HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-05-21; City Council; 11164; TRANSPORTATION CONTROL MEASURES FOR THE 1991 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL AIR QUALITY PLANz 3 0 0 public health and safety by reducing the number of employees who drive alone in motc vehicles. This program requires the City to increase the average vehicle ridership (AVR) 0 e Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. / I,, 1 k Ll of those vehicles coming to City of Carlsbad work sites. Carlsbad is classified as a Zot L2 Employer, which is an employer who employs fifty or more employees at a work site ( any week day. Our target for 1991 will be 1.35 AVR. In order to determine our curre details the increases in AVR the City must achieve over the next twenty years.) The City must develop a Transportation Demand Management Program that will meet tt target AVR. The program will include a variety of strategies to increase the AVR Carlsbad employees. A City staff task force is currently reviewing various strategies ar will bring a report back to the City Council in June with implementation recommendatior for the various strategies. Exhibit #2 lists those measures that the City could adopt meet the AVR target. The College and University Traffic Element addresses the need to reduce the number faculty, staff and students who drive alone to colleges and universities and will include transit subsidy program for students. The Goods Movementrrrucking Traffic Element promotes off peak travel, improved incide management and prevention, and an enhanced motorist information program. AVR we will have to survey vehicle ridership at all City of Carlsbad work sites. (Exhibit 1 2) Transportation Capacity Expansion Program This program includes transit improvements and expansion, initiation of a van pol program, construction of additional HOV lanes on freeways, park and ride facilities, an bicycle facilities. Several of these strategies will require implementation at the region level. 3) Traffic Systems Management Program The primary element of this program is the computerization of traffic signal systems. Tt City Engineering department is evaluating this measure and the results will be included I the report that will be presented to the City Council in June. 4) Indirect Source Controls This element requires cities and counties to include air quality elements in their Gener, Plans. Currently the SANDAG Growth Management Technid Committee is reviewing th element and will recommend a common set of development design policies for cities som time in the next six months. The SANDAG Board of Directors, at their April 26, 1991 meeting, adopted the Transportatic Control Measures Plan and submitted it to the APCD for review and approval. The APCD hc received previous drafts of the TCM plan and has indicated their concern that the Plan, a proposed, will not bring the San Diego region into compliance with clean air standards. As result of this concern, the APCD has begun development of their own Transportation Contrc Measures Plan (Exhibit #3 compares the SANDAG and APCD plans). SANDAG, howeve remains confident that their proposed plan will meet the necessary criteria for emission reductions and result in compliance for the San Diego region. The issue of which plan the citie will ultimately be required to implement is still unclear at this time. Representatives fror SANDAG and the APCD have met and are attempting to address concerns with the SANDA( plan. Staff will keep the Council informed as discussions between the two staffs proceed. 0 0 Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. f 1, 1 b ‘1 Citv of Carlsbad Staff Review Staff from the City of Carlsbad has been involved in development of the SANDAG plan throug a variety of technical committees. The City’s Traffic Engineer has served on the technic committee that has been reviewing the Transportation Demand Management (Trip Reductio1 Program. The City Manager and Planning Director serve the SANDAG Growth Managemer Technical Committee which is reviewing the strategies associated with the indirect sourc controls element of the TCM plan. In addition, there is a City Staff Task Force that is reviewin those strategies of the Transportation Demand Management Program that the City ma implement to meet its AVR targets. Staff will be bringing forward a TDM plan for review by th