HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-03-05; City Council; 11058; HIRING CENTER EXECUTION OF LEASE AGREEMENT STAFFING RECOMMENDATION+ I 4 “u, P 9 0 PT 13, 2 I. 2 0 U =i 0 z 3 0 0 5 CI ’ OF CARLSBAD - AGENDWILL (--I c “? w DEPT. Hiring Center MTG. 3-5 -9 ! Execution of Lease Agreement CITY P DEPT.2- Staffing Recommendation CITY IC AB#^+ TITLE: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. (? I - 3 3 authorizing (1) the Mayor to execute i lease agreement with the County of San Diego, (2) authorizing staff tc negotiate an agreement with SERIJobs for Progress to provide administrative support and employment services to the Carlsbad Hiring Center, and (3, Allocate funding for facihfy improvements, maintenance and operation, and administrationlstaffing of the Hiring Center for a six month period. ITEM EXPLANATION LEASE AGREEMENT In response to Council direction on September 4, 7990, staff has negotiatea a ground lease agreement with the County of San Diego, for a parcel of lanc located north of Palomar Airport Road, south of Faraday Avenue, and east o1 El Camino Real (EXHIBIT 2). The term of the lease agreement is for a two (2; year period commencing April 1, 1991, at a cost to the City of $1.00 per year, Upon execution of the agreement by the Mayor, the agreement will be forwarded to the County Board of Supervisors for final approval. STAFFINGIADMINISTRATION The second step toward completion of the Hiring Center project required identification of a source to provide the administration of employment services to day-laborers, and final development of a job placement program. Staff has explored four alternative sources for program development and administration: (1) permanentlpart-time City stae (2) a temporary employment agency, (3) a non-profit organization specializing in employment and training, SERIJobs for Progress and (4) California Employment Development Department. After thorough review and evaluation of the staffingladministrative alternatives, staff is recommending that alternative 3 be selected. Alternative 3, SERIJobs for Progress, is considered by staff to be the most efficient and cost effective method of providing employment services (EXHIBIT 3). The City of Carlsbad’s role would be to provide all facility improvements, basic office furnishings, and funding for employment services. The six month cost of SfR’s proposal is $34,815, with a cost of $69,630, if the City were to acquire services for a one (1) year period. All services andlor programs related to the Hiring Center would have to be submitted to the City for approval, prior to . -. e e , PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BlLL NO. 1 1 . c s 8 implementation. The Center would remain operational for a minimum of six (6) months, during which time, the City Council will have an opportllnity to revieb it’s progress. At the end of the review period, the City will have the option tc extend the contract period with SERIJobs for Progress and continue operatior; of the Center. FAClLlN IMPROVEMENTS Once the lease agreement with the County of San Diego has been executed and the agreement is actuated (April 7, 7997), the Cify can begin facilit) improvements to the Hiring Center site. The Hiring Center proposed, wil include the following improvements: e Minor Grading with decomposed granite grounc cover e Small Office Trailer, some furnishings, phone power and water. e Bicycle racks, Picnic Benches, and Trasl Receptacles e Chemical Toilets e Public Information Staff has estimated non-recurring costs (one-time facility improvements) i approximately $7549 with recurring costs (maintenance and operations estimated at $66U/month or $3960 for a six (6) month period. In order to expedite this project, staff concurrently processed the CUI (Conditional Use Permit) for the Hiring Center. This item went before thl Carlsbad Planning Commission on February 20, 1997 and was approved. . e e PAGE 3 OF AGENDA SiLi M. J I i 0 S g FISCAL IMPACT Costs for the Hiring Center Project have been identified as Contractual (least agreementlstaffing-administration), Non-Recurring (onetime start-up costs) ant Recurring (maintenance and operation costs) (fXHlBIT 4). Six (6) Month Estimate: Carlsbad Hiring Center Non-Recurring Costs: $ 7,549 Contractual (Land) $1 Contractual (Admin) $34.875 Recurring Costs: $ 3,960 TOTAL $46,325 Funding of the project for a six month period will require a current year allocation c funds in an amount equal to approximately $46,300. It is important to note that thi amount does not include the cost of any additional improvements imposed on th project as a result of Planning Commission conditions of approval. The remainde of funds required for continued operation beyond the 6 month review period woul be provided via the 1991-1992 budget, as a new program. This "new" program 1 estimated at a yearly cost of approximately $77,550. Staff will work with the non-prol (SERIJobs for Progress) in requesting Community Development Block Grant monie and any StatelFederal grant monies available, which could off-set the City's expense associated with operation of the Hiring Center. Council should be aware that the funding of this program was not included in th budget projections for 1990-91 or future years. The addition of this program in th current fiscal year will require the allocation of funds from the Contingency Accoun bringing its balance to $642,000. Funding for 1991-92 will depend on the City's abih to insert a $77,500 program into the budget program. The success of future fundin efforts will depend heavily on the availability of grant funds or the City's willingnes to reduce existing programs. EXHIBITS 1. 2. 3. 4. Estimate of Fiscal Impact 5. Location Map Resolution No. 9 1- 7 7 Lease Agreement - County of San Diego Staff Report - AdministrationIStaffing Recommendation 1 _- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 l1 12 13 14 l5 16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e Resolution No. 91-77 A RESOLUTION OF THE CIN OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNN OF SAN DIEGO, DIRECTING STAFF TO NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT WITH SERIJOBS FOR PROGRESS FOR ADMINISTRATION OF THE HIRING CENTER, AND DlRECTlffG THf FIffANCf DIRECTOR TO ALLOCATE FUNDS FOR THE HIRING CENTER PROJECT WHEREAS, it has been the intent of the City Council of the City of Carlsbac to address issues related to the tremendous influx of immigrants in the City; anc WHEREAS, on September 4, 7990, the City Council authorized staff to (1, negotiate a lease agreement with the County of San Diego, (2) evaluate staffing and administration alternatives for the Hiring Center and bring forward c recommendation to the City Council, (3) Proceed with the development of grading and site improvement plans, (4) initiate the discretionary review process and (5, Develop a Public Information Program strategy; and WHEREAS, staff has met the City Council’s direction as stated 01 September 4, 7990 through: (7) negotiation of a lease agreement with the Count of San Diego, (2) providing a recommendation to the City Council for obtaining tht sewices of SERIJobs for Progress for administration and staffing of the Hirin: Center, (3) completed grading and site improvement plans, (4) initiated th discretionary review process, and (5) begun development of a Public lnformatio Program strategy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City ( Carlsbad as follows: I) 2) That the above recitations are true and correct. That the City Council authorizes the Mayor to execute a leas agreement with the County of San Diego, for a parcel of Ian located north of Palomar Airport Road, south of Faraday Avenue, an east of El Camino Real. That the City Council directs staff to (7) begin contract negotiatior with SERIJobs for Progress for administration and staffing of tl Hiring Center. That the City Council directs the Finance Director to allocate monic from the General Fund, to finance the project for a six month perio I 3) (4) ..* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad , 7997 by the fO//OWifg Vote, to City cOUf?Ci/ heid on the wit: 5th day of March AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaarc NOES: None ABSENT: None a 9 10 'I. 12 13 x4 l5 16 17 18 19 0 m ATTEST: ZWM<fN*fk SEAL I e e - GROUND LEASE CITY OF CARLSBAD MCCLELLAN-PALOMAR AIRPORT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA LESSOR: COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO LESSEE: CITY OF CARLSBAD PARCEL 90-0425-A COUNTY CONTRACT NO. e e TABLE OF CONTENTS PI - CLAUSE NO. CLAUSE 1 DEFINITION OF TERMS-------------------------------------------- 2 EXHIBITS TO LEASE---------------------------------------------- 3 TERMg--g=g~=--I~~--Im~--------mmw--~-~w~----"~w~m---~~--------- 4 USE------------------------------------------------------------ 5 CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS----------------------------------- 6 ADMINISTRATION-------------------------------------------------- 7 RENTAL---------------------------------------------------------- 8 NOTICES--------------------------------------------------------- 9 OPERATING PROCEDURES-------------------------------------------- 10 PERFORMANCE----------------------------------------------------- 11 "AS-BUILT" PLANS AND CONSTRUCTION COSTS------------------------- 12 LABOR OR MATERIAL CLAIMS--------------------.------------------- 13 MAINTENANCE---------------------------------.------------------- 14 INSURANCE-----------------------------------.------------------- 15 INDEMNIFICATION-----------------------------.------------------- 16 TAXES, ASSESSMENTS AND FEES------------------------------------ 17 UTILITIES------------------------------------------------------ 18 DAMAGE TO OR DESTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS----------------------- 19 ASSIGNING, SUBLETTING AND ENCUMBERING-------------------------- 20 DEFAULT IN TERMS OF THE LEASE BY LESSEE: COUNTY REMEDIES------- 21 TERMINATION BY COUNTY------------------------------------------ i e 0 PA - CLAUSE NO. CLAUSE 22 TERMINATION BY LESSEE------------------------------------------ 1 23 QUITCLAIM OF LESSEE’S INTEREST UPON TERMINATION---------------- 1 24 DISPOSITION OF IMPROVEMENTS, FIXTURES AND PERSONAL PROPERTY---- 1 25 EMINENT DOMAIN------------------------------------------------- 1 26 QUIET POSSESSION----------------------------------------------- 1 27 RESERVATIONS TO COUNTY----------------------------------------- 1 28 LEASE SUBORDINATE TO CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS--------------- 1 29 UNLAWFUL USE--------------------------------------------------- 1 30 HOLDING OVER--------------------------------------------------- 1 31 AMENDMENTS----------------------------------------------------- 1 32 LEASE ORGANIZATION--------------------------------------------- 1 33 FORCE MAJEURE-------------------------------------------------- 1 34 PARTIAL INVALIDITY--------------------------------------------- 1 35 WAIVER OF RIGHTS----------------------------------------------- 1 36 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION REQUIREMENTS------------------- 1 37 COUNTY‘S RIGHT TO RE-ENTER------------------------------------- L - 38 TIME----------------------------------------------------------- L ” 39 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM------------------------------------- L ” 40 NONDISCRIMINATION---------------------------------------------- L - 41 SECURITY------------------------------------------------------- 2 42 RELOCATION ASSISTANCE WAIVER----------------------------------- i 43 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES------------------------------------------- 2 44 SUBSTANCE ABUSE------------------------------------------------ z ii e a GROUND LEASE THIS LEASE, made and entered into this day of 1991, by and between the COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, hereinafter called "County", and the CITY OF CARLSBAD, whose address is 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, California 92009, hereinafter called "Lessee". WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the rentals received, covenants agreements and conditions as hereinafter set forth to be faithfully paid, kept and'performed by Lessee, County hereby leases and lets anc Lessee hereby takes possession of, hires, rents and accepts that 0.83 acre, plus or minus, portion of McClellan-Palomar Airport owned and operated by County and hereinafter referred to as the "Premises", all of said property being delineated on the plat attached hereto anc marked Exhibit "A-l", and legally described in Exhibit "A-2". It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto a: follows, to wit: 1. DEFINITION OF TERMS. The following words in this Lease shal have the significance attached to them in this Clause unless otherwiz apparent from their context: a. "Lease" means this Ground Lease. b. "Airport" means McClellan-Palomar Airport c. "Premises" means the 0.83 plus or minus acres designatec Parcel 90-0425-A, as delineated on Exhibit "A-1" and as described in -1- 0 0 Exhibit "A-2". d. "Board" means Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego. e. "Lease Administrator" means the Director, Department of General Services, County of 5811 Diego, or upon Written notice to Lessee, such other person as shall be designated Lease Administrator from time to time by the Board. f. "Airports Director" means the Airports Director, County San Diego, or upon written notice to Lessee, such other person as shi be designated Airports Director from time to time by the Board. g. "F.A.A." means Federal Aviation Administration. h. "ALP" means F.A.A. - approved Airport Layout Plan. 2. EXHIBITS TO LEASE. This Lease includes the following exhib which are attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof: a. Exhibit "A-1": Premises Plat. b. Exhibit "A-2". . Premises Legal Description. c. Exhibit "B": Master Development Plan, 3. TERM. The term of this Lease shall be Two (2) years commencing on April 1, 1991. 4. USE. Lessee shall use the Premises only for the purpose of conducting an Employment Center by the City of Carlsbad. No other u! of whatever nature shall be permitted under the terms of this Lease. - 5. CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS. County and Lessee acknowledgc that as partial consideration for the granting of this Lease and as partial security for this Lease, Lessee agrees to install, erect and construct improvements on the Premises as shown on Exhibit "B" attacl -2- 0 e hereto, and not to remove any or all of said improvements during the term of this Lease without first obtaining written approval of the Lease Administrator. Said installations, erection and construction c improvements shall be completed as specified under Clause 10 (PERFORMANCE). Installation, erection and construction of improvemer shall be at Lessee’s sole cost and expense and according to Working Drawings and Schedule submitted to and approved in writing by the Airports Director, prior to commencement of construction. Lessee sh2 submit two complete sets of Working Drawings and Schedule to the Airports Director for said written approval. Approved Working Drawir and Schedule shall be placed on file with the Airports Division, Cour of San Diego. Working Drawings as prepared by said Lessee, shall set forth the type of structures proposed by Lessee for construction of said improvements on said Premises and construction of said improvements is hereby made a part of the consideration for this Lea: Lessee shall have the right to construct additional improvements on the Premises according to plans which shall have been given writtc approval by the Airports Director prior to commencement of such construction. It is understood and agreed by Lessee that any such improvements will comply with any present or future ALP and Aviation Area Development Standards, which are or may be adopted by the Board and approved by F.A.A. 6. ADMINISTRATION. This Lease shall be administered on behalf County by the Lease Administrator and on behalf of Lessee by Cynthia Haas or such other person as shall be designated in writing from time to time by Lessee. -3- 0 0 7. RENTAL. Lessee, for consideration of the possession and use of the Premises, shall pay rent to County during the term of this Lease, each and every year in advance, in the amount of One Dollar ($1.00) per year. Refleal payments as aforesaid shall be made payable to the County of San Diego, Office of Auditor and Controller, and delivered to: Controller Branch Office - Cashier 5201 Ruffin Road, Suite H, MS 0654 San Diego, CA 92123 or to such other Department address as may be specified by County in writing from time to time. NOTICES. 