HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-05-21; City Council; 11167; PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE GRANT APPLICATION FOR SECOND YEAR FUNDING? . c~ 9 0 cc 2 Q 2 0 b a s z 3 0 0 CImOF CARLSBAD - AGEN-BILL V--, AB#- TITLE: PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE GRANT DEPT. t CITY A1 MTG. D E PT. .- CITY M RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. .%I -! 5'? approving the library's application for a Partnerships fo Change grant in the amount of $92,502. - 5/21/91 APPLICATION FOR SECOND YEAR FUNDING ITEM EXPLANATION: On December 11, 1990, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 90-429 approving th acceptance of a first year Partnerships for Change grant in the amount of $40,000, an Revised Plan of Service, 1990-91 (Exhibit 2.) Much of the Revised Plan of Service ha implemented. Appropriate portions of the second quarter report to the State Library illustrate the progress that has been made (Exhibit 3.) The Centro de Informacion will open in June 1991 in the Harding Street multipurpos room. It will be staffed by five part-time bilingual/bicultural library technicians durir variety of morning, afternoon, evening, and Saturday hours. As an information resource center to assist Spanish-speaking families, the Centro will extensive information and referral files to enable patrons to locate the community ser they need. Representatives of community agencies will visit the Centro regularly to a questions and conduct informational workshops. Spanish-language books, videos, ca6 magazines, newspapers, and brochures will introduce adults and children to the types resources available in the library. Materials for learning English will also be availabh Spanish-language storyhours for preschool children will be held weekly, as will progr for school-age children. Monthly library tours will be given by Centro staff at the Mz Library. Bilingual signage will be in place throughout the main library and all librarj brochures and instructions will be bilingual. The Main Library's Spanish-language collections will be increased. Library staff will continue to study Spanish and have multicultural training. In December 1990 staff recommended to Council that a Partnerships for Change Adv Committee be established to provide community participation and guidance for the program. Subsequent work with the existing Community Coalition has persuaded st; an additional committee is unnecessary. The Coalition has played a vital and valuab' in shaping the services to be delivered at the Centro. The Library Board supports thf continuation of the Coalition and has named Trustee Milt Cooper as liaison to the Cc Therefore, staff recommends that the existing Community Coalition continue for the duration of the grant supported program. e 0 PAGE2OFAJ3# ;!,/6'? FISCAL IMPACT: Grant funds, commUnity partnerships, and staff in-kind contributions in the form of administration of the program will support costs associated with operating the progra 1991-92. The budget request submitted to the State Library in the grant application follows: Salaries 5 part-time employees $37,000 Library Materials Books, magazines, video tapes 10,000 Operatinz Expenses Cultural sensitivity training, signage, rent, supplies, telephones, public relations 38,650 Indirect (at 8%) 6,852 Total: $92,502 F.XI3BIT.S: 1. Resolution No. 71- Is ? , approving the library's application for a Partnerships f Change grant from the California State Library. Revised Plan of Service, 1990-1991. Portions of the second quarter report to the State Library. Application for Partnerships for Change grant. 2. 3. 4. i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 l5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT 1 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 9 1 - 15 7 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING A PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE GRANT APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY TO SUPPORT ENHANCED INFORMATION SERVICES TO CARLSBAD'S HISPANIC COMMUNITY. WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Library serves the entire community in order provide information and opportunities for educational and cultural enrichment; a WHEREAS, Hispanics in Carlsbad generally have not taken advantage of library services; and WHEREAS, the California State Library's Partnerships for Change program has made available grant funds to selected California libraries; and WHEREAS, the library, in partnership with a community coalition, has developed a program of service for Hispanics in Carlsbad; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the library is hereby authorized to submit an application to th California State Library for a Partnerships for Change grant in the amount of $92,502. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held the 21Stday of following vote, to wit: MaY , 1991, by t 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5J 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 W AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Nygaard and NOES: None ABSENT: None Stanton r// ; > * ; ~~~ c.