Council in June. City staff members have attended APCD workshops on that agency proposed plan and are in the process of reviewing its impact on the City. Air Quality Program Costs Cost estimates for both the APCD and SANDAG programs are still under review. The APC program proposes a $50 to $400 annual plan filing fee and a $40 per employee fee fc employers. The SANDAG TDM program is proposed to be funded through legislative actio (Le., AB 2766, motor vehicle registration fee) to provide an adequate, independent resource tl support the operations of the TDM program. AB 2766 authorized up to a $4 increase in th vehicle registration fee to be used for the reduction of air pollution from motor vehicles. A $ increase would generate about $1.5 million a year for San Diego County. The final fundinl scenario for either plan has not yet been finalized. lmdementation Under the SANDAG proposal, one trip reduction program and ordinance would be adopted b the APCD and the cities, providing for uniform application of the transportation control measure throughout the region. The SANDAG Board would act as the program administrator. The following is the timeline for adoption of the SANDAG TCM program: Review and comment by member agencies - 6/12/91 Adoption of program by SANDAG Board - 6/28/91 Model Trip Reduction Ordinance sent out for review - 7/1/91 Cities adopt individual programs - 8/91 0 0 0 The Board of Supervisors would administer the APCD program with an advisory boarc composed of City, business, transit operator, SANDAG and CalTrans representatives. APCD Timeline: Final plan review by the Board of Supervisors - 7/9/91 0 0 Page 4 of Agenda Bill No. I I, I b Ll FISCAL IMPACT The cost to the City of Carlsbad is being determined. EXH IBlTS 1. Average Vehicle Ridership Targets 2. TDM Program Strategies 3. SANDAG and APCD Program Comparison 0 @ =nn'rr11 1 N. AVR TARGETS A. Definition. The AVR Target is the value that the Work Site AVR, Adjusted AVR or Average AVR is compared to in the TDM Report. AVR Targets are as follows 1. Large Employers (50 or more Employees) Zone L, Zone L Zone L3 Filine Year (Julv 1 - June 30) AVR Tareet AVR Tarpet AVR Target 1991 1.40 1.35 1.35 1992 .1.45 1.40 1.40 1993 1.55 1.45 1.45 1994 1.65 1 SO 1 SO 1995 1.70 1.55 1.55 1996 1.75 1.60 1.60 1997 1.80 1.65 1.65 1998 1.85 1.70 1.70 1999 1.90 1.75 1.75 2000 1.95 1.80 1.80 2001 1.96 1.81 1.81 2002 1.97 1.82 1.82 2003 1.98 1.83 1.83 2005 2.00 1.85 1.85 2006 2.01 1.86 1.86 2007 2.02 1.87 1.87 2008 2.03 1.88 1.88 2009 2.04 1.89 1.89 2010 and beyond 2.05 1.90 1.90 2004 P ,99 1.84 1,84 Zone L, - Lg. Employers, Centre City Planning Area Zone L - Lg. Employers, Incorporated Area of Region Zone r, - Lg. Employers, Unincorporated.Area of Region 2. Intermediate Employers (1 1-49 Employees) Filing Year Zone I, Zone I, Zone I3 (July 1 - June 30) AVR Target AVR Target AVR Tareei 199 1 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicab 1992 1.40 1.35 1.20 1993 1.45 1.40 1.25 1994 1.55 1.45 1.30 1995 1.65 1 SO 1.35 1996 1.70 1.55 1.40 EMPLOYMENT TECHNICAL SUPPLEMENT 0 4B 1997 1.75 1.60 1.45 1998 1-80 1.65 1 SO 1999 1.85 1.70 1.50 2000 1.90 1.75 1.50 2001 1.95 1.80 1 SO 2002 1.96 1.81 1.51 2003 1.97 1.82 1.52 2004 1.98 1.83 1.53 2005 1.99 1.84 1.54 2006 2.00 1.85 1.55 2007 2.01 1.86 1.56 2008 2.02 1.87 1.57 2009 2.03 1.88 1.58 2010 2.04 1.89 1.59 2011 and beyond 2.05 1.90 1.60 Zone I, - Intermediate Employers, Centre City Planning Area Zone I2 - Intermediate Employers, Incorporated Area of Region Zone I, - Intermediate Employers, Unincorporated Area of Region B. AVR Tareets for Emplovers Who Did Not File in the Previous Year. An Employe who is required to file a TDM Report, although not having been required to file TDM Report during the previous year, shall have the following AVR Targets: The Employer shall have the same AVR Target as other Employers in the sam Employer category. AVR Credits. AVR Credits increase the AVR for Employers when Employees 1 drive alone and report to Work outside of the Principal Travel Period or 2) us approved alternative fuels'. (See "AVR Credits", Section VI). C. 'Alternative Fuel Program Credit is not defined or available at the time of this publication 52 EMPLOYMENT TECHNICAL SUPPLEME 0 e tXH'B'' 2 M. MENU OF TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT ACTIONS A. Purpose. The following menu provides a variety of Transportation Dema Management Actions that an Employer may choose to implement to he achieve its next Annual AVR Target. An Employer is not limited to the actio listed here. B. Alternative Work Hour Programs. 