HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-03-26; City Council; 11088; IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED TO PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 5 INTERCHANGE- AB# ’$Ofg TITLE: IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED TO PALOMAR J/AL AIRPORT ROAD AND INTERSTATE ad -CQ MTG.A -2 % HIGHWAY 5 INTERCHA~IGE GM M .rl c, c(d ,G rd u .: DEPT. sa \ DEPT. CITY A CITY N ua l-l, a * .: ? t=lCl uc, H’s Icl m rd 1 ad FM GE *dh a$ 2: rdm :.: 2- WG w.I--I d& 42 moa, $4 uo H b) rdG u7; $5 d (d c) &I. -E@ M-4 4.4 c oo\ o\r=+ Go\ cn*d‘u *rl nd Q) &I4 4“s 3G cd 0 ‘us* 0:: z u m TI u -rlz c $ .rl m a a, $4 0 x@ aJ pk SE ar b)kd $23 25 !io .rlU ON0 .dh c,o n WaJ a”:: $5 $W.d (dg *rldQ am gab“ z.”u UZrn &a cGdL,.rl oa 3:: c)3 $3 $a.rl *rid 4 uu c $:2 c, 5- 0 c CO+ .?I2 urd H”$ o\ (no0 . u3 1.u ern e \‘J= cr) muu rd Eh $2; ocd &W u GZ ”8” rdz mwg c) G‘u * uuCQ a, -d rnu Q) -rl 0 c)~ Eo d +.I--I E l4m aJ .. z 0 5 a 1 0 z 3 0 0 Cly OF CARLSBAD - AGENU BILL .ri-u’ ; -I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. ?/- ff determining \a non-conformance with t Growth Management Performance Standard fOt CirCUhtiOn, based on 1 findings and conditions stated therein. ITEM EXPLANATION The Growth Management Program requires that adequate public facilities provided concurrent with the need created by new development. Performar standards have been established which must be maintained at all tim Section 21.90.130(c) of the Municipal Code states that if a facility is founc be out of compliance with its performance standard, the deficiency must brought to the attention of the City Council for appropriate action. As further explained in the attached memorandum, recent traffic studies hi indicated that the 1-5 freeway interchange at Palomar Airport Road is no compliance with the performance standard. Traffic from several zones impc this interchange, but of these zones only Zone 3 and Zone 5 are Currently i to develop. In accordance with the Growth Management Ordinance, I recommended that the City cease issuing building permits and grading perr for new structures in Zones 3 and 5, effective immediately. The duration of this development shutdown in Zones 3 and 5 will determined by several factors. In a similar situation when the 1-5 intercha at La Costa Avenue was determined to be failing to meet the standard, the stopped issuing building permits in Zone 6. However, it was recognized freeway interchanges are under the authority of Caltrans. Although the Council provided a financial guarantee for the improvements, the timini construction was not under the City’s control. In view of this, the City Co\ determined that development in Zone 6 could resume based upon the provi of the financial guarantee and diligent efforts to expedite the design construction of the improvements. The situation is very similar in relation to the Palomar Airport Road Interchz Construction is again under the control of Caltrans. Funding for improvements has been included in the proposed Mello-Roos Commi Facilities District (CFD). The design of the improvements is 90% complete Caltrans approval is anticipated in August 1991. Construction is expectc begin in March 1992 and be completed by September 1993. In view of these circumstances, staff recommends that the City Cc determine that if the CFD is formed, the improvements have been finan guaranteed and development can be allowed to resume. It is recommended that continued normal processing be permitted, providc building or grading permits are issued. This would allow the continued e a Page Two of Agenda Bill No. /( fl ff processing and approval of discretionary planning permits and permits fc tenant improvements to existing buildings. Projects in plan check now fc building permits could continue processing, but could not obtain buildin permits until the financing for the interchange is guaranteed. If the CFD is not formed, the necessary financial guarantee would not exisi and a more lengthy shutdown would be unavoidable. In that case, it would b necessary for the zones that impact the interchange to propose a financii guarantee that would be acceptable to the City Council. As an alternative, the City Council could determine that the developmei shutdown should continue until the improvements are completed. This is nc recommended because construction is expected to begin soon and because ( the potentially significant negative impact on City revenues, as discussed in tt Fiscal Impact section below, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Appropriate environmental