- fdiayor ATTEST: LLQ.xLBil;)& ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, city clerk, I m EXHIBIT % 0 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE Revised Plan of service, 1990-1991 Approved by Coalition: November 1, 1990 This plan requires approval of carlsbad City Council r NOTE: before implementation. 1. Centro de Informaci6n (Information Center) a. Establish an information center, to be called "Centro de Informaci6n," in the downtown neighborhood to serve the information needs of Spanish-speaking families. Find a rent-free site that can be used 2-3 days a week, 4 hours a day and Saturdays for 4 hours. Hire 2 part-time bilingual/bicultural Library Assistants and 1 part-time bilingual/bicultural clerk to staff the center and do outreach in the neighborhood. (Must first create a new civil service category in the city for "Part-time Library Assistant. If) information for adapting to a new environment (such as requirements to get a driver's license) and referrals to social/health/education agencies. Agency personnel will visit the center to provide face-to-face information and referrals also. will help residents fill out forms they do not understand. social, health, and education services available; gamphlets with frequently needed information (such as how to obtain a birth certificate or preventive health information). Materials will also include popular materials that give residents an introduction to what is available in the Main Library: children's books in Spanish and English, videos in Spanish for adults and children, children's magazines in Spanish, adult magazines in Spanish, materials for learning English (books, tapes), and some books about high-interest topics such as health and jobs. be checked out to residents with an easy check-out system. people to obtain information. will be paperbacks. the center. b. c. d. Information provided at the center will be lifeskills Bilingual volunteers e. Materials at the center will include pamphlets about f. g. Pamphlets will be given out free. Other materials will Emphasis will be put on making it easy for Many of the materials Neighborhood residents may apply for library cards at h. @ 0 Carlsbad City Library Partnerships for Change Revised Plan of Servic? 2 -/ r 2. Outreach into the neighborhood. a. Several hours each week one of the Library Assistants will staff a table at Lola's Market. Basic informatio and referrals will be done. Some information pamphlet will be available. More complicated questions will be referred to the information center. Library applications can be filled out and library information will be available. The Library Assistant will talk with people and be a visible presence in the neighborhood, meeting people face-to-face. b. Library Assistants and other library staff will visit schools, parent meetings, church groups, and other places where Spanish-speaking adults and children gather. The Library Assistant will meet people and also share what the information center and library can offer. c. On a regular basis, perhaps once a month, library programs for children such as puppet shows, will be held at Holiday Park on the weekend. An information table such as will be used at Lola's Market will also be set up. 3. Children's programming. a. Children's books and programming will be a priority for Partnerships for Change. Reaching the children will b. Children's story hours and programming will take place in Spanish at the information center or, if this is no possible, at another location in the neighborhood. story hour type programs will also take place at Holiday Park on weekends on a regular basis. 'help reach the adults. 4. Main Library: materials a. The Spanish language materials will be put together in one location so that they can easily be found by peopl new to the library. These will include books and videos and tapes. Children's materials will be in the Children's Department. b. Books which will be ordered will mostly be on topics of high interest and usefulness, such as health information and jobs information. c. Spanish language videos and cassettes will be added to the library. d. Materials for learning to speak English will be added.. I 0 m Carlsbad City Library Partnerships for Change Revised Plan of Service 3 -d i' 5. Main Library: staff a. Bilingual/bicultural staff will be sought to fill vacan positions. b. Cultural sensitivity training will be held for staff. Other city employees will be invited to attend as well c. Spanish language classes will be held for staff. Other city employees will be invited to attend as well. d. Hopefully, some Main Library staff will also rotate and staff the information center at times and the Centro d Informaci6n staff will be at the Main Library at times 6. Main Library: signs a. All signs in the library will be studied to see how to make them bilingual. This will include the large sig in front of the library. displayed. 