1. Compressed work week schedule a. 3/36 schedule b. 4/40 schedule c. 9/80 schedule 2. Flextime available to Employees who rideshare 3. Staggered work hours C. TransDortation Management Association Membership. D. General Incentives. 1. 2. 3. "Guaranteed ride home" program for Employees who rideshare Transportation allowance in lieu of parking or transit subsidies Awards/recognition/bonus to Employees who use alternative commL modes 4. Provide fleet vehicles 5. 6. E. Transit. 1. 2. Subsidized passes 3. Provide rental vehicles (hourly basis) for personal business Provide shuttle service to retail and/or bransit centers Pass sales at Work Site "Occasional-use" parking permits for regular transit users EMPLOYMENT TECHNICAL SUPPLEM 62 0 e F. Carpool. 1. Parking subsidy for carpoolers 2. 3. Carpool bulletin board 4. Provide company vehicles Maintain current carpool matching list G, VanDoollBuspool, 1. Provide company vehicles 2. Subsidize private vehicles 3. Subsidize vanpool passenger fares H. Bicvclinq. 1. Provide Bicycle Incentive Allowance 2. 3. Showedlocker facilities Bike lockers at Work Site 4, Improve bike access to Work Site I. Walking. 1. Provide Walking Incentive Allowance 2. Shower/locker facilities 3. Improve pedestrian access to Work Site J. Telecommuting . 1. 2. Provide company computers Provide telecommuting program and policy 3. Subsidize private computers 4. Establish satellite office locations for telecommuting EMPLOYMENT TECHNICAL SUPPLEMENT 0 0 K. Qn-Site Amenities. 1. Child-care 2. Post office 3. Rankingsemices 4. Cafeteria/deli/restaurant 5. 6. Commuter Lounge for waiting/connecting Fleet vehicles for Employees' use during workday L. Parking Management Strategies. 1. 2. Preferential parking for carpools and varipools Implement paid parking on the Work Site with proceeds to fui Alternative Commute Mode incentives Limit the availability of all-day on the Work Site parking for sing1 Provide reduced parking pricing for qmls and vanpools 3. &upant vehicles 4. M. Alternative Fuels' 1. 2. Provide alternative fuel fleet vehicles Subsidize fuel costs for employees that use alternative fuel vehicles 'Alternative Fuel Program Credit is not defined or available at the time of this publicatior 64 EMPLOYMEJTI' TECHNICAL SUPPLEMI SANDAG TDM PROGRAM AND APCD REGULATION XN. COMPARISON ISSUE SLYDAG TDM PROGRAM APCD REGULATION XN. AUTllORIlY Combines the legal authority of the cities, County, and San Diego County Air Pollution Control Board. Cities and County adopt Regional TDM Program and Ordinance. Regulation adopted by the AF’CB. Limits legal authority to that of the Air Pollution Control Board as provided under the California Clean Air Act. Regulation adopted by APCB. OI~JECT~VE Assist in meeting the requirements of the California Clean Air Act and Conzestion Manacement Procram law. Assist in meeting the requirements of the California Clean Air Act. I’UOG I&\ I DEVELOPhlEXT PARTICIPATIOS Regional Growth Management Cities (18) and County Air Pollution Control District Technical Committee Regional Transportation Advisory Committee Regional TDM Advisoxy Committee Regional TDM Employment Policy Subcommitree Regional TDM Tech. Subcommittee Regional TDM College S: University Subcommittee Regional TDM Goods Movement\Trucking Subcommittee Regional ”MA Advisory Council In consultation with: Air Pollution Control District Air Quality Strategy Development Committee City of San Diego Mobility Plqpning Advisory Committee StLYDIiG TDXI 1’HOC~It\.\I/~iI’CD KEG. XIV COhlPhRISON (03-22-91) .. -I ISSUE SANDAG TDM PROGFUM APCD REGULATION XIV. INSTITUTIONAL Balances responsibilities among local ApcD responsible for implementation, STRUCTURE jurisdictions, APCD, Caltrans, MTDB, enforcement, monitoring and audit. NCTD and TMAs. Reqional TDM Proeram Board, appointed by the cities and County, implements the Program and Ordinance in cooperation with Caltrans, MTDB, NCTD and TMAs. AD enforces violations of the Regional TDM Ordinance and Air Quality Strategy Plan. delegate implementation.) Implementation: - APCD implements. (APCD may choose to delegate implementation to the cities and County if they adopt equivalent ordinances.) Enforcement: - APCD