HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-02-05; City Council; 11022; CA Library Construction & Renovation Bond ActAPPLICATION FOR FUNDS PROVIDED BY THE CALIFORNIA LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATION BOND ACT RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. ?/ -VT, approving an application for California Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act funds to construct the new library in the Plaza Paseo Real Shopping Center. . ITEM FXPLJWATION: On November 13, 1990, the City Council approved the submission of pre-applications for Library Construction Bond Act funds to assist in the construction of the new library and the renovation of the Cole Library. The pre-applications were submitted to the State Library by the November 15, 1990 deadline. The State Library’s evaluation and ranking of 104 pre- applications has been received and is attached as Exhibit 2. After reviewing the State Library’s evaluations and recommendations, staff recommends that the City apply only for State Bond Act funds to support construction of the new library. It is evident from the State Library recommendations and staffs experience at a recently conducted State Library Technical Assistance Workshop on the Bond Act application process that an application for state funds to renovate the Cole Library will not be successful. The major reason for this recommendation is the fact that most of the evaluation factors used by the state relate to elements which cannot be improved upon in the final application; e.g., “Relative Change in SF per Capita”, ” Projected Number of SF per Capita”, “Number of Persons per Square Mile.” However, if Council wishes to pursue a Construction Bond Act grant for the Cole Library, staff recommends this be done in the second round of grant applications due on July 19, 1991. As explained in Agenda Bill No. lo,91 1 on November 13, 1990, an alternative source of outside funds for the renovation of the Cole Library is the Library Services and Construction Act. Application for those funds is due on May 28, 1991. Staff recommends that this alternative source of outside funding be pursued. Staff will return to Council at a later date with a recommendation and a request for authorization to apply for these funds. FISCAL IMPACT: Construction of New I&ranc If the City of Carlsbad is awarded a Bond Act grant, those funds will pay for 65% of the eligible construction costs or $9,442,188. The City’s 35% matching funds will be approximately $5,084,255. Funding for the City’s portion of the project may be provided from several sources, including Public Facilities Fee (PFF) funds already appropriated in the amount of about $4 million and Community Facilities District (CFD) funds for the balance. I . PAGE 2 OF AB# I/; 03% EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No.91 -L(7 approving an application for California Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act funds. 2. State Librarian’s Statement of Competitiveness for California Library Construction and Renovation Funds. 3. Proposition 85 Cost Estimate. li 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 91-47 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING AN APPLICATION FOR A GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATION BOND ACT. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is committed to the construction of a new library building at an estimated total cost of $15,241,443; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad hereby applies for a grant from the California Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act in the amount of $9,442,188; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad commits matching funds in the amount of $5,084,255; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad commits itself to fund and complete the project in a timely manner; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad confirms that local matching and any required supplemental funds will be available when needed to meet the project’s cash flow requirements; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad certifies that all information in the application for California Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act funds is accurate and true; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is committed to operating the completed facility and to providing direct public library service to the community; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ,I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 h 2. That the library is hereby authorized to submit an application to the California State Library for a grant in the amount of $9,442,188. 3. That the Mayor is directed and authorized to sign the application for California Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act funds. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 5th day of Feb. , 1991, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Nygaard and Stanton NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: KAREN R.'KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk w=J i 1 CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY LIBRARY-COURTS BUILDING l P.O. BOX 942837 . SACRAMENTO, CA 94237.OG01 EXHIBIT 2 STATE IJBRARIAN’S STATEMENT OF COMPFITIIWNESS FOR ‘.’ TELEPHONE: (916) 445-2585 CALIFORNIA LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATION FUNDS December 17,199O Dear Prospective Applicant: The State Library received 104 pre-applications by the November 21, 1990 deadline. Three pre-applications were received late and unfortunately had to be returned to the applicants without evaluation. Your pre-application has been reviewed and evaluated by myself and selected staff of the Library Development Setices Bureau in accordance with the evaluation process published in the October issue of the California State Libras, Newsletter. The following has been enclosed for each project: 1) Project Profile Report 2) Overall Ranking List You may use the Project Profile to verify that the data sent to the State Library on your preapplication form was aurectly entered into our computer system. Further, you can use the profile to understand how your project ranked on each of the evaluation factors, as well as find the total evaluation score at the bottom of the second page. Remember the ranking range is from 1 to 104 with 1 being the top of the scale. You may use the Overall Ranking List io determine how your project fared in relation to all other projects. You can find your project by reading down the list under the total score column until you locate the total score for your project. Total scores ranged from a high of 4,793 to a low of 9Og points. In terms of ascertaining the competitiveness of your specific project, use the following table which has divided the rankings into four equal parts: Catenoq Ranking Very Competitive 1 - 26 Competitive 27 - 52 Somewhat Competitive 53 - 78 Less Than Competitive 79 - 104 I remind you that the pre-application evaluation is a service provided by the State Library which was requested by a substantial number of prospective applicants during the development of the program. 1 know that for many of you, your ranking will be a disappointment, especially in light of the tremendous need for new and improved public library space that is so evident based on the pre-applications submitted. December 20, 1990 MEMO TO: Cliff FROM : Geoff PROP 85 APPLICATIONS A quick analysis of our Proposition 85 rankings based on the preliminary application process would seem to indicate the following: 1. We are clearly being advised not to apply for funding for the Cole remodel. 2. We are clearly being advised to go ahead and apply for funding for the Carlsbad City Library construction. 3. With total requests of $325 million, the average for the 104 projects is about $3.1 million each. This amount, if allocated from the top down would cover about the first 24 requests. Of course this doesn’t mean much since we don’t know the real amounts involved for each project. 4. In reviewing the eleven rating categories, there are four that put us in the top 17-25 spots and make us very competitive (needs assessment, relative change in SF per capita, projected population growth rate, and distance to the nearest public library). The only one of these that we could probably improve on still further would be the needs assessment. The other three are pretty well fixed. We should be able to improve considerably.on the changing concepts narrative. The two categories that hurt us the most, meeting space per capita and the number of electronic units per capita, could both be improved on by figuring them somewhat differently. All the other categories are difficult to improve on, though in the final application with better supporting documentation we might do a lot better. 9 m 5 D L . c z ! I I ,- b II .- h N t .- 2 n 8 .- P ’ I i . I EXHIBIT 3 h CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY PROPOSITON 85 COST ESTIMATE J~ARY as, 1991 EIJGIBfiE INELIGIBLE --1-----1-~11-----------~-----------------------------*-- 1-1--M-1-1--1- 1. 2, 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ;1': 13. 16, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. ir:: 22. Purchase Prim New construction Energy Conservation Disabled Acce8s Health & Safety General Contingency Site Development Casts Site Delaalition Cost& Fastenac¶ Shelving & Built-in Equip. Works of Art Furnishings Movable Equipment Gootechnical Reporb Architectural and Engineering Fe88 Construction Cost Eotimator Fee8 Asbestos Consultant Fees Library Consultant Fees Interior lhrigner Feee Local Project Administration Coats Other Other 86,970,oo: 0 0 0 WA 1,04s,500 2,585,OOO 0 490,000 170,000 650,000 WA 9,800 848,255 0 0 50,700 30,000 WA WA WA VA 0 WA WA WA 0 0 . . N/i WA 0 $500,00~ N/A 150,000 N,: :. a. WA . N/A 65jOOO WA WA 23. Subtotal $12,849,255 WA 24. 25. 26. 27. . .f - i. 28. ,:; : .:. . *. * - 29. _.. ._: I. t if: ;: 32. 33, 34. :: i: 35, _. ;i .Y : .i:. 33;: c . '*: -e.. 38. L-Z.: ..p:;-: : .y:-. i -. .y.;*. Q .' 39, A$ <:,x f'fr .. .:P I.,;: :.. . . I. State Projact Administration Fern 64,246 WA Purchase Price of Land 1,612,942 WA Appraised Value of Land WA WA Credit far A 61 E Fee8 0 WA Total Coots $&,526,443 State Matching Funds Local Matching Funds city county Gpeaial District Private Other Local Credits Adjusted Local Match sUppbXW'ltA~ Locnl.2'mds $9,442,188 b,084,255 5,084,255 0 0 8 0 1,612,94: 3,471,313 715,000 TOTAL PROJECT INCOMX ,. ' '$i5., 241,443 : ._