7. Library forms and brochures developed. translated into Spanish. b. The library's mission statement, in Spanish, will be a. b. Forms in the library, such as suggestion forms, will be A brochure in Spanish about the library will be . W CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LSCA Quarterly Rep( Centro de Informacion January-March 1991 Page 1A 3. Describe significant events of this project report perioc Relate activities to specific project objectives. - a. Centro de Informacidn: arrangements for facility 1) Library staff continued to meet with management and staff of the city Parks and Recreation Department to work out details of using Harding Community Center's Multipurpose Room for the Centro. It is necessary, of course, to accommodate arrangements for the Centro to the needs the Parks and. Recreation Department has for using the room for their classes and meetings. Planned hours of operation of the Centro, as well as the opening date, were changed several times, as scheduling conflicts aiid building renovation timetables were identified. Library staff and Parks and Recreation staff continue to work together smoothly. Parks and Recreation staff, as well as city Utilities and Maintenance staff, have been very generous and helpful to the program. 2) The auditorium adjoining the Centro was reserved fo Spanish-language storyhours , to be held Thursday afternoons. The auditorium is already used for English-language storyhours on Wednesday mornings. Centro will be staffed during both storyhours. 3) Arrangements were made with the City Clerk for installation of a phone line at the Centro. The ph line will be part of the city governinent phone syst and tied into the city voice mail system, even duri hours the Centro is not open. b. - Staff for Centro de Informacion staff for the Centro de Informaci6n are included as appendix with this report. a) Job descriptions for the Centro supervisoi- aiid Csntro staff were prepared, adapting from materials from the Sail Diego County Library. b) Arrangements were made with city personnel sta regarding job classification, pay scale, etc. personnel staff are watching this recruitment process carefully as a model for future bilingual/bicultural hiring in the city. c) A job announcement was prepared in English and Spanish. Flyers were made available thi-ough 5 Patrick's Church, Lola's Market, the library, schools, social service agencies, and Coalitic nieinbers. 1) Materials used in the recruitment and screening of 2) Recruitment d) Ads were placed, in English and Spanish, in 4 e m CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LSCA Quarterly Rep Centro de Informacion January-March 1991 SpaliiSh language newspapers and 4 Englis!i langi newspapers. Ads ran for 2 weeks. The majorit: the response came from the ad in the Blade-Cit: (English language newspaper) . e) Announcements were sent to the main Spanish language radio station serving this area. f) Flyers were sent to over 20 key contacts in tlil commuiiity who are active in the Hispanic cominu (Public Health nurse, Headstart staff, social service agency counselors, school principals ) . handwritten, personal note was sent with each, asking the contact (all of whom had already ha association with PFC) to refer anyone they kiie who miqht be interested in the job. g) Job announcements were sent to all the locatio on the city personnel office's usual mailing 1 Page 2 3 ) Screening a) Recruitment resulted in 55 applications being submitted. All 55 applicants were bilingual ? they came from a variety of educational aiid wc experience backgrounds, including constructior library work, social services, education, architecture, retail sales, and assembly line. Adult Learning Program Coordinator Lynda Jones Community Relations Manager Gina Mendez-Sachs screened the written applications and chose 2: applicants for initial interviews. c) The initial interviews, conducted by Jones anc Mendez-Sachs in both Spanish aiid English, wert designed to assess applicants' spoken and writ command of English and Spanish. Each applicai had 30 minutes to do written translations fror Spanish to English and English to Spanish. T' each had an oral interview. Volunteers and s from the Adult Learning Program helped with t logistics of monitoring the translations. finalists. The panel was composed of 2 libra representatives and 3 community representativ All 3 community representatives have been act participants in the PFC Coalition. The panel members were: Susan Simpson (head of Collect Development for the library), Lynda Jones (coordinator of the library's Adult Learning Program), Sister Yolanda Martinez (St. Patric Church), Julie Heard (Southern California supervisor for the Volunteer Tax-P-ide prograK and Margarita Acosta (interpreter for the SUF Court) . b) d) The final step was to have a panel interview a m CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LSCA Quarterly Rep Centro de Inforrnacion January-March 1991 Page 3 e) Virtually all 55 applicants already had. full o part-time jobs and were looking at the Centro