8. Notices given or to be given by County or Lessee to the other, shall be given in writing and shall be addressed as follows or as County or Lessee may hereafter designate by written notice: TO: COUNTY Director, Dept. of General Services County of San Diego 5555 Overland Ave., Bldg. 2 San Diego, CA 92123 with a copy to: Airports Director 1960 Joe Crosson Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 TO: LESSEE CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 LaS Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 9. OPERATING PROCEDURES. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the uses permitted and the facilities and services provided under this Lease for the Premises are to serve the general public. and facilities which it offers to the public in a competent and Lessee agrees to operate and manage the services -4- 0 8 efficient manner. A leasehold manager will be designated in writing by Lessee to County and will have full operational responsibility for compliance with terms and conditions of this Lease. The leasehold manager or hi designated representative will be available during all normal busine: hours. 10. PERFORMANCE. Lessee shall commence off site improvements, site development and construction of its improvements on the Premises according to the Working Drawings referenced in Clause 5 (CONSTRUCTIC OF IMPROVEMENTS), within six months from the commencement date of thi Lease. Lessee shall at all times conduct its construction operations so that such operations will not interfere with the normal operation and use of the Airport by County, the public and other persons and organizations entitled to the use of same. Upon completion of the wo specified in this Clause and in said Working Drawings, Lessee shall perform no further or other construction, modification, alteration or improvement without the prior written approval of the Airports Director. 11. "AS-BUILT" PLANS AND CONSTRUCTION COSTS. Within sixty (60) days following completion of any substantial improvement within the Premises, Lessee or its Engineer or Architect shall furnish County a complete set of "As-Built" plans and an itemized statement of the actual construction cost of such improvement. 12. LABOR OR MATERIAL CLAIMS. Lessee shall at all times indemnif and save County harmless from all claims for labor or materials in -5- 0 0 connection with construction, repair, alteration or installation of structures, improvements, equipment or facilities within the Premises and from the cost of defending against such claims, including attorneys' fees. 13. MAINTENANCE. County shall not be required to maintain, rep2 or replace improvements constructed within the Premises; provided, however, County may, at its sole option, do any filling, grading, slc protection, retaining wall construction or replace or repair any County-constructed facilities within or without the Premises in ordei to protect the Premises or any part of the Airport. Lessee shall, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Airports Director, keep and maintain the Premises and all improvements of any kind or character which may be erected, constructed, installed or ma( thereon in good condition and in substantial repair. Lessee shall ti all steps necessary or appropriate so as to maintain such a standard good condition and repair. Lessee further expressly agrees to maint, the Premises in a safe, clean and sanitary condition to the complete satisfaction of the Airports Director and in compliance with all applicable rules, regulations, ordinances or laws. In this connecti Lessee shall provide proper containers for trashl garbage and waste all kind and character and shall keep the Premises free and clear of rubbish and litter to the satisfaction of the Airports Director. County reserves the right for its agents or employees to enter upon inspect the Premises at any and all reasonable times to ascertain th above-described standards are maintained. In the event Lessee fails to make repairs or replacements to an -6- 0 e improvements as required by County, then County may notify Lessee in writing of said failure specifying in said notice the nature and exte of defects. In the event Lessee fails to make said required repairs replacements within thirty (30) days after such notice County may mak such repairs or replacement and Lessee shall pay the cost thereof, (including, but not limited to, the cost of labor, material and equipment) within ten (10) days of receipt of statement of such costs from County. 14. INSURANCE. Lessee shall, during the term of this Lease, keel or cause to be kept, Commercial General Liability insurance in an amount of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, however, Lessee's obligation under this clause may be satisfied by self-insurance. Upon written request from County, Lessee shall supply County wit1 a Certificate of Insurance, or statement of self-insurance evidencing coverage in the amount specified and shall name the County as additional insured. The County shall retain the right at any time to review the coverage, form and amount of insurance required herein, and may requir Lessee to obtain insurance sufficient in coverage, form and amount to provide adequate protection against the kind and extent of risk which exist at the time a change in insurance is required. County requirements shall be reasonable. 15. INDEMNIFICATION. Lessee shall indemnify and save harmless County, its officers, agents and employees from and against any and a1 claims, demands, liabilities or loss of any kind or nature which County, its officers, agents or employees, may sustain or incur or -7- 0 e which may be imposed upon them or any of them for injury to or deatt. persons, or damage to property as a result of, arising out of, or ir any manner connected with this Lease or with occupancy and use of tk Pfernises by Lessee, its officers, agents, employees, subtenants, licensees, patrons or visitors, except as attributable to an act or omission of County. Lessee further agrees to pay any and all costs expenses, including but not limited to court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees, incurred by County on account of any such claims, demands or liabilities. 16. TAXES, ASSESSMENTS AND FEES. The terms of this Lease may result in the creation of a possessory interest. If such a possesso interest is vested in a private party to this Lease, the private par may be subjected to payment of personal property taxes levied on SUC interest. Lessee shall be responsible for the payment of, and shall pay before they become delinquent, all taxes, assessments and fees assessed or levied upon Lessee or the Premises or any interest there including but not limited to buildings, structures, fixtures, equipm or other property installed or constructed thereon. Lessee further agrees not to allow such taxes, assessments or fees to become delinquent and as such to become a lien against the Premises or any improvement thereto. prevent or prohibit the Lessee from contesting the validity or amoun of any such tax assessment or fee in the manner authorized by law. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to 17. UTILITIES. Except for such utilities that County herein expressly agrees to provide, Lessee shall order, obtain and pay for q utilities necessary to its use and enjoyment of the Premises and sha -8- 0 e pay all services and installation charrges in connection therewith, including sewer connection and service charges. County shall have the right, without cost to County, to connect water, sewer, power, gas and communication lines as are now or hereafter may be installed upon the Premises and shall have the righ of access to construct and maintain such connections. Lessee, howevt will not be liable for any additional service fees or charges as a result of such connection. 18. DAMAGE TO OR DESTRUCTION OF IRPROVEMENTS, The damage or destruction of improvements on the Premises shall not terminate this Lease, unless Lessee elects to abandon the remainder of the Leaseholc and all improxements Lessee made to the real estate. Should Lessee elect to abandon the Leasehold, Lessee shall remove all debris caused by damage or destruction of the improvements at Lessee's expense, and within ninety (90) days of said damage or destruction, commence and diligently pursue to completion the repair, replacement or reconstruction of improvements necessary to permit full use and occupancy of the Premises for the purposes permitted by this Lease. Repair, replacement or reconstruction of improvements within the Premises shall be accomplished in a workmanlike manner and according 1 plans approved by County. 