HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-05-21; City Council; 11165; APPOINTMENTS TO SISTER CITY COMMITTEE! c -* ClBOF CARLSBAD - AGENI~BILL P - ’d., 0 a DEPT. Ht TITLE: AB# j I) 1 bs 2 5 ‘ RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITY MG DEPT.CC CITY AT! APPOINTMENTS TO SISTER CITY COMMITTEE MTG.s/z1/91 &I a, 0 a, c 4J a a, 8 4 Adopt Resolution No. 9 / -/5yy and Resolution No. S/ -I 55 y appointing two members to the Sister City Committee. 4J 0 dd 0: T3; ITEM EXPLliNATION $2 a, n N .rl k c) .rl EA +G -4 . %.\;” FI$? a “0” sa w !j -) 0: G boQ\ *E r: . d Eg 22; .5 27 aa ;g 4Jd ma, 2 a,;” . I 52 :$ 0 3 *E: .rl m a& Qa a,* g& Za, a; .rlz CnQ 20 2 8 s: grn 2; $3 3FI arc $0 FI a 1 c 3 +I* H$ H d 22 Q\d ,‘ \a a 4L ”,- \\ -a N* “ Lna z 0 i= 0 a i .. 0 z 3 8 On April 25, 1991, Joe Eggleston accepted his appointment to the Personnel Board and resigned as a member of the Sister City Committee from a term which expires in April, 1992. Additionally, Robert Meyer resigned from a term which expires in April, 1993. This agenda bill will allow the Mayor to make appointments to the vacated terms. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. Yj -i 57 , appointing one member to the Sister City Committee. 2. Resolution No. 9.1-1. ’5 5 , appointing one member to the Sister City Committee. 3. Copies of applications received in calendar year 1991. Y e 0, 1 2 3 4 RESOLUTION NO. 91-154 i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD SISTER CITY COMMITTEE. 5 I/ WHEREAS, Robert Meyer has resigned as a member of the Sister City Coml 6 7 8 9 from a term which expires in April, 1993; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the C Carl sbad, Cal i forni a, as foll ows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2o ! 2. That the foll owing person is hereby appointed to serve as a mem 1 the Carlsbad Sister City Committee for a term to expire in April, 1993, Edward Juchniewicz . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTEDat a Regular Meeting of the City Council June , 1991, by the fol City of Carlsbad on the 4th day of vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, and Nygaard NOES : None ABSENT: Council Member Stanton ~ 21 I/ 22 23 ATTEST: 24 ALWRAU~LR~-\ 25 (SEAL) 26 27 28 0 e v 1 2 3 4 5 6 RESOLUTION NO. 91-155 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD SISTER CITY COMMITTEE. WHEREAS, Joe Eggleston has resigned as a member of the Sister City Comm from a term which expires in April, 1992; 7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Ci a Carlsbad, California, as follows: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a memt the Carlsbad Sister City Committee for a term to expire in April, 1992. MAR1 ANDERSSDN PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council ( City of Carl sbad on the l8th day of June , 1991, by the foll vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Nygaard and Stanton NOES: None 18 19 20 21 ABSENT: None 22 23 ATTEST: _kc d: , 24 AL~HFF"A~NK%? *. XAT, 25 26 ' (SEAL) 27 28 &. // L c e&* I '. 5,- ' - e- 12bO ELM AVENUE CAALSBAO, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Clerk (aiQ of (Itnrlsbaa e 'i 1'1" :. , . ~~~-~~- rl f!.rt''~: i..':r;i, ;.. i: ...*. r:., . : . ,' 2,- -.%ti ri ,,. : L.s.,- TELEPt-(( (6 19) 434.; 91 fi..it ?'.3 I If PIi 3: 36 Cf?;' I:;- !:<;~[-S3,\D APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD ($1 AND/OR COMMISSION($) (Please print or type.) mE(S) OF mAM(S)-MD/OR COmISSION(S) IN UHICH INTERESTED: S!s&a C:A, Pb";-I-Cee .. I ._ I i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ NAME : Mari Andersson ADDRESS: 2042 Avenue of the Trees CITY: HOME PHONE: 729-6385 i _. Carlsbad, CA ZIP CODE: gau-1 PRESENT OCCUPATION: Writer. editor-writinq consultant BUSINESS NAME: c.w BUSINESS ADDRESS; WORK PHONE: Same Same as above U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) - X Yes - Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) x Yes - Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some comnissions) x Yes - I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) a I wish to serve;, I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Commission to financial