HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-04-02; City Council; 11099; ENCINA SHORT TERM CAPACITY MANAGEMENT POLICY AND FLOW METERING MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION AGREEMENTt B’ MANAGEMENT POLICY AND FLOW METERING MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION AGREEMENT RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. q 1 -. \ 0 ‘t approving the Revised Short Teri Management Policy and Flow Metering Maintenance and Operation Agreem ITEM EXPLANATION: The Encina Water Pollution Control Facility Joint Advisory Committee (JAC) ap revised documents at their February 25,1991 meeting which also require mem approval. The Short Term Capacity Management Policy was revised to make it with recent revisions to the Basic Agreement. The revisions to the Policy Agreement allow member agencies in need of additional capacity to tempor from other member agencies. The latest Short Term Capacity Managem Update concludes that, unless there are significant changes in the rate of flo and/or the Phase IV construction schedule, existing capacity will be adequate I IV is completed. JAC also approved revisions to Encina Centralized Flow Metering Program Ope Maintenance Agreements between Encina and individual member agencie: implemented the flow metering program in 1989 to ensure that acci measurements are obtained for revenue program requirements. The agreeme Encina to operate and maintain agency owned flow metering equipment for a One of the proposed revisions to the agreement changes the basis for fee incrc the Engineering News Record Los Angeles Construction Index to the Lo Consumer Price Index since this is not a construction contract. The other change requires a member agency to pay for re-calibration of the equipml required as a result of modifications made to the equipment by the member agt change reflects a policy which Encina and member agencies currently follow. > FISCAL IMPACT: 8 “X e The $7,860 yearly fee for maintaining and operating the flow metering eqL included in the annual Encina budget request. 1. 2. Short Term Capacity Management Policy. Flow Metering Maintenance and Operation Agreement. .. z 0 6 4 3, QQGOI-.Ak&fl &b. Cf/-\o#j s z 3 0 0 Shog Term Capacity lanagemen~olicy Approve4 RC RC Member j APPrc Re: PURPOSE - To establish a policy minimizing the disrupl wastewater service in the Encina service area prio completion of Phase IV. BACKGROUND -The Encina Phase IV Expansion Project is schedi completion by April 1992. A short term capacity ma study was accepted by the Encina Joint Advisory C (JAC) on September 7, 1988 and updated in Marc February 1990, and February 1991. That study updates examined the Encina service area treatmei over the short term, i.e., until the completion of € The most recent update concluded that there SI sufficient treatment capacity within the service ar December 1992; by that time, the Phase IV capacit be available. However, individual agencies n capacity shortfalls and/or present trends may significantly, and a basin wide shortfall could occ to the completion of Phase IV. Upon examining the s on capacity, the member agencies set the following < m Ref: w Page Two POLICY - 1. Temporary purchases of Encina capacity shal method of meeting individual agency shortf described in Section 9.4 of the Revise Agreement. 2. When the Encina service area flows reach 26.E gallons per day (MGD) on a monthly basis tk agencies will consider the following correct9 after due consideration is given to the estima IV completion date: A. Curtailment of all groundwater clean acceptance of septage discharges at tk plant. B. Restricting Oceanside flow to that ttWilcox Triangle Area". C. Transferring a portion of Vista' originating in the Encina service , Oceanside. D. Rehabilitation of the anaerobic digestt Gafner Treatment plant to obtain addition treatment capacity. E. Other options, including direction a agency flows to treatment plants out service area. 3. The member agencies shall provide on a mont to the EM: A. A total count of connected EDU's Ref: Page Three W W B. A total EDU count of legally binding corn to serve and the estimated schedule of actr associated with the commitments. 4. This policy shall expire upon completion of tl: IV project. w ENCINA CENTRALIZED FLOW METERING PROGRAM OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Ref: 1991 by This agreement is made and entered into on between City of Carlsbad (hereinafter lgAGE d the Er Administrative Agency (hereinafter slEMsr) . RECITALS A. AGENCY is a party to the Encina Joint Powers Revised I Agreement (RBA) entered into on December 17, 1990 for acquisition, construction, ownership, operation, and r tenance of the Encina Joint Sewer System. B. In connection with the operation of the Encina Joint : System, a centralized flow metering system was install€ monitor the flows to the Encina facility (Unit I) and th2 the ocean outfall (Unit J). Certain components of the centralized flow metering syste: required specifically for metering flows from the AGENCl are owned exclusively by the AGENCY. Other components 0: system are either exclusively owned by other member age1 or are proportionately owned by each member agency basc unit J ownership as described in the RBA. Certain components of the centralized flow metering syste' located outside the physical boundaries of the Encina 6 Pollution Control Facility and are within the service arc the AGENCY. C. D. E. The EM was created to administer, manage, operate, maintain the Encina Joint Sewer system. F. The AGENCY desires the EM to operate and maintain components of the centralized flow metering system whicl exclusively owned by the AGENCY and located either withii boundaries of the Encina Water Pollution Control Fac: and/or within the AGENCYBS service area. The EAA has the ability to perform the desired services ( subcontract with outside firms as required to perforxr desired services. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenant: conditions herein contained, the parties hereto agree as fol: 1. Authorization to Operate and Maintain Meters. AGENCY he authorizes the EAA to operate and maintain the flow met( equipment described herein and as per the terms and condil of this agreement. G. m m Page Two Ref:: 4( 2. Equipment. The equipment to be operated and maintained by EAA shall be the ADS flow metering equipment purchased for purposes of monitoring flows to Units I and J as per current Comprehensive Servics Agreement between EAA and dated November 1, 1990 (attached) and as described as follc Site No. Location c1 Flume at Encina c2 South of Encina c3 North of Encina 3. Term of Agreement. This agreement shall begin upon apprc of both the EAA and the AGENCY and shall remain in force ur termination by either EAA or AGENCY per item 19 "Terminatic 4. Compensation. The cost to provide the required operation maintenance of the flow metering equipment described he shall be included in the Encina budget and shall be bille AGENCY in accordance with the RBA, The cost for 365 calendar days of service, for the mete equipment described under item 2 "Equipment'* shall be $7,8 Should the AGENCY and EAA desire to continue service folloi 365 calendar days, compensation shall be adjusted per the Wngeles Consumer price index at that time, 5. Services Provided. The services provided shall be t services as described in the current ADS eomprehen Services Agreement (attached). The services shall performed by the EAA or by a qualified firm subcontractel the EAA at the discretion of the EAA. Data Access. The computer station located at the Encina W Pollution Control Facility shall be designated the ma station. The EAA and its subcontractors shall be author to collect data from AGENCY owned flow metering equipment to provide reports per existing Encina flow metering pol Member agencies with the necessary hardware and software s be allowed to access stored flow data from AGENCY metering equipment. 6. 7. Access to Field Mounted Equipment. AGENCY shall authorize EAA and its subcontractors to access flow monitoring equip located within the service area of the AGENCY. The EAA s be issued keys or lock combinations where applicable. shall contact AGENCY prior to access to service areas. AG shall authorize EAA and/or its subcontractors to access site alone, or shall require AGENCY staff to be present p to access, per AGENCY discretion. Should AGENCY staff Ref : 4 09 a presence be required, AGENCY shall provide access withir minutes. AGENCY shall not be responsible for the sal conditions associated with work performed by the EAA or subcontractors. The EAA and its subcontractors shall required to comply with all federal, state, and local sal requirements including CALQSHA requirements for confj spaces. EAA shall submit its subcontractors safety procedt manual for AGENCY review. Review of procedures shall ir way diminish EAA or its subcontractors responsibilities. EAA shall coordinate the efforts between EM, its subcontl tors, and AGENCY personnel as required. W Page Three 8. Replacement Equipment. If replacement of equipment to serviced per this agreement is required, the AGENCY shall so advised and shall review and authorize the recommei replacement. The total cost for replacement sf equipr directly associated with monitoring AGENCY flow shall be I by the AGENCY. 9. Restrictions Reqardins ADS Equipment. AGENCY personnel sl not attempt to service the equipment to be serviced by the per this agreement in any manner, The phone lines to the j metering equipment described herein shall be dedicated 1: and shall not be tampered with or used by AGENCY for any 01 purpose. 10. Maintenance of Member Aqency Equipment. In order to pro1 complete flow reporting capabilities, the EAA shall be asst that in locations where equipment to be serviced by the interfaces with AGENCY flow metering equipment: 0 0 The equipment shall be properly maintained. The EAA shall be made aware of any anticipated modif: tions or calibration of AGENCY equipment at least calendar days prior to commencing worko 0 Should modifications to AGENCY equipment inhibit operation of the equipment serviced by the EM, AGENCY shall take all necessary actions required establish a new metering location. efforts of its equipment manufacturers as required mitigate problems linked to the manufactures eqblipmt Should AGENCY flow metering equipment, other than the eq ment serviced under this agreement, be out of sewice 101 than 30 continuous calendar days, AGENCY shall submit to EAA board a written evaluation of the metering problem an( anticipated schedule and remedy plan. If AD8 must recalibrate its equipment as a result of modifications to member agency equipment by AGENCY~ the h%61 shall pay for such recalibration(s1, issue purchase orders authori incy ABS to pe bration(s) ana shall bill AGE cy the recali 0 The AGENCY shall be responsible for coordinating In such eases, E Ref: 41 Page Four 11. Insurance. EAA shall require its subcontractors to carry w W following insurance as a minimum: Worker's Compensation Insurance: Statutory amounts of Workc Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance on all i- employees subject to statutory limits of the applic, Worker's Compensation Act. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance: Comprehen: Automobile Liability Policy providing bodily injury liabi on an occurrence basis and property damage liability OP accident basis. This policy shall protect subcontra1 against all liability arising out of the use of owned leased automobiles, both passenger and commercial. Limit liability for Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insur shall not be less than Five Hundred Thousand Dol ($500,000) combined Single Limit. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance: Comprehen General Liability Policy providing bodily injury coverag an occurrence basis and including completed operati independent contractors, and contractual liability cover Limits of liability for Comprehensive General Liabi insurance shall be $500,000 bodily completed operati Property damage liability shall not be less than $250,000 accident and $500,000 annual aggregate. All policies must provide thirty (30) days advance notic EAA in the event of cancellations, expiration, or alterat EAA shall notify AGENCY within 24 ~QU~S of notificatio cancellations. 12. Hold Harmless. EAA shall indemnify and hold AGENCY harn from any claims, losses, liabilities, or other damages dL services performed as described herein, whether by act, ep: or omission. AGENCY shall likewise indemnify and hold harmless from any claims, losses, liabilities or other dan for AGENCY'S inability to meet the conditions of this Ac ment. 13. Nonassiqnment. Neither this agreement nor the ric obligations and duties of either party may be assic hypothecated, encumbered or transferred without the p ~ written approval of the other party. 14. Bindins Nature. This Agreement and its terns, covenant! conditions shall apply to, inure to the benefit of, and the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 3.5. Entire Aqreement . This Agreement represents the ea agreement between the parties, superseding and replacinc prior negotiations, discussions or agreements of the pal relation to the subject matter hereof. 16. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended at any time B agreement in writing signed by both parties. Ref: 409, - W Page Five 17. Attornevls Fees. In the event of litigation to interpret enforce the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing PE shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneysP j in addition to costs. 18. Written Notice. Any notice Q?C other instrument requirec this agreement shall be deemed delivered if deposit certified mail, in the United States mail and addressed follows: I1 EM'# Encina Administrative Agency 6200 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92009 '!AGENCY It City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Notice of a change of address shall be delivered in the : manner as any other notice provided by this paragraph, shall not be deemed effective until received by the oi party to this agreement. 19. Termination. This agreement may be terminated in whole o part by either the EAA or AGENCY by submitting written no1 not less than 90 calendar days prior to termination. Mol shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt quested. If Agreement is terminated in whole or in part, an adjus-ti in compensation shall be negotiated between AGENCY and El 20. Governinq Law. This AGREEMENT is to be governed by construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Cali nia. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, duly authorized representatives of parties have signed in confirmation of this AGREEMENT as of the and year first above written. ENCINA ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCY AGENCY - -- __ By : \ City of Cariisbad Raymond R. Patchett City Manager By: c ---FL-d! 2g/ q dy Chairman c ,' -/2 :> Approved as to form- 1 EAA Counsel and conditions relating thereto with respect to the AgreE entered into by and between ADS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. ( and the Encina Administrative Agency (EAA) , dated November 1, 3 Products 1. ADS will provide all service under the tc Serviced and conditions specified in this Agreemenl BY ADS: equipment as listed on Appendix A. Products 2. ADS will present Manufacturers' Service Serviced Agreements covering the equipment for wh By Others: ADS supplies but does not perform repair, maintenance service (i*e., central compute peripherals) . Services 3. ADS will perform the following services Performed By equipment it services: ADS : Diagnostics: a. Remote diagnostic check-out of equipment using its most cu procedures and programs from its facilities in San Diego, Californi< other service locations , by us( telephone lines. Repair: b. Repair and preventative mainte services, including battery replacs necessary to keep the equipment oper in accordance with the manufactc design specifications. These ser will be performed at the ADS SE facilities in San Diego, Californi other service locations. The typ services to be performed under Agreement includes but is not limit the following: I - Communication link failure - Depth sensor replacement. A depth s shall be considered for replacement sensor has less than 5 good sensor with 8 good firings. The sensor w cleaned first; however, if the sen: does not meet these minimum require] it will be replaced. - Low battery voltages. Battery vo shall be considered as being low wh B i? I C12V is less than 10. OV. ADS will reF the batteries within the sched response time, Velocity sensor replacement. A velc sensor shall be considered for replacf if the sensor readings are a cons value or zero indicating loss of ser sit ivity o - SeFJice c. The field service shall accomodate ( Schedule : normal operating hours of 8:OO A.M 12:OO noon and 1:00 P.M. to 