HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-05-07; City Council; 11143 Exhibit 6; Price Club approval forms (3)e a Withqegards -c - to me proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Intmtate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I.-. I - I2.catL Date: 3-9l-71 q{ Signature? O.A,--'~?^* Name: thEr m54- &-&+fill Address: ?A 5 - 0 kJS Lie CP(2h3&9 e& 72008 r Date: 3-20-4/ Signature: 6 vy * \* Name: Address: Signature: &@L? f ZhPW Date: 3/20 h/ Name: c/us 3/szf Address: Qk/& c7mAfd 4M &f?- @ f<wB( e (9 ce 9&70p 4 Signature: @;LOLWA/ Date: J -7 -m -q / Name: W( / - ?&<kZ4&UJ [.I.& - ., i Address: &bC< &- [;A .m/l-A' 2 CJ&Y I!c "y. ,-c c , /< ~ / I 0 0 ’ I i With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. \ I i I I Signature: \- ,j Date: ?/~k/ I 1 ! 1 4 1 Name: 1 Address: i ! - I 3oq I &mu &. 9 1 Signature: x’.c- Date: y /’[I- v7 /’ Name: /f d//?fd-J- Address: ’T,YW C~?z,;rPC_flfi 43 f#,K c { /;A /7 (-4 yzie;.’ Date: 3 - 21 - 9 t Signature: Name: MA~Q .DR €w€.k Address: 1025 \R(s CT* CARLsakb: @k 9XOq , -2 \ Signature: DL- [ i5-~>,<-&& Name: w‘% u Date!O~ 4-8 - I 9 $ ‘ Address: 7241 --LA, -4-L-4, w * qaoo9 e 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airpo Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: Date: 3-3J ?. - WOLT t-43 Name: 3CO-rT r-F- 0 Address: -w+v LL/tH//c 37- G/+-ca.LM/W, Ck ?A009 1 <-<r2(' </ y: 7 Signature; ' /I~al',mic/ c.l,/ t -xj;dL. Date: Name: yy&fl/?y &!&97A4 &2AAYdd/J L&o / &z&-c"/7p &4%+c A& . /(-L /# r,/f?-L--/?& Q e;-- ?&& Signature: Qkw /b Date:& L, 1 I, - / 7 ,/ (7 Address: .&U[& hY/q TC/'y -. -- , Name: Address: cAgLsdf?J, @f+ 9zoo9 Signature: Name: Address: pJ+&&d; a4 9m9 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. i \., * 0‘ .> 59 1-4 I Date: ?/? “,/ i“/ -7 1 Signature: /icP,$fiLC ?L&- Name: & L/L.’,G /L/e L (CAJ Address: :?73 AIfp</L+iJ CT- &4fi:&247/?!3 c/s ‘/&. c 7 / /~/-~ -’ Date: %3%3& / ‘‘j;3/ U-W I Signature: / -I Name: fl//c-4 /J /ro./V/c/,- -. Address: 7 s/3/ d-44, C&/Z Az/ 0 J,- Q9/&f?/&<, &?+J 5% L- L7 /I .I- Date: ~~~/’~~ ”?,’ P + 4 Signature: ,.?! .(r./;zd .JLvJ< A,Q~&-< / (& I ,{w J .s ,-*d f \ -7 ,a/ /,I ‘y 1, 7 Name: E ,j&zS ,(L~ 2 s/-=;I.L c- 1 ‘ 2 I 9 +’ Z/?- ’,?,ff,J G/q: i ( 2 ;” ( -</Tf 0 &I. I <“LC l Address: L’ ),,, 7%) I e 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. x. // l / CJ, Signature: k/%?-& I/, A/A&- :i Date: ‘ 3 - 90 ? /’ Name: JIbNu7i,, /,- d/// Address: 33-33 &?&J-Q c-/ (3//kZ5&JC, 42- p>!E’T / .. Signature: Date: 5 -SO - yr/ -I Name: Address: 322 V\’rznL &_% ST- ~~~Y LbK cSR$ln ,‘.. Signature: &LJf&,-$g %; -iLqh/ Name: KU/Z 7- TdT&-mC Dum< c*4 Address: 2-( 92-X- & 9-7 MLSA6M. (-!& Y.=?-&Y Sig -mELcLL-L Date: 3 - 31 * q I Name: 5W.L pf ii ;4 ? Address: 3) 3.8, ~LOj~O~CT ST. ST& ‘0 cNb$m, a Q=g e 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. 4$ i Signature: Date: 03 / ao/9 1 -i Name: MWU mfle QSSLY. Address: 3'%%5 \n autiCcLl d-r CMUlSbClA. , CG. qxOO8 Signature: / -4Td.L Date: 3 * % 5 ( U Name: &KG YMiCLW I Address: &blO E/. P4S m LA) cf?fLseMl j c4 ' wx)5 Signature: &ddu Date: -d /zo /? { Name: na Id A Ii- ba r.L Address: IC SA QU)n c oyvt C-Labed: 0 9aqy @OzO' 9/ 0 With regards to d t e proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Address: /Gzqq fl >&f& &?/ E& 47Lq2 ,I Signature: Ad- zdd Date: 3 - & / - y/ &b&& pr& r- Name: -A&- Address: 2 r{ff p ow&&- 4 .9c;LddB Date: 3 - -2 / -- 7 1 Sign at u re: 7T+d>$' bb4 GN-%,H 4; ; c -FA &';-c *>/e-&/< .L.T J c>q&j& p4 -q 2.L~.:l~,--- Name: Address: / 3 kt- (x,, fl ,*'I 'j *' - 7 c-L i 4 L& h / / . Date: 3 /z 0 /r / 1 i b -ye Address: .2- /e, <;e- b. P[&l $ & & CScL il /r d <.!, e., ci 2 '?(> :j Name: Y. :,-%..VL 6 & 9.. 10 With regards to th ic) proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. [/ I,&< Date:3HJp - r/ Signature7 Name: k;d& Address: 374 r@& if/R - - 4 VqP J I' - t'; &AyI , 72.009 i P 71 $?)ate: 3'- % ) -- Signature: < Name: Address: lo DAVID WILSON 2855 CARLSBAD BLV CARLSBAD CA 92001 - signatured4 Date: 27 &@ 91 Name: & 4e /x sr.d Address: ?e?/ H&;*re% >#* 4=-Y&LQ y- 9'04 I Signature: L@&& Date: Jdr/hd /f$? Name: Address: QE$BP('Fg b SUSAN ~~~~~~ -0 h3 ma, (;A 9&W 0 - -- e With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, ea‘st of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support pproval of this project. 9. 4 . Gh XI r7 1 I ..I .. -7 ;;/i ,I 1 I/ Signature: 1 b,;>,., , ’1 , ’ - c, . I. i / 1- Date: ,:3 A -.( , I I J Name: &+dr<[p *: (-q:?q rs _-. .- *I L <.+fi f f::(?.j/.? (:/ ). !/?. c ;F,-.d Address: . I *?7r , P. -. ?.% 4 ?\ e T -.VQ w Signature: ‘x. .- I-/?, v 7 7 ,x2 Date: .LI Name: ~----,/17-74 /J Address: 43 “2) co 7c4 1 c 7 47- <-oJT& r/-J G3(9”9 Signature: ?f@ 2 .pa Date: 3 -27- w / Name: M&Pc/ PL; /Lfl5 Address: &2-7c 2 [g LhP& Q dL.. P&/5&<, &, 92mQ Signature: -t&@d Date: 3-Zf- 9/ i Name: ReSEnr I. MA>cJLF;L Address: ‘74.64 ksfm SS + Ldsbrcd, CA qzaoq ". * 1- 'c With regards tolhe proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palornar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. f I I I Address: hst// fii Pgj+&~ /L/ 1 / / I Signature: Date: 3/2/ /q/ I I 1 Name: BPf& - ZVdNdd -, ('flnLS & /s 0 720L77 I c 2n-V *. Signature: 4+a7/ Date: .... Name: (OeurSe /?=/io r, *4 Address: t-- - 9Zd 9 Date: A -1 Name: mTf-&Qf=f 7- Address: n?v - A 6-rL CMiQ -c, (-NLL-yT /h r '?Awl? Address: ? qfi 60 Ah+ &A5 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Inte-state 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: (yg,L3( A. irdp; Date: - 3/;:/ kh/ / (-.h,:. iry/ A. 6- 16- I Address: ,I ,L> ., 7t5 >-I /1l)&/ lb. IC!! 2- P 41/..,7 - POL,. 1-5 [.I-\ (4 1, ,A c.1 11 / 4 Name: I Signature: Date: m Name: Address: /, ?/ZZ/%/ A4 K /$/Lsd44,, AL 99df4 ' I / / / ,',4 *7 ,*', /, ,- '/ ;, , < , ,j,z,.L Date: '/ -> /' 'I I <I,<- - ' Signature: >I .. , / I' 'I Name: )I-/)' '- . 7 Address: <-, [ I= With regards to 9 t e proposed Price Club to be located on the south 0 side of Palornar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advis'ed that I support approval of this project. ,c,, , AT/ / / 1. -7 Signature: Date:// - $4 Name: -_ Address: , I '-1 '1 ,I ;A , 2 LJ p,y) , ( 4 .> ~ 1 c 1 -I i// ' .'\, Signature: bc-ZFe</dDate: -7 --- L/-- - ,7/ //a Name: *T -e/L eqrpAhqcA c;, ~~~~~ Signature: -?';&Ln- w GL3-w- Date: yli. (7 / I Address: zg/ G/ ,&?p$f''~9;~ cf Name: C/GPi C~-\LL Address: Cj";&\ LlA3-E; ccscc: q 7JjQ CI LKLVdW [fl 3 &?/ p/ Signatur Qgdy- : Date: & Name: Address: l_L(-J-s- DL(- (X~T3CLO (?A-17ILSD4y> d.1 7/2~~~~ //A 4 c4 - ?;'<--i-) d(CZ4-fl EL cA-1T-J~ 63,EAC I 1 I I 1 i 0 ‘0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. ! I I I Signature: Date: 3 -a[ -91 1 I Name: Address: 102L v.Mb WL\A A&. j ! &L!!5-BPP : c AL b Fonhl t 4 ?? 008 I ! i F/ Signature: 1 qlll(&.,jd !/$jTjq/ ‘l ,kDe: ,4Y&7dF2\ I - 9) Name: ,q?,-k&, ,. fiJ &p~~Ja7i /’ ,jut 72mF c/Y /?r 11-9 / Address: /<T 9 /,/?A’7/?p,d ’/ [;;1/4U’h’/?/> (7 1 do 1 /-]A&;,( Date:. 3 I 1 2 , ,p/y , \ -1 f. I L- I C> y-q-+) I ,’. J ’ , )-/c! C-: C/\G [ x--+ Signature: _.- h t”i .I .< ’ ‘ 1 /‘ Name: L Address: I q4/5\ i_)r?l vw 44 \, JG ’ cb- 1,s b Q (J c3,d J %JLl[) ’i 0 SiQb 1 With regago thTpoposelPrice Club tobe located on the south side of Palomar Airport * -L -- -1- - Road, east of Interstate 5, please.be advised that I support approval of this project. VI \1 W/U .$ Signature: , -9 <A . d4- Date: 3-21- ?’ dk? -0- Name: - I BGEXGiar~- 3979 Syme Dr Carisbad CA 92008 Address: .. Signature: c* .r3 Date: .51‘cz.@ )Y t Name: Pw--h &<5/, Address: I3L5 GL-.-LI;sb (JJ Q / (L&u.s. 63- ,b 9%a2 Signature: Name: Address: Date: 3 -2 o - 7 / Signature: j Name: Address: %:# MARSHALL LUBIN D c b,.-.+< 2562 State St. 8c - &id;: Carlsbad,-CA With re xds(bthe proposed Price Club to be located on the e south side of Palomar Airport B Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. -5 Signature: - > mq& cT pLL ,.Q.Q.\ Date: \\? , \ Q, \ \\ i Name: ->EEL/ C\ ,& C‘- L<u If E % Address: 7 c 2-5 <+$<\ -bl A3lL< 0 f <-=LC \,a\, c-( p, c A “1, i q Date: 3-2‘ -f/ Signature: I. - Name: Creative Desi ns Address: - 4370 Tuolurnne 9, lace Carlsbad, CA 92008 Date: + Name: /4/R x7 AkJ%/i 1’ Address: 3.3-1 gw3k- z& p&/&&/ @A. =Ymf - With regar@) the proposed Price Club to be located on th outh side of Palomar Airport 9 Road, ea:t of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: Date: 3/@h Name: Address: 2045 - ~m, NOGAI; CARLSBAD, CA 92009 . I, Signature: ud~u 6% /'&tW Date: Jbo/?/ I Name: L3zu;id Address: @&%y &&& d&- &,JdL?+d. L ?GLajf <' 3/2 I /f, c Date: f \. + --\-. -> Signature: / /? d% L ---*--' Name: /:lc(7'!ill/) KtMJ/:t---l <W+ - *..? $'l i.7 (-& b (,7.-/' c, k) c' f/ ?c'la I 17 1- )- Address: JI &)& Date: * Signature: r E! &,dd Ph& $ Name: # Address: <I 171 <I e 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: Date: w 1 /49/ - Name: [l w Address: Date: yAyb / Name: /popH/FS- Address: 2P2J- &&TE&LT S% CA&SU%J) G4 fJO@ Date: y,.lY/ \I Signature: ~ li'ak! u. ' L fi? Name: JOWZ ) P ;)!?(icy Address: m s;o:.: ?<\& 71 Qp-tL, "hi? 0 - cy ;Yo (7 Signature: c / i/(A?72Kw&4'/ 7' Date: - q/2/<,/h > Name: 4-hz/]L7(/6( / /4&?/h 6721L 75 7y. y[' L-2 [M?//?b dlfd Address: qy5 l"i' /x7?& f45 / 02Ll,;I?L,I: [.J/ qtyy 1 /! ' t vi , Lic' pw7 a m With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airp Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I Signature: Name: Address: .* : * Signature: , &?-.z - Date: +A+/ k-6- &eul&@4 ~ Name: /f&MPG> SkP,& Address: ID 1.r [/a&/r/ / r 4-g c=y &zd575@ &f 7-Y / / Signature: 1/&&/72-1 /dG2& Date: ij 2 /g //s/ Address: f/J7d ,&Ai& dJ Name: c ,Yrn pJd&A957 / a&a &d&?b4, Po yy2d f Signature: Name: Address: e 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. . - &///?#& Date: 3-020 -ci/ Name: FW. S8uflazfi Address: +ZZZ?O kai V &R/,G!! CHxY.5 B/m,, c/9 92CL78 Signature: &4&& fl!& Date: 3-ai-qi Name: RR\A.kl s, MU Fk Address: 308$ WRTE T?Ju?<a WRLSGRo CA. sm Signature: /I";-. 6 , F&:&y ~ Date:* .e $\ &<- A-Lv i c CL UO- Name: +g(.(\Q c TTC i;a ; Address: QQq Ai. E- A&!. &-<.LC.:& c& \?,\?<,L ' 2, c,A C\2/ipC& Date: s Signature: Name: Address: LEE: F$-C)- 8QX 8000-238 r'\ T2- C:33!$gqn ....I LJ, L c-. . 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised That I support approval of this project. Date: ~/78/9/ -+.-7 Signature: &&?A .' Name: #!417e e M m,+~,2i7~ 2 Address: zsx3 BLZllqflSf. 7't?l/s f%Aa& CA 7Zm 8- I. Signatur /x-- Date: pp/ Name: 1L4Mq,A(I hf2yp-r. I Address: 7 c 1 fQ It m G' [ AyJ /IJ#3@0 CU/i44i4 I/, (/J 7 2c:,o y -. '3//'7 /4, p-J;yg@@--- Date: Signat : Name: FLFO R L/~;!LoA/,DE Address: 56 '5- # flCk/d?. b'k 7 e&Asg&.n c/ 4 -200 (Q .- 3327 0 Signature: Date: * 20, 9/ 1 Name: 1 e le1l.e- Lqbs c jo clro Ir-irl tccaki L ,I - Address: 5 070 -- v\cjJ\a C&flSb&d/ cd @ 0 With regards to t Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. proposed Price Chb to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Signature: \ H& Date: March 20, 1991 Name: Seal-Rite Waterprcofinq Address: 6986 El Camino Real #~-461 Carlsbad, CA 92009 3-7 /-!I Date: - 8. I& *o& I 01'0 54- Name: (JW cw Address: 27m sf& h- Giwo;; Date: 3 -31.- ?/' \ (Zf,/,?T ?\+/?fl10 7 &? ID& Name: \-- Address: $y) 2 dAu/7-&2Pt$k fw (E tip/ 5, ,? ,&I) ('rt 72- ()OF / 9 a With regards to ne proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. 7,” l -223 Signature: fi4[L ,? \q 1 Date: 3-z/-./ / I8 - - - ,I Name: - S9as MARK ROSTRAlTER 937 ROSEMARY AVE Address: - CA 92009 - - CARLSBAD ’It ,. as % Signature: A-S. I A+ Date: Name: SmMf -5- ,krnMA Address: 2/‘ /Q Signature: Name: MmRR 5. c3ct_ts\=u Address: 33%% Re= CCldG2-T eRRLSc5 k-, c& 92Q0q-7eQ\ 3hc)/7/, -,/ c/- Signature: -.~2> 42-y L**’zJspc L Date: f/ pqL c,-,afi< GL-~ z .SC /I 1 E TU Name: Address: ASS&. / ,c/rC/€/CNAY*I ($-q 7zac.P I With regards to th d proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport a I I 1 Road, east of Interstate 5, plea~e be advised that I support approval of this project. I 1 I 1 1 ate: (+?a - y/ I Address: $S-sv OAdk- /&= - YAK fie/ /9 / Address: 9,OPL - /?&-/e<d, 8 G/ 9-z? Signatui: 4,- - d&e: 3 +i 7, Name: Address: D AND D 3LIO r * CARLSBAD, CA. 9?m$j A\ 1 Signature: he& Date: 3-70-w Name: /$wL< c- Schu eaTZ Address: WNLIGHT GALLERY 77W-a CAMMI EN- IANYSK4 a- e * ! With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I Signam; / Date: pp Name: --I ~,tiz\) 3 . WES-CC~$-{ Address: 3521 Qr/!GH+UR dk5LE &K58%7,, L"49 9200 4 Signature: .-- *t; Date: 3-20-4 1 I Name: rabheu - ;R-uelmrvrlr& Address: 70.3 PUl amy &u& lzrl x cm\sbbd PA- -WOO? Date: 3//& Signature: Name: Address: -7 Signature: / 1 Name: Address: 3 la& v i 5 Flfl itfaE c- A c AKI 5 r5KI-h _- n, - e With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. d& Date: 3- 20 ’ 7 1 ~4, Q- # &<+& LL && I il Name: Address: 7033 75%- &- @-LALL?L& ei-2 9F7 - m Signature: &,p Date: ?/?/?)’ Name: LI”m SL CQLQfq Address: 33 / 7 7 I vi 4 *& 1A msm: e#- b 4m4 Signature: Date: 3b/ Address: 235 f&,h 1/1“6.17&4&&5- Ld C4q-q- Name: 3, /CY 9+ 8 With regards to e proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Rdad, east of Interstate 5, please be Advised that I support approval of this project. -1 x c Signature: Name: Address; Date: 3 ,go 71 I> , Signature: I. / I / Name: I8fjI;PC2c3- IC Address: &so i Lo p&+a am(j LhisbLxd \ &+ q Date: 3 9-o* ?/ Name: Address: % 3212 CARVALLO CT. CARLSBAD, CA. 92oW - A- bc.CcL4- Name: fi&,JC?yC. 0 -@WcGLd Address: 24/( EL &OJqC& C4BLSA4;). c 4- "i"d2-7 0 0 I With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. 1 J\ . I I -4 I I i ChALrc34 C& /9 2-./2.3 * ,,? /I2 ,I Signature: ?*h.~ 4 C/ kl/ -- I& <G !Idd - Date: 7 ((JfJ -3 ' J/ i7%?22~/~ Name: Address: P%) $/ 6$$?.47 /&?WoJ 4 C4h-d 9adu r I.' Signature: Date: a\ mci/ccb, isy \ Name: 31U-E krW\s~on4 Address: 2x37 LCq dYeck' L\5Lbd , c4 q20q Signatur Date:* rf- Name: Address: hi2~Cclua t WNM s. t4.1 'c( q ( LJ4KC.(0L-. I% fi 4 :I\ *,- n n 11 /.lh L~,~~GQ-vz I 0 0 i With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport 1 1 1 I Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approvaI of this project. Signature: dJY9fgd Date: 3.a -?/ I I I I Name: Address: ATTORNEY AT LAW I m A_-- . rr A. - . .&La3 JCT’T urson a’;., sui-1, Garisbad, CA 92008. - P Signature: Fduu; e+&@,, 1 Date: ’?kZ.4cA Q? d, /9’ y/ Name: k/FiC (4 [zed&,* 0 Address: d77/ cypcl,&ne &LZU I I @ddx bn d, &c 72@0 y fld//>- Date: -?-&z-71 Signature: c, --f- &:9J&-- /y, &?47H-5 977&U 4 4,FJdI &* * / Name: / #L/&os%% GdM * Address: 232-a 0 e ~ With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport I Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I c Signature: yTc wu &L(/ ” Date: 3 d2/ - 71 / I I Name: 3 ppx c ii Jl)// // 9ZOf Pu4$ec ( - (78 Address: A 4 hCLc II $ h UJI K< 3q3j-g ~>/g(?/p’d fi~~~a I‘ , q ,!‘ * &&/ * ,fi . < L’ *’ , -’ ~ ,, Signature:, /’ /; 6 C 4 v- S-f-1. ,// ~,,<YQL Date: A ‘/ - )I<, I // ,- ,,/$,/ 5,,,//7,/L /*- < ,’ IC< c25i,f d7 <$y 0- A),/-<<-., c 67 L,Z..// 9 ,dl f .I c-& , -11 Name: Address: - Le /, g J-/-, L>y / - Signature: Name: Address: L ,I’ j Date: ’ I?. I’ ’1 , I ! [‘ Signature: I I ; ‘f: I,. / ;’i- . ! ’ $.. ,T-i.;’\, +: . Name: Address: \x I ,)* , With regards to the oposed Price Club to be located on the south 0 side of Palomar Airport d) : 1 Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. 1 I ,, i Signature: i.t;-c--;f 2f.M Name: ydLEf'cf r( /%,rf Date: 3 - n 2 - .Y/ Address: jc030 AulAMZ r+ -1 ,, / Dater .) 1 GT~]~! ' ) /I I 7 5 , /-- - /'- Signature:( L, zI4 c- f~' />--*-,- c -. / )*m E 12 I- 5 c /-\ <* e Name: - Address: 1 3ci Gc LA r? I s 6 f3,( c A L-t r', gbji& i(-J 0 c b 1- r) P,, i? ( Jrl ( 1 /o q>-.v 9, Signature: I$/ ,&*,&Date: YT/z Lq-$ Name: C-- Mr /i10 f-/+ Address: 2 3 7 / s/"x c/ c 6 x-2: CARcs/j/qa c/q With regards to the posed Price Club to be located on the south 0 side of Palomar Airport !