disclosure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a cc designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Membc +" 01d-J I S I GNATURE : DATE : +[331 (Continued on reverse side.) .. - ';* a 0' EDUCATION Native of Iowa, graduated high school at 15, attended -Northwestern University in journalism. Over time, have attended seminars and conferences on writing. EXPERIENCE Thirty-plus years in writing/editing, and with executi posts on four-color magazines, newsletters, newspapers Did global news, interviews of world figures. Wrote on behavioral sciences, education, medical, people profiles, history, humor, His panic affairs, current events, and on corporate responsibility for leading firm. Many other topics. of Hispanic affairs. Wrote his speeches and proclamations. Did PR newsletter for sister-state program, the Sao Paulo-Illinois Partnc of the Americas under presidency of Sears Roebuck treasurer. Freelance: San Diego Union five years, full-page articles with color. Saturday Evening Post, San Diego Home & Garden, Ranch and C World Outlook (NY), Agriculture Magazine (SD Farm Bureau); foundec magazine for Orange County Farm Bureau. Wrote for San Francisco EE miner, San Jose Mercury-News, 0 Globo (Brazil), Des Moines Registe La Jolla Light, Senior Life. Presently have an editing, writing, and consulting service, and leading critique groups. Books: Editing/proofing Seekers of the Spring, history of Carlsi Now completing book on my ancestors with initial interest shown bl publisher. I descend from family line of Charles IV whose effigy j on the Masters Meed. It includes Good King Wenceslaus, Holy Roman Emperors, and other European royal figures. COMMUNITY Member Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce committee, and of t Library Review Board for new Carlsbad Library. Five yet 'of PR and two as newsletter editor, Carlsbad Friends of the Libra] Earlier, the same for Ridgefield (CT) Library and the Wilton (CT) Nature Center. In 1990, writers guild first-place award for artic: on-Carrillo Ranch, and was its Writer of the Year in 1985. Board r ber, Carlsbad Historical Association. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND COMMENTS U.S. Bicentennial silver med; from Commission's Chicago office, for services rendered. Did PR fc Books USA that sent books to Third World. Member of Bilingual Adv~ Commission'of Illinois Superintendent of Public Instruction. .Askec by Hull House to take Jane Addams Memorial Medal to Mexico, selecl a recipient, and present. Other projects on trip brought "warm thi letter from U.S. President. Over time, four first place and five ( awards from National Federation of Press Women competition. State awards from Illinois, CT and CA Press Women. Owl award of America1 Mensa for exceptional merit. Was associate editor Mensa magazine. PR and protocol officer for Il'linois governor, and state coordir International: Over years, for Institute of International Educal and Dept. of State, planned proqrams for visitors from Latin Amer: and Japan. Certificate from bepi. of State for "achievement in in1 national relations." Later as Illinois Governor's PR, had ongoing liaison with White House. All together, had 17-18 years in international relations, involl with major, high-level projects. For visitor program, created and written and taped interviews to overseas media through U.S. Inforr Agency. 0 , -,,,y, ""- - - v * k 1-200 ELM AVENUE CAALSSAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 TELEPH( (619) 434.; Office of the City Clerk (Ititv of (tkrrlsbab -? -, APPLICATION FOR APPOIN TMENT ' ; -. '- . BOARD (SI AND/OR COMMISSION (SI (Please print or type.) "I . .. : :i- :;. , 7 .. . 113 (...:t ,,,:? '.Y: .- " .. ._ i .- .$ I - NAUE(S) OF BoARo(S) AND/OR CMlISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: s, i $e& e-4, 1 &,m;+-le.c. NAME : .. Fdr.r=lrd C .frlchnl ewi ~7 ADDRESS : 7025 Ivy Street CITY: HOHE PHONE : 931-0838 . a .. . Carlsbad, CA .. .. ZIP CODE: g3nns PRESENT OCCUPATION: Private rnn4111 tant BUSINESS NAME: E- Jay Associates BUSINESS ADORES: 7025 Ivy Street, Carlsbad, CA WORK PHONE : 431-5935 U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) - /yes . Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) - /Yes . Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for sm comnissions) - L/ Yes . I am familiar responsibilities assigned to the bard(s) or Cmission(s) ( I wish to I am willing required statements if appointad to a Board or Cmission to financ urn; I am willtng tervieued regarding my qualifications for appointnent by a CI designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Membl fl MTE: $-22-- 9/ - CJ AflkMea a "u!x!4 w W 9 (PERIENCE c' ITY ACTIVITlE,S s 5. $j& .. .@$g." :$..:,. .SA. u . . . .ah..< -*.*- L . -_. CI. I 0 0 Edward S, Juchniewicz 7025 Ivy Street Carlsbad, CA. 92009 (619) 931-0838 DPOB : June 4, 1930; Jersey City, N.J. Education: School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan University of Maryland A.B. Russian History Languages : Russian; Polish; Japanese; German Military Service: United States Marine Corps (1948-1952) Decorat ions : Distinguished In.telligence Medal Employment: I m4 s mUi47z ClibUL7&7f hp3f/&& CQAPaQkI& &m;* 1988-89: President, ESL Inte&national, -Sunnyvale, California. (A subsidiary of TRW). 1986-88: ' Director, Delphi Associates, Washington, D.C. Political, Economic, Security Consultants. 1983-86: Associate Deputy Director for Operations. Central Intelligence Agency. Assisted in the manage- ment and direction of CIA resources and activities worldwide; participated in the preparation of the Agency's annual budget and helped present the budget to the appropriate Congressional Committees. Represented the Agency at various policy planning meetings at the White House;Department of State, and the Department of Defense- Grade: Senior Executive Service rank 5 equivalent. - 1981-83: Chief of Staff responsible for the moni- toring and evaluating the overall performance of the Directorate'of Operations worldwide; evaluating its personnel and financial resource requirements; preparing and defending its budget. 1953-80: Department of State, Served in Washington, D.C. and the following embassies overseas: Tokyo., Japan: Bern, Switzerland: Paris, France; Beirut , Lebanon; Warsaw, Poland: and Singapore, Performed. the duties of a Political, Economic, Political/Military, and Commercial Officer, Traveled in an official capacity to the following additional countries: Hungary, Romania, Germany, Austria, Italy, U.K., / Spain, Portugal, South Africa, Kenya, Zaire, Hang Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, haila and, South Korea, Brazil, and Mexico. Diplomatic titles: Attache to First Secretary. '0 I e r Assignments overseas included diplomatic representation and the collection and analysis of political, economic, labor and commercial information. The duties required regular interaction with high level officials in all the host countries. Contacts were also maintained, with labor leaders, reporters and intellectuals in and out of favor with local business people enab.led me to acquire a substantive understanding of the business practices in all the countries. Have authored several articles dealing with International with the government. These contacts and the work performed Terrorism and Japanese/U.S. relations. 0 1.200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the Citv Clerk u TELEPHC (6 19) 434-2 ~I situ of (0arlJ3bnh BOARD ($1 AND/OR COMMISSION (S) APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT (Please print or type.) NA#E(S) OF.BOARD(S) AND/OR CMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: SisW &-fY cOm;+-ee I NAME : ADDRESS : CITY: w/€? m"7w '?Id fj ~~'17r'fo /)3udt?'qQ 1 +"md - trn mnmr. - ma' ,Lwl I4"" Llr LUUC: . HOME PHONE : 614 (?3e--930~ PRESENT OCCUPATION: sh/wq BflS Uhd BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE : U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) - J Yes - Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) J Yes - Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some commissions) J - Yes - I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board($) or Comnission(s) 1 I wish to serve; I am willing to prclvide required statements if appointed to a Board or Commission to financial disclosure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a c designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Memb