HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-04-23; City Council; 11136; UPDATE ON SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ISSUES-* 2 UPDATE ON SOLID WASTE Hear presentation by staff. Adopt Resolution No. 9r-133 that designates Mayor Lewi Council Member Nygaard as Council representatives in discussions with other age1 ITEM EXPLANATION Mayor Lewis has been meeting with Supervisor MacDonald and Mayors of north CI cities to discuss solid waste management issues. As a result of these meetings, San 1L' has agreed to process the County's application to expand the San Marcos la Although the issue of construction of the trash-to-energy plant is unresolved, north c cities are considering conducting a study to evaluate the financial viability of the tra energy plant as compared to other disposal alternatives. In addition, staff of the north county cities will be meeting to develop objectives strategy for north county cities to consider in developing a plan to handle solid directly. The Council should formally designate representatives to participate ii discussions with other agencies. City staff will provide a summary report on the following solid waste management 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Review Board of Supervisors action of April 9, 1991. Review results of MacDonald meetings. Review results of meeting of city managers held on April 18, Outline of proposed course of action. Update on status of trash-to-energy plant litigation. FISCAL IMPACT No direct impact will result from this action. a 4 .. 1. 2. Resolution No. ol-I 35 appointing representatives. Summary of Board of Supervisor's action of April 9, 1991. z 0 U 2 0 2 3 0 0 5 Bo*RooFsu SRW P. E m 0 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO rrvTm CHIEF ADMINlSmnVE OFFICE AGENDA KEM -2: wg WLn XM UK -0 moa ._ DATE : April 9, 1991 To: Board of Supervisors SUBJECT: San Marcos Landfill Contingency Plan (All Districts) EWY Issue Continued operation of the San Marcos Landfill is uncertain a' this time- Should the County implement contingency plan which will extend the life of the landfill and provide fo transfer facilities? COMMENDATION IEF ADaISTRATrvE OFFICER: ,Direct County Counsel to appeal to the Regional Water Qualit Control Board decision of March 11, 1991 to the State Wate Resources Control Board an& seek a rehearing on the vertica exparsion of %he San Marcos Landfill. 2,Direct the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to sign a letter to the Regional Water Quality Control Boa requesting that either A) their staff proceed with work on tl County's application, or B) the RWQCB select a consultant t ccntinue the work and the Co-mty will pay the related cos* 3.Dkect staff to meet with AB939 Advisory Committees to ga. their input- &-&p>#& #")R&&ls4)' /e*:- CbpkeeadM6 4,Direct staff to prepare an amendment to the Solid Was' Management Ordinance (6875) , Sections 68 - 501 and 68.511 provide for the control of vehicle access to the San Marc i.\ -4 5,Authorize the Landfills, o solid was using standa if necessary, limit access industry compac passenger and 1 other vehicl would be diver solid waste facilities. btaining permit Tlodification 7 * \* m 0 SUBJECT: San Marcos Contingency Plan (All Districts) 6.Approve in concept and direct the CAO to return to your Board at a time certain on May 21, 1991 with an amendment to the Solid Waste Management Ordinance for phased implementation and enforcement of mandatory recycling in all areas in the region using County landfills, to include the following elements: A. Curbsi.de separation and collection of Yard and Wood Waste B. Commercial and business office paper recycling C. Residential curbside recycling programs. D. Enforcement of Recycling Requirements k$$ 7.Amend the Fiscal Year 1990-91 Solid Waste Enterprise Fund Spending Plan to authorize the expenditure of $250,000 from the Solid Waste Contingency Reserve and authorize the Director, Purchasing and Contracting, to negotiate an amendment to contract No. 41056-E with the Herzog Contracting Corp. for the application of foam as cover material at the San Marcos Landfill. .Direct the Director General Services to terminate the lea e with Coast Waste Management at the Palomar Transfer Statio$?+ and, amend the Fiscal Year 1990-91 Solid Waste Enterprise Fund Spending Plan to: A) Authorize the expenditure of $500,000 from the Solid Xaste 3 Contingency Reserve to authorize the Department of Public Works to proceed with environmental review, design, pemit, ' construction plans and specifications to expand the facility- at the Palomar, Vista and San Marcos Transfer Stations; and, B) ljirect and authorize the Director, Purchasing and Contracting, to negotiate a contract utilizing Board Policy F- 40, Procuring Architect, Engineering and Related Professional Services, to procure a consultant for the design, environmental review and permitting of the Palomar, Vista, and San Marcos transfer stations; and, Authorize the Director of Purchasing and Contracting to award a contract upon the completion of successful negotiations not to exceed $500,0CO. ko i f I 9.lith regard to the proposed Vista Trans er Station: A) Guidelines that %he County3as consid- ed the EIR certified by the City of Vista (E85-462 thqt ad % esses the impacts of industrial uses.wrthi6 the Norkh County Inctystrial Park. This finding is for the acquisition of two parcels of land in Recommendations 9B & 9C. Direct the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to file a Notice of Determination for this action. B) Amend the FY 90-91 Sotid Waste Enterprise Fund to authorize the expenditure from the Facilities Reserve of $5,700,000 to have the Director, General Services to immediately acquire Find in- ac??cordaace'\with a S&t+&oa i 15096 of the CEQA #&: W4iitrTwAfiy BGCW 74 #!!e P&ym m .. e 0 SUBJECT: San Marcos Contingency Plan (All Districts) parcel numbers 219-531-32 and 219-532-19 for the purpose t the development of a solid waste recycling/transfer station the North County Industrial Park to be owned and operated ; the County of SaCn"eg4. C) Direct staff tb .