HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-01-08; City Council; 10978; ADJUSTMENT TO THE MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULEI. Pp I. CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGEN r DEPT, CITY i CITY I ADJUSTMENT TO THE MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. -(2/-/0 approving an adjustment to the Management Salary Schedule effective January 1, 1991; and Resolution No. %-/[ revising the salary for the City Manager and the City Attorney. ITEM EXPLANATION: On August 1, 1989, City Council adopted Resolution No. 89-265 approving a Memorandum of Understanding with the Carlsbad City Employees' Association (CCEA). The term of the Memorandum of Understanding is for two years and expires ion June 30, 1991. The terms of the Memorandum of Understanding with CCEA call for a 2% cost of living increase, effective January 1, 1991. According to Council Policy Statement No. 36, general salary increases granted to miscellaneous employee bargaining units shall be passed through to miscellaneous management employees, the City Manager, and the City Attorney as they are granted to the bargaining unit. Consequently, the attached Management Salary Schedule reflects a 2% increase, passed through to management employees, in accordance with Council Policy Statement No. 36. FISCAL IMPACT: stments and related benefits is $131,920. These d in the 1990/91 operating budgets for all City 1. Resolution No. 91- /o .. *< r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 W e RESOLUTION NO. 91-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AN ADJUSTMENT MISCELLANEOUS MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES. TO THE MANAGEMENT SALARY PLAN FOR THE WHEREAS, Council Policy Statement No. 36 specifies that general salary increases granted to the miscellaneous employees' bargaining unit shall be passed through to miscellaneous management employees; and WHEREAS, rniscellaneo us employees received salary increases NOW, THE:REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That a 2% salary increase be passed through to the miscellaneous imanagement employees effective January 1, 1991. 3. That the Management Salary Plan set forth in Exhibit A I attached hereto and made a part thereof, is adopted. 4. That the Management Compensation plan set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto and made a part thereof, is hereby adopted. Ill Ill .' A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 I* 15 l6 17 18 19 w 0 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City C:ouncil held on the 8th day of January 1 1991 , by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nyga NOES: None ABSENT: None -- ATTEST: --__--- - 2!Xd-L7-- AI-ETHA L. RALITENKRANZ, City Cle (SEAL) I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w AlTACHMENT A 0 '< CITY OF CARLSBAD MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE BIWEEKLY SCHEDULE JANUARY 1, 1990. POSITION TITLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 AQUATIC SUPERVISOR 1593 1673 1756 1844 1936 2033 ARTS MANAGER 1780 1869 1962 2061 2164 2272 ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 2765 2903 3048 3201 3361 3529 ASSISTANT CITY CLERK 1593 1673 1756 1844 1936 2033 ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER 2208 2318 2434 2556 2684 2818 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER 2765 2903 3048 3201 3361 3529 ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR 1905 2000 2100 2205 2316 2431 ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR 1787 1876 1970 2069 2172 2281 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR 2191 2301 2416 2536 2663 2796 ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGEM 2212 2323 2439 2561 2689 2823 ASSISTANT UTILITIES/MAINT. DIR. 2152 2260 2373 2491 2616 2747 BUILDING MINT SUPERINT. 1760 1848 1940 2037 2139 2246 BUILDING MAlNT SUPERVlSOFl 1574 1653 1735 1822 1913 2009 CITY AlTORNEY 3038 3190 3349 3517 3693 3877 CITY ENGINEER 2403 2523 2649 2782 2921 3067 CITY MANAGER 3197 3357 3525 3701 3886 4080 CQMMUNKY DEVELOPMENT OIR. 2765 2903 3048 3201 3361 3529 COMMUNrrY REDNELOPMENr DIR 2321 2437 2559 2687 2821 2962 COMMUNITY ARTS COORDINATOR 1383 1452 1525 1601 1681 1765 COMPENSATION & BENEFITS MANGER 1593 1673 1756 1844 1936 2033 DATA PROCESSING MANAGER 1704 1789 1879 1973 2071 2175 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY 1909 2004 2105 2210 2320 2436 ELECTRICAL OPFNS SUPERVIWR 1574 1653 1735 1822 1913 2009 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES MANAGER 1593 1673 1756 1844 1936 2033 EQUIPMENT MAIM. SUPERINT. 