HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-04-23; City Council; 11130; ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR CDBG STREET AND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NOS. 3731, 3732, 3739c a u! g z fL a .. I 0 5 b, =! 0 5 0 o GCJ( @J CIWOF CARLSBAD - AGENqOBlLL y 'nd J$ 1 'AB# lf,jm TITLE: ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR CDBG DEPT. HI CITY All MTG. DEPT. ENG/MP CITY MG 4/23/91 STREET AND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NOS. 3731, 3732, 3739 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 9f -13s approving plans and specification, authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for thl construction of the CDBG Oak Avenue Street Improvements, Granl Avenue Sidewalk Improvements, and additional Pedestrian Acces: Ramps, Project Nos. 3731, 3732, and 3739. ITEM EXPLANATION: Three (3) separate Community Development Block Grant (CDBG: projects are being combined for bidding purposes. The largest i5 the Oak Avenue Street Improvement Project between the AT&SI Railroad right-of-way and Roosevelt Street. Curb, gutter, am sidewalk will be constructed on the north side of Oak Avenue. Tht road section in front of the Boys and Girls Club will be repaved tc keep storm water from spilling across the street. The largt eucalyptus tree opposite the Boys and Girls Club will be removed tc allow room for the sidewalk and proper sight distance for cars exiting the adjacent alley. The second CDBG project constructs curb, gutter, and sidewalk or the north side of Grand Avenue between Jefferson and Madisor Streets. This in-fill project replaces the existing dirt and asphalt shoulder with concrete improvements. The third CDBG project constructs additional handicap access ramps generally located in the area bounded by Chestnut to Magnolie Avenue and Harding Street to Madison Street. Last summer, thirt] (30) ramps were constructed within the same area. Additional CDBC funding permits the City to build approximately nine (9) additional ramps within the same general project area at this time. The plans, specifications, and contract documents for the improvements have been completed and are now ready for advertisement for construction bids. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the project plans and specifications and authorize the advertisement of construction bids. Construction will begin in the early summer and require approximately three (3) months to complete. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: On November 15, 1990, the Planning Director issued a Negative Declaration for the Oak Avenue Street Improvement Project No. 3731. The other two (2) projects, the Grand Avenue Sidewalks Improvements and the Access Ramps, each received a Notice of Exemption per the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15301 (C) and Section 15304 Class 4, and per the National Environmental Policy Act, 24 CFR, Part 58.34 (a) (10). The projects are exempt because they are a minor alteration or a reconstruction and maintenance of existing public improvements. i Y 0 0 I Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. /I1130 GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: On December 19, 1990, the Planning Commission approved PCD/GPC 90- for the Oak Avenue Street Improvements, finding it to be consister with the City's General Plan. The other two (2) projects, the ir fill sidewalk on Grand Avenue and the additional handicapped acces ramps, total less than $50,000 and are not considered capit2 projects within the definition of the City Administrative Order Nc 7. finding of General Plan Consistency for the latter two (2 maintenance projects. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for this project are provided by the Community Developmen Block Grant Program, Department of Housing and Urban Development The anticipated project costs are as follows: PROJECT EXPENSES Construction Therefore, the Planning Commission is not required to issue Oak Avenue Improvements $125,000 15% Construction Contingency 23,250 Subtotal $178,250 Grand Avenue Sidewalk 20,000 Access Ramps 10,000 Oak Avenue (outside consultant) 22,000 Design Grand Ave & Access Ramps (City staff) 6,000 Subtotal $ 28,000 Administration & Inspection 8,000 Blueprints, Misc. 6,000 Subtotal $ 14,000 TOTAL $220,250 AVAILABLE PROJECT FUNDING Oak Avenue Street Improvement $ 225,959 Grand Avenue Sidewalk 28,567 Access Ramps 13,378 $ 267,904 EXHIBITS : 1. Location map. 2. Resolution No. 9/-J3a approving plans and specifications anc authorizing the advertisement of construction bids for CDB( Project Nos. 3731, 3731 and 3739. Plans and specifications are on file in the Municipal Project! Department. 3. +I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 <. 0 e RESOLUTION NO. 91-132 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO INVITE BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CDBG STREET, SIDEWALK, AND HANDICAP ACCESS RAMP IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NOS. 3731, 3732. AND 3739 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad determined it necessary, desirable, and in the public interes construct CDBG street, sidewalk and access ramp improvements; WHEREAS, plans and specifications for the furnishing of labor, material, tools, equipment, transportation, and o expenses necessary or incidental for said projects, Project 3731, 3732, and 3739 have been prepared and are on file in Engineering Department of the City of Carlsbad and are incorpor by reference herein; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. The specifications as presented are hereby approved 3. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is he authorized and directed to proceed to publish, in accordance 1 law, Notice to Contractors inviting bids for the constructioi /// /// /// /// /// /// ,i 1 2 the CDBG Oak Avenue Street Improvements, Grand Avenue Side1 Improvements, and the Pedestrian Access Ramp Improvements 3 # 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 e * accordance with the specifications hereinabove referred to. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of Carlsbad City Council held on the 23rd day of April 1991 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson & Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Stanton CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 m Q c”1 LUCATION MAP __ n __ Q 0 -- o OAK AVENUE __ u, PINE AVENUE -- LEGEND EZZ PROJECT #3731 B PROJECT #m2 PROJECT NAME: OAK AVE. IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT # EXHIBIl PEDESTRIAN ACCESS RAMPS 3731 3732 GRAND AVE. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS 3739 1 .I CIUDAD DE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AVISO DE INVITACION PARA PROPUESTAS iran propuestas cerradas en la oficina de Compra Oficial, City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive (antes Elm , Carlsbad, California, hasta las 400 P.M. el lunes 17 de junio de 1991, fecha en que se les dah lectura, para entes propuestas de trabajo: MEJOWAMIENTOS DE LA OAK AVENUE STREET LA BANQUETA DE LA GRAND AVENUE ACCESO PARA LOS INCAPACITADOS A LAS RAMPAS NUMEROS DE CONTRATOS 3731,3732, 3739 El trabajo debe realizarse en conformidad estricta con las especificaciones como se aprobo por el Consejo de la Ciudad de Carlsbad en registro con el Departamento Municipal de Proyectos. Las especificaciones para el trabajo deben consistir de la liltima edicion del Standard Soecifications of Public Works Constructions, despues designado como SSPWC, programado por 10s Capitulos Surestes de la Asociacibn Americana de Trabajos Publicos. Por este medio se hace referencia a \as especificaciones de particulares completos y descripcibn del trabajo. La Ciudad de Carlsbad anima la participacion de mujeres minoritarias duehas de negocios. Este es un proyecto federalmente fundado, y 10s requisitos del Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD) enlistado como Apprendix B son incorporados en las especificaciones del proyecto. Los documentos que deben Ilenatse, propiamente executados, y notarizados son: 1. Propuesta del Concesionario 2. Fianza del Lecitador 3. Afidavit de no confabulacibn aproximadas y sirven solamente como una base para la comparaci6n de las propuestas. La Estimacibn de Ingenieria del estado A, C-8 o C-12. 1770, 1773 y 1773.1 del C6digo de Trabajo. De acuerddo con la Secci6n 1773.2 del Cbdigo de Trabajo, una copia El concesionario principal debe ser responsable de asegurar sumisibn con las provisiones de la Seccion 1777.5-del C6digo de Trabajo y la Secci6n 4100 et seq. del Cbdigo de Contratos Publicos, “PrActica Justa de Leyes de Subarrendamiento y Subcontrato.” Las provisiones de la Parte 7, Capitulo 1, del C6digo de Trabajo comenzando con la Secci6n 1720 debe aplicarse a_l Una junta de pre-propuesta y excursibn del lugar del proyecto no se llevarh a cabo. Todas las propuestas serin CnmP-asen Wases otorgadas estimand+_tidz.d de trabajo, como se indica en esta propuesta, multiplicand0 la unidad del precio SOmeO-=r-- ^I i-tador caw-- -..- G.--vnoia e,,tre palabras y figuras, \as palabras deben prevalecer. En Cas0 de Un error en la extensi6n del precio de una unidad, la extensibn correjida debe ser calculada y las proptiestas Serfin computarizadas como se indic6 anteriormente y cornparadas en las bases de 10s totales correctos. Todos 10s precios deben estar en tinta 0 a maquina. LOS cambios 0 COrreCCiOneS se pueden hacer tachando la cifra Y escribir la correccibn a maquina o en tinta y debe tener laS iniciales en tints de la persona autorizada a firmar por el concesionarto. Se \es advierte a \os licitadores verificar la promulgaci6n Y todo SUplementO Y pag0 de 10s trabajadores y proveedores de materiales, en una cantidad igual a un Cien pOr Ciento (100%) Y CinCuenta POr ciento (50%), respectivamente, del precio del contrato se requerira para trabajo en este proyecto. Estas fianzas deben mantenerse en complete mantenimiento durante el curso de este proyecto, y deben extenderse completamente y efectuarse y retenido por la ciudad por un period0 de un (1) aAo de la fecha de la aceptaci6n normal del proyecto por la ciudad. A concesionario se le debe requerir mantener segUr0 COmO Se especifica en el Contrato. Cuatquier cost0 adicional de dicho seguro debe ser incluido en el precio de la ProPuesta. Aprobado por el Consejo de la Ciudad de Carlsbad, California, Por la Resolucibn No. 91-132, adoptado en el dia 23 de abril de 1991. _-I.- -I__ a. x . contrato para el trabajo. .- L