HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-02-19; City Council; 11042; 1991 LEGISLATIVE PLATFORMd Q $ 2 2 Q: Z 0 F 0 .. a 2 0 z 3 0 0 .'yc OF CARLSBAD - AGBYP) . I .:jd-. .. . ." BILL 'b f r AB#- TITLE: MTG. 2-19-91 1991 LEGISLATIVE PLATFORM DEPT. RES DEPl CITY CITY I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Consider and adopt the attached 1991 City Council Legislative Platform as presented. ITEM EXPLANATION: Each year the City Council adopts a legislative platform which states its position on issue several categories. This year, the platform categories are: Local Government Finance Labor Relations Tort Reform Transportation Waterfront 0 Water Management Environment Waste Management General Government Law Enforcement Land Use Planning Housing Child Care Immigrants By establishing the City's position on these issues, staff is able to quickly respond to rela which could have an impact on the City of Carlsbad. The City expresses its position on writing letters or sending mailgrams to State and Federal legislators, the Governor, or This year's platform has several proposed additions in the areas of Local Governr Environment, Waste Management, General Government and Immigrants. The proposed based on City Council actions this past year, and recommendations of various departmer proposed additions are in bold type for easy identification.) The City Council Legislative Committee has reviewed the 1991 Legislative Platform, and it to the City Council for consideration and approval. EXHIBITS: 1. City of Carlsbad 1991 Legislative Platform. @e .e CITY OF CARLSBAD 1991 LEGISLATIVE PLATFORM 1. Local Government Finance: (a) Oppose any measure that would make local agencies more dependent on State for financial stability and policy direction. (b) Support measures which would provide fiscal independence to cities. (c) Support measures which relieve taxpayers of the burden of paying for servi( which could be charged directly to the service use. (d) Oppose measures which would impose State and Federal mandated costs which there is no guarantee of local reimbursement or offsetting benefits would shift the cost of government services to cities. (e) Support efforts to reinstate flexibility in the administration of Article XIII-B (the G Initiative). (9 Oppose any measure that restricts or limits a public entity’s ability to use exempt debt for the purchase or construction of public purpose improvemer (9) Support efforts which make funds to support public facilities (i.e. libraries, o space) more available to local municipalities. (h) Support efforts which would provide greater accountability on the part of cour for the distribution of funds back to municipalities, including, but not limitec fines and forfeitures. (i) Support measures which safeguard existing revenue sources from preemp by fhe State or County. (j) Oppose any change in tax allocations which would negatively affect Is government. (k) Oppose legislation which shifts SfatelCounty criminal justice costs to cii (l) Oppose the use of the federal gas tax for debt reduction. 2. Labor Relations: (a) Oppose any measure which would impose compulsory and binding arbitn with respect to public employees. 1 .e ao (b) Oppose any measure which would grant employee benefits that would be m8 properly decided at the local bargaining table. (c) Oppose any efforts which would reduce local control over public emplo! disputes, and impose regulations of an outside agency (such as PERB). (d) Oppose efforts which make disciplinary proceedings for police officers simila criminal proceedings, making it impossible for employers to prove an administrative violation. (e) Support legislation which limits the ability of employees to receive work1 compensation benefits for occupational injurieslillnesses which result from stri disciplinary action, or performance evaluations or consultations. injury or illness. (9 Oppose legislation which expands or extends any presumptions of occupatic 3. Tort Reform: (a) Support measures to reform California’s tort system to curtail unreasonable liak exposure for public agencies and restore the ability of public agencies to ob affordable insurance. 4. Transportation: (a) Support measures which would increase the ability of local agencies to fina local transportation facilities. (b) Support measures to finance local and regional transportation facilities improvements, including alternative modes of transportation. (c) Support measures that provide local and regional funding for transport2 demand management systems or transportation systems management. (d) Oppose transportation proposals which would adversely effect the quality o in North San Diego County by causing traffic congestion, air pollution or c problems. (e) Support legislation which encourages the continued evaluation of NAS Miral East Miramar and Otay Mesa as possible sites for an international airport. 5, Waterfront: (a) Oppose any offshore oil leasing or drilling within 20 nautical miles of the Diego coast. (b) Support efforts which provide funding for urban waterfront restoration enhancement. 2 0. 