HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-05-20; City Council; 591-11; Policy/Naming of Park sitesPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL MTG TITLE: POLICY/NAMING OF PARK SITES (ACTION) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review and discuss the proposed policy regarding the naming of park sites, facilities and amenities in parks. If the Commission concurs, direct staff to forward the proposed policy to the City Council for their consideration and action. ITEM EXPLANATION; This issue was presented for Commission consideration during the March 1991 meeting. After review and discussion, the Commission directed staff to return this item after further staff revisions based upon Commission comments. The Commission's concerns have been incorporated for further action. Staff will be available to review the proposed policy and answer any questions. EXHIBITS: 1. April 15, 1991, memo from the Parks and Recreation Director 98 April 25, 1991 TO: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FROM: Parks and Recreation Director REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ON A POLICY TO NAME PARKS Attached for your review is a proposed policy on naming parks. The Parks and Recreation Commission has requested that staff prepare a policy for their review and subsequent recommendation to the City Council. If you concur, I will place the final draft for the Parks and Recreation Commission's review on the agenda scheduled for May 20, 1991. DAVID BRADSTREET Attachment pa c: Recreation Superintendent Senior Management Anafyst 99 March 25, 1991 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Recreation Superintendent POLICY ON NAMING PARKS BACKGROUND: The City has no written policy nor procedure for naming parks and structures or equipment within parks. The Parks and Recreation Commission formed a Subcommittee to work with staff in drafting a policy and procedure. The Subcommittee's recommenda- tions were discussed at the March 18, 1991 Commission meeting. Commission members gave staff their recommendations and requested the item be brought back as a Director's report at the April 1 5, 1 991 meeting. Staff was asked to look into whether or not the City has any gift policy that addresses the issue of naming something after the individual who gives the gift. The draft Policy on Naming Parks presented to the Commission been revised to incorporate the Commission's recommendations and is attached for final review and recommendations to the City Council (ATTACHMENT A). RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended the Commission approval the revised policy on naming parks and direct staff to forward the proposed policy to the City Council for their consideration and action. DISCUSSION: The Commission discussed the Subcommittee's recommendation that naming a park after an individual be limited to "an individual who has been deceased for at least one year". The Commission, as a whole, expressed their desire to keep the policy broad by deleting the condition that the individual be deceased. During review of the proposed procedures, it was suggested that the procedure include the statement "A subcommittee may be appointed to review the proposed names". This suggestion is incorporated in the revised draft policy. LYNN CHASE lie ATTACHMENT IOC n n ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD ^ PROPOSED POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR NAMING PARKS, FACILITIES AND AMENITIES IN PARKS PURPOSE: To establish a uniform policy and procedure for the naming and renaming of the City parks and facilities and amenities within parks. POLICY: The Parks and Recreation Commission shall be responsible for recommending the names of parks, facilities and amenities within parks and for considering the renaming of parks every 25 years. The Commission will recommend and the City Council will determine the official name of parks, facilities and amenities within parks. When considering names proposed, the Parks and Recreation Commission shall emphasize the following criteria: • Geographic location • Community significance • Historical significance • School name, when adjacent to school • Individual person who shall have made a significant contribution to the City PROCEDURE: The procedure for naming a park, a facility or amenity within a park, or renaming a park shall be: • The proposed names shall be submitted in writing to the Parks and Recreation Commission with justification to aid the Commission and others in considering the proposal. • The proposals shall be placed on a future Commission agenda, allowing appropriate time to review, publicize, and to receive public input on the proposed name; a Commission Subcommittee may be appointed to review the proposals. • The Parks and Recreation Commission shall recommend the proposed name to the City Council. • The City Council shall determine the official name of all parks, facilities and amenities within parks. 101 03/25/91 REVISED DRAFT ATTACHMENT A