SIGNATURE: DATE: d <I8 c 91 (Continued on revede side.)u e 0 EWCATIW L 6- @ *+ 'Ih'zfb~ a5e de- pem L( . C1WLfcM.d 07yo dw /97s Gad, ".U rnj30f +fir c&& 2. e&ch 3 * m*f. 4, c"RnA7'$. s. L auoO EXPERIENCE U FIL.I~O~, & 1r'~.5uq S&OO/ % &pap, ~~>~1( &Lwl 4""- -prpyz- CmrlQ) /(Edparl.r 7mz= 7md4 / "Q4'/1c=r" - /e/" y SQ era CbiJQk ///qb 1 ' ', &b +C{Y~ZS bvkmi./ha . / pd/t . - *fm&'m~J SA /4ep/ *XLWF 3vem~. ~uaeav) - pLL&c. Ref&cd, /3?bu~y -eqwum c.e * &M'C + 7r~dd -kJ+-xss. SGWU~/~~SLLC~ . cms2 cLcRdu- . COmVNITY ACTIVITIES I 0 - 4-45 ~Ci~l'hfPJ. I - LGG~L:~Y p hqp mx"Ltcl- so % &9t-*(pp'. ITIONAL INFOWllATION OR CmEW 9 + "48'."fl ma cc' A i!WC*d +9 U-LS 7b /&,b/G( kWde/ll;" fimuajlc &&cwvs 4 c&v\aQ &++&lLnwi ki dl& 7-6 bfl'dge "/b +& -fCb UG?R-d -. 9" Lgd4 be Cic.9 SPCI'~ h haw?- 62" CJWC.L~UOI'~ fu co rwm~~hkz- 'S umk LI/~.% mu5 j c VT>U,Y~ ~pm,'h'Lc~/y . J 4 .. LAURIE J. BATTER 0 9 12-A Caminito Madrigal 9 Carlsbad, CA 92009 - (619) 438-93( ~~ ~ A resourceful, results oriented, detailed professional with a broad scope of knowledge and experience in all avenues of sales/marketing management. Areas of specialty include program development, key account selling, training and motival Strong written and oral communication skills Creative problem solver Ability to implement projects on time, within budget Skilled negotiator at all levels EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 1990 CONTINENTAL LEISURE PRODUCTS, Naugatuck, CT National Sales & Marketing Manager Designed and implemented daily order and traffic system, enabling timely purchasing and production Reduced unbilled shipments from $6OK/mo. to $0 by establishing weekly open order report reviews . Implemented targeted regional 300,000 piece direct mail promotion, stimulating retail sales in soft ma Instituted computerized lead system, providing field with timely, qualified prospects 1989 CONSULTANT Sales and Marketing Management Development of market strategy, organizational structure, industry conformance, trade shows, all procedures, advertising, collateral, public relations, sales force appointment, telemarketing and marketil progfams 1982 - POLARIS POOL SYSTEMS, INC., San Marcos, CA 1989 Manager, Customer RelationslSales Administration 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . Created, implemented and managed a pilot Telemarketing Program nationwide to increase sales by $11 Staff met quotas 85% of time Increased size and penetration of European market by 22%; surpassed international territory goals thre consecutive years Reduced opemting costs by selling off non-profitable OEM product line Instituted cross-selling program at order entry Solved distributor, dealers, rep problems Conceived, implemented, managed sales tracking report system to accommodate growth from single pn to multi-product company Wrote area manager policy/procedure handbook and regional planning guide Administered direct mail, coop advertising and marketing programs Planned and attended sales meetings, shows, seminars, incentive conventions Organbed, staffed, trained and stabilized department 1978 - BATTER OFFICE PRODUCTS, Vista, CA 1980 Sales Management, key account selling Increased market penetration by 35% in hrst year EDUCATION CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY, Cleveland, OH Bachelor of Arts Degree, Art History - Cum Laude Certifications: GE Train the Trainer, Sales & Telemarketing Management Action Program, Inc. (MAP) Foreign Language: French fluency AFFILIATIONS American Telemarketing Association Leadership 2000 - 0 0 ARTS & COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT LAURIE J. BATTER - Arts Commission, City of Carlsbad, CA. Member-Commissioner. Commission charged with developing and implementing long range cultural plan for city of 67,000 people, with expected growth to 125,000 by 2000. Appointment: March 1990 - Cultural Facilities Committee, City of Carlsbad, CA. Member, Citizen-at-Large. Committee charged with studying and making recommendations for a Cultural Facilities Plan in conjunction with the development of a long range cultural plan. Appointment: September 1989 - Young Connoisseurs Group, San Diego Museum of Art, San