19. ASSIGNING, SUBLETTING AND ENCUMBERING. 'Lessee shall not mortgage, pledge, hypothecate, encumber, transfer, sublease or assign Lessee's interest in the Premises or any portion thereof; 20. DEFAULT IN TERMS OF THE LEASE BY LESSEE: COUNTY REMEDIES. a. should Lessee default in the performance of any covenant, -9- 0 * condition or agreement contained herein, and such default is not corrected within sixty (60) days after Lessee receives written notice from County of said default, the Lease Administrator may declare this Lease to be terminated. All rights of Lessee and those who claim und Lessee, stemming from this Lease, shall expire and be of no further force and effect at the time of such termination, In the event this Lease is so terminated, the damages County may recover from Lessee pursuant to Civil Code Section 1951.2 include the worth at the time o award of the amount by which the unpaid rent for the balance of the term after the award exceeds the amount of such rental loss for the same period that Lessee proves could be reasonably avoided. b. Pursuant to Civil Code Section 1951.4, as an alternative to declaring this Lease terminated as above, even if Lessee breaches this Lease and abandons the Premises, County may allow this Lease to Continue in effect and enforce all its rights and remedies hereunder, including the right to recover the rent as it becomes due. c. In the event legal action is brought to enforce or declar a breach or default of this Lease, the successful party shall be entitled to recover costs of sustaining such action, including reasonable attorneys' fees, from the unsuccessful party. 21. TERMINATION BY COUNTY. In the event that County should require the Premises during the term of this Lease in connection with future expansion and/or Operation Of the Airport, County reserves the right to terminate this Lease upon Six (6) Months written notice. 22. TERMINATION BY LESSEE. In the event that during the term of -10- 0 W this Lease any ordinance or law should become effective, the terms of which so restrict the uses to which the Premises may be put that Less is unable to continue the use and occupation of the Premises substantially in the manner as allowed by this Lease, Lessee may appl in writing to County for a mutual termination of this Lease. Consent to said mutual termination will not be unreasonably withheld by Count Upon such mutual termination Lessee shall be entitled to no payment f any remaining value of its interest. 23. QUITCLAIM OF LESSEE'S INTEREST UPON TERMINATION. Upon termination of this Lease for any reason, including but not limited 1 termination because of default by Lessee, Lessee shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to County within thirty (30) days after rece: of written demand therefor, a good and sufficient deed whereby all right, title and interest of Lessee in the Premises is quitclaimed t County. Should Lessee fail or refuse to deliver the required deed t County, County may prepare and record a notice reciting the failure Lessee to execute, acknowledge and deliver such deed and said notice shall be conclusive evidence of the termination of this Lease and of all right of Lessee or those claiming under Lessee in and to the Premises. 24, DISPOSITION OF IMPROVEMENTS, FIXTURES AND PERSONAL PROPERTY All buildings, structures, equipment and fixtures installed by Lessc in accordance with the provisions of this Lease, and not being a replacement or repair of or for any improvement or improvements now existing and belonging to County, or subsequently installed by Count shall be and remain the property of Lessee during the term of this -11- a W Lease. It is agreed that any building, equipment and fixtures SO installed by Lessee shall be, and the same are hereby made, security for the faithful performance of each and all the terms, conditions ani covenants of this Lease, including but not limited to the payment of rent. Upon the termination of this Lease for any cause, all such buildings, structures, equipment and fixtures shall be removed by Lessee at Lessee's own expense; provided, that all damage to County's remaining property or improvements shall be repaired in a good and workmanlike manner and the Premises shall be left in as good order an condition as when Lessee took possession thereof. Lessee shall commence such removal as soon as possible following said expiration c termination and shall diligently pursue said removal to completion. the event Lessee does not so remove any of such buildings, structures equipment or fixtures as aforesaid, County may remove or sell or destroy the same at the expense of Lessee, and Lessee shall pay to County the reasonable cost of any such removal, sale or destruction. It is further agreed that any personal property not removed from the Premises within sixty (60) days following termination of this Lease may, at County's option, be deemed abandoned, whereupon Csuntg may dispose of the property as provided in Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 1980), Title 5, Part 4, Division 3 of the Civil Code of California. 25. EMINENT DOMAIN. In the event the whole or any part of the Premises is condemned by a public entity other than County, in the lawful exercise of the power of eminent domain, this Lease shall terminate. -12- 0 w 26. QUIET POSSESSION. Lessee, by paying the rent and performin: the covenants and agreements as herein required, may at all times during the said term peaceably and quietly have, hold and enjoy the Premises for the term aforesaid. If County for any reason whatsoeve cannot deliver possession of the said Premises to Lessee at the commencement of the term hereinbefore specified, or if Lessee is dispossessed through action of a title superior to County’s, then in neither of such events shall County be liable to Lessee for any loss damage resulting therefrom, but rather there shall be determined and stated in writing by the Board, a proportionate reduction of the ren‘ covering the period or periods during which Lessee is prevented from having the qui-et possession of the Premises. 27. RESERVATIONS TO COUNTY. The Premises are accepted by Lessec subject to any and all existing easements and encumbrances. County reserves the right to all gas, oil, water and minerals on or beneath the Premises and the right to install, lay, construct, maintain, repi and operate such sanitary sewers, drains, storm sewers, pipelines, manholes and connections; water, oil and gas pipelines; telephone anc telegraph power lines; and the appliances and appurtenances necessar: or convenient in connection therewith, in, over, upon, through, acroi and along the Premises or any part thereof, and to enter the Premise! for any and all such purposes. County reserves the right to grant franchises, easements, rights of way and permits in, over, upon, through, across and along any and all portions of the Premises. No right reserved by County in this Clause shall be so exercised as to interfere unreasonably with Lessee’s operations hereunder. -13- 0 W County agrees that rights granted to third parties by reason of this Clause shall contain provisions that the surface of the land shi be restored as nearly as practicable to its original condition upon 1 completion of any construction. County further agrees that should tl exercise of these rights temporarily interfere with the use of any o all of the Premises by Lessee, the rental shall be reduced in proportion to the interference with Lessee's use of the Premises. 28. LEASE SUBORDINATE TO CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. This Lea shall be subordinate to and subject to the terms, conditions, restrictions and other provisions of any existing or future permit, lease and/or agreement between County and the United States of Ameri and/or any other local, State or Federal agency, relative to the control, operation or maintenance of the Airport, the execution of which has been or will be required as a condition precedent to the operation or control of, or to the expenditure of Federal funds for, the Airport. Lessee agrees to be bound by such terms, conditions, restrictions and provisions and, whenever the County may so demand, execute, acknowledge or consent formally to such terms, conditions, restrictions or provisions. 