enforces. (AFCD required to delegate enforcement to the cities, if they , Appcals: Appeals Board, nominated by the local jurisdictions and appointed by the APCD Hearing Board not specified. APCB, lirars appeals. Monitor & Rerional TDM Program Board, CMPA Audit and APCD conduct ongoing monitorins delegated jurisdiclions.) and audit of Program and Ordinance. SANDAG conducts triennial audit. APCD audits Regulation. (Al’CIl audits KEQUIHESIESTS Employers implement actions to Employers implement actions to achieve achieve annuaI Average Vehicle Ridership (AVR) Targets. interim and final Average Vehicle Ridership (AVR) Targets. Report: Employers conduct employee survey Employers conduct employee survey and and file - TDM Report to show verify its AVR calculation on an - progress toward achievement of basis. annual AVR target. An employer who fails to meet its annual AVR target must file a TDM Plan within 90 davs after notification. I’Ifln: An employer who fails to meet its AVR target must file a Trip Reduction Plan containing both short-terni and long-term elements within 210 davs after notification. GOAL UKIT OF hlEASURE Average Vehicle Ridership, defined as number of employees divided by the number of vehicles used for commuting to the work site. Provides credit for use of alternative fuel vehicles and for drive alone travel outside the Principal Travel Period of 5:OO-lO:OO a.m. Averare Vehicle Ridership, dclined as number of employees divided by the number of vehicles used for commuting to the work site. Credits for satellite offices and @ emission fleet vehicle use bv ridesliarers. Credits: GOAL FLEXIUILI11’ Goal varies based on employment density, availability of transportation resources and number of employees as del erm i ned bv ordinance. Goal varies based on employment density and level of public transportation service as determined bv the APC Officer. c - 4 ISSUE ’ SAVDAG TDM PROGRAM APCD REGULATION XIV. EMPLOYER SlZE d Employers 50+, 1st vein PIIASISG Employers 11-49, 2nd vear Employers 25-49,2nd vear Employers 11-24, 3rd vear Employers of 1-10, 3 vear cvcle, exempt from plan requirements. Employers SO+, 1st vear Employers 1-10, exempt from report and plan requirements. Promotional and marketing program focus. Increasing - goals over 20 years. GOAL SCHEDULE Interim goal in 2 vears. Final goal in 4 years. ADSIISISL’KATIOX COSL’S $7 million including exisling funding for 512 million (2000) Comrnuier Computer (2000) E.\Il’LOYER FEES TDM Reporr: No. AVR &lculation: SSO-4OOAvork site plus $4O/emplovee for transit expansion. TDM Plan: No fee. Note: SANDAG’s Regional TDM Advisory Committee recommends the use of motor vehicle registration fees or equivalent to fund the Regional TDM Program, rather than employer filing fees or local general fund revenues. Employers serve as a conduit in partnership with government to alter commute travel behavior. Employer support of transit occurs when eniployers,’if desired, offer emplovee transportation allowances and/or bus pass subsidies. Expanded as part of the Regional Transporlation Measures Plan, rather than the employment travel element alone (20% of travel). Note: While low emission bus replacement is very cost effective (S7.3nb. ROG), low emission transit expansion provides the lowest air quality cost effectiveness of the tactics considered (S1071Jb. ROG) Principal Travel Period 5:OO-1000 a.m. for out-of-peak credit calculation. AVR based upon 24 hour commute travel. 24 hour commute travel. Trip Red. Plan: S300-700Avork site plus S40/emplovee plus S5/cniplovee for # of employees short of AVR target for transit. Trip Red. Update: S350-800Avork site plus S40/emplovee plus $lO/emplovee for # of employees short. TRrLYSl’r EXPXYSIOS FUSDISG Employer fees fund transit augmentation projected at S52 million by 1993, and sloO million in 2000. transil is supported and funded overall ’ Plan and Transportation Control ~TAK muvm PEKIOI) Peak equals: 5:OO-1O:OO a.m. and Daily equals: 1O:Ol-459 a.m. for AVR calculation purposes. AVR based upon PROJECTED TRIP Employment Element: 700.000 vehicle trip/day reduced. REDUCTIOFS 585.479 vehicle trips/day reduced ’ College & University Element: - 56.780 vehicle trips/day reduced Note: Trip reduction forecast Note: No data provided by APCD according to SANDAG air quality supporting projected trip reduction. travel/eniissions model. Forecast includes