, California through its mayor, Jiri Kovarik, a citizens’ petition, and several emissaries, including Carlsbad Historical Society’s Kay Christiansen and Mr. Ludwig Gregoras, formerly of Karlovy Vary and currently of Orange County, California; and WHEREAS the designated mission of the Carlsbad Sister City Committee is to foster mutual understanding and goodwill between the citizenry of Carlsbad and the citizenry of any city duly designated by the City Council as a “Sister City”; and WHEREAS the Committee has determined that such a relationship with Karlovy Vary uniquely fulfills this mission and has endorsed the establishment of a special and lasting friendship between the people of Carlsbad, California and Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia r. ' I /I 0 e /. 1 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of California: 3 2. That the City Council on behalf of the citizens of Carlsbad hereby invites 4 I/ the City of Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia to be its Sister City for the purpose of 5 creating greater mutual understanding between the citizens of our two inter-related cities. 6 7 8 3. That copies of this Resolution are to be sent to the Mayor and Council 9 of the City of Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia, Sister Cities International, the lo Embassy of Czechoslovakia and the U.S. Embassy in Czechoslovakia. I.1 I/ PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City 12 It I/ Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 8th day of January 199'1 13 14 by the following vote, to wit: 15 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaa: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOES: None ABSENT: None - ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, my City Clerk 1 /I I' d 0 Exhibit #2 to Agenda Bill # .. CRISPY USA INC. 4/15/1990 - I I I From: Mr. Jiri Kovarik Mayor of Ci ty Karl o vy Vary / Karls bad Czechoslovakia I ~~~ ~ To: Mr. Clode Lewis Mayor of City Carlsbad California, U. S. A. Dear Mr. Lewis, Today I was visited by Mr. Ludvik Grigoras from U. S. A. , former citizen of Karlovy Vary. He told me about your cit: it's fast growth and how is handling some of it's problems, Even our cities are far form each other, I believe it woult be very beneficial to start a friendship (sister city) between Karlovy Vary and Carlsbad. Sorry.J that our city isn't in this time rich enough to all1 us to visit you in person. But I believe, that in the future it will be possible with our work to bring both cities closer together. Now I'm sending you video casette which can show little bit our resort city. My best regards Ing. Jiri Kovarik City Mayor 707 Granite St., Unit B, Corona, Cd 91779 714437.8725 .* .% e Exhibit @I , 3 @. Agenda Bill # Karlovy Va. 28-th of F( Dear Sirs! I have got your address from USA-Embassy in Munich, West Germany and I havc decided to contact you. My name is JiPi Slach and I am living in Karlovy Vary (englj "CARLSBAD") in West Bohemia in Czechoslovakia. Now the time has come when SOI "forced" friendship has been broken (with USSR) and the new friendship could be opf up not forced by somebody else. This is the reason why I come with my proposal to establish the 'I Society Carl5 -Carlsbad" which would. build the hridg.e. across the Ocean and which UW!~ unite nu! people. I am sure that in your town are living our countrymen, whose have left CSR to in several emigration waves. Maybe there could live some man born in Carlsbad-CSF in your town. The names of both of towns are very similar. From this fact could be out connection between our towns. Karlovy Vary (Carisbad) is very nice Spa-town in the hearth of green forest and is very rich in mineral springs. In the past many of world-known people have come 1 this Spa-town to cure their illness. We don't have much information about your Car But this fact could be changed by establishment of (I SOCIETY CARLSBAD-CARLSE which would help to open up and to deepen friendship not only between both of our but also between both of our nations. One opportunitycould be the fact that this year we will celebrate 45. anniversz of Carlsbad and CSR liberation and the end of 2. world war. We know from history that Karlovy Vary has been liberated not only by Soviet army but by American Arm A I know that my proposal is daring but it has support between people who are th like me. I would ask you kindly to hand over the Czech version of my letter to the Council of Czechoslovak Countrymen in your town or in State of California and to 1 me have your answer to my address. Yours sincerely JiPi Slach K< LL I<oll&ova 1 12 1 /5 CSR . CS-363 01 OSTROV Enclosure: Signatures of people which support my proposal to establish "Society C- Czech version of my letter