HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-01-29; City Council; 11011; Community Facilities District No. 1\ r at c t F -t d u1 3 0 ae $ 4 .. z 0 F 0 4 =1 0 z 3 0 0 I, DEP ,-b * -m q- A6#1?.~ 4" TITLE MTG. 1/29/91 GROWTH MANAGEMENT FINANCING PROGRAM CITY CIT' COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 PUBLIC HEARING DEPT, F1N RECOMMENDED ACTION: Hold the Public Hearing on Community Facilities District No. 1. Adopt Resolution No. q/~3f ordering changes and modifications to th Resolution of Intention and proceedings relating to the formation of Community Facilities District. Adopt Resolution No. ?/-d 9 making preliminary findings, passing upon protes and approving "Final Report." Adopt Resolution No. 9//37 declaring and establishing the formation of Community Facilities District and authorizing submittal of a levy of special tax to the qualified electors. Adopt Resolution No. ?/- f@declaring necessity to incur a bonded indebtednc and submitting a proposition to the qualified voters of a Community Faciliti District. ITEM EXPLANATION On December 11, 1990 the City Council adopted the Resolution of Intention form Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 1. At that time the Council he: the staff report describing the creation of the district and received public in] from a variety of people. The Council then called for a Public Hearing to be b on January 29, 1991 to discuss the continuation of the process. Notices WI mailed to approximately 150 property owners, individuals and groups who h asked to be noticed on this issue, and legal advertisements were placed in local newspaper. Through the adoption of the attached resolutions the Council will accomplish following: Resolution Orderinn Channes and Modifications - Provides the opportui to incorporate changes into the CFD. On December 11,1990 the Cou adopted the Resolution of Intention and other resolutions setting taxing formulas, boundaries and other basic CFD parameters. The COL may elect to modify these parameters at this time by reducing any as of the district. No element of the district may be increased at this pi hearing. Any change resulting from this public hearing will incorporated into this resolution for inclusion in the "Report" of the consultant. Resolution Making Preliminary Findings - and Passing Upon Prote Makes the determination that insufficient protests have been receivc cause the Council to cease the district formation process. If the Coi - 4, '* e a b* L Page Two of Agenda Bill No. A! fl/' -* receives a 50% written protest proceedings would be suspended. As of the dat of the drafting of this agenda bill no written protests have been received. Resolution declarim and Establishing the Formation of the District Declares the City's intent to 1) form the CFD, 2) finance the hprovemeni through the issuance of bonds, and 3) authorizes setting the question ( formation before the qualified electors (the land owners in this case). Resolution Declaring Necessity to Incur Bonded Indebtedness an Submitting Proposition to the Oualified Electors - Provides 11 authorization to issue the necessary debt to fund the CFD projects. Th and the previous resolution will be merged into a single proposition to 1 set before the electors. If Council's decision is to proceed with formation of the CFD, the ab0 resolutions may be adopted at the January 29, 1991 meeting or referred back staff for modifications and brought back before the Council on February 5, 199 In either event the staff recommends that May 7, 1991 be set as the electic date. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: On December 11, 1990, the City Council reviewed the environmental impact the proposed CFD. The Planning Director prepared a Negative Environmeni Declaration for the proposed Citywide Mello-Roos District finding that it wox not have any significant, adverse impact on the environment. During the pub comment period, one objection to the approval of a Negative Declaration w received. After reviewing and thoroughly analyzing the objection, staff SI believes a Negative Declaration is appropriate and adequate for the CityWi Mello-Roos District Declaration. Supporting information is attached to t December 11, 1990 agenda bill. FISCAL IMPAm: The proposed CFD has wide ranging impacts on the City and the land own included within the district boundaries. The City's Capital Improvement Program proposes to fund all of the proje included within the CFD from developer fees. Under the pay-as-you-go conc used in the CIP projects cannot be funded until sufficient developer fees available. Generally, fees do not become available until the developer build building or home. The City must wait for development to occur bef infrastructure improvements can be funded, or at least be confident that adequate amount of development fees will be available during the proj construction calendar to cover project costs. c , *L I) @ *- L. Page Three of Agenda Bill No. /(,HI/ ..- Under the Growth Management Program, certain facilities must be providc within a specific number of years after a threshold is reached, or concurrent wi development. A pay-as-you-go system does not allow the City to "guarantee" th adequate funds will be available to construct improvements. One of the kt reasons for pursuing the CFD approach to financing these projects is linked to tl issue of "financial guarantees." Under a pay-as-you-go system, the City is total dependent upon development activity for its revenue stream. Under a CE system, much of that dependence is eliminated through the creation of a vaci pledged to pay debt service on bonds issued to build needed projects. No systc of financing can eliminate all uncertainty from the public facilities planni process, but the CFD begins to offer the City some insulation from the volatil of the development cycle. The CFD developed under the City's policies allows Council to fund a range facilities concurrent with development and to leverage the fee revenue stream create a debt financing program that guarantees the availability of facilities. The CFD together with the CIP and Council Policy 33, which controls the use assessment districts, form the basis for the City3 long range facility financj plan. The City has successfully provided funding for more than $400 millior infrastructure improvements to be constructed through buildout. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// land tax. This tax becomes a dependable stream of revenue which can f 1 , I e e .- A Page Four of Agenda Bill No. /$//I _- City of Carlsbad An Overview of Carlsbad’s Long Range Facilities Financing Program Improvement Program projects from 1990 through buildout. The program is largely dependent upon developer fees. The CIP does not guarantee funding of projects due to its reliance on an unstable revenue stream. The proposed City Wide Mello-Roos Community Facilities District provides a graranteed source of funding for about $109 million of capital projects funded through developer fees in the CIP. With the CFD in place the City Is less dependent on development for the construction of various projects. Council has entered Into reimbursements agreements where developer fee funding will not be available when needed. These agreements have been instrumental in providing fundi for park land acquisition and in park development. The City has used a variety of non-city funding sources including TransNet funds, CalTrans and federal grants to finance street construction programs. In addition, Redeve funding has been used to leverage the existing tax incremen revenue into an $1 1 million building program in down town C City Wide Mello-Roos District Reimbursement Agreements Alternate Public Funding Sources Council Policy 33 Policy 33 allows the use of tax exempt debt to finance the construction of prime and major arterials as well as various related improvements. 191 3/15 act assessment districts will fund more than $100 million in street related projects through buildout. Policy 38 allows the use of Mello-Roos districts (in addition 1 the City Wide CFD described above) for the construction of public improvements with general public benefit. No estimate is available fort the total amount of projects that will be funded under this policy. The policy protects the City and the taxpayer while allowing the use of public tax exempt debt to finance a variety of projects. Council Policy 38 Existing fee schedules for Public Facilities Fees, Traffic Impact Fees and B that projects previously slated for construction from fee revenues are included in the CFD. and Thoroughfare District will be reduced If the CFD Is cor&rmed to the e < 1 . I 1 Q c- Page Five of Agenda Bill No. /$fl// * A No General Fund support is required for this program. The CFD operates a5 separate entity, providing its own operating revenue and capital funding. It is also important to note that the present citizens and homeowners of Carlsb are in no way obligated or held responsible in the event that the CFD experient a cash flow shortfall. There is no legal way to assess property that is not Wit1 the CFD boundaries for debts of the district. Under Council Policy 38, there M never be any homeowner who will be assessed a tax under the CFD progra further insulating the populace from taxation by some future City Council. ExHIl3I-I-S: 1. 2. Resolution No. 9/--fc making preliminary findings and passing UI protests. Resolution No. ?/- 37 declaring and establishing the formation of district . Resolution No. ?/- g0 declaring necessity to incur indebtedness i submitting proposition to qualified voters. City of Carlsbad Community Facilities District Report, CFD No.1 - on Resolution No. 7/-3’1 ordering changes and modifications. 3. 4. 5. with the City Clerk and Finance Department. J . ‘I‘. - ) v r . , E. t- - L 1 *. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I m 0 RESOLUTION NO. 91-37 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING CERTAIN CHANGES TION AND PROCEEDINGS RELATING TO THE FORMATION OF A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE RESOLUTION OF INTEN- WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CAR1 CALIFORNIA, (hereinafter referred to as the “legislative b the local Agency”), has previously declared its intentic ordered the preparation of a “Report“ relating to the init of proceedings to create a Community Facilities District ant to the terms and provis’ions of the “Mello-Roos Con Facilities Act of 1982”, being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Divis Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of California. Community Facilities District ghall hereinafter be refer as COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 (hereinafter refel as the “District”); and, WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing relating to the lishment of the District, the extent of the Distric furnishing of certain facilities and all other related has been given, and a “Report“, as ordered by this Agen been presented and considered, and at this time it is determined that certain changes and modifications in the tion of Intention and proceedings should be ordered. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all t correct. SECTION 2. it is in the best public inter6 convenience to order certain changes and modifications f ? c- - c c 1 -L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ! 0 e proceedings and Resolution of Intention, as they relate t formation of the District, and said changes and modificl are as set forth in the final "Report" submitted and 1 approved, entitled "COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT REPORT". SECTION 3. That the proceedings, Resolution of Int and "Report" as now modified, ahall stand for all future pr ings as the Resolution of Intention, proceedings and "R for the District. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council q City of Carlsbad at its/&u%tr meeting held on the 29tl S eci 1 of January , 1991, by the following vote, to c AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nyg NOES: None ABSENT: None AUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: kQUA. ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Citk Clerk (SEAL) -. <t % 1 2 -- * 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 v 0 0 91-38 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, MAKING CERTAIN PRELIMI- NARY FINDINGS, PASSING UPON PROTESTS AND APP- ROVING FINAL "REPORT" WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CAR CALIFORNIA, (hereinafter referred to as the "legislative b the .local Agency") , has previously declared its intentit ordered the preparation of a "Report" relating to the init of proceedings to create a Community Facilities District ant to the terms and provisions of the "Mello-Roos Con Facilities Act of 1982", being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Divis Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of California, Community Facilities District shall hereinafter be refer as COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 (hereinafter refer as the lfDistrict"); and, WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing relating to the lishment of the District, the extent of the Distric furnishing of certain facilities and all other related , has been given, and a "Report", as ordered by this Agen been presented to this Agency and has been made a part record of the hearing on the Resolution of Intention to lish said District; and, WHEREAS, all communicasions relating to the establ of the District, the facilities and the tax rate ha. presented, and it has further been determined that a n protest as defined by law has not been received agains proceedings; and, 1 I 1 .. .- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 , e 0 WHEREAS, the "Report" as now submitted further cont, changes and modifications to the proceedings, as applicabl hereby approved; and, WHEREAS, inasmuch as there are less than twelve (12) tered voters residing within the territory of the Distric have.been been for at least the preceding ninety (90) dayg legislative body is desirous to submit the levy of the rc special tax to the landowners of the District, said lanc being the qualified electors as authorized by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all tr correct. SECTION 2. That the written protests received, if i not represent a majority protest as defined by the app provisions of the "Community Facilities Act of 1982". SECTION 3. The "Report" , as now submitted, in changes and modifications, if any and as applicable, shal as the "Report" for all future proceedings and all tei contents are approved as set forth therein. SECTION 4. It is hereby determined by this legi body to proceed with the formation and establishment District, formally known and designated as "COMMUNITY FAC DISTRICT NO. 1". SECTION 5. It is hereby further determined by this tive body that all proceedings prior hereto were valid ai in conformity with the requirements of law, and specific< provisions of the "Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act o 6 .I 1. 1 1 -- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 a and this finding is made pursuant to the provisions and au zation of Section 53325.1 of the Government Code of the St California. ~EICTION 6. It is hereby further determined l?y this le tive body that the proposed capital project facility is sary.to meet increased demands placed upon this local Age a result of development and/or rehabilitation occurring District. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council S eci 1 City of Carlsbad at its/&&- meeting held on the 29t' Of January , 1991, by the following vote, to AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nyg NOES: None - A. fh[,L ABSENT: None Lid CLAUDE A. L IS, Mayor ATTEST: l2-QQxL 2. fl4-L- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, CitylClerk (SEAL) 4 0 * 1 2 3 -- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ' a e 91-39 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE C,ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING AND ESTABLISH- ING THE FORMATION OF A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT, AND AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF LEVY OF SPECIAL TAXES TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held and concludg the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, (1 after referred to as the "legislative body of the local A; is desirous at this time to proceed with the establishmen community facilities district, pursuant to the terms and sions of the "Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the GOV Code of the State of California, said Community Fac District shall hereinafter be referred to as COMMUNITY TIES DISTRICT NO. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "Dist and , WHEREAS, this legislative body has further decla intent that the authorized public facilities be financed the issuance of bonds, said bonds secured by the lek special tax: and, WHEREAS, at any time before or after the formation District, this legislative body may accept advances o and/or work in kind from any source; however, no reimbi and/or repayment shall be made €or said advances until e: set forth by agreement and/or Resolution of this leg body setting forth the amount, terms and conditions reimbursement and/or repayment; and, -- I L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 e e WHEREAS, all communications relating to the establi of the District, the facilities and the tax rate have presented, and it has further been determined that a ma protest as defined by law has not been received against proceedings; and, .WHEREAS, the "Report" as now submitted further cont changes and modifications to the proceedings, as applicab hereby approved; and, WHEREAS, inasmuch as there are less than twelv registered voters residing within the territory of the Di and have been been for at least the preceding ninety (90: this legislative body is desirous to submit the levy required special tax to the landowners of the District landowners being the qualified electors as authorized by 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: RECITALS SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all t correct. PROTESTS SECTION 2. That the written protests received, if not represent a majority protest as defined by the apy provisions of the "Community Facilities Act of 1982". FINAL REPORT SECTION 3. The "Report", as now submitted, ix changes and modifications, if any and as applicable, sha: as the "Report" for all future proceedings and all tc contents are approved as set forth therein. , -- 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 t 0 e NAME OF DISTRICT SECTION 4. That this legislative body does hereby I lish and declare the formation of the Community Faci District known and designated as "COMMUNITY FACILITIES Dl NO. 1". BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICT SECTION 5. That the boundariee and parcels of 1 which the public facilities are to be provided and on special taxes will be levied in order to pay the cos expenses for said public facilities are generally descr! follows: All property within the boundaries of CO FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1, as shown on a boundary map l viously approved by this legislative body, said map des by the name of this Community Facilities District, a 1 which is on file in the Office of the City Clerk. The 1: map of the proposed District has been filed pursuant to 5 3111 and 3113 of the Streets and Highways Code of the S California in the Office of the County Recorder of the Cc San Diego, at Page 56 of Book 24 of the Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts f County. DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES SECTION 6. A general description of the public facilities which this legislative body is authorized by construct, own or operate, which are the facilitie financed under these proceedings, are generally desc follows: - *- 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 0 e I. Public facilities generally descril a new library facility, a major addition to an existing 1 building, a City Hall complex, and the addition of offi warehouse facilities at the public safety Center. 11. Park improvements generally design? the MACARIO CANYON PARK. 111. Major street improvements in porti the following designated public streets: FARADAY AVENUE, ROAD, LA COSTA AVENUE, OLIVENHAIN ROAD/RANCHO SANTA FE R( LEUCADIA BOULEVARD. IV. Major bridge and overpass fac generally described as the LA COSTA INTERCHANGE, POINSETT INTERCHANGE and PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD INTERCHANGE. For a full and complete description ( facilities, reference is made to the file entitled "DESC OF FACILITIES", a copy of which is on file in the Office City Clerk and open for public inspection. In addition to financing the above de facilities, those incidental expense8 described in sai "Report" are also approved and authorized. SPECIAL TAX SECTION 7. That it is hereby further determined modification should be made to the Resolution of Intent special tax formula, and said modification is reflected special tax formula referenced and attached hereto as "A", and said modification will not cause any increase maximum special tax. 7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e Except where funds are otherwise availal: special tax, secured by recordation of a continuing lien a all non-exempt real property in the proposed District, is authorized, subject to voter approval, to be levied ar within the boundaries of said District. The proposed E tax to be levied within said District has not been preclu majority protest pursuant to Section 53324 of the GOVE Code of the State of California. For particulars as to tl and method of apportionment of the proposed special tax, fence is made to the attached and incorporated Exhibi which sets forth in sufficient detail the method of appc ment to allow each landowner or resident within the p District to estimate the probable annual amount and the amount that said person will have to pay €or said faci Said special tax shall be utilized to pay for the constr expansion, rehabilitation or purchase of the public capita lities identified in SECTION 4. hereinabove, and/or to s bonded indebtedness which shall be utilized to finan public capital facilities. The special taxes herein authorized s collected in the same manner as ad valorem property ta shall be subject to the same penalties, procedure, sale i priority in any case of delinquency, as applicable valorem taxes; however, as applicable, this legislative i establish and adopt an alternate or supplemental proce necessary. *.- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I e e This legislative body further authorize! special taxes may be prepaid and satisfied by the payment maximum present value of the special tax and all detai particulars shall be set forth and adopted by Resolution c legislative body. Upon recordation of a Notice of Speci Lien pursuant to Section 3114.5 of the Streets and Highwa! of the State of California, a continuing lien to secur levy of the special tax shall attach to all non-exemg property in the District and this lien shall continue ii and effect until the special tax obligation is prepi premanently satisfied and the lien cancelled in accordanc law or until collection of the tax by the legislati\ ceases. PREPARATION OF ANNUAL TAX ROLL SECTION 8. The name, address and telephone number office, department or bureau which will be reapansible f paring annually a current roll of special tax levy obli by Assessor’s parcel number and which shall be responsi estimating future special tax levies pursuant to section of the Government Code of the State of California, follows: OFFICE OF FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (619) 434-2867 . I *- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 FINDING OF VALIDITY SECTION 9. It is hereby further determined by this le tive body that all proceedings prior hereto were valid and in conformity with the requirements of the law, and specif the provisions of the "Mello-Roos Community Facilities 1982'1, and that this finding and determination is made pu to the provisions and authorization of Section 53325.1 Government Code of the State of California. SUBSTITUTION FACILITIES SECTION 10. The description of the public capital f ties, as set forth herein, is general in its nature. Ths nature and location of improvements and facilities will be mined upon the preparation of final plans and specific The final plans may show substitutes in lieu of, or modif to, the proposed work in order to accomplish the wc improvement, and any such substitution shall not be a ch modification in the proceedings as long as the fac provide a service substantially similar to that as set f this Resolution. APPEALS AND INTERPRETATION PROCEDURE SECTION 11. Any landowner or resident who feels t amount or formula of the special tax is in error may notice with the Agency appealing the levy of the speci An appeals panel of 3 members, as appointed by the Agenc then meet and promptly review the appeal, and if necessa~ with the applicant. If the findings of the Appeals Boar that the tax should be modified or changed, a recommend that time will be made to the Agency and, as appropri, I *_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1o l1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 special tax levy shall'be corrected, and if applicable j case, a refund shall be granted. Interpretations may be made by the Age Resolution for purposes of clarifying any vagueness or amk as it relates to any category, zone, rate or definition a able.to these proceedings. ELECTION SECTION 12. This legislative body herewith submi levy of the special tax to the qualified electors District, said electors being the landowners of the pi District, with each landowner having one (1) vote for eac or portion thereof of land which he or she owns within the nity Facilities District. This legislative body hereby further that the ballot proposition relating to the levy of thc referenced special tax be combined and consolidated wj proposition relating to the incurring of a bonded indebt This Resolution shall not constitute the notice of the E and the Resolution declaring the necessity to incur the indebtedness shall constitute the notice of the c election relating to the bonded indebtedness and author for the special tax levy. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council City of Carlsbad at its/@&$!3* meeting held on the 2s January , 1991, by the following vote, to Of , -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 -- 7 i 0 a AYES: Council Members' LewiS, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nyga: NOES: None ABSENT: None (Y[/(/:z jv&(.-,1. , CLAUDE A. LE'WI , 'Msy6r ATTEST: 8l 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ALETHA L. RAUT (SEAL) T- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 \ m a CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHIBIT "A" PROPERTY CATEGORIES AND MAXIMUM TAX All taxable property within the boundaries of the Cornmunit: lities District shall be subject to ANNUAL SPECIAL TA applicable, based upon the property categories, maxim rates, increases and status of the issuance of building p all as hereinafter set forth. Improvement Area I refers properties within the boundaries of the City of carlsbad and Thoroughfare District. Improvement Area I1 is f remaining properties within the Community Facilities Di not within the Bridge f Thoroughfare Dietrick. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All taxable property prior to the issuance of a building shall be subject to the following maximum annual special subject to increases as set forth herein: MAXIMUM ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROP PER DEVELOPABLE ACRE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/199 IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMEh PROPERTY CATEGORY AREA I AREA I1 Residential Low $ 281.00 $ 277.0C Residential Low to Medium 772.00 760.0C Residential Medium 1,294.00 1,217 -0c Residential Medium to High 1,984.00 1,868. OC Residential High 2,793.00 2,739.0C SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME Upon the issuance of a building permit, all Residential ties shall be subject to the following described SPECIAL f MENT TAX - ONE TIME, also subject to increases as se herein, as follows: MAXIMUM SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME P RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 19 IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEME PROPERTY CATEGORY AREA I AREA I $ 3,835.0 Residential Low $ 4,452.00 Residential Low to Medium 4,452 - 00 3,835 - 0 Residential Medium 2,810.00 2,312 .o Residential Medium to High 2 , 810.00 2,312.0 2,312.0 2 , 810.00 Residential High I *$ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - a e COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER PROPERTY ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All taxable Commercial and Industrial Property prior t issuance of a building permit shall be subject to the fol maximum annual special taxes, also subject to increases i forth herein: MAXIMUM ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROP PER DEVELOPABLE ACRE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/199 IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT AREA I AREA I1 commercial Property $ 2,400.00 $ 1,600.00 Industrial Property 1 , 200.00 960.00 Agricultural Property -0- -0- All Commercial and Industrial Property, upon the issuanci building permit, shall have the option to (1) pay the S DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME or (2) assume the ANNUAL SPEC1 - DEVELOPED PROPERTY for a period of not to exceed twent (25) years, generally in the amounts per property categ follows: -. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 MAXIMUM SPECIAL*DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME FOR F YEAR 1990/91 PER SQUARE FOOT OF BUILDING AREA PROPERTY CATEGORY IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMEh AREA I1 COMMERCIAL USE DESIGNATIONS AREA I Restaurant - Fast Food $ 28.46 $ 7.58 Outdoor Tennis courts 28.14 7.26 Convenience Market 27.31 6.74 Bank’with Drive-thru 18.06 5.72 Campground 17.51 4.99 Restaurant - Sit Down 15.17 4.73 Marina 14.85 4.41 Bank - Walk In 12.83 4.60 Auto - Gasoline 8.11 2.89 Grocery Store 7.78 2.56 S & L with Drive-thru 7.59 3.48 Bowling Center 6.63 2.83 Neighborhood Shopping Center 6.46 2.27 Auto Car Wash 6.31 2.52 S & L - Walk In 5.51 3.03 Race Track 5.10 2.33 Library 4.26 2.86 Community Shopping Center 4.24 1.80 Hotel - Conv. Fac/Comm. 3.47 2.52 Auto - Repair & sales 3.41 1.58 Regional Shopping Center 3.35 1.61 Discount Store 3.22 1.58 Golf Course 3.06 2.14 Church 2.99 1.94 Office - Government 2.93 1.88 Health Club 2.89 1.85 Motel 2.69 2.06 Office - High Rise 2.67 1.84 Office - Commercial, IOO,OOO SF 2.56 1.75 Lumber/Hardware Store 2.47 1.5e Office - Medical 2.42 2.07 Restaurant - Quality 6.57 3.09 Hospital - General 3-88 3.18 Commercial Shops 2.90 1.58 Hospital - Convalescent 2.33 2.22 Indoor Sports Arena 2.33 2.21 Resort Hotel 2.30 1.91 University 2.26 1.9 Junior College 2.19 1.9( All other Commercial Properties 2.14 1.41 not indentified above rl, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ' e e IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMEN' INDUSTRIAL USE DESIGNATIONS AREA I AREA I1 Heliports $ 10.63 $ 3.67 Industrial-Commercial Bueiness Park 2.14 1.51 All other Industrial Properties not identified above 1.74 1.42 OR, IN THE ALTERNATE, ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX The "Maximum Annual Special Tax - Developed Property" fc Fiscal Year shall not exceed 13.81% of the authorized "M Special Development Tax - One Time" for the various Comm and Industrial Property categories as set forth above amount applicable and annually adjusted for each Fiscal Yez ANNUAL TAX INCREASE The above SPECIAL TAXES for the taxable properties are i able for the fiscal year 1990/91, and are all subject to increases to reflect increases in construction costs, Construction Cost Index of the Engineering News-Record, "ENR Cost Indexes in 22 Cities" will be used. The published for the month of April for the City of Los under the column heading of "Percentage Change from Lasl will annually inflate each of the Maximum Annual Taxes fi year for properties as follows: A. PROPERTIES WITHIN THE DISTRICT: Not to exceed 50% of above-referenced increase. B. PROPERTIES TO BE SUBSEQUENTLY ANNEXED: Not to exceed of the above-referenced increase until annexed. TERM OF TAX The above taxes shall be levied until all bonds have be charged and facilities funded and/or guaranteed, and the DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME.has been paid; however, the SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY shall not be levied period in excess of twenty-five (25) years per parcel. Residential: Once a building permit has been issued for Residential I and the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME has been pa property no longer will be subject to any annual special I 8 ,I) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 Commercial & Industrial: The Commercial and Industrial properties, upon the issuanc building permit, have the option to (1) pay the SPECIAL Dl DEVELOPED PROPERTY, as set forth above. Upon the issua any building permit, no further increase or escalat authorized. MENT TAX - ONE TIME or (2) assume the ANNUAL SPECIAL ALLOCATION OF COST AND TAX Total capital costs for all authorized facilities sk allocated as follows: 65% to Residential property, Commercial & Industrial property. The above costs exclud of issuance as needed. Residential property shall be taxed in an amount suffic meet the 65% share of facilities, which tax will includt of issuance, interest and other costs, including sinkii payments for future construction as applicable. Commercial & Industrial property shall be taxed in an sufficient to meet the 35% share of facilities, which t include costs of issuance, interest and other costs, in sinking fund payments for future construction as applicabl COLLECTION OF ANNUAL TAX Residential: Determine monies necessary to make payment on bond debt E replenish reserve, call bonds, pay bonds and Community ties District No. 1 administrative costs, and pay €or capital facilities. FIRST! Reduce this amount by th collected from Special Development Tax - One Time levied residential properties. SECOND: The remaining funds nec to be collected by the levy of the annual Special Undeveloped Property on undeveloped taxable residential t in the proportional amounts for each property cate required, not to exceed the maximum authorized tax. Commercial and Industrial: Determine monies necessary $0 make payment on bond debt replenish reserve, call bonds, pay bonds and Community lies District No. 1 administrative costs, and pay for cu future public capital facilities. FIRST: Reduce this a the funds collected from Special Development Tax - One annual Special Tax - Developed Property levied against cial and industrial properties. SECOND: Levy thc Special Tax - Undeveloped Property on undeveloped taxable cial and industrial acreage in the proportional amounts property category as required, not to exceed the maximum **X I, "_ 6 1 2 3 -- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8 e rl) RESOLUTION NO. 91-40 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING NECESSITY TO INCUR A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS AND SUBMITTING A PROPOSITION TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CAR1 CALIFORNIA, (hereinafter referred to as the "legislative b the local Agency"), has previously declared its intentic held and conducted a public hearing relating to the issua bonds to be secured by special taxes to pay for certain capital facilities in a community facilities district, as rized pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Me11 Community Facilities Act of 1982", being Chapter 2.5, P Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Code of the St, California, said Community Facilities District shall herei be referred to a8 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 (1; after referred to as the "District")j and, WHEREAS, at this time this legislative body is desir proceed to make the necessary findings to incur the indebtedness, to declare the purpose for said debt, authorize the submittal of a combined proposition to the of said District, being the landowners of the proposed Di! all as authorized and required by law; and, WHEREAS, a special election is to be held in the C Carlsbad, California, (hereinafter referred to as the Agency"), at which time there will be submitted to the qu, electors of said District certain propositions relating authorization to levy a special tax and the incurrinl I,1I ;- 1 -_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e m bonded indebtedness in order to pay for certain capital ties to serve the District,' pursuant to the provisions "Melio-Roos Community Faciliti.es Act of 1982*', as ref above. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: RECITALS SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all ti correct. NECESSITY FOR BOND ISSUE SECTION 2. That this legislative body hereby e, declares and states that it is necessary to incur a indebtedness as authorized under the term5 and prOVlSiOn1 "Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982", in c finance the below described public capital facilities. PURPOSE OF BOND ISSUE SECTION 3. That the purpose €or the proposec indebtedness and facilities proposed to be financed thr issuance of said bonds, is generally described as follows I. Public facilities generally desc a new library facility, a major addition to an existing building, a City Hall complex, and the addition of of warehouse facilities at the public safety center. 11. Park improvements generally desi5 the MACARIO CANYON PARK. 111. Major street improvements in pox the following designated public streets: FARADAY AVENU ROAD, LA COSTA AVENUE, OLIVENHAIN ROAD/RANCHO SANTA FE LEUCADIA BOULEVARD. 4 *I , ,,I I.. 1 2 -- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 IV. Major bridge and overpass faci generally described as the LA COSTA INTERCHANGE, POINSETTI1 INTERCHANGE and PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD INTERCHANGE. BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICT SECTION 4. That the whole of the District will pay f above-referenced bonded indebtedness. A general descript the District is as follows: All property within the boundaries of Cob FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1, as shown on a map as prei approved by this legislative body, said map designated name of this Community Facilities District, a copy of wk on file in the office of the City Clerk. BOND AMOUNT SECTION 5. That the amount of the proposed indebtedness, including the cost of the facilities, t with all incidental expenses, contingencies and financint is generally estimated to be: $130f000f000.00 Said costs are represented in current and are subject to escalation to provide €or increa future phases of construction. BOND TERMS SECTION 6. That it is hereby further determined thz shall be issued and the maximum term of bonds and/or ani shall not exceed forty (40) years, and said bonds may bt in differing series, at differing times. The maximum interest to be paid on said bonds shall not exceed the 4 L '> m^ L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 t e 0 of either twelve percent (12%) per annum or the maximur permitted by law at the timg of sale of any of said bonds interest on said bonds shall be payable semi-annually, a principal on said bonds shall be paid annually, wi+ payments being made to the registered owner of said bor authorized by law. The bonds, except where other funds ai available, shall be paid exclusively from the annual levy special tax, and are not secured by any other taxing pi funds of the Community Facilities District or the City. ELECTION SECTION 7. The proposition related to the incurring bonded indebtedness shall be consolidated with the proE relating to the levy of the special tax, shall be combir one ballot proposition, and shall be submitted to the qi voters at a special election to be held on the 7TH DAY 1991, and said election shall be a special mailed election to be conducted by the City Clerk (hereinafter to as "Election Official"). If the combined proposition levy of the special tax and the incurring of the bonded i ness receive the approval of more than two-thirds (2/3 votes cast on the proposition, bonds may be authorized and sold for the purposes set forth herein and the spc may be levied as provided for in the Resolution of Formal BALLOT SECTION 8. That the ballot proposal to be submitti qualified voters at the election shall generally be as f I ,,I *- I L 1 2 3 -_ 4 5 6 7 8 9 1o 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e PRO&'OSITION A Shall the City of Carlsbad, Community Facilities District No. 1, County of San Diego, 1) incur a bonded indebtedness in an amount estimated to be $130,000,000, installation of public facilities generally described as a new library facility, a major City-Hall complex, and the addition of office I YES I and warehouse facilities at the public safety I 1 Macario Canyon Park, major street improvements [ NO I in portions of Faraday Avenue, Cannon Road, La I 1 Costa Avenue, Olivenhain Road/Rancho Santa Fe Road and Leucadia Boulevard, and major bridge and overpass facilities described as the La Costa Interchange, Poinsettia Lane Interchange and Palomar Airport Road Interchange, 2) levy special taxes to pay for said facilities and/or to pay for any authorized and issued bond indebtedness, and 3) establish an Article XIIIB appropriations limit equal to the maximum autho- rized special taxes which may be levied in any fiscal year? subject to inflation, to finance the addition to an existing library building, a I I center, and park improvements designated as the I I The rate and method of apportionment of the special ta generally be as follows: PROPERTY CATEGORIES AND MAXIMUM TAX All taxable property within the boundaries of the Communit lities District shall be subject to ANNUAL SPECIAL T applicable, based upon the property categories, maxi) rates, increases and status of the issuance of building E all as hereinafter set forth. Improvement Area I refers properties within the boundaries of the City of Carlsbac and Thoroughfare District. Improvement Area I1 is remaining properties within the Community Facilities D. not within the Bridge & Thoroughfare District. RESIDEhTIAL PROPERTY ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All taxable property prior to the issuance of a buildins shall be subject to the following maximum annual specia subject to increases as set forth herein: I ,>I *- I 1 2 ** 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 MAXIMUM ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPE PER DEVELOPABLE ACRE FOR FISCAL YEAR iggo/iggi IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT AREA I1 PROPERTY CATEGORY AREA I Residential Low $ 281.00 $ 277.00 Residential Low to Medium 772.00 760.00 Residential Medium 1 , 294.00 1 , 217.00 Residential Medium to High 1,984.00 1,868.00 Residential High 2,793.00 2 , 739.00 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME Upon the issuance of a building permit, all Residential p ties shall be subject to the following described SPECIAL DE MENT TAX - ONE TIME, also subject to increases as set herein, as follows: MAXIMUM SPECIAL.DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME PER RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990 IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPERTY CATEGORY AREA I AREA I1 Residential Low $ 4,452.00 $ 3,835.00 Residential Low to Medium 4,452.00 3,835.00 Residential Medium 2 , 810.00 2 , 312 .OO Residential Medium to High 2 , 810.00 2,312.00 Residential High 2,810.00 2,312.00 COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER PROPERTY ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All taxable Commercial and Industrial Property prior t issuance of a building permit shall be subject to the €01 maximum annual special taxes, also subject to increases i forth herein: MAXIMUM ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROP PER DEVELOPABLE ACRE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/199 IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT AREA I AREA I1 Commercial Property $ 2,400.00 $ 1,600.00 Industrial Property 1 ,200.00 960.00 Agricultural Property -0- -0- All Commercial and Industrial Property, upon the issuance building permit, shall have the option to (1) pay the SI ((18 *- -c -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME! or (2) assume the ANNUAL SPEC1 (25) years, generally in the amounts per property categc - DEVELOPED PROPERTY for a period of not to exceed twent fOllOW8: MAXIMUM SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME FOR F YEAR 1990/91 PER SQUARE FOOT OF BUILDING AREA PROPERTY CATEGORY IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMEN COMMERCIAL USE DESIGNATIONS AREA I AREA I1 Restaurant - Fast Food $ 28.46 $ 7.58 Outdoor Tennis Courts 28.14 7.26 Convenience Market 27.31 6.74 Bank with Drive-thru 18.06 5.72 Campground 17.51 4.99 Restaurant - Sit Down 15.17 4.73 Marina 14.85 4.41 Bank - Walk In 12.83 4.60 Auto - Gasoline 8.11 2.89 Grocery Store 7.78 2.56 S & L with Drive-thru 7.59 3.48 Bowling Center 6.63 2.83 Neighborhood Shopping Center 6.46 2.27 Auto Car Wash 6.31 2.52 S & L - Walk In 5.51 3.03 Race Track 5.10 2.33 Library 4.26 2.86 Community Shopping Center 4.24 1.80 Hospital - General 3.88 3.18 Hotel - Conv. Fac/Comm. 3.47 2.52 Auto - Repair & Sales 3.41 1.58 Regional shopping Center 3.35 1.61 Golf course 3.06 2.14 Church 2.99 1.94 Office - Government 2.93 1.88 Commercial Shops 2.90 1.58 Health Club 2.89 1.85 Motel 2.69 2.06 Office - High Rise 2.67 1.84 Office - Commercial, 100,000' SF 2.56 1.75 Lumber/Hardware Store 2.47 1.58 Office - Medical 2.42 2.07 Hospital - Convalescent 2.33 2.23 Indoor Sports Arena 2.33 2.23 Resort Hotel 2.30 1.98 Restaurant - Quality 6.57 3.09 Discount Store 3.22 1.58 University 2.26 1.91 Junior College 2.19 1.90 All other Commercial Properties 2.14 1.44 not indentified above L 8 ,Dl c 1 *. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Q 0 IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMEN? INDUSTRIAL USE DESIGNATIONS AREA I AREA I1 Heliports $ 10.63 $ 3.61 Park 2.14 1.51 Industrial-Commercial Businees All other Industrial Properties not identified above 1.74 1.42 OR, IN THE ALTERNATE, ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX The "Maximum Annual Special Tax - Developed Property" fo Fiscal Year shall not exceed 13.81% of the authorized "Mz Special Development Tax - One Time" for the various Commc and Industrial Property categories as set forth above i amount applicable and annually adjusted for each Fiscal Yea1 ANNUAL TAX INCREASE The above SPECIAL TAXES for the taxable properties are aF able for the fiscal year 1990/91, and are all subject to a increases to reflect increases in construction costs. Construction Cost Index of the Engineering News-Record, t "ENR Cost Indexes in 22 Cities" will be used. The published for the month of April for the City of Los An under the column heading of "Percentage Change from Last will annually inflate each of the Maximum Annual Taxes for year for properties as follows: A. PROPERTIES WITHIN THE DISTRICT: Not to exceed 50% of th above-referenced increase. B. PROPERTIES TO BE SUBSEQUENTLY ANNEXED: Not to exceed 10 of the above-referenced increase until annexed. TERM OF TAX The above taxes shall be levied until all bonds have been charged and facilities funded and/or guaranteed, and the SP DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME.has been paid; however, the A SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY shall not be levied : period in excess of twenty-five (25) years per parcel. Residential: Once a building permit has been issued for Residential pro and the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME has been paid, property no longer will be subject to any annual special tax , o* A- -" 1 2 42 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 Commercial & Industrial: * The Commercial and Industrial properties, upon the issuance building permit, have the option to (1) pay the SPECIAL DE' MENT TAX - ONE TIME or (2) assume the ANNUAL SPECIAL DEVELOPED PROPERTY, as set forth above. Upon the issuar any building permit, no further increase or escalati authorized. ALLOCATION OF COST AND TAX Total capital costa for all authorized facilities sha allocated as follows: 65% to Residential property, 3 Commercial & Industrial property. The above coats exclude of issuance as needed. Residential property shall be taxed in an amount sufficie meet the 65% share of facilities, which tax will include of issuance, interest and other costs, including sinking payments for future construction as applicable. Commercial & Industrial property shall be taxed in an i sufficient to meet the 35% share of facilities, which tax include costs of issuance, interest and other costs, incl sinking fund payments for future construction as applicable. COLLECTION OF ANNUAL TAX Residential: Determine monies necessary to make payment on bond debt sex replenish reserve, call bonds, pay bonds and Community F; ties District No. 1 administrative costs, and pay for x capital facilities. FIRST: Reduce this amount by the collected from Special Development Tax - One Time levied ag residential properties. SECOND: The remaining funds neede to be collected by the levy of the annual Special 1 Undeveloped Property on undeveloped taxable residential acr in the proportional a ounts for each property catego required, not to exceed t e maximum authorized tax. Commercial and Industrial: Determine monies necessa y $0 make payment on bond debt ser replenish reserve, call bonds, pay bonds and Community Fa lies District No. 1 admi istrative costs, and pay for curre SECOND: Levy the a the funds collected from Special Development Tax - One Tim annual Special Tax - De eloped Property levied against co cial and industrial properties. Special Tax - Undeveloped Property on undeveloped taxable co cial and industrial acre ge in the proportional amounts for property category as requ'red., not to exceed the maximum tax mh future public capital fa i ilities. FIRST: Reduce this amou *x* I ,*I8 .x b 1 *- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 VOTE SECTION 9. That the appropriate mark placed in the 7 square after the word "YES" shall be counted in favor c adoption of the proposition, and the appropriate mark plac the voting square after the word "NO" in the manner as i rized, shall be counted against the adoption of proposition. ARGUMENTS SECTION 10. Arguments may be filed for and/or agains ballot measure, and the Election Official shall select o the arguments in favor and one of the arguments agains measure for printing and distribution. The Election off shall give preference and priority in the following sequencE A. The legislative body or any member tt as authorized; B. Individual property owners or bona association of property owners or combinations of prc owners and associations who are the bona fide sponsors or p nents of the measure; C. Bona fide associations of property own D. IndFvFdual property owners whc eligible to vote on the measure. DEADLINE FOR FILING ARGUMENTS SECTION 11. That notice is hereby given that wr arguments, not to exceed three hundred (300) words in le for or against the measure, shall be filed not later than P.M. on February 19, 1991, at the Office of the Ele Official. 4 1 .h% ._ 1 2 -- *L. ” 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e That any argument submitted for or againr measure shall be accompanied by a statement set forth in Sc 5350 of the Elections code, signed and completed by the i of such argument. REBUTTAL ARGUMENTS .SECTION 12. That if any person submits an argument a$ the combined ballot proposition as set forth herein, a argument has been filed in favor of the combined propos: the Election Official shall then immediately send a copy of argument to the person filing the argument in favor of combined ballot proposition. The person filing the argumc favor of the combined ballot proposition may prepare and s a rebuttal argument not to exceed two hundred fifty (250) c The Election Official shall then send copies of the argume favor of the ballot proposition, who then may prepare and s a rebuttal argument to the argument in favor of the con ballot proposition, such rebuttal argument not exceec hundred fifty (250) words. The rebuttal argument shall be with the Election Official not more than ten (10) days afte final date for filing the direct argument. Rebuttal argt shall be printed in the same manner as direct arguments and rebuttal argument shall immediately follow the direct arc, which it seeks to rebut. This right of rebuttal, as provided by Resolution, is applicable only to the ballot proposition r ing to this Community Facilities District, and shall not to any future District elections. * ,dl . *" 1 2 3 -I *w *.r 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 I e IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS SECTION 14. That City Attorney is hereby direct prepare an impartial analysis on the combined ballot propo and file it with the Election Official. Such analysis show the effect of the proposition on the existing law ar geneha1 operation of the proposed ballot proposition. ELECTION PROCEDURE SECTION 15. The Election Official is hereby authoriz take any and all steps necessary for the holding of said t ion. Said Election Official shall perform and rende services and proceedings incidental to and connected wit conduct of said election, and said services shall include not be limited to the following activities as are appropri; the subject election: A. Prepare and furnish to the ele officers necessary election supplies for the conduct o election. B. Cause to be printed the requisite n of official ballots, talley sheets and other necessary forms C. Furnish and address to mail off. ballots to the qualified electors of the Community Facil District. D. Cause the official ballots to be m and/or delivered, as required by law. E. Receive the returns of the electior supplies. F. Sort and assemble the election mat and supplies in preparation for the canvassing of the return + ' "*de * & ' YV 'k. 1 2 3 4 .. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a e G. Canvass the returns of the election. H. Furnish a tabulation of the numb votes given in the election. I* Make all arrangements and tak necessary steps to pay all costs of the election incurr result of services performed by the District and pay cost expenses of all election officials. J. Conduct and handle all other ma relating to the proceedings and conduct of the election i manner and form as required by law. NOTICE SECTION 17. That the City Clerk is hereby order1 certify to the passage o€ this Resolution and shall cause Resolution to be published once a week for two successive in the CARLSBAD JOURNAL. This Resolution shall constitut notice of the special bond election and authorization to 1 special tax. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council ol S ecial City of Carlsbad at its/& a4.er- meeting held on the 29th Of January , 1991, by the following vote, to wi AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin,Larson, Stanton and Nygaar NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (l?AtzLdpR- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Citb Clerk (SEAL ) u' I e * CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH NOTICE REQUIRJWENTS COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CITY OF CARLSBAD ALETHA RAUTENKRANZ, under penalty of perjury, CERTIFIES AS FOLLOWS: The undersigned is now, and at all times mentioned herein was, the duly appo qualified and acting CITY CLERK of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, and as accomplished the notice requirements in connection with the referenced Com Facilities District, as noted: PUBLICATION (CARLSBAD JOURNAL) The NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON INTENTION TO ESTABLISH COMMUNITY FACILITIES DI AND AUTHORIZE SPECIAL TAX was published one time on the &* day of A99-U; said publication being accomplished at least seven (7) days pr set for the public hearing. The NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON INTENTION TO INCUR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS was puk one time on the $6 day of , m, said publication accomplished at least seven (7) da the date set for the public hearl MA1 LING The NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING was mailed, postage prepaid, to all persons ownir property within the boundaries of the Community Facilities District, as their appear on the last equalized Assessment Roll, said mailing being accomplished , m, being at least fifteen (15) days pi the date set fog the publ#<!. /ff.. 7a *day of - ez RECORDING A copy of the proposed BOUNDARY MAP was filed in the Office of the County R within fifteen (15) days after the adoption of the esolution Setting Hearin filing being accomplished on the /Ya day of 6 , 1990. 4: > * e POSTING A copy of the AGENDA for the meeting of December 11, 1990, setting forth a g description of the proposed actions to be taken and the time and place ( meeting, was posted in a location freely accessible to the general public at 72 hours before the time set for said meeting; said posting being accomplis the vT4 day of beece-be.p , 1990. EXECUTED this jqfh day of Q-M~,uJ , 1990, at Carlsbad, California. LL.L&v- d. R- CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA < December 28, 1990 Gorman & Waltner Attorneys at Law 1736 Franklin St., Eighth Floor Oakland, CA 94612 Re: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT There will be a public hearing before the Carlsbad City Council at the meeting of January 29, 1991 concerning the formation of a Community Facilities District, levy of a special tax and issuance of bonds. The data required by Section 54992 of the Government Code is availab in the City of Carlsbad Finance Department. Elliott, Finance Director, with any questions regarding this matter. The City Council Meeting will begin at 6:OO P.M. You may contact James &* Assistant Ci Clerk Enc. (Copy of legal notice) ._--_--- ~ .. -. - -. . - .- 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008 - (619) 434-5 e 7 e AVIARA RE@T ASSOC. d 4s I c/o Hillman Properties West, Inc. 450 Newport Center Dr., Ste. 304 ** Newport Beach, CA 92660-7640 I I I , I BATIQUITOS POINTE c/o Sammis Properties 2650 Camino Del Rio North, Ste. 100 San Diego, CA 92108 ~ CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTER 2111 Palomar Airport Rd. Ste. 300 Carlsbad, CA 92009 f KAISER DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 308 Carlsbad, CA 92008 ,14 (& &" Li4z&L& ad- ,9 *d% - Lc?U~&J I Y e t 3. A-M HOMES 7 UPPER NEWPORT PLAZA NENPORT BEACH. CA 92660 --. TIL3flDA. RtlAREN b 12 1 I?!lPiRNY UF? I VE !LAN !jIEGCI. CA 921 '0 EGL@ GEORGE PC MUI 651 . -i CAMIb!O REAL CARi-2sBAD CA 92008 I 1 1 :. e BRX!-':MRN : J 0kiN ?i AL I CE 15,45 WIl-SHIRE BLVD, STt 700 '- I , " L.C?S.' hNEELES. CA 900 17 -.> :E' ! . I- % ; BARBER, RClSS 8, MABEL L TRS ; CARLSBRD. ca 9200~1 BRAE WOOD DEVELOPtIENT C/O GEORGE MC ELROY & k PO BOX 565048 DALLAS, TX 75356 5392 EL cAriIm HEAL : I -i . ... .. ERAMALEA CALI FORN I A, I I 4330 LA SCILLA VILLAGE j SAN DIEGO, CA 92122 RA-r I Q~J I .res BLUFF C/O SAPIMIS PROPER'T IES 2650 CAMINO DEL RIO NORTH, STE 5QbI DIEGO, LA 92108 BREN DONALD L CO 23161 MILL- CREEK f-IOAL). LAGUNA HILLS, CR 92653 BCE DEVELOPMENT CORP VANCOUVER, BC V6C2W7 999 S HAST I NGS ST BR I GI-ITON CUFiLSBAU ASS[ 505 N TUSTIN AVE if250 SANTA ANA, CA 92075 BCS PIICIGRAII L-2 1303 hVOCAD0 ST NEWPCIRT F I hJ&!VC I AL CENTER NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 ERY f3hI.r , F RANK CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BECKMAN INSTRUMENTS FULLERTON CA 92634 2500 I-IAHROR BLVD PO BOX 1216 BUERGER, WILL I AM ?< A\ 8 I RTCHEI-I BUS I NESS CENTER 121 7-0WNWOOD WAY ENC I [\I I TAS CA 92024 27611 LA PAZ ROnD LAGLIJVA N I GlJEL , CA 92677 CI\L I F--UF?I\I I fi C:OllP!iJN I T I E BL-ONSK I , TI-iEOL)ORE & MI R I AM - 1 20 1 9 CAM I P! I TO CAMPANA 2. I -rEr?i+m.m\{ DT! tf2cic 5RN DIEGD, CA 9'2120 T RV I NE , [:I? 927 18 CARLSBAD, C4 92008 CARLSBAD 54 PARTNER 17612 BIRCH TREE LN IRVINE, LA 92715 CARLSBAD DEVELOPMENT CO C/O BUIE CORP 163536 RERNARDO CENTER DR. srE: SAN DIEGO, CA 92128 CARL SBAU HE I GI-ITS ASSOC 445'9 FIUFFIN RD, STE 30CI I- RANCHO SANTA FE, CA ( ALSOP, ANNE TR 2555 FA I RGROLINDS DR I' VALLEJO, Cfi 94589 ALTAMIRA UNIT NO 4 C/O PACKORD b LOOMIS 5670 EL CAM'INO REAL, CARLSBAlj, CA 920'38 ALVARADO . ADEL I NI\ L I 200 OLIVE HVE SP 2 ~ ‘ C’TT 11 I Cii: I E, CHARLES PC @RG I NA &R&/?kflCkCWFEMORE PD BOX 424 .I~.~CI E BROADWAY RAp>.!CHO SANTfi FE, CA ’ ’ ,’ LONG BEACH, CA 90~3 ,, .. COMMlJN 1.1 Y HANK CCIRP 3233 SAN FERNANDO R LO5 ANGELES , Cr? 9Oi‘ I)UNAIiCIE , R I Ct-IARD ET AL C/O l”l KERSOL; 4964 DAVID WAY SON EERNARDIND 4 CA 72409 CRIVELLO FAMILY TRI. C/O SIJN PACIFIC EN? PD BOX 6189 SAN DIEGTJ? CA (i21( ECKE, PAUL SR PO BOX 607 mcIr\iI-rAs, CA 92024 DAN I ELS CABLEV IS I OP DENVER, CO BO209 EDWARDS. MRRJORIE R 71 -\LOO CHEF?RY CREEK E PO nnx 190s RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 92067 DAVIDSON/COSCAN PA1 12520 HIGH EIL-CIFF Dl SAN DIEGO, CA 9213 ENGLER , WILL I RM E. I NIL.AND. CA 92257 STAR RTE 1 Box 30 1 I 1 I \ DE JONG 1 NVESl MEr\ll C/O MI--{ I TE&BR I [?t IT E X T CN VENl~UtiES I NC ,. 2655 I:I4!IIINfl DFI.. R 1 I) N . STE 302 SnN 1)IE:GU. CA C7’21C)D 22‘5 E TIiIFII) AVE 511 ESCOND I DO, CA 9202: \ DELORM. ROBERT 2421 DUh!STfiN ST OCEANSIDE, CA 9205 FERIIAN I AN, G . C/D SO CAL DEV DEL- MAR, CR 92014 41 5 CAM1 1\10 DEL. MAR, STE 200 DEVLIN. I..ESLIE L 2524 p,.IcjRTt+ E ?>TREE FER[\IA[\iDE.Z, VICTORIA CARDIFF, CA 92007 PO nox 395 7. r.. 3Sr.J SERNAPD I NU , CF -LDSTONE/LA COSTA 1 i-II LLKBRECHT CO P 0 THE FIELDSTONE 14 CORPORATE PLAZA I.IEWPORT EEACH, CA 9 ! '1 2170 SKYLINE DR ESCOPID I DO, CA 92027 '% FIG ttOLDING CO C/O REAL ESTATE DEP 4680 WILSHIRE BLVD LDS ANGELES, CR 90C IIUI\lT, W 1-1 C/D HUNT ENERGY CORP 1601 ELM STREET DRLLRS, TX 75201 I FISHER, JOHN & CAR) 6630 SUNSET CIRCLE R I VERS I DE, CA 9250: I HUN r I NGTOhI BEACH CO C/O CHEVRON USA INC PO BOX 7611 5AN FRANCISCO, CA 94120 I I 1 I IVAR NV CORP GREAT WESTERN snvIr C/O REO UEPT NORTHRIDGE. CA 913: 3104 FIFTH AVE SAh! DIEGO, CA 721(.)3 PO BOX 1010 I I KAISER, GILBERT E: MARY HADLEY. PAUL- 8, PEG( 1615 CALLE DE CINO ST t A ,JCILLA. Cn 92037 4743 W tlOFFER SI BANNING (-0 9222?C) I HEAD WILLIAM E KRTO, 1-1IROSHI PI IDA 3750 SUNNY CREEK ROAD C/O RAMON I: ASEDU CARLSBAD,CA 92008 PO BOX 207 OCEANSIDE. CA 9205 KCL -CRL HERR I CK HOLD I NG Ll 2775 VIA DE LA VAL C/O KRUFMAN pi EROr?D DEL MAR, CA 92014 12520 t\ICH BLUFF DR. SlE 120 SAN DIEGO, CA 32130 k ELLY, ALLAN 0 R KcATtiEYINE M HI GDUPJ. RORBAPA F(-l B3X In65 CORLSRAD, CR ?2008 2fi4Ei A STPEFT - : i)IE'I-,u, EL\ 921 (- i’ - CArlkbad, CA 92008 1‘ -’I MCX Complex Camp Pendleton, CA 92055 st KELLY, RICHARD ET AL c/o Robert P. Kelly r 2770 Sunny Creek Road MCROSKEY, JOHN 6212 Corte Del Abeto Carlsbad, CA 92009 K@ RICHARD C 5, fL CAMINO REAL ~ii ON / co P L E Y c n R L s B AD @SO c i I/* C+~PL~,E~,D, CA 92(308 $490 VON KORMAN ' bIEWPORT EEACH. CA 92660 4 I: KELLY, W. ALLAN & MA 21990 AVE 168 PORTERVILLE, CA 9325 t MRG PROPER T I ES 7602 EL CAMINO REAL #209 2 CARLSEAD, CA 92008 7 CAFILSBAD, CR 32009 i f' KIRGIS, HOWARD & IDA SAN JOSE, CA 95135 MAhlDANA CAL CO CORP IRVINE, LA 92715 10552 MAC ARTHUR BLUD. STE 341 8332 P I NOTAGE COURT LA COSTA ESTANCIA C/O CUNI\!I~IGtiAII-B~RIC 340 S FLOWER STREET ORANGE, CA 92638 MC CABE, JEFFREV S 267 LAS VETn RVE ENC I I\] I TAS ? CA 92024 LR COSTA FUNDIbIti C/O VISTAR FINANCIAL 4335 HUERF-ANU RUE SAN DIEGO CR 92117 i 3456 WASHI RIGTON F3L( MARINA DEL REY, CA c MCK IN~\I~Y. t?owu-rj e EVELYN I I LfiME?. JOHN M MCREYNOLDS, ANDREW 747 N LA CIENEGA BL\ I n LiOLLn, CA c?20;7 LOS ANGELES, CR 90VC 2316 cnLLE ctiIwI rA LUSK, JOHN & SON COI 17550 GILLETTF AVE IRVINE, CA 92664 MENDIVIL. MARIA ET AL 4748 VAI-LE VERDE CT LA VERNE, CR 91750 I I I 1 I I LY ON COMMUNI T I ES I Nl Il I Soh! EST RNC I4 PRRTbIERSI-1 I P __ a:<(:) L4 JOLLA VILL AI C '13 r1[ii..- L~'*~L~~':!ES!T r0Qp 4699 J fiVBOREE SAV DIEG-TJ. CA 92172 !')F-l"4f'C]"T T:;-pi !', CI' 92hL3 l Y & NAN1 RlLLSEURY, MARTHA 0 I '?@FPiP 311- PR OR ST I .* j' I -! SAi..jTA Rii.lA, CA 92704 4429 OHIO STREET SAN DIEGO. CA 92216 .\. I '. i I ci .\ ,. , 1 ,, , ,. I ; " I ' " MOORE, GlJY S. JR. 6503 EL CnMINO REhL CARLSBAD CA 92009 POI I;lSETT I A ASSOC L/O HOLMS ?3 REYNOLDS 2398 SAN DIEGO AVE SHN DIEGO, CA 92110 1 I I MURPHY, HOWARD TRUST 400 N LA COS'TO CARLSBAD, CA 92008 '. i PORTER, MhRVIN & MARGRET I PO BOX 73030 I i " SAN YSIDRO, CA 92073 I I I NELSON, GREGORY PC BF CARLSEAD CA 92008 PROPERTY MORTGAGE CO C/O BALBOA CAPITAL CORP 14724 VENT'URA BLVD SHERMAN OAKS, CA 91403 3437 1-1 I cwLn[\iri DR I VE I I NORTtlWES TERN PAC1 F IC 610 S MAIN STREET ., LOS ANGELES, CA 5'001 RDC DEVCO I1 LTD PARTNERSHIP C/O REPUBILIC DEVELOPMENT CO ANRHEIM. CA 92808 ioo hi. RIVERIEW DR, s-rE 130 0 C: E f2 I\l El L IJ F F P {> R T NE R ! 23Hh FAFiADAY RVE STE CARLSBAD CR 92008 RICE ENTERPRISES PD BOX 4782 SAN CLEMENTE, Cfi 92572 ODMARK 1HEL.AN DAV I D! C/O JOHN THELAN 3200 FOIJRTH RVE #10 SAN DIEGO, CA 92103 ROBERTSON. BRIAN K 4656 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 9'2098 PAREVIEW WEST PARTN 2424 VISTA WAY #204 !;ilifEg+pJS I TjE . CA 92054 ROBERTSON ~ ?I I RE I N I A K 465& EL CRMINO REAL CARL.SBAD, CO 72008 d!bC Wr I L RPNRLD 30 I WAY L. #70 ! <I i .YEA BLUFF nssuc I ATE@ ~JTA rioi\iIr,A CA 904c 276 hi EL CAMINO REAL 'x .b ,OCEANS I DE, CA 92054 I I I> I RUDVAL IS, JOSEPH A. PO BOX 267 ENCINITAS CA 92024 I I I i SERPOI h11 E PRUFESS I UN 1667 S MISSION RD, STE C FALLBROOY, CA 92028 SAMMIS CARLSBAD ASS[ 17922 FITCH AVE IRVINE, CA 92714 SHELLEY, DANIEL T 169 l?AI\lCt-IO SANTA FE RD ENCI N Il'AS, CA 92024 I SRMM I5 PHOPERT I ES 2650 COMINO DEL RIO SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SI.IERMAN. JUSEPL-I SON tiABHIEL, CA 91778 P o Bax 2529 I I I I I SANDL I N, DORO rtw LOS ANGFI-ES, cn 900 1103 BEL AIR PLACE SIPPCI- IlfiHVIN ET C)L POt? I E RV I LLE , LA 33257 80b kJtlSlF J ELD RUE SARYRR I A, DALJ IT PO UOX 5986 suwirmi, IYQRRK I- i~ss PncIrIc srRr:ET REDLPNDS. CA 72373 ORANGE CA 92667 SCt-I I NDLER , THURL0 648 MARSOLAN AVE SOLANA BEACH CA 920 SlEINDORF, ALBERT 0 P. SONDRA G 1410 VnLLEDA LANE ENC I PI I ThS , CP 9'.(J2a SCHREIBER, DALE 7103 ARGONAUTA WAY SIIGINO, MASAD4 8i IKUK :!,sr, 5 DEL PILI5 HIEt-iLJAY ESCONDIDO CA 92025 CF,RLSBAD, CA 92C)OO Tt+YIMPSDN, DAVID & KAe PO, BOX 1487 T PLANNING CO 864 su+ FZRE5TOhIE BLVD am tsAAFi’iNk BEE‘ CGIPLCEAD, CA 92008 I- i PRItE CO.’ 0 . r??.Q..Box 85466 .San, Diego, CA 92138 I I I I WI MPEV GEORGE I NC PO BOX 33608 SAN DIEGO. CA 92107 PURITAN-BENNETT CORP i I 2310 Camino Vida Roble Carlsbad, CA 92009 i WOOD. JAMES F & LIN 736 AVOCADO STREET DEL PlAR, CA 92014 I I THOMPSON, DAVID B. P.O. Box 1487 Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 1 UPLAND INDUSTRIES P.O. Box 2500 WRISLEY, RALPH e/ HC PO BOX 202B c/o Union Pacific Realty Co. I Broomfield, CO 80020 j CARLSEOD, CA 92008 YAMAMOTO, YUJIRO 8i 1201 vIn LR JOLLR SAN CILEPlENTF CA 926 I HAVE PRINTED 135 I c e e ,,aurel Tree Investments Co Mercotal Inc Premier Busines c/o Spiers Ent 7167 Construction Court c/o Howard Ham1 17941 Mitchell Street San Diego CA 9121 2010 Main Stree Irvine, CA 92714 Irvine CA 92715 MorgadPalomar Industry Lyon/Copley Car Madison Square Development I1 4223 Ponderosa Avenue #A 800 W First Street 4490 Von Karmar San Diego CA 92123 Los Angeles CA 90012 Newport Beach, r Madison Square Development I11 MTK Corp of America Mag Properties 4223 Ponderosa Avenue #A 17771 Mitchell North 7682 El Camino San Diego CA 92123 Irvine CA 92714 Carlsbad CA 92( Marine Corps West Palomar Airview Association c/o Mr. L.L. De Carlo c/o Caliber Dev Inc MCX Complex 701 Palomar Airport Road Camp Pendleton, CA 92055 Carlsbad CA 92008 John McRoskey Palomar Investment Mandana Cal Co 6212 Corte Del Abeto 3151 Airway Avenue Bldg G-3 18552 MacArthu Carlsbad CA 92009 Costa Mesa CA 92626 Ste 341 Irvine CA 9271 , . 0 e Jeffrey S. McCabe John M. Lamb Brian K. Robert Encinitas CA 92024 Los Angeles CA 90069 Carlsbad CA 920 267 Las Veta Avenue 947 N La Cienega Blvd Ste H 4656 El Camino Ronald and Evelyn McKinney John Lusk and Son Corp Virginia K. Rob 4355 Huerfano Avenue 17550 Gillette Ave 4656 El Camino San Diego CA 92117 Irvine Ca 92664 Carlsbad CA 920 Andrew McReynolds Lyon Communities Inc Roy and Nancy M 2316 Calle Chiquita 1120 S Figueroa La Jolla CA 92037 Suite 13 Santa Ana CA 92 4330 La Jolla Village Drive San Diego CA 92122 Maria Mendivil et a1 Martha Pillsbury Guy S. Moore Jr 4748 Valle Verde Ct 4429 Ohio Street 6503 El Camino La Verne Ca 91750 Carlsbad CA 92( San Diego CA 92216 Mison Estancia Partnershi4 Poinsettia Assoc Howard Murphy : c/o Mola Development Corp 400 N La Costa 4699 Jamboree 2398 S an Diego Avenue Carlsbad CA 92( Newport Beach CA 92660 San Diego CA 92110 c/o Holms and Reynolds Gregory and Bai 3437 Highland I Carlsbad CA 92( Richard C Kelly 5200 El Camino Real PO Box 73030 Carlsbad CA 92008 San Ysidro CA 92073 Marvin and Margaret Porter Northwestern P: 610 S Main Strc Los Angeles CA W Allan and Marie Kelly et a1 21990 Ave 168 c/o Balboa Capital Corp Porterville CA 93257 14724 Ventura Blvd Property Mortgage Co Sherman Oaks CA 91403 Ocean Bluff Pa 2386 Faraday A Carlsbad CA 92 Howard and Ida Kirgis RDC DEVCO I1 LTD Partnership c/o Republic Development Co 8332 Pinotage Court San Jose CA 95135 180 N Riverview Drive Ste 100 Suite 130 Anaheim CA 92808 La Costa Estancia Rice Enterprises c/o Cunningham Baristic Dev Ccrp PO Box 4782 340 S. Flower Street San Clemente CA 92672 Orange CA 92638 Odmark Thelan c/o John Thela 3200 Fourth Av San Diego CA 9 La Costa Funding Parkview West c/o Vistar Financial Inc 13456 Washington Blvd Marina Del Rey CA 90292 2424 Vista Way Oceanside CA 9 Sea Bluff Associates Marie L. Stanton 276 N LE1 Cadino Real e 1438 Pacific Street 0 Sammis Carlsb 2650 Cami Ste 10 Sa / iego CA 9 Dorothy Sandli 1103 Bel Air P Los Angeles CA - Qceanside CA 92054 Redlands CA 92373 Seapointe Profession Albert and Sondra Steindorf 1667 S Mission Road 1410 Valleda Lane Suite C Encinitas CA 92024 Fallbrook CA 92028 Dalj it Sarkari PO Box 5986 Orange CA 9266 Daniel T Shelley 169 Rancho Santa Fe Road Encinitas CA 92024 Escondido CA 92025 Masada and Ikuk Sugino 2050 S Del Dios Highway Joseph Sherman Ronald L. Boesch PO Box 2529 2800 Neilson Way 1708 San Gabriel CA 91778 Santa Monica CA 90405 Marvin Sippel Et a1 806 Westfield Avenue PO Box 267 Porterville CA 93257 Encinitas CA 92024 Joseph A Rudvalis Daniels Cablevis c/o So Cal Dev 3200 Cherry Cree Suite 500 915 Camino del Mar, Ste 200 Del Mar CA 92014 Denver Co 80209 Victoria Fernandez DavidsonfCoscan PO Box 395 12520 High Blufl Cardiff CA 92007 San Diego CA 92 Charles and Virginia Uickie 5350 ;2: Broaaway Long Beach CA 90803 c-r Fermanian Richard Donahue et a1 4964 David Way San Bernardino CA 92404 Cobra - Blackmore DeJong Investme1 C70 Allen Blackmore c/o White & Brij 225 E Third Ave PO Box 424 Escondido CA 92( Rancho Santa Fe Ca 92067 Paul Ecke Sr PO Box 607 Encinitas CA 92024 Marjorie R Edwards PO Box 1905 Rancho Santa Fe CA 92067 William E Engler Star Rte 1 Box 30 Niland CA 92257 3233 San Fernando Rd, Ste 3 Community Bank Corp c/o M Kersog Los Angeles CA 90065 Exten Ventures Inc Crivello Family Trust 2655 Camino del Rio N Ste 302 c/o Sun Pacific Ent San Diego CA 92108 PO Box 6189 San Diego CA 92106 i 0 m Union Oil Company of Ca Sunny Creek I1 - Tax Division c/o Russell W [ PO Box 7600 5850 Avenida E1 Los Angeles CA 90051 Carlsbad CA 921 Vista Santa Fe Akira and Joycq c/o Broadmoor Pacific Inc 8201 Legion P1, Ste 200 San Diego CA 92121 5405 Oberlin Drive Midway City CA Thurlo Schindler Guy Ward Noboru Tabata 648 Marsolan Avenue 4525 Wilshire Blvd, 3rd Flr PO Box 943 Solana Beach CA 92075 Los Angeles CA 90010 Carlsbad CA 92 Dale Schreiber Evelyn Weidner Et A1 Noboru and Eve 7163 Argonauta Way PO Box 33 PO Box 943 Carlsbad CA 92009 Cardiff CA 92007 Carlsbad CA 92 David and Karen Thompson Mylas and Francine Weiss Patricia Tarta PO Box 1487 412 S Bundy Dr 56 Monarch Bay Carlsbad CA 92008 Los Angeles, CA 90049 South Laguna B Harold Thompson Sunbelt Planning Co Charles J Ther c/o Halco Inc 8641 Firestone Blvd 926 E Twelfth 145 E. Reno Ave E-7 Downey CA 90241 National City La Vegas NV 89119 Treetops Unlimited Sunny Creek I Partnership Price Company 3900 Harney Street C/O James E Betz P.O. Box 8546E San Diego CA 92110 5850 Avenida Encinas Ste A San Diego CA S ' Carlsbad CA 90241 ~ '- ., ' \-\-. '0 I IC tI . - -_ ._ Brightor;: Carlsbad Assoc 0 Carlsbad 54 Partner 0 Nazean and Jose 505 N Tustin Ave f250 Santa Ana CA 92075 17612 Birch Tree Ln PO Box 2308 Irvine CA 92715 Rancho Santa FE Anne Alsop 2555 Fairgrounc Vallejo CA 945E Frank Bryant Carlsbad Development Co PO Box 1216 c/o Buie Corp Carlsbad CA 92008 16536 Bernard0 Center Dr San Diego CA 92128 Altamira Unit I c/o Packard & L 5670 El Camino Carlsbad CA 92C William and Ann Buerger 121 Townwood Way Encinitas Ca 92024 Carlsbad Heights Assoc 4499 Ruffin Road Ste 300 San Diego CA 92123 Adelina L. Alva 200 Olive Avent Carlsbad Oaks East Ltd c/o Tech Construction Corp San Diego CA 92138 Vista CA 92083 PO Box 80036 Andrex Developn c/o Victoria Fernandez 20101 Hamilton Torrance CA 905 Cardiff CA 92007 California Communities Inc Carnation Properties 31 Technology Dr #200 Irvine Ca 92718 PO Box 395 Aviara Land Ass Eugene Chappee Tom Campbell et al. c/o Hillman Prc c/o Richard Campbell 654 N Highway 101 2011 Palomar Ai Encinitas CA 92024 393 Ridgemont Court Newbury Park, CA 91320 Carlsbad CA 92C Aviara-5 c/o McKellar Cc La Jolla CA 920 Wallace G Aitchison 6112 W 75th Place Los Angeles CA 90045 Cantarini, Banning T et a1 PO Box 587 Carlsbad CA 92008 1250 Prospect C, -. I 0 mc I j i' //! p .. i >I CI I i T I b s/;. 77- .i i Ralph and Hope Wrisley P.O. Box 2028 rT Carlsbad CA 92008 _-- 21 /c 1 Puritan-Bennett Corp Yujiro and Yama Yamaoto 1 2310 Camino Vida Roble 1201 Via La Jolla Carlsbad CA 92009 San Clmente CA 92672 1. I' , ___ __- David B Thompson '2 / PO Box 1487 .,- Carlsbad CA 92008 , ,. Upland Industries P.0 Box 2500 Broomfield Co 80020 c/o Union Pacific Realty Co ?. .r. I ~ 1;. ,I) I 1 ? i ,-' I c i ,. i 14 \ George Wimpey Inc '1 Western Land and Development lr PO Box 33608 San Diego CA 92103 5200 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92008 5- \I 'PI A James and Linda Wood , -\ 736 Avocado Street Del Mar CA 92014 \ 'I F 3 0 '/ m- c 11 r I?. i' Batiquitos Bluff c/o Sammis Properties 2650 Camino Del Rio North, Ste San Diego CA 92108 Aviara Resort Assoc c/o Hillman Properties West, Inc 450 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach CA 92660-7640 Batiquitos Pointe BCE Development Corp 2650 Camino del Rio North Vancouver BC V6C2W7 Ste. 100 San Diego, CA 92108 Carlsbad Airport Center Carlsbad CA 92009 Suite 304 c/o Sammis Properties 999 S Hastings Street + BCS Program L-2 Newport Financial Center Newport Beach CA 92660 'c' > 2111 Palomar Airport Rd Ste 300 I3O3 Avocado st .- ~ Beckman Instruments Kaiser Development P.O. Box 308 2500 Harbor Blvd Carlsbad CA 92008 Fullerton CA 92634 Birtcher Business Center 27611 La Paz Road Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Gorman & Wattner 1736 Franklin Street Oakland CA 94612 A-M Homes 7 Upper Newport Plaza Attorneys at Law c,. 8th Floor I' ,rr Theodore & Miriam Blonski 12019 Caminito Campana Newport Beach, CA 92660 San Diego CA 92128 ,- !. ,I George and Mui Bolton 7J 6519 El Camino Real i. Carlsbad Ca 92008 n p ,'I I Braewood Development c/o George McElroy & Assoc. PO Box 565048 Dallas TX 65356 John and Alice Bachman 1545 Wilshire Blvd Ste 700 Los Angeles CA 90017 - ! Bramalea California, Inc 4330 La Jolla Village Drive Stc '> San Diego CA 92122 .&,t," $5 Aharon Abada 6121 Romany Drive San Diego CA 92120 . I Donald L Bren Go 23161 Mill Creek Road Ste 200 Ross and Mabel Barber 5392 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92008 I i Laguna Hills CA 92653 , % 0 W -1 h -1 _- Sammis Carlsbad Assoc I Sammis Propel 17922 Fitch Ave 2650 Camino I Irvine CA 92714 Suite 100 San Diego CA I I 4 e e -. Robert Delorm Gilbert and Mary Kaiser Paul and Peggy 2421 Dunstan St 1615 Calle de Cino Street 4743 W Hoffer S Oceanside CA 92054 La Jolla CA 92037 Banning CA 9222 Leslie L. Devlin Hiroshi and Ida Kat0 William E Head San Bernardino CA 92405 Carlsbad CA 92008 PO Box 207 2524 North E Street 3250 Sunny Creek Road c/o Ramon D Ase Oceanside CA 92 Kel-Cal Herrick Holding c/o Kaufman and Broad 2775 Via de la 12520 High Bluff Drive Suite 120 Del Mar CA 9201 San Diego CA 92130 Allan 0 and rfierine Kelly Barbara Higdon 2448 A Street vf Drive San Diego CA 9; Diego CA 92130 Suite 204 Hillebrecht Co Fieldstone/La Costa Kaiser Electro 2170 Skyline Drive c/o The Fieldstone Co. 6070 Avenida Er Escondido CA 92027 14 Corporate Plaza Carlsbad CA 92( Newport Beach CA 92660 W H Hunt Fig Holding Co Ricahrd Kelly 1 C/O Hunt Energy Corp c/o Robert P Kt 1601 Elm Street 4680 Wilshire Blvd 2770 Sunny Cret Dallas TX 75201 Los Angeles CA 90010 Carlsbad CA 92( c/o Real Estate Dept Huntington Beach Co John and Caryl Fisher Robert Kelly c/o Chevron USA Inc 6630 Sunset Circle P.0 Box 175 PO Box 7611 Riverside CA 92505 Carlsbad CA 921 San Francisco CA 94120 Ivar NV Corp Great Western Savings LlOll Partners1 3104 Fifth Ave c/o Red Dept c/o MIssion We: San Diego CA 92103 PO Box 1010 12555 High Blu San Diego CA 9 Northridge CA 91328 Suite 120 / r. ,p L*y&&-jj;L:,! >y ( i A,..\ .d December 26, 1990 TO: QUALIFIED ELECTORS RE: COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 Enclosed herein please find legal notice setting time and place for a pi hearing relating to the formation of a proposed Community Facilities Disi (Community Facilities District No. 1) for the purpose of authorizing spc taxes to finance certain public capital facilities that will be availabl serve your property. Please note that the proposed special taxes will be levied upon property w the boundaries of the Community Facilities District, and you should care review the formula and apportionment of the annual maximum special tax. The notice sets the time and place for the hearing to be January 29, 199 6:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village 1 (formerly Elm Avenue), Carl sbad, CA. Any final authorization to levy taxes and issue bonds to finance the de public capital facilities will be subject to a vote, and a favorable 2/3’s of the qualified electors voting will be required for final passage. If you have any questions relating to the notice or the financing program, p contact James Elliott, Finance Director, at 434-2867. Very truly yours, Q&keRfldT ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk AR: 1 c Enc. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive = Carlsbad, California 92008 - (619) 434- 0 7 / 4- [PUBLICI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OR INTENTION TO INCUR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARING HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE 29TH JANUARY, 1991, AT THE HOUR OF 6:OO O'CLOCK P.M., IN THE REGULAR MEETING PLACE LEGISLATIVE BODY, BEING THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, AT WHICH TIME THE L1 TIVE BODY OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, WILL HEAR ALL EVIDENCE AND TESTIMONY INTERESTED PERSONS, PROPERTY OWNERS, VOTERS AND TAXPAYERS, REGARDING THE ISSUi BONDS SECURED BY A SPECIAL TAX TO PAY FOR CERTAIN PUBLIC FACILITIES WITHIN A NITY FACILITIES DISTRICT. FOR PARTICULARS, REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE RESOLU' SET FORTH BELOW: RESOLUTION NO. 90-434 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING INTENTION TO ISSUE BONDS SECURED BY SPECIAL TAXES TO PAY FOR CERTAIN FACILITIES IN A COMMUNITY FACILI- TIES DISTRICT WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, (here referred to as the "legislative body of the local Agency"), has declared its tion to order the establishment of a Community Facilities District for public facilities pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Mello-Roos Cc Facilities Act of 1982", being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 Government Code of the State of California, commencing with Section 53311. Community Facilities District shall hereinafter be referred to as COMMUNITY TIES DISTRICT NO. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "District"); and, WHEREAS, it is the intention of this legislative body to finance a. portion of said facilities through the issuance of bonds, said bonds to be by special taxes, all as authorized pursuant to said "Mello-Roos Cc Facilities Act of 1982". NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. That this legislative body declares that the public convenil necessity requires that a bonded indebtedness be incurred to finance a portion of certain public facilities as proposed for the designated District. SECTION 3. That the purpose €or the proposed debt is generally desc follows : To finance the fair share portion of the following au public capital facilities : I. Public facilities generally described as a new facility, a major addition to an existing library building, a City Hall comF the addition of office and warehouse facilities at the public safety center. 11. Park improvements generally designated as tho MACARI PARK. W a ,b e @ 111. Major street improvements in portions of tho following 1 nated public streets: FARADAY AVENUE, CANNON ROAD, LA COSTA AVENUE, OLIV ROAD/RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD and LEUCADIA BOULEVARD. IV. Major bridge and overpass facilities generally descri the LA COSTA INTERCHANGE , POINSETTIA LANE INTERCHANGE and PALOMAR AIRPOR INTERCHANGE. SECTION 4. That the amount of the proposed bonded indebtedness, includi cost of the facilities, together with all incidental expenses, is ger estimated to be: $130,000,000 Said costs are represented in current dollars and are subj escalation to provide for future phases of construction. SECTION 5. NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT ON TUESDAY, THE 29TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1' THE HOUR OF 6:OO O'CLOCK P.M., IN THE REGULAR MEETING PLACE OF THE LEGISLATIV BEING THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON THE TION OF THIS LEGISLATIVE BODY TO INCUR A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS TO FINANCE THE TIME AND PLACE FIXED FOR SAID PUBLIC HEARING, ANY PERSONS INTERESTED, IN PERSONS OWNING PROPERTY WITHIN THE AREA, MAY APPEAR AND PRESENT ANY MATTERS R TO THE PROPOSED INTENTION AND NECESSITY FOR INCURRING THE BONDED INDEBTEDNES WILL PAY FOR ALL OR A PORTION OF THE PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES AND WHICH SECURED BY A SPECIAL TAX TO BE LEVIED WITHIN SAID COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRIC SECTION 6. That notice of the time and place of the public hearing E FACILITIES IN THE COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT BY THE LEVY OF A SPECIAL Ti given by the City Clerk in the following manner: A. A Notice of Public Hearing shall be published in the designated newspaper of general circulation, being the CARLSBAD JOURNAL, saic cation pursuant to Section 6061 of the Government Code, with said publicatic completed at least seven (7) days prior to the date set for the public hearinc B. A Notice of Public Hearing shall be mailed, postage pre each property owner within the boundaries of the proposed District, to the as shown on the last equalized assessment roll. Said mailing shall be comp least fifteen (15) days prior to the date set for the public hearing. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsba regular meeting held on the 11th day of December , 1990, following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST : ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cler ( SEAL ) Carlsbad Journal Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to N.C.C.N. Inc. P.O. Box 878, Encinitas, CA 92024 (619) 753-6543 Proof of Publication jTATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. ZOUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizm of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper of general circulation, mblished weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which newspaper s published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which iewspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying ubscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intervals in the aid City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the follow- ing dates, to-wit: NOTICE OF PUBLIC incur t bonded indebtedness to fi- HEARING ON nance munity public Facilities facilities District In the by Com- the INTENTION TO INCUR place levy of fixed a special forsaid tax public At the time hearing, and ;,sy: ;;;%! tp;;g.;.: ~~~e~"r"et~~~~~~~~~~ legislative body, being the Council wi11 pay 'Or "I Or a 'Ortion Of the any persons interested. including BONDED INDEBTEDNESS NPTICE Is HEREBY GrVEN that lBsl, at the hour of6 oo o,clock p M ; personsowning ProperPywifhinthe tention and necessity for incurring in the regular meeting place of the the bonded indebtedncrss which Chambers, City IIall, at which time proposed pub1ic faci1ities and the legislative body of the C~ty of E:ii: ~~~~i~~~$~s~l~o~ Carlsbad, wlll hear all evidence and testimony by all interested per- m~~T~$l~'~~~~~~e of the ing shall be given by the City Clerk of bonds secured by a special tax to in the following manner within a Community Facilties Dis- tnd For particulars. reference is sha11 be pub1'shed In theLegallyde- made to the Resolution as set forth ~~~~p~~~$p~{~!$~$~ below JOURNAL, said publication pur- suant fo Section 8081 of the Govern- ment Code, with said publication to be completed at least seven 0') days pnor to the date set for the public ohall be mailed, postage Prepaid.to boundaries of the proposed Dis- trict, to the address as showp on the last equalized assessment roll Said mailing shall be completed at least leeen (") days prior to the PASSED' APPRoVED AND ADoPTED by the 'Ity Counci1 Of the 'ltr Of Car1sbad at Ita regu1ar meeting held On the llth day Of De- ft:? lBw)' b' the followlngvote' Kulchin' Larson' St'nt0n and "f;g None sons, taxpayers, property =garding owners, the voters issuanee and time and place of the Public hear- Januarv 4 19 91 19- 19- 19- 19- I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Cali- fornia on the 4th day of January, 1991 pay for certain public facilities A A Notice of public aearing RESOLUTION NO 9oa RESOLUTION OF THE cITy COUNOIL op THE ClTY OF cARLsBAD, CALIFORNIA, spEcIAL TAXES TO pAy FoR COYMUNITY FACrLITIEs WHmEAS. the cIm COITNCIL of the cITy OF CARLSBAD, c.- FORNIA, (hereinafter referred to Agency"). has declared its inten- tion to order the establishment of a Community Fa( ilities District for certain public facilities pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1882," being Chapter2 5, Part AYEs c0unci1 Members Lewis' - I 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Govern- 'roof of pu ment Code of the State of Califor- nia, commencing with Section 53311 This Community Fac District shall hereinafter be re- ferred to as COMMUNITY FACILI- TIES DlSTRICl NO 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "District"), and, WHEREAS, 11 is the intention of this legislative body to finance all -or a portion (of said facilities ~&\~~~~~N&~~~~ :: CERTAIN FAcImEs IN A heirllgNotice of Public Hearing each property ownyr within the DISTRICT ad the "legislative body of the Local date '" tor the pub1ic hearing Clerk of the Printer CLAUDEA LEWIS Mayor iEl L RAUTENKRANZ ~~~~~k CJ5711 January4'1ss1 -. through the issuance of bonds. said bonds to be secured by special taxes, all as authorized pursuant to said “Mello-Roos Community Faci- lities Act of 1982.” NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOL- LOWS: SECTION 1. That the above recit- als are all true and correct. SECTION 2. That this legislative body declares that the public con- venience and necessity requires that a bonded indebtedness be in- curred to finance all or a portion of certain public facilities as pro- posed for the designated District. SECTION 3. That the purpose for the proposed debt is generally de- scribed as follows: To finance the fair share portion of the following authorized public capital facilities: I. Public facilities generally de- scribed as 2 new library facility, a major addition to an existing lib- rary building, a City Hall complex, and the addition of office and ware- house facilities at the public safety center. 11. Park improvements generally designated as the MACARIO CAN- YON PARK portions of the following desig- nated public streets: FARADAY AVENUE, CANNON ROAD, LA COSTA AVENUE, OLIVENHAIN ROADIRANCHO SANTA FE ROAD and LEUCADIA BOULEVARD. IV. Major bridge and overpass facilities generally described as ?he LA COSTA INTERCHANGE, POINSETTIA LANE INTER- CHANGE and PALOMAR AIR- PORT ROAD INTERCHANGE. SECTION 4. That the amount of the proposed bonded indebted- ness, including the cost ofthe facili- ties, together with all incidental ex- penses, is generally estimated to be: $130,000,000. Said costs are,represented in cur- rent dollars and are subject to escalation to provide for future phases of construction. SECTION 5. NOTICE IS GIVEN that on Tuesday, the 29th day of January, 1991, at the hour of 6:OO o’c1ockP.M.. in the regular meeting place of the legislative body, being the Council Chambers, City Hall, a public hearing will be held on the intention of this legislative body to 111. Major street improvements in D 49 c Carlsbad Journal Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to N.C.C.N. Inc. P.O. Box 878, Encinitas, CA 92024 (619) 753-6543 Proof of Publication C STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, K- 0 I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitlc I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper of general c published weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which r is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, i newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intei said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one preceding the date of publicat notice hereinafter referred to; a~ notice of which the annexed is copy, has been published in ea and entire issue of said newspar in any supplement thereof on I ing dates, to-wit: Januarv 4 I certify under penalty of perjr foregoing is true and correct. I Carlsbad, County of San Diego, S fornia on the 4th day of January, 19 5 Pmf of Publicati Clerk a ..“-..-X^ .~./. .........,. ~...*xs..-m~...~.>wh- ......-,.%.........I_ ,..,....,.. ~,.~.-~.~ .,.. . ............,, method of apportionment ofme proposed special tax, reference is made to NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON INTENT^^^ TO the attached and incorporated Exhibit “A”, which sets forth in sufficient detail the method of apportionment to allow each landowner or resident FORM COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT AND within the proposed District to clearly estimate the probable annual AUTHORIZE SPECIAL TAX amount and the maximum annual amount that said person will have to pay NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing has been scheduled for said facilities. for the 29th day of January, 1991, at the hour of 6:~ o’clock P.M. in the The special taxes herein authorized shall be collected in the same man- regular meeting place ofthe legislative body, being the Council Chambers, ner as ad valorem property taxes and shall be subjept to the same penalties. City Hall, at which time the legislative body ofthe City OfCarlsbad, califor- procedure, sale and lien priority in any case of delinquency as applicable hia,willhear all evidence and testimony by all interested persons, proper- for ad valorem,taxes. ty owners,voters and taxpayers, reiatingtothe establishmentofa Commun- This legislative body hereby further authorizes and allows the early ity Facilities District for the purpose of providing public facilities to be discbarge and prepayment of any special tax, and specific terms,and cpndl- financed through the levy of a special tax. For particulars, reference is tions relating to any early payment shall be set forth by Resolutlon prior to made to the Resolution of Intention as set forth below: the issuance and delivery of any bonds. PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION NO. 90432 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSB-, SECTION 7. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, the 29th day of CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ESTABLISH A January, 1991, the hour of 6:OO o’clock P.M., in the regular meeting place Of COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT AND TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX the legislative body, being the Council Chambers, City Hall, a pub?ic hear- TO PAY FOR CERTAIN PUBLIC FACILITIES WITHIN SAID ingwill be held where this legislative body will consider the establishment COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT of the proposed Communities Facility District, the proposed method and WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFOR- apportionment of the‘special tax, and all other matters as set forth in this NIA, (hereinafterreferred to as the “legislative body of the local Agency”), Resolution of Intention. That at the above-mentioned time and place for at this time is desirous to initiate proceedings to create a Community Public Hearing, any PerSOnS Interested, includingtaxpayers, prope? Own- Facilities District pursuant to the terms and provisions of the “Mello-Roos ers and registeredvoters. may appear and be beard, and that the teStlmOnY Community Facilities Act of 1882,” being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, ofall interested persons for or against the establishment ofthe District, the Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of California (the “Act”). This extent of the District, or the furnishing of the facilities, will be heard and Community Facilities District shall hereinafter be referred to as COM- considered. Any protests may be made orally or in writing. However, any MUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the protests pertaining to the regularity or sufficiency of the proceedings shall “District”); and, be in writing and clearly set forth the irregularities and defects to whlch WHEREAS, this legislative body is now required to proceed to adopt jts the objection is made. All written protests shall be filed with the City Clerk Resolution Of Intention to initiate proceedings for the establishment of of the legislative body on or before the time fixed for the Public Hearing. said District, to set forth the boundaries for said District, indicate the type Written protests may be withdrawn in writing at anytime beforethe COnClU- of public facilities to be provided, indicate the rate and apportionment of a sion of the Public Hearing. special tax sufficient to pay for all such facilities, set a time and place for a If a written majority protest against the establishment of the District is public hearing relating to the establishment of said District, and describe filedthe proceedings shall be abandoned. Ifsaid majority protest islimited the proposed voting procedure for any election pertaining to the levy of a to certain facilities or portions of the special tax, those facilities or that tax special tax or issuance bonds within the District; and, shall be eliminated by the legislative body. WHEREAS, at any time before or after the formation of the District, this ELECTION legislative body may accept advances offunds and/orworkin kind from any SECTION 8. If, following the public hearing described in the Section source; however, no reimbursement and/or repayment shall be made for immediately below, the legislative body determines to establish the Dis- said advances Until expressly set forth by agreement and/or Resolution of trict and proposes to levy a special tax within the District, the legislative this h4ilative body setting forth the amount, terms and conditions or any body shall then submit the levy of the special taxes to the qualified electors reimbursement and/or repayment; and, of the District If at least twelve (12) persons, who need not necessarily be WHEREAS, a map of said District has been submitted, which said map is the same twelve (12) persons, have been registered to vote within the Fs- hereby,approved and a copy of said map shall be kept on file with the trict for each of the ninety (90) days preceding the close Of the subiect transcript of these proceedings. hearing, the vote shall be by registered voters of the District, with each NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: voter having one (1) vote. Otherwise, the vote shall be by the landowners Of RECITALS the District who were the owners of record at the close of the subject SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. hearing, with each landowner having one (1) vote for each acre or portion Of INITIATION OF PROCEEDINGS an acre of land owned within the District. SECTION 2. That these proceedings are initiated by this legislative body A successful election relating to the special tax authorization shall, as Pursuant to the authorization of Section 53318 of the Government Code of applicable, establish andlor change the appropriations limit as authorized by Article XIIIB of the California Constitution as it is applicable to this the State of California. BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICT District. SECTION 3. It is the intention of this legislative body to establish a Community Facilities District pursuant to the provisions of the Act, the NO PRIVATE CONTRACT boundaries and parcels being that area of land in which public facilities S~al~~ 9. This legislative body hereby finds and determines that the are to be provided and on which special taxes may be levied in order to Pay public interest will not be served by allowing the property owners 0f314’s of the Cost and expenses for said public facilities. AdeScriPtion ofthe bound- the acres to make an election to take Over and pedo~ any works of lm- aries of territory proposed to be included in the District is as follows: All that propem to be served by the installation of the capital facilities, movement pursuant to a contract awarded by this leglslatlw body. ThEs as said property is shown on a map as previously approved by this legisla- finding does not prohibit the property ownem fl.omdirect1yenteringinto a tive body, said map designated by the name of this Community Facilities contract to perform and construct certain ofthe works ofimprovemeptto District, a COPY of which is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and shall SECTION 10. That notice ofthe time and place of the public hearing shall remain open for public inspection. NAME OF DISTRICT SECTION 4. The name of the proposed Community Facilities District to b~i~N~~~~o~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~$~~ed in the legally desig- be established shall be known nd designated as COMMUNITY FACILITIES nated newspaper ofgeneral circulation, being the CARLSBAD JOURNAL, said publication pursuant to Section 6061 of the Government Code, With DISTRICT NO. 1. DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES SECTION 5, That it is the intention Of this legislative body to finance the said publication to be completed at least Seven (7) days Prior to the date set for the public hearing. fair share portion of certain authorized public capital facilities: I, Public facilities generally described as a new library facility, a major B. A Notice of Public Hearing shall be mailed, postage prepaid. to each addition to an existing library building, a city Hall complex, and the addi- property Owner within the boundaries of the proposed District* to the address as shown on the last equalized assessment roll. Said mailing shall tion of office and warehouse facilities at the public safety center. 11, park imprOvementS generally designated as the MACARIO CANYON be completed at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date set forthe public hearing. PARK. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 111. Major street improvements in portions of the following designated SECTION 11, a1 environmental evaluation proceedings relating to the public streets: FARADAY AVENUE, CANNON ROAD, LA COSTA AVE- establishment ofthis District shall be completed prior to the date and time NUE, OLIVENHAIN ROADIRANCHO SANTA FE ROAD and LEUCADIA set for the public hearing, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADO~D by the city Council of the City of BOULEVARD. Iv. Major bridge and overpass facilities generally described as the LA .Carlsbad at its regular meeting held on the 11th day of December, 1990, by COSTA INTERCHANGE, POINSETTIA LANE INTERCHANGE and PALO- AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard ABSENT: None then be acquired by the city’ NOTICE the following vote, to wit: MAR AIRPORT ROAD INTERCHANGE. made to the file entitled “DESCRIPTION OF FACILITI&S,.. which is hereby referenced and incorporated herein, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and open for public inspection. The above facilities all have an estimated useful life of5 years or longer. and are sPeCifiCally authorized to be financed under these proceedings, It is hereby further determined that the proposed facilities are necessary to meet increased demands placed upon this Agency as a result of develop- merit occurring within the District. The cost of acquiring, constructing and installing the facilities includes incidental expenses consisting ofthe costs of planning and designing the facilities, including the.costs of environmental evaluations thereof, all Costs associated with the establishment of the District, the issuance of bonds, the determination of the amount of any special taxes to be levied, the Costs Of collecting any special taxes, and costs otherwise incurred in order to carry out the authorized purposes of the District,togetherwitb any For a full and more complete description of said facilities reference js NOES: None CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: ALETIIA L RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHIBIT “&” PROPERTY CATEGORIES AND MAXIMUM TAX All taxable property within the boundaries of the Community Facilities District shall be subject to ANNUAL SPECIAL TAXES as applicable, based upon the property categories, maximum tax rates, increases and Status of the issuance of building pemits, all as hereinafter Set forth. Improvement Area I refers to all properties Within the boundaries ofthe City ofcarlsbad Bridge and Thoroughfare District. Improvement kea 11 is for all remaining properties within the Community Facilities District not within the Bridge & Thoroughfare District. BESIDEN’MAL PROPEBW ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All taxable property prior to the issuance of a building perm? shall be subject to the following maximum annual special taxes, subiect to 1- otherwise available, a special tax sufficient to pay for said facilities and related incidental expenses authorized by the Act will be levied annualiy --.. boundaries of said District. For particulars as tn the rate and ... :r-- .. ^l.,.>.X.-,* ............... .. . . creases as set forth herein: MAXIMUM ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY PER DEVELOPABLE ACRE FOR FISCAL YEAR 199011991 Zmprouenent Improvement Pw&v Category Area Z Area IZ Residential Low $ 281.00 $ 277.00 Residential Low to Medium 772.00 760.00 Residential Medium 1,294.00 1217.00 Residential High 2,793.00 2,739.00 Residential Medium to High 1,984.00 1,868.00 ANNUAL TAX INCREASE SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME upon the issuance of a building permit, all Residential properties shall be subject to the following described SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME, also subject to increases as set forth herein, as follows: MAXIMUM SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME PER RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/1991 Area ZZ The.aWve SP S for the taxable properties are applicable for .me f&al ye .a& all SUM& iqannual Lcleakes:to,reflect increases :n osts. The Construction Cost Index of the En- ginee?’iw News-Reccrd, titled “ENR Cost Indexes in 22 Cities” will be used. The Index published for the month of April for the City of Los Angeles Znder the column heading of “Percentage Change from Last Year” will PWPW Category annually inflate each of the Maximum Annual Taxes for each year for Residential Low $ 4,452.00 $ 3,835.00 properties as follows: Residential Low to Medium A. PROPERTIES WITHIN THE DISTRICT Not to exceed 50% of the Residential Medium 2,810.00 2,312.00 above-referenced increase. Residential Medium to High 2,810.00 2,312.00 B. PROPERTIES TO BE SUBSEQUENTLY ANNEXED Not to exceed Residential High 2,810.00 2312.00 100% of the above-referenced increase until annexed. TERM OF TAX The above taxes shall be levied until all bonds have been discharged and facilities funded and/or guaranteed, and the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX- ONETIME has been paid; however, the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX- DEVELOPED PROPERTY shall not be levied for a period in excess of twenty-five (25) years per parcel. Residential: Once a building permit has been issued for Residential property and the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME has been paid, the property Agricultural Property 0 0 The Commercial and Industrial properties, upon the issuance of a build- All Commercial and Industrial Property, upon the issuance Ofa building ing permit, have the option to (1) pay the SPECIAL DEvELOPmNTTAX- permit, shall have the option to (1) pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ONE TIME or (2) assume the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED -ONE TIME or (2) assume the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY, as set forth above. Upon the issuance of any building permit, PROPERTY for a period of not to exceed twenty-five (25) Years, generally in no further increase or escalation is authorized. the amounts per property category as follows: COLLECTION OF ANNUAL TAX MAXIMUM SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME FOR Residential: replenish reserve, call bonds, pay bands and Community Facilities District Commercial Use Designations NO. 1 administrative costs, and pay for public capital facilities. FIRST: Restaurant - Fast Food $ 28.48 0 7.58 Reduce this amount by the funds collected from Special Develoment Tax- Outdoor Tennis Courts 28.14 One Time levied against residential properties. SECOND: The remaining Convenience Market 27.31 funds needed are to be collected by the levy of the annual Special Tax - Bank with Drive-thru 18.06 5.72 Undeveloped Property on undeveloped taxable residential acreage, in the Campground 17.51 499 proportional amounts for each property category as required, not to exceed Restaurant - Sit Down 15.17 the maximum authorized tax. Manna 14.85 :ii commercia[ and ~mizcshial: 480 Determine monies necessary to make payment on bond debt service, 12.83 289 replenish reserve, call bonds, pay bonds and Community Facilities District Bank - Walk In Auto - Gasoline 8.11 Grocery Store 7.78 256 No. 1 administrative costs, and pay for current or future public capital facilities. FIRST: Reduce this amount by the funds collected from Special S & L with Drive-thru 7.59 Bowling Center 6.63 zg Development Tax - One Time and annual Special Tax - Developed Prop- 3-09 erty levied against commercial and industrial properties. SECOND Levy Restaurant - Quality 6.57 227 the annual Special Tax - Undeveloped Property on undeveloped taxable Neighborhood Shopping Center 6.46 252 commercial and industrial acreage in the proportional amounts for each Auto Car Wash 6.31 5.51 3.03 property category as required, not to exceed the maximum tar 2.33 CJ 5709: January 4,1991 S & L- Walk In : Race Track 5.10 . Library 4.26 2.86 , Community Shopping Center 4.24 1.80 Hospital -General 3.88 3.18 I Hotel - Conv. Fac/Comm. 3.47 2.52 Auto - Repair & Sales 3.41 1.58 k Regional Shopping Center 3.35 1.61 Discount Store 3.22 1.58 Golf Course 3.06 2.14 Church 2.99 1.94 , Office -Government 2.93 1.88 Commercial Shops 2.90 1.58 Health Club 2.89 1.85 Office - High Rise 2.67 1.84 2.56 1.75 2.47 1.58 Office - Commercial, l00,ooO SF Lumbermardware Store Office - Medical 2.42 2.07 Hospital - Convalescent 2.33 2.23 Indoor Sports Arena 2.33 2.23 Resort Hotel 2.30 * 1.98 University. 2.26 1.91 Junior College 2.19 1.90 not identified above 2.14 1.44 Improwmat Impmmnmt Area I 4,452.00 3,835.00 COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER PROPERTY ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All taxable Commercial and Industrial Property Prior to the issuance Ofa building permit shall be subject to the following maximum annual Special taxes, also subject to increases as set forth herein: MAXIMUM ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY Improvement 1mw-t PER DEVELOPABLE ACRE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/1991 Area I Area IZ I Commercial Property $ 2,400.00 . $ 1.600.00 no longer will be subject to any annual special tax. : Industrial Property 1,200.00 960.00 commercial & Industrial: FISCAL YEAR 199011~1 PER SQUARE FOOT OF BUIJ,DING uu Determine monies necessary to make payment on bond debt service, Imp?py-t Improuement Area I Area I1 ig Motel 2.89 2.06 All other Commercial Properties Industrial Use, Designations Area I Area IZ Heliports $ 10.63 $ 3.67 Industrial-Commercia1 Business Park 2.14 1.51 All other Industrial Properties 1mpl.ovement Improvement not identified above 1.74 1.42 OR, IN THE ALTERNATE, ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX The “Maximum Annual Special Tax - Developed Property” for any Fis- cal Year shall not exceed 13.81% of the authorized “Maximum Special Development Tax - One Time” for the various Commercial and Industrial Property categories as set forth above in the amount applicable and annually adjusted for each Fiscal Year. L January 7, 1991 TO: QUALIFIED ELECTORS RE: COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 Enclosed herein please find legal notice setting time and place for a pu hearing relating to the formation of a proposed Community Facilities Dist (Community Facilities District No. I) for the purpose of authorizing spe taxes to finance certain public capital facilities that will be availabl serve your property. Please note that the proposed special taxes will be levied upon property wi the boundaries of the Community Facilities District, and you should caref review the formula and apportionment of the annual maximum special tax. The notice sets the time and place for the hearing to be January 29, 1991 6:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village C (formerly Elm Avenue), Carlsbad, CA. Any final authorization to levy taxes and issue bonds to finance the de: public capital facilities will be subject to a vote, and a favorable 2/3’s of the qualified electors voting will be required for final passage. If you have any questions relating to the notice or the financing program, pl contact James Elliott, Finance Director, at 434-2867. Very truly yours, &f%L&WRfldT ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk AR: 1 c Enc. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad. California 92008 (619) 434. v w - f ,.. rm NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CAI (hereinafter referred to as the "legislative body of the local Agency declared its intention to establish a Community Facilities District pursuant provisions of the "Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982", for the purl providing certain authorized public facilities to be financed through the 1~ special tax and to further authorize the issuance of bonds to pay for a portion of said public facilities, said Community Facilities District her< referred to as COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1. DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES The proposed facilities to be provided and funded are as follows: I. Public facilities generally described as a new library facility, addition to an existing library building, a City Hall complex, addition of office and warehouse facilities at the public safety center 11. Park improvements generally designated as the MACARIO CANYON PARK. 111. Major street improvements in portions of the following designatec streets: FARADAY AVENUE, CANNON ROAD, LA COSTA AVENUE, OLIVENHAIN ROA SANTA FE ROAD and LEUCADIA BOULEVARD. IV. Major bridge and overpass facilities generally described as the I INTERCHANGE, POINSETTIA LANE INTERCHANGE and PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD INTER For a full and more complete description of said facilities, reference is the file entitled "DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES", which is hereby referer incorporated herein, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the City C open for public inspection. DESCRIPTION OF DISTRICT All that area of land in which public facilities are to be provided and f special taxes may be levied, generally described as all property wit boundaries of Community Facilities District No, 1. COST ESTIMATE The estimated costs of the proposed public facilities, including all in expenses, is estimated not to exceed $130,000,000. All costs are represi current dollars and are subject to escalation. 0 W ." PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARING HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR TUES 29TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1991, AT THE HOUR OF 6:OO O'CLOCK P.M. , IN THE REGULAR PLACE OF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY, BEING THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, AT WH THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, WILL HEAR ALL EVIE TESTIMONY BY ALL INTERESTED PERSONS, PROPERTY OWNERS, VOTERS AND TAXPAYERS, GENERALLY TO THE FOLLOWING: A. Establishment of Community Facilities District: B. Authorization for the levy of a special tax to pay for pub1 lity improvements: C. Authorization for issuance of bonds secured by a special ta for all or a portion of said public facility improvements; D. Any other matters as set forth in the Resolution of Inte order the establishment of the District and the Resolution o tion to issue bonds. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED, INCLUDING PROPERTY OWNERS AND REGISTERED VOTERS, MA' AND PRESENT EVIDENCE AND TESTIMONY RELATING TO THE FORMATION OF THE COMMUNITY TIES DISTRICT OR THE AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BONDS. ANY PROTEST PERTAINING REGULARITY OF THE PROCEEDINGS TO FORM THE COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT MU! WRITING, AND SHALL BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY ON 0 THE TIME SET FOR THE HEARING. IF A MAJORITY PROTEST IS TIMELY FILED AGA: PROCEEDINGS AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE DISTRICT, THE LEGISLATIVE BOT ABANDON THE PROCEEDINGS OR MODIFY THE PROCEEDINGS. IF SAID MAJORITY PRC LIMITED TO CERTAIN FACILITIES OR SPECIAL TAX, THOSE FACILITIES OR THAT TAX , ELIMINATED BY THE LEGISLATIVE BODY. SPECIAL TAX The facilities are proposed to be financed through the issuance of bonds a special tax secured by recordation of a continuing lien against all non-exen property in the District, and for particulars as to the method of apportior the special tax, reference is made to Exhibit "A" attached hereto. PROPOSED VOTING PROCEDURE If, following the public hearing for which this Notice is given, the legi body determines to establish the proposed Community Facilities District, to 3 special tax and to issue the bonds as proposed, the legislative body sha submit the levy of the special taxes and the issuance of the bonds to the qt voters of the Community Facilities District- If at least; twelve (12) persc need not necessarily be the same 12 persons, have been registered to vote wit territory of the proposed Community Facilities District for each of the nine days preceding the close of the public hearing, the vote shall be by the re: voters of the proposed District who were the owners of record as of the date subject hearing, with each voter having one (1) vote. Otherwise, the vote E by landowners of the proposed District, with each landowner having one (1) Y each acre or portion of an acre of land owned within the proposed District. 1, 0 q - * :. INQUIRIES For any questions relating to the proceedings, or any particulars, please the following designated person: JIM ELLIOTT, FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (619) 434-2867 For further particulars, reference is made to the Resolution of Intention to lish the District and the Resolution of Intention to incur bonded indebtedn said Resolutions have been approved and are on file with the transcript o proceedings and open for public inspection. DATED: 19- 24 , 1990. n&/ 2eLak4 CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA ,. W w COMMISRCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER PROPERTY ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All taxable Commercial and Industrial Property prior to the h~uance of a bu permit shall be subject to the following maximum annual special taxes, also s to increases as set forth herein: MAXIMUM ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPER PER DEVELOPABLE ACRE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/1991 IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT AREA I AREA I1 Commercial Property $ 2,400.00 $ 1,600.00 Industrial Property 1,200.00 960.00 Agricultural Property -0- -0- All Commercial and Industrial Property, upon the issuance of a building E shall have the option to (1) pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME aggume the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY for a period of not to twenty-five (25) years, generally in the amounts per property category as follc MAXIMUM SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME FOR FISC YEAR 1990/91 PER SQUARE FOOT OF BUILDING AREA PROPERTY CATEGORY IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT COMMERCIAL USE DESIGNATIONS AREA I AREA I1 Restaurant - Fast Food $ 28.46 $ 7.58 outdoor Tennis Courts 28.14 7.26 Convenience Market 27.31 6.74 Bank with Drive-thru 18.06 5.72 Restaurant - Sit Down 15.17 4.73 Marina 14.85 4.41 Bank - Walk In 12.83 4.60 Auto - Gasoline 8.11 2.89 Grocery Store 7.78 2.56 S & L with Drive-thru 7.59 3.48 Bowling Center 6.63 2.83 Restaurant - Quality 6.57 3.09 Neighborhood shopping Center 6.46 2.27 Auto Car Wash 6.31 2.52 S & L - Walk In 5.51 3.03 Race Track 5.10 2.33 Library 4.26 2.86 Community Shopping Center 4.24 1.80 Hospital - General 3.88 3.18 Campground 17.51 4.99 I. W - CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHIBIT "A" PROPERTY CATEGORIES AND MAXIMUM TAX All taxable property within the boundaries of the Community Facilities I shall be subject to ANNUAL SPECIAL TAXES as applicable, based upon the I categories, maximum tax rates, increases and status of the issuance of 1 permits, all as hereinafter set forth. Improvement Area I refers to all prc within the boundariee of the City of Carlsbad Bridge and Thoroughfare D: Improvement Area I1 is for all remaining propertiee within the Community Fac District, not within the Bridge & Thoroughfare District. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All taxable property prior to the issuance of a building permit shall be suf the following maximum annual special taxes, subject to increases as se herein : MAXIMUM ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPI PER DEVELOPABLE ACRE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/199. IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPERTY CATEGORY AREA I AREA I1 Residential Low $ 281.00 $ 277.00 Residential Low to Medium 772.00 760.00 Residential Medium 1,294.00 1,217.00 Residential Medium to High 1,984.00 1,868.00 Residential High 2,793.00 2,739.00 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME Upon the issuance of a building permit, all Residential properties shall be to the following described SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME, also sub increases as set forth herein, as follows: MAXIMUM SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME PEI RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 199( IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPERTY CATEGORY AREA I AREA I1 Residential Low $ 4,452.00 $ 3,835.00 Residential Low to Medium 4,452.00 3 , 835.00 Residential Medium 2,810.00 2,312.00 Residential Medium to High 2,810.00 2 , 312.00 2,312 .OO Residential High 2,810.00 4. w > IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT COMMERCIAL USE DESIGNATIONS AREA I AREA I1 Hotel - Conv. Fac/Comm. 3.47 2.52 Auto - Repair Ei Sales 3.41 1.58 Regional Shopping Center 3.35 1.61 Discount Store 3.22 1.58 Golf Course 3.06 2.14 Church 2.99 1.94 Office - Government 2.93 1.88 Commercial Shops 2.90 1.58 Health Club 2.89 1.85 Motel 2.69 2.06 Office - High Rise 2.67 1.84 Office - Commercial, 100,000 SF 2.56 1.75 Lumber/Hardware Store 2.47 1.58 Office - Medical 2.42 2.07 Hospital - Convalescent 2.33 2.23 Indoor Sports Arena 2.33 2.23 Resort Hotel 2.30 1.98 University 2.26 1.91 Junior College 2.19 1.90 All other Commercial Properties 2.14 1.44 not indentified above IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT INDUSTRIAL USE DESIGNATIONS AREA I AREA I1 Heliports $ 10.63 $ 3.67 Park 2.14 1.51 Induet rial-Commercial Business All other Industrial Properties not identified above 1.74 1.42 OR, IN THE ALTERNATE, ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX The "Maximum Annual Special Tax - Developed Property" for any Fiscal Year SI exceed 13.81% of the authorized "Maximum Special Development Tax - One Time" various Commercial and Industrial Property categories as set forth above amount applicable and annually adjusted for each Fiscal Year. ANNUAL TAX INCREASE The above SPECIAL TAXES for the taxable properties are applicable for the year 1990/91, and are all subject to annual increases to reflect incre construction costs. The Construction Cost Index of the Engineering News- titled "ENR Cost Indexes in 22 Cities" will be used. The Index published month of April for the City of Los Angeles under the column heading of "Pel Change from Last Year" will annually inflate each of the Maximum Annual Ta each year for properties as follows: '. w v -I A. PROPERTIES WITHIN THE DISTRICT: Not to exceed 50% of the above-reference( increase. B. PROPERTIES TO BE SUBSEQUENTLY ANNEXED: Not to exceed 100% of the above- referenced increase until annexed. TERM OF TAX The above taxes shall be levied until all bonds have been discharged and fat funded and/or guaranteed, and the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME has bec however, the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY shall not be levie period in excess of twenty-five (25) years per parcel. Residential: Once a building permit has been issued for Residential property and the DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME has been paid, the property no longer will be su any annual special tax. Commercial & Industrial: The Commercial and Industrial properties, upon the issuance of a building have the option to (1) pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME or (2) as any building permit, no further increase or escalation is authorized. ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY, as set forth above, Upon the Iss COLLECTION OF ANNUAL TAX Residential: Determine monies necessary to make payment on bond debt service, replenish call bonds, pay bonds and Community Facilities District No. 1 administrativ and pay for public capital facilities. FIRST: Reduce this amount by tl collected from Special Development Tax - One Time levied against res properties. SECOND: The remaining funds needed are to be collected by the the annual Special Tax - Undeveloped Property on undeveloped taxable res acreage, in the proportional amounts for each property category as required exceed the maximum authorized tax. Commercial and Industrial: Determine monies necessary to make payment on bond debt service, replenish call bonds, pay bonds and Community Facilities District No. 1 administrativ and pay for current or future public capital facilities. FIRST: Reduce thi by the funds collected from Special Development Tax - One Time and annual Tax - Developed Property levied against commercial and industrial prc SECOND: Levy the annual Special Tax - Undeveloped Property on undeveloped commercial and industrial acreage in the proportional amounts for each category as required, not to exceed the maximum tax. X** l 0 e $' r PUBLICA: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON INTENTIOW TO FORM COMFXVPrITY FACILITIES DISTRICT ANI) AUTHORIZE SPECIAL TAX NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARING HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE 29TH JANUARY, 1991, AT THE HOUR OF 6:OO O'CLOCK P.M., IN THE REGULAR MEETING PLACE LEGISLATIVE BODY, BEING THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, AT WHICH TIME THE LE TIVE BODY OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, WILL HEAR ALL EVIDENCE AND TES BY ALL INTERESTED PERSONS, PROPERTY OWNERS, VOTERS AND TAXPAYERS, RELATING ' ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FACILITIES TO BE FINANCED THROUGH THE LEVY OF A SPECIAL TAX. FOR PARTI( REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE RESOLUTION OF INTENTION AS SET FORTH BELOW: RESOLUTION NO. 90-432 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ESTABLISH A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT AND TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX TO PAY FOR CERTAIN PUBLIC FACILITIES WITHIN SAID COMMUNITY FACI- LITIES DISTRICT WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, (here referred to as the "legislative body of the local Agency"), at this time is d to initiate proceedings to create a Community Facilities District pursuant terms and provisions of the "Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982" Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Code of the S California (the "Act"). This Community Facilities District shall hereina "District") ; and, referred to as COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO, 1 (hereinafter referred to WHEREAS, this legislative body is now required to proceed to ad1 Resolution of Intention to initiate proceedings for the establishment District, to set forth the boundaries for said District, indicate the type 0' facilities to be provided, indicate the rate and apportionment of a spec sufficient to pay for all such facilities, set a time and place for a public relating to the establishment of said District, and describe the proposec procedure for any election pertaining to the levy of a special tax or issuanc within the District; and, WHEREAS, at any time before or after the formation of the Distric legislative body may accept advances of funds and/or work in kind from any however, no reimbursement and/or repayment shall be made for said advancc expressly set forth by agreement and/or Resolution of this legislative body forth the amount, terms and conditions for any reimbursement and/or repayment WHEREAS, a map of said District has been submitted, which said itlap i approved and a copy of said map shall be kept on file with the transcript proceedings. e 0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: REC I T ALS SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. INITIATIVP VF PROCEEDINGS SECTION 2. That these proceedings are initiated by this legislativ pursuant to the authorization of Section 53318 of the Government Code of thc of California. BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICT SECTION 3. It is the intention of this legislative body to estal Community Facilities District pursuant to the provisions of the Act, the bou and parcels being that area of land in which public facilities are to be F and on which special taxes may be levied in order to pay the cost and expen said public facilities. A description of the boundaries of territory propose included in the District is as follows: All that property to be served by the installation of the facilities, as said property is shown on a map as previously approved 1 legislative body, said map designated by the name of this Community Fac District, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the City Clerk ab remain open for public inspection. NAME OF DISTRICT SECTION 4. The name of the proposed Community Facilities Districl established shall be known and designated as COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES SECTION 5. That it is the intention of this legislative body to fina fair share portion of certain authorized public capital facilities: I. Public facilities generally described as a new facility, a major addition to an existing library building, a City Hall comp the addition of office and warehouse facilities at the public safety center. 11. Park improvements generally designated as the MACARI( PARK. 111. Major street improvements in portions of the f designated public Streets: FARADAY AVENUE, CANNON ROAD, LA COSTA AVENUE, OL ROAD/RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD and LEUCADIA BOULEVARD. IV. Major bridge and overpass facilities generally desc the LA COSTA INTERCHANGE, POINSETTIA LANE INTERCHANGE and PALOMAR AIRP( INTERCHANGE. 0 0 For a full and more complete description of said facil reference is made to the file entitled "DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES", which is referenced and incorporated herein, a copy of which is on file in the Office City Clerk and open €or public inspection. The above facilities all have an estimated useful life of 5 or longer, and are specifically authorized to be financed under these proceedin It is hereby further determined that the proposed facilitil necessary to meet increased demands placed upon this Agency as a res1 development occurring within the District. The cost of acquiring, constructing and installing the faci includes incidental expenses consisting of the costs of planning and design1 facilities , including the costs of environmental evaluations thereof , all associated with the establishment of the District, the issuance of bond collecting any special taxes, and costs otherwise incurred in order to carry ( authorized purposes of the District, together with any other expenses incidei the acquisition, construction, completion and inspection of the facilities. determination of the amount of any special taxes to be levied, the co SPECIAL TAX SECTION 6. That is is hereby further proposed that, except where fun otherwise available, a special tax sufficient to pay for said facilities and 1 incidental expenses authorized by the Act will be levied annually with boundaries of said District. For particulars as to the rate and met apportionment of the proposed special tax, reference is made to the attack incorporated Exhibit "A", which sets forth in sufficient detail the met apportionment to allow each landowner or resident within the proposed Distr clearly estimate the probable annual amount and the maximum annual amount th: person will have to pay for said facilities. The special taxes herein authorized shall be collected in tl manner as ad valorem property taxes and shall be subject to the same pen, procedure, sale and lien priority in any case of delinquency as applicable valorem taxes. This legislative body hereby further authorizes and all( early discharge and prepayment of any special tax, and specific terms and con relating to any early payment shall be set forth by Resolution prior to the i and delivery of any bonds. PUBLIC HEARING SECTION 7. NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT ON TUESDAY, THE 29TH DAY OF JANUARY, 19 HOUR OF 6:OO O'CLOCK P.M., IN THE REGULAR MEETING PLACE OF THE LEGISLATIV BEING THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD WHE LEGISLATIVE BODY WILL CONSIDER THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PROPOSED CC FACILITIES DISTRICT, THE PROPOSED METHOD AND APPORTIONMENT OF THE SPECIAL T ALL OTHER MATTERS AS SET FORTH IN THIS RESOLUTION OF INTENTION. THAT ABOVE-MENTIONED TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING, ANY PERSONS INTERESTED, I& TAXPAYERS, PROPERTY OWNERS AND REGISTERED VOTERS, MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD, A THE TESTIMONY OF ALL INTERESTED PERSONS FOR OR AGAINST THE ESTABLISHMENT e e DISTRICT, THE EXTENT OF THE DISTRICT, OR THE FURNISHING OF THE FACILITIES, t PROTESTS PERTAINING TO THE REGULARITY OR SUFFICIENCY OF THE PROCEEDINGS SHALl IS MADE. ALL WRITTEN PROTESTS SHALL BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE LEG1 BODY ON OR BEFORE THE TIME FIXED FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING. WRITTEN PROTESTS WITHDRAWN IN WRITING AT ANY TIME BEFORE THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING. HEARD AND CONSIDERED. ANY PROTESTS MAY BE MADE ORALLY OR IN WRITING. HOWEVI WRITING AND CLEARLY SET FORTH THE IRREGULARITIES AND DEFECTS TO WHICH THE OB! IF A WRITTEN MAJORITY PROTEST AGAINST THE ESTABLISHMENT DISTRICT IS FILED THE PROCEEDINGS SHALL BE ABANDONED. IF SAID MAJORITY PRO' LIMITED TO CERTAIN FACILITIES OR PORTIONS OF THE SPECIAL TAX, THOSE FACILI: THAT TAX SHALL BE ELIMINATED BY THE LEGISLATIVE BODY. ELECTION SECTION 8. If, following the public hearing described in the immediately below, the legislative body determines to establish the Distrl proposes to levy a special tax within the District, the legislative body sha submit the levy of the special taxes to the qualified electors of the Distric at least twelve (12) persons, who need not necessarily be the same twell persons, have been registered to vote within the District €or each of the (90) days preceding the close of the subject hearing, the vote shall registered voters of the District, with each voter having one (1) vote. 0th the vote shall be by the landowners of the District who were the owners of re the Close of the subject hearing, with each landowner having one (1) vote fc acre or portion of an acre of land owned within the District. A successful election relating to the special tax author by Article XIIIB of the California Constitution as it i6 applicable t District. shall, a8 applicable, establish and/or change the appropriations limit as aut NO PRIVATE CONTRACT SECTION 9. This legislative body hereby finds and determines that the interest will not be served by allowing the property owners of 3/4's of the make an election to take over and perform any works of improvement pursuar contract awarded by this legislative body. This finding does not prohil property owners from directly entering into a contract to perform and co certain of the works of improvement to then be acquired by the City. NOT ICE SECTION 10. That notice of the time and place of the public hearing s given by the City Clerk in the following manner: A. A Notice of Public Hearing shall be published in the designated newspaper of general circulation, being the CARLSBAD JOVRNAI publication pursuant to Section 6061 of the Government Code, with said pub1 to be completed at least seven (7) days prior to the date set for the hearing. 0 0 B. A Notice of Public Hearing shall be mailed, postage to each property owner within the boundaries of the proposed District, addregs as shown on the last equalized assessment roll. Said mailing completed at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date set for the public he? ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SECTION 11. All environmental evaluation proceedings relating establishment of this District shall be completed prior to the date and time the public hearing. PASSED, APPELOVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsb; regular meeting held on the 11th day of December , 1990, following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: dlo& J ALETHA L. RAUTENXRANZ, City Cler (SEAL) 0 m CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 EXHIBIT "A" PROPERTY CATEGORIES AND MAXIMUM TAX All taxable property within the boundaries of the Community Facilities D shall be subject to ANNUAL SPECIAL TAXES as applicable, based upon the p categories, maximum tax rates, increases and status of the issuance of bi permits, all as hereinafter set forth. Improvement Area I refers to all pro] within the boundaries of the City of Carlsbad Bridge and Thoroughfare Di Improvement Area I1 is for all remaining properties within the Community Fac District, not within the Bridge &. Thoroughfare District. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All taxable property prior to the issuance of a building permit shall be sub the following maximum annual special taxes, subject to increases as set herein: MAXIMUM ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPE PER DEVELOPABLE ACRE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/1991 IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPERTY CATEGORY AREA I AREA I1 Residential Low $ 281.00 $ 277.00 Residential Low to Medium 772.00 760.00 Residential Medium 1,294.00 1,217.00 Residential Medium to High 1,984 .OO 1,868.00 Residential High 2,793 .OO 2,739.00 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME Upon the issuance of a building permit, all Residential properties shall be to the following described SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME, also sub: increases as set forth herein, as follows: MAXIMUM SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME PER RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990 IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPERTY CATEGORY AREA I AREA I1 Residential Low $ 4,452.00 $ 3,835.00 Residential Low to Medium 4,452.00 3,835.00 Residential Medium 2,810.00 2 , 312.00 Residential Medium to High 2 , 810.00 2,312.00 Residential High 2 , 810.00 2,312.00 I '. 