as additional work. Also, the schedule of operation for the Centro and the need to do outreach require flexibility of hours. Combin these two factors posed a challenge, along wit the budget, of calculating how many staff coul hired. at how inany hoars per staff membei- to co the necessary hours of operation. Finally, it calculated that 5 part-time staff could be hir the supervisor at 19 hours per week, one staff member at 15 hours! and three staff members at hours each. f) The 5 staff iiietntbers selected come from a varie of backgrounds. They include four wonien and o man; a range of ages; persons born in the U.S. immigrants f rani Mexico and Central America; an they have work experience in education, social services , chiici services , agriculture , account and senior services. Together, they form a strong, caring team for implementing the Centr program. An unexpected bonus was discovering the 5 Centro staff members already have considerable experience with library services Spanish-language books. All are strong librar advocates. c. Collection Development I) In January, key library staff involved in selection Spanish language materials met to strategize collec development. A decision was made to concentrate fi on purchasing materials for- the Centro; the majori of purchasing for the Main Library will take place after that. Coalition members met with Dr. Isabel Schon, Direct of the Center for the Study of Books in Spanish for Children and Adolescents at California State Univer at San Marcos. Dr. Schon provided very useful advi about. collection development for both adult and children' s Spanish collections. Her bibliographies will form the core of the Carlsbad collections. 3) Library children's staff and the head of Collection Development compared Dr. Schon's bibliographies wit the existing collections in the Main Library and prepared lists of books to order for the Centro. Buying was then done at a Spanish language bookstor San Diego and from vendors at the Public Library Association Conference in Sail Diego. 2) On January 24, 7 librai-y staff and 3 Community e CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LSCA Quarterly Repi Centro de Informacion January-March 1991 Page 4 4) A list. cf Spanish-language magazine titles Wac' circulated to Community Coalitlon members, who survl their friends and coworkers about which titles they would most like to have at the Centro and in the library. Subscriptions for 6 Spanish-language magazines and 5 Spanish-language newspapers have bel entered for- the Centro. 5) k list of broad subject headings was circulated to Community Coalition members, asking which subjects would be most important to represent in the Centi-o collection. This information was used during the bc purchasing described above. 6 ) Ordering of free and low-cost information brochures Spanish continued. These cover subjects such as ch abuse, AIES, prenatal care, library services, and fc programs. These will be distributed free at the Centro. - d. Shelving for the Centro 1) The 3-section folding and locking shelving which wi house materials for the Centro was ordered and received. city maintenance staff adapted the bookc, to accommodate the materials purchased. 2) An additional storage unit was purchased, to contai; the staff I s materials such as check-out supplies. e. Signage - 1) The Community Relations Manager translated all majo internal signs in the Main Library into Spanish. Translations were checked by Community Coalition members. Bids were solicited from sign companies f producing and installing the signs. Maintenance Department to produce a large freestand sign saying "Centro de Informaci6n-Carlsbad City Library" to be placed facing the street outside the Centro. Utilities and Maintenance will also instal window lettering at the Centro entrance giving the hours and phone number of the Centro. 2) Arrangements were made with the city Utilities and f. Public Relations - 1) An article about the Centro de Informacidn appeared the Blade-Citizen on January 28 (see attachments). 2) updates on PFC were given at monthly Library Board Trustees meetings and library division heads meetin 3 ) Library management regularly spoke with city manage about de v e 1 o pi11 e 11 t s . 4) Letters updating progress on the program were sent a W CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LSCA Quarterly Rep' Centro de Informacion January-March 1991 Page 5 January and March to all community organizations (schools, churches, agencies, etc.) cooperating wit the PFC program. 5) A property stamp to be used on all brochures, books and other materials at the Centro was ordered. It gives the centro's name, address, and phone and the information that it is a service of the Carlsbad Ci Library (all in Spanish). 