Diego, CA. Member. Group creates and implements programs for the public which enhance knowledge of and involvement in arts, as also related.to San Diego Museum of Art. Proceeds go towards museum fund development. Co-chair, Computer Art Exhibit/Tour - one day event, 1986. - Leukemia Society of America in conjunction with Tri-County Chapter National Spa & Pool Institute, Orange County, CA. Group promotes annual Lap Swim to raise funds for Leukemia Society, Fundraiser , Raised $4700 with 72 donors, swimming 4.5 miles in 3 hours. Received award for collecting third ,highest amount of funds. August 1985. - Dorland Mountain Art Colony, Temecula,’CA. 10 Acre Retreat for artists in various disciplines. Artists apply for privilege of working and living at retreat up to one month for purposes of working on particular project. Volunteer, assisting in building additional living quarters. 1981-1983 - Office Manager, YMCA, Cleveland, OH. , Office management, fund raising, budget projections for staff of 5 Paid position, full time. 1975-1978 a e m LJ Batter, Page tuo - Student Projects, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. Research Associate, Art of New Guinea Exhibition, New Gallery, Cleveland, OH. All catalogue research, advice on graphics, and exhibition display. Research: January 1974 received one semester credit Exhibit: February - March 1974 Research Associate, Art Deco Exhibition, New Gallery, Cleveland, OH. Assisted in research, cataloguing and implementation of exhibit. Exhibit: April - May 1974 Gallery Assistant, Neu Gallery, Cleveland, OH. Learned various aspects of gallery management during January wintersession program. January 1973 - B. A. Degree, Art History, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. 3.75 in major field, graduated cum laude. Extensive studies in conjunction with Cleveland Museum of Art. 36 credit hours of Fine Arts courses at Case Western Reserve and Cleveland Institute of Art. Area of concentration: Enamelling Graduated January 1975 . - Teacher's Assistant, Amity Senior High School, Woodbridge, CT. Volunteer classroom assistant in Art Sept-Nov 1971 - High School/Junior High School Years Art Service Award received at graduation ceremonies for-dedication and participation to developing student art shows (3 consecutive years), heading up decoration committees . for class functions, etc.. .. After School Tutor, St. Martin de Porres School, New Haven, CT. Taught inner city children (class of 6) arts and design, reading, writing, grammar, math skills. Volunteer, 3 years .- e 13.00 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Clerk '~ '7's" -- m TELEPHC (619) 434-2 @it61 uf ahrlsbah APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT 0- s 0 <'' I/ -1 -.i 1 "t "1 -. . . ." "c BOARD (9 AND/OR COMMISSION (SI r7 -: r: ,..., ..a :'; -. I..- : - ... - CI (Please print or type.) ._ ", .- - .. . /A .z c,."; : <#-) - czli WE(Sj OF WiRDjS) AND/OR COWlSSION(S) IN WICH IHTEREgED: rn Y .:,: d . r-4 w*i -1 c._ Gz c" SIS'PER CITY rnT!rrE!E - 17 ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ NAME : PATRICK N. O'DAY ADDRESS: 7585 NAVIGATOR CIRCLE CITY: CAEUEiAD, CP,LIFORNIA ZIP CODE: 92009 HOME PHONE : 438-5388 PRESENT OCCUPATION: CIVIL ENGINEER : BUSINESS NAME: 0 ' DAY mSULTANTS, INC- BUSINESS ADDRESS: : 70 WORK PHONE : 931-7700 U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) - X Yes - Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) - X Yes - Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some comissions) - X Yes - nsibilities assigned to- the Board(s) or Commission(s) c ired statements if appointed to a Board or Commission I am willing to 'k.interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a a designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Membc .. /1. SIGNATURE: (<mi OD* DATE : 2//B/ // (Continued on reverse side.) U 'X - 0 e -. .... + EDUCATION PLEASE IiEFER TO ATTACHED RESUME. EXPERIENCE PLEASE EJZX TO ATTACHED RESUME. COmUNITY ACTIVITIES PLEASE REFER To ATTACHED RESUME. ; AFTER VISITING THE CITY OF FU'ITSU, JAPAN, I HAVE A SPEICIAL ITYIEFU3ST IN THE SISTER CITY PRlXXl" I HAVE BIZEN STUDYING THE JAPANESE LANGUAGE AND CUSTOMS AND m LIKE *To HELe FUFCCHER JAPANESE-AMERICAN RE&M"I'ONSHIPS AND .; .