29. UNLAWFUL USE. Lessee warrants that no improvements shall b erected, placed upon, operated nor maintained within the Premises, n any business or other activity conducted or carried on therein er therefrom, in violation of the terms of this Lease, or of any regulation, order of law, statute, by-law or ordinance of a governmental agency having jurisdiction and any breach of said warra shall constitute a breach of this Lease. -14- 0 w 30, HOLDING OVER, In the event Lessee shall hold over after thc term herein granted, such holding shall be deemed to be a tenancy frc month to month and shall be governed by the terms, conditions and covenants contained in this Lease. 31. AMENDMENTS. This Lease sets forth all of the agreements an1 understandings of the parties and any modification hereof must be written. 32. LEASE ORGANIZATION. The various headings and numbers herei the grouping of provisions of this Lease into separate clauses and paragraphs, and the organization hereof, are for the purpose of convenience only and shall not be considered otherwise. 33. FORCE MAJEURE. If either party hereto shall be delayed or prevented from the performance of any act required hereunder by reas of acts of God, restrictive governmental laws or regulations, or 0th cause without fault and beyond the control of the party obligated (financial inability excepted), performance of such act shall be excused for the period of the delay; and the period for the performs of any such act shall be extended for a period equivalent to the per of such delay. However, nothing in this Clause shall excuse Lessee from the prompt payment of any rental or other charge required of Lessee, except as may be expressly provided elsewhere in this Lease. 34. PARTIAL INVALIDITY. If any term, covenant, condition or provision of this Lease is held by a court of competent jurisdictior be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated thereby. -15- a w 35. WAIVER OF RIGHTS. The failure of County or Lessee to insist upon strict performance of any of the terms, covenants or conditions this Lease shall not be deemed a waiver of any right or remedy that County or Lessee may have, and shall not be deemed a waiver of rights to require strict performance of all the terms, covenants and conditions of the Lease thereafter nor a waiver of any remedy for the subsequent breach or default of any term, covenant or condition of th Lease. 36. FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION REQUIREMENTS. In the event there is any conflict between the provision in this Clause and the other provisions in this Lease, the provisions in this Clause shall take precedence. a. Lessee for itself, its heirs, personal representatives, successors in interest, and assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree as a covenant running with the land that in the event facilities are constructed, maintained, or otherwise operated on the said property described in this Lease for a purpose for which a DOT program or activity is extended or for anothe purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits, Less shall maintain and operate such facilities and services in compliance with all other requirements imposed pursuant to Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, DOT, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 2 Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation-Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and as said Regulations may be amended. b. Lessee for itself, its personal representatives, -16- a v successors in interest, and assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree as a covenant running with th land that: (1) no person on the grounds of race, color, or national origin shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of said facilities, (2) that in the construction of any improvements on, ove or under such land and the furnishing of services thereon, no person the grounds of race, color, or national origin shall be excluded fro participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subject to discrimination, (3) that Lessee shall use the Premises in compliance with all other requirements imposed by or pursuant to Title 49, Code Federal Regula.tions, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Offic of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation-Effectuation of Title V of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and as said Regulations may be amended. c. That in the event of breach of any of the above nondiscrimination covenants, County shall have the right to terminat this Lease and to re-enter and repossess said land and the facilitie thereon, and hold the same as if said Lease had never been made or issued. This provision does not become effective until the procedur of 49 CFR Part 21 are followed and completed including expiration of appeal rights. d. Lessee shall furnish its accommodations and/or services a fair, equal and not unjustly discriminatory basis to all users thereof and it shall charge fair, reasonable and not unjustly -17- a w discriminatory prices for each unit or service; PROVIDED, THAT Lessee may be allowed to make reasonable and nondiscriminatory discounts, rebates or other similar type of price reductions to volume purchaser e. Non-compliance with Provision d above shall constitute B material breach thereof and in the event of such noncompliance count1 shall have the right to terminate this Lease and the estate hereby created without liability therefore or at the election of County or 1 United States either or both said Governments shall have the right tc judicially enforce said Provisions. f. Lessee agrees that it shall insert the above five (5) Provisions in any sublease, contract or agreement by which said Less grants a right or privilege to any person, firm or corporation to render accommodations and/or services to the public on the Premises herein leased. g. Lessee assures that it will undertake an affirmative action program as required by 14 CFR Part 152, Subpart E, to insure that no person shall on the grounds of race, creed, color, national origin, or sex be excluded from participating in any employment activities covered in 14 CFR Part 152, Subpart E. Lessee assures tf no person shall be excluded on these grounds from participating in f receiving the services or benefits of any program or activity cover by this subpart. Lessee assures that it will require that its cove suborganizations provide assurances to Lessee that they similarly w undertake affirmative action programs and that they will require assurances from their suborganizations, as required by 14 CFR Part Subpart E, to the same effect. -18- 0 Q h, County reserves the right to further develop 01 improve the landing area of the Airport as it Sees fit, regardless of the desires or view of Lessee and without interference or hindrance. i. County reserves the right, but shall not be obligated t Lessee, to maintain and keep in repair the landing area of the Airpo and all publicly-owned facilities of the Airport, together with the right to direct and control all activities of Lessee in this regard. j. This Lease shall be subordinate to the provisions and requirements of any existing or future agreement between County and united States, relative to the development, operation or maintenance the Airport. k. There is hereby reserved to County, its successors and assigns, for the use and benefit of the public, a right of flight foi the passage of aircraft in the airspace above the surface of the Premises herein leased. This public right of flight shall include th right to cause in said airspace any noise inherent in the operation c any aircraft used for navigation or flight through the said airspace landing at, taking off from or operation on the Airport. 