deduction for transit, park and ride and other alternative mode access. L SXXIlAG TDhl I’KOGRhhI/Al’CD REG. XN CObIl’ARISON (03-22-91) ISSUE AV 11 TAKG ErS TRM'SPORTATION A1 ANAGEMEXI' ASSOCIATTIOSS 1'IA.Y li EQUlli Ea1 ES1'S 1 SxWDAG TDhl PROGRAM APCD REGULATIOS XIV. Employers 50+ (2000) Employers 50+ (1994/1936) Centre City: 1.9s AVR Central Zone Incorporated: 1.80 AVR Peak: 1.80R.00 AVR Unincorporaled 1.80 AVR Daily: 1.71fi.90 AVR Employers 1149 (2000) Peak: 150n.75 AVR Centre City 1.95 AVR Daily: 1.43n.66 AVR Incorporated 1.75 AVR Remainder of County Unincorporated 1.50 AVR Peak: 1.50/1.75 AVR Daily: 1.50/1.66 AVR Intermediate Zone Employers 25-49 (1995/1997) Peak: 1.70n.90 AVR Daily: 1.61/1.81 AVR Peak: 1.40n.65 AVR Daily: 1.33/1.57 AVR Peak: 1.20/1.40 AVR Daily: 1.14n.33 AVR Central Zone Intermediate Zone Remainder of County Employers 11-21 (1936-199S) Central Zone Peak: 1.65/1.85 AVR Daily: 1.57/1.76 AVR Peak: 1.35/1.60 AVR Daily: 1.28/1.5? AVR Peak: 1.W1.35 AVR Daily 1.09/1.28 AVR Interniediate Zone Remainder of Couniy Emplovers mav designate TMAs to sene as ETC on behalf of the employer. Emplovers mav request APC Officer Erant approval for the employer to contract wit11 a recognized TMA to provide the responsibilities of a Transportation Coordinator. TDM Plan must contain employer determined "DM actions desiened to achieve next annual AVR Target. Plan may include, but not limited to: alternative work hours, employee transportation allowance, guaranteed ride home program, telecommuting, alternative fuels use, fleet vehicle use, subsidized transit passes, preferential . and racks parking for ndesharers, bike/pedestrian incentives, satellite work sites, on-site banking and other services, parking management, employer shuttles, subsidized vanpools, on-site matching, home computer allowance, etc. Trip Reduclion Plan must be desicned io achieve shon-term and lon~-tcrni AVR Targets. Short-term element must include: 1) minimum SSOho. parking fee, 2) on-site matching sewice, 3) minimum 50% transit subsidy, 4) preferential rideshare parking. 5) guaranteed ride home, 6) bike lockers Long-term element must include: 1) minimum %lOO/mo. parking fee, 2) 100% transit subsidy, 3) flexible work hours for transit, bicyclists and pedestrians. G e % u Y OF SA ,’ OFFICE OF THE ASSESSOR GREGORY J SI 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, ROOM 103 COUNTY ASSES SAN DIEGO, CA 92101-2480 (6 19) 236-377 1 February 28, 1991 Carlsbad Building Authority 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Attn: Arthur Brown Ref: Taxable Leases Dear Mr. Brown: Possessory Interest assessments for the current tax roll are now being prepared by our office pursuant to Section 107, California Revenue and Taxation Code. Implementing this program required tl we be advised of any leases, permits, agreements or contract whic tax-exempt agencies may have made with taxable lessees, i.e. agency-owned land or improvements, building, etc., leased to others. If any such leases affecting tax-exempt property in San Diego County have been made by your agency, please send us a copy of el lease or contract including any amendments that may have been ma( This should include any agency-owned property occupied by an age1 employee, caretaker, gardener, custodian, etc., required to live the job site. Information should be included even if there is nc written rental agreement, or rent paid by the occupant. Information should include the following: 1. Full name or names of lessees (first and last names, and mid( initial, if any) 2. Mailing address of lessee e a \ Page 2 3, 4. Term of lease (beginning and expiration dates, and option, 5. Rent paid to agency 6. Purpose of lease 7. If there are improvements (buildings), state if lessee-owned Location of leased premises arid approximate size or acreage if any) or agency-owned. You can materially assist us in fulfilling our obligation by responding with the information within 15 days. If you have any questions, please call me at (619) 531-5745. Very truly yours, GREGORY J. SMITH County Assessor ?5z2a Y%$?@- MICHAEL MEZA Division Chief, Commercia GJS :MM: sbm 3/6/91 The City of Carlsbad Building Authority does not have any leases as outlinl in your letter of February 28, 1991. only the City Hall Complex, which is not leased to anyone for any purpose. The Building Authority controls y* Assistant City erk