@ Signature: i 38 j dmG~r4 t& Name: laLclSi4 I @(- : I Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I Date: 2) k ..!./ f 1 Address: Lo32 kbre cf [A COS+=( cq. "io7 IT-- \ - Signature: '- 1 -ff~ ,, /$ cl,,us Date: L'Luli ii 22; /.? /. </ ! Name: Ll); 7 /2( . fill/sijTl,/ > Address: JL - -1 ,; y f!!C,&-kW/i?.d I -5- & c> 2 cJ(T (2 / , / p&/& < J&;> (z /j- Signature: k.ST Date: 3 c 3 3-7 I Name: b.\RTttpc tt. so=q Address: xas ~QQS~ be 4 CbQLSQAQ : (2-h 9 a-md 1 Signature: [b A L Date: cq: 5 3 1 - ?/ Name: 6709 A. As=- Address: 175s 0A-x AWL , L-; c.t 9 SbOA I 0 0 ! With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I ,support approval of this project. i fl / Signature: Le&$%- 5)~ Date: ;h{/?/ i I Name: Sbrn~T €. s/NGEV Address: 22 3 9 & v&N TE ST. LA c0~7-A UL /F- 92 cf a 4 I Signature: 6 & Date: 3/21/91 Name: Mrs. Anna Rhee Address: 7331 Bolero st. Car 1 sba d Signature: q)!- [/.-c.JI.iii Date: ‘3/;?r1? / / Name: &hn, e ~-?-.uc\kL\C~-l Address: xqoq <-Q“ cc\c A-idA & C’4d5 OA D, pq ..‘ VXVO y - .. c _- / ,- -x \; --- ‘. \;--- - . ,/ ,/* { i r’ / ;;\ i I- ---- Date: - Signature: -<, ; ; _-. .- b, - I :,>a Name: iJ’ I .I -- .r ,f I’ ,’ i , t- * i i:’r <’ ’ L ,- ~ -_ - ,. 7 Address: /’ e 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. - 7 I v / - 0, I I Signature: L Date: &$L I I I STEVE PfRkY WPLJ gA/I - , CA 92409 b Name: Address: 20 )( c(J$13(2.rE Coda7 I I Signature: f$&& L @A ...&;,A/ Name: Address: Loop Signature: 2. dy + Date: 2- Z2 2. 91 4 E. Joy Strain Name: Address: 1301 Knowles Ave Carlsbad, CA. 92008 / Signature: ‘ t,7L-- L /&*&- Date: T/z$/F / Name: ( ...;” ?;.Jni..: (/ i <3 ’13 Address: 1 c 0 I77L7# .Y[>y-Y t-nCo5r/q i=yl With regards to the pr posed Price Club to be located on the south SI (dk of Palomar Airport -Prb i 9 s i Road, east of:gte$ate 5, pleisebe advised that I support approval of this project. *+ :4 Signature: &/d&- Date: yA7h Name: Gene A. Pease 7129 Lantana Terrace Address: fii-sh- Signature: ; 1, J4 , u-1 z i/f (2 iq J'LL lTfit~f 6 Date: <,2/ // '?/ Name: OR mRD A POLLAK Address: b PI am009 / A Signature: d%@E-r./ . 1- DlL c Date: 3 - a/- 31 Name: /=fl/+/dc$ S T, E) [>o 1' e/ 'i" Address: '75-3'7 j3 F h FcJV -,< ~e~~~c~l~ L. eo 2 j>j, e++, R I) t I , I j i 1 I ". l I t I a I c. k 0 *. ' '- 1- i 1 With rigards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Ro:ld, east of Interstate 5, please be adviscd.that ., 1 support approval of this project. ...,. 1 'i 1 I . , 'I , I I Signature: Date: i 1 / 1 I '. ,,! ,e ' . j ' .\ 1 : 1' .' 1 J/jJ/LL(A-kl p R LEFhq- .WL68+5- c#& ?zoo. .. ,. Name: ,Ai I. Ad cl r ess: 3207 /G3scpt J-7-- I t 3 .. ' .. 8 IC r v-. c. t , ., . ., $2 1 I. . I. ,I.,. '3 __ ;z 1 ,- .. I. . I. : ,. , .... . . ,I Date: ~3 - Signature: Name: ,. I Address: 1 , -21- 71 signature: Name: Address: IO. . ., ,. -. ,?'. .JQ -4 I .-LQU jLw.-/-6 Date: "' ... , Signature: 0 /- (- jj</ $fl F&SO bJ !Lk7 Ly --[q / I (51- A &.T'-T c-i..Lc JLL) .-'7 - '-pL Name: A&\resS: ,I {' A..f , * c-. , i' 3.4-a ' CA .i ; With regards to therposed Price Club to be located on the south T SI e of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I I c,g-'.b ' '" ,~: ., I I L.- .-. , Signatw. n '' Dati&d-q /FF/' ' 1 ' I 1. I .. I.. i ! ! I I Name: L;r?/J&a<b*/ 1. .: I / Address: 35 7 /--- /%?(.cS-c?,,& ', j ,'. 'I i &kbdd a -52m<- , ,. ,. I ! i .. .I '. ! I , . , ' .. ,) / .% I (. s Signature: , /-//U ry, Date: I??& /?&d d/ ]'/"L/ I. ,, . .' . I. . ,. Name: 5iJ?1/-,m< 9.57. CA. Address: ,- I I9 .A4 'C Tx?/2,*c.2 ,. 6 $-J.;ci;A, 124 ,+ Tf < 7 J (J gci" &dLj $a-,l~ a, r .. ( Signature: Date: 3,/!a/y f I Name: WUI\M E, QAkd Address: a9m cS*/ btwa - WsboL, m ?m? ., . +,h/ -, ,7 .? cj/,zb/.) ., (nu.), _. . .. ' Signature: f&~~,,~/ (,&A!/ Date: <^ , ..- L Name: c&,yJa/ (A 1- ii / .i/ CLL,&-&-+ r; f r;Afli J fJ4/1-,;Z &&&4- 5. vt/ " c I, Address: Y. . Ir.u"r I V V With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Paloinar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I d' 3-Xl-3 ( .. Signature: Name: I'XRfiF?, I_ 3 \ Av;A i Address: 335-A S-QJW b ARR w I CAREBAQ. '?#4 %Wd? 1 ,. < : I. ,. . .. $L,&l&,& Da.*e:$k(2 3, m/ . : : , .. . . .., ,I - .. . ,I ," .. Signature: I I /y,clLfl c[ j3KOOXJ L. Address: JjYJ Cmv~~ . DP( Sdl Gr: I Name: Cr4 fi Is/"s A /3 Ck9 c //=-a n h42 q2oaP ~ .. G 7/.D(757 ... , . 8. 3 .. 22- -Y [ . .. Sigriatur &&g&- &q? ,'C. Date: cd .. /&dl ;5 /%//&L/( Name: 4 37i',3 <e,) ,, A >Ldl P do;* lj-hq yv<.Qty 4' (-> ,-I,. A (-/I A&lri!ss: cc ./ 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. :o 'r; W Date: SA//$/ Name: Address: - I i d&N&L c3Ly Date: f? 3671-9) Signature: Name: Ah@?p- Jh Address: *- 7Am 9 - 019- 938- +(JJfL$i@fL& Date: - a\-'j / Signature: i Name: Address: A?f [J ; / /;&m /c /dL&//2d- h' pfPF&dk 1 57. C&L &, ( cA-SaL?oa 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. 4 Signature: jl Jy4- Name: DW,D scicd~n*/J (A5. 3 7 C'X k l/n/l-L..(q 2- Date: 3 ' ->I- 01 / I , Address: Cmkh,4 CR- 1 i qJ-0 el '1 Signature: c Date: . 3- 2>+YV Name: EPWARV #Lak " Address: 2b /3 &n-EL 47- (54nLs 6 RQ c.4 V'JQOir * /' *,< <22/ / I/ (y / / f;J vi-ncJ UP . "-7+n. Signature:' ' lzLb~ .\b\, %!t...ttt$L- Date: v 0 I 7-- c7 Name: Address: (k. d.2 .-/;I i c L,,L(:J (,-) OL;C/L, 372?5+PW.S, - -1 17 (5- I j ). Js dc3dd , c A- y;~l;& 7 \ I Signature: $\ c \<\\ i Date: 2 2 MAR @)! Name: - Address: - P" SAN DIEGO, CA 82127 s M E NEVILLES w 17181 UBERTAD DRIVE -74- ,,i i- .. w - With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I I I .. I I Signature: ,f~~2TGdfi Date: 3/35/9/ I .I ... t' Name: 1JI c CE SIj In) Df Cc !. Address: b724 fl&!€&/q CT- 3.. ! I I ! ! !' .. . v .. 'Date: .j/ 1- i ,>/5 i *y-- I/-- /iy /'.? -i *. 3 ' ,. ;' . . , . .' .. ,* . .. , Sign at u re;/ / (- . 6.. -. ; .. .,, Name: \ .. - J -1. '7 Q ,,'TI i,, /'t i i c.: ; j J Address: (I, L , -,(.j/iV ,, <.-/ f' <" 1';: :1 r\ 1, Signatu re: Date: -Y-J(~ -9/ Name: ;o~2~~&&~no Address: . 3r4 I /s us cCP/Sd&4, PA 9 aoof I dL2 R )Date: z/JJ// 0 / II ,I {* . . /I Signature: ,Q~c,c~u/~ . .. Name: T>c,?, ,\I jc{T Address: h y/ p jL/&!Ii . '3 f ,D)/. ,7, (?/z q.~~~<~~ i ~~~ -.-I, With regards to t Road, east of Interstatz 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. oposed Price Club to be located on the sout @ de of Palomar Airport 'il Signature: Date: 3- 10 -?( Name: Gurr fin~cI('CP Address: 1 tk E( A& $(e _e- Clt& 64 > A YUQ? \ Date: SA@ v Signature: -&Led-- - Name: Address: -9AD.44 - \ / * bilLb\L&!- DAw* Signature: - Name: Address- DJ.te: * r flxj%j% Signature: J &'E bob ------- -$&3iW - ewL varne: Address: fl,A--- With regards to the pr d posed Price Club to be located on the south si 9 e of Palomar Airport Signature: Date: 3 / > 3/9/ Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. .P Name: 16 &/7!/QS&v Address: b WP/ &!,/?*jRv, 4v Zfl LCE44P 9 JOO7 Signature: hY x Q p ET\ Date Name: Address: G42 Nf5EP~L~~ C kU8AD; C@8 9p.nos Signature: a /&-JDate:m d WL s G.CQHG.2rZ5, (h dq bd ca- 9%aJ d' &- Address: Ag$% /!FPdf- Name: Date: & dA Signature: @&==,mJ7- TH5- &y-MRI WPL' glSnRD E-- L=ON.,~O 1 Name: Address: fJ5-9 J&,Wi- P!m= 57J8 p+5O*LfifiRl- si% Jim p&&m=F, CC-3 ?do07 /f\. A, fl *#)A fld ?m8 0 With regards to th q roposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palornar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. /- Signature: h ~Luzz- ‘ CZZ-~~ Date: 3 --3 5 -‘;/ - Name: /.E, 5. s=Cltc7/3filnc S?2?YICc? Address: 4G,3L> &I L4 RvL’uLrtf .- c-mcs/3nrS. [.#? cI2c03 Signature: j26-q~ 2.M J//~~~T~~c, Date: 3 c,l~- ‘7 f l Lb q D ]VI ,5tla, NkkL-, I-/? PHU’,j-S%41> / ,Pfi 7W.c 3 Name: Address: 7 ,? L- 6 s## I?/) P- Ta k E - Date: (-7h2/9/ F$-@ Name: deice Address: J/?q f mw; 1zQ- -- - ltrb ad 9aoor Signature: GDh0A-L- Date: 3-25 -9/ Q /dF (r/a %4J GGk Name: Address: &a..58AD CA 7amK w With regards to theyoposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I I Date: 3/4w : I' I Name: /&&-& z P/2.2ywT3 L I I; 5r 01 6 p ' Address: c7) w 9WQ9 i 1 I , '! -, I Signature: - p,dii,. &I$ 0.3.- 23 - CJ \ ,. ..' .. ... . S.'. .. 0 s-> ; \ 'r s 3 p 0,- '-3 Name: 3 0 Q\\\*Cm Address: 9'7 f3 '5 3 3 3 aT !\. '3 :s(' L e: I t 51- A j ,,/- L' ' .. Signature: Date: 5- 2 3 - ~j'/ 750 0,v .!E - Name: - \ Address: '271 0 \//,-l JUAN ) r,9 c/;2, q 2 C'O €: c?, 4RL. s.py,+ b . Date: 3-;Lcp- v . .. Signa Name: /q\)K W~YSE-li)C Address: 0 p.T&EAJA .I plAc& A\ ct I, Q -1 TC \A . 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport IXoad, east of Interstgte 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I.,.. .. . .. .. ' .+ . _. .. - ! '. I w - L With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. ,. -- r?- ., >SignatuL€z-z/& /- r- , . 1 .. ., ,. . .. M. \[anNest I ..' ,. Name: I '. i Address: Gail 's Specialty Products 1 r P. 0. Bax57 1. 1. I Carlsbad, CA 92018-0529 ")ib Gal* eL4#)9d r.b ,. i . ', ., ... .I ,..,' ' ' .. ,' .. : .., . , . ,',..I .I.. ,. ;. ,. . 1. I. , ,. .. I. ! ! ! .. 3 7/ 2/ /&, / Date: Signature: ' , : - L -,/ f .. Name: ~ LL ,/ f" # /&-/v - Address: 9"/3 c. /Q.////J 7 ,d, *flM .., . p ,q-j- <-, BA/J , I .. . .. Signature: L h x DAk:.% \r k u;\Tf13<.&. ++;Vkz c\. c Name: Address: 3fA \ r mCNr 4 0 I d) * With regards to the Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. oposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport , I I Signature: /&Yw // Jq,2&& Date: 3/2//1/ I Name: fl&/&= I Address: 7.569~ /oc /GAPJZ- k ~A~M~AD e4 qa07 5-TIYV - Name: b/(’E/f,Cfi c,,ic 72 -- Address: L (5 1.7’ I x (5 (?& I , P/4 qao7 v. SignaturepLv c? 8 \y2-- / ~c.--- Date: ;3/. 3/47, - - 7--- Name: \JO4/J 75- r” e [ c/3, Address: L s4 7 b/;f/t A L CJA Z/+PL C33L LS J 23 , t2& y )ecq I r C r‘ CC (> P )T >:\k\(:y bL ‘-- \&?\?() “ , If\ Date: L3 13 ia \ 7 2 Signature: ,j ’ , ,,L, , ~ “hL ) I \ /’ ‘Q3 T ; ;>\?,/? ‘h 13, c+yE pjy(- L.) 7- ,I \ i Name: Address: ?? b s\ c3i?c\ 0 t:‘?;,? I \*‘p\C,::-\ r‘! n q3opr< I< (/((I -lf I ? - Name: ALiknh mNI‘Ctk (1 m With regards to the oposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project, ! I ~ d) I L I I Signature: - &!$I Datk: 2- o?/- y/ I I I /N.k I Name: LOL& tc% 27=G I Q&nr, s44 OM, 'f I c6/~> u 3q- 2/$/ I 1 Address: 3252 &a?CteLt -SF. I I I 1 ~ Date: 3 -J/- 9/ Name: &&FAT/?* @ /%@/ d557 G 6% m,?% /3 CML5&@J, /- e? g27aqY Address: Signature: Name: Address: # Signature: Date: .? dA -9 [ 2 L ~~LAT Li.1 e bstf f 27a 3 Go Tf5-s H :I) R& Cxl A-2 I ct Ill3osr .. Name: Address: With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. : Signature: &/gJxgc c_ .. I d 4mK&- Date: ,3 *&!-/ .q / 1. .. *-With regards to the 0 proposed Price Club to be located on the south e side of Palomar Airport Signature: &u /dLcw Address: 6743?& ;c24a PA - l t %AT -7-3 -c -Road, east of Interstatz 5, please be advised that I su ort a roval of this ro ect. PP PP ~j Name: .r.L(lRI.f+ s €AR S Signature: -& Date: 5’Aa*q\ Name: Lachic RVl5 33e3CeL\\c De\ suc Address: ck(eJu,- qaoc;jcA Signature: 4 6a tdk, {U-Date: 3~ 219 1 Name: G3J‘eA L-es >I! c/o AkPC ZO?S-fV &pt& de/ A/ova/ Cad&&, CA 9zmq Address: With regards to the e proposed Price Club to be located on the south q -de of Palomar Airport ' Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. mI &----% Date: 3/31 /TI R-& Signature: cr~ 6- Name: bN& hl. L Address: eo, a04 8Ld (2.wdLkl- qaor s " Date: y/;yj/, Signatu I $1 3 Name: /+G2-4?pk Address: ;"re '€? - // E(- [H&//u C)/sd< Cd&Udfl/!! TZfifiB / Date: , 7; 7/qf , Signature: 4 ,J A(i ,j;( 3 ( i, :$:, , ' /it Name: Address: 1. I // ; [ ./- - i 1, 1 /.I> ! , /' +-'/ * - /<$ 1. c (< ( A '- // I / ?\ Signature ii - t2&JL.dQ Date 3 -xa- '1 ?,-. Name: T&h,Ce/ r= /?.PA -A 4 Address: 3 7 / I 'h d .f2 ---, CC? J9-L ((. c / 4;;1 L>O ,y 1 1 , I 1 I 0 With regards to the roposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstatz 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. 9 I I I Signature: &d&b Datemmk 2 62//79/ 1 I I , Name: 1 Address: i'a009 y(4 $t Date: Signature: 3 t;7,@ +4@:CPT 917 &@7F Cy Name: Address: C42LSW w- qr-9 Date: 3-d/- ?/ Signature: ' y- Qibh T&/,e &/E sf & 30 deIcmk 9Jm9 Cr3Phb~LJ, G? Name: Address: - With regards to thvoposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. ,, 1' ! ! !, 1. , ,: , ! .. 1.' I :, 8. I' vp &. Date s-2 2 - ?/ ,,.. . 1 ;. ., i .'. : i , I '1 I . ,' ' Name: fRED rob €-PT i. .' . .. Address: yd ,4 p [-?6 Rf)-L /, jIjd0 p C;RcLE I. .. &+giS&qp .. c/A-L;F 7 '27, tt o& ,, >.. ., .. , !, ., ..,;.: _I ,.&x\ I??/ I . .# . . I. ... . , -,. ' Signature: . ~. .. ,. .I .. ,. I ,. Name: ,. Address: .- 1, . / 'I Date: 3-+?-cj/ { // .. Signature: d Q,~~,.~~~~,.~~~ (1.0 Name: &//jy/L+$L.7# ,/ &$(~~ /, 1 Address: iyJ fJ (! &/,//&$f c - &!j /-7 .. ..cI (, 1 i?,/7324S&22J. y4flpJ I.. ' . vj. c/ ,. .. ,. .: Date: 3-3,-ql , . .. .. Signature: &-& 2, (jkk .. \' &tric:ic. A I ' )?%7 .-2boq JfifZ(43 Sifie-f, , .. Name: Address: .I P -. . irln a ..I PP,. 9RoC'V *e ?. 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to bGlocated on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. 1 Signature: Date: 3 c 21-9 1 Name: Address: 3331 Qonnk bb-1 de, e/+ y2VP&-20/~ c */id-&/ 4 &iV/ Date: c 3 ,hQ/9, ~ Signature: Name: Address: Signature: y. ,; '-1 1, kb+, hk Date: y9+&,7/; / \*" -/ (/LA , Y Name: YTL-\Al <--I?, /-&&DL& Address: 3 w4 9 C(/ &L/ bJc- cdi\ &q ;J 5 (4 \ 52 3 9C\ Signature: @&A# Date: 3hq/f/ Name: JmEs ET&U Address: ywy m&%% w- &&&&4& & @?Q@ 4 0 0 .. With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, lease be advised that I support approval of this project. fiy. fg9 IcJw +2: P: Signature: A&& Date: ?,&/?/ Name: E4Z4W f?~-ffGh-d Address: 3CIQS @J!Igo MlWELE G4RW3A0, G4- q200q Signature: 3.21 '9 ( Name: G ft94 &-k-Jq,f(jn , Address: CCBclS *r,'S &I wg= CLLt-kb4- CLi 4-6/ 4 p" Signature: /?, cdi'."i Date: 34 1/71 Name: pi&- /la h bJ;\72 r/ ,ry ./s Dl!! ti% Oh [fidl bd/ d /7? - Address: I 007 Signature: Date: /I[&- d I, ( P/ Name: WN i4-W- p Zfi,/dk9m/ Address: %YL' - B ,pdik - &,&e C* 13. .I" , IY' .%.- 0 e . I, rn i~, With regard& the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Intcrstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. -4l&?--L, *~.%~~/// ,- $-j!+e. (%;.?d A' DatJ e-x.7; /?y/ 1, ,.. .. . .I ,. 8 ,. !. I' I.. =-=J /(, ?D i-1 -S+C% s- . LSRdd\ 09 "iso,g Signature? '; -++ ~r\ . .. ,., . .. .' ! I.% ., ., 1 I' 7 '! 1. Name: i> f? /!//C .k, Address: .I *, I 1 ., ,I .. . .. !* .. .I. . ., , Signature: ; ,' , I . dh&E A. &&fey * wybf?i3 fi &$ 92q Name: Address: *A= ';frsui?ud c_z___ ' 3353 4 ' &;J+ . // Date: 3 zi) 1 ?/ Signature-( i I , Name: &-i+L &?sd5Q-\pr- C-/sL( (42, c;&gCyj {'fL Wvz'\+"S& Address: 3 L>S( C, % ,I c p 3 A7 .*,&?&$-y &(e: $ '.>id /fy y/, I d <- -J Name: Address: ~g~~~~,T~,~ ?& qz r- ,($-E* .ye4 .!!$/ pq2.g &J*& qi.4 I 0 {I 1 [V- ugA_,> I I With regards to the roposed Price Club to be located on the south 11 side of Palomar Airport d 1 I , Name: Address: Signature: O;) 1% c , , f 3 1 / L,? 2 . {*a: Y. , 1’ Date: <- 71, /,/ ’ -/ Name: if I) P:> f, ., _- /’, q ;,’ ; L Address: /-<* - ; i 1/( />;I * i I $,, i (-+)I j /’/ I’ 9‘2 L4\ M, Address: ’21007 Lb4. UIQ”W IPL, v *!Prn; cp’qw Signature: d’b bc+- Date: <jq/qj Name: Address: w - i 'i ,I 1 ,I ' 1 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be' advised that I support approval of this project. ,.. j 1 j j. !I I ' , 'I d I Y3 'I . 1 ,. .%J i m Signature: CCaLtfi'(..i bLL.&&, -* Date:' 2 7/22/q ( 9-3- 5 , [& &c ' Address: c-, /a \ cmc h / 1 ., 1. : ., - ._: j' :.: ClCLi~&7 &/d&r- :, : I.! : ,j .I Name: i .I I * ,. i PA:'< Iclqx cf I (-A 72m 9 .. !. 'j J I I;, :.. .. I. .,: . , .. ..,, .. ' . ... . ' '1 I Signatur .c,, Date: g .- q j - Cj/ ... :' * ", - ,. /A//)/? . -5- .5>(,/ *&- / Name: Address: I, 9 q -0 G!/+/V& P L cfl cic;7cx?q '1 /+yL .,.5 /7#/3 1 .. Signature: 7/d='-i-7Ld.j/?4 Date: 3/2$/9/ Name: tvb d I 7- dU50J Address: 6 f-7~3 V.6 VI c AAN a .. fl - '. ' . 139 1 .. I Signature: Date: 3 -a&?/ . .e., Name: VQ ~b&!