HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-03-26; City Council; 11085; AMENDING THE MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN AND COUNCIL POLICY NO. 36 AND ADOPTION OF REVISED MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULEhAt > o a ck 3 5 F: 0 cx 0 1 8 2 3 1 DEP AB # /dl85 TITLE: MTG. 3-26-91 AND COUNCIL POLICY NO. 36 AND ADOPTION OF CITY ClTl CIT\QF CARLSBAD - AGEN~BILL ,$if AMENDING THE MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN DEPT. HR REVISED MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 7/-97 amending Council Policy No. 36 and approving a revised Management Compensation Plan. ITEM EXPLANATION: Management compensation in the City of Carlsbad is governed by Council Policy No. 36 and the Management Compensation Plan. Salaries are established based upon a market survey of the cities of Chula Vista, Coronado, El Cajon, Escondido, La Mesa, National City, and Oceanside. The top step of Carlsbad's salary range for each of the surveyed benchmark positions is established within the top three paying agencies. management positions are adjusted in conjunction with the benchmark position in their job series. This year's market survey determined that the salary range for the benchmark of Fire Chief needs to be decreased by 2.5%. The salary ranges for the remaining classifications of City Manager, Assistant City Manager City Engineer, Finance Director, Library Director, Human Resources Director, Planning Director, and Police Chief will increase between 1.3% All other to 8.7%. Additional modifications have been made in the Management Compensatior Plan (Exhibit B) which: 1) modify the health plan premium costs so that management employees contribute 10% of the total premium for employee only coverage, 15% for employee plus one dependent, and 20% of the total premium for family coverage and 2) clarify the City's policy on management leave in light of recent litigation of Abshier vs. Kern County. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no direct fiscal impact associated with the increase or decrease of the salary ranges for each management classification. The direct fiscal impact will be determined when individual positions receive merit based salary adjustments. A transfer from the General Fund Contingency Account will not be necessary at this time because substantial salary savings exist in many departments. 0 0 PAGE 2 OF AB # /(bf.5 EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. %-?7 2. 3. 4. Exhibit A, Council Policy No. 36 Exhibit B, Management Compensation Plan Exhibit C, Management Salary Plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e RESOLUTION NO. 9 1-9 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIW OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING COUNCIL MENT COMPENSATION PLAN. POLICY NO. 36 AND APPROVING A REVISED MANAGE- WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted Council Policy No. 36 that establishes a policy for the setting of management salaries; and WHEREAS, the City Council has established the Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to make changes in Counci Policy No. 36 and the Management Compensation Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Council Policy No. 36 attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby approved and adopted. 3. That the Management Compensation Plan attached heret as Exhibit B, is hereby approved and adopted. 4. That the Management Salary Plan attached hereto as Exhibit C, is hereby approved and adopted. /IJ Ill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I.6 17 18 19 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City-Council, held on the 26th day of March t 1991, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin Council Members Lewis, Larson, Nygaard and Stanton W/&L CLAUD A. EWIS, Mayor ATTEST: -u=-- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Citycier 1 (SEAL) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CKHlBLL A e 0 Page 1 of 2 Poky No. 36 Date Issued March 2 Effective Date March CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: MANAGEMENT SALARIES Cancellation Date - Supersedes No. 36 Specific Subject: Management Salary Ranges and Management Salary Schedules Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Departmen Divisions Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File eURPOSE To establish an orderly and objective process for the setting of managc ranges and the administration of management salary increases. - 1. Management salary ranges shall be comprised of SIX steps (5%) beti 2. All management employees are eligible to recelve merit increases 4 awards for performance of up to a maxlrnun of 10% per year, regard position in the salary vange. Upon Clty Ranager approval, any mal employee whose salary is at the top of the range may be granted a increase of up to 5% above the top of the exlsting range, and/or maximum of 5% of his/her salary in a cash award based upon perfor cumulative award above the top of the range shall not exceed 10%. 3. General across the board salary increases granted to miscellaneou bargaining units shall be passed through to miscellaneous managem empl oyees , the City Manager, and the Cl ty Attorney. General across the board salary increases granted to police and f bargaining units shall be passed through to police and fire manag employees 4. Merit tncreases for the City Manager, the City Attorney, and all management employees will generally occur in January and general board adjustments will occur as they are granted to the other cit unlts. 