0. (c) Support efforts which would aid the restoration, preservation and enhancemc of beach front property, including sand, bluffs and access. (d) Support measures which would grant cities the authority of land use regulatic over the placement of onshore facilities which service offshore oil drilling, to avl the placement of such facilities near incompatible land uses. (e) Support legislation which requires the double-hulling of all new oil tankers and retrofitting of all existing oil tankers. 6. Water Management: (a) Support efforts to establish a water management system which assures protect to agriculture and the water systems of the Delta and Central Valley regions, well as guaranteed water delivery to the San Diego region. (b) Support measures which increase water supply or improve water quality within region. (c) Support efforts which will encourage the use of drought tolerant plant material water conservation techniques. (d) Support efforts to assist in the production and distribution of reclaimed wate 7. Environment: (a) Support efforts for the safe disposal of solid, hazardous and medical waste. (b) Support legislation which seeks to protect air quality and the atmosphere. (c) Support legislation which encourages speedy action to reduce the amoun ozone depleting compounds discharged into the atmosphere. (d) Support legislation which allocates State and/or Federal funds for the construc of facilities to capture and treat the flow of raw sewage entering San Diego 1 Tijuana. (e) Support efforts, where feasible, which promote the recycling/re-claiming of na resources, including water, timber, oil, gas, minerals and earth metals. (9 Support measures which would make low-interest loans and/or grants avail to local agencies for programs which would encourage the recycling/reclair of resources. (g) Supports efforts which promote the use of renewable sources of energy ra fhan fossil fuels. 3 0. 0. e. @I 8. Waste Manasement: (a) Support measures which promote market development for recycla materials, (b) Support efforts toward the procurement of recyclable materials. (c) Support measures which exfend the deadlines for AB 939 source redud and recycling element. (d) Support legislation which promotes source reduction measures. 9. General Government: (a) Support legislation which establishes/funds an abandoned vehicle progr allowing the immediate removal of abandoned vehicles. (b) Oppose Federal efforts which remove the deduction of all State and local tc for Federal income tax purposes. (c) Support measures which would strengthen cities’ ability to reorganize spc districts. (d) Support legislation which provides km4m-g State assistance for local pi libraries. (e) Support measures which provide adequate funding for the State Library. (9 Oppose legislation which would impose penalties or limit the flexibility of I governments in the provision of public records. (g) Support measures which lead to a State or national energy policy. (h) Support legislation which gives cities authority over cable television rate. reinsfafes competition in fhe cable television industry. (i) Supporf Sfafe and federal funding and legislafion for the arts that benefit 1 communities. 4 e. me 10. Law Enforcement: (a) Support efforts which strengthen local law enforcement. (b) Support efforts which strengthen present State or Federal laws to incre: penalties and give local governments the power 'to restrict or regulate the si manufacture, or use of dangerous drugs, including, but not limited to, P( methamphetamine, and narcotics. (c) Support measures which would provide a greater share of seized assets localities. (d) Support efforts which discourage and prevent driving under the influence of drt or alcohol. (e) Support efforts which allow local agencies to recover costs, in accidents invoh driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, from the guilty party. 11. Land Use Planninq: (a) Support efforts to strengthen the legal and fiscal capability of local agencie: prepare, adopt and implement fiscal plans for orderly growth, developm to, the regulatory authority over zoning, subdivisions, annexations, redevelopment areas. beautification and conservation of local planning areas, including, but not lim (b) Support efforts which are consistent with the doctrine of "home rule" and the I( exercise of police powers, through planning and zoning processes, over local I use. 12. Housing: (a) Support efforts to develop Federal and State participation and financial sup1 for creative programs to provide adequate, affordable housing (home owners and/or rental opportunities) for the elderly, handicapped, and low-income pers throughout the community. 13. Child Care: support: (a) Reduction of present regulatory complexities. (b) Reduction of the burden of insurance costs. (c) Funding for the construction, renovation and/or maintenance of child facilities. 5 e 0. 09 * (d) Provision of reasonable tax incentives for employers who offer child care service 14. lmmiqrants (a) Supporf legislation which recognizes the unique and difficult problems associatl with recent immigrants to the United States, and assist local communities dealing with these problems in such areas as housing, health services, educatic and employment. (b) Support legislation fo increase the number of border patrol agents at t International Border. (c) Supporf State and federal assistance to local communities attempting address the needs of migrant workers. 6