(r\Sbfi Address: hi ndcd LCCL.PIT kar! p a -449 ~~ With regards to the oposed Price Club to be located on the south @ e of Palomar Airport 9 &e-* Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that support approval of this project. /&. 1) WCL4 - Signature: / ,/2kAF:ate#h%d.2L /;;’;;/ Name: Address: I Signature: /$L:!P IR <-/,.J-7 2 . s’ Date: &/{/ Name: t7rL;dp (1, sp; /h FL 9*- Address: - 3 <-x85 /j //c,L jJJ( t&./ i -( j d4 l‘dJ L L..( - $,q,,I[, (( , I, Signature: &-% Date: ~/~~~/ Name: Address: Date: -y72/y/ Signature: Name: Address: 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I I f“ Signature: I,& 6 w Date: ~/LBI 4 1 Name: JLA~ ci itbg 2 Address: d7ctC3 ?&sa0 Qel\si.tq/ rhrbbd a- ?am9 fl ’ 1 Signature: Hi (f:~ ,a54,>jyyd Date: J -2,’ -/ l ”’/ I Name: cfi/ //,I I ~$&q!2 /I/ Address: 9 17 (,/t” /,/’,$) d (4 /- / q-2 23 .;p Datexbq //g / Signature: ,MAR, I,, M r OdCG Address: Xoq P, cJp)k (6 -- Name: I I Date: </AO/?/ Name: k; /? &#/% Address: qC1.l- LI Adsk Par/SLR Pm r1qA-T)- a 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: h*lL Date: * @. Name; kAam Address: TyLb & ?/w Gm5ir3* =a d 1 Signature: -B&?z2z Date: 3h471 Name: Address: rn k- - e. //L Date: 7 ;4;4/ I’ ’ -- 6 Signature: r gHM- Name: JaVAe~ .J I L-&Yt b P c 1 e&+afi) Address: .caw Grid /&E GfkM & . 9-y Signature: a!4y Name: Address: 3764 J&&$ d y4@d4@z2 /A* c.2? ! 0 0 I With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. ; 8 I I i i 1 I I / Date: 3 /2- ?--/s / Signature: 7 &LJLL'LQ Idd / Y f I Name: Add ress: 5355 AVENIDA EFIQNAS SUITE B , bk6 1 I (619) 438-5123 .1 Signature: J! Date: 72Z/9/ - Name: -7-3klfl% staf$-w Address: 2~;s~ %mu& Ca45M. c. A Cimo6 Date: .-g9-I2- ?/ / // Signature: -7- -.-+&L - Name: L, ;/ - ,%'&7-7@' I I'* Address: ,A?)?# 1~2 & 23-7 LdY &E!S4P/),/ 2 5?&w 23 / ,/' I Signature: , ,(. ,rr-CA ,g #p$-c'.k?z,u- Date: 31 '32 ~/..-c y 44 / -4 / Name: LLAF-%-f P>. u'c L c 4 €7 c- Address: 3L.i q .c 4I&e( L4LLl.n ?57E?., c;,:.&IC7_1 .jf3/-LT3, t5dL q2cv.e With regards to the proposed e Price Club to be located on the south si 9 e of Palomar Airport Signature: Date: +//?I Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Name: ldi ///fi~ J. &THS&LI~G Address: 7335 ALlttAbrrJ l!! CAKC5B4D cA q 2 eeq -+( //,< c Signature. CL&,,,p& Date: zvy /"" -- -' i. Name: Address: JM LOOPER'S CttWRON 970 Tamruack Am 61 9-729-3336 i ,/ (I Name: I'; \ f4 I 1 L t ''I-CC\%kt ( Address: Ft IC \/LC!- !l +L. (::{ \, ?.\ 4C-l f- ..A c: $, 7 &; t) 8 Signature!. :- UL3 3, ___ Date: 3 i. I /q I i iy\,- 1, I /,-I Signature: u+,/ LT) 7 ,4 //22&/ 2 i Ctj I Y 9 Date: z22 241) 2/, /YF, J LIc;/ 7 4 /&&(= &e.&c, ~- ,'7 . 47 LJ(- /c 7-8 5- Address:)' ' F Name: p/ e;,/-/( 0, / //' /TA /-> I Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. ' 8. I' .. Signature: (2.;;; I:...<. I' J~Y:., .' /, [+, [- Date: :I / 7- ( ( ,; i ,I*. . n ,. I '1 .I a \l; f<P <dC ; /? I., Name: -0 0 )L With regards to ;he proposed_p&e Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. c Datea&, ~ J/ //99[ f FI- Address: -22- C/dPALrn4 92oul3. iz::SBAo ,/ Gq 1 ,l- ,/ .I i /$- Signature: /[{/ -/, 3 /1\/'<5,8. y * I 1 /r & Date: 3'p // / / Name: - Thomas T. Ma 2565 Abedul Street Address: - Carlsbad, CA 92009 Date: *y/a 2/ Tl PO 5H //J 4 Name: PIA d/Afl Address: 335y ()6/QT€ j,B 0'8 04 p A 4.L 5 d# 45, e/ q2 Oci 9 1. yp---/ Date: c9 e/. 2g / 7/ Signature: &&A G7- ,145v 1- 0 / 5&kW 7 Name: {//g@75& L?/q Address: 72/7 .P 4% /T),&KL5&H,L?J With regards to the pl b posed Price Club to bedocated on the south S m of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. .;<;*.:.- Signature: A/ Date: ~7/ 22/F/ Name: -- t STtrJfKS Address: $/lo k% SSLe70'~o G' flkE Cl.rLzl!l.S.'(3wn f96+ Signature: L m.L Date: ZZ MA.R 9) Name: GR~ M. Smpstm Address: 2747 aERI<ELEy /& et+ R Lsbh v a 4 2008 Signature: ,_/---- I( -__. Name: &A/ @WXl Address: Date: 3 - 2,2 - 9 / / Date: 3 -21 001 Signature: 1 Name: p.&NDY qIA5nJe-z 25dZ STQr; ST isi Address: /ARI SRR;) cp. 0 m With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Sign a tt te: sjal P\ Name: DCNWI F, DRESIELHAUS Address: 2359 p1-n 31 cMLsBAl2, CA Q2QQ8 < -!~&Qc-& Date: '3- 2 a - p/ .. Signature: +%m&& Ad c* &+-f$, s Name: I Address: e: ,3(/a(/ 4 / Signature: Name: Address: - / 94/ PIQR/cR~~\ A+ ’ m-- 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: Date: * c\, \qqI Name: LUhJf.Xie WW~ Address: Z7bfs Viempi~ be LL\Gf+O * 97JOf - Date: 5 - &?&? - $?/ I Name: d??/Tz625 Address: 36/B %Awn?c LPBM,U 7& I Signature: CJJLate: bLl (VI Name: QkWbd’ %w-5h Address: 39% LbN& *. CAW-mbD Q.4 =w!? Signature: ,,/L.,Q (4- Date:* - .----. --> Name: /PC c I?Afl/S r- I’ c Address: qh >~w < i-6 ,v‘ ~e Cc/) ( f ,1 2 Kr7:/LQ 0 m With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be ad&$ that I support approval of this project. 3/4& I Signature: & fl &h &dflP& Date: \ Name: rn!Y PH mhmfld Address: 44452 %Y/'sbLfay BY(- &k(Jhd) Q.4 9 J66F - 8 >,;A,,, pa&wDate:%&d "/I /?p/ #I Signature: Name: I&j/L&LJR I, hlow-Tou Address: 4.5d74~ ESSEK mom- s9y Date: 2 / 2&9/ Signature Name: hdkw kk t5mL- Address: C (32 acnd15mJp- C4RlSBA 0.1 c /4 Bod Date: 3-22-sI Signature: / Name: L MI Robert W Cramer 3623 Laredo Street Carlsbad CA 92008-2173 __L_ Address: - A.American Diabetes Assoclatlon. 0 1 e e With regards to the Proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Roady east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. 7 Signature: ( i‘( c.- /> (QL&ate: -2 9 -2 ‘ 1 - ‘i’{ i Name: -,,c Q Li t e.< .‘ L I I /:;a&L $ s-c-&% :JYLp Address: 29 &[I ,J> ,. +A? A*+ (*;/-I ,? c s g A b / ; (r5+. C>->pc)y -L (7 yc.7 ,I c -/‘J f ,* </p c _- -,J Signature: /J I. Name: ;/)/A&?z kt? -&ES 022 Address: /793c 3-# Ddp &%is- *> >’>% y/ 6 (4- / Date: 5 i c‘ -.=--/ SignaturZ: ~rT5i - Name: / -5 dl, c7 A Address: G-3 /3 /-- >Y E/ &----ip74J (:7- (/tT?C;5-3fi 3 [if 77l’FcS- #M nnrrtn Signature: *W&? Date: Mm- INDUSTRIAL SMETJ SERVICE Name: w u. WALTER 3424 Don Albert0 Drive Carlsbad, CA g2008 Address: 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palornar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: 7 Date: L 7 -2 \ .q / Name: r- Uk?/C.f - 4.z /q b A2gAkFM (jL31&<b&, PA *b Qc$fiy Address: <a /q[l bttdd/q [ L</jtv - //q2?Klrr y/ CWlG,w cfl ?mg Date: 3- 7 2- q / Signature: / Name: t3P.l zAAy\ Address: WdQL.- s4.q J Cb. q2 car Date: 3/2-/ /?/ Signature: &+/<,,-p& > Fa L2z Address: /n -77 /Am/?/.? I)rc Name: - / r) 0 m With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. .- c- Signature: @d4<A,h dd Date: ,&c/q/ Name: DEM,Z G,&?&d Address: -1 phPLL!%A P# ,g?4 d%?- ,. Signature: A:,!A - I Date: 3 -2 / - ?/ Name: mC= ljfLld6f r f <,*& m s-~l+j2- Address: a? Iq 2- /A frj - 1 f+&q--- eML51 RA b rA cjJQLl 9 .I (’ /,-- Signature: &LJ HDate:i ?hA/ - Name: Address: J/// ’ /qm f%@J A- /SY 7 /I /- /el4-+* dL 6 A /Ad7, T/”iz 5.28 OP :2,- 3\-c;( Signature: - ,: L. --,L r-\+ Date: Name: c ._ > \ t-’lc\\d cL\\- T- -,\I23 kT\ ‘Fc&L-Ioc- \> <a . c -412 L\\? R \> Address: 0 0 , With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: x hW, Date: ."$erdL -2< /?% x Do,,, Name: TAiky L/l*LL Address: -J-2d- C&DEJE/# 37 \ r f&LSf?BAD, c4 92arfq , 5 Date: 3 --a- 4 I Name: Address: ad':TC- I Rh'-C I D Y 47Osdfl n 1 C/A i>ew lGWL-57w 2 Cit Claor' Signature: x<- Date: dk/yA Name: y/gL..A AW&hL Address: &&, 2&&dd d^d*zoJ &/A& &. 7%- Date: . 5 -A/- F'L' Name: € ,Yay ra Xder Address: 392 /h,f 6 / ~~15 bade a With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Intrrstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I \ j I Signature: Name: Address: 9% -2473 P&45k5&Q * c?&7J-r I. __ Signatureg’a,u/.< &k//u -- Date: c:? J/ - c2 / /’ I - Name: Address: TERBYm-N -ATm#r 27~5 JEFFERWW Qf., QTE 19 3 CARLSBAD, CA9- ate: 3/w/q, Address: Carjsbad, CA 92Ow-n1,$ t 4” Date: 3 #z 0 - y/ Signature: i QdJ +7& Name: Address: 25-Dt7 v/A ds 70 77Q PA 01 e n I 0 0 I , 1 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located * on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advissd-that I support approval of this project. Signature. AdLdhl Date: , , 0; 4-a--Qi \ ., Name: I - Address: &WflW s eLnLcnrtost. -am 22 L&q/9=< Date: Tbl// Signature: @eJmfO 7. .)WdSZ L 2-7 ;VI, r- 2- ('rn/fUO &mG*a Q@&&?i$5!?, M. 92&? Name: Address: - 1 Signature: Date: d/qO/ y/ # / Address: -i:Axzz7 m 6 La!- Name: WLS&ifg ma 9ZOW i 7 d Signature: c ad^+>,-- /&,/ Date: 3 ---&I cq ->;/ Name: Address: V - 76:-w. nrntnnan AL ----A 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. lJ€ pWc-LtJ L?bG m Ami? ct ki&5-CdW..i - id li?f& 6. -1 .- f Signature: /?<l,)t/j$ ii/ ;f 'd Af Date: y.3-i>7/- /"/ &ccL;/ /I7 * fApJL c /- C'xWLs6m. p& 7'zc'lc';? c1 Name: Address: %/4 67 iri//v/n) , OS+? 1- /xm-fi c 4 CkdS.5 '7 $i 'D /A/? O&& ;_s S;nn7& ,,'& -" sF/ cLT w 0- "h5-'=- $? <* . dL:'& &- Fhpmf7i- / <7,) 1 ' i- I, (/ i , -1 ,i. . h )>-TI Signature: / 8 6 -7 / ,t */ ,. 1. J*A- Name: Address: %k &%DRID "r- k- 7009 Signature: 0 .&,dw Date: 3-22,.?/ Name: JB 0 r k-L / u/ . /-c D 0 )/ uz PA /Z [S bR4- rig y&J p 1 Address: 711s Spy LLC,Y Signat rr a-9/ Name: Address: a 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport j ~ Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. ! :* '* K- I I ! 1 1 ---7n T' ,(* I /(/7/* ( 2 L-&&k2 y), .h- Name: 4:- [j[, i (7 1- - -. /-, , ./t (2- 27 - /; ;> 3 Lj \, 1' \ p fl ','/ / !paU ,L p/+ ,4 ; %' &x .L , :A- ;Lp I( / L(7&3(;7 ,/ e y&<pf)i" c -y%L t ~Lp&-zz.4 i ,/- g&.p L/[p?&&7 tyk/ -- /[q ,+ I '3 ! / 2-y ' /.'\,_../' Signature: ------- _-- iy[* // \ , ,' Address: -1 ,] /- 7 .-I /< r 1 3 Signature: ;!'\4 J: /(LC li i 11 j;_ 1 I) Name: Date: id> * :>?J (1'1 i -\yt I< i-Lrq -: c -5 . Address: /?-j-/ 7 ,",J )(!/C/ (. -1 LlJ f'L-b-) <?-I 3 / c 4. 0' !,j - 71 .'fq/Jp\ < Name: 76. fl,qJk9 6 /fi // pLic -.ydress: -. 70 --c . Z+ Fb 00 -/6d ----- 4 Signature: -& Date: 37!&/9/ / Name: hh&w &* Jdress: &!g p mc /a, I/ A At" a 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport I Name: @&4d1 / Address: &!x Signature: h- Date: 34 I?/ - Name: -bJw 01* Address: 26-24 7-fa GmD qL00 P P I Date: 7 .b - h3-W Signature: ’2: c C~T iA-&w \ v Name: PCCiC~ A{. cc)qcr i &---ALI9d , c# Address: ZX?5 --FOCfq 0. / c\ 20DQ) I $ Signature: g -& QfBfl& p Date: *- d U=Jg”9] Name: && A i ma &%I& f G Address: e i With regards to the pr a posed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I su port approval f this ro ect, &-+ f, d&LyLe.y Signature: 1 -/4&& Date: 7- 21- 'I , (A-r" Name: w4 7. .YdFj<A)? Address: CARLSBAR UW~AL 76 3i9=72WEhC) UL A <1,77 ... ** MDlJI f- r- CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ,. , Signature: @- id/ - Date: a 3 A c! Name: $& &\x!* - !%fk &!%fk. 2. %'! KOS&T Address: 7340 Jan !%artoh Ca46@ c3 92009 - - Signature: &L-dL/ .._ 2 -2/- 'i/ cF Date: -# -.-' Name: &-A d,,,/z Address: @?L&&AD &mm JmF &&&b/ Qy&f Jrn5-f E&m* r r. &ld&!!d Date: MAR 22 1991 Signature: Name: Address: STEVE & tlrmgtl H -11CAI ITn AT' B z 0 0 /'dysp#~L Y With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I upport approval of this project. J. /" P ."- a CO 7 Date: 2<d+/ A/ , /f // /% I -. 8 Name: JDYCL."-- x . ~L+d&-- Address: &3uo 3-* dd ar Q+L9Z.>, & 92ObS / fu- Date: 3]3,,/9 l Sign at u re: Name: ZLtj E. >r*c&p/ Address: wove- &..okb 0 m. 2.e .& 280-2 s,& S% -s$ G4544Q4 c9, yzoo8 Signature: ~~ . Date: 3b//T, Name: ffh).J*- QFcc.q*k Address: r. c # c;T, UWrQs &La c.ro, onJ83 e 0 <* Signature: Da:i:* u/ v Name: Address: om &!e &w PAAd rRA,/\ e ~~~~~ I m w I With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, cast of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I %s-2 ; I h ; -- Jpcc I ,.- *\ Signatur P:&L(- LYdSz ‘ Q: &&? 3> - yIq- -q \ , Name: Address: Kathleerl M. tJel1~---Ar1derscw~ 3536, Cal le Gavanm I Cat-lsbad, CFI ’32@83 1‘ li!‘ *, Signature: I ,+Lj I p&- Date: -?J L 2 i - 7 1 - 1- r -- Name: Address: XiL5LE5 b fa 14 (?Th p:>* AJ./+ z I‘ L,. \Id4-:-&~9 t-y (;Lt,(!&!%<J <.A c\ ZLXYz J ??,- te:’ 3- a3 -4 / Name: Address: 3325 Fosca St., RPW R. H2flwnrj-h Tr Carlsbad, CA 92009 Why are you usinp a $ -29 st be sent for$.19.garek% EPrd when it could Sckholders money...... Signature!- /’ >f;~cf lhe/ (IcbuJ -!* A? ‘J7fAL Date: 3 /z I I cj / 9 I I I Name: Address: /-fh I 13 6I-l cf / l.Jbf/j7 fq f!’,/Jc j (IK f 7 I / .I E E/_ C t6PALJkK-L W W With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. 59 Mun.*~ ? Signature: u apha Date: S/&JF/ , Name: @c x GhWQ Address: $3~ &n&i&.,a &A PGQtSb,d Cia, 956 d 17 * Mv%f- Signature: QP! - 3 Ll- Date: 3 - 2 1 - 7 1 Y uy Name: E /jb/?PC6 - dC/7~] &,gw v4 Address: '3327 /=ZlSC# y- / C&sRmJ, CA yZdd9 $3 I .~ Date: 3/y/y( Signature: - Name: A-rs& 863- A ?-%a u+? Address: / I c-%- 9zsQp C4&fLS&AlQ m I2 %'t7-t/ ,-q /4/-/&* Signature:/ <---$ e&?- I 7 / \-_I Date://> 9(y~ ~ (, /,/.a / Name: , Address: y,y ;,?y / /?,I,' +,/a&-A(, //A?/ \- (j/? -r, ,; /? With regards to the 0 proposed Price Club to be located on the south 3 si e of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I 9 r #L OAL+ s. &A- Date: 3 c a2-7 1 I ~ Name: /J~r~c\l s* ,& 50 Address: 17 *& G- aid^ Av-e C&(rlS&A. (3. 7m s/ e: T$A' _c__ /+-.EarpE &e GflL5"/t, & E2-mff Signature: r4 c&& Date: z,/ / @%9?<?[ Name: /fO A 4 J 4, /47& .ST Address: 38s-/ 7-ui?(?y CF-. C@f? LS E?40 c 6, P2 007 bkd.LI1 el With regards to the p Q osed Price Club to be located on the south s !@ of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Name: C1. Address: uuel nunnestrand 2750 lnvcrn- or, Xk:;*Y PI %%% Signature: Date: 3 /at ! 9 ( ,I Name: Qbt-4 N&\NLNG Address: si 23 D6N aO'oOLF0 - GGD CA 9 2m8 I/ ' I, I Date: !" /" Signature: J / i ,j I , ;//I 1 Name: 11 / / '1 ,I/ ) ,'I /l I' I, i, : I 1, . I)/ -\I 1 t, Address: :'I . ~ 1- / / / - a,/ / - ,- / 434 dy A,/g/Date: g/. z,h, Signature: h[ J Name: 2L/L/d& h%&Y ,&$( Address: #$f- 45 /dkk!&& 1 / ,I With regards to the e proposed Price Club to be located on the south 0 side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. 1 ,. ', * 'I c. ,I Signa tu re: '; 1 bate: '4 ${- [/ -,\ ,. 1- 1 J; Address: ,, *)) /!, 5 (2.Q [ (; ;, j- I .-> ( I > I Name: 1 li, I + /)AX I" 1. jJO<:,/; / ii i ,,), \ <' ,!,& '. .- LL \ (-A I>((>< ,\ Signature: Date: < Name: ,II r'l,' - '> - Address: .a 1 ji-, /* f 'I 2. Signature: &a Date: '* &A/(& Name: kh/DS AX SPQc - Address: 321 fl&e 3, ff C&Z..5 @4d y3Ud 2 %nature: &L&-gdd-ate: \+ yy/ Name: 2%. &52%4- k? xd+ Address: 7L2'2 J-+/&c+.& r / CJ - o..n.,P--L f /w 6- With regards to the 0 proposed Price Club to be located on the south 0 side of Palomar Airport 1 1 1 Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. ! I Signature: \ $bAl&ad Date: d/J/,,/qi i 1 Name: LtFbArUe 2- (-)!JW/~& I Address: LT 3 4 [e rte CI 5 C 0 Cirh LCI : c.A- qaooq _- - L/) sfi//z< Date: *&.$&(/a Signature: q 7/ c I/ Name: 4%h/ 2 ' Sc'*,LL&?< Address: Signature: J- Date: <;' -, -?/ - 9/ Name: Y - ,u wJ/A fz I:, w LA n/r pJ/< 4 i!!: eA L /r; .7 Address: .3 7 7, 3- /Y'tN/A - -2- L,k . - 1 r 7% Ct L7 6 Signature: &A! m-\L- Date: 11 fiI,@~lj- 7 J 3 Name: k.b ME-,L I34 u LC IW Address: --3L--L ,-? 7 -- 1 &L' c? hGCP,V,- (f-2 3 cj q n ,-> Y? 9 0 With regards to Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. e proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Signature: -'&\L b b, e Date: ~3\&\? 1 Name: k;\hw 34 h#4 di6 Address: .33q\ vi V\EPJ* cGCx-4 (-+I& 6fid ! m qwg\ / / /d -1 >/I L> L/ ,id,- , Date: I Signature: , . 1; , ,e, i' " ~ i( i' c- -J- 7 Name: c /-)ps'j .'I L I '5 j.2 Address: ,/ .z 1) [; c_' , *'/!-- L/ %,CLy-& -7 (//? L -9qe7, c p <? 7-L)p c- 9 Signature: *&& Date: 5-22 p '2 ( Name: Lmda A/\&Pm Address: s3tl )(a*& Clh, (3n,dSk&i ; GA boo 7 Signature: (. \'; I L* ~;cA~~, 1; (.& Date.: 1 Name: c ,-ii:(] \',,7 $ / /u n i. - s, 7 - 6- -I:/ ..-. 0 Q+Y 0, s . -/ </ --.--7 f,{-q (- fS' ,-1 (,--l - Address: / I] 1 I With regards to the 0 proposed Price Club to be located on the south a side of Palomar Airport l i 1 i I Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. ! I ??.+a /. Signature: ri Z/'/ - ~ &'-e- &y-' &:. Date: .r. ~' > ./' /? - 1 /T/ /' / &&&m-L * " 2 , 4. jl -<?