0 0 COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER PROPERTY ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY All taxable Commercial and Industrial Property prior to the issuance of a 1 permit shall be subject to the following maximum annual special taxes, also to increases as set forth herein: MAXIMUM ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - UNDEVELOPED PROP1 PER DEVELOPABLE ACRE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990/199. IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT AREA I AREA I1 Commercial Property $ 2,400.00 $ 1,600.00 Industrial Property 1,200.00 960.00 Agricultural Property -0- -0- All Commercial and Industrial Property, upon the issuance of a building shall have the option to (1) pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME assume the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY for a period of not tc twenty-five (25) years, generally in the amounts per property category as fol MAXIMUM SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME FOR FI: YEAR 1990/91 PER SQUARE FOOT OF BUILDING AREA PROPERTY CATEGORY IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT COMMERCIAL USE DESIGNATIONS AREA I AREA I1 Restaurant - Fast Food $ 28.46 $ 7.58 Outdoor Tennis Courts 28.14 7.26 Convenience Market 27.31 6.74 Bank with Drive-thru 18.06 5.72 Campground 17.51 4.99 Restaurant - Sit Down 15.17 4.73 Marina 14.85 4.41 Bank - Walk In 12.83 4.60 Auto - Gasoline 8.11 2.89 Grocery Store 7.78 2.56 S & L with Drive-thru 7.59 3.48 Bowling Center 6.63 2.83 Restaurant - Quality 6.57 3.09 Auto Car Wash 6.31 2.52 S & L - Walk In 5.51 3.03 Race Track 5.10 2.33 Library 4.26 2.86 Community Shopping Center 4.24 1.80 Hospital - General 3.88 3.18 Neighborhood Shopping Center 6.46 2.27 e 0 4, t IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT COMMERCIAL USE DESIGNATIONS AREA I AREA I1 Hotel - Conv. Fac/Comm. 3.47 2.52 Auto - Repair & Sales 3.41 1.58 Regional Shopping Center 3.35 1.61 Discount Store 3.22 1.58 Golf Course 3.06 2.14 Church 2.99 1.94 Office - Government 2.93 1.88 Commercial Shops 2.90 1.58 Health Club 2.89 1.85 Motel 2.69 2.06 Office - High Rise 2.67 1.84 office - Commercial, 100,000 SF 2.56 1.75 Lumber/Hardware Store 2.47 1.58 Office - Medical 2.42 2.07 Hospital - Convalescent 2.33 2.23 Indoor Sports Arena 2.33 2.23 Resort Hotel 2.30 1.98 University 2.26 1.91 Junior College 2.19 1.90 All other Commercial Properties 2.14 1.44 not indentified above IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT INDUSTRIAL USE DESIGNATIONS AREA I AREA I1 Heliports $ 10.63 !$ 3.67 Industrial-Commercial Business Park 2.14 1.51 All other Industrial Properties not identified above 1.74 1.42 OR, IN TWE AI.TERNATE, ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX The "Maximum Annual Special Tax - Developed Property" for any Fiscal Year s exceed 13.81% o€ the authorized "Maximum Special Development Tax - One Time" various Commercial and Industrial Property categories as set forth above amount applicable and annually adjusted for each Fiscal Year. ANNUAL TAX INCREASE The above SPECIAL TAXES for the taxable properties are applicable for thl year 1990/91, and are all subject to annual increases to reflect incrc constructLon costs. The Construction Cost Index of the Engineering News titled "ENR Cost Indexes in 22 Cities" will be used. The Index published month of April €or the City of Los Angeles under the column heading of "Pe Change from Last Year" will annually inflate each of the Maximum Annual T each year for properties as follows: 4,. e m - .. A. PROPERTIES WITHIN THE DISTRICT: Not to exceed 50% of the above-referenced increase. B. PROPERTIES TO BE SUBSEQUENTLY ANNEXED: Not to exceed 100% of the above- referenced increase until annexed. TERM OF TAX The above taxes shall be levied until all bonds have been discharged and fac funded and/or guaranteed, and the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME has bee however, the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY shall not be levied period in excess of twenty-five (25) years per parcel. Residential: Once a building permit has been issued for Residential property and the DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME has been paid, the property no longer will be sub any annual special tax. Commercial & Industrial: The Commercial and Industrial properties, upon the issuance of a building have the option to (1) pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX - ONE TIME or (2) ass ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY, as set forth above. Upon the issu any building permit, no further increase or escalation is authorized. COLLECTION OF ANNUAL TAX Residential: Determine monies necessary to make payment on bond debt service, replenish L call bonds, pay bonds and Community Facilities District No. 1 administrative and pay for public capital facilities. FIRST: Reduce this amount by th collected from Special Development Tax - One Time levied against resi properties. SECOND: The remaining funds needed are to be collected by the the annual Special Tax - Undeveloped Property on undeveloped taxable resi acreage, in the proportional amounts for each property category as required, exceed the maximum authorized tax. Commercial and Industrial: Determine monies necessary to make payment on bond debt service, replenish I call bonds, pay bonds and Community Facilities District No. 1 administrative and pay for current or future public capital facilities. FIRST: Reduce thiE by the funds collected from Special Development Tax - One Time and annual SECOND: Levy the annual Special Tax - Undeveloped Property on undeveloped commercial and industrial acreage in the proportional amounts for each I category as required, not to exceed the maximum tax. Tax - Developed Property levied against commercial and industrial pro1 *x* w 0 -I LAW OFFICES BROWN, HARPER, BURNS 8 HENTSCHKE F. MACKENZIE BROWN. 12770 HIGH BLUFF DRIVE, SUITE 240 NEWPORT BEACH I SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 02130 LOS ANGELES (2 ALAN R. MURNS JOHN ROBERT HARPER’ DANIEL S. HENTSCHKE (6191 456-1915 FAX 259-0292 ROBERT E. HESSELL OF COUNSEL JOSEPH J. HUGHES MICHAEL B. MONTGOMERY. ‘A PROFESSIONAL CORPOUATION December 5, 1990 - \bf JjL” (/G- Jim Elliott, Finance Director City 1200 of Carlsbad Carlsbad village Dr. QWJ I\ Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 Dear Jim: Enclosed herein please find the followinq documents in connection with the requirements which must be met immediately following the meeting schedulc December 11, 1990: 1. INSTRUCTION SHEET. 2. NOTICE OF HEARING ON INTENTION TO ESTABLISH COMMUNITY - fl FACILITIES DISTRICT (PUBLICATION) 3. NOTICE OF HEARING ON INTENTION TO INCVR BVM;IED INDEBmDmSS (PUBLICATION) 4. NOTICE OF PUBLIC NEARING ON INTENTION TO FORM COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT AND TO INCUR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS (MAILING) 5. COVER LETTER FORMAT. 6. CERTIFICATE OP COMPLIANCE, *** NOTICE REQUIREMENTS Immediately following the adoption of the Resolutions, the following I requirements shall be accomplished: - PUBLICATION of Resolution of Intention to Establish District - PUBLICATION of Resolution of Intention to Incur Bonded Indebtedness - MAILING Notice of Public Hearing - RECORDATION of proposed boundary map in Office of County Recorder For particulars, please see the INSTRUCTION SHEET enclosed herein. A .. . e 0 LAW OFFICES bBROWN, HARPER, BURNS 8 HENTSCHKE Jim Elliott, Finance Director City of Carlsbad December 5, 1990 Page Two CONFORMED COPIES Upon completion of the notice requirements, I would appreciate receiving the i priate affidavits of publication and a copy of the executed Certifica Compliance. If you have any questions upon your review of the enclosed material, please c hesitate to call. Very truly yours, F. MACKENZIE BROWN FMB : bd encl . cc: Aletha Rautenkranz, City Clerk Ray Patchett, City Manager Vincent Biondo, Esq., City Attorney Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer Norm Neste; NBS/Lowry Galen Peterson: NBS/Lawry Carl Kadie; Kadie-Jensen, Johnson & Bodnar 4 , *I. e m i INSTRUCTION SHJ3ET NAME OF AGENCY: CITY OF CARLSBAD NAME OF PROJECT: COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 INSTRUCTIONS The CITY CLERK shall perform the following: PUBLICATION (CARLSBAD JOURNAL) / / The NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON INTENTION TO ESTABLISH COMMUNITY FACILITIES Dl AND AUTHORIZE SPECIAL TAX shall be published one (1) time in the desi newspaper, said publication being accomplished at least seven (7) days prior date set for the public hearing. / / The NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON INTENTION TO INCUR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS sh published one (1) time in the designated newspaper, said publication accomplished at least seven (7) days prior to the date set for the public hear: 4P MA1 LING +$p-Jrp d /-e v." The NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING shall be mailed, postage prepaid, to all persons real property within the boundaries of the Community Facilities District, a names appear on the last equalized Assessment Roll, said mailing being accom at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date set for the public hearing. $@j dgS /c BOUNDARY MAP r File the original proposed BOUNDARY MAP with the transcript of these proce and within fifteen (15) days after the adoption of the Resolution Setting H cause to be filed a copy of said map with the County Recorder. Fees are app for said filing. I would suggest an additional copy also be transmitted Recorder's Office so that a certified copy showing the recordation informatio be immediately returned and made avaialble. AGENDA A copy of the AGENDA for the meeting of December 11, 1990, setting forth a description of the proposed actions to be taken and the time and place meeting, must be posted in a location freely accessible to the general pu least 72 hours before the time set for said meeting where action is to be t connection with this Community Facilities District. **x --; I, - -, * 11. 7. w LAW OFFICES BROWN, HARPER, BURNS 8 HENTSCHKE NEWPORT 8EACH 171 SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92130 LOS ANGELES 1212 12770 HIGH BLUFF DRIVE, SUITE 240 F. MACKENZIE BROWN. ALAN R. BURNS JOHN ROBERT HARPER. DANIEL 5. HENTSCHKE 1619) 456-1915 ROBERT E. HESSELL FAX 259-0292 OF COUNSEL JOSEPH J. HUGHES MICHAEL E. MONTGOMERY. *A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION November 27, 1990 Jim Elliott, Finance Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 RE: COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 Dear Jim: Enclosed herein please find the following documents for the referenced Distr. be presented at the meeting scheduled for December 11, 1990: 1. ORDER OF PROCEDURE. epp"hA 2. RESOLUTION MAKING APPOINTMENTS. 3. RESOLUTION ADOPTING BOUNDARY MAP- - 4. IUCSOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ESTABLISH DISTRICT- 5. RESOLUTION ORDERING "REPORT"- 6. IUCSOLUTION DECLARING INTENTION TO ISSUE BONDS SECURED BY SPECIAL TAXES- *** Please note that a copy of the AGENDA for this meeting, setting forth a 9 of the meeting, must he posted in a location freely accegsihle to the 9 public at least 72 hours before the time set for said meeting where action is taken in connection with this Community Facilities District. description of the proposed actions of the legislative body and the time and DOCUMFNTS Prior to the adoption of the Resolutions, on file in the Office of the City should be the following: - BOUNDARY MAP (18x26'' in size, etc.), ready for filing in the Office of the County Recorder - File entitled DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES, settinq forth a description of th capital facilities and cost estimate c;' *, n .I -. e LAW OFFICES BROWN, HARPER, BURNS 8 HENTSCHKE Jim Elliott, Finance Director City of Carlsbad November 27, 1990 Page Two RJ3SOLUTIONS By the adoption of the enclosed Resolutions, the following will be accomplished The RESOLUTION MAKING APPOINTMENTS is the formal appointment of the newspgper, t The RESOLUTION ADOPTING BOUNDARY MAP is the formal action adopting map sei forth the boundaries of the Community Facilities District. The RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ESTABLISH DISTRICT is the jurisdictional Resoli to establish a Community Facilities District, establish a special tax, and time and place for public hearing. The RESOLUTION ORDERING "REPORT" is the formal order of the legislative requeEiting the preparation of a detailed report on the facilities, costs, etc. The RESOLUTION DECLARING INTENTION TO ISSUE BONDS SECURED BY SPECIAL TAXES forth the intention of the legislative body to issue bonds to pay for ce facilities and set a public hearing. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS AB this is a protest hearing, the legislative body must be aware of all commt tions. As written communications are filed relating to the proceedings, I recommend that copies be made and immediately transmitted to the following: A. Each member of the legislative body B. Office of Special Tax Consultant C. Office of Project Engineer D. Office of Bond Counsel REGISTERJ3D VOTER CERTIFICATION Immediately following the adoption of the Resolutions, a copy of the pr boundary map, together with a list setting forth the names of the property as well as the Tax Assessor's parcel identification numbers, should be trans to the County Registrar of Voters, with a request for a return certifi setting forth the number of registered voters residing within the boundaries District. The Registrar's letter must be back on file no later than the til for the public hearing. ** . 'I A,'. * w LAW OFFtCES BROWN, HARPER, BURNS 8 HENTSCHKE Jim Elliott p Finance Director City of Car lsbad November 27, 1990 Page Three ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION All environmental evaluation procedures relating to the formation of the Disi must be completed at least prior to the scheduled public hearing. As soon as available, I would appreciate receiving a copy of the Notice of Determin showing filing in the Office of the County clerk, indicating that all environm evaluation proceedings and processing have been completed. ELECTION First, a final determination should be made as to the proper person to conduc election, i.e., County Registrar of Voters or City Clerk. Second, the Election Official should then be contacted to determine an accep Please note that the election shall be not less tha not more than @days following the establishment of the District (close of p hzring); however, if the election is within 125 days, the concurrence o Election Official is also required. Please advise this office as soon as possible, so that proper documentation c prepared. fl date for the election. dl? \ c\\" Y CONFORMED COPIES Upon completion of the notice requirements, I would appreciate receiving the i priate affidavits of publication, a copy of the executed Certificate of Compl and conformed copies of all Resolutions. If you have any questions upon your review of the enclosed material, please c hesitate to call. Very truly yours, F. MACKENZIE BROWN FMB : bd encl. cc: Aletha Rautenkranz, City Clerk Ray Patchett, City Manager Vincent Biondo, Esq., City Attorney Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer Norm Neste; NBS/Lowry Carl Kadie; Kadie-Jensen, Johnson & Bodnar Galen Peterson; NBS/Lowry ,,-" -, .r - -_. --~ gig *sg5 dyypm '7% k. 5 i 01,'23,'1331 14:2Q @k*s 5.D. . / e.*&LJ - 4 3- PIllLgBl!RY R9,LaUlN \N & StJ'l'RO SAN FRANCISCO 701 W BROADWAY 10s ANOE SAN JOSE SUITE 1ma 'NAGHINt)' WALNUT CREEK SAN DiEOCJ. t~ Wlol 8ZOi DRANOE C GACRAMENrO TEL (6191 ~3e-6009 FAX !GIB; 23e-me3 January 29, 1931 VIA TE LECOPfE R Ms. Aletha Rautenkranz city Clerk @icy of Carlsbad 20'75 Las palmas Drive Carasbad, CA 92009 Re: communi,tv Facilities District No. 1 Dear Ms. Rautenkranz: Ehclased please find a copy af a. :ek.ter sent to and re bv the City of Carlsbad on January 28, 1991. The staterrrent tke parcels would vote WO** to the formation of the Commmi Ftcilities District No. 1 is a protest of the formation of .-' -:~nity Facilities District No. 1 on the current basis. /2/yrs# w- Paul R. Wassenaar o€ Counsel PILLSBWRY MAEISON Ea SUTRQ PRW/eam P. 03 &13 w95 'Y 01/29/1991 14: 21 as s. D. a: i .-, cc PlILLSBUWB6 TSaADILSON $9 SUTRO $At4 FRANCISCO 101 W BROAbWAY LO5 ANGl SUITE 1800 WASHIN( ORAWE SAN JOSE WALNUTCREbK 5AN OE.03. CA 8210l-S201 SACRAMENT6 TkL !&t91234-W FAX (81Q) 2338.8683 January 28, 1991 VIA TELECOPIER Mr. Don Rideout City of Carlsbad Sr. Managferneast Analyst Growth Management Division 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92Q09 Re: Commun itv Facilities Distr-ict NO. 2 Dear Mr, Rideout: I have been directed by the Ksl-Cal partnership, the 1 Family Carlsbad Partnership, the Kelly Family Trust, Mr, fi Allan 0. Kelly and the Kelly family relatives, a5 the owile' the following parcels, that the parcels would vote WYI on formation of the proposed community Facilities District No capital facilities. The owner3 are compiled to vote rlNO'I because of their uncertainty over development status of th parcles, the cost of the facilities and their concer'r, aver a source of payment for the taxes associated with these pa The parcels include: 433 Acres comprising the Kelly Ranch owned by Kei-Cal park and the Kelly Family Carlsbad Partnerghip; Parcel Numbers: 207 101-12 207 101-15 208 020-28 208 020-30 208 020-33 ~1,'zq,q991 14:21 @bS S.D. 613 e 3 35 P.04 * 5 Mr. Don Rideout January 28, 1992 Page Two 246 Acres owned by the Kelly Family Trust:: Parcel Numbers: 168 050-03 168 050-26 168 050-06 168 050-07 168 050-25 109 Acres owned by the Kelly Family Trust and Brian and Ga Robertson: Parcel Number: 168 050-01 For further discussion and infomation concerning ths Loregoing please contact the undersigned, Very truly yours, Paul R. Wwsehaar of counsel @//@iZlf/ PILLSBURY MADISON & SUTRO PWWJeam GG: Stephen Bieri Brian Robertson Gary Robertson --- - . P. G31 81,'23/1991 14: 28 wl8S S.D. < F,ls w535 P1LLSBGRY hlrlDiSDF & SUTRO %?4 FWANCISCD 101 W. SROADWAV LOS ANI SAMdOSK SUITE ~aoo W4bHlt WAL,NUTCREEK 5AN OIEQO, CA 9270: S2P1 OAAHOI SACRAMeNTO Wt (a?$, 23&6Mx, PAX 1fl141236 8683 f/ Date: &&,. JZ/f _-- / FACSmIZE TRANSMITfa TO: 11167 FROM: -SSENAAR USER NUMBER: -- Ffi NUMBER; YLV-/.f7 - MAIN NUMBER: Y3 c/-Jf~~ FIEJe NUMBER; (Cliunt Matter} &..J-sk-A-dd - - -- dd 4 Number of pages, hcluding aver sheet: l Our facbilc number is: (519) 236-1995 IF YOU HAVE NOT PROPERLY RECFB'ED Tm$ FACSLRlLE, PLEASE CALL US AT (619) W45NO Th& You. SPECIAL INSTRUaONS; operator: Time Scn?: 4 e 0 ,*a* I MLLSUURY MbLu1SON 6 SUTRO CW Iryc wnrm WUW? unolrb0,Mwmm QW01 101 HI Ihp*pwAY Z%F0 wm LMCU WIUMtKIo ttL rmwnwwoa rAxJc(.1am-weJ asnunry 30, 2993, - Nrq bcrn RiQwUt city oi ~arimbad $re ~anagmmnt hnalyst drovth Mana cuaccnt Divierien Curlabad, CA 92009 207s Lam Pa P m48 Rot "8. 1 Dosay Mr. Rideout: I haw bean directed by the KQII-CI'~ partnership, *ha Rc F&Sily Carlsbad Fartnrrshi t the Kelly Fawfly Trmet, Mr. br I Allan 6. Kally and the Kel P y fawily relativas, as the wmri tha following arce18, thnt tha arcrle would v0t.s "NO" on 1 Capital LdOflitire. bacause 012 thdr uncertainty aver dav8,lo ment mtatue af tha a soure+ PZ papant fwr tho trxrs assoaiated With th8se part Tha parcelm include: 433 rtcraa oomprising the Kelly Ranch owned by Kml-CaI partnc ana thm Kelly Family Carlsbad Partnership: ncres Parcel Numbw~: 207 101-12 - $2, 8~ 207 161-111 20a 020-28 333 59 208 020-30 G '56 768 020-33 48 2.C) formation of t R e prapoard ~omun !i ty ~acilitier District NO, par~lra, the wit Of' the facillticrcr ahd e h& uancem aver 1 The ownrru am samprlled to vote rlNO" - 42770 c * (* - - 2 e 6 ?No Dan Rideout qanuary 28, 1991 Png. mo 246 Aerrlir awnad by th Rdly FdJy 1JPrustt PWCal Humb8r8 : 148 050-05 Iq.Ic3 168 050-26 44- 11 168 030-06 I-?. I1 168 050-07 5 ?>71 168 050-35 e-G3 '' a--wqg Parcel Number: 168 050-41 IO91 (6 109 Aamr owned by thm Kdly Family Trurrt and Brian and 4 Robsrtaan t For iurt;har di60li88iQXl &in8 lnfWl!Wion eOn08rllinq tl foregoing plearrs oontrot Wa undrrrfgnrd, Paul R. Warmmrar Of CWn8.1 PILLSEURY HADT8PN L SWQ PRM/mm au: Itrphmn Bhri Brian RbM*lrOh taw Rob8rtran i , 0 c PILESBURY MADISON @ SUTRO SAN FRANCISCO 101 W BROADWAY LOS ANGELE SUITE 1800 WASHINGTC ORANGE CO SAN JOSE WALNUTCREEK SAN DIEG0,CA 92101-8201 SACRAMENTO TEL (619) 234-5000 FAX (619) 236-8083 January 28, 1991 VIA TELECOPIER Eir. Don Rideout City of Carlsbad Sr. Management Analyst Growth Management Division 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92009 Re: Community Facilities District No. 1 Dear Mr. Rideout: I have been directed by the Kel-Cal partnership, the Ke Family Carlsbad Partnership, the Kelly Family Trust, Mr. & M Allan 0. Kelly and the Kelly family relatives, as the owners the following parcels, that the parcels would vote vvNO1v on t formation of the proposed Community Facilities District No. capital facilities. because of their uncertainty over development status of the parcles, the cost of the facilities and their concern over h a source of payment for the taxes associated with these parc The parcels include: 433 Acres comprising the Kelly Ranch owned by Kel-Cal partne and the Kelly Family Carlsbad Partnership: The owners are compelled to vote vtNO1t Parcel Numbers : 207 101-12 207 101-15 208 020-28 208 020-30 208 020-33 7 e # Mr. Don Rideout January 28, 1991 Page Two 246 Acres owned by the Kelly Family Trust: Parcel Numbers : 168 050-03 168 050-25 168 050-26 168 050-06 168 050-07 109 Acres owned by the Kelly Family Trust and Brian and Ga: Robertson: Parcel Number: 168 050-01 For further discussion and information concerning the foregoing please contact the undersigned. Paul R. Wassenaar Of Counsel PILLSBURY MADISON & SUTRO PRW/eam cc: Stephen Bieri Brian Robertson Gary Robertson e e LUCE, FORWARD, HAMILTON & SCRIPPS ’& A LAW PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CORl’ORATIONS FOUNDED 1873 SAN DIEGO REGENTS SQUARE I1 THE BANK OF CALIFORN 4250 EXECUTIVE SQUARE, SUITE 700 110 WEST A SIRE1 SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNl (619) 236-1414 FACSIMILE (619) 455-1354 LAJOLLA, CALIFORNIA 92037 Ronald W. Rouse (619) 455-6611 D~ot =Number (619) 535-2605 January 29, 1991 DELIVERED VIA MESSENGER Ms. Aletha L. Rautenkranz City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: City-wide Mello-Roos Hearing January 29, 1991 Dear Ms. Rautenkranz: Enclosed herewith please find the original and five (5) copies of a letter to be made part of the administrative record for tonight‘s hearing on the City-wide Mello-Roos program. Thi letter is not intended as a protest letter. member. Patchett, Elliott and Biondo for their information. - Please distribute copies to Mayor Lewis and each Council- Extra copies have been separately delivered to Messrs. Thank you. Very t ly yours, Rchald \ ~&JLIJ, W. Rouse [Z LJc of Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps RWR : ar Encl . C : \DMSWwR .D I R\9001978. WP +' e 6 LUCE, FORWARD, HAMILTON & ScRIpps A LAW PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS FOUNDED 1873 SAN DIEGO REGENTS SQUARE I1 4250 EXECUTIVE SQUARE, SUITE 700 THE BANK OF CALlFORNl 110 WEST A STREE MN DIEGO, CNIFORNI~ FACSIMILE. (619) 236-1414 (619) 455-1354 LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 92037 Ronald W. Rouse (619) 455-6611 Direa =Number (619) 535-2605 January 29, 1991 DELIVERED VIA MESSENGER Mayor Lewis and Members of the City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Mello-Roos District Resolution of Formation City Council Bearing Date - January 29, 1991 Dear Mayor Lewis and Council Members: AS you know, we have acted as legal counsel for several of the major commercial/industrial property owners in Zone 5. The have asked that we submit this letter regarding tonight's heari and request it be made part of the record. This letter is not protest letter and is submitted in lieu of a formal presentatic at the hearing itself. - It was just over five years ago this month (January 21, 1986) that the then City Council launched Carlsbad's Growth Management Program by adopting a six-month development moratorium. By the end of that six months, the Growth Managemt Program was adopted and later that year, ratified by the Carlsl electorate. Since that time, the City and development community has struggled to develop successful implementation and financing e i LUCE, FORWARD, HAMILTON & SCRIPPS Mayor Lewis and Members of the City Council January 29, 1991 Page 2 programs which are indispensable to the Growth Management Program. This historical perspective is relevant because it is important to keep in mind that the adoption of a Mello-Roos District Resolution of Formation is but one of a series of actions and steps taken since January 21, 1986 which imposes exclusively on new (future) development the primary financial responsibility for paying the cost of upgrading existing public facilities and infrastructure and providing the primary source capital for all new and expanded public facilities. The propo: Mello-Roos District is added on top of the other actions taken including (i) the significant reduction of density throughout 1 city, (ii) imposition of the bridge and thoroughfare fees, traffic impact fees and increased public facilities fees on ne\ development, (iii) establishment of high public facilities standards and (iv) the requirement that new (future) developmei fund and provide not only the additional facilities it will net but a substantial rehabilitation and upgrading of existing facilities for the benefit of the current residents of Carlsbac and surrounding communities. Initially, the Growth Management Program required each ZOI to satisfy all of its public facilities requirements and to develop appropriate implementation financing programs necessar: to assure those facilities were available concurrent with futu development. As the Growth Management Program finally came into focus late 1986 and early 1987, a number of the major developers and implementation and financing aspects in order to make the prog property owners in Carlsbad began to proactively address the 0 6 LUCE, FORWARD, HAMILTON & SCRIPPS Mayor Lewis and Members of the City Council January 29, 1991 Page 3 work while spending thousands of hours and multiples of thousar of dollars toward that end. The major commercial and industrial developers in Zone 5 (Zone 5 Landowners) whom we represent formulated a comprehensiy Zone 5 Financing Plan in a series of meetings and study sessior throughout 1987 and 1988. That Zone 5 financing program incluc provision for all of the public facilities and infrastructure required for future development in Zone 5 through the year 200! - and Zone 5 property's contribution to city-wide and regional facilities. Notwithstanding the progress of the Zone 5 Landowners, the City put that Zone 5 program aside and since tl time the City has focused its efforts on the formulation of thi City-wide Mello-Roos Program now before you. As you know from prior appearances before the City Counci: and in numerous meetings with City Staff, the Zone 5 Landowner: have remained proactive in an effort to ensure that the city-w: financing program was both workable and fair. In that regard, through the conscientious concerted effor- of the City, its Staff and the Zone 5 Landowners (together wit1 their respective consultants) a number of refinements have beel achieved to the betterment of the entire program. Those modifications and refinements include: (i) the addition of