HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-01-29; City Council; 11012; SUPPORT FOR FEDERAL FINANCIAL PARTICIPATION IN THE FULL GRADE SEPARATION OF THE LOS ANGELES-SAN DIEGO - LOSSAN CORRIDOR!- nUCN W DILL wwur bnnLamnv - FINANCIAL PARTICIPATION IN FULL GRADE SEPARATION OF THE Discussion to support full grade separation of rail-highway and rail-rail crossings the Los Angeles-San Diego (LOSSAN CORRIDOR). ITEM EXPLANATION Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin placed this item on the Council Agenda to discuss tl significant Federal funding for which we would be eligible. The United Stat Department of Transportation has begun drafting legislation for Federal transportatic programs. Rail corridor demonstration projects could receive up to one billion dolk in Federal funding over 4 years to construct grade separations of all road and ri crossings in designated corridors. The proposed funding split between the Federal ai local agencies is 75% Federal and 25% local. 1. 2. Memo to City Manager from Mayor Pro Tem, dated January 16, 1991. Memo to North San Diego County Transit Board Members from Executi Director dated January 10, 1991. 1 4 a e January 16, 1991 TO : CITY MANAGER FROM : Mayor Pro Tem Ann Kulchin I would like the attached placed on the Council agenda as soon as possible, because it is so important due to Federal funding that we would be eligible for. Thank you. ANN J. KULCHIN Mayor Pro Tern Attachment w W -2- The Association of American Railroads is developing an alternative proposa for the continuation of the existing Sec. 130 program. This program provide! for a federal-local match of 90%-10%. The Board would benefit from thii program as well, but to a significantly lesser extent, as the funding in thii proposal is divided between all the states, not concentrated in a few cor, ridors. w e RESOLUTION NO. 91-03 RESOLUTION OF THE NORT~TSAN oum-cmvT Y TRANS IT DEVELOPMENT SOARO SUPPORTING FULL GRADE SEPARATION OF RAIL-HIGHWAY AND RAIL-RAIL CROSSINGS IN THE LOS ANGELES-SAN DIEGO (LOSSAN) RAIL CORRIDOR AND PURSUIT OF FEDERAL FINANCIAL PARTICIPATION IN THIS EFFORT. WHEREAS the Los Angeles-San Diego Corridor, serving a region with ove senger rail corridor in the nation, with over 100% of its operating costs paicl passenger fares; and WHEREAS increases in the frequency of intercity train service, in COF bination with initiation of new commuter rails services throughout Southern a California and the continuation of freight service will more than double the c rent number of t.rains operating in the Corridor; and WHEREAS the North San Diego County Transit Development Board was crea by the State to develop a high frequency, reliable and cost-effective passengc service, meeting the needs for moving people in North County; and WHEREAS the full grade-separation of rai 1-highway and rai 1-rai 1 cros: ings in the LOSSAN Corridor is an integral component in the provision of high frequency, reliable passenger rail service in a manner compatible with overall regional mobility needs with regard to movement of persons and goods; and provide for grade separation of rail-highway and rail-rail crossings in the LOSSAN Corridor; and financial participation in the provision of full grade separation of high dens corridors such as the LOSSAN Corridor; Now, therefore, be it resolved that the North San Diego County Transit Development Board does hereby adopt the following policy concerning the develo ment of full grade separation of rail-rail and rail-highway grade crossings in the Corridor: The North County San Diego County Transit Development Board supports the establishment of Federal and State programs to 1) facilitate grade separation in high density rail corridor. The North County San Diego County Transit Development Board shall promote the development of full grade separation of rai 1-rai 1 and rai 1-highway grade crossings in the LOSSAN Corridor. The North County San Diego County Transit Development Board s ha 1 1 encourage support and seek reso 1 uti ons from affected cities and from State administrative and legislative offices, Federal agencies and congressional off ices, and from the participating railroads to facilitate grade separations in high density corridors and to designate the LOSSAN Corridor for Federal financial assistance in the development of full grade separation of rai 1-rai 1 and rai 1-highway grade c-ossings. 15 million people and over 5 million jobs, is the second busiest intercity pas WHEREAS Local, State and Federal support is required for programs to WHEREAS consideration is presently being given to increasing Federal . 2) 3) W m 8. the Board of NCTD on the proceedings of the Manager of Risk and of the Claims Board. Such report may be oral or in writing at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may, in its discretion, request such additional periodic reports as it may deem appropriate. The Board of Directors retains the right, in its discretion, to take control c the handling, compromise, or settlement of any claim, notwithstanding the provisions of this Resolution, by providing notice of such intention to tt General Manager. This Resolution may be amended or modified at any time b the Board of Directors of NCTD. At least annually, the General Manager shall report to 9. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS day of , 1991 by the following vote: AYES : NAY ES : ABSENT: ABSTAIN: CHAIRMAN, North San Diego County Transit Development Board ATTEST: SECRETARY, North San Diego County Transit Development Board b e m .- TELEPHC 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 434- Off/ce of ?he Cjfy Clerk aitp of UCarls’bab February 8, 1991 Mr. Richard Fifer Executive Director North County Transit District 3 11 South Tremont Oceanside, CA 92054 RE: SUPPORT FOR FEDERAL FINANCLAL PARTICIPATION IN FULL SEPARATION ( THE LOSSAN CORRIDOR The Carlsbad City Council at its meeting of February 5, 1991 supported the North Cour Transit Development Board’s Resolution No, 91 -03. _- Yg3& Assistant City Clerk KRK:lc