5. Managers will be eligible to e~ul executlve leave up to 56 hours basis of one hour worked for one hour earned. 6. Salary range adjustments shall be recmnded annually by the Cit all management employees based on the following criteria: A. The salary survey shall be limlted to the Cities of Oceansic La Mesa, El Cajon, Chula Vlsta, National City, and Coronado. Carlsbad salaries shall be shown in comparison with the sun e 0 Page 2 of 2 Policv No. 36 Date Issued March 21 Effective Date Marc General Subject: - MANAGEMENT SALARIES Cancellation Date N Supersedes No. 36 ( CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Specific Subject: Management Salary Ranges and Management Salary Schedules Copies to: 8. City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Departmen1 Divisions Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File A salary survey shall be conducted as described herein betwee 15 and November 15 each year. Salary ranges as prescribed by shall be presented to Council for consideration and may becom January 1 the following year. The survey shall consist of the top step of each salary range positions indicated in part 6E below. The top step of the City's salary ranges for the surveyed pos be established within the top three paying agencies in the ma City Attorney which shall be benchmarked at 95% of the City M salary. The following benchmark positions should be included in the ! survey : City Manager Finance Director P1 ann i ng Assistant City Manager Human Resources Dir. 8ui 1 di ng Police Chief Library Director City Eng. Fire Chief No employee shall lose pay if their salary range is decreasec sal ary survey. The City Hanager shall determine which positions included in are comparable to management positions within the City of Cai When a City of Carlsbad management position is not colllparabll positlon in the salary survey, the City Urnager shall analyzl responsibilities and duties of such position and shall recom placement within the management compensation plan. 8. The City Manager may from time to time reconrwnd range and salary in excess of 10% for certain specific.nanagerent titles based on events, changes in agreements wlth other bargaining units, or mar considerations. Salary increases for individual managers affecte adjustments will be governed by Section 3 of this policy. The Ci may perform the tasks assigned to the City Hanager for the Assist Attorney and the Deputy City Attorney. C. D. E. F. 7. A. E. e 0 Exhibit B Resolution No. 4/- ?q MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN I. INTRODUCTION. This attachment constitutes the Management Compensation Plan (MCP). The MCP contains three parts, an introduction, a schedule of benefits, and a salary schedule. A. DEFlNlTlONS 1. Manaaement Emplovees . Management employees are defined under the provisions of Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.48.030 (7). 2. Citv Council Appointed Fmplovees . The City Manager and City Attorney are hired by and responsible directly to the City Council. The salaries for these positions shall be set by the City Council. The non-salary compensation provisions of the MCP shall apply to these positions except as otherwise provided by the City Council. II. sc HEDULE OF BENEFITS A. J IFF INSURANCE. All management personnel shall receive City pa life insurance in an amount equal to two times the basic yearly earnings. To determine benefits, the amount of insurance is rounded to the next higher $1,000 multiple, unless the amount equals a $1,000 multiple. Supplemental Life, at an amount equal to City paid life insurance, is available at the employee's cost. Dependent life is also available at the employee's cost. B. RETIREMENT . All management personnel shall participate in the Public Employees' Retirement System on the same basis as other employees of their respective departments. C. H. All management employees shall ha their portion of the retirement contribution to the Public Employees' Retirement System paid by the City, on the same bas 0 e as other employees of their respective departments, as provided by Government Code Section 20615. D. MANAGEMENT LEAVE - Management employees are exempt from overtime requirements under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Management employees in the City are paid on a salary basis versus an hourly basis. There shall be no deductions from Salarv for partial day absences for personal reasons or sickness. A partial day absence is an absence of less than the employee's regular work day. Under no circumstances will any deduction in salarv be made for any absences of less than one day. Partial day absences shall be charged against the exempt employee's vacation, sick, or executive leave account. In the ever the exempt employee does not have sufficient time in hidher leave account to cover the absence, the time will be charged against the employee's leave account in the form of a negative balance. A negative leave balance will be permitted only for partial absences occurring for less than one day. Absences of a day or more shall be accounted for pursuant to the City's leave policy an no negative balance will be permitted for any such absence. VACATION. All management employees shall earn vacation on basis equal to that of other employees in their respective department except for management employees with comparable service in local government agencies may be granted credit for such service for the purpose of computing vacation at the discretion of the City Manager. All management employees shall be permitted to accumulate up and including forty (40) days of vacation. The City Manager shall be responsible for the granting of vacation to all management personnel, except in the case of the Assistant City Attorney, where the City Attorney shall be responsible ' granting vacation. 