5:OO Monday through Friday. PriItlaPy d. ADS shall designate a field service Contact : representative who shall be the pr. contact with EAA for the resolutic 1 field problems. Written notificatic , l Interface: a. To make no changes in the equipme software that would preclude ADS being able to interface via telephone EAA equipment unless agreed to by A writing. Assistance: b. Not to make repairs or perform maintenance or attempt to do so on equipment unless authorized by ADS. Notification: c. To notify ADS of an equipment malfunction within five (5) workin< by phone or in writing. Electronic d. To allow ADS to address the system Access: electronically for purposes of runr diagnostic tests and performing otf I functions in the course of this preventive maintenance test and checkout. EAA agrees to have avail upon request by ADS any data or mor information which would assist in t diagnostic procedure. Prices: 5. Charges for all services as detailed in Section 1 of this Agreement shall be as follows : 1. For depth and velocity sites, $231, 2. For depth only and existing meter (magmeter, sonic meter, etc.) site: $2lO/month I b. Changes or alterations in specifications. Painting or refinishing or furnishi materials therefore (except as dama by ADS during service work). c. I d. Installation, moving, or removing c equipment unless required as part c repair process. 1 I I I equipment unless authorized by ADS. Service during holidays. Repair serv during a holiday period, if requestec EM, shall be at a Time & Materials of labor charge - $100/hour, travel charge - $QO/hour. Maintenance and repair necessary to equipment not under a monthly servic contract in good repair. Repairs made necessary due to events beyond ADSIS control. Service 9. This Agreement shall begin December 1, 19 Agreement Terns: and continue in full force until terminat is accomplished in one of the following k a) EM or ADS provides a written noticc intent of termination. The contract shall terminate thirty (30) days aft receipt of the notice. A new Agreement between EM and ADS signed into effect for similar servj EM petitions for reorganization unc the Bankruptcy Act or is adjudicatec Bankrupt, or if EAA fails to pay AD! amount when due hereunder. g. h. i. b) c) > IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement. ENCINA ADMIN ADS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, IN - - m sli 59 p i I ADS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, IMC. SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT APPENDIX A I I I This Schedule of Equipment defines the units covered this Agreement between ADS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. and the En ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCY. Alpha Numeric Locat ion Phone Numb€ B1 Encina WWTP; 6200 Avenida (619) 431-1 B2 Behind Green Oak Ranch (619) 727-( B3 (619) 598-1 c1 Encina WWTP; 6200 Avenida (619) 431- End of road on Avenida Encinas (619) 431- c2 c3 6010 Avenida Encinas (619) 431- El 3rd and B Street (619) 632-' EE1 Encina WWTP: effluent (619) 431- L2 1960 La Costa Avenue (619) 632- L1 500' N. of Hwy 101 & Ea Costa Ave. (619) 632- os1 Off Haymer Dr. (619) 721- v1 3700 Block: Haymer Dr. (619) 439- v2 500' E. of PS on MelrQSe Dr. (619) 727- VA1 6450 El Camino Real (619) 431- VA2 2310 Rancho Santa Fe Road (619) 744- I I i I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I i i &$ 1 a . /-\- I E. 1. , 1- , ADS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE AGREEMENT 1 PRICE LIST APPENDIX B ’ Annual Charge for Monitor Service $37,800.00 I i I Site Monthlv Charqe/Sit Cl, VI, OS1, B1, B2, $210 0 00 VA2, L2, B3, L1 C2, C3, V2, EB $231.00 EE1 $126.00 ! i i i i I I i j I , i I 1 ! i j i 1 1 j ! I i 1 I I ! , I I I I i 1 \\ e e March 19, 1991 TO: DEPUTY CITY CLERK FROM : Sr. Management Analyst EpgCINA pm-w- HIETERI&-G miN-T]E&-m-CE m-D 0pEmTIOH- AGREMEH-T Attached. are two copies of the subject agreement which will taken to Council for approval sometime in April. Please return copy to my attention after it is signed by the City Manager. copy is for your file. Thanks for your help. -/LC-/’ P- FRANK BOrnSCH Sr. Management Analyst Attachments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3.0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e m RESOLUTION NO. 91 - 104 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBA CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENCINA SHORT TERM CAPACI' MANAGEMENT POLICY AND FLOW METERING MAINTENANCE AP OPERATION AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is party to the Encina Joint Pow Agreement entered into on July 13, 1961 for the acquisition, construction, c operation and maintenance of the Encina Joint Sewer System; and WHEREAS, the Encina Basic Agreement requires member agency appri Short Term Capacity Management Policy and the Flow Metering Mainter Operation Agreement; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad desires to approve and agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City c as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the Short Term Capacity Management Policy and the Flo Maintenance and Operations Agreement, which are on file with the City incorporated by this reference, are approved. Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 W 0 3. That the City Manager is authorized to execute said Agreement of the City. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Car Council held on the 2nd day of April , 1991 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Nygc St ant on NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTEN (SEAL) I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28