6) The Community Relations Manager began plans for the Grand Opening of the Centro. The date has been cha: several times because of conflicts with other commu events, city officials' schedules, etc. The Grand Opening will occur in June. Letters have been sent corporations to solicit donations of goods or funds help with the Grand Opening. A subcommittee of the Community Coalition will be working with the Commun Relations Manager and Centro staff to plan details this event. - g. Translation of library forms and information 1) Spanish/English software was obtained to augment 2) Translations of library application forms, the libr translations performed by staff. information packet given to new registrants, instructions for using the online catalog and its Spanish screens, and lists of community resource referrals were begun. All translations are checked several community representatives. - h. Main Library staff involvement 1) The Community Relations Manager attended two differ multicultural trainings to preview them for library staff training. City Human Resources staff also attended, with the possibility of doing multicultur training for all city employees. aspects of PFC and preparation for opening the Cent Involvement includes book purchasing, revision of library policies and procedures, inclusion of PFC i talks made to community groups, and increased reque to have library information translated into Spanish A checklist of tasks to accomplish that was used du one planning meeting is included with the attachmen 2) Main Library staff are actively involved in many - i. Revision of library policies and procedures 1) Library staff and management are assessing current library policies and procedures to be sure they are consistent with the goals of PFC and serving the information needs of Spanish-speaking potential e 0 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LSCA Quarterly Rep( Centro de Informacion January-March 1991 Page 6 patrons. 2) Shce the library will not have computer terniiiials ; the Centro, library card applications turned in at t Centro will be processed at the Main Library. Lib1-t cards will be mailed to patrons, which automaticall) provides verification of name and address. TherefoI the need for showiiig idsntification at ths time of application will not be a strict requirement. - j. Community Coalition 1) In virtually every aspect of the activities mention6 above, comrr,unity representatives have been involved the planning and decision-making. quarter. 2 ) Coalition meetings were held monthly during the k. Interaction with State Library - 1) State Library corisultant Bessie Egan and other stat( trainers visited the library on January 7 and February 11. 8 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LSCA Quarterly Rep( Centro de Informacion January-March 1991 Page 7 4. Outline planned activities for the next quarter. Note ij these differ from activities proposed in the application this period. Centro de Informacion Staff 1) The 5 part-time Centro staff members will begin wor; April 15. After an orientation period, they will bc training in the Main Library, rotating among the pul service desks. They will also meet regularly as a ' to plan Centro activities and outreach. 2) Office space for Centro staff in library facilities will be located. / - a. - b. Collection Development continue. Purchase of audio-visual materials will begin. 2) Processing of materials will begin. The Centro sta will be doing the processing, in order to familiar1 themselves with the materials. A pocket-and-card clieck-out system will be used. lists to assist Centro staff. 1) Purchase of print materials for the Centro will 3) Library acquisitions staff will prepare collection - c. Outreach Centro staff will begin meeting Community coalition memb and other community agencies and leaders. They will beg visiting schools and other sites. 1) Signage for the Centro will be installed before Jun 2) Bilingual signs will be ordered for the Main Librar 3) Options for a bilingual outdoor sign at the Main - d. Signage interior. Library will be investigated. - e. Public Relations 1) Monthly reports to library division heads and Libra 2) The Grand Opening of the Centro, complete with Board of Trustees will continue. musicians, dancers, information booths, food, and library card applications, will be held in June. 3) Business cards and stationery for the Centro staff be obtained. 4) Giveaway items such as imprinted pencils will be ordered. 5) The public relations plan for 1991-1992 will be developed. 6) Partnerships for Change will be included in library displays in the Main Library during National Librar m e CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LSCA Quarterly Rep Centro de Informacion January-March 1991 Page 8 Week and National Volunteer Week. - f. Translations Translations of library information and forms will conti Main Library Staff Involvement 1) Main Library staff from several divisions (children circulation, audio-visual, reference) will be invol in training the 5 Centro staff members. 2) Multicultural trainings for staff will be scheduled 3) Survival Spanish lessons for staff will be planned. 4) Main Library staff will help develop statistical recordkeeping procedures for monitoring PFC impact. 