HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06-04; City Council; 11168; CORRECTION OF CITY COUNCIL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT POLICYrsa 1 .. z 0 c a 5 A z 3 0 0 CIT-F CARLSBAD - AGENDeILL '1 i AB# /I) /k?~? TITLE: DEF MTG. 6-7 - 4/ CORRECTION OF CITY COUNCIL CIT CIT' DEPT. CA SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT POLICY RECOMMENDED ACTION: The City Council, by motion, approved the revised page 4 tc Policy Statement No. 46 on solid waste management. ITEM EXPLANATION The City Council, at your meeting of March 19, 1991, Council Policy Statement No. 46 on Solid Waste Management to adoption drafts were circulated at the staff level. that some corrections made to the draft were not incor Paragraph 5 on page 4, subparagraph A contains the follob "Facilities and services should be as cost effective possible and constructed only after a fair and hor public bidding process.Iq filing the adopted version, I noticed a Word processing Facilities and services are not subject to the same s Formal public bidding is not always required. The c version should have read as follows: IIFacilities and services should be as cost effectivc possible. Major disposal facilities should constructed by governmental agencies only after a j and honest public bidding request for proposal equivalent process. II Attached is a revised page 4 which incorporates the c language. If the Council concurs you should take t recommended action. EXHIBITS Page 4, Council Policy Statement No. 46 7 ILr a L CITY OF CARLSBAD Policy No.46 (paqe 4 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued 6/4/91 Effective Date 6/4/91 General Subject: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Cancellation Date N/A Supersedes No.46 Page Specific Subject: Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Divis Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File 5. Financinq of Solid Waste Manaqement Proqrams and Fac A. Fees, grants and service fees should find the City Waste Program. Waste disposal, in particular, shoul subsidized. Facilities and services should be effective as possible. Major disposal facilities s constructed by governmental agencies only after a honest public bidding request for proposal or eq process. In evaluating solid waste management alter priority will be given to a regional system undei control which protects the ratepayer. B. Acquisition, construction and operation of sol facilities requires an assured, stable source of fu is recognized that the City must pledge revenues t stable capital and operating funds for the sol! management facilities used by the City. Carlsbad wil the so called Iftwo-tier feelf for the disposal of soli C. Fees to mitigate impacts of solid waste facilitic be imposed through the CEQA process. Carlsbad oppos feesff as a means to generate revenues for general E Such fees establish an expectation that land use dec: for sale. Solid waste facilities should be site( public interest requires : based on environmental re good, objective land use, zoning and planning consic Possible adverse environmental effects from a fz should be identified during the environmental pro fully mitigated, as required by CEQA. Mitigation might require the payment of fees to mitigate ongoing Such fees must meet the AB 1600 nexus. Carlsbad has accepted its share of regional facilities thr environmental process and fully expects others to do the same waste facilities.