language to the Tax Rate and Method establishing the 65% residential and 35% commercial/industrial facilities cost apportionment; (ii) a reduction in the commercial and industri maximum tax rates; (iii) a reduction in the maximum authorized bond amount from $150,000,000 to $130,000,000; and (iv) the inclusion of a commerciaUindustria1 developed land tax as an alternate to the one-time developed tax. without threatening the viability of the program. These changes were m W e LUCE, FORWARD, HAMILTON & SCRIPPS Mayor Lewis and Members of the City Council January 29, 1991 Page 4 In addition to the foregoing changes which we understand i incorporated into the specific language, throughout the course discussions regarding the City-wide Mello-Roos District a numb( of other important commitments and policies have been articula. by the City. Included within this category of items is the: (i) elimination of the Bridge and Thoroughfare District fee in its entirety; (ii) reduction of the Traffic Impact Fee by approximately 50%; and (iii) reduction of the Public Facilitie Fee from its present 3.5% of building permit valuation to approximately 1.8% of building permit valuation. It has been clear understanding of the Zone 5 Landowners, and I believe we can safely say all of the other affected landowners in the Cit that the City has committed to making the fee reductions and credits applicable to all properties who participate in the Ci wide Mello-Roos District upon confirmation of the District. Another factor that fits into this category is the City's commitment to appropriately manage the construction program of the City-wide Mello-Roos District based on actual development absorption. In this regard, the City, at the various public hearings and meetings, has consistently indicated its intent t manage the timing and prioritization of projects based on the level and pace of development, as well as the capacity of the City-wide Mello-Roos District to finance a particular project. Yet another category or classification of concerns articulated by the zone 5 Landowners, and other property owner throughout the City, have not been incorporated into the City- wide Mello-Roos Program to date. While we all appreciate that there can be a difference of opinion as to the fairness and appropriateness of including one or more of the following item well established legal principles as well as general principle of fundamental fairness compel a certain level of assurances a e e e LUCE, FORWARD, HAMILTON & SCRIPPS Mayor Lewis and Members of the City Council January 29, 1991 Page 5 guarantees regarding future development in return for property owners placing a present and substantial special tax on their property under the compulsory governmental and economic circumstances that presently exist. For example, it seems fundamental that in exchange and in return for placing a special tax on undeveloped property, that undeveloped property should have and receive fundamental assurances that it can develop in accordance with the same parameters, densities and intensities upon which the special t and other develop exactions are based. There remains an objectionable inconsistency in the refusal of the City to prov any level of future development assurances, while at the same time for all practical purposes compelling participation by refusing to consider alternative zone financing mechanisms and suggesting substantial further development restrictions in the event the City-wide program is not adopted. Likewise, in terms of the voting procedure, the early materials distributed suggest certain non-tax paying classifications of property are going to be able to vote at tk special election, even though they are not going to be "taxpayers." Such a result we believe would improperly dilute the vote of the taxpaying landowners. My clients are hopeful that the foregoing comments will r be misconstrued. In important matters such as this, especial1 involving commitment to very substantial future special taxes, some disagreement regarding all of the details of the program, and the requisite assurances and commitments in connection therewith, is not unusual. The Zone 5 Landowners remain hopef that the potential problems can be avoided or otherwise overcc w II) LUCE, FORWARD, HAMILTON & SCRIPPS Mayor Lewis and Members of the City Council January 29, 1991 Page 6 and the City's Growth Management Program can be successfully implemented in a fair and equitable manner. {Very ruly yours, l,1.' 'b of na d $A Rouse u* ZL? Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps RWR:ar cc: William P. McCubbin (Carlsbad Research Center) Dean Greenberg (Carlsbad Airport Centre) Paul Tchang (Carlsbad Oaks East) Howard Cornel1 (Morgan Palomar I) Don Means (Huntington Beach Company) Doug Ford Ray Patchett, City Manager Jim Elliott, Finance Director Vincent F. Biondo, Jr., City Attorney C : WMSWWR .D I W9001288.W 0 w January 28, 1991 Aletha Le Rautenkranz City Clerk City of Carlsbad Carlsb ad , California City Cl'erk: This letter is our response to the proposed formation of the Community Facilities District. We own 3% acres located at 4679 El Camino Real. We wish to go on record as protesting this district formation for the following reasons: 1. Annual cost of approximately $4500 which is about 4% times the current property taxes paid on the property. Annual tax increases are permitted as deemed ne ces s ary . 2. The landowner faces the approval process when development occurs. Costs mag escalate beyond the TTaluP of property/units during the lengthy processing period. Also requirements for develop- ment may change at any time during processing. We have to face that under current conditions, costs may exceed value. We cannot afford Mello-Roos with such uncertain conditions. x* l/a;?.M.-- Since rely dwu-& Marvin Sippel Lucia Sippel ...b < w $$A <Y 0 The Buie Corporation '6925 '(VEST 8ERNAROO DRIVE, SUITE 200 SAN D'EGO CALiFORiL A 32127 1696 ifi19) 487 3050 1 January 24, 1991 4: c. , I! ./ VIA PERSONAL DELIVERY The Honorable Mayor Claude Lewis CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 and Council Members Re: COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 Dear Mayor Lewis and Council Members: This correspondence is presented to your Council for tl purpose of appraising you of The Buie Corporation's (llBuiell concern with the proposed Community Facilities District No. ( llDistrictll ) . Buie is the owner and developer of Carlsbad Highlands. Carlsbad Highlands has an approved tentative map and Zone Plan, however, development of the property will require construction of Cannon Road. Construction of Cannon Road ai appropriate sewer facilities is a significant expense which will require the participation of all the properties benefitted by such improvement in the formation of an assessment district by the city. Because the formation of the Cannon Road Assessment District may take many years to accomplish and Buie is precluded from proceeding with development until its formation we believe that it is unreasonable and unfair to subject the Buie property to the additional taxation of the Community Facilities District at this time. This inability to develop the Buie property, duc to a constraint unrelated to the proposed Community Facilities District, forces Buie to object to the payment of the annual tax currently recommended by City staff. Buie supports the proposed Community Facilities District, however, it is unreasonable and unfair to require properties which may not develop for an extended period of time, to support an annual special tax which is in addition to the other costs associated with carrying such undevelopec land. As your Council is aware, the financial market is 0 ,L w The Honorable Mayor Claude Lewis January 24, 1991 Page 2 of 2 .. significantly constrained and the lack of availability of funds may prevent some property owners, including Buie, frc meeting such an obligation. Buie has worked closely with City staff and your COUnC in the preparation and implementation of the Cityls Growth Management Plan. Buie's participation in City process has included numerous meetings concerning the proposed District In fact, on October 24, 1989, Buie went on record with City staff in supporting the concept of a city-wide Community Facilities District. At that time, Buie raised a number of concerns which we believe have been addressed in the currer proposal. However, the issue of lltiming of development" he not been adequately resolved and requires your Council to recognize that properties which are constrained from development should not be required to pay the special tax until such time as their development processing may proceed Representatives of Buie will be present at your hearing of January 29, 1991 to briefly address your Council and answer any questions you may have. Sincerely yours, Tzi.~& ROBERT F. BUIE President cc: Raymond R. Patchett, City Manager Vincent F. Biondi, , City Attorney +'James Elliott, Marty orenyak, Community Development Director Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director Charles R. Gill McDonald, Hecht & Solberg City Finance Director w e -, ' TheBuieCorporation 16935 WEST BERNARD0 DRIVE SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92127 1696 (619) 487 3050 January 28, 1991 Ms. Lee Rautenkranz City Clerk CITY OF CALRSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Ms. Rautenkranz: Attached is a letter to the Mayor and Council Members dated January 24, 1991 protesting the inclusion of the property referred to as Carlsbad Highlands (CT 82-12) in the Community Facilities District No. 1. Please ensure that these letters are read into the record and distributed to all council members at the noticed January 29, 1991 council meeting. Thank YOU for your assistance. Sincerely, &&&&5/kyqjj&$( WALLACE J. McCLOSKEY Project Manager WJM:mch Enclosure cc: Charles R. Gill - McDonald, Hecht & Solberg e % - The BuieCorporation .. I ~593s :JEST a~=hr~ao= ca L 5 SL-T 230 Six OEG0 CAL FCRhA 32'2' '696 15'9) 47 :S5Q * January 24, 1991 (-*; .* I "4 VIA PERSONAL DELIVERY The Honorable Mayor Claude Lewis CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 and Council Members Re: COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 Dear Mayor Lewis and Council Members: This correspondence is presented to you Council for purpose of appraising you of The Buie Corporation's ("Buie concern with the proposed Community Facilities District Nc ("Districtn). Buie is the owner and developer of Carlsbad Highland5 Carlsbad Highlands has an approved tentative map and Zone Plan, however, development of the property will require construction of Cannon Road. Construction of Cannon Road appropriate sewer facilities is a significant expense whic will require the participation of all the properties benefitted by such improvement in the formation of an assessment district by the City. Because the formation oJ the Cannon Road Assessment District may take many years tc accomplish and Buie is precluded from proceeding with development until its formation we believe that it is additional taxation of the community Facilities District t this time. This inability to develop the Buie property, ( to a constraint unrelated to the proposed Community Facilities District, forces Buie to object to the payment the annual tax currently recolamended by City staff. District, however, it is unreasonable and unfair to requii properties which may not develop for an extended period 0: time, to support an annual special tax which is in additic to the other costs associated with carrying such undevelo] land. As your Council is aware, the financial market is unreasonable and unfair to subject the Buie property to tl Buie supports the proposed Community Facilities v * m w .. r The Honorable Mayor Claude Lewis January 24, 1991 Page 2 of 2 significantly constrained and the lack of availability of funds may prevent some property owners, including Buie, fro] meeting such an obligation. Buie has worked closely with City staff and your Counc. in the preparation and implementation of the Cityfs Growth Management Plan. Buie's participation in City process has included numerous meetings concerning the proposed District In fact, on October 24, 1989, Buie went on record with City staff in supporting the concept of a city-wide Community Facilities District. At that time, Buie raised a number of concerns which we believe have been addressed in the curren proposal. However, the issue of "tinting of development" ha: not been adequately resolved and requires your Council to recognize that properties which are constrained from development should not be required to pay the special tax until such time as their development processing may proceed Representatives of Buie will be present at your hearing of January 29, 1991 to briefly address your Council and answer any questions you may have. Sincerely yours, -4-L ROBERT F. BUIE President cc: Raymond R. Patchett, City Manager Vincent F. Biondi, City Attorney James Elliott , City Finance Director Marty Orenyak , Community Development Director Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director Charles R. Gill McDonald, Hecht & Solberg - .J H IY - L -3 - '5 1 I CI E 1 72- z BUIE COEFOF 0;sj +* L-lIci-H 1% TRE BUI3 CORPORATION 10935 West Bernardo Drive Suite ZGO Ssn Diego, CA 92127 FAX $ (619) 485-7420 (619) 487-3050 FAX TWSMISSION DATE : I-ac/ -gi TG: LJf?e WmLrfim7, , COM?ENY: s j4-y C3-F car- l5b*d, PROM: REGAXJING: --- - TCTAZ # OF PACZS, INCLUDING TEIS PAGE: 5, If you cia not receive all of th not legible, p1ea.e notify irmediately at (6191 487-3050, ages,, *r if +,hey are - 7 w I.+ -d--.= -- -A I -- I n7A-r .s.uJ.c r,s-,~rl-,~-H I '. TheBuieCorporation IC-~Y~ t,rsi p: z-,;.qpj :Q ": SU TE 203 5PN DlGO CS tCf?k,*lX':'~G?t 1613) 487 3biS --I- c ___- - -- -- - .. ---- January 29, 1991 l3xPEBSONAE- Ms. Lee Rautenkranz City Clerk, city of CarLsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Community Facilities District No. 1: Protest CftlpCOUnCilhgendapfm29,= Dear Ms. Rautenkranz: The Buie Corporation, owner of CarLsbaCI Highlands (CT 82-12 has already filed a written pmtest regardfng the above proposal. This letter should also be enterea into the xecO of the hearing and distributed to the Mayor and Council as clarifies the Basis for Suie's earlier letters, All letter earlier letters for your reference, The bash of Buie's protest is that the annual charge will imposed on Carlsbad Highlands, even though the City is preventing Buie from develaplng the property, as long as no building permits are issued, The charge is thus imposed on properky that cannot and will not benefit from ft (and, in fact, is prevented from benefitting). This denies Buio the income it needs to pay any charge and gives the City an incentive to cont.fnue to prohibit development of the property, The charge is thus not imposed unJformly or on t district which will approve it, or equally on properties th are similarly-situated with regard to developmenk potential and facilities impact. The charge exceeds the amount neede ta mitigate impacts caused by Carlsbad Highlands and Bs unreasonable. Bwie still supports the establishment of the District, Sui does, however, object to the timing of the annual charge as ft relates to Buie's property* Thank you for ymr assistar; in entering this in the record. Sincerely, together fom BuWs protest, I have enclosed copies of th UWW* /~~ WALLACE 3, NcCLOSKEY Project Manager WSM : mch Enclosures .) w I..' .-I ~r-+-~7- 9 I I ut I ryi + PIJ i t ILI-IKI-I.-I+:~ i The BuieCcrrporation $6325 *"JEST Bi22AACC CRiV! SAN 31E60 CAL rCRb+ 8 92i27 :690 $u TE 200 (613) le7 3950 - c .I. c+ . C" I 2) January 28, 1991 Ns, Lee Rautenkranz city Clerk CITY OF CALRSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Hs. Rautenkranz: Attached is a Letter to the Mayor and C~uncil Eiombers dated January 24, 1991 protesting the inclusion of the property referred ta as Carlsbad Highlands (CT 82-12) in the Cornmunit Facilities District No. 1. Please ensure that these letters are read into the record an distributed to all council members at the noticed January 29 Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, 1991 council meeting. d&fM, WALLACS J. McCLOSKEY Project Manager WJM:mch Enclosure cc: Charles R. Gill - McDonald, Mecht & Solberg -- .I ,. P w bl JAH--29--91 TUE 17F15 BL~IE ~1~~~~~Rfi-,- c The BuieCclrporation (La Y€ !CU '6'135 r'm: ai;wmo CR ve 49 Lar WSQ 51.h QEOQ CA: FCRXli S,'73: 9638 I' January 24, 1991 'i t-. b -. # VIA PERSONAL DELIVERY The Eonorable Mayor Claude Lewis CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 and Council Members Re: CO?MU?SITY FACILITIES DXS1CRZCI! NO. 1 Rear Mayylar Lewis and Council Members: This correspondence fs presented ts yaur Council frsr tl purpase of appraising you of The Bule corporation's Et1Bufet1: concern with the praposed Cornunity Facilities District: No, (flDi&riCt") Buie is the owner and develcper of Carlsbad Xighlands. Carlsbadl Highlands has an approved t~~t~iti~e map and Zone Plan, EI+QweVer, development of tihe prsperty will requfre constructfan ~f Cannon Road. Construction UP Cannon Road ai appropriate sewer facilities is a slgnificank expense which will require the participation of a31 the properkies benefitted by such improvement in the fomatforr of an assessment district by the City. Because the formation of khe Cannon Road Assessment bistrfct may take many years to accomplish and Buie is precluded from proceeding with development until its formatian w8 believe that it is unreasonable and unfair to subject the Buie prcperty to the additional. taxation af the Cornunity Facilities District at this time. This inability to develop the Buie prcperty, du to a constraint unrelated to the prspased Community Facilities District, forces 3uie to object to the payment c thg annual, tax currently recamended by City staff. Buie supports the proposed Community Facilitierj District, however, it is unreasonable and unfair to requfra properties which may not develop for an extended period of time, to support an annual special tax uhich is in additior to the okher costs asscciated with carrying such undevelopc land. A5 your Ccancil is aware, the financial market is e- --' n'y-Ly-y 1 TUE 17- 6 EU 1 E C ,~~&:P~~:~~-+T *r 'c % rnb& -* k:&Gakk Mayar siaude LewL January 24, 1991 Page 2 of 2 significantly constrained and the lack crf availability of €unds may prevmt some property Owners, including BUie, fro1 meetinq such an obligation, Buie has worked clasely with City staff and your Counc: in the preparation and implementation af the City's GrFWth Managsrnent Rlan, Buie's participation in City process has Oncludeci ntlnerous meetings concerning the propased District< In fact, cn October 24, 1989, Buie went an record with City staff in supparting the concept of a city-wide Camunity Facilities District. At that the, Buie rahxi a number af concerns which we believe have been addressed in tho currcnl proposal, However, the issue of YAmhg of development* hac not been adequately resolved and requires your Cauncil to recagnize that properties which are constrained from development should not be required to pay the s>zEE~?'z:. tax until. such time as their development processing Z*-J proceed, Representatives of Bufa will be present at yo~r ?&ring 00 January 23, 1991, to briefly address your Council and answer any questions you may have. Sincerely y~urs, -L?z-& P7-L ROBERT F. BUIE President cc; Raptcarad R, Fatzhett, City Manager Vfncent F, Biondf, City Attorney James Elliott, City Finance Director Marty Orenyak, Community beveloprnent Director Lloyd B* HUbbS, City Engineer Michael Molzmiller, Planning Director Charles R. Gill McDonald, Hecht C Solbcrg 0 ?r The BuieCorporation 16935 WEST BERNARD0 DRIVE SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92127 1696 (619) 487 3050 January 29, 1991 - BY PERSONAL DELIVERY Ms. Lee Rautenkranz City Clerk, City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Community Facilities District No. 1: Protest City Council Acrenda of January 29, 1991 Dear Ms. Rautenkranz: The Buie Corporation, owner of Carlsbad Highlands (CT 82-12), has already filed a written protest regarding the above proposal. This letter should also be entered into the record of the hearing and distributed to the Mayor and Council as it together form Buie's protest. I have enclosed copies of the earlier letters for your reference. The basis of Buie's protest is that the annual charge will be imposed on Carlsbad Highlands, even though the City is preventing Buie from developing the property, as long as no building permits are issued. The charge is thus imposed on a property that cannot and will not benefit from it (and, in fact, is prevented from benefitting). This denies Buie the income it needs to pay any charge and gives the City an incentive to continue to prohibit development of the property. The charge is thus not imposed uniformly or on the district which will approve it, or equally on properties that are similarly-situated with regard to development potential and facilities impact. The charge exceeds the amount needed to mitigate impacts caused by Carlsbad Highlands and is unreasonable. Buie still supports the establishment of the District. Buie does, however, object to the timing of the annual charge as it relates to Buie's property. Thank you for your assistance in entering this in the record. Sincerely, clarifies the basis for Buie's earlier letters. All letters kihmCW lqcft WALLACE J. McCLOSKEY Project Manager WJM : mch Enclosures e w 0 */p&y=-se% fL // b&eL&/?y /* 0 s v e c '&k v &I. c TERRELL WATT, AICP PLANNING CONSULTANT 1767 UNION STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94128 1416) 6634643 FAX (415) 663.8701 Ah1 RE - January 28, 1991 BY FacSLi?J&& City of Carlsbad Office of the City Clerk 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 *. Mayor Lewis and Members of the Carlsbad City C0UnCil RE: Proposed Establishment of a Community Facilith District Dear Mayor Lewis and Members of the City Council: This letter is submitted on behalf of Project Future, a organization committed to the preservation of the specia qualities of Carlsbad. The purpose of this letter is to reiterat the reasons why Project Future opposes the establishment of Community Facilities District at this time, In submitting thi letter, we incorporate by reference our prior letters on th proposed Community Facilities District including but not limit€! 1990 and August 8, 1990. Summarized briefly below are the major reasons for Projec Future's opposition to the formation of the Community Facilitie District: The proposed project is likely to result in significant adverse impacts including but not limited to th inducement of substantial growth, extension of publi infrastructure with capacity to serve major ne development, the conversion of open space t development, degradation of air and water qualit associated with major new development and additions traffic associated with new development. These an other impacts of the project must be addressed in a Environmental Impact Report. The negative declaratia prepared forthe project is insufficient and inadequate 2. The proposed project is inadequately described Proposed facilities to be paid for by the District ar only generally described. A complete description of a1 facilities and their respective capacities must k identified in the proposal. Absent full disclosure c the nature of the facilities to be completed, the publi is uniformed about the true effects of the proposal. to our letters to the City dated December 11, 1989, January 20 1. 3. The general plan for the City is currently being 4 7 0 . ~ayox Lewis ana Members of the council January 28, 1991 Page 2 updated. Yet, in the absence of the updated plan, thc City is going forward with a proposal to raise funds tt build infrastructure to serve the ultimate buildout ol the City; a buildout which absent the general plai update cannot be known1 The proposed formation of E Community Services District should await the completior of the general plan update. 4. Absent the completion of a legally adequate genera; plan, the proposed Community Facilities District cannol be found conshtsnt with the City's general plan. I: addition, Project Future is concerned that thr establishment of the District will effectively 11vmtl large scale development before the desirability of sucf development can be reviewed as part of the general plai update. This issue should be clarffied by the City Attorney and the resolutions approving the formation of the District rshould reflect the fact that development rights are not locked in with payment into the District, if true. For these and the reason6 stated in our earlier submittals, Project Future requests that the City postpone the establishment of the Community Facilities District until an EIR is prepared and a legally adequate general plan is adopted. Very truly yours, Terry %ze -_ ~ .t 7 0 b TERREZL WATT, AlCP PLANNING CONSULTA"I' 1767 UNION STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 9412Q - (416) 663-0649 FAX {416l 563-8701 DATE NUMBER OF PAGES (including cover) 3 TIME 6: 00 TELECOPIED TO: v (?Ah, (!AWL&. &bA FAX NUMBER: %A -SYi,I OUR FAX NUMBER IS 415-563-8701 If there any problems with this transmission call: 415-563-0543 MESSAGES : w 2076 Sheridan Road Leucadia, CA 92024 January 29, 1991 The Honorable Buddy Lewis Mayor of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Mayor Lewis: Thank you for this opportunity to comment. Since this is also my first time to in front of city counci since the recent election, I would like to congratulate you an1 Councilwomen Nygard and Stanton for winning your elections. Yo] have been chosen to lead this city in the way the citizens havl mandated; that is, by managing growth. That is why this hearing on Mello-Roos is of such great importanl: Remember, Mello-Roos is nothing more than a way for developers tc use the credit of the city to borrow money to fund the infrastructure mandated by the Growth Management Plan so that they can continue to build houses. The Mello-Roos tax district is a development facilitating growth inducement. If passed, the proposal before you will end your control ovei Growth Management and will lock in an outdated General Plan written even before some areas of the city were annexed. In a13 instances, the densities that are calculated for undeveloped areas and upon which these areas will be taxed have not beer subject to General Plan review through public hearings since 1974, even though state law requires a General Plan review everj five years. The General Plan has never been subject to an Environmental possesses rare natural resources of regional and international significance: wetlands, endangered species, threatened plants and wildlife. In fact, the status of the gnatcatcher, right now, threatens future development all over San Diego County and particularly in Carlsbad and other coastal regions. Another threat to development and thus to the Mello-Roos taxation plan is the decline in real estate values. In Orange County, the William Lyon Company recently tore up a development they had already started to build, and went back to ask for increased density. They could not make a profit on the approved densi- ties. How dense will their Carlsbad development have to be in order for them to make a profit after paying Mello-Roos taxes. What about other developers? Impact Report/Statement e Yet, the City of Carlsbad proudly 0 w * In good times, when real estate moves fast and values arc inflating, debts are easy to pay and Mello-Roos looks viable. I> times like these with values deflating, banks collapsing developers going belly-up, builders forced to sell ne1 construction at auction, unemployment rising and our nacion a war, I believe this council should realistically examine a worsi case scenario. How much debt does the city feel ready to taki on? And for how long? Planning a development and gaining city approval is a tim consuming process and many pitfalls lie in wait. The decline i real estate prices may last long enough to cause developers t walk away from their debts. If so, the city and citizens o Carlsbad are liable for the Mello-Roos debt burden. If the landowner can't pay Mello-Roos taxes and the cit con$fJcates the property, what guarantee do you have that th property is sellable for the amounts owed against it? So far, i has been S & Ls and Banks that are stuck with over-value property. It could be Carlsbad. And what is the scenario for the small landowner in Carlsbad wh planed to build his dream home on that empty piece some day, o wait to sell it for retirement income, or even more likely already retired, he's keeping it as his "ace-in-the-hole"? If i is zoned for high residential densities, his taxes will increas to $2900 per acre per year. After five years, he has droppe $15,000 into that property without having improved it one whit How much longer will it remain undeveloped? How much longer ca he afford to hold it? Not long. Nor can any landownder in undeveloped Carlsbad. Time is of tl- essence in real estate. No developer will sit on a piece c property while taxes increase to eat his profits. Mello-Roc thus threatens to speed development, not only by using the city' credit to back the developer's loan, but by pressuring tt developer to get out from under his Mello-Roos payments befo: they begin to bury him, to build and sell as fast as he can ai pass that tax burden on to his customers. Is this your idea of a proper way to manage growth? Have you seriously and personally considered these dangeroi aspects to the Mello-Roos plan of aiding development by allowii developers to use the city's credit? Mello-Roos is a gia step. Once you have formed this district and begun to sell bond, you have given up your control over growth. I ask you to postpone this decision until after the pendi public review of the General Plan and a comprehensive EIR/EIS. n 5 w 0 PHONE CALLS AGAINST MELLO-ROOS JANUARY 29,1991 Michael and Helen Kapnas 3273 Avenida Anacapa Carlsbad, CA 943-1 262 Renata 6. Mulry 2350 Rising Glenn Way Carlsbad, CA Anna Caples 31 17 Vista Rica Carlsbad, CA 92009 436-6177 No more growth with water shortage Robert and Helene Panell 2954 Cape Cod Circle NO more growth with water situation Carlsbad, CA 434-3656 Mo Kimble 1623 James Drive Carlsbad, CA 729-8578 O.B. Adarns 7043 Alicante Rd. Carlsbad, CA 438-231 4 0 ,' w PILLSBUIWY MADISON li? SUTRO 101 W BROADWAY !