&<,,>. , - , =@w@ - . :a+ "yx&2;'z,, ?,e? ~- u. . .< ,. L. 1. e 0 EOUCATIOW PLEASE REFER TO ATTACHED RESUME. EXPERIENCE PLEASE REFER To ATTACHED RESUME. C@?WNITY ACTIVITIES PLEASE REFER TO ATTACHED RESUME. E AFTER VISITING THE CITY OF mplTSU, JAPAN, I HAVE A SPMlIAL INIERFST IN THE SISTER CITY PROGRAM. I HAVE BEEN STUDYING THE JAPANESE LANGUAGE AND CUSTWS AND WDULD LIKE To HELP FU€U'HEB JAPANESE-AMERICAN RELATIONSHIPS AND uNDE€tsmNDING. io+..* . .y<*.:." ;@++ + -p$,'- : .. > .:ZIP . , . iT '.A ,_ e e 1 PATRICK NORMAN O'DAY 7585 Navigator Circle Carlsbad, California 92009 EDUCATION State University of New York at Buffalo Bachelor of Science Degree, Civil Engineering, 1973 Chi Epsilon (Civil Engineering Honor Society) University of San Diego School of Law Juris Doctor Degree, 1977 PROFESSIONAL LICENSE Registered Professional Engineer (Civil, California) Attorney At Law, Member of State Bar of California California Real Estate Broker PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 12/80 to present Established O'Day Consultants, Inc. specializing in land development engineering, planning, permit processing. and surveying. Directs project managers and coordinates .their activities. Ensures that projects are within budgets, completed on schedule and that professional standards of work are maintained. Develops long term working relationships with local governmental agencies and specializes in negotiation, environmental mitigation and consultation. Development of business plan and program for the continuing education of all staff. 6/73 TQ 12/80 Nasland Engineering, Inc. Had various duties and responsibilities over a seven year perio&;-..2rom Design Engineer and Project Engineer to Vice- Presictehe and General Office Manager of their Oceanside Branch :-':;. .. a::: A?. MILITARY 5/65 To 5/68 Military Police,-Viet Nam, Honorable Discharge TEACHING EXPERIENCE Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at San Diego State University. e 0 *RESUME - Patrick Norman O'Day COMMUNITY SERVICE City of Carlsbad - Traffic Safety Commissioner Magdelena Ecke YMCA - Board Member PAST SWVICES Casa De Amparo .- Board of Directors - 2 years Oceanside Chamber of Commerce - Board of Directors - 5 years U.S.A. Volleyball (sponsor of Olympic Volleyball) - county of San Diego - Public Works Advisory Board Board of Directors = 4 years REFERENCES Provided upon request. :-, . .~ . I. .. r: @ w l Y & ,1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 TELEP i619) 43 Office of the City Clerk aitg of anrlBbnh BOARD (SI AND/OR COMMISSION($) :. '2 :L C''> .... ^ *.,_. .II/ , -. . I ., 1,. APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT , ~. ,..A ,. ,_I :: ; .: ;3 . 1 -.v /I., , ....- , , II. 1. " ... . .. . .. * i" - I- <, (Please print or type.) Cr! ,!", c fl! fA Y, c;3 ~ , .. : pr <r. ME(S) OF WARo(S) AND/OR CMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: Sister City Committee f& p- NAME : ADDRESS : St eve Link 1616 Avenida Guillermo ~ ~ ~~ CITY: Oceanside, CA ZIP CODE: 92056 HOME PHONE : 945-1599 PRESENT OCCUPATION: Ivianager. - Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1246 Carlsbad, CA 92018 WORK PHONE : 434-6093 U.S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) X Yes Resident of Carlsbad (preference given to residents) - Yes Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for some comissions) - Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Comnission(s) I wish to sewe; I am willing to provide required statements if appointed to a Board or Comnissio to financial disclosure; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualffications for appointment by a designated by.the City Councll or at the request of an individual Council Mer SIGNATURE: /d L DATE: May 8, I! (Continued on reverse side.) P * a e”3 k.2 &CAT rsy MA Mass Communications University of Denver EXPER I ENCE Currently serving on Sister City Committee Served four years on Merced County Manpower Commission (two years as chairman) Served two years as a director of the Castle Air Museum Am currently chairman of the North County Tourism Marketin Group CWNITY ACTIVITIES Member of Kiwanis m ITIWL INFOW4ATIOM OR COmENTS ’ .*