1. Lessee agrees to comply with the notification and review requirements covered in Part 77 of the Federal Aviation Regulations i the event future construction of a building is planned for the leased Premises, or in the event of any planned modification or alteration o any present or future building or structure situated on the leased Premises. m. Lessee, by accepting this, expressly agrees for itself, its successors and assigns that it will not erect nor permit the erection of any structure or object, nor permit the growth of any trec -19- e a, on the land leased hereunder that conflicts with part 77 of the pede Aviation Regulations. In the event the aforesaid covenants are breached, County reserves the right to enter upon the land leased hereunder and to remove the offending structure or object and cut tht offending tree, all of which shall be at the expense of Lessee. n. Lessee, by accepting this Lease, agrees for itself, its Successors and assigns that it will not make use of the leased Premi? in any manner which might interfere with the landing and taking off o aircraft from said Airport or otherwise constitute a hazard. In the event the aforesaid covenant is breached, County reserves the right t enter upon the Premises hereby leased and cause the abatement of such interference at the expense of Lessee. 0. It is understood and agreed that nothing herein containe shall be construed to grant or authorize the granting of an exclusive right within the meaning of Section 308a of the Federal Aviation Act ( 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1349a). p. This Lease and all the provisions hereof shall be subjec to whatever right the United States Government now has or in the futui may have or acquire, affecting the control, operation, regulation and taking over of said Airport or the exclusive or non-exclusive use of the Airport by the United States during the time of war or national emergency. 37. COUNTY'S RIGHT TO RE-ENTER. Lessee agrees to yield and peaceably deliver possession of the Premises to County on the date of termination Of this Lease, whatever the reason for such termination. Upon giving written notice of termination to Lessee or upon expiration of the term of this Lease, County shall have the right to -20- e @ re-enter and take possession of the Premises on the date such termination becomes effective without further notice of any kind and without institution of summary or regular legal proceedings. Termination of the Lease and re-entry of the Premises by County shal in no way alter or diminish any obligation of Lessee accrued or accruing under the Lease terms and shall not constitute an acceptanc or surrender. Lessee waives any and all rights of redemption under any existi or future law or statute in the event of eviction from or dispossess of the Premises for any reason or in the event County re-enters and takes possession of the Premises in a lawful manner. Lessee agrees that should the manner or method employed by Coun in re-entering or taking possession of the Premises give Lessee a ca of action for damages or in forcible entry and detainer, the total amount of damages to which Lessee shall be entitled in any such acti shall be one dollar ($1.00). Lessee agrees that this Clause may be filed in any such action, and that when filed it shall constitute a stipulation of Lessee fixing the total damages to which Lessee is entitled in such an action. 38. TIME. Time is of the essence of this Lease. 39. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM. Lessee and any sublessee/ assignees for whom a "Consent to Sublease" is approved by County, maintaining a business location within San Diego County and using st business location in any manner connected with this Lease, shall con with the Affirmative Action Program for Vendors as set forth in Artj I11 (commencing at Section 84) of the San Diego County Administrati\ Code, which program is incorporated herein by reference. A copy Of -21- 0 (t Affirmative Action Program for Vendors will be furnished upon request 40, NONDISCRIMINATION. Lessee herein covenants by and for itsel its successors and assigns, and all persons claiming under or througk it, and this Lease is made and accepted upon and subject to the condition that there shall be no discrimination against or segregatic of any person or group of persons, on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry in the leasing, subleasing, transferring, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyme of the leased Premises nor shall the Lessee itself, or any person claiming under or through it, establish or permit any such practice practices of discrimination or seyreyation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, sublessees, subtenants or vendees in the leased Premises. 41. SECURITY. Lessee shall be responsible for and shall provid for the security of the Premises, and County shall have no responsibility therefor. 42. RELOCATION ASSISTANCE WAIVER. Lessee hereby acknowledges E agrees that Lessee waives all rights to any form of Relocation Assistance provided for by local, State, or Federal law that Lessee be entitled to by reason of this Lease. 43. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. Regardless of whether the obligatio comply is on the land owner, the owner of the improvements or the u of the improvements, Lessee shall be solely responsible for fully complying with all present or future rules, regulations, restrictio ordinances, statutes, laws and orders of any governmental entity regarding: a. Any improvements installed or alterations made on the -22- a m Premises including, but not limited to, storage tanks, pipelines, pumps, and all other structures and equipment; and b. The storage, distribution, processing, handling or dispo: of hazardous substances including, but not limited to, gasoline, diesel, aviation fuels, lubricating oils, solvents, chemicals, and hazardous substances designated in Labor Code Section 6382 and Healtl Safety Code Section 25316. If any hazardous substance as defined above spills, leaks or is discharged from any facility on the Premises, Lessee shall immediate make all repairs necessary to prevent further spills, leaks or discharges and shall immediately clean up and promptly dispose of th spilled hazard’ous substance and any soil contaminated by the spill. Lessee fails to make the required repairsp to clean up the spill or properly dispose of any contaminated soil, County may, after written notice to Lessee, take all steps County deems necessary to make the necessary repairs, to clean up the spill and to dispose of any contaminated soil. Lessee shall, within 30 days of receiving a bill from County, reimburse County for the cost of all such repairs and clean up work that County does or has had done. Lessee shall be solely responsible for paying all fines, damage and penalties imposed by any governmental agency regarding the production, storage, distribution, processing, handling, disposing, spilling, leaking or discharging of any hazardous substance as defin above. 44. SUBSTANCE ABUSE. Lessee and its employees and agents shal not use or knowingly allow the use of the Premises for the purpose o unlawfully driving a motor vehicle or aircraft under the influence o -23- 0 m an alcoholic beverage or any drug or for the purpose of unlawfully selling, serving, using, storing, transporting, keeping, manufacturi or giving away alcoholic beverages or any controlled substance, precursor, or analog specified in Division 10 of the California Heal and Safety Code, and violation of this prohibition shall be grounds immediate termination of the Lease. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Lease the day and year first above written. LESSEE: CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of Califor BY CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: VINCENT F. BIONDO JR., City Attorney COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO BY Clerk, Board of Supervisors -24- I DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES 1 FACILITY AND REAL PROPERTY DIVISION CWKTY OF SAN OIEGO APPROVCD OY O*tE 10-29-90 Sb I Pi ~*A~ ,I PERRY $CALI 1''' 100' I PALOMAR AIRPORT- CARLSBAD EMPLOYMENT CENTER 90. PRUdkCT 1 I I Lk VALUMAh nihr un nnLac+w c!wyLb irnti~ I LCI. 3 LI L AUTHORIZED J. AMORELLI APN 209-050-25 LOG NO. 9005-07 W,O. NO. TE3814 W/P FILE 900425A.PWP Parcel No. 90-0425-A (1 0-29-90) All that portion of Lot '6' of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 823 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, November 16, 1896, lying within the land described in deed to said County Of Sari Diego recorded January 18, 1974, at File/Page No. 74-01 41 90, described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwesterly corner of land described in deed to the City of Carlsbad, recorded June 30, 1982, at File/Page No. 82-201566 in said Recorder's Office; thence along a Westerly line of said County of San Diego land, South 11'17'56' West (South lo"4615' West per deed), 51 9.76 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence leaving said Westerly line, South 78°42'04' East, 20.