review for the needed interchange improvements w be provided with the approval of the specific design for the future facility. FISCAL IMPACT A finding that any facility falls below growth management standards hi several serious fiscal consequences. In this case the failure of the Palom Airport Road Interchange emphasizes the importance of completing work on tl City’s Community Facility District which will provide funding for this and 0th projects. Although the improvement cannot be constructed immediately evc if financial backing is available, design and construction schedules depend t Zone 5 are included in the boundaries of the Citywide CFD and will be ask to cast ballots on the formation of the CFD on May 7, 1991. (Zone 3 is n included in the CFD boundary.) If 2/3 of the property owners within t district vote in favor of formation, the district will come into existence. Funding for construction of this interchange is planned for the 1992-93 fisc year. If the CFD is not approved an alternate form of funding will be necessa This could be provided by developers in the affected area subject reimbursement from the CFD in 1992-93, or other alternatives. Staff investigating various alternatives at this time. The City of Carlsbad does not have funds available in any form in an amok necessary to finance the construction of this improvement. Current c( estimates for the interchange are $10 million to $12 million. the availability of funds for work to continue on schedule, The land owners 0 * Page Three of Agenda Bill No. /.! fl fg If the CFD is not approved and the deficiency continues for a long period 1 time, further fiscal impacts will be evident, Revenues from development fec in this zone will cease. The creation of new jobs in the industrial area will sto And both the City’s property tax and sales tax base will grow at rates slow than would otherwise occur. The actual amount of revenue loss cannot I determined at this time. EXHl BITS 1. City Council Resolution No. f/-f?f 2. 3. Diagram of Interchange Memo to the City Manager, dated March 12, 1991 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I.5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 4 RESOLUTION NO. 91-98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAF MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE STANDARD WITH REGAI CALIFORNIA DETERMINING A NON-CONFORMANCE WITH THE C CI R~ULATION. \ ? i WHEREAS, Section 21.90.80 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code reqi i performance standards be established for specified public facilities; and i WHEREAS, the,Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan of 1986 de performance standard for Circulation Facilities; and x, WHEREAS, the Palomar Airport Road and Highway 1-5 Interchange determined to be operating b;e!ow the adopted performance% standard; and WHEREAS, in accordance..with Section 21.90.1 30(c), of the Munici if the City Council determines that\a deficiency exists then no further b t-\, \ grading permits shall be issued within the affecteQ ', // ones and developments until the deficiency is resolvediand ( WHEREAS, the City Council finds that issuance or approval of t grading permits within Zones 3, 5, 13, 20 and 22 in the absence of g financing for improveme,nts 9.f the I-5/Palomar Airport Road interchange, 1 '4 \ the failur '., of this,facility to conform to the adopted performance standard detrimentahto the public health, safety and welfare. /, NOW, '+YEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council '\., ' of Carlsbad, Calhrnia that: 1) The above recitations are true and correct. .... , .... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e Q 2) That effective this date, no building or grading permits shall be is: approved in Zones 3, 5, 13, 20 and 22 until a financing plan for the I-51F Airport Road Interchange is approved satisfactory to the City Council, 3) That the funding for the improvements of the facility may be availab other sources,,and the City will investigate all reasonable and appropriate pi sources of funds to aid in this effort. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City i 111 of the City of Carlsbad, held on the the following vote, to Nit: day of AYES: NOES: \ \ \ 1 \ \ 7\<\ i”.. */I ‘\, ’\ P ABSENT: \ \ “i, ?