#ocwd >@tweq$ssar& steps to purcha: the property and requesf the San Diego Capital Asset Leasii Corporation (SANCAL) to initiate the financing for t purchase of the property and return to your Board f pproval. Upon receipt of funds from this action, direct t Auditor to reimburse the Facilities Reserve. l0.Amend the FY 1990-91 Solid Waste Enterprise Fund Spending PI to authorize the expenditure of*-. $1,000,000 from t Contingency Reserve and direct the CAB to seek modif icat& to the San Marcos Landfill permit to provide the means 90 transfer up to 2,000 tons per day from that facility- .Amend the FY 1990-91 Solid Waste Enterprise Fund Spendi Plan to authorize the expenditure of $750,000 from the SFj Facilities Reserve Fund for Recommendations 12 and 13 belc 12. In accordance with Board Policy A-87, Competitj Procurement, approve and authorize the Director, Purchasj and Contracting, to negotiate and execute amendments of up $500,000 to Contract No. 41115 with Michael Bran& Associates for desicp of a flare syste!n to comply with AI requirements at the San Marcos landfill and to complete t permit process. go { 13. In accordance with Beard Policy A-87 , Cornpetit. Procurement, approve and authorize the Director, Pcrrchas and Contracting to negotiate and execute amendments of up $250,000 to Contract No. 41302-E with the IT Corporation provide additional services relative to permit acquisition c additional required monitoring at the San Marcos landfill 14.Amend the FY 1990-91 Solid Waste Enterprise Fund Spend Plan to: 1) Authorize the expenditure of $25,000 to provide techni assistance in obtaining the Regional Water Quality Cont Board permit application; and, 2) Authorize the Director, Purchasing and Contracting, begin contract negotiation with NBS-Lowry, and subject to f negotiations and determination of a fair and reasonable pri enter into a contract to provide technical assistance preparing the RWQCB permit application. !id , 3 W m SUBJECT: San Marcos Continqency Plan (All Districts) , 15,Amend the FY 1990-91 Solid Waste Enterprise Fund Spending Plan to: 1 ) Author i z eR&&hpd 000,000 from the Contingency modifications (if necessary) at ona Facilities; and, 2) Authorize the Director, Purchasing and Contracting to begin contract negotiations with a firm from the County's list of approved consultants in accordance with Board Policy A-87. 6.Report back on May 21 time certain with an action plan on the County staffing and equipment needed to implement Recommendations 4, 4, 6,9B and 10. i 4 cot ind that the construction of additional scales and fee' 0 - 'bootAas at the Sycamore Laadfill is in accordance with Section 15096 of the,State CEQR Guidelines, aqd that the Ceun.t=y,has considered the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) SCH 840404 7 Transportation, and 7/28/89 by the Federal Highway Administration. as certified on 6/28/89 by the California Department b, ,Amend the Fiscal Year 1590-91 Solid Waste Enter2rise Fund f Spending Plan to: 1) Authorize the expenditure of $600,000 from the Contingency Reserve for the construction of additional fee booths and temporary scales and c:r>xnputers at the Sycamore, and Otay landfills; and, 2) Authorize the improvaents necessary for construction of fee booths(2) and temporary scales:;; at the Sycancre Landfill, and the improvements necessary for the construction of 1 fee booth and temporary scale at the Otay Landfill, and 3 upgraded computer systems. Fiscal Impact , This itam proposes changes to the Solid Waste System, The funding source is the Solid Waste Enterprise Fun'd. If approved, this request will result in $ 8,925,000 in current year cost, $600,000 in annual cost. The requiredl staffing level will be identifed in the May 21, 1991 report. Advisory Statement Alternatives *Do not implement the contingency plan and tnereby not extend the life of the San Marcos Landfill. 4 , h* Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I.6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 za 0 e RESOLUTION NO. 91-135 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD JOIN THE NORTH COUNTY COALITION OF CITIES WORKING GROUP ON TRi ISSUES AND APPOINTING A REPRESENTATIVE AND ALTERNATE THEMTI WHEREAS, a group of North County cities has been meeting informally to disl common interests with regard to the handling of solid waste matters in the future; WHEREAS, the cities participating in these informal meetings would like tc continue these meetings, with the formal approval of their respective Councils with officially appointed representatives Erom each participating city; and WHEREAS, the purpose of these ongoing meetings is to investigate PO' alternatives to continued reliance on the County to meet North County solid 7 disposal needs and to investigate the possibility of forming a joint powers agree or other ongoing structure for that purpose: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct. 2. The City of Carlsbad hereby joins the informal working coalition of North County Cities and appoints Mayor Claude "Budt Lewis as its represer thereto. Councilmember Julie Nygaard is appointed to serve as alternate in the that Mayor Claude "Budt Lewis is unable to attend. 3. Mayor Claude "Bud" Lewis and Councilmember Julie Nygaard shall atte meetings of the informal coalition and shall report thereon to the City Counc 4. budgetary constraints. I City staff is directed to assist the coalition as needed within existing a- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 131 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a * PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsb; 23rd day of -7 April 1991 by the following vote, to w Council held on the AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson & Nygaar NOES: None ABSENT: Council Me ATTEST: M*MiENL* (SEAL) I I