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent 374.00 foot radius curve, concave Northeasterty, being also the Southwesterly sideline of that certain 48.00 foot wide road and utility easement described as Parcel No. 82-0001-8 in said Crty of Carlsbad's deed; thence Southerly through Southeasterly, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle Of 54O45'22'. a distance 01 357.42 feet; thence tangent to said cwe, South 4327'26' East, 69.67 feet; thence leaving tht Southwesterly sideline of said 48.00 foot wide easement, South 4692'34' West, 7.83 feet to thc Southwesterly line of said County of San Diego's land; thence Northwesterly along said line, North 73O17'52" West, 231.59 feet; thence North 11O17'56' East (North lo"46'15' East per deed) 330.24 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains 0.83 Acres. (P W P : J S : pw p) * EXHIBIT A-2 e 8 Y ENTRANCE TO COAST WASTE MANAGEME u - - w - 2 I- a, t u 'b a EXHIBIT B e e January 21,1991 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Community Development Director Staffing for the migrant Hiring Center UDdate: As you may recall, Mr. George Lopez, Executive Director of SER/Jobs for progress(SER requested a meeting with Carlsbad staff in October of 1990, to discuss the possibility c providing employment services to the proposed migrant Hiring Center in Carlsbad SERlJobs for progress, is a non-profit community based organization which has been ii existence since 1968. The organization’s primary charter is to provide placement, trainin! and other employment related services to the economically disadvantaged. At this timi Department of Labor, special grant programs and several private foundations. Ir addition, SER/Jobs for progress works closely, and shares facilities with, the Californi; Employment Development Department. The Hire-A-Youth program is an example of 2 successful program which has required significant coordination between the twc agencies. Based on the meeting with Mr. Lopez and his staff, Carlsbad staff informally requestec SER/Jobs for Progress provide the City of Carlsbad with a program proposal and cos1 estimate for professionallconsulting services for a 6 month period (attached). Per their program proposal, SER is suggesting a program very similar to those provided at other Southern California hiring centers, including the Encinitas Job Center. SER’s proposal would provide job placement services to legally documented day-laborers and employers on a 6 day per week basis (Monday through Saturday) for 5 hours per day. Public information would also be coordinated by SER, as would all statistical reporting oi placement and referrals, Hiring Center Staff would consist of (1) Project SUpeNiSOr responsible for managing day to day activities, and (2) Placement Specialists to assist in administering the program. The City of Carlsbad’s role would be to provide funding for employment services, all facility improvements, and basic office furnishings. The cost of SER’s proposal totals $34,815 for a six month period (review period) and/or $69,630 for a one year contract for the same services. Any additional services or programs would have to be submitted to the City for approval, prior to implementation. the group receives funding for many of their programs through allocations from the U.S All staff at the Center will be bi-lingual. EXHIBIT 3 a m The proposal submitted by SER has been reviewed and staff has contacted the Employment Development Department (EDD) for additional information regarding SER/Jobs for Progress and EDD's potential involvement with the operation of a migrant Hiring Center in Carlsbad. According to Kay Riley, Manager of EDD, she believes that SER is highly experience and capable of providing the types of services proposed for the migrant Hiring Center. She indicated that EDD and SER have developed a successful working relationship on a number job placement and training projects, and that their close physical proximity to one another has allowed for a greater sharing of information on employment issues and potential funding sources for many projects. Ms. Riley is confident that if the City of Carlsbad were to obtain the services of SEWJobs for Progress, we would be able to benefit not only from their bi-lingual capabilities anc employment services experience, but also their expertise in working with the migran population and their awareness of the migrant issues facing North County cities. Ms Riley also indicated that EDD would work with SER/Jobs for progress to further define the employment program, insuring that the objectives of the Carlsbad City Council are met In addition, EDD will insure that their Farmworker Outreach Representative is available tc migrant farmworkers utilizing the Hiring Center, on a regular basis. One of the temporary agencies which the City utilizes on a regular basis (Manpower), wa contacted for their assessment of the difficulty in obtaining "temporary" employees to sta the proposed hiring center. Manpower's representative stated that they do have bi-lingu: individuals available who are able to perform "general office" tasks. However, providin! supervisory personnel could be more challenging, since they cannot adequately test c assess an employees supervisory and interpersonal skills. In terms of cost comparison between a temporary agency and SER, the cost of hiring a equivalent position to the "Placement specialist", would be is similar to that proposed k SER. However, the cost for a "Project Supervisor" having bilingual-capabilities and wh has experience with placement and training would be higher than the cost SER hi proposed (see attached cost comparison). Furthermore, if a temporary agency were 1 administration and training, as well as initiating re-staffing of positions caused by attritio illness or inability to perform the tasks required, Costs associate with administration the program by a full-time City staff person would be dependent, in large part, upon tt complexity of the program and the skill levels and abilities of the personnel provided t the temporary agency. provide personnel, the City would likely be responsible for program developmer Recommendation: Given the nature of the project and the limited availability of full-time City staff to overs the on-going operation of a migrant Hiring Center, my recommendation would be obtain the services of an outside agency experienced in providing employment servic and who have bi-lingual personnel available to staff the Center. e e While a temporary agency would be able to place individuals who possess bi-lingui capabilities and the minimum job qualifications, it is not certain that those selected woull have experience in job placement and/or working with the migrant population and th general public. In addition, if a temporary agency were selected, the City would like1 assume complete responsibility for development and administration of the program a well as training of personnel and close supervision of the program's overall operatior Because staffing via a temporary agency would require significant City staff involvemer on an on-going basis, costs could be much higher than those of other alternatives. It is staff's opinion and experience that the number of individuals and organization familiarlexperienced with the operation of a Hiring Center is limited. Furthermore, sta believes that for future funding purposes, a public/private partnership would b advantageous to the City. Based on knowledge of the issue and ail information available, staffs recommendatioi for the staffing and program administration of the Migrant Hiring Center, is to obtain thc services of SER/Jobs for Progress for a six month review period, with an option to reneu the contract for an additional six months at the end of the City's review. SER would bc responsible for the day to day operation of the center, including all Hiring Cente personnel. The City would maintain it's authority to limit, or approveldeny additionz employment services. Additionally, since the services proposed are specialized anc would be most effective if administered by an agency experienced not only with jol placement