1760 1848 1940 2037 2139 2246 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC SUPEIRV. 1574 1653 1735 1822 1913 2009 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT 1593 1673 1756 1844 1936 2033 FINANCE DIRECTOR 2443 2565 2693 2828 2969 3118 FIRE BATTALION CHIEF 2237 2349 2466 2590 2719 2855 FIRE CHIEF 2834 2976 3124 3281 3445 3617 GEOGRAPHIC INFO. COORDINATOR 1704 1789 1843 1935 2031 2133 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTCIR 2230 2342 2459 2582 2711 2846 HUMAN RESOURCE ANALYST 1245 1307 1373 1441 1513 1589 HUMAN RESOURCE ASSISTAINT 1123 1179 1238 1300 1365 1433 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIR. 2443 2565 2693 2828 2969 3118 -, W ATTACHMENT A 0 .' CITY OF CARLSBAD MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE BMEKLYSCHEMJLE JANUARY 1, 1990. POSITION TITLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 LIBRARY DIRECTOR 2292 2407 2527 2653 2786 2925 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1380 1449 1521 1598 1677 1761 MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT 1245 1307 1373 1441 1513 1589 MANAGER OF RESEARCH 2187 2296 2411 2532 2658 2791 MEDIA SERVICES MANAGER 1383 1452 1525 1601 1681 1765 METER SHOP SUPERVISOR 1574 1653 1735 1822 1913 2009 MUNICIPAL PROJECTS MANAGER 2208 2318 2434 2556 2684 2818 PARK SUPERVISOR 1574 1653 1735 1822 1913 2009 PARKS SUPERINTENDENT 1760 1848 1940 2037 2139 2246 PARKS & RECREATION DIR. 2290 2405 2525 2651 2784 2923 PLANNING DIRECTOR 2443 2565 2693 2828 2969 3118 POLICE CAPTAIN 2384 2503 2628 2760 2898 3043 POLICE CHIEF 2822 2963 3111 3267 3430 3602 POLICE LIEUTENANT 2068 2171 2280 2394 2514 2639 PRINCIPAL BLDG. INSP. 1998 2098 2203 2313 2429 2550 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER 2024 2125 2231 2343 2460 2583 PRINCIPAL CONST. INSPECTOR 1835 1927 2023 2124 2230 2342 PRINCIPAL PLANNER 1848 1940 2037 2139 2246 2359 PRIN. RECREATION SUPERV. 1693 1778 1867 1960 2058 2161 PURCHASING OFFICER 1905 2000 2100 2205 2316 2431 RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT 1760 1848 1940 2037 2139 2246 RISK MANAGER 2321 2437 2559 2687 2821 2962 SENOR CITIZENS COORD. 1693 1778 1867 1960 2058 2161 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1593 1673 1756 1844 1936 2033 SEWER MAINTENANCE SUPEFWISOR 1574 1653 1735 1822 1913 2009 STREET MAlNT SUPERINTENDENT 1760 1848 1940 2037 2139 2246 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 1574 1653 1735 1822 1913 2009 TRAFFIC ENGINEER 2120 2226 2337 2454 2577 2706 UTILITIES MAlNT DIRECTOR 2290 2405 2525 2651 2784 2923 UTILITIES MAIM SUPERINTENDENT 1760 1848 1940 2037 2139 2246 WATER MINT SUPERVISOR 1574 1653 1735 1822 1913 2009 I I. 0 Attachment 6 Resolution No. ?/---I MANAGEMENT CWPENSATION PLAN If INTRODUCTION. This attachment constitutes the Management Compensation P1 (MCP). The MCP contains three parts, an introduction, a schedule benefits, and a salary schedule. A. DEFINITIONS 1. Manaqement EmDlovees. Management employees are defined under t provisions of Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.48.030 (7). 2. Ci tv Counci 1 Awoi nted EmDlovees. The City Manager and City Attorr are hired by and responsible directly to the City Council. 1 salaries for these positions shall be set by the City Council. 1 non-salary compensation provisions of the MCP shall apply to thc position<; except as otherwise provided by the City Council. 