/> : . J &q$-j" " d, . t- - cp- L!L.c 6 2% '/ / p> JCf? /J A -ye /"& / z-g&,y Name: Address: I Signatu re: f$k(r/d& Ah$L Date: \fi$f$"'J/ 74 / +$ j F Name: iQAOf+LE ,d L&fLL& Address: 3~76 LA c dJrn-- &/ 'e [&&5 134 D ,l-v Lya&; / / I Signatufe: &ifhJ&@& Date: J- 17 -7i1;7 A y, , Name: - Mansford A. Archer Address: Carlsbad, CA 92009 7316 San Benito b' J%q hy qyg/ g3y ----7 7- ,A'/ ->/ / Signature: ~ ,/<2*/$,9& .-.dF,+ 7c Date: ,/ Name: JUUY MEACHAM 6472 CA'IINO I)EL PARQUE rARl CRAn rl omno - Address: e e With regards to the proposed Price CIub to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. -j - ---J/2 - y/ ??4,! / Date: : Signature: 3 g~ /I / - Name: Address: %. J/+ Ddte: 2-27-7/ Signature , GErs -&4,ocE-5 _nr. Address: 1 i74J 5- &&fh b&J C&/Y %em8 Name: Signature: 4 /n && Date: J/> b/q/ / Name: EM hA/ek/l5 Address: 44cYx JEf/LLA U$)/ 4ALSAj9-J ?2@y Date: 4// Name: LOUIS SCHWARTZ/SHEAR SALES CORp Address: 2945 WRDING ST., STE. 212 CARmT, CA. 97nnp, With regards to t @ 1 proposed Price Club to be located on the sout 8 side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. /YY/ Date: #~,,j{, ”? ,x 17 ‘I .A Signaturv- qjn/ ( - ,JO&#~ ?mb?pf Name: let-f, L ,/ , Address: x(?(?(> Gbr,L; ,In - GLf 1 --) bc. <- frz.. ci20 0% 1 g[, ./J;&; L’ Date: %I/$, $ // ,LL2 ‘*d , pMi?d 1 2.G.A.H Signature: CD /Z<,’ /J22AL 7. Name: L Address: c/ g, 4 L /(A’- -2- -J1- di; dL.. 92 c‘c 5 ‘ Signature: ~ &Q&ll:- ) d -PALc Date: q3 - d /- y/ 1. Name: n fiL& PPl CY 7’ fl +prflr.f Address: (2 T 9 G‘lAbLl r L/ ~u. r L{ bad, ch 6 dCOfl ?-- Signature: / Date: 3 - Zz - aj/ Name: G=cd&G-& J/.&/pE- &- Address: 3 573 Q-s2L/,$&ff14 *r &,/i-&>-/ Cun %- rn e .. With regards to th ? proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I $upport approval of this project. * Signature: nf3 Date: 3- a\- 9 \ vu Name: 5& 5kfGjE\J . Address: AI 34 &c YORk but CF+AsbAn. Ch Ah0 2 .P L, Date / I -7 /,3 &,Q) Signature:. C r/\ 9.L , ,.< Name: (\I \&? &-)~JJ~ 7J Address: ’i , I /,) -\ /q (‘/i)\G rJ-c c yz( i I<-. 3 ( :,$d? 1-3 /-]r’S J c! f-+ r Signature: X&-h- %q Dale: Q.. ! Lq 4 22 % y/) Name: &&Iep~~ h * fog Address: 7099 Row OR. QnRisQAQ Cfi 92oOy * Signature: &/j& Date: 3/Tk/ Name: e%& Address: 2. ?b& 8!vfl)l# on, I LflQL%ifit,j. PA 17mB \ l e II, With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I Signature: ,Ad& f4.w Date: -’ 27 -22.- y/ : 64 Name: /dLLzuA A I , Address: &c/3--4 P Jd-/& f (7 &&,J-J, FCC r , 920d(y Signature: L3uu ’ Date: 3-2Z-$ I Name: LLIftLQX 5, % 08 Lb Address: 23SL w h&y sw-& 11 u aKLSaA3) c@-- 9&J-& i Date: 37-s-;r - 7/ Y / - Name: /JI/lAH 4 64- LE3 Address: PALOMAR LAUNDRY 2221lASPALMAsUH. SUITE F CAHLSBAU, cA3ZJlH Signature: b,h& Date: 3/2-22 4 / Name: (0 CJTLS Address: y333 yQ5LWd 3i- c.aets13w. m 5-2 0 >- *P--eA 0 -1 .- Wg regards to the propose$ Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport ,--? D Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. L Signature: . Name: GCDhW/L Qr e-07 W6fd Address; ?f?'? vfi Ca(+do CG/*hh&d @ 74dOf" I '7 97,; +/- 5 Signature: , L/'[ I LAL! ,a Date: -3 ?-G - i/ I I( 7 Name: 27 It fdE /Le h2LtTd Address: ;7- ?u h /".h-T-F, /;?L/r)CF, c-77 .?L5 ,,i /f 7J CA q:jZc:@t7 Signat Date: ?-2/ - ?/ Name: SE#d f.&AVGL/ Address: A&& sig/y A Of /M? # 30 9s P/b ?KO aoz Cb%~&iYl c& 7XmB d we: i!&,kik&&q Date: .3/ ZJ-e $' T-&bLhhq I Addr . gX-* Ll;i+jg pAd&d&4 2$3 9220f I 0 I -.. 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport i i i Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I ! i 1 Signature: Date: hd 3-1 / 9 q / ' I , Name: Add res: aGJ7Y?zwef%eu- bwy GecsBa e& 7z &dr , , Dzite</2'/y 1 3 $m&Y Address: fi cre"/2r f 0 A-&n)ClAIAs G- 5-25 3/11 19/ Signature: ULLVJkf- Date: fGl[*+ fL(CWt 3 - ha,--- Name: Address: 3 c.'.: s dk /4!~ocw , e& yIl bL~ + /cy &'Lli /&L - C'- L-fk 17; ? ;:./,ti', :(b 1, 0 0 I I With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. ; 1 I I 1 Signature: 2//? & &u/ 9- 6 Date: u 24 4v/ i I @.&. Name: Az&&$d.b-&d I I 9 I CW &I%* StntrPi'o 3538 6cn $mn Qo,c Cnlhhd CA 92008 Address: - - g-8 Date: d-A-y/ Name: Jg&BB s Address: -& - $7 &L/-) LC-? ., i' b * - . ;<>,l.,. . '.* Date: 3 -30-9 ( Signature: && Ti& Cod gelds 25-32- .LA h IonJrJi, f5L Name: Address: r/- r / c hLJ , e4* 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I \ I I I Signature: - Date: 3/J[/7/ / I Name: Ll d I, sf e CkhL)A Address: 22 0 (4 floj-yda k,L@ c a/f-b G d w ?&(y/- ( Signatur d~ . ~ate:~~~~JB~ 44 m Name: bZ?Y &MA - Address: 3y37 0khI-Z) J& @K&?&? cd GiP-r5m$ Signature: / M/' fl /,%&[ Date: z0 w* ?/ Name: 6DdMD &LL Address: Tt5 j%P?y hE &&W,'C& ym Signatur Jh?4@[A5&t/ ( ,I && Date: 3 -2' / g/ Name: ZQd /Y* P//c.f5MKA~/3 Address: q4f XA$/?/d6 8 f* />.,@L 5/3/44,. l!% @A@ f With regards to the 0 proposed Price Club to be located on the south * si e of Palomar Airport i Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Y &/ Date: ;..-aL> L /"/ Signatufe. # Name: Address: /u v ?- ai- 5-v I, v Address: 1 r/ 7- G~GUMF@ / WLLf?/+- q- 9WOY signawun/r' 4 $5L(?.Y- [&tcd L d-71 ar1sba.B; c (k/ 9rOoB-35- < i Address: 8 .&chn r" a/ / 3Lne t-ec le.6ar m&y1 Name: Date: 3-Li-W SigIlatu re: L\~LL*F R . f- JGG4dSlci.d I. T-3 \Cc\ 5,'Zqc-J tbebB4 qzmD Hame: Address: e& CgjQ.\ bb+ 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Name: Address: ds jwn& Encinas St. E Carlsbad, CA 92008 - Signature: o"..;.~dux4 Date: 3-- 22- s/ Name: ZA L&ZRm/ Address: 726/ ,&A%4E/d ,4$.d~ d/Xd/2..4 64u Q-a@ Signature: /75A/ Date: ~/2.1/Q/ Name: &AL//,C [ +ZkLc- Address: ZaA &2.4+4? /d kc/ GP/5 &,a! ,I c& l 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be !o$ated on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be -advised that I support approval of this project. t b --,-e Signat Date: 3- Oz/- p/ ??p Name: Address: 7408 %en& k Ta(krj - Lorraine g. Lem Cahbd CA 92009 Date: '3+/ -q Name: Addre's: CARLSBAD CA 92008 - RICHARD MACGURN 2800 WILSON Date: ? - 2 f '- ?/ Signature: $L!&*L %-+Le- A/,-//; /q /&I 7, f?pj/lqF/Z c r/9/d In J; f/, 7 7 Name: Address: (( 5-33/ AL"- "' / i?*, fl/f Lr /id d / x, 3 /J -9 ( F xi@- me: b\ ,!&FA 'x II Signature: -- Lo oec5 sx- 9mdAnci- c- cQs53 Name: Address: F&f sa- '. \,- 0 With dB r ards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar A Road, ear df Interstate 5, please be advised that I slipport approval of this project. Date: 29 &r- I [’I I ii”\l? >/- I /I Signature: t /’, Jb ( ‘, iJ Name: \y-\ . ) <>i Id GI 1-1 Address: -rriJ?7L? pLY,&J/q ,,Ji ILJcl 5 i p\ 6LL> 6; OD 0 f ,o q> R) 5 I i Signature: \/:ilk;!-, - \ :- F (. i. \ Date: / \ ! 1) !ti \ , \ ,d < s. I ’ \- Name: ,\ { < \\$ 2 Address: 1. 4- p‘ -, r- c ( - ,; ( ‘( !-, I r - \ ,-< \\ (-’, \ 1 <; ,’C (j &[ / azI( Date: di$/// Signature: Name: f)&L./i hC<d&C Address: 5x0 &%!Ad Ah 4 R015 fm/$h?/x‘, [A q2dOd (&L2ZJ -$;-,/-- Date: $A(,, > Signature: ,j-”l> /,3 j L (1 2,/bPL/ J Address: 2 sy// (/!I+ /.--<I .I c- Name: (3 ---, f’/ .(’( J f-3 .+3 c- :(.I -, 1 With regards to the p jb posed Price Club to be located on the south si 9 e of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: /gyZyc ,$6<i&A’- Date: (g -+/ -- ?/ d Name: Address: Signature. , pd/?//ate: 54~1 Name: 47AVm c. e7-1 C#V&C4 Address: 3g& 0 A?&]/ d#V CA&.~~PP. Cd YZZadg ,,* I‘ / / 4 Signature: , 7/s?q~?M L- dld( Date: .y /&/k/ - /‘ // , I/ c Name: /fl/77/,?’qy / .,A? yc Address: <T/J [$~/~y // ?!’/ 7 / .l/ /- C!?$%x-/Y2fl [ 3/4’ ?&y,(> Date: - AM/rS _I Name: &BLl /+ /G Address: dl// -d//!&?& / ,f 6 5r &&L2Ad,6? 72GO-F I 0 e i With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. l I '-\ / I' / >/ i/ /// 1, (; ( (i,,-f /, lY,l,A/ 2 Address: J.\ LC) SL "L//L'?- jm / /t ;:x c, t :A,:\ Signature: ~, - !LqvJ>;(. Date: ,/,) .', / / 7. Name: L; * ( 'i, (-./,' L)[ c < L ,g I /I I LT'L Signature! Name: Address: Date: 5- ZLCi I Signature: \ $ Am d/T'(h& +I ~~fiq bVlr\jd wuqyL d Name: ~-y&Z\ b 74 &vLd ne4 i &J,,J~br5L,. & 4=307 Address: I-. 67 ,q /'/ A' ,' / /' 1-1 ,- /- / &/ ' hF7. 7"-' Date: i Signature: (* 1 4;:. . I Name: 7,r ~ -;] - ( c- . -5 /* fl t-. /& (L- /7;?/v< $ (/ l/ ," 5/-< ' ~ Address: {/ //, ,; L \ ,e/(? / 0 -- - -r--.~-- .. 9 ----. With rGgards to the Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. oposd Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport --.s-- b -_ I !,;&< *c Date: 3 ~ -20 %C’/ Signature: c, .T i - .<f~t.+y- cL c, (1 .\ Name: f?RCO ( C C; L c (. ,-J-br,rA fi 3 Address: c; / $s>e?m \ L I A3 03- c QHvPIq>& c-v3 c) $00 7 31 y, -zEf Datem-, 20, 1 3 ?/ wr 9-n 4 Signature: 3 , Name: I W-OSR, Address: 5u6-7 m& L /-de 72-d LknJuRx6(;e@*Ya-oo v J- t! - 91 Signature: Date: Name: J.L. &cas;) Address: /@L. D/Jk by- .d?.k&;ffi cd fLLP Signature: ghd3 6 Ay Date: &I/U Name: DQhd RLmy Address: 2-332 Litf-/& hq Oee+s^lh. c/& qaSG A7 /I ild-, 1 I /AI With regards to the proposed a Price Club to be located on the south si b e of Palornar Airport Signature: gki 2 LL Date: ~UJl%-L+ %I ' q, ! Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Name: Address: - Charles D. Moore 3340 Cuesta Place Carlsbad, CA 92009 (,2, 'k), A['* Date: 3- 3 f- L'il Signature: Name: Address: /&& 3/ak/s I Signature: , / Name: Address: * Signature: 2x5" J aNfl J+- tta GJ OND c4-- hm~b nd?nnCI Name: &7T!-tR,yd 4flD Address: ,262 7 i I 0 e With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. i i j Signature; Date: 6 3 20 1 I 1 Name: 3rure AY 6L4 L Address: &e&/ 5i/h& i% //a &/&+ PA ,9aW . -- Signature: &x& ,W- Date: 7 - si-9 f I. Name: Address: Clyde Vickery Insurance Inc. 7593 Coloma Circle Carlsbad, CA 92009 -77f 7 Signature: /gkJfl 4 -2Lf Date:&. Name: &&,,f. /hw tcy P47c7J’. J ,’ Address: Date: 3 - a - 9/ Signature e-FFLel4 Name: Ff,pe3ce vG-.FSe- SA Address: 7a03 A%fi lea s-kbd : e 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: kbdi a0,l'tYI - Name: Address: 33% hb-0 bJk w\ec$ \Q. 4& Date: pQPch 20 I crcrr I. Signature: ;I' /A. 3 1 (7 .- Name: -_ - T\&\-Y- \"LC<tR 2 ca+\s bC\d . eq, c2'2-3"( COa12-C d s?-- e- Lecz &e -&hot b \4 Address: (-p,~;r (OcveLcs et--+- -0 cli+ --++LC< )oJccL+-~ 23 Date: ' 3/r I 1-i / Signature: -= '7 7 m Jl4.4 pwa n I I Name: Address: .7& i ,+ L3 =,&4S%L 3- ~2.-cjk~~l pi I P- "i LEO' j Date: 3 -a-Y 1 @ @, &LPO Name: /M~yy& K&?e6[T[e v Address: @tb 9/41 WMkfT - ., , An /3,nna e 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. ’) I ,7 C/’ Signature: ,-- I -L :<? _- 27 , xke2,4d Date: . J d Address: //o/ 4 ,?,+;= . /.p,,+v,7 ,,i (y+ i/ A Name: i(- cT 4, ),/x -. (Ic/ 0 rx/;-/ ,>fl v / , --- ---. ’1 A’,,? c 3 4’ -7 7 , /‘- ,, <’ /:I‘: (-2 I //I c- 4- phf L ,A //, c Signature: & pd%&- Dat2 &Id -q/9P/ n Name: D/?,YcE f ~~PF~W-J Address: 3p@4 ,& COSTA &gb’r Cf-Wi.ssno a qc;7&+99 c-3 Signature: W Date: 3 -20-91 Address: uflpRnw Name: Signature: !AI 6 Date: 34+7/ Name: J dory Address: -p-Sd E5 tu 5r / G/LOdq 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. 4 :6 I Signature: / Date: &/9/ Name: j,/+,& z- A+&* Address: /76/ dLcc /i%z~ CafdJ-5ad CA zO@~ I. Address: - \<i'i 1 {L' /(JWLLL Date: m&I 2 I ; Signature: GL,~ 124 Name: n ud e.* Address: Q 11 c-h- e crb ,q G 1 8 f?\le.. +-I+ c -)(-px LC \ Ct c 1 t 2 - XJV G- [yy- Date: Signature: v' - n --m e 0 ,. e* 1 With regards70 the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: 8 L.<L /b4JA+-- Date: 3)a/q/ t7ji?kLdd f&h‘p 7Aoy 0 / 3. Name: CL! A-74 /iW z Address: 770 /A4wvdhi Age- / --me: +fi, - -- signa . ~ Name: CLL/Ak5 S?EYEdSd 3 I Address: 3J/q /(zRflfl A? 9. I #4.9u! Yam9 1 :’ ,9[ /5j/ Signature:’ ’ \, i:. (i c ; -, $4 ,:, :, , Id (r Date: ..-) - Name: q Address: i g: 2- /d -€- y(>q 7 / ;3 1 /:-A/ j) ./ - . _- _- ‘c- (?/?Al+k,,i,. j (1, ~~~y~ 9 / t Signature: fldfJJ/ r Date: 31 211 91 / LBonnie L. Savill , Exec. Secretary Bonnie L. Savi11 L~UCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Name: Address: 1960 La Costa Avenue Carlsbad, CA 97009 With regards to the e p posed Price Club to be located on the south 3 si e of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. - c__. - .c_ !, 1 1 Date: 3-u 71 1 I *G& i L-kYL\%LJkQ I;? @A c1 ,UT& $In. &&a Name: Address! b s s(L Ob \\wL . -. 3h. i J-807 k &J ' 2- ' '<;JZy (;$iliX 1 - -- - 1 Date: 7- / 7 - f / Signature: 'Lcl -t Lc.5 r. Name: Address: & c .L! i 5 f 4. /q/, 4,/*& I 3c/ G ( &I-[ PiLL /;z -2zi"cT c;.] ( L7 h,.cJ c'4 \ 'I'z i c 9' L- Date: ,-/ -z/ - p/ Signatute Led I d/4 cd z&g //- FED II. >j~~<jj; Name: Address: SO32 Tierra Del Oro -1 sbx': ca,li f .. 93002 dS7.93T -.J/&. q- I >> Signature:/ ' !: , (' \?i r\\ QP \ P& \/ J < 129 i,T\ Name: Address: 1350 Las Flores Drive Marc C. Chamberlain, M.D. Carlsbad, California 92008 e e With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palornar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I Signature: L7W ,tin VM\D Date: 3/yl?l Name: QAPJ +FFrr\ArJ I C)wtJJW , Address: DAB'S Frozen Yogurt 8 Ice Cream 1 7130 Avenida EnCinas, Suite 193 I Signature: Date: +[/./ Name: .. Signature: L42%ZJZ/ 6 Date: 3 --2/- I( Name: /&L- /A-k€ - +A/- Y/ Date: 7 i- { ( 4- ~ ._ 1 \.* t. /' Signature: ,\ .--' <--(: i ,x Name: Address: 0 With regards to !? e proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. n .- . f .I ,a /( ' J, /?> Date: ~ho/9/ do~u R . PIERCE Address: 3949 P~RL DR CdAuwb, CA e2008 Date: 3 ) Zo,/ ?/ 1 Signature. I I, PA J..b+ Name: /y&/L/fi e/{& dm-- .Hrn/bIi fl& &s5-- Address: &io &u /!=&id 8 &&ah95 CA/?L54Ag, c A I 9 ZdO 4 Signature: Date: %I($ Name: <UT L/. /L;"*,q \ Address: 7?bt -*--?2J Lecy F#ts I Mwop.t-9. tM YiLm 4 Date: rl-> *;I i q i Signatur 0- : L. K-y G!i!--- Name: r ,L. *gj3u&L 3wo tf\c?nc-ltm -m. $3 I Address: em SB&h ,c L @ 0 ! j 1 i i I 1 I I i Signature: Date: ,? /a//9/ With regards to the propo Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport 1. ! ! / / .'-I I /I Name: Jh3h)rpl n E- JA , Ck-brJ 1 Address: a,Q h)o&M$) NDy LA, F&hd-&L&!h f' PA' 9&b8 i I I 1 Signature: \ c~d - '~&+-L- Date: f -2 1- q I , -. !LiLLf7?f Name: &h<ktn Ld4--s1wnU Address: ZTSs -x& n qLA .x+< S-A",2-Ci~ COf\S bql [A- +D'd I j I Li 3/20/91 Signature: Date: :. # c rc CHERYL D. PRANGE Name: Address: 5716 CORINTIA ST Signature: fl<Jb4 Date: 3k[ /y,/ Name: fisc ff K<, Address: '35Q ?,Z 63,AQ77 c+ ~~QLg~/?I 1.3 C[ '( %k/rr 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. .. 7 . . *J ,3 Signature: Date: s020- FJ 4 Name: .Y*n/ n;7 rc4dr Address: d27 3 h GA #Q Jc e4 R G b e-;P 7-0 9 / // t -5- 2C'__ y/ '> ;/ jn Signature: ,.!A ki- LC c.>h( U 4p q/ Date: t Name: ,141 /p.ffi?f \ / /L(/] /di)g / - L Address: %#< b 7 / , ,I ' 1-2 C' y (I ( / /' L Y / 1 J;/iL,':J, ,*&L (.;)/YLyyr Pjj $ Ls-p,;pfi / ( /, ZQ /< a2y7. p[llA-&/-n Date: 2 + c! {y 1 I. / Signature: p h,+", I p j 4 LgcF<mw) Name: Address: qy \- EE&7 r! '4: c-7 GL.[ 5 E-.9V, Cd q;iLI:-q J y+;/$ i /' d ; h, ,i I; k ti4 ZIY? Date: LIP. Signature; ( / J ' I I- LZ'C, / 7 c-2 c- JcT 7' /( ,f 5c-?b / Name: 3 (*-- '? Y)c p571zc /f /)c &y; c 5fn'137) ', (.A Address: I? 7 ClJ,c, > i 0 With regards to the pro osed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. 1 9 Signature: % h/n Date: 5/7 @ / 9 1 , Name: 3Wc- E F%P7 &+L &>, fu (s bs 4 30 2--Q&Ll Li..P . Address: /&g2@%&/ ' /' g&k[p-pp/ ate: sigZat - /K"9&$$dp7&k-- Name: Address: !.26&L <&(,,& Y I. gs 6's 3d)d h .c&$l bd g- ,, (N& / u ?I/$./ /n c/' !/ '/L ,KC-, Signature: // - Date: Name: fig7 /rJJ:2/ c 'c &?/L Address: /q[)S ('(l li (- LLL/y//t~,,z./;jh/ oizJ-KF+?L hf 23,fC: C.$plpl c: [/ib/g /CcUc I?, CC+% F ' C AyrQc <513/3 b, (?& y&lav \ Signature: 4 gl ]/A+[s&&Date: >&/F/ Name: Dee Wangbichler Address: 6102 Avenida Encinas - Suite J Carl %ha% - e I. With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I 8 I Signature: Date: -3- 2 1- 9 I I ‘r l Name: e GONZALE~ 600 F-/ A GU~ LA LA4 cA&q&Ab - c,A 920 09 . Address: Signature: @.;“p* 3 Date: 3/J,/ 7, Name: P-L’i3&27- 0, pL A/t’7& Address: J”Id 6L IUm%2 LN, c4Q/2 l-\!A> , Cc.1 ( 9m.i Signature: @z% Date: F zhh/ Name: ML-MesJ - Address: 3-5 &)E= TdeoJ CMLSdM &faap i, ’ Signature: -- ’,’&<J c>f ’ , , /jO <- LL4-C J ’ Date: :. 