1 0 0 UCUTIVF LEAVE. All management personnel shall be eligible to earn executive leave, except the position of Police Lieutenant. A maximum of 56 hours per fiscal year are eligible for executive leave. ExeGutive leave will be credited to each management level employee -as hours are earned as determined by the administrativc policy established by the City Manager. The position of Police Lieutenant shall receive overtime at the rate of time and one-ha1 for actual hours worked. All management employees will be required to earn executive leave on an hour per hour basis. The City Manager is authorized to pay overtime to any management employee who is required to work extended houri due to emergencies such as fires, storms, floods, or other emergencies. SICK LEAVE. All management personnel shall be granted sick leave on a basis equal to that of other employees in their respective departments. E u. Any management employee who has accrued and maintains a minimum of one hundred (100) hours of sick leave shall be permitted to convert up to twelve (12) days c sick leave and uncompensated sick leave to vacation at a ratio 01 three (3) sick leave days per one (1) day of vacation. The sick leave conversion option will be provided during the first week of each fiscal year. Conversion can only be made in increments of full day vacation days. F. SFPARATION COMPENSATIOI\I. All management employees involuntarily separated from the City service due to budget cutbacks, layoffs, contracting out of service or for other reason: not due to misconduct which would justify involuntary separatioi shall receive thirty (30) working days salary computed at the employee's actual salary at the time of separation. G POL IDAYS. All management employees except for the position 0' Police Lieutenant, shall enjoy paid holidays in accordance with ' , * schedule of eleven (1 1) holidays as established by the City Counci Police management employees will receive one floating holiday per year. The position of Police Lieutenant shall receive holiday pay at the rate of time and one-half in lieu of receiving holidays off. The Lieutenant in charge of the police investigations division shall receive time and one-half for all holidays actually worked. H HEALTH BENEFITS. The City agrees that the health plan premium cost will be apportioned according to the following schedule: camaQu Cltv EmDlovee Employee Only 90% 10% Employee + 2 Dependents 80% 20% Employee + 1 Dependent 85% 1 5% I. ANNUAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION AND/OR PHYSICAL FITNESS 3 All management employees shall be eligible for reimbursement c up to the amount of four hundred fifty dollars ($450) during each fiscal year to pay the cost of an employee's annual physical examination and/or physical fitness testing (Wellness Program). The annual physical examination may be completed by a physiciar of the employee's choice. Each employee claiming reimbursemen shall be required to submit original receipts to the Human Resources Department. The Wellness Program offered by the City provides physical fitness testing and information regarding lifestyle changes that promote optimum health. Program components include, but are r limited to: Computerized Heart Risk Profile, Complete Blood Profile, Nutritional Assessment, Diet Program, Body Measurements, Lung Assessment, Consultations, etc. J. LO NG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE. Long-term disability is available for all management personnel after 30 days of disabil e a K. DFFER RED CO MPENSATION. The City shall provide deferred compensation plan(s) which may be utilized by any management employee. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any particular plan and to impose specific conditions upon the use of any plan. - - HEALTHY EMPLOYEE AWARD. The Healthy employee Award is earnel by those management employees using not more than one day of sick leave in a full calendar year period. Each employee earning this will be eligible for a $100 Cash Award. L. 111. MANAGEMENT SALAR Y SCH EDULE. The management salary schedule, attached hereto as Exhibit 6, shall establish a salary range for each management position. The City Manager shall have authority to determine the salary for each management employee within the salary range established f each management position. The City Manager may delegate to department heads the authority to set salaries for management personnel under supervision of the department head. The City Manager may grant merit salary increases and/or cash awards for performance not to exceed 10% per year. Salary adjustments shall be based on performance. The salary level of I management employees shall be reviewed in January as a minimu periodic