but also the migrant population, staff is asking that the requirement for multiplc proposals (RFP process) be waived and that SEWJobs for progress be considered the "sole source" for professionaJ/consultant services related to the Hiring Center project. MARW ORENYAK M0:CH Attachments e a S4.N DIEGO COUWIY SER/JOBS FOR PROGRESS, mc. Service Employment Redevelopment George D. Lopez, Executive Dixector a‘ 2027 LWssion Avenue, Suite E, Oceanside, CA 92054 7 (619) 433-1000 FAX (619) 433-4524 December 12, 1990 Cynthia Haas Senior Management Analyst Community Development City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Ms. Haas, Thank you for your prompt and comprehensive follow up to ou: November 29, 1990 meeting. The concept of a Hiring Center fo. Carlsbad and the implementing steps leading to an effectivj operation, are compatible with our ongoing program. Carlsbad Hiring Center that would bring public favor to Carlsbad and results to those in your population needing our services. Because of your projected early launch date, we have endeavored t provide you with an accelerated proposal and cost estimate. I trust that the attached supporting material is truly responsiv to your request. Sincerely, ( It is the feeling of our management and board that we can launch I /---- / _- 2 “yh 5?i- George D. p Lopez ./v attachments: summary proposed six month budget 0 Fallbrook FIX: 0 Oceanside FLC 0 SanDiegoFLC 0 Escondido E. 300 heald Lane 2642 Oceanside Blvd 2330 Marcy Ave. 1301 Simpson Fallbrook CA 92028 Oceanside. CA 92054 San Diego, CA 92113 Escondido, CA (619) 723-7040 (619) 439-4453 (619) 239-6388 (619) 745-621 A Non-Profit Corporadon Under Secdon 501 (C3) of Internal Revenue Code 0 8 CARLSBAD HIRING CENTER A PROPOSAL Submitted December 199 San Diego County SER/JOBS FOR PROGRES Oceanside, CA 9205 George D. Lope Executive Directc 2027 Mission Ave., Suite a d SUMMARY San Diego County SER/Jobs for Progress, Inc. proposes tc establish the Carlsbad Hiring Center which will have as its primar: purpose job placement of workers in local jobs. The City of Carlsbad will provide housing, necessary furniturl and equipment, while SER will assign qualified bi-lingual placemen and support staff to operate the Hiring Center. HOURS OF OPERATION The Hiring Center will be open 6:OO a.m. to 11:OO a.m. Monda- through Friday. On Saturday, it will be operational 7:OO a.m. ti 12:OO noon. STAFFING Three Placement Specialists with bi-lingual capability will bl assigned. PUBLIC RELATIONS SER will insure that all public media contacts relating to thi Carlsbad Hiring Center are screened through Carlsbad staff. A1 contacts with employers and job applicants will be handled by SE: staff consistent with our program objectives, PROGRAM The operational program will consist of: I. Registration of job applicants. 11. Employer order taking. 111. Referral of applicants to jobs. I. REGISTRATION OF JOB APPLICANTS The applicant registration process will constitute thc creation of an applicant registration record. It will consist of 1. Verification of legal status 2. Name, address and phone number (if any) and Socia Security Number. 3. Right to work documentation/U.S. identification and ethic origin. 4. Special work skills 5. Language ability, i.e. English, Spanish, other 6. Vehicle registration and Driver's License (if available 0 0 11. EMPLOYER ORDER TAKING Employers seeking workers will be asked to furnish tht 1. Name of Firm, address and phone number 2. Type of work available 3. Date of employment, anticipated number of hours and day! 4. Wage 5. Job site address following information: of job. 111. REFERRAL OF APPLICANTS TO JOBS Applicants who are registered will be referred to suitable jol 1. There will be daily matching of workers to jobs. 2. Registration of workers will be required before referral 3. Those applicants who have arrived during the first hour will take part in a llLotteriall by picking numbers from q container, which will determine their referral priorit: when job requirements are met. Those who arrivc subsequent to the 'tLotteriall will be referred on a firs. come - first served basis, openings based on an equitable priority system: DISCLAIMER Employers will be notified, orally and in writing, that i; their responsibility to verify the workers' legal right to work They will also be advised on current minimum wage levels anc employment reporting requirements. SUPPORT SERVICES Efforts will be made to provide referral to appropriatc community agencies for health, training or social services Literacy and/or Citizenship Classes will be provided when possible INFORMATION SYSTEM All registrations, job orders and referrals will be enterec into the information system, so that periodic activity reports ca; be produced. e 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD HIRING CENTER Proposed Six Month Budget PERSONNEL: No. POSITION HOURLY WAGE HOURS PER WEEK 6 MONTHS 30 $9 I 30 $15, ( 1) Project Supervisor @$12.00 (2) Placement Specialists @$lo. 00 STAFF' WAGES .......$ 24, STAFF FRINGE BENEFITS (25%)..$L TOTAL WAGES & FRINGE BENEFITS .......$ 31, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: Printing, Postage, Office Supplies ..................................$. TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES..........$: OTHER COSTS: Insurance ........................................~..................$~ Administrative Cost (10%) .........................~................$3,~ TOTALOTHERCOSTS .........$ 3,3 TOTALPROJECTEDCOSTS: ............................................~34,a * 0 Q o^ F w 3 z z v 8 m k m r X W 5 %o UW gg ok 2s oa om * 0 . I W l- a I F a W [r: 4 I-> 0' an LZ Ia - 04 ctlz iiF ka+ xu9 <r dt er gzg WWa Q 3 .- 2% i=-w zsj 00 00 a? c-2 3 'E x!?! wa I'= r 00000000000000000 00000000000000000 00000000000000000 6363w63~cDoomaaw*o**N a- v-cvvv T: cu, a! e3 CD zz * *e3mm mz .z $ .E 00 .- r= *-we3 63 0 82 v) 3- ov) L 00000000000000000 00000000000000000 dddooooooooooooooo ~~****a~oo63wa*wo63cva Le 32 €e mqa a 63 ov) $00 00000000000000000 ~00000000000000000 mCooo~~oooodooooooo ~**w69~~oowaaw*m*ba .E 5 v-T-YF e3 w(0 2s 63 k. we36363 3, v) ov) 0, 00000000000000000 t 000000000000000~0 .- 2 odddaoomooooooo~m o*obwe3o~ooooowo~* 5 0 0,- C\1tftqo,cr,rb maq a, cu- v- 63 ywf29*a 63-b gv)* * e3 ff) csj 00 20 c; v) > .-a - - a- 2 5' u a za [11 %E g v) pg,0."."E S 0 - a, 22 64 v-cZEgq3 0 c= a a, .e mm cc .- +#a 00 I5a,-a,a,.c om sQ .- [I Cj, - +# s v)Q-gCDa% g% 228 pmmqc/)asggg~ 22 E t Q.9*=J= w--= .- = L &'- Q) L =~a~~+oaaa~m~a~~~~ a0 3EEcmA E; a :P.z*~,, 0 3 3 a, s.2 m.p&s 1) m I* B I 3c 2 G CL IT - - - - E 3 a 0 - --I -< 0 0 > 73 r- 0 CU 3 0 c 2 - z D m a X I: rn --I 01 -0 TI - - 3- 1 il, m 4 t COUNTY ENGl COUNTY COUNTY ROAD AIRP( COM TRANSPORTATION 0 DIRECTOR COUNTY SURV FLOOD CON1 LIQUID WAE 5555 OVERLAND AVE SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 921 23-1 295 SOLID WAS ‘OUnig Of Snn piego GRANVILLE M BOWMAN 161 9) 694-221 2 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (LOCATION CODE 750) January 7, 1991 City of Carlsbad Community Development Office 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Attention: Ms. Cynthia Haas SUBJECT: McClellan-Palomar Airport - Carlsbad Employment Center Enclosed are three copies of a proposed lease between the City of Carlsbad ar the County of San Diego. The term of the proposed lease is for two years an( covers 0.83 acres on McClellan-Palomar Airport. The City proposes to use the premises as the site for an employment center. The enclosed lease has been revised from an earlier edition previously sent you. City as approved by County Counsel. Please have the City Council approve and authorize execution of two copies o the proposed lease. When those two executed copies have been returned to Cor Airports, they will be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for their consideration. Upon approval by the Board of Supervisors, one copy executed both the City and the County will be returned to you for your records. The two copies executed by the City should be sent to: The rent is $1.00 per year. The revisions in the enclosed lease reflect those changes requested by County of San Diego 1960 Joe Crosson Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 If you have any questions on this matter, please contact Mr. Amorelli at (61 d7ii Public Works ssistant Deputy Director 596-3903. ASN:JOR:ny Enclosures Printed on Recucled Pam