3///-/ L_ c /d+z.c /J A, LZ$LG ( rqf: Lc,/$/-i JJ ( i {>](/fl c; Name: Address: 3.3 J/ /4’/2/4 C-L:/J’--- m u - 33'b L' @ I- i With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport 6 Road, east of IntersLate 5, please beadvised that I support approval of this project. I i , I I i Signature: I/" ! i Name: I Ukk? Q(9/F& Address: 2,) COR GTivu &-ea i > r =Y i I I I Signature: Date: 4Ld= Name: A. /d&bm Address: ZF23 &/eA/ 57 I I CQrlskQ d , ci4 9- I Signature: Ti & Date: 3 -& (-51 Name: d k&?Ik &&$i*&uL I Address: 300 E(% 5te.d~ A+ Chlel5kwq & %008 1 \ - -_ Signature: \,,h>dl{ /.. -/(. j ) f(/,\((' ) I((] t Date: --j l / r '/ / /I \ Name: -7 \ [\E_) 1-jj-f /(. j'/ \qLt.Lt:" IL Address: -+--; & --J- --I; 17 [ I-, (:/I- IC' f {''> t7< , c-,-\ i', 7( pi With regards to the roposed Price Club to be located on the south 0 side of Palomar Airport d Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I Date: 3 - h *-cf/ - Signature: nIL& 1- - 0 Name: rvc? &SU m&Gp p s Address: 233 9 ,Tp .c- .’%P*6? 57, -3 Ci-Y Is &d . CG- q2-b @< Signature: Date: 3 Zo- YI I_ - Name: \ rw, \ foiu *2 Address: qs\q La\& €34 Cac\wao ! CA qz 038 Signature: p!/!&xhLk Date: 3 a- 3 I - Y I Name: ChdA-nN A- Mcd,;rJ Address: .-lor0 SCrHM.1 hi/, qF-* Cavis had, fie CI~OO~ - Signature: uA ccbb’ 4, kb!kJ-Date: yy dJ 0 4 ?/ Name: O#VA.R d. &L.$ Address: 342 ? P &A&(; rj) 4-70 A RLC A78 .)7 CIA & jy(@g ;I I a e , With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport ! 1 Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I I 1 Lh,&W(7 C-LT Date: -3/2//7, Name: TuLic 5~04 I Address: 74jgC;;eeLa c p d%+ (-&cLs& ccd ,cy K24234 I, 4. Address: 3281 cm (Am &&w#qPa Gd*,,, c/;L y add9 / Date: 7/2-3/p-/ Signature: / /. &L W 4fHeZ -L-&&3- Address: zo7; GqL*/p//.J& c&,&..@- ek‘ / 9m&7g / --L Name: Date: ey;</y/ Signature: /x% 7A’pJfir .Gm-i$g- - I ’/ 1 /Pfi-.c:*p Name: Address: I ?/L !F//, yj7y \r &Z$? ,Ob, , >;;Lx&.L-j /] ;, e 0 Witqregards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. -" Signature: k- M Date: & flMcH 7 t U Name: 6. H# So Lfys Address: 76 t7 RtDeh pL. CffPtJ8rrD ,, CA ?zmq //,$ BC!L? 3 c /c & .s b/d 0 _- /<? j7 (+t /s i x/c2"- Address: /'&-)i 2'[,;3 , 4 vy - G4-4 / S,W< (4 q2 c'o 5.' I 3-26 -ci I Signature: 3 ,& 5 ~(&&& Date: Name: %>/*/ Signature: /,' 7~' 21 ~~~~~ /. 'pd' ) Date: Name: H/L/z+teB O$c~b/ Address: - 35ii Jzfl$5jdk~/ CT eHkLSfib9 CQ' $2Q7;3 /-7 '3 .-x $+/ Signature: ,q- c > c LC~ 21~L "-3 Date: -9 Name: /J L17L 22 2LLL Address: >7&/ L-w JL- ..-. c,,:- *? cz-LX-7/* ./ r,/ 9- k-c-p 9 a With regards to th proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. - ?/ 6 Date: 3 ”a ’ Name: Address: Signature: Date: 3-J / - 9/ Name: Address: 2657 VANCOUVER ST. CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 - ‘ ?:‘ .. ,527 ’- / Signature: // - ,,q,,?>p [.., /[d[,,T Date: 3 2/- (il Name: AAfo%R my; -, g - {lL (/ c- - 2- f Address: 7Ci54. ]//fi/ <- (’ -],3L% >1/ ,). c/-7 ~. ‘i 2c r(. ‘7 .-- ?A,7 ;/ Signature: \ - I!, li$;d til c, I( !A/[ 4 Date: - x, tl I P, 7’ i. Name: - <! r- i?,..; . !k;;,,q [&L, tJLp (- y. i,L)! v ,A (, I\ , C;3( f)q Address: <> 0 e With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. - - - ~ - ,?- L;?A 9/ C Signature: 2?J!t?l C-K Date: e Name: K /c//r/L Address: b ~6 ,ckl k)~/d!j jiAy(, #,/o 3-- AIC3L5AhDI 09 G?flm Signat Date: 3/z+J$7 1 Name: Mr.& Mrs. Alvin L. Bergman 2019 Mar AzUl Way Rancho Lacosta Carlsbad, CA 92009 Address: - I1 Signature: Date: c3 r z/-y/ Name: ndh%&d Address: 33& J-A 37- e& 4i2d07 > .! /7 oc , Date: ~ -#’ - , / i’, 5 5 Signature: c: I 1 VI J i, / > ’ ?’;\ i - \‘\\,* ’ \p 14 Name: Address: ,> - -. . ~ y, _1 /I, \ r--_ - -- L I Wd=I ,i ,( , L -! .I‘ ’ , 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. 1. -7 *i J - Signature: - j. , I : . \. ’-,I Date: .,7). ’/ I i. >> :i Name: Address: q ,-. < i)”+j I *1 1 i c- Signature: 3 -A 1 -? / Name: Address: ,/d q J/L@ - &?E, / dc,. yz-JcJfJ M Date: 3-&@. y/ Name: %,Ai wL- &Ah Address: 26/d Qff!! &&Ah , 6?4 92009 Dat& \I:/ ‘‘1 dx ), 1 I c1 I .L?\ c * r /% ‘J \; / Signaturei/ [ ’ / ‘\ .. - 4: h” jd%_lt /y (7 ,(),A , -4 ~ ”s- Name: Address: 7311 Esfera Street Abby Golden x With regards to the proposed e Price Club to be located on the south side e of Palomar Airport Road, east of Intexate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: 3-21- 9/ Name: Address: I. Signature: G4g$2qr J - bl Date: 3-2 1-71 Name: T~em- 1 J- &+E@ Address: Yoas @mDedcca ST C-&LSO?Q c"Q 7aoo) - Signature: 1 Date: 3-21-91 D. J. Gomez 2531 State Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Name: Address: 5 _- Signature: ~UU ' L Date: ?,/ zc!jq j Name: FAb]c3/tU, A. %CSJ~ L Address: G-;~GQ \:IA i!p4 I-1 0 - a With regards to th d roposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palornar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. 4 Signature: ?$pj: \ Date: 4% IkVIYl I Name: ~ik n.pd Csr,.$ l-irbf/d Address: , ;; t;xL'<'i ( - '&&w/b Date: *?-G?/-?/ il . Signature: &% Il/t Name: Q&MdL*JLe-, Address: z39c 0 &/O azu fit /k7L&JL&L - ,p/ $A% y Signature: Ad; Date: 34/ r 7/ Name: &+&x- PIlfliCA Address: )?a dW fo=-- O+?LS.BR-d (5%- ?zc'/f Signatu re: -/ $:$,+CY// d@M Date: Name: Address: e 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palornar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. 1 I / -1 - f-. / 1 ;, i ,&--- Date: ,Q, 11 : 7 i j ; I..! i-1, Signature: -. 1 ‘) Name: ,/ $,)I ’I I //I,- j /i ‘i/ r Address:- - /)!I - - 2 N&V:~g~!y$~j 391 ; -1 - -Y -b r’ l ‘‘.%T’?5 nj-lj:; i \ood cj 0 f 7 ,’ I __ - j cil3ii --., - Date: fq/+/ (-& Jd Signature: f L Name: -6 L!i*STY Address: 3 ‘1 67 c 1 e c ;-/O /C3~~~~a’a C/.tRL5DAD c.4 yLm/F f Signature: /(; 5-c 1 C/L,-r, Date: *?/7 /I; / > Name: 7 3‘/,3,L I-- J-& L:’;c’J ,-* (i’ -~<,b//~<cq~’ *- A\<><(-< “it5 fip? [., (-k> ( -&X[ (I 4 IC Lly ( ’!.c:L\, j~b , <- 4 Y Address: / - ‘j2cc:’qi ) t - ls m, Date: Jfly ”/ Name: ;J@P?.Pfl &&/ . 33/7 & E.w& 577 &i,,,, - Address: d 0 With regar s to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Paloniar Airpo Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. / Signature: 3, :J JA/ Date: t’y,l& .z /, 7 f c I L - .‘ , / Name: AL z L\/d f). LJE,/JUC c;fi<)&23-+> <_‘ 4 $?2Cz2d~ Address: (, L -7Q5 /5b/37*L/-2~WSL I. Signature: T q? <+G?,’f >$$( f(i’ff: Date: 2’2, / y)-)k ’ ‘i/ Name: ge-/%X /I 0 ., ,~~FILG777-- Address: Tcy y5- (TI Y//Ji, d/, L/~ 4’0 {/-)A’[ </? -1 /I //% q&cl’y -/,?/ L 5 / - Signature;i//ti ;{ j’’,,;,. / .? Y(/?;tycDate: ,, iL-2 y j/ ’ ‘r Signatur d6& @wz?A- htQ&Ld< /% Name: ,@E%F s: LL--/i&L k GY +-Y77 Address: l3 &-?-a i%cY5s4/3 i (q?. ; 17 .4-5,1 < a 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: Date: 3 -2 / -q, (1 Name: Address: Signature: % 32 -9 i Name: ~)eW m t(F‘4 cm $33 - - Address: IY-G, !kwhw.=% hw / Date: A 3 JJ Signature: c) LC,[- l/J @‘LJ-- )ALL) Address: 4%;3 b!.aeGJ-, &W Name: L, %?dU;J - /- .?/ 2;’--/L i I d? ,N,C 3 ,sc 1 “i’c”- Date: ,*\ 7 / Signaturet --I f;l Name: 7, ( \’ t 7, ,\)*-\/,,y~;L#,~’\ \- i \ I , ’I \? 7,,3; < :,, ’< \ ; , I -J ( ; q ,,,-y’1~? \) 11, )> )! i :; ,< “\! !3 I 1 1 I! Address: 0 a With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. , Signature ( ELLl Date: 7-2 2- y/ J L Name: h&L c Address: 3 g@ ‘3 624 6 04 (<,$,CL -. s &gd’ (5% Qoo 7 Signature: Date: 3’/F/ Name: /)&lfl, < -,* i B?LL@eq- Address: 3q c’ 7 (’i/<“c‘Gk? I! DL)Lb’b7 {)j&S - Bd/l Qq pq$/7 / --> - Date; -) -11 -‘ir >-. c. \a (. \’- \ Name: \\ < <- > \* ‘I X+; .(-. t- \ 1 \’ Address: ‘3\1- 1.‘ (- < -i(’Tc- *x 1 C?,Y.,.\ c;\s<T\ > cc> q!XJ>q - <‘b\ Y ( \rb >I<\) ]3-.>\(3:~> Signature: Date: A \(qj Ic/t .;Ti>; pt-( jtL { h b #rmo-coS”” n L f \ET- ,1 Name: J r C~niv+-t-o MA rid Address: 4 02 fi ,D a With regards to the roposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport I support approval of this project. d 3-21-91 Date: RICHARD & ROSALYN SITRON Name: Address: 3135 Vista Rica Carlsbad 92009 ;+I ..I - fi Date: '-s 2 9 \ + Signature: \\-M , Name: N~A~N SaacheZ Address: 6 I, p1 \cM u w Wj' QQd. . a 9a- OQ~ Signature: jJ&(J(-&/ I Date: dad9, Name: L L%/ I &p9. caahd cu?a Address: 33 a! do? I Signature: i2: Z+y/=Q! h./h? Date: i/i/ .J 9-1 % c) c 2 ?c) y- LC-. C-LC >fi?,&? pJp/ =;,<,-w7 , i' ., /?! q"yi -7 , )* /y ?.e[- ,<&:G 7- /)? 1 k, /c /J d7 7 Name: Address: I. e,j+7LJLcj. 1 0 @ With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the sout Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. de of Palomar Airport $ Signature: /Lk/y > ,3/>/& Name: dL:+ ;Z,,cIZ*YIIY\ -+-Address:,,. r -- - I-. * --_ *- w-= &*-- -- , r->.- =-- Signature: Date: 9.;l24/ Name: Address: 7 -///> Date: 3- “72 - $‘? / 14 J / Signatur /// Lfl//J/p- /- - I ~- Name: Address: - MR HORACEW HOWELLS 3443 DON ORTEGA DR ’ - CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 . -? 7 -- c/” ( < - I,( - Signature: h&/L,A Date: -. - Name: /p:, (&/e lL-; /7 0 f? ~ 1 i,-. y,,-”n/w - :- CL A,r,?) j /yL /. rf ~/,’,,/.q ,. r? ,fJ [A/: r 99 / TI., >L Address: Q 0 With regards to t e proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Date: 3 -J/ .- 9’ /y /- Address: ‘ Ll/’crp ,. 8/ p KFG-4 q / D - 41-dSBnh €fl 5J@ 73 c- .. ,, Date: y/2 t/s/ Signature: I Jk4&=5 &J3& LA fll Name: Address: qsfdP-d/ C&7= 5 w Date: 3-22-q 1 Signature. IO e\b 8. 5peP$OE Address: z\5 ths Cl1L-L QE- Name: &WLIWO! ?urn‘ < HAd ~41- Date: 22 \\rAwzU RC Signature: t-\RF Eepe h (--s kc &2AiSc, Address: AJW A.f4 Name: \ , 4,1 Oq.fiQ .. e a l With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport rovai of this project. 4 m i rnL SW! @ *9& O7 Signature: fP$" pJ2; J Date: ;7 r >!/ - G/ w Name: E/,i &I G4YLd' d &- /@ &--- /& 3#,< &- ("' k7 /&7/2,/4 A d' e, Address: 9% 26J2 %S. ,. Signature: Date: Tkz?yj Name: E CLXJNTP)/ STORE Address: EL Ct%wyO H3 L dPPLSI)RD. c3R 9&0R / - 4 3-*,& Date: 2/a1 9 I Signature: J -. Name: Address: June H. Daniels 7747 - Rancho La Costa P I a ! ! l e With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I I I I \ f> I 5' r /,! (X,, -p I.. >' \ - 3; 'I \I i \I '- i C', (- ;: \\\ c , f?\ b',? Address: ('c (;!T{7cL(! ('c <--- I L- <! !! ", &Q@e-%& Date: 3- Jf- q/ Signature: Name: v x Address: /fwd [Jh Pa. &P'd /c/ aj 3 Signature: L Date: ash ,/q / /49PL h/$q6(?&,y // /OfG -J%CR~~Z~ /?7/,,7 L -A /? 0 \O,?d "?x Address: 1 With regards to the 0 proposed Price Club to be located on the south 0 side of Palomar Airport Signature:T&/ i I 1 \ Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised tha I support approval o this project. c3 I // p/ I Date: 3 ~2i) Ili' //.A- y, - ([, l 2;) ~[~iL!~/~ 1 it' 4- Lm7fd, Address: (1713, ($~/\[C/yjb l&rf QQO o/ 3 Name: ~,PI~~LL$ . r -4 __ Date: ~AJ/Y/ signature:\, ~ \?++F / ,' ,. / Name: "GLYZ Lo. LJf,*,lJ Address: F#. 68 ( go& - 2-5-7 LAf 1-5 LA d , c 4 J2Q08 \ k'hk Date: 'y/T! /? \ Signature: IANE TAMAKI Name: Address: 19354 ESTREM M MAR C1 CARLSBRD. CA 92069 I Address: 7314, A/,*, I slp, 9 U With regards to the 4b osed Price Club to be located on the south !m of Palomar Airport I I Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. i I I I Signature: -- a -- @? J- & Date: 5 - z i+ - 4 / u I \ Name: t;- e -- ST /A G~,(%E? %YLL- GLwJfL+,u- I)r, * C 3 ,WL j5,w. C.49 7-t- 36d 2 I , Address: ~ I Date: 3 gy-p/ 17' I. Signature: /t-c& i& iJ&u!/- Name: 2b9A/E LL'#/?-/> 'I Address: 27 &gsTdu,- &LC- Dl;( / c h ZbJ-fJ&j CJ "i,&$-y Date: 3/~\/q \ Name: Address: yv,.ra 12 k.4- Qb L>q 7/73 \- 1 Li ,'z { c - c. ?. A-, \\ 93 r “ With regar$ to -e the posed Price Club to be located on the south 3 SI e of Palomar Airport a Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I Signature: /A- Date: b/$!/ I Name: I (5, b-ddd - Address: MANPI)WERORARY smr 2125 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD,SUITE 306 CARLSEAD, CA 92009-1419 le) 431mW6 ” ’6 &&?- Date: - Signature: --J ’ y t‘?/ J *c c=,kfJ+ flame: J c, 3 /-fly?- /\f q.@ 7 , r fl/!rn-. 0- .q ~/gLc/ZAo /I Lh __c___ (4 /?JGf5 / ” Address: _- . XI -- . Signature: 1 . Date: 3-4-7 I Name: &Lmt A- Ds*t4 Address: r&%o AAiVWSfi PR CPP6bd: t 6 qhoQc\ ,/ I 12; ~~ ( *-h I. (-\g&’? L Date:* /( J3 Signature: ,/’ Name: : -3L !3(7(4 d?n77 Address: 7 I 7 <2 A 0 YI ‘‘2 f . $,LAk& 2L-l 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Illterstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this prQjec\, f& u& J)akS-&-V/ L Signature: Name: ?fln/OI' ov~LJoJ Address: 71 7d- t3ZegL f!yq OE/Czffre Q& C% 5 /?&I ;OF "/3-uocI I Signature: Date: ddki 21) 12 y/ Name: FJi-iA /#+ y P-I'w& Address: (73.5-/ dd)7 /?j'&pdd p r cQr/SLad' c & 4 2aoh Lq A. 4 Bpi /+ Signature: Dag; Name: Address: Business Consultant :- ., BEN SNYDER 2208 Plaza Bonita ,* - -- Costa (619) 438-1420 -ancho La . ,-- cARLs~m, CAL g2009 USA -. - -- ;; $ -2zd.2KL3a Date: 3-d/ -7/ >NZ> ( Signature: -/ Name: Address: /'- L -_ -'- _-- ,o '/&4!L ~ ' zi29 71/47 __ -' ii."* 4.-#- )/., 4 77 I -, f' With regards to th ?- proposed Price Club to be located on the south a side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I /91 Signature: Date: 5 ~0 1 Name: Address: raflshr,d p a. QJ- I Signature: h k h L Date: ,sai3bx\ \ Name: LS &AQSab 'I ' Address: a-choq KcLm L to& .\"acxr., 1 . .'. -: 3 ;- i( )/ -21 I7 i ', i '-1, , I Signature: --' AI% y- Datk I 63 I': j I -\ (' i. ;- \* 3 ,L, ,', i ) .'I[ c > ( 1 '\ <TAw,q L ~ r.3. 'I$'/ , , 1'h\ ) , >, :' 1 ') <2 J'& I c ., L. r. -12.. I tJ- {\ i 7 2 <--, :, 7 Name: Address: (Gf,f5P Date 3-2&-7/ t6 Signature: Name: Po/kJ C' 74 ar%c I' Address: 7)0& C-srb*ao o".% cc< r(J hG'/ Pi7 9JOO'i f With regards to the 0 proposed Price Club to be located on the south a side of Palomar Airport : 1 - Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this ro ect. PJ I Date: 3- 2s- $1 I Name: Eric L. Waite, Jr. Address: 7740 El Camino Real Suite H I a Crista, CA 97009 L *. Date: 3 2 4 [ Signature: I NA% & Name: ZkFf," L:z 2flp Address: WdaJ,, CA 72009 Signature: qJ ~&!,~~~ 9- &[a ILL90 Date: 31 90 I? / Name: Address: L'E Il,G h\ic A 3- ,Wqc 4L L'5 0 (!!-W,sr2m c.A q270Cj 7 'i 57 ~~~~~% c/eQ tc / 2 Date: 3/:/ 4 Signature: /f@@dfh&* Name: /YQflHS &/$fgjg]! Address: a&Jfl&&@ sz- I I I ~ I ! With regards to the 0 proposed Price CIub to be located on the south m side of Palomar Airport I Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I Signature: ‘Lb c .&(&w Date: 3\*\‘1\ Name: tih7b &% &PC. L31ciLb G?45bd, (-, 14 Address: r%33 QW-d &bq&+ &, clx61 JJf$@~oyfl Date:,* ’// i /’ c- c$ c- Signature: I Name: Address: /Z&p * z!// k-y - ,k7/ /y/dn7 /.-77‘1 A7 / y (5 ( ,Kg (7 F ,,%%-//t. 2 .. , 7 ‘7,/’‘ Gy-7j 1 /*’ ,\/& fa&‘? -1 I &&iZ4 7 Date: -42 ~~ ;/?/ c’ ,/ Signature: /’&E 1’ / ,I Name: -4 GL//A - &;R/P/M /- /&E v Address: pi3 7 ’ -x*-- J> 76““L p&d9/&(r’ y/ q2a 9 Date: ~ v - A- 77 Name: 3gsy K . .&u&Y Address: <-I ?-sa f7’qu (/AM M WSZA/’I f 2 /7 a 0 WitH regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Date: :/a,/ 9 1 \ Signature: . Name: $/J/ f %& ’ 4- Address: 705’$? & h?& w, a* %&7,?- 6ZoP Date: - 2 ’,Io - ‘+ / /I [. ‘x. - J /. 3 ’5 /(j/lL ; . IC: / i’(?i t’lTk ., ? , - ,d- \ -7 Jil,u7/ L71 & /+jl/d4w--, I $(, /[< &Q Signature: ,bd/qy4< c . l~&>di?tc- #‘ \\\ , 58 Name: Address: L? / T c ;i! “*/ L/2( (1 1 3 - 7 ,#i 1 - , -A,- - Date: - /3c /., /. / 7 i- 4 ._ Signature: , ,d<% ,L % I 1 :/ >-.-<-.? Name: I! .\ ,4 r, c:;/ ~ d- / 1 /’ . - Address: L --.-- 0 _- .r -- e I With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised- that I support approval of this project. Date: 1 dU1TG /‘/<6d., PA - 94 on7 I Signature: Date: ”/aQh/ Name: cc( Address: /Ge4ac.e CQdsbid e/”) ?&’dy Date: 3 -2 0 - y/ Name: LELP/i//VE d 0 ddELL 5- 7fiFFOR L3 Address: 70 +- /)/7/.sv fl VE c HKLm60 cfl @soy 1 n r Signature: -; / /cL,-d(Lc ,/ ,,// , -c~c 6.4 P/ Date:--j’ - 3 6 - Name: Address: .6 gay Q’(.‘7&L‘&pS e, -OF (31 w!s &! C-L, p; ,e& c p / 0 r- ..