review. Salary adjustments shall be made at the discretion of the City Manager subject to any limitation or controls imposed by the City Council. The City Attorney shall ha1 authority to determine the salary level of the Assistant City Attorney and Deputy City Attorney within the salary range established for the positions. Upon City Manager approval, any management employee whose salary is at the top of the range may be granted a merit increase of up to 5% above the top of existing range and/or up to a maximi of 5% of hidher salary in a cash award based upon performance. The cumulative award above the top of the range shall not exceec 10%. The City Council shall set the salary of the City Manager and Cit: Attorney. CITY OF CARLSBAD e * , MANAGEMENTSALARYSCHEDULE BIWEEKLY PAY EXHIBIT C. January 1, 1991 STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP POSITION - 1 2 3 4 5 AQUATIC SUPERVISOR 1,598 1,678 1,762 1,850 1,942 ARTS MANAGER 1,862 1,955 2,052 2,155 2,263 ASSISTANT CITY AlTORNEY 2,903 3,048 3,201 3,361 3,529 ASSISTANT CITY CLERK 1,673 1,756 1,844 1,936 2,033 ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER 2,242 2,354 2,472 2,596 2,725 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER 2,903 3,048 3,201 3,361 3,529 ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR 1,930 2,027 2,128 2,234 2,346 ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR 1,873 1,967 2,065 2,168 2,277 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR 2,399 2,519 2,645 2,777 2,916 ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER 2,322 2,438 2,560 2,688 2,823 ASSISTANT UIM DIRECTOR 2,185 2,294 2,409 2,529 2,656 B U I LDl NG M AI NT SU P E RINTENDENT 1,786 1,876 1,969 2,068 2,171 BUILDING MAlNT SUPERVISOR 1,598 1,678 1,762 1,850 1,942 CITY ATTORNEY 3,131 3,288 3,452 3,625 3,806 CITY ENGINEER 2,440 2,562 2,690 2,824 2,966 CITY MANAGER 3,296 3,461 3,634 3,816 4,007 COMMUNITY ARTS COORDINATOR 1,449 1,522 1,598 1,677 1,761 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 2,903 3,048 3,201 3,361 3,529 COMPENSATION 81 BENEFITS MANAGER 1,744 1,831 1,923 2,019 2,120 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR 1,566 1,645 1,727 1,813 1,904 DATA PROCESSING MANAGER 1,727 1,814 1,904 2,000 2,100 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY 1,969 2,067 2,171 2,279 2,393 ELECTRICAL OPTNS SUPERVISOR 1,598 1,678 1,762 1,850 1,942 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES MANAGER 1,744 1,831 1,923 2,019 2,120 EQUIPMENT MAINT SUPERINTENDENT 1,786 1,876 1,969 2,068 2,171 EQUIPMENT MAINT SUPERVISOR 1,598 1,678 1,762 1,850 1,942 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT 1,673 1,756 1,844 1,936 2,033 FINANCE DIRECTOR 2,475 2,599 2,729 2,865 3,009 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR 2,903 3,048 3,201 3,361 3,529 FIRE BATTALION CHIEF 2,182 2,291 2,406 2,526 2,652 FIRE CHIEF 2,763 2,902 3,047 3,199 3,359 GEOGRAPHIC INFO. COORDINATOR 1,696 1,781 1,870 1,964 2,062 HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 2,5 4 1 2,6 6 8 2,8 0 2 2,9 4 2 3,O 8 9 HUMAN RESOURCE ANALYST 1,363 1,431 1,502 1,577 1,656 HUMAN RESOURCE ASSISTANT 1,229 1,291 1,355 1,423 1,494 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 2,440 2,562 2,690 2,824 2,966 INFORMANTION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR 2,475 2,599 2,729 2,865 3,009 LIBRARY DIRECTOR 2,402 2,522 2,648 2,780 2,919 MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1,449 1,522 1,598 1,678 1,761 MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT 1,307 1,373 1,442 1,514 1,589 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 * t MANAGEMENTSALARYSCHEDULE BIWEEKLY PAY EXHIBIT C. January 1 , 1991 STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP POSITION - 1 2 B 4 5. MEDIA SERVICES MANAGER 1,449 1,522 1,598 1,677 1,761 METER SHOP SUPERVISOR 1,598 1,678 1,762 1,850 1,942 MUNICIPAL PROJECTS MANAGER 2,242 2,354 2,472 2,596 2,725 PARKS SUPERINTENDENT 1,786 1,876 1,969 2,068 2,171 PARKS SUPERVISOR 1,598 1,678 1,762 1,850 1,942 PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR 2,325 2,442 2,564 2,692 2,827 PLANNING DIRECTOR 2,675 2,809 2,949 3,097 3,251 POLICE CAPTAIN 2,453 2,575 2,704 2,839 2,981 POLICE CHIEF 2,903 3,048 3,201 3,361 3,529 POLICE LIEUTENANT 2,127 2,234 2,345 2,463 2,586 PRINCIPAL BUILDING INSPECTOR 2,029 2,130 2,236 2,348 2,466 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER 2,055 2,158 2,266 2,379 2,498 PRINCIPAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 1,863 1,956 2,054 2,157 2,265 PRINCIPAL PLANNER 2,024 2,125 2,231 2,343 2,460 PRINCIPAL RECREATION SUPERVISOR 1,719 1,805 1,896 1,990 2,090 PURCHASING OFFICER 1,930 2,027 2,128 2,234 2,346 RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT 1,786 1,876 1,969 2,068 2,171 RESEARCH MANAGER 2,296 2,410 2,531 2,658 2,790 RISK MANAGER 2,351 2,469 2,592 2,722 2,858 SENIOR CITIZENS COORDINATOR 1,719 1,805 1,896 1,990 2,090 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1,673 1,756 1,844 1,936 2,033 SEWER MAlNT SUPERVISOR 1,598 1,678 1,762 1,850 1,942 STREET MAlNT SUPERINTENDENT 1,786 1,876 1,969 2,068 2,171 STREET MAlNT SUPERVISOR 1,598 1,678 1,762 1,850 1,942 TRAFFIC ENGINEER 2,152 2,259 2,372 2,491 2,615 UTILITIES MAlNT DIRECTOR 2,325 2,442 2,564 2,692 2,827 UTILITIES MAlNT SUPERINTENDENT 1,786 1,876 1,969 2,068 2,171 WATER MAlNT SUPERVISOR 1,598 1,678 1,762 1,850 1,942