5) Main Library staff will continue to be involved in collection development and in policy/procedure revisions. - g. h. - Revision of Policies and Procedures Circulation policies for materials at the Centro will be developed. - i. Environmental factors at the Centro Centro staff and other library staff will work with city Parks and Recreation staff to develop means of creating welcoming, informational atmosphere for the Centro. The challenge is that all Centro materials must be stored in two cabinets when the Centro is not actually open. Therefore, such desirable features as posters on the wal racks with brochures, and other displays will only be possible with considerable set-up and take-down time for staff and with probably the use of the library van to transport many items daily to the Centro. Details of developing an appropriate atmosphere will need to be explored. - j. Community Coalition The Coalition will continue to meet on at least a month1 basis. Committees will work on special projects such as Grand Opening. -------- - &cant Jurisdih CA~~BAIITY LIBRARY Centro de Inforrnacick Ti California State Library Library Services and Construction Act Title I Community Library Service Grants Program Application for cycla 2 Librui.8 Fiscal Year 1991/92 PARTXERSBIPS ?OR -OX 1. a. Applicant Jurisdiction: Carlsbad City Library b. Community Library Service Program Site: Main Library 2. For your targeted ethnic community(ies), provide: a. Estimate of Total Population Size of Target Group(s): 8,700 b. - American Indian - Asian/Pacific - Black X Hispan (chec)( all that apply to your PFC program) Centro de Informaci6n 3. Program Title: 4. Total program budget: $ $133,902 5. Amount requested from LSU: $ $ 92,502 6. Congressional District no(s): 43 38 74 State Senate District no(s): State Assembly District no(s): Lynda I;. Jones 7. Contact Person: Coordinator, Adult Learning Program Title: Address : Area Code: 619 Phone Number: FAX Number: 1207 Elm Ave., Suite 0, Carlsbad, CA 92008 434-2998 (619) 729-: 8. Fiscal Agent: City of Carlsbad Finance Department 9. Name of Authorized Applicant: Clifford E. Lange Library Director Title: Address : Carlsbad City Library, 1250 Elm Ave., Carlsbad, CA'921 10. Signature of Authorized Applicant: Date: Phone N~mber:f~~~ 1 434-2875 wlcant &- Carlsbad C- Library Ti Centro de Inf ormacion 1 11. Summarize your Action Plan for 1991/92. Provide a ncrmttve etatamt of that pu p1.n to wcap1i.h in 1Wl/92 to IOW yaw krrh/lfbrary towrd y mtnd Service Pmrr Oufgn. -tibe tin inuotnmt of your coaLItion in datefar rd utivft docuntd in tht8 .pptiutian. Coqtete Wry in th. rpwr pcwibd. In 1991-1992, the Carlsbad City Library will rent its own space in thc downtown neighborhood in which to operate the Centro de Inforrnacion. Centro will continue to be staffed by 5 part-time bilingual/bicultura: library technicians during a variety of morning, afternoon, evening, , weekend hours. As an information resource center to assist Spanish- speaking families to adapt to life in a new environment, the Centro w have extensive information and referral files to enable patrons to 101 the community services they need. Representatives of community agenc will visit the Centro regularly to answer questions and conduct informational workshops. Spanisk-language books, videos, cassettes, magazines, newspapers, and brochures will introduce adults and childr-c the types of resources available in the library. Materials for learn English will also be available. Centro patrons will use the standard library card to check out materials from the Centro or the Main Libra: With the installation of a computer terminal for circulation and one : public-access to the library collection, patrons will be introduced a. Centro to procedures used in the Main Library. Spanish-language stor: for preschool children will be held weekly, as well as programs for sc age children. Monthly library tours will be given by Centro staff at Main Library. The Centro staff will devote at least 10 hours a week outreach, visiting community sites to acquaint neighborhood residents library services and tc learn more about information needs residents 1 In the Main Library, bilingual signage will be in place throughout thr building and all library brochures and instructions will be bilingual Main Library's Spanish-language collections will be increased. Libra: staff will continue to study Spanish and have multicultural training. regular schedule of displays and programs at the Main Library will foc Hispanic heritage. A new program logo and bilingual brochures about Centro and the library will be widely distributed. The Community Coa: will continue to play a vital rcle in shaping the services the librar. offers . 12. Budget Summary (For 1W1/92 fvdirrp mly, rriring Detailad Pmgrr mt from eectfon 18): Other LSCA Contrib. In-Kind Total (1) (2) (3) (4) a. Salaries/Benefits 37,000 0 22,000 59,000 b. Library Materials 10,000 0 7,000 17 y 000 c. Operating Expense 38,650 0 12,400 51,050 0 0 0 0 d. Equipment - e. Indirect Costs 6,852 0 0 6,852 f. Total 92,502 0 41,400 133 y 902 (102 maximum)