11. SCHEDULE OF BENElm A. LIFE INSURAN(:E. All management personnel shall receive City paid 1. insurance in an amount equal to two times the basic yearly earnin! To determine benefits, the amount of insurance is rounded to the nt higher 61,000 multiple, unless the amount equals a $1,000 multiple. B. RETIREMENT. All management personnel shall participate in the Pub Employees’ Retirement System on the same basis as other employees their respective departments. C. RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION. All management employees shall have th portion of the retirement contribution to the Pub1 ic Employe Retirement System paid by the City, on the same basis as other employ of their respective departments, as provided by Government Code Sect 20615. VACATION. All management employees shall earn vacation on a basis eq to that of other employees in their respective department except management employees with comparable service in local government agenc may be granted credit for such service for the purpose of comput vacation at the discretion of the City Manager. All management employ shall be permitted to accumulate up to and including forty (40) days vacation. The City Manager shall be responsible for the granting vacation to it11 management personnel, except in the case of the Assist City Attorney, where the City Attorney shall be responsible for grant vacation. E. EXECUTIVE LEAVE. All management personnel shall be eligible to f executive leave, except the positions of the Police Captain and Pol Lieutenant. A maximum of 56 hours per year are eligible for execul leave. Executive leave will be credited to each management It D. W a employee as Ihours are earned as determined by the administrative poll establ i shed by the City Manager. As of July 1, 1986, all management employees will be required to e; executive leave on an hour per hour basis. The City Manager is authorized to pay overtime to any management emplo: who is required to work extended hours due to emergencies such as fin storms, floods, or other emergencies. The position of Police Lieuten shall receive overtime at the rate of time and one-half for actual hoi worked. F. SICK LEAVE. All management personnel shall be granted sick leave 01 basis equal to that of other employees in their respective departmen G. SICK LEAVE CONVERSION. Any management employee who has accrued maintains a minimum of one hundred (100) hours of sick leave shall permitted tlo convert up to twelve (12) hours of sick leave uncompensated sick leave to vacation at a ratio of three (3) sick le days per one (1) day of vacation. The sick leave conversion option w be provided during the first week of each fiscal year. If convers to vacation is not elected, earned sick leave will be added to existing total. H. SEPARATION COMPENSATION. A1 1 unci assi f i ed management empl oy involuntarily separated from the City service due to budget cutbac layoffs, contracting out of service or for other reasons not due misconduct which would justify involuntary separation for cause o permanent cllassified employee shall receive thirty (30) working d salary computed at the salary range of the employee at the time separation. I. HOLIDAYS. All management employees except for the position of Pol Lieutenant, shall enjoy paid holidays in accordance with the sched of eleven (11) established by the City Council. The positioni of Police Lieutenant shall receive holiday pay at the r of time and one-half in lieu of receiving holidays off. The Lieuten in charge of the police investigations division shall receive time one-half for. all holidays actually worked. J. MEDICAL. 0 ENTAL AND VISION INSURANCF;. The City agrees that the insur, premium cost, will be apportioned so that 80% of the premium payment I be paid by the City and 20% will be paid by the employee. K. ANNUAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION AND/OR PHYSICAL FITNESS TESTING (WELL1 PROGRAM) All management employees shall be eligible for reimbursement of ul the amount of four hundred fifty dollars ($450) during each fiscal : to pay the cost of an employee’s annual physical examination an( physical fitness testing (Wellness Program). [W 0 ./ 1. * The annual physical examination may be completed by a physician of employee’s choice. Each employee claiming reimbursement shall required to authorize a copy of the results of the examination to City Manager or his designee. The Wellnesr; Program offered by the City provides physical fitn testing and information regarding 1 ifestyle changes that promote opti health. Program components include, but are not limited Computerized Heart Risk Profile, Complete Blood Profile, Nutritio Assessment , Diet Program, Body Measurements, Lung Assessme Consultations, etc. INCOME PROTECTION INSURANCE. A1 1 management personnel shall be gran income protection insurance coverage equal to that provided ot