- *- With regards :- to t 9 1 proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar hirport Road, east of Interstate 5, please beadvised that I su port approval of this project. Signature: &fL Date: 5 "Zd -y/ Name: //l/GLd ",f., , 9 Address: b/d 5. f$dr;=% dFlzr &.75 LO? Signatur A~'Od LA< 2- Date: -3 - ca (7 - 7 / (s! 1' a Name: /tj/",R c_ f g8 If AJ,cL> /J Address: de22 /o/ LL<C/CF&d4C7fl C'H4 L 5 43 fl 'L7 ,728 0 'I . 1 *< *I Cr .7/ Date:& I.- 7 - Signature: /' /,d ;w,- ,- c/ /;j t -A Name: , / &), Cb c-( &/Pi((=/ Address: L.Hk? /,$,,, i ~{'&-~~ ()+YSk : ' i I 1 / (/. &TI t&( 2 ate: T/&l/.i 1 Name: &pJ - a,k 4-7 Address: qyqo - Rv z; -/ l/I /&A 0 I" d&& A & d- 8 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: 2J&&Kjg&- Date: ~212 0/9/ Name: ikH E.&,& Add ress: 75/s c 9W)nlo $r: LA csm! G. 43009 I. 3 e e With regards ,A to the proposed Price Club to beloiated on the south SI e of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. 1 Signature: hdad Date: 3/2(/'' Name: lbb&& GI1 3 /5hAb &. 920a Address: /, " - 9/ , / 1' ' - Date: 3 -2 1,: (4-7 ;j@df ,. Signature: /(J ; c .I c- &jm,y Cj&O /?EL dhfll 76- Name: Address: d/db 'G V (2/&3r"lPJ;?, (dl 5z* L%7 Signature: Name: Address: Date: A Signature: fi (3 (JAU-wt~ /,$ALS nnJ 3 [+ Name: Address: Y"/ 6 4 +&Ad 1 w- - e 0 With regards to the Proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east Of Interstate 5, please be advised that 1 support approval of this project. Signature: p+ c. Date: $/-z,/w \- Name: Address: 2)nFJ. -T 9 I I. DaC3 3/21/91 Signature: 77 Robert W. Kuebler, President Name: Address: I Combined ConxnunicatiOnS Corporation 5205 Avenida Encinagj, Ste H Carlsbad, CA 92008 $%7 ir~ /d ~ ,&4”e-L c ’WDate: w>/ /? ,’ Signature: / ,/ bAi/?EE r( / /E/vkdK fi02 I h 5-/42?dAcdA Name: Address: 2 ,cux P@#?254/5 4’ fL79 L) Date: + Signature: 4h fl , i .--<e : ib3Lc 2. -1 7 _. - 1 ;f / ) 411 PJ :> -1 /,:A- I” Name: (: L.- ( ci ; . .I e- - i i: \’ ? 0 With regards to 4B proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: Date: 31~ 0/9/ Name: rn Address: 3YPdBwL a, G c Y2008/34J3- ‘J/ / /? I- ,I / Date: - I. Signature: Name: Address: 0’ Signature: &/d~ -LW-/&& Date: 3 1 2 1 1 9 1 Name: AUDIOMETRICS Address: 5145 Avenida Encinas #B Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 1 I Signature: ,yp&& &k&!w-+x-.--- Date: $1 .2/ /4, Name: Address: ++ C/)C,?,^ Fk=L ,.?/Lf 4 /t/ I L/ d . )-L, .;r c;, <.-/ 5/, ,c,, [T’d L: >.--/>, c / ,’ /T//,CC-/ /c AS 5- / ) - -.. e ! With regards tbthe ? roposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I.. Signatur Name: Anne-Marie El kins Address: 6102 Avenida Encinas - Suite J 1 shad : CA 93nn9- 1 nnfi - .. _I '// > / . Signature: /Date: / lf >', 1% ~ Name: y\ 1 r, a, f ,I ?.-I(-!, I Address: c, (Ai. (f h ,, ! 0 , [. ',5 ' -- -I$ i ' I TI 'A ~ . Ir ,/- :, Ih-l 1 L C6- , i c t!- L-cL/i I Signature: C .~%GL. Date: s\T D \ 7 \ Name: Address: 35 \ 5 z+Cck-c-Q 4 p L \ehx- T..+ PcArYe SQbJ \ CUT\\.SLQQ CrA YaoQ8 a i Signature: 62A- J4 ~- 2 < & Name: G. LC7 :,/I d.<- ,g \ 7 s/ Date: .3 - .?./ - /, / 24, (,? KG i Sc/,.C?/,r c,/ Address: ,-' 7 < x.'l-& (./ /- 0 a With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. signatuc;r% ( A!& 1 Date: VY / ?/. J /, rS && d L Fa,,,- /’ Name: /J.fiM 5 A 3 <)Ad -2 Jz Address: 730 /6 -+?zd/?L$# fa f e,,r , Signature: G UPh~ .J Date: 5, 21 ,, 91 Name: 4/,/? & / ’^ 7-0 G0Mk-S I Address: 7715 - /q/Lf)/&’* q- j C/q& </)&Ad. c-/4 L-3 / /Y7Cr.S’ I I Signature: Date: * a / Name: L S-rqQQ.. Address: CcSQ!dG& uA-(+ 2 CAQLSQen @@ 2.e Date: 3,/1/,/$/ Name: fi&c h( DOYCE Address: I 50N/V.YH/U D L /-.A/r,r3m r/ QL7mCI - 7L-L 7 0 a With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. .z / q/y/ Qw) Date: i ,]7dfl) &. p /pn Signature: $/L (1 Name: TOycc R [ov x\ L/@ I ,/ iy I?/ MT /if! c /"t ).'/5[3Jj-$ ,{ ;J . qw,J / Signature: L e&>$ Date: 5 jz cy/^/ Address: YO spy 4-AfF - Address: Name: 3&,&?2 Es a!? /d c 'Zr&;/-L cfl~icd;-@~J <% %?af Signature: I 1- Name: Address: GrJp,\thl w. tt-av r, dPL 2 3 4 0 &-&ica ' u#.v *E cflRLSgi3S) m 9rn'd.t -20-4 I Signature: Name: Address: F.o.ao& I5570 d* CAIz~-%3! fle/tn a' . t .# !@ .. With regards to t proposed Price Club to be located on the sout side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature:' /( 'i. ;~ ,I:? I[;, , l/ ii ( .- Date: 3 - ;< c', ,> , / (I I. Name: Address: GEORGE P. STASHAK CARLSBAD. CA 92008 ii-m;. v Signature: f&qw d f$x& t,' Date: Q? -dc?L' . -?/ ,. c Name: k:rU fit5 <'j r3.4 /<q& C!Af?Li&'/l-,>, (y Address: 4% 7 L~L,'&F$~G h:..*E 9/4 ''?J , c Date: c - 3 --J/ , - Signature: A9n, &?(.f .LA' 4- ,. 17 < Name: /"/I/Az- 70 Address: 7 AW. L' 1 yff/j/ ah fr >. de T,/4/?/s n43 c 4.. -22 @r e 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. CLwfleat- ut *-(/- _- ‘ L?J1. \ Signature: %A%! Date: 3 - zx-7 1 Name: Address: Eyfr?LLSG/* 04- %mox 3- 30 --9/ Signature: L Name: Address: yap tG73?<2? @Dy .s’/p/?4xi@?7!! )G+ 979 Signature: UP& Date: 3 - 2D, f/ Name: kt7 #Mehid& &//oh< Address: 3p) 3 /4fG &Po cf- CGt. /d SGJ, CLj 572009 Date: 3 -26-9 f Signature: OLLA JbL c* Y- XLw-J Address: 2352- Aa fhan V1a 5. G-P OS5 e Name: c .a d.5 baB, Ca. ?aooq With regards to the e proposed Price Club to be located on the south 0 side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: Date: -?- 22- ?/ . Name: Address: 7 :7y7 MQ />,P L LE A-rZ L.'/y c&~~3$Alg> /' - CAL - q2-q 1 . SignaturPA ?/- Date: ?/2-4/5] Name: Address: c l/gp d reYa-d& I e dd-iWGJJ 3 3.3 t j-&ca -Jjd GZ-rCJL3/r-r\ (c& c-+79 c6tJicz- YA~ ate: h,&k A//y$, J i4<<('tf, [y,+./, 3 Name: -( 322LT ,,ye-:, ,& c,+ J*zd&L/ ' 4' >, u &,&/ i cy. 2 @DC7 ' ?./ I Address: J 7/ 6: @2&.#?.4AL' Ldy- q 7 ?" ,, /c v , / Date: 3 - 2.c - 4 < q .~ 9 t.. < With regards to t e proposed Price Club ;o be located on the sout side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. / Signature: i Date: C&%L (YIwh ’?/ Name: FRfYNk s AN3ClJA-L Address: 2380 #af) U3m-f sf\qn Clh&&Ki 1 CA daos & 3 . rw Date: r\/l /+Kt X ‘3- ‘?I Name: CA&L 4 >o/\o’TU‘( PLPPF ,# Signature: . ‘7 C+~FS~?&~)A c\ et &‘X. Address: .3 oc; CAflLSPK9 CA 72 cc7 Signature: /b/* /- /WL x----- ij.i i Dak: 3-20‘ y/ /) Name: ,( ,e? /)/VA/ C ,fj- .jjcit 1 I-/tiN Address: L’3/0’ (1 &lu-‘i $7 , r4 . ‘7 3 00 3 (vl,AJd/KJ Signature: BJLk- 5fJJJ ’ .& u~ Date: +4/ I Name: 112.7 IC /{ LCLCr- : kV/[ 3[lACL ,51/4 /LlAk/fl /d mfA52.43 TP ?-)tlr\ v Address: ,;3Cd G AmGPO Sr With regards to the 0 proposed Price Club to be located on the south @ side of Palornar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: &2&--d hd?? Date: f?hd,/y/ f 4 Nke: &--)q Wy/clr;4--SC"C)LTE f- pzf J&/id!~~- Address: ,TL; 3y &&?&,-K h f&(bb&A, & fGD8 -- 3 &- r Signature: > Name: Address: Signature: ,?>- =<-/-- Date: 3/22 / 9, Name: 9E-r.a cc4*0 c/-sE Address: -2 7 s-id 0 L ?e//=.=. J-e,yc ---sk4d- c4.92oag /I Signature: , < . lp f If (: ./I /-'~~,+~+(, \\ )e6 5yic,.,L/ p L; i~~iL~ yb< ,Lk&dd / &&Lc7/z g c/ Date: <3- 2 3-L(/ ..a ! Name: Address: -_ 4 ! 'h q?,&:~~/ -3 (J J?p@(gy Lb,2-\. a I With regards to the Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. oposed Price Club to be located on the south SI e of Palornar Airport , 9 .* 1 Signature: ' Name: I Address: CtctUWf CA* 4aocYq Date: 34 /a/ 91 I. Name: Address: Signature: I*{-- x-CL ~,.,= yg 6~~4 l'r + Date: ,/ 3 - 2 - 3 - 'I/ / - .- Name: ,/A l.ff/& ,L f-{5 .//E k?? Address: /.A71 1 3e-im'YL Pq,, )[ L pe 4/ rl /+b p 4 c: xpc'/ I Date: 3 - 2 3 __ 0 , / Signature: /%PA- 3 -. /{ Name: p; ypf Address: <.L.'y> 7-- a C'C/LCL/ "c >,. -f 6 t < Z/&J,< r P /.- 1 /I .--. 0 3. e With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I I Signature: >i bL ij KyL/ Date: =?/12/5 ,/ Name: ad* I Lcl Address: z 77 3 ' " - LZOB cx q/&fl9 r Signature: ai- Date: a/_ 7.7 / 9, &*- d-m - , Name: PffRRf 6s * af;4 /c/n khmm && Address: 7 468 AA/'CQ~T~- 243' r_/;14/-5&/?.& c-4 Lit? $32 0 og , 4 'i / Signature: t &g, / /c4, Date: -3 -2/-?/ L 7 'f Name: .Add plohw -S/erL//d Address: z/ !?if- &/ 6 #- Ed, A P&, 9200 7 L L L'_Y/.i? - - /- /< , / ?(' l i / ,? - Date: Signature:, i 2 /' I, . - / r 1 ( J 5.. -1 ---/I '[ / c- 4,. 2) (I/ -./ / 4 '/ /-- - 1 ,/$ 3 ,.J /& r- (/I' ,- f - y/>/,(,A '/;;z-(, /-' # :/]:I / Address: ,' ,,'/ 7 A/\/ ,c; c // P'/ kc /'/' /- // ,f r- ,/5 h ,I J Name: 1.- I I i . With regards to the 0 proposed Price Club to be located on the south @ side of Palomar Airport WLiQ, /w i .- - Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I ) I 1 Signature: +Lyb Date: 1 I Name: \ $iaeR PfWh Address: 358 /d&JbkQ4 @h-J &JJj&&J tk 9.aoo9 ' Signature: -;) lL-F;A;: i , jj, .& j /LC w Date: --3 97 ( 71 / Name: .de ZL I- .~~iG-7Lgrt,CCc-, *. d: .;. h-+ --? / 7-3 4 ,k4.kd*. LL:y, Address: &&iL-&&&7, c.4, qsldq ,f / -I '3 simat~re,&eLc z\ i zcsji:. i''+j 2 ~ /.J / / "7 , Date: I\ ry.\ S?>,<>L / ./- , Name: \$%-' I 51 4 T. R 4 _a n I 1 4 306 J-m'L: I , 'f?&,./ KCc, L ,) _- f \- Fi 'i' c c',& I I, Address: CM-Lj &%$l , (jq =Ea c ' J'5* i 6 9 .. 4 -. Date: c 7 Signa Name: &mc &A t_ zfl3-fl&- I hid& ,& Address: 3q5/ & kf3 qm e rl) I 1 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Intersrate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. J Address: 5z d#6d&d,& eM&m4b, CM+ %LO4 r Signature: I JA ftu Date: ?b</+ Name: d!LcrA VM. &@d$r ~ddress: 274/ JT(RL/~/G c~ 4 CARIS~S~. p4 qa g Signature: Date: /MLM - 2 6 - fyy/ Name: .zba#P- E&w l/y..fY& ~ddress: Zf// 6 - 3 S/SC&~ /3 c/ <c L e- C@nLJ3&B - cn -pzoop, so30 PI - f .,A /' &b$dd, [ ',c &&&&99 [Date: ~->22 - y/ Signature: Name: h2 c iflAjd2f9 1; <o &oddLLI / r;' L,Li - ,Lz@T;i //Jj //I,+ Address: <iq2 5 With regards to the 0 proposed Price Club to be located on the south 0 side of I’alomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: d& ( /- Date: J - 2/ -9/ / Name: (d /2~/zLv 4%3&)4 Address: Mb& h>f$ 33-g7 4Au /vz= I$. U4464 mE &e& Date: ?/iz z/9/ +wk%J A /&L&e:S Name: - c Address: +7F/ &H,ES /& s&7 /&-, ekflA54Ho p&, /I 9 2weF Signature: /o Date: $;/4/ Name: Address: Date: 3-25-91 ____z Address: 3465 Spanish Way 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. ? --> 7- c I c, _I Signature: /T,; 'd J r( )Y/. -> 3- --ci ,I' 4 <,Date: / ~-,, >- Name: Address: 4-$'</\ / _-c /+f/q-/;?/<-/; 7- - /-- D //2 q \J c/y< c-/< jc-r;' > lL4/ /- >, ' :,) P/pcj ("- L/+.J<: 7/' :) ,A )- ;>s? I , ( / - - /-/ - Signature: rZZ2-, Date: d$5-5/ Name: YJ dD/s/K Address: 35/$ SlWOG A &Lsma, & t 9&09 - c-- Signature:, ' L '', 7 :% ~ ' .A*--/* Date: :j .- 7- j -- C- ./ /, -I/ - I-- ,' ' >F,>/., ' - d..z 3 L.- Name: "4 ( Address: ' L , ,,'-/ . 7 f' cz-5.L :/--P i i. 7&/f \ /&p L, >' - Date:- Signature y+q --'& 1 -I . ~ Name: /5/2 / ,/ I .- )>&ep's Address: /, I- , (-\ /, &&' - 7 C%Cr I < /!>p f> /i'7/./., With regards to the proposed 0 Price Club to be located on the south si 9 e of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. - - -- ___- - 5- -_ - c - a Signature: &xw&d- J Date: a/Z / Z/? # 1 .C - A@&. kc m&en r>i\dgd 1 2 q () 7 &fip/3 ch 1 c, c rph &rls23&, cfiA q-5 1 Name: Address: L* .I [&('l.... [ilb j L c/ r _i j j/qt li/3 ,! (JL~ jy A [/ p,jt LL L'JhL ?,, &e,- -? T.(.-, .'7 <? q / g' Signature: bd Lid-! l4.df 2l;k Date: --- I n1-L -J- Name: Address: .2L.l;*,7 &*Y/)?&J &&, gJ/-) 3v I *Ar Signature: Date: 3 e 27 - 9 \ Name: R\c\n Wh+- Add res: \&A0 14uto Gl---fiLSs CPR\~~AD, CP, qao 08 '7 Signature: (,[%I ;( d I/ 1 CAR\ SbPlO b\ UD- '\ 1 /2 '2 // p7L---Date: / f LC/ -+ 3/$ / Name: Address: U 1-m 3317 Don Pablo Dr. a 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. /” * f53f &:7/.. pp 74 / /< Signature: ’ -) L 4; zp ./ ~LZ,, ~c-87- Date: r-7 \- Name: - C‘ludf li (;ty),ir.c Address: - 3 j.;9 \)on Loy’nZo 9008 ,-arl\-hod. c.1 9” - Signature., ‘’\;-,‘‘-4 6‘; ?)jdy\<& Date: 3 r 2 5 ’ ‘1 ( Name: Address: q.‘\.,,, 1, .d 9’4 \ \‘* Q ‘3 -“e CLJ&& Ce- Y L L. c? 5 c.,-:;;-L~ ,e SI I q J.&O fi Signature: e- Date: %dA./ Name: e5 BOKrn#/r/ /c/ Address: /53r s2txr/se Gv‘ a,m,, -9 -4?Q3P .- s. Signature: FF Date:zeid zc /??/ Ji Name: .,, .A! /-i&J@J A, Address: &md6#/43 - &g-& 9zQoy / - ---c -- .- e 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support appravitl of this project, Qn the conditicn that that the structure is esthetically compatible with the environment and adequate parking is \ -ate: March 28, 1991 Name: Dolores Sapien Address: 3101 Serrano Drive Carl2bad; CA 92Dq%--.. ---- -i '-> .- ~ I < ,. -. __-I-_ *- -- _-- .. f ! 6,4 . -.?a -y/ &&& FA' / U - 'qm g hLq /[ Signature: (d4li Date: 3b$/ Signature: mate: 3 25 4,L Name: YAWAWE SLGW Address: 4(\5 --7&~31p-* &rrpo,cs 920023 Name: dr&7dLuh<L+(&4 4& @Gy) Address: b~&&&(&, m- c/ h? .. ,< Ld? PA l a 0- -?+L { -With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. ! -- z Signature: % h+-/_3 >am + Dat2LL?i/+p/ Name: -dmts .i L2.4 k// (/K Address: a532 /-// 6flL,@ifi /) R p4 7aooF MLS /3A-;r) Signature: Name: Address: Date: 3-2?-7/ CPf $4 c-c Name: cik?9yAF;,Ji&n f\ , [[$&\,), , Address: yq(y j"C~~~!GOlQ! /=-+J[ &=@og ' Signature. I L 11 \ ~~~~/"(~-~: MAR 29 1991 I Name: I+,{(;\\ L2) . L)' TT LE 711/ ?A _, 7 Address: '4 rs, I (-, <>! /! i<;y 14 j LL- -j--)y<< < Q,?l c ;:IC\ r. a 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature:/</- / Date: ?k ”/”/ - Name: Address: 27Y? L&U(LrwdW/Q SF &../...q, @a 7~ag f Signature: &ip~ 7 9- (gk mA Date: 3/%r 19 / .* Name: V/Y FLwk L- -- gp //d /) f- Address: 1 0 - 130 h 1 Si6 *’ -(I p f, a J’ p&. 7&0 0 8 tL Date: , c A\ 4-1 i( f-. -\ Signature: \ kc\ \- u Name: L \ . \.[\o-L+=- 4 */ - Address: y 730 C%E(/L o/L i (J* L- ’ t /-jJ -\ -+. C7/% 1/ gJL:q< Signature: XI O+-t. d!<?A-J Date: 3-2 7-$T I* Name: &w J$?e-&m‘-tJ Address: w?; .s‘ (+?c< petdi A, i7 7 ,fn/ -. 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: )$!d& Date: 3 r+ &/- F/ Name: J-IiWNnj 13/3-L7ERri eHRLs B/3-J Address: 473/ & u/L & A gE CH 7aaoK <kt/-- ,<&AL Date: .;///s; 7/9/ /u. 14 j-L.?< \,7(4 (- ' 1' (4: L; ,v--,) i' \L, ' /-/* / j C/# / .,*d ( (( d,dC (, */ Signature: ' Name: Address: 1, ,-i ! ( r\ .f :LA r' "; k Date: y-3b-4 \ I Signature: WAU bfm L Name: LhrRn\) Address: hrm c~ 2~ r6 Caw&'' bkugrjb, cq 92009 Signature: Date: :3 - a 7 9/ t. Name: &lqn RGtler Address: 70% w e-GaC+ his /d. CA 92-M ! I I : / I With regards to the 0 proposed Price Club to be located on the south 0 side of Palomar Airport Signature: hK djf* db, Jj!p jp* Date: y ' -3 d-?/ Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I wppvrt approval Vf this prWjGGt, I 1 ?\ Name: &J-4&7)< -3 /&? k. ($//iy2h fdJ -jf h2 . (/ /?,? q93'L'g , Address: $v.r/ &y/p&+p Q CJ. L, <-....-- W PC I' Signature: -d - L /XIS/%w! C)& 7 Name: /€.a c- s' Address: 3 4.3 's- cbc,u J I i-2 I f-) 0 Pi .Tl.f3Lc-:<:1, Q < *' at;<; - t Signature:\ Date: @m 27 1E1 % s. FL_v4/u I", LYTTLt - Tu& Name: Address: L\ 2 I 0 / SlJU#)/N uA. Bp. Cnr;l~S AGS, C- # 0%- Signature: p& k Date: 3 * Jf- 7 / Name: (L? /4 R- 1-5 /A# /z P IC// c /c e4.g/s .jlp #o. 6s. 92 00 J7 Address: /A 7b QJ Uk cl) /&e. 0 e With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airpc Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that 1 support approval Of this PrOjeCt. k. Signature: mGL gklf?&& Date: 7/33/71 .I , Name: /&2L {Z!/t&-5& Address: 3 oJ 8 6-0 /d c,& & 4- cdAc/ c UZ&h&ol c.4 qdeq Signature- fl,b($y &ZC& ,,f i, J ~27z&qa~: 3 2-L< // // %, Name: /+q’ LF:~,/ /? /=- --“A 3 i ./ /?ZLi & &7 C7-s -6 2- -y<, r.?7 LC s ‘r‘ /-* -7 / 0 /2. ’ CJ CJ =7 Address: PC /-is bo/ pq c Signat ad,4m , y f+.$L Date: 3 /zy //?,, Address: 6 4 4.r‘ 3laz ~ ,/ Name: ,i_)o eo& T4yioe 920$ c! v ,R“)l: ClaE L.5 ha a, Sigxture: Date: 3/25/91 L. Allan Jandro Name: Address: 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south Side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Jntejstate 5, please be advised that 1 Support approval of this Project. Signature: Name: Address: 7d ,7??d ~ ,? - .I ': .I ., , < s 1. c 3 -27+ / I* Address: 8s9 -& 77722rA I p an 9206 p (sgm c;L3 I c/ /&%$7zbT--Q Date: 4 I Name: ,I pd?, * C-'n ,< /Q A(-j I? ,+7 A..4q/? Dcr/c-.c c'7- - - Address: Cr3rishL2d,, c.4, Q{-> L- I\.\,j 7 'i.p1'. -$ Date: ~~/!