^ ‘\ x\ B #’ \. P, I i, i ‘\ CLAUdE A. LEWIS, Mal ’\ / ’* > 1, ‘d *x \ i/ \\ ATTEST: i-., \Y\/‘‘ 1 \ ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk ‘r \‘ i 1 ,\ \ i ‘4 (SEAL) \, \ a \ ‘1 ‘\\, \ ‘\“ 2. \ I e e MARCH 12, 1991 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: CITY ENGINEER VIA: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED TO PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND INTERSTA HIGHWAY 5 INTERCHANGE The City of Carlsbad Growth Management Program requires that the performar standard for circulation be met at all times as growth occurs. The standard sta that "No road segment or intersection in the zone nor any road segment intersection out of the zone which is impacted by development in the zone shall projected to exceed a service level C during off-peak hours, nor service level D dur peak hours. "Impacted" means where twenty percent or more of the traffic general by the Local Facilities Management Zone will use the road segment or intersectio Recently, City staff have been reviewing several development proposals for futi projects in the area served by Palomar Airport Road. Those projects were required submit detailed traffic studies, evaluating the circulation facilities impacted by t estimated traffic from these developments. The traffic studies being reviewed inch those for the proposed Price Club development, the Environmental Impact Report the Zone 20 Specific Plan and the traffic analysis for Zone 13, none of which hz been adopted at this time. These documents provided City staff with an indicati of the current status of the I-5/Palomar Airport Woad Interchange. Also, as part of 1 City's Annual Traffic Monitoring Program, JHK and Associates performed a detai level of service analysis in order to verify the operating ability of the interchange, These traffic reports evaluated peak hour turning movement volumes at the on a off ramps from 1-5 to Palomar Airport Road and the through volumes on Palon Airport Road from Avenida Encinas to Paseo del Norte. The level of service analy was performed based on existing intersection geometric and lane configurations. Results of these traffic reports indicated that the 1-5/Palomar Airport Road interchan is operating below the adopted performance standard. Specifically, the north bou and south bound off-ramps fail during peak hours, as shown on the attached Exhit Pursuant to Section 21.90.1 30(c) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and the Gene 5, 20 and 22, staff is required to report such a deficiency immediately to the C Council. The Code states, "If the City Council determines that a deficiency exist Conditions incorporated in the adopted Local Facilities Management Plans for Zone * c . Page 2 then no further building or development permits shall be issued within the affectec zone or zones and development shall cease" until the deficiency is resolved. Thc Local Facility Management Zones which are impacted by this deficiency are Zones 3 5, 13, 20 and 22. Of these zones, only Zone 3 and Zone 5 are able to develop at thi: time. The Facilities Management Plans for Zone 20 and 22 have been conditioned to provid the city with a financing plan prior to the approval of any development in order t ensure the construction of the required public facilities to meet the demand. With th condition, no development can occur in Zones 20 and 22 until the property owner show that there is adeqifate financing to construct the necessary infrastructur impacted by future development including this interchange. The Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 13 is currently being reviewed. An specific condition which is necessary to comply with the findings of this report w be incorporated as a condition to the approval of Zone 13. Local Facilities Management Plans for Zones 3 and 5 allow development to occ without the adoption of a financing plan to guarantee the construction of all tt facilities impacted by future development in the zone. This is due to the fact th Zones 3 and 5 were determined to be infill zones. Therefore, it is now necessary halt further development in Zones 3 and 5 until the full cost of the necessa improvements is guaranteed. The funding source for the improvements necessary to upgrade the I-5Palorr Airport Road interchange is currently included in the Mello-Roos Community Faciliti District. If the Mello Roos is approved, the City Council can make the finding that t improvements are financially guaranteed and lhat development can resume accordance with Section 21.90.080 of the Municipal Code. If the Mello Roos is r approved, City staff must then meet with the land owners of the vacant propel which will impact this facility to negotiate a cooperative agreement so the financi of the necessary improvements is gzaranteed and development can occur. EX PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND 1-5 INTERCHANGE 2