employees in their respective department. Long-term disability available for all management personnel after 30 days of disability. M. DEFERRED COMPENSATION. The City shall provide a deferred compensal plan which may be utilized by any management employee. The City reset the right to accept or reject any particular plan and to impose spec- conditions upon the use of any plan. HEALTHY EMPLOYEE AWARD. The Healthy employee Award is earned by tt management employees using not more than one day of sick leave i calendar year period. Each employee earning this will be eligible a $100 Cash Award. L. N. I I I. MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE. The management salary schedule, attached hereto as Exhibit B, SI establish a salary range for each management position. The City Manager shall have authority to determine the salary for ( management employee within the salary range established for l management position. The City Manager may delegate to department hc the authority to set salaries for management personnel under supervig of the department head. The City Manager may grant merit salary increases and/or cash awards performance not to exceed 10% per year. Salary adjustments shal based on performance. The salary level of all management employees s be reviewed in January. Salary adjustments shall be made at discretion of the City Manager subject to any limitation or cont imposed by the City Council. The City Attorney shall have authorit determine the salary level of the Assistant City Attorney and Deputy Attorney within the salary range established for the positions. Upon City Manager approval, any management employee whose salary i the top of the range may be granted a merit increase of up to 5% a the top of existing range, and/or up to a maximum of 5% of his/her sa in a cash award based upon performance. The cumulative award above top of the range shall not exceed 10%. 1- 0 a\ The City Council shall set the salary of the City Manager and C Attorney. r I *, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 X?, 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 0 RESOLUTION NO. 91-11 A REiSOLUTlON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REVISING THE SALARY EQEI COUNCll APPO~NTFD 0 FFlClAl S. WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to make adjustments in compensation for Council appointed officials. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. Tha.t the above recitation is true and correct. 2. Thait the salary for City Council appointed officials, effective January 1, 1991, shall be as follows: City Manager $4,104 biweekly City Attorney $3,980 biweekly City Council appointed officials shall receive the 3. benefits of the Management Compensation Plan, except: a. Section H shall not apply. Separation of the City Manager and City Attorney is controlled by Municipal Code Chapter 2.12 and 2.14 respectively as modified for the City Manager by his employment agreement. b. The City Attorney shall be authorized to receive amount per month equal to the subsidy for management employee plus two dependents in lieu of coverage under the City's health an( .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w 0 medical insurance plan provided by Section J. 4. The City Manager shall receive a car allowance of $250 per month. The City Attorney shall receive a car allowance of $225 per month. 5. The City Attorney shall receive a salary of $100 per month for work as general counsel for the Housing and Redevelopment Commission. 6. The City Manager shall receive a salary of $100 per month for work as Executive Director for the Housing and Redevelopment Commission. 7. That an annual review of performance and salary for th City Manager and City Attorney will be conducted by the City Council. 1 //I /// //I //I //I /// /// I// /I/ /I/ i. 4' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 I.3 I* 15 l6 17 18 19 w m PASSED, .APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City C;ouncil held on the 8th day of January 1991, by the following vote to wit: 1 AYES: NOES: Nlone ABSENT: None Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nyga< -__- ATTEST: ------_- 6?&2%ilR- ---- -- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cle k (SEAL) i 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28