&-,~;, Signature: ' C'y! j,l,:,,;i x. \I I LL , !, # c -__ b/ Name: -< ) c:T-t7L1 I , is- L. j/++- *I /' ' - I1 i Address: , *x .. (/-I d 7 3 qj ( ~$(-(<v.~ $;> ,) ( . ,. , *--./<-../-I ;x? /) I - -7 /A. - - a 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: Date: - Name: , Address: yy/ we/x -f?/ , ALkb& PA Q2ucy -.. . Date: 3/2 1/91 ,. Signature: / Name: \!4b??f.s L&! ,r&p.opp Address: 327) 4 . J&/& Amp a/@ 4 CA. 7-7 -4 Date: ?/> , // , Signature >L>&$b:J- -1 / I' -h -_ /' K- c?. 0 i.b I \--L, 11 %/' {pLy'/&L, . j<\ (? Name: Address: 1') J r/ 'I ,? > I Y - Qd&!k?/,2 GL..uz ( l-w&$?jJ C' iL qj+s' f Signature: Date: 312b [4 1 Name: -a;u,B Address: 17 / 1 &io 5-- f\ die(/-.- A f n- - 0 a With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. ,- Signature: Date: flhdd ~~j~(~~~ / : z Name: Address: 747 7/&P&-f Sf' G'- /5b c2 L c74 T=dk9=? .. 5 I, Name: Address: de .I 9d7QG57 T Signature: ~~~~~~ Name: Date: L3 /i. / 9 i - wAL/uc ST() 7ZM'4M Z44I . 54mDA C@- Address: ul c03T4. CA- 92003 Signature: ,T&x-- --' ck Date: j f-7 --2s-y/ f/ Name: Address: - - STEVE BASTA ___ _I--_ -- With regards to the proposed 0 Price Club to be located vn the south SI @!!IF Palvmar Airport ~ : j. i Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I siipport approval of this project. , ! ,. ! ' ~ I' 1: i I, .I ' , .j I i ,' !' ... , I '. .d7*9/ 'f I ': I I ..' . ., _.- *. . .I I \ Address: 93d4 &k 'I fl ca # ' as* 9-q .. ,I . , 9, , .I Signature: @L qoc. * ' 12,szk.A Date:.., 3&3/4 / .. I I e, Name: =cctu 4 cut 6 I GRo i Address: 7040 AV~-NIO~ ENC/PVC)S *lor(- 182 URCS@ILI, W 91004 . .. Signature: //&?./U fx? [hi-- L-;7"/ Date: 3-$7- $?/ Name: BhU ldo- I I Yf&&hO"8 &&&dl, r' fl q2z~f? .. i i ,'. . ,. Address: $@d4 &LLcp& (/a -4 ... . ,. ,, \?-,A >-?/ 4l2 s- (!4J&?#,/L /#;/-I)/ fi/ ('& j /(A,?// 1- O&-?(),p Signature: .. Name: x/ (7/p,, . .. ,., , Address: , I e e I With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport I ~ I I Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project, Date: f' 7 6 1 Signature: h *,& I L< -" L: I >I L I Name: pz/LJ // . &3.50\' Address: YTcJ-3 L< x c+fifl(,Z- cr Gg. GUO~ Signature: AbL 3lmk -t Date: 3 -23-Y I I. Signature: 3,'.%\\ P Name: Address: 7XQQ 9 Signature: Date: & 6c P 9 Name: /&/*MY F: Pee 1 Address: 2933 &wx-fl* @&S@&J @ 9-8 i With regards to a til proposed Price Club to be located on the sout 6 side of Palomar Airport Signature: LLWh y Date: - 3 -->s-y, Road, east of Interstate 5, please be adviskd that I support approval of this project. ( / Name: Address: %4??- \ 043. Fad(JB \ Date: T,/i&!/q / d;T+ )-I Name: $Le- r rc -==23(>3* Signat Address: sz /g &5>)J2j d a) c+ FNx-& L,i &.=;m Gp?CL5--3$3 - (- A r?zoo7 - *d*pe4+6 Date: a]ad o/ signature: (1 I * Name: Address: . *- Signature: bd c cw Date: 3- 3 3- 9 I Name: 3rq4l&L f. Cit-eEy Address: I724 C4-74c-PA e;, C&2L5e.N> , CA ?JCoq 'I I' .. Signature: A&L ' >. (/A '1 icc Date: -?/&.d . ,>/ , ,'i /'/ f7 ,' .' I , , .( .L L I. I. I, . .. .. .. * 0 a With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this projectl t-. Signature: 0 , TI{& Bate: d-J/- 9/ Name: Address: 4353 ,&& Zu.34. \ 4- Signature: /A $/;74,4/2//,2z “-c Date: ,vL,/f( -4- Name: Address: A2M2 .e9 /ye:‘ L?.!.. 4.- ///fy/cy /?742F/L -1 LC’& / & ;,4,/2..A>,2d;4 /&,&,2&p 1% yxL.F y n Signature: c I’ /[ ZLk - 1 N+& -Bate: &3ikh/ Address: -/A4 qLLA [LA / Name: ~J2#+~~~~L r </&,/&/&A Ld 4;/20uB/ ~ I- Signature: Date: 3 -3 [- ’3 ( Name: v 7101-7 1 -I* Address: zcv f A/ ,^ f&Je /J/8/w>,, G-2 CWf? 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport I Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this pr?kct. I , 27- ?/ 3aW '4 kfl/b/?- /zMcH+fd -" .~ Address: e nsfi~fi e I r \. -. ', . Date: 411 / fi! Signature: c:: T ; '-< /" Lc > A _- UN flIlt3 1' p i'R (,,C 5 Address: 'Z'LCi s WL'Y 1; ,- /- u - > -7 Name: - 2 c A \I 1: (.y) 42 QLj 4; c'l?l?r SW17 Signature: )tA 17 bt C,, ,> Date:* Name: L-MC)YQ- c-.l ,,JCl,3 Address: Ic7lo~ QGA3fi up GE cfq- CDrn ~ I- L. Vl1 17 i 'PLh Jd! _. ,;[ 9- &QJ ki,i F.~-- Date: Signature: ,- \/ L_p_.., >>'- - k:-P. p\,y f ,42- r *,?$< I- n ' - , tL \ Name: '- j r\Or '~,~J-W., --\ -\+\ 7 Address: p?'-. / I j r~;-j 1 0 e With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of palomar Airport ROad, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that 1 support approval of this prclject. I I Y Signature: akfd Date: 3- 26 '- 71 Name: CK LUEW Address: 2690 koL/@ $1 L& CAk kJ44b CAJ 9A4d9 I 3/3L&/ Signature: &$le i"$ Address: i B %:SF; cmSBF(0cA 9-3333 III 7 __ - ,-_- -___________ --I t Name: i L - -- </2fh) Address: 5& GL c+tj"Q &*c f2rU';Sa-B, CA 9 926OY - -- dad Date: e dignature: R.R. Robinson dba ROBCO is Hermosa construction 'Or : \\ ~ Name: Address: 2531 State Street - -_ - ___ 0 .e- * -2 - 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club $0 he located on the south side of Palomar Airpo Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. L.-. '9 J.0 _- 1- -.. Signature: / /, /& , -jdlh Date: L/-2 1 q 1 Name: tc: I -, 4-7 de, I kco- Address: qcLq /7! /I< *A&, ?. P v/i,-,:.mP~ '( CP q73r03IF I i Sign Date: c//./f/ Name: eH/+ /y/r.cc.rz Address: zo 75- &/e A/ n/,J+? f-59&3 m- "7 d?.G@P Date: 3-z+ 9/ Signatur &i& . f 0- Name: Address: - -" Signature:,,' f' A,< .L% z/i' iiah&.- Date: -yq?/ Name: %&% c. i hn Address: q(G BQ.? a pl.8 Q Ct (L3 r\sCcJ!, c#- ~24?7$YY& I i e a l Signature: t&L!J-- 3\l+i, \ I Name: k. UA'L 1 Address: y33 L&kmpiul % t I Wi*h regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I 1 1 1 Date: ~ I ! Q 0 c~\LL.. CrL c.n~~~ 1 1 w& Date: W 4, )QQ/ 6 Name: Address: P.0. Box 1922 q/odfddb /& Date:+ CAI- ?No? LWbB,, Name: V&&&/U&)b L PQm /7Lj6 &&Luu Gr Address: -* 4 --3- ."2 \ Date: . - w _- Signature: 5- /)icI,rl I23 A733 &;sk:7 q ALXX5 .--D -Ah'- Name: Address: ~IX~I; CaG I 0 0 I I With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. i 1 I 1 I Signature: &&Lf Date: 3-a+ I j *&/T I I I 1 Name: GL- ,d c4 Ad?? A47L-4459 I I I I I I I Address: / 5z2/ &! PAW Ed4d f/ YZ@- \ Signature: J$ ~,/&~~~~~ Date: 3 - Gq -c/ -,?/ \ Name: 13 ,= 7 F 7 (-> /f E ,('LC) c? c /> -9 Address: 2 97L/? 7 1- f :/> c7c fiRd / CCLISIR1 ~ cy / '? 2 IT L7 Lf Signature: Da2 3 - 2 3 -77 Name: b, x GL&N&R/ Address: 76 / 9 PL, lmAlx!z#A Ymrd l P? %do7 . -- Signature: T -xp w \A Date: ~\-zL,IQ I Name: LWdOJd4 Address: so\ n o<c& a- *\s-w CA - 9 LOO? 0 @ I c I Date: \T%&p 23,971 ~ With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of .Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I I I i Signature: J' 2 . v-L.' L $A:&.,-,,k I Name: /?r/?er/miWc R 1 Address: &-)>ti- EL (2 .J/Li/NJ /LE#L m+2Ls/w1 I , @A, %2-rr7C/ 1 Signature: &&> Date: 3 -31- ?/ Name: -7% rres Address: ,y+j &OkdC fhw/.bcc L( m- 9aC3D 9 Signature: Lqm/+ate: (3 -2 .? - Y / Name: Address: /-d X2.y Lo / ke9- KOLKER SYSTEhqS, INC 5751 Pamr WSY w F mrlsbad, CA 92008-3884 ~ .- 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstats 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. + Signatur Da/L/i Name; /%of(flg-~ /' Address: 6 733 al/kfl ti@ -@Ec a[ Ls Bw, ca 97-99 h &(&fl,f/ Date: 3 ' 2 ';c * Yf Name: Address: f- Signature: & Puuda Date: ~/ALV/~ I Name: RAD FuvvuLfl Address: - L+ 0 R/M&J &Or3 IZ e9RL5bA-D I e.. CA-qd 009 ' Signature: j dL&!!zM;: Date: ?A& Name: Jus QL? (%A sf& Address: JJ/J /T.qcd .r/ (Id/&/[ hu -f ( 7 & . 9J4 3 - I -;.. ..: 0 . With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Intektate 5, please bF-advised that I support approval of this project. ns 2- . , Signature: Date: d/.//4, Name: Address: 7767 pm lh)lTD T\n ONMC4 4= 10s wsa, PA. qacq Signature: Name: Address: RH [-isah G!!LSRAh I aoop me: 3-2’y-F’ Signature: Name: LJ- PAUL s;./Ldjl Address: z*-iz7 Ufl/C&x//O 57 CAKCS&M, (--&- 92Cp/9 I .- Signature: 8 e a%-!/ Name: Address: 0 e With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. - Date: * Name: 64a 8 ERXIJ _.a Address: -aL43MmNEDRIvE cAIzLsBAD,aPaw ( 3/a3f9/ A-d Yfi J2-J Date: Signature: YbrM Z1"y Name: Address: $4~0-4 Yar~~d Df- &&bad t CA 9Jd09 I4 / Signature: ,4L q/. P& Date: /h, 4,$ <A' ?;/ 4/ / Name: Lp L!/-{ P Pd F JQLX Address: 7L-n f~,,iYP km hJAf /p//&?&&! ,c' p@ &26b $? .e - +. Signature: &J mh Date: 3 ILSIP I Name: L\ %&wl &fa SAi-h. - Address: 29 (g\) \ ff gwwo (4- 9a-b :3 m With regards to the pro q osed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. , Date: ,./// d 7 -,//L%&& dAb!F Address: 2220L &/m- - / /*A, ~ .cycKA &&hL4 L?? 5 A&&$/ .Jxk B-1 Signature: kw h\QI Date: 3 16 p ) $ Name: Maru 6 urb Address: 7m& 01 ‘rips 62p sLac& 5375 kue hcl,n(?.+F cbx\5bcid CQ 4aw% Date: s/s,&y/ r v- (u3 Name: ddtgb' G- am Address: gc3 g& /?fQ&&ec st- & o*-d / Date: 2--LL-7/ /Ac. v =' Signature: .A m. /, //,OSa-7- Name: /74bw-hyy Address: qq/f Lom/c luw f&Xi-qxD 07- With regards to the e p posed Price Club to be located on the south a SI e of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. l I , Date: +y7 I Y Name: JZu: Pyz Address: r(305- &&NY~S f/ LbL w3d42,: a 72- Y Date: Z/&//, Signature: Z&Z+ f- df/4-, ,. 4 4 / I Name: LTn+== A? r&+q.+/- Address: cT’/3 dkdrcl/v’/yB; /L3u/jLn ~hPW‘/3&n; &. +La#/7 I Signature: Name: Address: {>STP* v , Q+ (v-2 0 a With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I Lea uw<, Date: +; I I Name: fiWp&i.t- Pmdy Address: X?f/ /&ai.. &v& #gfx/&?&LL Cd 5%Of *. Date: 3/5/7/ Signature: Name: Address: 3 Signature: dey) (ail iu+/ Date:-- \ L ,c,c--, A v u -fT P -I 2) rt (((( *<, yCJ ''- Name: 1 ' .:> Gl->< { Address: jd7 t - I __L_ (i (y- -ct /- [c-h../& x> cA Cli,W? TI y -24- 71 I) I With regards to the roposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. ? I / /q r b Date: 3/23/ 61 \ P Signature: [n ,&\ , C;/u 'k\" L -3tmi.c y7c3/h? q&l\o (pbq C& Ad Lj cfi ?p'q Address: Signature: I. Name: Address: 6/57 &,& m& rr. JI I 9200p -*p 3/<;, Signature: (" /4--/q Date: Name: Address: 6573 Zh !Barom c. Thorn cattea carlibad U 92009 -- Signature: ->(( ( {,LL~-~ - f-x .. Name: &: \\),, p . t rdL(lc? c, ?'.!.I ('2 < \ "i 3 , G-t< \? iUJ Date: c5 - 2 4/- (7 / , / Address: 2 G.;',~ {%f\(,. <\;s c'!., e-% , , ' \ .- { It <>- , (/(.\\F / i I I I e 13) With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interqtate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signatur;: k'd:G, /~=~~~-~~~, Date: 4 J;/ c.zLT/T/ d?U/ L&4/Zcc*tC-L;-G hidL, ~ VJ 5t5* b+CC2&> aLL4 u4 ' &LA&/ &+- 7 ,350 k I Name: Address: / ,'- lL2 (Jql \q&&y[ < 9 Date: 3 7 -3 j-- 'f/ Signatuje: 3 /L (i L /- ./- Name: . zf( fic[/7/-f /LC( c" v ,"/'/q I(,'/ L Address: 2dPY , I; /q I T/I)L c JW LUf-_jliJ;tL. 3E[-p C(I4 c . ;.rc-y/ 3 x- Signaturep-s., /? [ ./?'I-& Date: fq.4 RclJ 2 , /SPf Name: GE R MA I nI F7: O/kSTE b Address: ?pa i3 EL CAr/\," 0 R Et4 L. sv ;-& YC.2 CM~~BA- cpt, qsxo "7 / ud Date: ./. r./4 f - Signature: w Name: Address: m Mr Allen D Vonasek pw CarlsbadCA 92009 2659 Vistosa PI =I%= - e With regards to 9 t e proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this Project. LJAk, o-s/2/ /$/ \ $L CQp?dINN - c4RUaAa. 6 Name: A. HARRY ?ALL€NCQ& Address: 3700: ?lo Rco Dr CW?LSQAD a a qat78 I I ,,f Signature: i"*---/ I i,-c 4,- F <I-.,.-- Date: - ' - '/ ' I// .- J Name: s4-4 L. GtWAJ Address: 7qGg cAPItd8 dqg CnedAgJ i'll 7)d\Lc 7 f Signature: /' LL9a/Gg.l Date: </$/(?/ Name: /&7-/%/== s/- Address: q2-X- @dL> 2,G.e \6 b'~~-.. / - .__ - -- .- a*- -* CdiAp-t sr ..e/~. 7A"~)f -- . - '. V -- c, P - .s. - .- r- / kc -2 \,3 . -\ I.?- ;?I' / Date: 3 3 3 4 / \ * Signature: \~M~X&I&&! [ j Name: YIC~bRb k) \DWELL Address: my G E RA MI Q nA Clft-XA-b,, CA ?doop a 0 I With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palornar Airport ._ I 1 Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I I I 1 Signature: yw & Date: ( 3. ?/ 71 1 Name: 60 CooK Address: ky94 E/ am/m flP@/ #Jd8- ff m60 &?my /- I * ++- Date: akJ/y Signature: \ Name: Jh-?& # f&-- Address: 35fZ J/WJU&ju ad? / ,- CflLSmQ c/3 7-d Signature: Name: Address: 1 Signature: Gt__,. I/tLEcpiLm G,’u/ Date: 3 ~ &b-c7I Name: P,Y-rl LICkk 4 r ,7n urf&v r‘cc ’n4 / u?-Stm I - Address: 3-w v op-em<lde / (‘fl ?a057 With regards to the a proposed Price Club to be located on the sout 6 side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. * L.1 (7 J-- 2 -2- - - :I' i Signature: Date: Name: Address: B. 9aL'Lnda 27~0 ~n PoLorzatcna C=)L nnP 1. Cl CazLbarl, Cal'lif. 9200~j LC-% Date: 42.6/7 I fiJ Signature: v. mm: - Name: 1 SLlP hbq Qtt*&S Address: (5-m +IVL/y$3 hgqcS SkC I rj(xri&d, c\ci - v~mg I Be& Date: yA %/?/ - I Name: +ZD/E-Sc ff / Ci.PKLS&j), /-A I I ' 754M774 c Z%R2 &LAY- Address: ?zo~F-, f 6 3 L .. ' Signature: Name: Address : I With regards to the 0 proposed Price Club to be located on the sout 6 side of Palomar Airport Signature: / 1 Date: mdLLJ2, TI Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Name: 5J6- rnA Address: /749 Bad rm Ld .~ I L .1/ j'iL&fc-. Date: 51 ..' 21 \'1 I 1 ,Py.tC?' &I, . I Signature: /* ]'UL ,e; Lpy, g. pt 02rnlU n - sz\ ba\/q €3-wT~ [(I f=L:,fi:+D Name: Address: i 11 q ,-pJlp;) .-- ,'7/ AQ[L/ 7,; ;i /qq, Date;, ,. / Signature: I / l, J741</1 f7 Cf (-0 *>H -7F < Name: Address: r / ,-' $y / )&)y$[ ) -5 7- fYfA,s -ffL,- 7,/ - ("// L, v j q>/pq I, - / 1- f - <- ' (' - I, Signature: i 1 ' ,",j ;"(J'-{ ('',fl)( ,x Date: 3 -3 !! IL / b' .-a Name: Address: qo '/ /j, ,p - -f (I &?(T I - /;+, i, i (- t,q @py ' -J&, ~ ll f/ (,' ,-, /1 & ,._.I :ii, ;/I I c( I,L; I Jf With regards to the 0 proposed Price Club to be located on the south 0 side of Palomar Airport i I I Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. b Date: bq/99/ I Pd#B& ~ Signature: I , Name: L;el d - /LdQRS I Address: 6SSo-Sb kdZ bp. Or, R Is b4 d @A. 9zod7 I ./ Signature: /de bV/ C Name: ?A &, &nW;bw Date: -+:/y/ Address: 80 2 @d@a-4 ha, &ISLdj c4 Ywos Signature: - Date: Tb(&, Name: XLLECfA&Pttn Address: A4 0 f2 tJ ‘4 L, 5% 3 L4 31fic.e c-f +s(,c. 1, C~QMQ~~D CA ~200~ . .- I Signature: Date: 3)a a)qfi Name: Q.53 ak@Q hqcccp Address: mob- c/3 quo$ L/6, & * ILd e 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport I Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature Date: f# d/.'d& Address: 23/b &fl sd7e Ld$y-# m9 / I 1' Name: x+, J 3. c~esrm~J C4&S#?q; P%. 92 G&9 I I Date: e a-9/ * Name: Address: I 1 Date: I2iW(/ HENRY A. HADDAD Attorney at Law 2818 Cazadero Dr. La Costa-carfsbad, CA 92009-5901 (619) 431-7700 - -* #.p 7-y A, \c ~ % <-,\ Signature: Date: ,** y,& Name: Address: p(7c (-;cK =Yy/ c"fi/t7, L3- iJ/,7/,3 //y 9' ;I Q ,',y c 9 With regards to II) e proposed Price Club to be located on the sout side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. i I 1 Signature: &A Date: 3 <A/* 7f Name: Qd 010 11 a r'lQ 4-e~ r I 1 Address: CCWO PdrSo,, I) rl i C)dvl&d, @Ac 9205 ! Signature: Date: Name: Address: qat? Signature: - \{(. /'/yj /c . <'' -7 ~, 1 Date: -S .. L--/ ,-( ,/ 1 i 0k \ ;\(r ' 7 ,l -+L 2 <' :+,,'*I Lc ,< ,:- ,/(/ CL'; ,,/\ c' I ' ,, ,c_ i i ;,L! I I> . c ki- [/I ;'*< , /.' 8 ., -' / /! Lii I < I<. Name: Address: - 1 ; ,I I I, - *- Signature: Name: Address: a With regards to d t e proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: Q'\\;tfi 1[1, Date: s(:J ( \ '1 \ Name: Vyb. -\ (3 1 \.,c,l[ Address: ?,??,\E I;\f->er h.l? CQJ 4,,& s ff. q->ysc), \ Date: 3 I 2& 17) 1 Signature: Name: Address: Signature: # We J& Date: %5w2// /Y4"/ / Name: e& -& Lf&rc/"- h/??u cb/j& LA 93mY Address: /TABU c&AQ~~ kk2 LL . -- *3-2\ - f\ Signature: RL.4 \- 3- Date: Name: poQ3~r &e\ddur3 Address: 7 802 IgL C.ULIJ st- 7 Loq //q.&LShAf2, & - With regards to 9 e proposed Price Club to be located on the south e side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: Date: TI?:/. / Name: GL, Id LZJILS 5 Address: '?a75 Alb,%~ wad os/ 4 LJ, cA- ?2o/oB Signature: dkiLLfl&& % te: .7-APY/ Name: Y3!iJJ & Jtta&<5 Address: ? -7s - h@u/L\ /A K &fL/L#* ;"387 v L'b@i.<j, ?A> e& 92mp s Signature: Name: Address: />/By Qj & w . I- I @B s. Name: SGBb?\chy\ Address: t5s6 bd L C-bbA L ctzucrd 0 With regards to 1R e proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: a & Date: Lf;/l / ?