HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-02-19; City Council; 11026; LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM - ADDITION OF LEGAL ADVOCACYLEGISLATIVE PROGRAM - ADDITION OF LEGAL ADVOCACY AB# /' fld6 TITLE: DEPT. CA MTG. 2/19/91 b DEP CITY CITY P w 8 PC: a 2 .I z 0 F Y g 2 3 0 0 <J I' 1. r^ c'l)r OF CARLSBAD - AGEN~ BILL J RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Council, by motion, amend Council Policy No. 39 legal advocacy matters to the City's legislative program. ITEM EXPLANATION The City Council, on March 22, 1988, adopted City Counci' No. 39 providing for a legislative program. It providc legislative subcommittee consisting of the mayor and council member to review specific bills for consistency 7 program. The subcommittee is authorized to take appropriat on a bill in accordance with the adopted City Council leg platform. The League of California Cities, from time to time, recomme cities join together as amicus curiae in support of a city in a matter pending before the appellate courts. Current11 not included in the policy which means separate individua bills are required for each item. Sometimes time does n that which means the City does not take positions on important to us. If the Council wishes to be more involved, this office suggests the legislative subcomm authorized to take approriate action on cases when consistent with the adopted Council platform and recommendc City Attorney and the League of California Cities Legal Committee. If the Council concurs your action is to, by approve the amended policy No. 39 which is attached. EXHIBITS Amended Council Policy Statement No. 39 I 1 I Q CITY OF CARLSBAD Policy No. 39 (Paqe COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued February Februa: Effective Date Supersedes No. 39 da General Subject: ADMINISTRATION Cancellation Date Specific Subject: Legislative Program Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Divi Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE To establish the guidelines of the City’s legislative program. BACKGROUND Historically, the City handled legislation in an ad hoc procedure, As the number of 1 addressed increased, so did the need to establish a program that more efficiently an handled legislative matters. Staff researched the programs of several cities in San D to develop an appropriate and flexible program for Carlsbad. STATEMENT OF POLICY 1. Participate in the County Legislative Coalition, which will serve to promo1 unified position of municipalities in San Diego County to the State and Ft legislature. Adopt a legislative platform expressing the City’s general legislative concerns. Establish a legislative sub-committee, consisting of the Mayor and one other CI member, to review specific bills for consistency with the platform. Bills of in to the City not covered by the platform shall be forwarded to the full City Ci for consideration. The sub-committee may also review and approve recommendations from thc Attorney for amicus participation in cases consistent with the platform whicl received approval from the League of California Cities Legal Advocacy prog 2. 3. 4. PROCEDURE A. B. Adopt the County Legislative Coalition’s platform as a base and add to it as Staff will monitor the League of California Cities’ Legislative Bulletin,, the San County Legislative Coalition, SANDAG and department heads to learn aboi which would have a direct and significant impact on the City of Carlsbad. I I I - Policy No. 39 (Paqe Date Issued February COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Effective Date Februa. Supersedes No. 39 c General Subject: ADMINISTRATION Cancellation Date Specific Subject: Legislative Program Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Divi Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File C. Staff will present pertinent bills to the legislative sub-committee for review. If i is consistent with the adopted platform, the sub-committee will authorize approp action. If a bill is not covered by the adopted platform, it will be placed or Council agenda for consideration, D. E. Staff will provide the full Council with a monthly update on the progress of key After review of the quarterly report from the League of California Cities Leg; Committee, the City Attorney may recommend amicus participation by the City in cases approved by the committee. The sub-committee may authorize partici] the principal or interest involved is of concern to Carlsbad and is consiste platform.