HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-05-20; City Council; 591-8; Carrillo Trust Fund BenefitPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL MTG. L_.JT. TITLE: CARRILLO TRUST FUND BENEFIT (ACTION) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review staff update regarding status of events relating to the staging of a function to benefit the Carrillo Ranch Trust. Direct staff to proceed and assist the Volunteer Carrillo Ranch Curator in facilitating this benefit function. ITEM EXPLANATION: During the March meeting, the Commission gave conceptual approval to proceed with attempts to stage a benefit function for the Carrillo Ranch Trust Fund. One of the main attractions for this event, to be held in conjunction with the display of Carrillo memorabilia at the Carlsbad Library during the month of August, was to stage a barbecue at the Public Service and Safety Center. In addition, the Volunteer Curator (Joan Kindle) requested to pursue the opportunity to secure the use of Leo Carrillo's former automobile for display during the barbecue. Mrs. Kindle has secured the opportunity to use Carrillo's former automobile from the current owners, the Imperial Palace Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. She is also in the process of enlisting the services of the Carlsbad Rotary Club to assist with this function. The Safety Center has also been tentatively reserved to stage the barbecue, utilize meeting rooms for showing Carrillo movies, and to store the automobile inside the fire station. Transportation of the car will be provided by the Imperial Palace, and there will be no cost for the use or transportation. The City will in all likelihood provide an insurance rider for the automobile while it is in their possession. Staff is recommending that the Commission direct staff to assist with the staging of this event. Because the Imperial Palace is not requiring official action from the Council for the use of the automobile, staff does not anticipate the necessity of this issue to be reviewed by the Council for further action. FISCAL IMPACT: If an insurance rider is recommended, the cost would range between $300-500. The only additional cost to be assumed by the City would be that of staff time to assist with setting up for the barbecue event. That cost is estimated at approximately $300. The required funding would be available in the current operating budget. EXHIBITS: 1. April 24, 1991, memo from Joan Kindle, Volunteer Curator 87 May 3, 1991 TO: KEITH BEVERLY FROM: Joan Kindle CARRILLO DAYS Date: August 3, 1991 Time: 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Location: Public Safety and Service Center Purpose: Fundraiser for the Carrillo Ranch Trust Fund - Donations accepted FEATURED ATTRACTIONS • Display of Leo Carrillo's antique car inside Firehouse No. 5. « Carlsbad Evening Rotary barbecue in adjoining ballpark. Carrillo full-length motion pictures and Cisco Kid TV episodes in Safety Center conference rooms (3). Displays of Carrillo artifacts at both Carlsbad libraries August 3 through 31. (I will coordinate with library.) • Entertainment band. ADMISSION POLICY Open to the general public, attractions free. Food and beverage sales to be handled by Rotary with a contribution to the Trust Fund from their net profits. Amount to be at Rotary's discretion. Souvenir postcards (one of Leo, one of the Ranch) for sale at .50? each, all proceeds to the Trust. Poetry books for sale at $1.50 each, all proceeds to the Trust. Cisco Kid VHS tape for sale at $20 each, commemorative issue includes 3 TV episodes, $5.00 from each sale will go to the Trust. FACILITIES NEEDED Three (3) conference rooms at Safety Center have been tentatively reserved. I will coordinate with Library for equipment and technical assistance. Ballpark has been tentatively reserved. Rotary to coordinate their needs with Parks and Recreation. Space in Firehouse No. 5 for the car from 10:00 a.m. on August 3 to 3:00 p.m. on August/I) ,A y 88 Page 2 Note: The Imperial Palace will deliver the vehicle to the site about 10:00 a.m. on the 3rd. Their driver will spend the night in San Diego. We will be shown how to operate the car, and the driver will pick it up on the 4th about 3:00 p.m. We will have a banner that identifies the owner of the car and some free passes to the Imperial Palace Auto Museum in Las Vegas for distribution. Other than that, there will be no promotions. The Palace does not wish to interfere with our event. The car is insured. However, I recommend the City add a rider to its property policy for its own protection. The Imperial Palace has placed the value of this vehicle at $151,750. PUBLICITY To be handled with local media by Friends of Carrillo Ranch, Inc. and/or Parks and Recreation Department. Rotary will be identified as event participant but Rotary will be free to act independently to generate publicity. No direct mail except City authorized publication. Posters available only if turnkey sponsor can be found. 89