/ Name: /I/ E HLz? 4 /c7‘ CL.74- is Le 4- ~ c4 4zcv Address: 72-z 3 G+&- /?,& \ ‘9 Date: -3 - 23 - ?/ --__ Signature: ._ WPM -_ - e *I GENERAL SYSTEMS Name: 1 Address: Charlet Cook Pernberton Development Analyst 3420 Santa Clara Way Carlsbad. CA 92008 1%: (619) 434-4847 Signature: L )/$e&/,$$&@ Date: -dT?A -- 7’ Name: &?<,> -/ /L/W /L &&&A C>7X7LF-/57jL2 [ ., L) fl qp&y Address: 722 7 (67jy5J55f7~257 ,I . .- ,I .\ c;’1 / .-l - signqy.// L/ /”L d Dat<Z-7/ , 7 Name: Address: /252/[/ /(- 9 /&/j,).4[q/~ 3 g {7/0 r/’ /q &stq? 1 Zk/S L-2 J9 t- / z$?;jL,hA/f/ /ij gL-f?q-3750 0 e With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. - < Signature: Date: /&./(& 23: /'. I, / P Name: 2 -3 Address: z?L,<f4 Js.T-/d &/ A: '//A s &d, , -- Zd/J&/AA--d d/ @Z/D L.4 92uzg e, / Signature: "'Lz I; ~;A-,AL&AL ef~p c, Date: +&, 6 dPAYA&., (// / ,&x?/ & (2 Name: Address: . -- bl\L/j,/\l ' 2s. cil p - Signature: ii8 Date: 77 - m )nC-,S Name: btQL,p r. Address: >-tic, c \ c tt- r;r C' c-o-<\';J\c>r, r.j I c A. c? LCch;% I I With regards to the e proposed Price Club to be located on the south 0 side of Palomar Airport I I Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I Signature: gJp'fY&+ -& *p+.J// /Yfl Name: ,-- /;e ly?2 ~~> $7. a&- Address: I Signature: Date: fh</$/ Name: .A NHP I 7J7 /6;n-n I Address: I %&7y cZ22-x &&, & . c/ DateY@d& /yy t--i signatWk-&~.~~~ 4dkfCw Name: && &. w& -. 7 177 ? A&& Name: 4 Le (&d-[;? [; 2, 837) d@d fic &?,c/ Jr flh lh&[T; e/+ yq7&?J2 . Signature: /- Date: 5- rT& Y/ / Address: / ___x---- _------- --- - -a e With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of~a~Omar A 0 ~ ~oad, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I Support approval of this Project. Signature: 32- Date:, 3/cd 77 Name: Address: t- -- 1- - - Date: ‘”1 - } --‘i ] Signature: $J&A ,, LUfL& Name: Address: - -- ?- Carlsbad, CA 92008 Signature: 4 K2.Gqy+& Date: 3-99- y Name: >u&Lfi S; i/I F/24NCO{* CnEL5&4/> a TLL&>& Address: 9320 LL? k27,&?7/JL,94! J& . ~ .* - $ Signature: LAexj d/MmA qp Date: 313 tc/ 91 ’ o,, Name: E/:t.d,? 6K 0 iL(;] G f7I/-,- . 1 Address: 4). 3 5-/ e-. I .2 k’&I /1 c t?, .\ LAlllfbdd 1’ n ‘ . I2 Pl 0 a With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport S Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this Project* e - // Signature: d7 4 A; Name: Lam& c! L,A& Address: 35-yc/ CG//r/QIP- /e. Date: : ,$A+ y,/ C#fiGSt3/9/3 c/q y2A9~Y I Signat2 &4%mLtp.d . / Date: 3 / af j,ii Name: MMJu c12- Address: awl %ic avmda &W ClUeSKLt Sam /'I Signature: ld mc.&,.r,e, d ' <Ta(??&) Date: b dd J/, my Name: n/'JL7L , ,&LC fx 7K ,: flEP? Address: '7i 'I c; /fl,,A/jyJJnad c -A* -- /- I=.---=* _-- -ZPp*( - fipb I, *-- ---*-.-++- - - ' /-" -- -.l F--- -_ .------I- _- ., . e.-*-= *- _1---- - e -.. 1- -7 .I . P- x;:;.<, d. Signature: fdJ91-J .- Date: a 1 WZ. 9 1 Robert L. Forinanek 1870 aienvenida Circle Carlsbad, CA 92002 Name: Add ress: a With regards to th e roposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. 1 I I I Signature: \a Date: 3/21 ( 7 7 Name: Address: The Camond Company cedbbad, Ca. 92oop USA ThnrgSa Signature: ,-+/d~ a 7Z+& Date: 3-25- ’1931 I, --- - i??,JT-- 7:,17--q a Name: *\.0;1 - ri I L .. L J!,A Address: 7720-3 EL CA;iIPJO ‘?I.:$,G :,: 271 I WS9AE. c 11. 9& 3op3 - *- I I i a With regards to 9 e proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport RO~~, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I 5uppOrL approval of this project, Signature: ~AJT,~ ate: Mg<, IY?~ Name: X62 E && Address: a03 l&-fww&4s6 (!-a- c574L G- 7-Y Signature: u ?&&I/ a. a “’d Date: 3-26 -ct/ Name: dflh~ T fl &A s,yknHd Address: Ai43$ &k’/p&33v0 3r fiAJf?L5$db, pfl 92wy. Signature: 1 ( / , n I* I,\ , [e’,. ,, ,, i Date: ; , ,T~ i , // I’ %c;iJI L/& ,,; Name: Address: && & f7 pl .13;/ cL.,V!i!,) ,,t, I r/ .I 5) 9d:i I _- Signature: #i w- /L - Date: -3 - 2 b -! 1 Name: FRANk M. Sid Address: -10 -LA ‘Mow\fi$@ LN. c hR u 6A-o cq qp0g 0 9 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south si 1- of Palomar Airport Roadl east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval 3f this Project. I .* , - Date: d7 ,/;,A/. 2 . - Name: ~!4',W&X' J.7ao-i?D.d .. - Address: 2f& 0 .~Oo/v//G//? z/n, %A,& I. /9/2Lj'U",?rl, (I 9 9AemT #. ' Signature: && [< u, &-- Date: )?Z~CL St /94/ Name: Cj?/zbz /lo LJAWIC Address: 36/+ /~AL~C~UC LJ c/?/cc5.4,51_41 C# 9 2ocy Signature: a/& Date: 3 -a-w Name: m&,Rp ZdfXsW Address: +a8 n/EBL/AL4 azt c+%z.sxM-, w ' q20Lvr Signature: a 4 3- j,z<kL Date: o-T- ,;? /-y/ Name: 3zsFfi/Jfll8fik/ bld Address: &z 43- &, 2/2/BC .4p, 21 e oA/.i-( /Afl P? qi2VLP 1 1 e 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Arport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Date: ?-/e 7/ I Signature: &T ‘% 6 ’h Name: 7&j?A?rX: -- Address: 1 12[U FX &W/AJn&d *z77 XjQ /l9 r,C.ffl/L+’ ‘zot?p ’* 5 r +-- -. a Date: 3 \ 30 \, q \ Signature: Jm Name: ncc \Ct t(c L >P. n c, I,’, , A. ( c‘ &\e LkRJ \ Address: :y1 30 c< 9 < <, ,\c +- \L ‘io. , & ca r- Signature: d/~ ‘ (0 \&-dk!&%~y~ Date: &i 1 yj Name: Address: 31stAVgwIIlA~P~GA fllESALmuG1Y CARIsoBADIcA9ts9) Signature: Name: Address: ,Pr1.v Is hiLC4 PA 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. *t .- -_ Signature: ; , A/)&@ - ,h &< Date: 3 d7-7/ /IC, I Name: &A (2. L#66& 4J '4zc7aq Address: 7475Pfi7,,n77 Gm . a UZ&q, CA. ." Date: fi/- ?/ I. . -. Address: ?qh'&-/b y /b B& m WdJ "l;cM!!?y // 6,) Ldi3-k &<*WL Date: g/ym/O/ Signature: I/..i i / Name: Address: I x i 1' -_ .f ' ~ Date: .3 - 3 1 - ?/ /-Y - V Signature: L CJYAWy- cc x Name: i-j mJr?L/s /&p,qts Address: LY/f 8 I:/ M L/ 5 /,"A It'(, bwL;,JPD i c/7 c> 1 24.: f; 0 a ~ With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: #& i;/,$uc, Date: a3 %Dl?/ -t 'i . qLSm ' Name: h3?9 tY ulQ_ r Address: 66 ~GLTI(L @&.5b&. &V %I@! 7 *. .. Signature: >iLy d&,,,L- /<mm 6 / Ne,@. v, &ci-k 4c4 LC . q& r U Date: 3 -3cl - Q / c_ Name: Address: 75 I 6 Ca [(c Cc % GI cpc I. -&$[LA- Date: \3,/3cj b / E LC3d Name: [,/A][]A 1 ..- A) Address: -7q<q Q[-,Tf{Tfl - Q cf CPq - - J " Signature: Date: Z-'{?>'' 9 1 Name: Address: Z'37C -_ii /,&&-Zk 3440 c/ LghzJ.-T bT4 e& '-;"-EF= e 1) With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signature: Date: qT/ Name: {~yn Qkiiqv hLfl0 Qmriun = .. Address: 3330 S\N.3~biLy ct 72.08 aelS8r;cl c$i Date: 3 - 3) - 9 1 ,I Address: CoSSZCade Ud&L I 43004 Signature: ' /24f'T Date: 3/35/57 Name: H7. flmt Address: ?A@ZW+ C$&& ,9%23/7 Signature: Name: Address: C+??J-J-, P.1. 9m7 e .. * With regards to the proposed Price Club to be'located on the south side of Palomar Airport 1 Road, east of Interstate 5, please be ad?i&d that I support approval of this project. I , Signature: Date: J/? i>/7/ i Name: I I I I .. Address: :hr C",LS,r ,@k?J- %2& 0854 (&d&J (4. 72 7 wvw Date: 3-29-91 a1 <. Signature: Name: Dam? * J ~JI GJ& Address: 45-05 La 9,,-t,Id6 ;sr. G~I~/ ca ~aoor Signature: >gJ?k?-34J/-//&k: . 5- 3/+ -y/ // Name: fiJdc?Pfl L- &fl(2 Address: 2.n 7 LG gi.,/Qp,& 728 0. d - I [if flk 5 /4flJ/ c3 Signature: skz>b~ Add- Date: &e,&' 1) / 4 f/ / I/ / I /+w&.t &?A&&- Y- 0- Name: Address: 2 73) ,&&dA9, S3f 1 d>?/2/%J a 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Iilterstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this Project. , -2V-v 1 I Date: 3-zq/ GCk f& -Z%rW/Z& LA K?g b& d r/ll q X@& Name: d&-.-zcL/d ry Address: y’qg // Signature: & f& Date: 2 I wa I/ Name: fio/ille?4 PmsF- Address: Signature: xb Date: 3/y/g/ Name: J-m.. m- &-&A -89 G?- 4Zm1 D2J‘ mwac 0 (&,g Address: m 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I supporI approual of this p1UjtGL I I I Signature: 1 Date: -: e Name: Address: ;3/c;Ls /%dip&> Rc/ - fldILd4 0 9- ,I Date: ,??/a 4 /w t. / 4 Name: &J ;I Pd/ AL A/ I -/ - L &A c5AllriAi-I 1 fl .9hf PAKM;?, p A, qJaQB c Add ress: Date: 3h5@ I Name: zzfm Jc~s~ Address: go/-- 6 Y+& * &-de C&d> LA6 (3x qzos L Signature: C-+i&P- , LLc,! , , 0 Date: * ,, ?* / ,;. Name: J(;x/J& (R 3 )g(d& ,7 4c>,$J!9z? / @> Address: y?]&g /&Y <>-I /?/,I 13 0 a With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, cast of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support flpprQYai of \hi5 propct* Signature: Name: Address: w.3- &w. ff- &hU.C9 92w I. J '5 -2-3- f)/ Signature: %5,,.8,r-P"-- Date: . Name: j?A-fi 'O~~)VL, <a I/td Address: /f&?'#LL! RAx ,Adewe CWj,* L[I?l, CAJ 4 20 OF Signature: 9 Ilate: 3-2 2 - 9/ ///r fi pi 77-73 22 e ZGPL7dU L., ' d&L! @e- gzmq GWUA - a With regards to th $bl posed Price Club to be located on the south a side of Palomar Airport l ~ I I I Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I \ Signature: jiiAhLk Date: -3 h syqT/ v Y I I 44 3/ 4 l! r Address: 37-^cf 6 5’,Y,?77E uv- el( PIS LC;& r cs .. Name: 72oW - [s f a-L Date: * Signature: ,+ 1 Name: - A%?&& aiz Ai&M Ads+ Address: a-1 a. 5Z22eB Date: .3/>~3 J 7 1 Signature: Name: bs /-(A &JFF’ Address: Qa@- LL4 2%:7,m sig&dA- / &/S64r/. Q ’ 9a09 Date: 5//2 :/ 5, Name: Address: 1 ------. - JOHN A. GlLLEn 2665 Levante st. - Carisbad, CA 92009-8119 - e 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. c "? Address: 3Ya (a3 L7ok &- /d&& F-? . Signature: , v A/' A/ a >&2w&fjate:Narch U' 25, 1991 Name: LAWRENCE H. MENSCHING. Address: 7215 SAN LUIS CARSBAD CA 92009-4622 J w .?\ -.,AC.< .'I \ J !\:.\ / Date: /,' ./\ Signature: \ ,a ---ct- - >\ Name: f- -- ,-+-,,c;-'\[~?- \,2 {\o(- <--- --- n Address: L \- < \' \.'z ' L- \ -,r\ ~~~~~\,j i, %.-'\, 0 '4 \3 r .. I( ~~W?Cfl ,,x. QfJc_=)% 4 c 1% Signaturz. 7 - 1- Date: .?.-23--- r// - flfid/MHU / Name: G&?Pm-dM Address: &A,-? %Ed d.k? . filf~~fld e&, GL?~~ 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Signa SZ&B Date: Th ?/+, Name: -FREP z- /44ed1 Address: 27q7 @c64d fi- CadLS/3 7+Q f C# Signature: Date: 4d+4F/ Name: e9 Address: 3& A eAN.&@e sr G&A~' e &= 9- Signature: 44~ Date: :/. G,/y/ Name: /(?+?A . iL/q r\/c> g Address: 3.3SA 4z4/-/4,< Ph. C'44Ls8nD cq. 9&0Cl9 / 0 Q With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of l'ah~ar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. j I I I Signature: &h *fL Date: a~h~~ f/ 1 I ~ Name: bA4 M' /&!?$a! Address: 2 5?5- A9LkLfh eARAA 1 (e Fza3k Signature Name: Address: / Signature: y&'-C#d& Date: 3/$5-fe / Name: do& L. Ld/Lrn Address: .P oa AMY- /Id$ @A-um, &. q&,g Signature.- && --L Date: Tflfi;,u! 25- 1 @4( I// v. /' , - Name: L/L? $/J 62- Jafnd Address: .r=5 A&? .ikJ3y7 L5 f'LPf7ZO JJr en r /dl da. d r m- -\\ e With regards to the proposkd Price Club t4 be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I su ort a royal of (his project, . -_ PP PP - Signature: Ab%& Date:%,& W~ (Q 4 / Name: Address: Tina I. Mdk - 252 Amcia Ave., #lo3 Cah-bd CAY2008 - ** Signature: &E,n /zL& Date: 312 8/5/ .1 ,. Name: &o:ce Et Lees Address: 6W3 #e&? et: &r 1s6wt; CC~AW~ 41% . ct 2005 Signature: lF[f&[&i Date: fk)h/ Name: Address: APJCIER TECHNOLCGtES, INC. 5964 LA PLACE COiiRT #I 25 CARLS8AD. CA 92008 0 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project, Signature: %dm*: &?-S#-+y/ Name: Address: GH fmy r 'Date: +' A/+/ Signature: t' 1 (, Name: /--x &%7zJAl .P( Address: &?e45 1 rMH, FA 9240 c7 I Signature: * +( .&?:&&- -k pce/L i 5i Oh CCK 4/e 3~1pi5-q rlI (3 633) ftIiw AhJy; sA.-o pce/(5bc?J, C/+ c- 2 zoaf Name: Address: Date: 3-29-9 / Signature: Bd -+ Name: Address: J=<& J. 30 her# ?' l/pG;c 1 o,/eMC-; & he - Cavk had CA - 72 Dd s / 0 0 I With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport I I I Road! east of Interstate 5 lease be advised that I support approval of this project. \ 1P 1 i 1 I I I ) 1 h ( Signature: @!ALL 0 %&JZ&4 I I I b Name: Address: Signature: I, m I. v . Name: Address: a)--. LZQ42Lb- Date: 3- z/--$' Name: J<'ch)N4 E. t;d' I c JWL Address: ZZJ/ 4, /+bh--i ldr,? =#t 10) cvtbb.d , ~4, ~z~nq 4 Date: 23 Mad( /Fr/ Signature: , ' Name: kh4d J: dedi& ~UtUJf &#?d Address: q& 3 o & &?(J bid? Gq-: S\Z@$, I I 0 a With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. i 1 1 1 , I 5 -.3/- 9/ k-0 Date: Signature: v%&o ,’ I I 1 Name: /ddkL€ Am/ %YEk? d/@ A .. ckkZ.5-ML3. CH 9-367 6 . Address: SY7,;L -&IAJACP e- , Signature: Date: 3- a74 / Name: 3rhw m 1%~ &A- Address: TQObUCB 37.5 asf- COKer .wc(c n Ckrkbud p/+- 9, r Signat wt:icl/i * LC h 4.- Date: -5/?3 /a 8 Name: &lqn i h/i r-dc e\ Address: -3 -9 2 j I ,/~~~~~ e,- Y / cqgL5,+79 , p_ /q- ct u-zq 1 ;‘tfi /-/-y/ Signature: rnAL%i Date: Name: Ta’nUcM$& 3194 m - Address: Glw c“r 92009 With regards to the ased Price Club to be located on the south s a f Palomar Airport Iioad, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. 9, .! * Signature: / k Ci.: Date: L 13 /28(?/ /‘!, f] ,?[: ~ I I Name: * Addre I -__ 1 I” : -. 5 -- - - ‘I L- *I - -- L /w/ ,I &@@H pfr? Date: PI 42& a< Signature: Name: Address: e -w b%4 ldi4 +q c400‘Ll Gz- $ P /5 I? h 6(, Date: 3 - 2F- 7’ Signature: Jf/+ 8.2 k- ,&F/JG Name: Address: q4’ JpAA///sn( &f3 S&m> , GA FJLM _cc___ 9 J/1. “I Date: /d Ai [ 1L fM I A;/ -A ,. -f c Signature: --x ~ ,.,\\ \ LL i3,) i 5 At Name: 3 d favlq() c‘ i f Address: ‘f ..;LC,C \ &. c( scq [\ &< \i kw-~ ; - 0 a \ I With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I \ 1 Signature: ,!A L3 44" Pit i j/.cj?-t 4, Date: jl;,CmlL 3.0. /I 15. 11 ~ I I 1 I , ,', 1 I I .. Name: / t,hP & \/ /i; fifi k &niA /5 &4 S-k. Address: .-5o/l/ / 7 /x. A &+y/ c44. cj;2 . f! c: / '=. c 1 c Date:* ,. Signature: A& Name: l? sH;be Address: 2C[& tp Y &&) G&Z&, )& - Y-LaO y Signature: c\cLL$ L Date: '1- /- 9 / \J Name: c*ci.\Cc \+C,c, -7 232 DkVLC kQ/t) (\U( 4 CCLV lA3&>, 5 Ck (1 Address: TM9 Signature: Date: de 1 ' q/ Name: -TV& 864-j-eM Address: /2JJ2 &&--+A- e4- %2UU2 /. I, .. Signature: Date: f& zi! /qf' .. Name: ,;' . , ' I .. , 0 I With regards to the d roposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. I 1 1 i 1 @-& Date: 31 30 1 '! ! t I I 1 .. Name: Address: 3 5\K ih S/-) nq.2 % r,- SM; LGd q-v8 Date: 2- 33- p/' 0% Name: &o/ &AH Address: 2'703 Gbpe c1_cpP&Aic/ c/g 7 2oa 8 Date: 3/3// 9 1 Signature: I- I Name: /+E ffA/ems Address: 39~3 da/v ALWRE~ CARC304?, c.4 7200 8 Date: 41. / - 71 L Signature: W Gaq F red rIJ(m i%Jb fiatroc &~ad 1 (g gmf Car\sb.c ! Name: Address: 0 With regards to d t e proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. 1- 1 t/*&.yu~w d&e &-&=7--J Signature:&T$,. %LLU Date: 3- 2 1’- 9 ’ Name: pb d(-J b4en/w-a+f- Address: sqo s‘ 30 w Fc(l ,ae - p/LQshd, GU- 9%yo d ___2_____ Signature: \.$,\\+& \. - Date: 311\ / 9 ] - I 4- Dtlvt I> M;BoflJ~ Ey \ \--.b5 CL ? L.1 P$-r 5 \\US 2-5%% E t C& ,m, >,/ o ,XF RL - VJ UCfL “ne: Address: 53 , 7’ e L cb ‘LL5 13113 <A ~L-uQQ,, A Date: 7$Lq* zcT /p?/ ’. Address: ,x 79 33 &r,‘z ,) fQ tJf Ck‘-[ /y- (\ /!)(7 J. (3 el, “r>L:oy de e 0 With regards to the proposed Price Club to be located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project. Date: 3 /d 7 7-4- Signature: &?g/ ‘ /&,A29 Name: & /.. /JOJ.i. Address: f3 63/,4 ~/w/~ /eF/ivf LI v C/f /‘5,Lfl[l CA 7-:@7 d&HAgnd-kDate: ?+/?/ Signature: .. Name: NfiRocd ,( 8 ~ONGI/A~JD/ ~IQ - .demfh,EjZ u fljfJ4. -&I a m/L/Pa/J /i!LAC- 0’ *‘ :‘i Address: CA/?k/J/qd [/ 9,3mg- 7054- Signature: Date: 3- 22-91 Name: Address: 2__2___ -. - Signature: &.*wk % Date: 3/~ 19, G Name: Ckar-Vh L. Lckl, La I -4eW3 c23- yJ&,p Address: a43i %d~+/3~-D~ With regards to 9 i proposed Price Club to be located on the south e side of Palomar Airport Iioad, east of Interstate 5, please be advised that I support approval of this project, r / /' - Date: 3,, &? 3 ,/p ,/ e.--#. \-,I Lr * / Name: ,. G.-flJ,-j&p / [2&49,, Address: ;'f"FG fi[5*,& Jflgp CYRds&.& d-54 92UC'Y /p.- lJ9 . \ 3 -2, j -y( Signature: v/f&q!y/Aj-@ : ,I /' lCL- Date:, x-, / Name: 61 y&-hf .) - ,;)c?ic/A./I Lb &f$fi&.. fin bl, Address: ,2ct. v &&g('/;/ c si Lfi/dA q&77G - I' !,W J. '4-L 1' ' Date:* Signature: $1 Name: G- J I 1~ f,,&j.JfVV / 3 ] 2 2 f / f;J jVl/ '"i' /(-,. 1 Address: IJ /,x( {A 72jlc;s r h31" /I " <L ' Signature: Date: a Name: ((-7 a /'G ~fikL& 4-. Address: &I eL#B m ~