-OS ANGE WASHING ORANGE C SAN FRANCISCO SAN JOSE SUITE 1800 WALNUTCREEK SAN DIEGO, CA 92101-8201 SACRAMENTO TEL (619) 2345000 FAX (619) 236-8083 <-. -- 7 -. ,.m.$ < -4 _. -I -- ~ January 29, 1991 <- VIA TELECOPIER L 7- -- . ~ "*.X -3 Ms. Aletha Rautenkranz City Clerk City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Re: Community Facilities District No. 1 Dear Ms. Rautenkranz: Enclosed please find a copy of a letter sent to and rec by the City of Carlsbad on January 28, 1991. The statement the parcels would vote trNOrr to the formation of the Communit Facilities District No. 1 is a protest of the formation of t Community Facilities District No. 1 on the current basis. /25$-ug7rsf - Paul R. Wassenaar Of Counsel PILLSBURY MADISON & SUTRO PRW/eam FIELSBURY MADISON Q §UTRO LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO SAN JOSE SUITE 1800 WASHINGTON, DC ORANGE COUNTY WALNUTCREEK SAN DIEGO.CA92101-8201 SACRAMENTO TEL (619) 234-5000 FAX (619) 236-8083 101 W BROADWAY January 28, 1991 VIA TELECOPIER Mr. Don Rideout City of Carlsbad Sr. Hanageirient Azalyst Growth Management Division 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92009 Re: Communitv Facilities District No. 1 Dear Mr. Rideout: I have been directed by the Kel-Cal partnership, the Kelly Family Carlsbad Partnership, the Kelly Family Trust, Mr. 61 Mrs. Allan 0. Kelly and the Kelly family relatives, as the owners of the following parcels, that the parcels would vote @@NO1@ on the formation of the proposed Community Facilities District No. 1 for capital facilities. The owners are compelled to vote rlNO1@ because of their uncertainty over development status of the parcles, the cost of the facilities and their concern over having a source of payment for the taxes associated with these parcles. The parcels include: 433 Acres comprising the Kelly Ranch owned by Kel-Cal partnership and the Kelly Family Carlsbad Partnership: Parcel Numbers : 207 101-12 207 101-15 208 020-28 208 020-30 208 020-33 w , m w Mr. Don Rideout Page Two January 28, 1991 246 Acres owned by the Kelly Family Trust: Parcel Numbers : 168 050-03 168 050-26 168 050-06 168 050-07 168 050-25 109 Acres owned by the Kelly Family Trust and Brian and Gar Robertson: Parcel Number: 168 050-01 For further discussion and information concerning the foregoing please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, Paul R. Wassenaar Of Counsel PILLSBURY MADISON & SUTRO PRW/earn cc: Stephen Bieri Brian Robertson Gary Robertson @ 0 c -7. E. 942a=-czd -, z - -- __ - G!& e -K-63_oc.t - - - - ck&-m?Qa - - - - c3.7; - -- __ - &?M - __ __ __ __ &-'W -- .- --- I __ - - - - - - - -- - - -_ - - - -_ -- - - n 1 ek(+A L -K+-peai<a-z- _. - - -__ -. - ____ __ - &?s&w C(.~.Cfe% - - __ - _. - - - ~--- - _- - - - - - - -- - _.__ _____ ___ __- - - --- - /Urnu.o&U~q wrY!% /4rwu' c?!&dS - W-p d<- ~ &l* Q&y _7Jiw - zl5 b kcz 7-9 - 7& *KT_ ??e .---- "Bse .r - ___ - &U4LJ-'Q/J ozf -LiQ-Qlu.ry 4-CIL/T(PJ &ST +?/a - __ _-_ - - _- - - - - -- - - _.- - - II TBe-LeGL- Cd3CfWQ:d G &/r/ &d ydd -,&dUY--nh - - m - y- /L ~OBLI&9 vio~LLc/lm4/A/- fk7fiXW 2?pz.4-- B0d4JQ-447Sc - - 2, IF- #k? A@fl@-AQg pem- &Y7zU&J-w*s--- La /A PeFLq /9/[-7& y&K /22-)0-- Ukdd -/a&&- -72 /? yZ5 @fW- 7T /J &he- 722 -z&- &-dd&- A+?+ T&fl*e /s-ff -'7"&cc. w--E J-.&idLO /5 @* ) -- -- -- _- - - - - __ -- -- - -J@!!F?W fo v_s E.__ &4/ --z4&-p&.&x&L,-- - - -- ____ - ___ - - - - -. - ___ - - 3.P- __ - - &Y4% - ___.____-- ~mt*C,+e~ - - &--&+uL.twa - p( 6 dcw-+$f f472-CL WJ - JJP?% e- @c T@&S- A.4 h- 3Q;, /!??---Ea /M*~G~W~e-/e/@--e po&Y(@/L4q& & c&- $-?&A,- - 1-f &-- ad&-& --THA*-o-6 -. _- - __- - - - -- --&6?& - _- __ - - _- ---w 0 .I .L c-& ./ ; w4-.=.-% (2,:: .- L 1- 2359 Pi0 Pic0 Dri Carlsbad, CA 920 , January 2419 The Honorable Ann Kulchin Council, City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue ~ Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mrs. Kulchin: Again, may I request your attention to my opposition to the Mello-Roos Community Facilii Dis t r kt. A small landowner, I have owned and have paid taxes on the same 1.27 acres in Zone 1 40 years. Now retired, this acreage is possibly my final financial recourse in the more-than-lil event of disastrous medical expenses as I grow older. Should you approve Mello-Roos Districts the entire city, your actions will jeopardize my old-age security and savings. Mr. Orenyak, Commu Development Director, in a letter to me dated July 1990, stated the Mello-Roos was unreason: for small landowners. I am increasingly concerned: - Articles written by local newspaper writers expressed that the City intends to inch - Control by large landowners over small landowners (one vote, each acre) - Unnecessary projects allocated in Mello-Roos Districts for equipment, supplies, a employee expansionism and raises because of money available in a "pot" - Uncontrolled future city spending without on-going voter and residents approval In a time when the economy is depressed, war is present, banks are in trouble, resident not need uncontrolled expenditures, Le., a tax-supported golf course, revamping Ocean and Carl Boulevards, and similar unessential projects. Two golf courses are already operative, one additi one (Aviara) is being built. Additional golf courses should be encouraged to be financed by pn enterprise with the golfers paying for services. City golf courses are always financial losers. Service uses all such tax-supported enterprises as a windfall, for additional personnel, added I and benefits, and overtime excuses. the entire city, sooner or later, in the Mello-Roos districts Without being totally negative, I must commend the City for at least two excellent pro. an outstanding downtown library staff and facility; and the walkway and beach along Car Boulevard used by so many youth, surfers, seniors, visitors, and working residents. Hundreds (n thousands) of people use both facilities daily. Background July-August, 1990. I directed a letter of opposition to City Council members on July 13 (copy enclosed). My elected representatives did not answer but turned my letter over to h W 0 L' Mrs. Ann Kulchin January 21, 1991 Orenyak, Community Development Director of the City, to respond, which he did on July 27, 199 Mr. Orenyak stated specifically that Zone 1 in which I live was not proposed as a part of the distri and that no notification of landowners in Zone 1 was required. In addition to stating my oppositic to Mello-Roos Districts, I stated that I have not received notice of any hearing. From his letter quote: .* Landowners with property in Zone 1, such as yourself [Mrs. Dresselhaus], were not directly notified of the Mello-Roos program, because Zone 1, as an infill area, would be exempt from participating in the district. Instead, the City will system. Additionally, the City believes it would be unreasonable to require very small landowners to participate in such a complex financing program. conhizue fo require Zone I landowners fo make paymenr via the Pay-As-You=Go In an article in the San Diego Union, July 11 (P B-4), its writer stated: According to [Jim] Elliott, Carlsbad proposed Mello-Roos program differs from others, which normally involve only a few property owners. Carlsbad's district could involve several hundred. According to Doug Desjardins, a staff writer in the Carlsbad Journal, July 12, 1990: Approximately 185 landowners would be involved in the voting . . . . on a one-acre-per-vote basis. December 1990. Again on December 13, 1990 in the Carlsbad Journal, a statement wril by Mr. Desjardins negates Mr. Orenyak's statement above: The City Council Tuesday voted 5-0 to approve in concept the formation of a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District for the entire city. . . . Landowners have one vote for every acre of land they own. . . A Mello-Roos would assess an annual tax to the owners of undeveloped land and one-time assessment when the land is developed. Points as a means of skirting around the mandate of Proposition 13. Carlsbad is 0 I strongly object to the use of Mello-Roos as a means of taxation and overly ambitious in accelerating taxes for future projects, not necessarily approved by the residents. 0 The Mello-Roos was originally slated to help collect from those who would benefit from the development (developers and residents). The Carlsbad City apparently intends to penalize all acreage owners; and, at that, provide the large landowner (or developer) with intense power over the small landowner--one vote per acre. , w 0 I. Mrs. Ann Kulchin January 21, 1991 e Mr. Orenyak, City of Carlsbad, clearly stated in his letter to me that the City believes it would be unreasonable to require very small landowners to participate in such a complex financing prdgram. Mellq Districts for the entire City? An annual tax for every acre? Looking at your published rate chart, it appears to me in the complex rates, the estimated City annual additional tax (beyond what is already taxed by the City and County) on my property would be $300-$400, plus $4,000 for a one- time permit to improve my old house? That is unconscionable. I have paid for 40 years for the improvements I enjoy. Let new owners do the same. e e A Mello-Roos would assess an annual tax to owners of undeveloped land, fencing in the small land holder to help finance the developers. 0 I strongly object to any Council action that would penalize old-time residents and force Carlsbad senior citizens to finance the residences of younger people with a future life to live. We, who helped to build and finance this city, Carlsbad City residents, who still hold small acreages should not be taxed to provide services to new Carlsbad developments. e There appears to me to be a ego-motivated element involved. Some city employees must wish to receive personal accolades for developing outstanding, delightful overdeveloping projects while depleting taxpayers' estates: i.e., extending city operations almost in to San Marcos; developing the Carlsbad BeacWCarlsbad Boulevard into a park replete with "art works." At a time when a national push has been extended to provide young people with laudable activities, the Carlsbad City Council votes to remove one such outstanding young people's meeting place. The Carlsbad and Ocean BouIevards project removes one such socializing place, which is a natural, healthy habitat for surfing. My husband or I am at this location nearly every day. The young people congregated there are courteous and pleasant as they prepare their surfboards-not rowdy. Shame on you for placing this obstacle for socialization. There is no place for young people to get together, to talk to one another, to do what teenagers have done since you and I and children of Socrates' age were young--and I enjoyed these area beaches as a teenager myself. Now few, if any, places are left in Carlsbad, without the teenagers being hassled. Take a drive around yourself. Where can the young people go after school hours? Your emphasis is morally wrong. More attention should be given to providing controllable places for these young people to congregate. 0 -. q- Mrs. Ann Kulchin January 21, 1991 On December 27, I wrote to Joel Fox, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Associati for clarification and assistance. January 4, 1991. The City's Notice of Public Hearing on Intention to Form Commun It. . . Any protest may be made orally or in writing. . .All written protests shall be filed with the C Clerk of the legislative body on or before the time fued for the Public Hearing." Facilities District and Authorize Special Tax was published in the Curlabad Journal, January 4,P Therefore, I am submitting this written protest against any form of Mello-Roos being initia by the City of Carlsbad because of the added taxation and potential abuse of tax monies and financial interest it would carry. January 9,1991. I received a reply from Joel Fox, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpaj Association. A copy is enclosed and excerpts are: When Mello-Roos Community Facilities Districts became legal in 1983, they were intended as a way to collect from those who would benefit from development--builders and the new residents-the related costs for infrastructure improvements that would otherwise be borne by the entire community [which is what your proposed Mello-Roos district would saddle us with]. Any type of tax can be imposed in a Mello-Roos district as long as the tax burden can be evaluated at the time of voter approval and it is not levied against property values. Unfortunately, the flexibility that was initially seen by many as a virtue of Mello-Roos, has allowed it to be twisted and abused. It can be designed so that it closely mimics property taxes, and in these cases, I would agree that Mello-Roos has been used as another one of the legal techniques to get around Proposition 13. Conclusion I strongly object to the City Council's approval of or initiation of any Mello Roos Dist within the bounds of the City of Carlsbad. I urge the community to stop this matter before the Council acts upon this abuse. I ask you as a responsible Council member to withdraw your support of Mello-Roos Distr I ask you also to be responsive to the long-time residents who were founders of this City withdraw your support for Mello-Roos Districts. The proposal as presented is too complex, wit adequate controls--simply bad legislation. The methods of collecting taxes and disbursing money with Mello-Roos Districts are too 1( too general, to ever be fairly accounted for by civil servants. There is no provision for reservc be held back for the last parcel to be developed. To do so, would call for a sinking fur perpetuity to be established. . . w 0 2359 Pi0 Pic0 DI Carlsbad, CA 921 c+\ July 13, 1 The Honorable Eric Larson Council, City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Larson: OPPOSITION TO SPECIAL TAX ON UNDEVELOPED LAND I am strongly opposed to the City Council approval of and the City of Carlsbad assessir yearly fees to property owners even before the land is developed. (1) Owners of homes in years to come should bear their own share of the cost of cit expect us to provide for future services to an unyet maximization of housing peo in the City of Carlsbad for which developments there will, apparently, not be a source of water. Those of us who have been landowners in the past have borne our own share of increased city service costs, particularly those of us in Carlsbad City proper. The growth has been south and extended inland through LaCosta. Perhaps the costs should be borne by the users (62,000-square-foot library in La Costa, $23 million toward city hall improvements in LaCosta, $30 million on interchanges at La Coc Avenue, Poinsettia Lane, and Palomar Airport.) Putting City buildings, in the guise of centralizing City operations, relocates operations and costly expenditures to the newly developed areas south and inlan Carlsbad Proper, the old city, and its citizens, including me, are aghast that you 1 moved. The reference library should remain in the location that city fathers designated. This taxation would be contrary to the provisions under Proposition 13. Your transgression would certainly call for we supporters of the Gann-Jarvis Propositi to resort to expensive law suits and unnecessary fattening of greedy attorneys. No notice of a Council hearing was provided to me, a 1.3- acre landowner. All landowners should be notified by mail in ample time for an official Council hear on this proposed 10,261-acre "Mello-Roos" community facilities district. We vigorously oppose this facilities district. The Carlsbad Journal (July 12) indicated that 7 landowners attended a Council hearing about this taxation. Then only 7 out of the 185 landowners (according Blade-Citizen, July 11) were aware of this hearing. services, whether when purchased or developed. It is unfair and unreasonable tc (2) (3) 0 . w 0 City Council Page 2 July 13, 1990 (4) One vote per one acre of land would be grossly unfair to the small landowner. Large landowners would control the vote. This vote in my mind is contrary to the ConstitSon of this country, to provide equal opportunity for all. If the City wishes to expand to a buildout population of 135,000 (Carlsbad Journa from its present population of 62,000 (Blade-Citizen), make it easier for any of us small landowners, who do not have the resources nor expertise, to subdivide our own land. During the past few decades, my property has been down zoned and placed in a c category of Zone 1--with a density of 3 units per acre, without proper notification me. In earlier years, 6 units were acceptable. City planner concepts are disastrol to us long-time landowners. Personally, I would like to divide my land and keep a lot for myself. The task of implementing a lot split through City Planning and combatting their obsessive decrei of densities and taking months or years is Overwhelming for me, a senior citizen. TI Planners have effectively stunted us small owners while allowing overwhelming numbers of new houses by large developers--Not Fair! Perhaps, City Council can appoint one member to assist us small people. And perhaps have a volunteer community assistance committee (not a civil service position) for the small landowner. Even more important, the elected Council persons should be judiciously reviewin< and controlling City expenditures and ventures. An example: construction by in- house employees who we taxpayers continue to pay even after retirement. Use licensed contractors instead. Rather than giving a free rein to City officials to use funds at will, each City department should be expected to reduce staff and services that are redundant aT wasteful. Only after an exhaustive study should additional City services be expan or initiated. For instance, why should the City Parks and Recreation, the Adult Education an ROP programs of the Carlsbad school district, and MiraCosta College Communi1 Services offer many of the same programs? Wasteful! (5) (6) Sincerely, Mrs. Patricia A. Dresselhaus t a 0 *. *’ Mrs. Ann Kulchin January 21, 1991 With all due respect, do not pass this letter off to a pro Mello-Roos civil servant subordin; to answer. I am addressing you, in person, as my representative, and I am entitled to your perso, attention. SincereIy, &tLCi-L& ------T- 7f pi%& Mrs. Patricia k Dresselhaus Enclosures: Copy of my letter to City Council members Copy of Mr. Martin Orenyak’s letter, City of Carlsbad Copy of Mr. Joel Fox’s letter, Howard Jamis Taxpayers Association * 9 \* e 0. . - Cit July 27,7990 * Mrs. Patricia Dresselhaus 2359 Pi0 Pic0 Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Opposition fo special 7" O~I UndeVelaped Land Dear Mrs Dresselhaus: In response to your letter dated July 13, 1990, to Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, please alh me to clariq the City's position with regard to specific issues you raised concerning I Being a resident of the City of Carlsbad for a number of years, you are probable aw of the City's growth initiative (Proposition E) which was passed by a majority of voter: 1986. The initiative successfully set standards allowing new development to progrc only when it can be proved that the City's roads, schools, fire facilities, libraries, sew( City buildings, etc ... can handle resulting demands (see Exhibit 1). The intent of Mello-Roos Community Facilities District is to provide a financing mechanism which guarantee construction of these demand driven facilities prior to, or concurrent H need. The City historically has relied on a Pay-AS-You-Go system of facility financing. Ur this system, various development fees (Public Facilities Fees, Traffic lmpact Fees, Bri and Thoroughfare Fees, etc ...) are collected at the time a building permit is issi Unfortunately this type of system provides financing for design and constructior infrastructure improvements, only when significant amounts of money have b collected, not necessarily when new users are present. Hence, the need development of an additional financing method. Since new development is typically created from currently undeveloped land, the C position has been, to place the burden of paying for new facilities with those clt responsible for the increased need. Landowners with property in Zone 7, sucl yourself, were not directly notified of the Mello-Roos program, because Zone 7, a infill area, would be exempt from participating in the district. Instead the City continue to require Zone 1 landowners to make payment via the Pay-As-You Go sys Additionally, the City believes it would be unreasonable to require very small lando\n to participate in such a complex financing program. proposed Community Facilities District (Mello-Roos). 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 (619) 438 t * c e e In your letter, you cite the Jarvis-Gann initiative. Under the provisions of ti constitutional initiative, a local government may impose a special tax provided the l measures passes by a 213 vote of the eligible electorate. In this case, the eligil electorate is considered to be the registered voters in the proposed Community Facilitl District. Since Zone 7 is not proposed as a part of the district, no notification landowners in Zone I was required. All tax rates imposed on the affected landownc are based not on the value of the land, but the number of acres or square foot; (commerciallinduskiaI) they own. Because of the tax structure design, voting made a one vote per acre basis is believed to be the most consistent and tair methoa obtaining approval or rejection of the district. I am hopeful this infomatian will alleviate any concerns you have pertaining to proposed Community Facilities District and your exemption from participating. If 1 have additional questions or concerns pertaining to this issue, please feel free to coni my assistant, Cynthia Haas, at 438-1 161. Sincerely, %e. Martin renya Community Development Director M0:CU Attachment c. City Council City Manager P a W 0 V HOWARD ]ARMS Founder (19051986) ESTELLE JARVIS. Honorary Chairman JOEL FOX, President ?REVOR GRIMM, General Counsel HOWARD JARVIS A TAXPAERS m( ASSOCIATION 44 January 9, ,1991 ky VL'~ Mrs. Patricia A. Dresselhaus 2359 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Dear Mrs. Dresselhaus: Thank you for your contributions to support the work of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and for your letter describing efforts to create a Mello-Roos District in the city of Carlsbad. When Mello-Roos Community Facilities Districts became legal in 1983, they were intended as a way to collect from those who would benefit from development -- builders and the new residents -- the related costs for infrastructure improvements that would otherwise be borne by the entire community. district as long as the tax burden can be evaluated at the time of voter approval and it is not levied against property values. Unfortunately, the flexibility that was initially seen by many as a virtue of Mello-Roos, has allowed it to be twisted and abused. It can be designed so that it closely mimics property taxes and, in these cases, I would agree that Mello-Roos has been used as another one of the legal techniques to get around Proposition 13. Any type of tax can be imposed in a Mello-Roos We have been studying fees and assessments with the idea of possibly fielding an initiative to curtail the 13. This is a decision we will have to make over the coming year. However, like them or not, at this time, Mello-Roos districts continue to be legal. abusive practices that violate the spirit of Proposition You are doing the right thing to express your opposition to the proposed Mello-Roos district to local elected officials now. You are obviously better off if community opposition prevents the matter from going to a vote of property owners, where you correctly state, large property owners will have more votes. councilmembers persist, the one advantage that rests If HEADQUARTERS: 621 South Weshoreland Avenue, Suite 202, Los Angeles, CA 900053971 (213) 384-%56, Fax. (213) 3 STATE CAPITOL OFFICE: 1225 Eighth Street, Suite 330, Sacramento, CA 9581 4 (916) 447-3353 0 e 4 9" t' Mrs. Dresselhaus Page 2 c with the opposing property owners is that approval of a special district does require a two-thirds vote, just as approval of a special tax requires a two-thirds vote under Proposition 13. Although you may be a small property owner, certainly if the district is to include the entire city, as one of the clippings you sent indicates, there must be many other property owners who feel as you do. The burden is still on the proponents to get a two-thirds approval, which is difficult to do against determined opposition. Thank you again for your support for your Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. z7y President ~. ,* ..~' 'Ilrr .. .__~_-__, . .., .__._~.._..^.II__ ____~ _-_._. __-_-_ ..___-..__--___-... __ ~- -~.- .'~ -- -.__.--= ,_1_-__-- ~'~ '.'-~:~: ~.-~~. i_I. ~~ .. . TJ3E RIGHT TO VOTl share of citywide public facilities. . -